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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/09

Professor MIEDA Michihiro

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Department of Integrative Neurophysiology

College and School Educational Field

Division of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science


Department of Integrative Neurophysiology TEL:076-265-2170 FAX:076-234-4224

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School of Science Biophysics and Biochemistry 199703 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Departmant of Biophysics and Biochemistry 199203


Keio University, Medical School Department of Physiology Research associate(1997/04/01-1997/12/31)
RIKEN Brain Science institute Lab for Developmental Gene Regulation  Research Scientist(1998/01/01-2001/03/31)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Molecular Genetics HFSP Long-term Fellow(2001/04/01-2004/04/30)
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Institute of Medical Research Department of Molecular Neuroscience Research Associate(2004/05/01-2007/12/31)
kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science Associate professor Department of Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology Associate Professor(2008/01/01-2017/01/31)
kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science Department of Integrative Neurophysiology Professor(2017/02/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society



Neurophysiology/General neuroscience、General physiology

Speciality Keywords

circadian rhythm, sleep-wakefulness, feeding, brain, nervous sytem, genetically-modified mice

Research Themes

Neural mechanisms of circadian rhythms

Neural mechanisms underlying sleep/wake regulation



  •  Differential roles of orexin receptors in the regulation of sleep/wakefulness. Mieda M,Tsujino N,Sakurai T Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 4 57 2013/05
  •  Neurotensin co-expressed in orexin-producing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus plays an important role in regulation of sleep/wakefulness States. Furutani N,Hondo M,Kageyama H,Tsujino N,Mieda M,Yanagisawa M,Shioda S,Sakurai T PLoS One 8 4 e62391 2013/04
  •  Orexin (hypocretin) receptor agonists and antagonists for treatment of sleep disorders. Rationale for development and current status. Mieda M,Sakurai T CNS DRUGS 27 2 83-90 2013/02
  •  Clock genes influence gene expression in growth plate and endochondral ossification in mice. Takarada T,Kodama A,Hotta S,Mieda M,Shimba S,Hinoi E,Yoneda Y J Biol Chem 287 43 36081-95 2012/10
  •  Overview of orexin/hypocretin system. Mieda M,Sakurai T Prog Brain Res 198 5-14 2012/10

