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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/10

Professor TACHIYA Hiroshi

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Advanced Mobility Research Institute Advanced Mobility Research Institute

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Frontier Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Strength design TEL:076-234-4689 FAX:076-234-4690

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Master Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering 198903 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology 198703
Dr. Eng.


Kanazawa University Faculty of engineering(1989/04/01-1998/12/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of engineering(1999/01/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society



Design engineering/Machine functional elements/Tribology、Materials/Mechanics of materials、Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems

Speciality Keywords

Robotics. Intelligent tire. Machine tool. Medical engineering. Impact Engineering. Mechanisms

Research Themes

Study on Robotics

Development of robotic mechanisms and sensors. Development of wearable robots, and their applications in medicine and welfare, as well as skills assistance. Realization of controlled energy consumption and driving force by optimizing robot operation.

Study on Machine Tools

Development of new machine tools with multi-degree-of-freedom robotic mechanisms and establishment of control methods for them. Investigation of calibration of machine tools with statistical methods and upgrading for higher precision with thermal deformation projection.

Study on Tactile Sensor

Form recognition of contact objects. Development of a practical tactile sensor to detect geometric and physical properties of contact surfaces.



  •  A Method for Determining a Constitutive Equation with Temperature and Strain-rate dependence Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Thermal Stresses2001 1 1 415-418 2001/06
  •  Study on the Determination Method for Dynamic Constitutive Equations with Strain-rate Sensitivity Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Impact Engineering 1 1 501-507 1999/06
  •  Basic Study on Numerical Analysis of Wave Propagation in Particle Toughened Plastics 575-581 1999/06
  •  Fatigue Strength of Carbon Steels under Repeated Impact Tension 345-350 2001/07
  •  Dynamic Analysis of Coil Spring under Impact Load 797-802 2001/07

