last modified:2025/01/15
Associate Professor KAMIMOTO, Shingo
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Academic Background
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Basic analysis
Speciality Keywords
asymptotic analysis, resurgence theory, exact WKB analysis
Research Themes
- Resurgent transseries, mould calculus and Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra Shingo Kamimoto Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 99 9 65 2023/11
- Resurgent functions and nonlinear systems of differential and difference equations Shingo Kamimoto Advances in Mathematics 406 2022/09/17
- Convolution product and resurgence Shingo Kamimoto Complex Differential and Difference Equations 219 2020
- Multisummability in Carleman ultraholomorphic classes by means of nonzero proximate orders Jimenez-Garrido, Javier,Kamimoto, Shingo,Lastra, Alberto,Sanz, Javier JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 472 1 627 2019/04/01
- On the Singularity Structure of WKB Solution of the Boosted Whittaker Equation: its Relevance to Resurgent Functions with Essential Singularities Shingo Kamimoto,Takahiro Kawai,Tatsuya Koike LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 106 12 1791 2016/12
- Resurgence of formal series solutions of nonlinear differential and difference equations Shingo Kamimoto PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 92 8 92 2016/10
- Nonlinear analysis with endlessly continuable functions Shingo Kamimoto and David Sauzin RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B57 235 2016
- Exact WKB analysis of a Schrodinger equation with a merging triplet of two simple poles and one simple turning point, I - Its WKB-theoretic transformation to the Mathieu equation Shingo Kamimoto,Takahiro Kawai,Yoshitsugu Takei ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 260 458 2014/08
- Exact WKB analysis of a Schrodinger equation with a merging triplet of two simple poles and one simple turning point, II - Its relevance to the Mathieu equation and the Legendre equation Shingo Kamimoto,Takahiro Kawai,Yoshitsugu Takei ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 260 565 2014/08
- On the Borel summability of 0-parameter solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations Shingo Kamimoto,Tatsuya Koike RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B40 191 2013
- Microlocal analysis of fixed singularities of WKB solutions of a Schrödinger equation with a merging triplet of two simple poles and one simple turning point Shingo Kamimoto,Takahiro Kawai,Yoshitsugu Takei The Mathematical Legacy of Leon Ehrenpreis 125 2012
- On a Schrödinger equation with a merging pair of a simple pole and a simple turning point -- Alien calculus of WKB solutions through microlocal analysis Shingo Kamimoto, Takahiro Kawai, Tastuya Koike and Yoshitsugu Takei Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation vol. II 245 2011
- On the WKB theoretic structure of the Schrödinger operators with a merging pair of a simple pole and a simple turning point Shingo Kamimoto,Takahiro Kawai,Tastuya Koike,Yoshitsugu Takei Kyoto J. Math. 50 101 2010
- Iterated convolutions and endless Riemann surfaces S. Kamimoto, D. Sauzin Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. XX 5 177-215 2020
Conference Presentations
- Iterated Convolution and the Resurgence of Formal Solutions of Nonlinear ODE(conference:Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory)(2021/06/18)
- Multisummability for strongly regular sequences(conference:Algebraic analysis and Asymptotic analysis in Hokkaido)(2018/05/16)
- On the Borel summability of WKB theoretic transformation series(2019/01/07)
- Resurgence and iterated convolution(conference:Algebraic Analysis in Yamaguchi - D-module, microlocal analysis, summability)(2017/11/04)
- Resurgence of WKB solutions(conference:Prospects in microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)(2024/10/08)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「位相的漸化式, 量子曲線とリサージェンス理論」(2024-2029)
○「Mould 解析を用いた Resurgence 理論の研究」(2022-2027)