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  •  Bmal1 in the nervous system is essential for normal adaptation of circadian locomotor activity and food intake to periodic feeding. Mieda M,Sakurai T J Neurosci 31 43 15391-6 2011/10
  •  Connectomics of orexin-producing neurons: interface of systems of emotion, energy homeostasis and arousal. Sakurai T,Mieda M Trends Pharmacol Sci 32 8 451-62 2011/08
  •  Pharmacogenetic modulation of orexin neurons alters sleep/wakefulness states in mice. Sasaki K,Suzuki M,Mieda M,Tsujino N,Roth B,Sakurai T PLoS One 6 5 e20360 2011/05
  •  Differential roles of orexin receptor-1 and -2 in the regulation of non-REM and REM sleep. Mieda M,Hasegawa E,Kisanuki YY,Sinton CM,Yanagisawa M,Sakurai T J Neurosci 31 17 6518-26 2011/04
  •  Critical role of neuropeptides B/W receptor 1 signaling in social behavior and fear memory. Nagata-Kuroiwa R,Furutani N,Hara J,Hondo M,Ishii M,Abe T,Mieda M,Tsujino N,Motoike T,Yanagawa Y,Kuwaki T,Yamamoto M,Yanagisawa M,Sakurai T PLoS One 6 2 e16972 2011/02
  •  The orexin system: roles in sleep/wake regulation. Sakurai T,Mieda M,Tsujino N Ann N Y Acad Sci 1200 149-61 2010/07
  •  Integrative physiology of orexins and orexin receptors. Mieda M,Sakurai T CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets 8 4 281-95 2009/08
  •  Control elements of muscarinic receptor gene expression David Saffen,Michihiro Mieda,Michiko Okamura,Tatsuya Haga Life Sciences 64 6-7 479 1999/01/08
  •  Involvement of the lateral hypothalamic peptide orexin in morphine dependence and withdrawal D Georgescu,Zachariou, V,M Barrot,M Mieda,JT Willie,AJ Eisch,M Yanagisawa,EJ Nestler,RJ DiLeone JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 23 8 3106 2003/04
  •  Orexin peptides prevent cataplexy and improve wakefulness in an orexin neuron-ablated model of narcolepsy in mice M Mieda,JT Willie,J Hara,CM Sinton,T Sakurai,M Yanagisawa PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 101 13 4649 2004/03
  •  Promoter region of the rat m4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene contains a cell type-specific silencer element Michihiro Mieda,Tatsuya Haga,David W. Saffen Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 9 5177 1996/03/01
  •  Expression of the rat m4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene is regulated by the neuron-restrictive silencer element/repressor element 1 Michihiro Mieda,Tatsuya Haga,David W. Saffen Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 9 5854 1997/02/28
  •  Identification of ephrin-A3 and novel genes specific to the midbrain-MHB in embryonic zebrafish by ordered differential display Yoshikazu Hirate,Michihiro Mieda,Tae Harada,Kyo Yamasu,Hitoshi Okamoto Mechanisms of Development 107 1-2 83 2001
  •  Hypothalamic orexin neurons regulate arousal according to energy balance in mice A Yamanaka,CT Beuckmann,JT Willie,J Hara,N Tsujino,M Mieda,M Tominaga,K Yagami,F Sugiyama,K Goto,M Yanagisawa,T Sakurai NEURON 38 5 701 2003/06
  •  Compartmentalized expression of zebrafish ten-m3 and ten-m5, homologues of the Drosophila tenm/odd Oz gene, in the central nervous system. Mieda, M,Kikuchi, Y,Hirate, Y,Aoki, M,Okamoto, H Mechanisms of Development 87 1-2 223 1999/09
  •  Pharmacogenetic Modulation of Orexin Neurons Alters Sleep/Wakefulness States in Mice Koh Sasaki,Mika Suzuki,Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Bryan Roth,Takeshi Sakurai PLOS ONE 6 5 2011/05
  •  Connectomics of orexin-producing neurons: interface of systems of emotion, energy homeostasis and arousal Takeshi Sakurai,Michihiro Mieda TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 32 8 451 2011/08
  •  Differential Roles of Orexin Receptor-1 and-2 in the Regulation of Non-REM and REM Sleep Michihiro Mieda,Emi Hasegawa,Yaz Y. Kisanuki,Christopher M. Sinton,Masashi Yanagisawa,Takeshi Sakurai JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 31 17 6518 2011/04
  •  Overview of orexin/hypocretin system Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai OREXIN/HYPOCRETIN SYSTEM 198 5 2012
  •  QRFP-Deficient Mice Are Hypophagic, Lean, Hypoactive and Exhibit Increased Anxiety-Like Behavior Kitaro Okamoto,Miwako Yamasaki,Keizo Takao,Shingo Soya,Monica Iwasaki,Koh Sasaki,Kenta Magoori,Iori Sakakibara,Tsuyoshi Miyakawa,Michihiro Mieda,Masahiko Watanabe,Juro Sakai,Masashi Yanagisawa,Takeshi Sakurai PLOS ONE 11 11 e0164716 2016/11 
