Associate Professor ARIGA, Minatsu
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Institute of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences
College and School Educational Field
College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Doctor Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology Division of Advanced Science and Technology 202303 Completed
Lesley University Master Art therapy and Healing Art studies in Education Interdisciplinary 2009 Completed
Ph.D. (Knowledge Science)
Kanazawa University College of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences Associate Professor(2022/04-)
Tohoku University of Art and Design General Education(2018/04-2022/03)
Tohoku University of Art and Design(2013/04-2018/03)
Tohoku University of Art and Design(2012/02-2013/03)
University of Toyama(2012-2018)
The University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology(1998/01-2002/05)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Association for Communication
Educational technology、
Speciality Keywords
Research Themes
Development of an arts program for fostering social capital in Newtown using mixed research methods
This study aims to develop a program using art therapy that contributes to fostering social capital in the new residential area of Taiyo-no-oka, Kanazawa City. The proposed art program will attempt to connect residents who often lack social interaction, helping to prevent isolation. It will also encourage active participation in community-led health promotion activities and explore effective methods and techniques to support participants' self-determination.
- Minatsu Ariga Three Little Ones and Golden Mane 2010
- Activating Multiple Intelligences and Cultivating Inquisitiveness through Art Thinking Workshops ARIGA Minatsu,SHIMOGOORI Akio,KUNIFUJI Susumu,NAGAI Yukari Journal of Japan Creativity Society 24 0 170 2021/04/15
- Future Learning and Design Creativity Competency Yukari Nagai,Akio Shimogoori,Minatsu Ariga,Georgi V.Georgiev Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 499 2019/08
- Revitalizing Multiple Intelligences and Fostering Creativity through Art Thinking Workshop Minatsu Ariga,Akio Shimogoori,Susumu Kunifji,Yukari Nagai 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems 2019/11
- Computational Thinking for Elementary School in Japan and Art Thinking Akio Shimogoori,Minatsu Ariga,Yukari Nagai The 13th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems 2018/11
- Development of Questionnaire for Multiple Intelligence Analysis in terms of Factor Analysis 阪井和男,有賀三夏,村山眞理,戸田博人,大島伸矢 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 115 441(TL2015 55-64) 47 2016
- Art thinking and New Business Development 2015/01
- Art thinking and New Business Development 60 2015
- Insights into Therapeutic Potentials of Arts in Japan 有賀 三夏 Bulletin of Tohoku University of Art & Design No.20 20 84 2013/03
- The Functions of 'BA' as Educational Impact by a View of the Heat of Water Figures : What is the 'BA' Getting into Scalding Hot Water Necessary for the Change of Educational Impact 阪井 和男,川尻 知弥,有賀 三夏 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 117 519 103 2018/03/19
- Relationship Between Art Thinking and Social Effects Minatsu Ariga,Rie Kang 2018/09
Conference Presentations
- Impact of short-term Study Abroad and Internship Programs on Participants Multiple Intelligence Measures Impact of short-term Study Abroad and Internship Programs on Participants Multiple Intelligence Measures(conference:ICPEAL17-CLDC9, The 17th Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and The 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition 2018年10月21日 Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University,Department of Psychology, National Taiwa)(2018/10/21)
- Students’ Retrospective Self-evaluation on the basis of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences(2020/09)
- A Study on Possibility of Art in STEAM Education(2018/10/13)
- What is Art of STEAM Education Required after COVID-19?(2021/03/28)
- Development of Questionnaire for Multiple Intelligence Analysis in terms of Factor Analysis 阪井 和男,有賀 三夏,村山 眞理 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115 441 47 2016/01/29
- What is Art of STEAM Education Required after COVID-19? 2021/03
- Panel Discussion : Organized Session : Art Thinking and Design Thinking 有賀 三夏,村山 眞理,秋山 ゆかり 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115 441 53 2016/01/29
- A Study on Possibility of Art in STEAM Education 2018/10
- A Development of the workshop program on task solving by the collaboration of primary school students:Practices and reviews of the workshop titled "Slowest Fall Challenge" Yunoki Yasuhiko,Katagami Yoshinori,Ariga Minatsu,Koto Hiroshi,Hayano Yumie,Mitsuhashi Koji,Watanabe Katsura PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF JSSD 63 0 102 2016
- A Pilot Study for Building Child Care Support of the Next Generation : Conception and Environmental Composition 村上 優,市毛 愛子,有賀 三夏 大阪芸術大学短期大学部紀要 39 57 2015
- Students’ Retrospective Self-evaluation on the basis of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences 247 2020/09
- Development of Workshop to Foster Creativity through Art Thinking 119 213 27 2019/09
- A Pilot Study for Building Child Care Support of the Next Generation(2)Curriculum Design 村上 優,市毛 愛子,有賀 三夏 大阪芸術大学短期大学部紀要 41 109 2017
- Two Spins in Art Thinking 下郡 啓夫,有賀 三夏,原田 康也 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 118 271 19 2018/10/28
- Insights into Therapeutic Potentials of Arts in Japan 有賀 三夏 東北芸術工科大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tohoku University of Art & Design 20 84 2013/03
- The Functions of 'BA' as Educational Impact by a View of the Heat of Water Figures : What is the 'BA' Getting into Scalding Hot Water Necessary for the Change of Educational Impact 阪井 和男,川尻 知弥,有賀 三夏 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 117 519 103 2018/03/19
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Design Thinking(2023)
○Design Thinking(2023)
○Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Academic Skills(2023)
○Presentation and Debate(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)