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  •  A Combined Impact Testing Machine by Using Two Clamp Devices 1 1 461-466 2001/10
  •  New Constitutive Equation for Cyclic Combined Impact Loading and Some Calculated Results 1 1 472-477 2001/10
  •  Approximation of Thermal Deformation Behaviour of a Machine Tool To Improve Its Process Precision Hiroshi Tachiya,Yoshiyuki Kaneko,Teppei Aramoto,Hirotsugu Shinjo,Yusuke Miyazaki 345-346 141-184 2007/02
  •  Dynamic Tensile and Compressive Stress-Strain Characteristics of Magnesium Alloys at Elevated Temperatures Teppei Aramoto,Hiroshi Tachiya,Akiyoshi Hori,Akihiro Hojo,Yusuke Miyazaki 22 9-11 1135-1140 2007/02
  •  Measurement of Pressure Responses in a Physical Model of a Human Head with High Shape Fidelity Based on CT/MRI Data Yusuke Miyazaki,Hiroshi Tachiya,Kenji Anata,Akihiro Hojo 22 9-11 1718-1723 2007/01
  •  A Calibration Method for Parallel Mechanism Type Machine Tools by Response Surface Methodology Hiroshi Yachi, Hiroshi Tachiya, Takayuki Umi 429-434 2007/11
  •  Determination method for power-saved driving motions of manipulators by heuristic algorithms(In case of PTP control) Michihiro Hayashi,Hiroshi Tachiya,NaokiAsakawa,Takuya Kawamura 2009 5 2009/05
  •  Study on elucidation of bactericidal effects induced by laser beam irradiation-Measurement of dynamic stress on laser irradiated surface- Tatuaki Furumoto・Atsushi Kasai・Hiroshi Tachiya・Akira Hosokawa・Takashi Ueda 2010 827-833 2010/05
  •  Calibration Method for a Parallel Mechanism Type Machine Tool by Response Surface Methodology -Consideration via Simulation on a Stewart Platform type Mechanism- Hiroshi Yachi・Hiroshi Tachiya 4 4 355-363 2010/07
  •  Determination method for power-saved driving motions of manipulators by heuristic algorithms(In case of PTP control) M.HAYASHI, H.TACHIYA, N.ASAKAWA, T.KAWAMURA JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 348 101-111 2011/02
  •  Evaluation of and Compensation for Thermal Deformation in a Compact CNC Lathe H.TACHIYA H.HIRATA T.UENO Y.KANEKO K.NAKAGAKI Y.ISHINO International Journal of Automation Technology 6 2 137–146 2012/03
  •  Development of a Tactile Sensor to Measure Tire Friction Coefficients in Arbitrary Directions T.ISE M.HIGUCHI H.TACHITA International Journal of Automation Technology 7 3 359–366 2013/05
  •  Burnishing Processing by the Spherical 5-degrees Hybrid Type Parallel Mechanism with Force Control M.OKADA, H.KOZUKA, H.TACHIYA, T.IWASAKI, Y.YAMASHITA International Journal of Automation Technology 8 2 243–252 2014/02
  •  Improvement of Energy Absorption of Circular Tubes Subjected to High Velocity Impact M.HIGUCHI, S.SUZUKI, T.ADACHI, H.TACHIYA Applied Mechanics and Materials 566 575-580 2014/10
  •  Assistance for positioning of human by using the passive joint of robot arm 80 820 2014/12
  •  Measurement of standing balance ability by a wire driven parallel mechanism 81 821 2015/01
  •  Development and characterization of diamond tip burnishing with a rotary tool M.Okadaa, M.Shinya, H.Matsubara , H.Kozuka, H.Tachiya , N.Asakawa, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 24 106-115 2017/01
  •  Measurement on friction coefficients of tire grounding surface in arbitrary directions under high-load T.Ise, M. Higuchi, Y. Suzuki, H. Tachiya Experimental Mechanics 57 9 1383-1393 2017/10
  •  Measurement of friction coefficient between a tire and grounding surface with the deformation of inner of the tread Hiroshi TACHIYA, Taisei ISE, Masahiro HIGUCHI, Keiji FUJIKI Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 84 857 2018/01
  •  Assistance device for positioning of forearm with a parallel wire-driven mechanism Daisaku UCHIJIMA, Keita SHIOYA, Yusuke KITAYAMA, Hiroaki KOZUKA, Hiroshi TACHIYA Transactions of the JSME 85 871 2019/03
  •  Damping effect by contacting a piezoelectric element on an object in perpendicular direction of vibration Y.UENO, M.HIGUCHI, H.TACHIYA, M.TAKANO ,Y.KINOSHITA Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 13 4 2019/12
  •  Motion-Assist Arm with a Passive Joint for an Upper Limb H.Kozuka, D.Uchijima, H.Tachiya Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 32 1 183-198 2020/02
  •  In vivo kinematics of the thumb carpometacarpal joint during flexion and abduction K. Tada, H.Tachiya, A.Kurosawa, M.Nakada, M.Matsuta, A. Murai, H.Tsuchiya The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 2020/11
  •  Measurement method of textile deformation by DIC method with interlace points as measuring points  20 4 272-280 2020/12
  •  Determining a prediction equation for thermal deformation of a CNC lathe using the experimental design 87 895 2021/03
  •  Three-dimensional displacement analysis of the thumb CM joint based on the bone axis using X-ray CT images  88 907 2022/03
  •  Optimal center of rotation for ball-and-socket thumb carpometacarpal arthroplasty identified using three-dimensional kinematic analysis: A pilot study A. Murai, A. Kurosawa, K. Tada, H. Tachiya, A.Tamai, M. Akahane, M. Matsuta, Y. Nakamura, H. Kawashima, H. Tsuchiya Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10 868150 1-8 2022/06
  •  Suppressing residual vibration caused in objects carried by robots using a heuristic algorithm Yusuke Ueno , Hiroshi Tachiya Precision Engineering 80 March 2023/03
  •  Measurement of road friction coefficient using strain on tire sidewall M.Higuchi, Y.Suzuki, T.Sasano, H.Tachiya Precision Engineering 2024
  •  Finite element analysis to clarify stress on articular surface of thumb carpometacarpal joint in static loading conditions using CT images A.KUROSAWA, M.HIGUCHI, H.TACHIYA, K.TADA, A.MURAI, A.TAMAI, H. KAWASHIMA Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 2024
  •  Integration System of Phase-Locked Loop Imaging and Dots Centroid Tracking Methods for Tire Deformation Measurement during Rolling Masami Matsubara, Seiki Shibataka, Hiroshi Tachiya, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri, Akira Shibuya, Masahiro Higuchi Society of Automotive Engineers International Journal (SAE) 8 3 1-12 2024/07
  •  Finite element analysis to clarify effect of joint congruity on stress at articular surface of thumb carpometacarpal joint A.KUROSAWA M.HIGUCHI H.TACHIYA K.TADA A.MURAI A.TAMAI Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 2024/07
  •  Effective shape of ball-and-socket prosthesis in restoring range of thumb motion for total thumb carpometacarpal joint arthroplasty: three-dimensional motion analysis Akihiro Kurosawa, Masahiro Higuchi, Hiroshi Tachiya, Kaoru Tada, Atsuro Murai,Taiki Nishi BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2024/08
  •  Skill-Assist Arm Using Passive Joints to Aid Spatial Movement of Human Limbs Hiroaki KOZUKA, Hiroshi TACHIYA IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 10 1 303-310 2025/01

Conference Presentations


  •  Method for Determining a Polynomial Constitutive Equation with Temperature and Strain-rate Dependence by the AIC 297 1 1062-1068 2005/11
  •  Method for Determining the Power-saved Driving Motion of Manipulators by Heuristic Algorithms( In Case of CP Control ) Michihiro Hayashi,Hiroshi Tachiya,Naoki Asakawa,Yutaka Matsubara 119-124 2007/11
  •  Influence of Complicated Head Shape on Intracranial Pressure Distribution at Coup and Contrecoup Sites Miyazaki Y., Tachiya H., Anata K., A. Hojo 248 2007/11

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Mechanisms and sensors of robots
○Impact strength design
○Impact tests

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Mechanical Analysis of Solids(2017)
○Design of Machine(2017)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2017)
○Introduction to Mechanical Engineering A(2016)
○Introduction to Mechanical Engineering B(2016)
○Mechanical Analysis of Solids(2016)
○Design of Machine(2016)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Kinematics and Design in Mechanism B(2017)
○Kinematics and Design in Mechanism A(2017)
○Robot Technology(2017)
○Robot Technology(2017)
○Robot Technology(2017)
○Robot Technology(2017)
○Kinematics and Design in Mechanism B(2016)
○Robot Technology(2016)
○Kinematics and Design in Mechanism A(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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