  •  Orexin (Hypocretin) Receptor Agonists and Antagonists for Treatment of Sleep Disorders Rationale for Development and Current Status Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai CNS DRUGS 27 2 83 2013 
  •  Central control of bone remodeling by neuromedin U Shingo Sato,Reiko Hanada,Ayako Kimura,Tomomi Abe,Takahiro Matsumoto,Makiko Iwasaki,Hiroyuki Inose,Takanori Ida,Michihiro Mieda,Yasuhiro Takeuchi,Seiji Fukumoto,Toshiro Fujita,Shigeaki Kato,Kenji Kangawa,Masayasu Kojima,Ken-ichi Shinomiya,Shu Takeda NATURE MEDICINE 13 10 1234 2007/10
  •  Pharmacogenetic modulation of orexin neurons alters sleep/wakefulness states in mice Koh Sasaki,Mika Suzuki,Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Bryan Roth,Takeshi Sakurai NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 71 5 E171 2011
  •  Integrative Physiology of Orexins and Orexin Receptors Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai CNS & NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS-DRUG TARGETS 8 4 281 2009/08
  •  Critical role of neuropeptides B/W receptor 1 signaling in social behavior and fear memory Ruby Kuroiwa,Naoki Furutani,Junko Hara,Mari Hondo,Makoto Ishii,Tomomi Abe,Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Toshiyuki Motoike,Yuchio Yanagawa,Tomoyuki Kuwaki,Miyuki Yamamoto,Masashi Yanagisawa,Takeshi Sakurai NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 71 2 E386 2011
  •  Manipulating the Cellular Circadian Period of Arginine Vasopressin Neurons Alters the Behavioral Circadian Period Michihiro Mieda,Hitoshi Okamoto,Takeshi Sakurai CURRENT BIOLOGY 26 18 2535 2016/09
  •  Clock Genes Influence Gene Expression in Growth Plate and Endochondral Ossification in Mice Takeshi Takarada,Ayumi Kodama,Shogo Hotta,Michihiro Mieda,Shigeki Shimba,Eiichi Hinoi,Yukio Yoneda JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287 43 36081 2012/10
  •  Orexin (Hypocretin) and Narcolepsy Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai Narcolepsy 11 2016 
  •  Physiological roles of orexin receptors on sleep/wakefulness regulation Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai Orexin and Sleep: Molecular, Functional and Clinical Aspects 53 2015/09/22
  •  Pharmacogenetic dissection of neural mechanisms underlying the regulation of sleep-wakefulness using DREADDs Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs 109 2015/09/04
  •  Cellular Clocks in AVP Neurons of the SCN Are Critical for Interneuronal Coupling Regulating Circadian Behavior Rhythm Michihiro Mieda,Daisuke Ono,Emi Hasegawa,Hitoshi Okamoto,Ken-ichi Honma,Sato Honma,Takeshi Sakurai NEURON 85 5 1103 2015/03
  •  Orexin neurons suppress narcolepsy via 2 distinct efferent pathways Emi Hasegawa,Masashi Yanagisawa,Takeshi Sakurai,Michihiro Mieda JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 124 2 604 2014/02 
  •  Orexin Receptor-1 in the Locus Coeruleus Plays an Important Role in Cue-Dependent Fear Memory Consolidation Shingo Soya,Hirotaka Shoji,Emi Hasegawa,Mari Hondo,Tsuyoshi Miyakawa,Masashi Yanagisawa,Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 33 36 14549 2013/09 
  •  Neurotensin Co-Expressed in Orexin-Producing Neurons in the Lateral Hypothalamus Plays an Important Role in Regulation of Sleep/Wakefulness States Naoki Furutani,Mari Hondo,Haruaki Kageyama,Natsuko Tsujino,Michihiro Mieda,Masashi Yanagisawa,Seiji Shioda,Takeshi Sakurai PLOS ONE 8 4 e62391 2013/04 
  •  Differential roles of orexin receptors in the regulation of sleep/wakefulness Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Takeshi Sakurai Frontiers in Endocrinology 4 MAY 57 2013 
  •  Critical Role of Neuropeptides B/W Receptor 1 Signaling in Social Behavior and Fear Memory Ruby Nagata-Kuroiwa,Naoki Furutani,Junko Hara,Mari Hondo,Makoto Ishii,Tomomi Abe,Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Toshiyuki Motoike,Yuchio Yanagawa,Tomoyuki Kuwaki,Miyuki Yamamoto,Masashi Yanagisawa,Takeshi Sakurai PLOS ONE 6 2 2011/02
  •  R-spondin3 is required for mouse placental development Motoko Aoki,Michihiro Mieda,Toshio Ikeda,Yoshio Hamada,Harukazu Nakamura,Hitoshi Okamoto DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 301 1 218 2007/01
