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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/04/01

Professor TAKAHASHI Ryoko


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Faculty of Human Sciences, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
Head, School of Regional Development Studies

College and School Educational Field

Division of Regional Development Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Course in Welfare Management, School of Regional Development Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences



Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School, Division of General Culture 199203 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
The University of Tokyo Master Graduate School, Division of General Culture 198703 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo 198503


Kanazawa University(2008/04/01-)
Kanazawa University(2004/01/01-2008/03/31)
Kanazawa University(1996/04/01-2003/12/31)
Kanazawa University(1994/04/01-1996/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

The Japan Sociological Society


The Japan Sociological Society


Sociology 、、Social welfare and social work studies

Speciality Keywords

Sociology of medicine, Welfare system, Advocacy, Gender, Comparative research

Research Themes

Advocacy Systems in Medicine and Welfare

Disabled People’s Participation in Welfare Policymaking

Welfare System and Gender


  •  Ryoko TAKAHASHI Comparative Research on the Achievements and Problems of Advocacy Organizations in Welfare Policy -Workshop Report- 2016/03/31


  •  Exclusion from the Family / Exclusion 'to' the Family―Challenges of Japanese Disability Policy― Ryoko TAKAHASHI Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University 14 20-37  2022/03/31
  •  日本における脱施設化とインクルージョンの課題:相模原障害者殺傷事件のその後をめぐって Ryoko TAKAHASHI Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University 12 21-36 2020/03/31
  •  Welfare Policy and Employment Support for the disabled people in Finland Ryoko Takahashi 2019 30-37 2020/03/31
  •  アジアにおける障害者政策への当事者参加に関する比較研究 Ryoko TAKAHASHI Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University 11 53-72 2019/03/31
  •  Comparative Study on Successful Advocacy Work to Develop the Participation of Disabled People Ryoko TAKAHASHI Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University 8・9 30-43 2017/03/31

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  •  Toward an Interdisciplinary Research on Advocacy : Concept, Organization and System 52 1 85-105 2009/11
  •  Advocacy System for Consumers of Medical Treatment and Welfare Services (2) Kanazawa Law Review 48 1 49-76 2005/11
  •  Advocacy System for Consumers of Medical Treatment and Welfare Services (1) Kanazawa Law Review 46 1 137-157 2003/11
  •  The forming of modern legal subject and social system : from a perspective of comparative studies on the history of criminal law and psychiatry 25 4 350-373 1993/03

Conference Presentations

  • 第95回 日本社会学会大会(2022/11/12)
  • Exclusion from the family and the Community: the challenges of deinstitutionalization in Japan(conference:The 10th Annual Conference of European Society for Disability Research,(onlineあり))(2022/07/07)
  • Confrontations et conciliations : le processus de participation des personnes handicapées à l'élaboration des politiques publiques au Japon(conference:Research Seminar: French-Japanese perspectives on disability: Welfare policies and social participation)(2022/03/11)
  • Medicalization,institutionalization and deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities in Asia(conference:The 2nd congress of East Asian Sociological Association)(2021/10/29)
  • Finding a Political Voice: Improvement of Disability Policy and Disabled People in Japan: from Comparative Perspective(conference:Research Conference of Finnish Society for Disability Research)(2019/08/15)

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  • Confusing Circumstances Surrounding Deinstitutionalization and Inclusion in Japan(conference:8th Annual Conference of European Society for Disability Research)(2019/09/05)
  • Gaining Political Power : Comparative Study on the Empowerment of Disabled People(conference:The 14th Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference)(2018/10/06)
  • Disabled people’s organizations as agencies for the reform of disability policy and legislation in Asian countries(conference:RCSL-SDJ Lisbon 2018 Meeting “Law and Citizenship Beyond the States” )(2018/09/12)
  • Challenges Accompanying Deinstitutionalization in Japan after the Sagamihara Stabbings(conference:29th Nordic Sociological Association Conference )(2018/08/10)
  • Development of the participation of disabled people in welfare policymaking in Asian countries(conference:The 6th Annual Conference of European Society for Disability Research)(2017/07/07)
  • Universal and special conditions for advocating disability rights: from the experiences of Japan and Korea(conference:The 5th Annual Conference of European Society for Disability Research)(2016/07/01)
  • Promotion of Disabled People’s Participation in Welfare Policymaking(conference:Nordic Network on Disability Research 13th Research Conference)(2015/05/08)
  • Increased Involvement of the Disabled in Welfare Policymaking(conference:International Sociological Association 18th World Congress of Sociology)(2014/07/16)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Conditions for Advocating Disability Rights, Promotion of Disabled People’s Participation
○Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality
○Profession-Client Communication in Medicine and Welfare System