  •  Indispensability of the glutamate transporters GLAST and GLT1 to brain development Toshiko R. Matsugami,Kentaro Tanemura,Michihiro Mieda,Reiko Nakatomi,Keiko Yamada,Takashi Kondo,Masaharu Ogawa,Kunihiko Obata,Masahiko Watanabe,Tsutomu Hashikawa,Kohichi Tanaka PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 103 32 12161 2006/08
  •  Rodent models of human narcolepsy-cataplexy Takeshi Sakurai,Masashi Yanagisawa,Michihiro Mieda Hypocretins: Integrators of Physiological Functions 27 2005
  •  Orexin neurons function in an efferent pathway of a food-entrainable circadian oscillator in eliciting food-anticipatory activity and wakefulness M Mieda,SC Williams,CM Sinton,JA Richardson,T Sakurai,M Yanagisawa JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 24 46 10493 2004/11
  •  GABAergic neurons in the preoptic area send direct inhibitory projections to orexin neurons Yuki C. Saito,Natsuko Tsujino,Emi Hasegawa,Kaori Akashi,Manabu Abe,Michihiro Mieda,Kenji Sakimura,Takeshi Sakurai FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 7 192 2013/12
  •  Bmal1 in the Nervous System Is Essential for Normal Adaptation of Circadian Locomotor Activity and Food Intake to Periodic Feeding Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 31 43 15391 2011/10
  •  The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus as a putative food-entrainable circadian pacemaker Michihiro Mieda,S. Clay Williams,James A. Richardson,Kohichi Tanaka,Masashi Yanagisawa PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 103 32 12150 2006/08
  •  The central circadian clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus as an ensemble of multiple oscillatory neurons. Mieda M Neuroscience research 156 24 2019/09
  •  Glutamatergic neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex mediate the formation and retrieval of cocaine-associated memories in mice Zhang, Tong,Yanagida, Junko,Kamii, Hironori,Wada, Shintaro,Domoto, Masaki,Sasase, Hitoki,Deyama, Satoshi,Takarada, Takeshi,Hinoi, Eiichi,Sakimura, Kenji,Yamanaka, Akihiro,Maejima, Takashi,Mieda, Michihiro,Sakurai, Takeshi,Nishitani, Naoya,Nagayasu, Kazuki,Kaneko, Shuji,Minami, Masabumi,Kaneda, Katsuyuki Addiction biology Epub 2019/02
  •  Vasopressin neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus promote wakefulness via lateral hypothalamic orexin neurons. Md Tarikul Islam,Florian Rumpf,Yusuke Tsuno,Shota Kodani,Takeshi Sakurai,Ayako Matsui,Takashi Maejima,Michihiro Mieda Current biology : CB 2022/07/29
  •  Bone Resorption Is Regulated by Circadian Clock in Osteoblasts. Takeshi Takarada,Cheng Xu,Hiroki Ochi,Ryota Nakazato,Daisuke Yamada,Saki Nakamura,Ayumi Kodama,Shigeki Shimba,Michihiro Mieda,Kazuya Fukasawa,Kakeru Ozaki,Takashi Iezaki,Koichi Fujikawa,Yukio Yoneda,Rika Numano,Akiko Hida,Hajime Tei,Shu Takeda,Eiichi Hinoi J. Bone Miner. Res. 32 4 872 2017/04
  •  Brown adipocyte-specific knockout of Bmal1 causes mild but significant thermogenesis impairment in mice. Nazmul Hasan,Naoto Nagata,Jun-Ichi Morishige,Md Tarikul Islam,Zheng Jing,Ken-Ichi Harada,Michihiro Mieda,Masanori Ono,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Takiko Daikoku,Tomoko Fujiwara,Yoshiko Maida,Tsuguhito Ota,Shigeki Shimba,Shuichi Kaneko,Akio Fujimura,Hitoshi Ando Molecular metabolism 49 101202 2021/07
  •  L-type amino acid transporter 1 in hypothalamic neurons in mice maintains energy and bone homeostasis. Gyujin Park,Kazuya Fukasawa,Tetsuhiro Horie,Yusuke Masuo,Yuka Inaba,Takanori Tatsuno,Takanori Yamada,Kazuya Tokumura,Sayuki Iwahashi,Takashi Iezaki,Katsuyuki Kaneda,Yukio Kato,Yasuhito Ishigaki,Michihiro Mieda,Tomohiro Tanaka,Kazuma Ogawa,Hiroki Ochi,Shingo Sato,Yun-Bo Shi,Hiroshi Inoue,Hojoon Lee,Eiichi Hinoi JCI insight 2023/03/02
  •  Paraventricular hypothalamic vasopressin neurons induce self-grooming in mice. Md Tarikul Islam,Takashi Maejima,Ayako Matsui,Michihiro Mieda Molecular brain 15 1 47 2022/05/23
  •  Time Restriction of Food Intake during the Circadian Cycle Is a Possible Regulator of Reproductive Function in Postadolescent Female Rats Tomoko Fujiwara,Rieko Nakata,Masanori Ono,Michihiro Mieda,Hitoshi Ando,Takiko Daikoku,Hiroshi Fujiwara Current Developments in Nutrition 3 4 nzy093 2019/03/11
  •  Sexually Dimorphic Vasopressin Cells Modulate Social Investigation and Communication in Sex-Specific Ways. Rigney N,Whylings J,Mieda M,de Vries G,Petrulis A eNeuro 6 1 2019/01
  •  The Network Mechanism of the Central Circadian Pacemaker of the SCN: Do AVP Neurons Play a More Critical Role Than Expected? Mieda M Frontiers in neuroscience 13 139 2019
  •  The Intrinsic Microglial Clock System Regulates Interleukin-6 Expression Ryota Nakazato,Shogo Hotta,Daisuke Yamada,Miki Kou,Saki Nakamura,Yoshifumi Takahata,Hajime Tei,Rika Numano,Akiko Hida,Shigeki Shimba,Michihiro Mieda,Eiichi Hinoi,Yukio Yoneda,Takeshi Takarada GLIA 65 1 198 2017/01
  •  Dopamine D2L Receptor Deficiency Causes Stress Vulnerability through 5-HT1A Receptor Dysfunction in Serotonergic Neurons. Shioda N,Imai Y,Yabuki Y,Sugimoto W,Yamaguchi K,Wang Y,Hikida T,Sasaoka T,Mieda M,Fukunaga K The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 39 38 7551 2019/09
  •  Fine-Tuning Circadian Rhythms: The Importance of Bmal1 Expression in the Ventral Forebrain Michihiro Mieda,Emi Hasegawa,Nicoletta Kessaris,Takeshi Sakurai FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 11 55 2017/02 
  •  Female fertility does not require Bmal1 in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons expressing arginine vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, or neuromedin-S. Karen J Tonsfeldt,Laura J Cui,Jinkwon Lee,Thijs J Walbeek,Liza E Brusman,Ye Jin,Michihiro Mieda,Michael R Gorman,Pamela L Mellon Frontiers in endocrinology 13 956169 2022
  •  [Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Central Circadian Clock of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus]. Michihiro Mieda Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo 72 11 1143 2020/11
  •  Cell Type-Specific Genetic Manipulation and Impaired Circadian Rhythms in Vip tTA Knock-In Mice. Yubo Peng,Yusuke Tsuno,Ayako Matsui,Yuichi Hiraoka,Kohichi Tanaka,Shin-Ichi Horike,Takiko Daikoku,Michihiro Mieda Frontiers in physiology 13 895633 2022
  •  Time-Restricted Feeding Regulates Circadian Rhythm of Murine Uterine Clock. Takashi Hosono,Masanori Ono,Takiko Daikoku,Michihiro Mieda,Satoshi Nomura,Kyosuke Kagami,Takashi Iizuka,Rieko Nakata,Tomoko Fujiwara,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Hitoshi Ando Current developments in nutrition 5 5 nzab064 2021/05
  •  GABA from vasopressin neurons regulates the time at which suprachiasmatic nucleus molecular clocks enable circadian behavior. Takashi Maejima,Yusuke Tsuno,Shota Miyazaki,Yousuke Tsuneoka,Emi Hasegawa,Md Tarikul Islam,Ryosuke Enoki,Takahiro J Nakamura,Michihiro Mieda Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 6 2021/02/09
  •  Adolescent Dietary Habit-induced Obstetric and Gynecologic Disease (ADHOGD) as a New Hypothesis-Possible Involvement of Clock System. Tomoko Fujiwara,Masanori Ono,Michihiro Mieda,Hiroaki Yoshikawa,Rieko Nakata,Takiko Daikoku,Naomi Sekizuka-Kagami,Yoshiko Maida,Hitoshi Ando,Hiroshi Fujiwara Nutrients 12 5 2020/05/02
  •  Disruption of Bmal1 Impairs Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity via Pericyte Dysfunction Ryota Nakazato,Kenji Kawabe,Daisuke Yamada,Shinsuke Ikeno,Michihiro Mieda,Shigeki Shimba,Eiichi Hinoi,Yukio Yoneda,Takeshi Takarada JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 37 42 10052 2017/10 
  •  Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe mediate the anticataplectic action of orexin neurons by reducing amygdala activity Emi Hasegawa,Takashi Maejima,Takayuki Yoshida,Olivia A. Masseck,Stefan Herlitze,Mitsuhiro Yoshioka,Takeshi Sakurai,Michihiro Mieda PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 17 E3526 2017/04 
  •  Synchronous circadian voltage rhythms with asynchronous calcium rhythms in the suprachiasmatic nucleus Ryosuke Enoki,Yoshiaki Oda,Michihiro Mieda,Daisuke Ono,Sato Honma,Ken-ichi Honma PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 12 E2476 2017/03 
  •  The roles of orexins in sleep/wake regulation Michihiro Mieda NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 118 56 2017/05 
  •  Monoamines Inhibit GABAergic Neurons in Ventrolateral Preoptic Area that make Direct Synaptic Connections to Hypothalamic Arousal Neurons Saito, Yuki,Maejima, Takashi,Nishitani, Mitsuhiro,Hasegawa, Emi,Yanagawa, Yuchio,Mieda, Michihiro,Sakurai, Takeshi The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 38 28 6366 2018/06