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Sociology in a Global World(2021)
○Contemporary Sociology B1(2021)
○Contemporary Sociology B2(2021)
○Basic Seminar on Social Research(2021)
○Seminar on Welfare Management(2021)
○Sociology of Medicine I(2021)
○Sociology of Medicine II(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2021)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2021)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2021)
○Community Welfare Services 1(2021)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2021)
○Contemporary Sociology BⅠ(2021)
○Contemporary Sociology BⅡ(2021)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2021)
○Protection of Rights and Adult Guardianship(2021)
○Community Welfare Services(2021)
○Community Welfare Services(2020)
○Contemporary Sociology A1(2020)
○Contemporary Sociology A2(2020)
○Basic Seminar on Social Research(2020)
○Contemporary Sociology AⅠ(2020)
○Contemporary Sociology AⅡ(2020)
○Seminar on Welfare Management(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare II(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare I(2020)
○Protection of Rights and Adult Guardianship(2020)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2020)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2020)
○Community Welfare Services 1(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare(2020)
○Regional Development Studies(2020)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare(2020)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare 2(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare 1(2020)
○Freshman Seminar I(2020)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2020)
○Sociology of Medicine I(2019)
○Regional Development Studies 2(2019)
○Contemporary Sociology BⅠ(2019)
○Sociology of Medicine(2019)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2019)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2019)
○Regional Development Studies(2019)
○Sociology of Medicine 2(2019)
○Sociology of Medicine 1(2019)
○Sociology of Medicine(2019)
○Protection of Rights and Adult Guardianship(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2019)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2019)
○Sociology of Medicine II(2019)
○Contemporary Sociology BⅡ(2019)
○Freshman Seminar I(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Medicine and Welfare(2019)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2018)
○Welfare and Medical Services(2018)
○Sociology of Welfare(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine 2(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare 2(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare 1(2017)
○Seminar on Sociology of Medicine and Welfare(2017)
○Protection of Rights and Adult Guardianship(2017)
○Welfare and Medical Services(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine 1(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare I(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare II(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine II(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine I(2017)
○Sociology of Medicine(2017)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Regional Development Studies 2(2017)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Regional Development Studies(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare 1(2017)
○Welfare of Elderly(2016)
○Regional Development Studies(2016)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2016)
○Sociology in Global World(2016)
○Sociology of Welfare(2016)
○Sociology of Welfare 1(2016)
○Seminar on Sociology of Medicine and Welfare(2016)
○Sociology of Welfare(2016)
○Sociology of Medicine(2016)
○Protection of Rights and Adult Guardianship(2016)
○Welfare and Medical Services(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2016)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2016)
○Sociology of Medicine(2016)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2016)
○Regional Development Studies 2(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2022)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2022)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2022)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2022)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2022)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2022)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2022)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2022)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2022)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2022)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2022)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2022)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2022)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2022)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2022)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2022)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2021)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2021)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2021)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2021)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2021)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2021)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2021)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2021)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2021)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2021)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2021)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2021)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2021)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2021)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2021)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2020)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2020)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2020)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2020)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2020)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2020)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2020)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2020)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2020)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2020)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2020)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2020)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2020)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2020)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2020)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2020)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2020)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2020)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2020)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2019)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2019)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2019)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2019)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2019)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2019)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2019)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2019)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2019)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2019)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2019)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2019)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2019)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2019)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2019)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2019)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2019)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2019)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2018)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2018)
○Regional Fieldwork(2018)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2018)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2018)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2018)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2018)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2018)
○Regional Fieldwork(2018)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2018)
○Seminar on Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2017)
○Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2017)
○Seminar on Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2017)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2017)
○Problem Based Internship (Short Term)(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2017)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2017)
○Problem Based Internship (Long Term)(2017)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2017)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2017)
○Welfare Society and Gender(2017)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2017)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2017)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine(2017)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research(2017)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2017)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2017)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2017)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2017)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2017)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2017)
○Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2017)
○Welfare Society and Gender(2016)
○Welfare Society and Gender 2(2016)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2016)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender(2016)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 1(2016)
○Seminar in Welfare Society and Gender 2(2016)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 2(2016)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine 1(2016)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research(2016)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2016)
○Seminar on Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2016)
○Problem Based Internship (Long Term)(2016)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2016)
○Problem Based Internship (Short Term)(2016)
○Special Study on Sociology of Medicine(2016)
○Seminar on Sociology of Welfare and Medicine I(2016)
○Sociology of Welfare and Medicine II(2016)
○Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2016)
○Seminar on Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2016)
○Pluralist and Covivial Society Studies(2016)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 2(2016)
○Studies in the Practice of Social Work Research 1(2016)
○Welfare Society and Gender 1(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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