  •  The Circadian Clock, Nutritional Signals and Reproduction: A Close Relationship. Masanori Ono,Hitoshi Ando,Takiko Daikoku,Tomoko Fujiwara,Michihiro Mieda,Yasunari Mizumoto,Takashi Iizuka,Kyosuke Kagami,Takashi Hosono,Satoshi Nomura,Natsumi Toyoda,Naomi Sekizuka-Kagami,Yoshiko Maida,Naoaki Kuji,Hirotaka Nishi,Hiroshi Fujiwara International journal of molecular sciences 24 2 2023/01/12
  •  Glutamatergic neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex mediate the formation and retrieval of cocaine-associated memories in mice. Tong Zhang,Junko Yanagida,Hironori Kamii,Shintaro Wada,Masaki Domoto,Hitoki Sasase,Satoshi Deyama,Takeshi Takarada,Eiichi Hinoi,Kenji Sakimura,Akihiro Yamanaka,Takashi Maejima,Michihiro Mieda,Takeshi Sakurai,Naoya Nishitani,Kazuki Nagayasu,Shuji Kaneko,Masabumi Minami,Katsuyuki Kaneda Addiction biology 25 1 e12723 2020/01
  •  Astrocytes Regulate Daily Rhythms in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and Behavior Chak Foon Tso,Tatiana Simon,Alison C. Greenlaw,Tanvi Puri,Michihiro Mieda,Erik D. Herzog CURRENT BIOLOGY 27 7 1055 2017/04 
  •  AVP neurons act as the primary circadian pacesetter cells in vivo Yusuke Tsuno,Yubo Peng,Shin-ichi Horike,Kanato Yamagata,Mizuki Sugiyama,Takahiro J. Nakamura,Takiko Daikoku,Takashi Maejima,Michihiro Mieda bioRxiv 2022/08/05
  •  In vivo recording of the circadian calcium rhythm in Prokineticin 2 neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Kaito Onodera,Yusuke Tsuno,Yuichi Hiraoka,Kohichi Tanaka,Takashi Maejima,Michihiro Mieda Scientific reports 13 1 16974 2023/10/09
  •  In vivo recording of suprachiasmatic nucleus dynamics reveals a dominant role of arginine vasopressin neurons in circadian pacesetting Yusuke Tsuno,Yubo Peng,Shin-ichi Horike,Mohan Wang,Ayako Matsui,Kanato Yamagata,Mizuki Sugiyama,Takahiro J. Nakamura,Takiko Daikoku,Takashi Maejima,Michihiro Mieda PLOS Biology 21 8 2023/08/29
  •  Imeglimin profoundly affects the circadian clock in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Kotomi Miura,Jun-Ichi Morishige,Jotaro Abe,Pingping Xu,Yifan Shi,Zheng Jing,Naoto Nagata,Ryo Miyazaki,Naoki Sakane,Michihiro Mieda,Masanori Ono,Yoshiko Maida,Tomoko Fujiwara,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Hitoshi Ando Journal of pharmacological sciences 153 4 215 2023/12
  •  SIK3-HDAC4 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates the timing of arousal at the dark onset and circadian period in mice. Fuyuki Asano,Staci J Kim,Tomoyuki Fujiyama,Chika Miyoshi,Noriko Hotta-Hirashima,Nodoka Asama,Kanako Iwasaki,Miyo Kakizaki,Seiya Mizuno,Michihiro Mieda,Fumihiro Sugiyama,Satoru Takahashi,Shoi Shi,Arisa Hirano,Hiromasa Funato,Masashi Yanagisawa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 11 e2218209120 2023/03/14
  •  Desynchronization between food intake and light stimulations induces uterine clock quiescence in female mice. Satoshi Nomura,Takashi Hosono,Masanori Ono,Takiko Daikoku,Michihiro Mieda,Kyosuke Kagami,Takashi Iizuka,Yuchen Chen,Yifan Shi,Jun-Ichi Morishige,Tomoko Fujiwara,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Hitoshi Ando The Journal of nutrition 153 8 2283 2023/06/17
  •  Action sequence learning is impaired in genetically modified mice with the suppressed GABAergic transmission from the thalamic reticular nucleus to the thalamus Takako Ohno-Shosaku,Mitsugu Yoneda,Takashi Maejima,Mohan Wang,Yui Kikuchi,Kaito Onodera,Yuji Kanazawa,Chitoshi Takayama,Michihiro Mieda Neuroscience 2023/09
  •  Pharmacogenetic modulation of orexin neurons alters sleep/wakefulness states in mice Koh Sasaki,Mika Suzuki,Michihiro Mieda,Natsuko Tsujino,Bryan Roth,Takeshi Sakurai NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 71 5 E171 2011
  •  Clock cells ticking in summer. Michihiro Mieda Neuron 111 14 2119-2120 2023/07/19
  •  The central circadian clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus as an ensemble of multiple oscillatory neurons. Mieda M. Neurosci Res 156 24-31 2020/07
  •  Brown adipocyte-specific knockout of Bmal1 causes mild but significant thermogenesis impairment in mice Hasan N, Nagata N, Morishige JI, Islam MT, Jing Z, Harada KI, Mieda M, Ono M, Fujiwara H, Daikoku T, Fujiwara T, Maida Y, Ota T, Shimba S, Kaneko S, Fujimura A, Ando H. Molecular Metabolism Online ahead of print 2021/03/03

Conference Presentations

  • Genetic dissection of neural mechanisms underlying the central circadian clock (2023/09/16)
  • Genetic dissection of neural mechanisms underlying the central circadian clock(2023/03/16)
  • Critical roles of AVP neurons in the central circadian clock of the SCN network (conference:Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm in 2022)(2022/08/14)
  • Critical roles of AVP neurons in the central circadian clock of the SCN(2022/03/17)
  • Roles of vasopressin-producing neurons in the central circadian clock (2020/09/26)

show all

  • Genetic dissection of the neural network of central circadian clock (2019/10/12)
  • Neural mechanisms underlying the central circadian pacemaker of the SCN (2018/07/28)
  • Genetic dissection of neural mechanisms underlying the central circadian pacemaker (conference:Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm in 2018)(2018/07/14)
  • Critical roles of AVP neurons in the central circadian clock of the SCN(2018/03/30)
  • Neural mechanisms underlying the sleep-wake regulation by orexins(conference:ConBio2017)(2017/12/07)
  • AVP neurons play a critical role in the circadian pacemaking of SCN(2017/03)
  • AVP neurons play a critical role in the circadian pacemaking of the SCN. (conference:Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm)(2016/11)
  • Roles of monoamine neurons in sleep-wake regulation by orexin.(conference:The 29th Conference of the International Society for Chronobiology)(2016/10)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Basic Health Science(2017)
○Functions of the Body & Their Integration(2017)
○Practical Medical Research(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Basic Physiology(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2016)
○Basic Health Science(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology(2017)
○Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology(2017)
○Molecular Neuroscience and Intergrative Physiology(2017)
○The Function of the Human Body(2017)
○Frontier Life Science(2016)
○The Function of the Human Body(2016)
○Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology(2016)
○Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology(2016)
○Molecular Neuroscience and Intergrative Physiology(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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