Professor HIEJIMA Yusuke
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Frontier Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Frontier Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Polymer Physics Laboratory TEL:076-264-6256 FAX:076-234-4829
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Doctor 200403 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyoto University 199703
Doctor (Sci.)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) AIST Tohoku AIST Fellow(2004/04/01-2005/12/31)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Polymer/Textile materials、Reaction engineering/Process system
Speciality Keywords
Raman spectroscopy,failure,fatigue,degradation,In situ measurements,Spectroscopy,Polymer Physics
Research Themes
Degradation of polymeric materials
Failure in polymeric materials under various environments
Spectral analysis of polymeric materials
Structure-property relation in polymeric materials
- Yusuke Hiejima, Takumitsu Kida, and Koh-hei Nitta, Advances in Materials Science Research Nova Science Publishers 2015/09
- In situ Raman spectroscopic observation of polymer chains in semi-crystalline polyethylene solids Yusuke Hiejima, Takumitsu Kida, Koh-hei Nitta Z. Phys. Chem. 2020/03/19
- Microstructural Interpretation of Influences of Molecular Weight on the Tensile Properties of High-Density Polyethylene Solids Using Rheo-Raman Spectroscopy Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta Macromolecules 2020/12
- Uniaxial Deformation Behavior of Poly(ether-block-amide) Thermoplastic Elastomers Detected by Rheo-Raman Spectroscopy Takumitsu Kida, Taisei Sasaki, Yusuke Hiejima, Shuichi Maeda, Koh-hei Nitta Polymer 189 122128 2020/02
- Orientation behavior and deformation mechanism of polyethylene gels during cold drawing determined by in situ Raman spectroscopy Yusuke Hiejima, Takamasa Okuda, Koichi Kono and Koh-hei Nitta Polymer 176 30-37 2019/08
- Surface damage characterization of photodegraded low-density polyethylene by means of friction measurements Toshio Igarashi, Soichiro Ono, Sayaka Oda, Satoru Hirosawa, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta J. Polym. Eng. 39 9 805-812 2019/09
- Swelling behavior of butyl and chloroprene rubber composites with poly(sodium acrylate) showing high water-uptake Yuya Oyama, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 136 48535 2019/09
- Rheo-Raman Spectroscopic Study on Uniaxial Deformation Behavior of High-Density Polyethylene Solids with Various Molecular Weight Distributions Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta Macromolecules 52 4590-4600 2019/06
- Rheo-Raman Spectroscopic Study of Microscopic Deformation Behavior for Ultra Low-Density Polyethylene (ULDPE) Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta Polymer International 67 1335-1340 2018/09
- In situ monitoring of orientation parameters and orientation distribution functions of polyethylenes during tensile tests Yusuke Hiejima, Takumitsu Kida and Koh-hei Nitta Macromol. Symp. 377 1700020 2018/02
- Microscopic structurall changes during photodegradation in low-density polyethylene detected by Raman spectroscopy Yusuke Hiejima, Takumitsu Kida, Kento Takeda, Toshio Igarashi, Koh-hei Nitta Polymer Degradation and Stability 150 67-72 2018/04
- Effects of poly(propylene carbonate) additive prepared from carbon dioxide on the tensile properties of polypropylene Etsuko Takubo, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta and Kiyoshi Nishioka J. App. Polym. Sci. 134 45266-45273 2017/05
- Investigation of molecular mechanisms of melting and crystallization of isotactic polypropylene by in situ Raman spectroscopy Yusuke Hiejima, Kento Takeda and Koh-hei Nitta Macromolecules 50 5867-5876 2017/07
- "Rheo-Raman Study of Isotactic Polypropylene under Tensile Deformation" Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima and Koh-hei Nitta Macromol. Symp. 377 1700019 2017
- Non-destructive Detection of Microscopic Structrural Changes in Polyethylene during Photodegradation by Raman Spectroscopy Y.Hiejima, T.Kida, T.Igarashi, and K.-H.Nitta Proceedings of SPE ANTEC 2018 2018
- Effect of Strain Rate on Microscopic Deformation Behavior of High-density Polyethylene under Uniaxial Stretching Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima and Koh-hei Nitta International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering 2017/06
- The Evaluation of Degradation Mechansim of Polyolefins, and Development of Non-destructive Evaluating Method T. Igarashi, Y. Hiejima, T. Kida, K. H-. Nitta, and Y. Yonezawa SPE ANTEC 2017 2017/05
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of Photoluminescent Nanocarbon from Hydroxylic Acids and Amines Yusuke Hiejima and Mitsuhiro Kanakubo Journal of Solution Chemistry 45 1560 2016/10
- Molecular orientation behavior of isotactic polypropylene under uniaxial stretching by rheo-Raman spectroscopy Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta, Express Polymer Letters 10 701 2016/08
- Fast solute diffusivity in ionic liquids with silyl or siloxane groups studied by the transient grating method Takatsugu Endo, Shinya Nemugaki, Yuki Matsushita, Yasuhiro Sakai, Hiroaki Ozaki, Yusuke Hiejima, Yoshifumi Kimura, Kenji Takahashi, Chemical Physics 472 128 2016/04
- Raman spectroscopic study of high-density polyethylene during tensile deformation Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta, International Journal of Experimental Spectroscopic Techniques 1 1 1 2016/01
- Rheo-optical Raman study of microscopic deformation in high-density polyethylene under hot drawing Takumitsu Kida, Yusuke Hiejima, Koh-hei Nitta Polymer Testing 44 30 2015/04
- Deformation mechanism of high-density polyethylene probed by in situ Raman spectroscopy Kida, Takumitsu; Oku, Tatsuya, Hiejima, Yusuke; Nitta, Kohhei Polymer (United Kingdom) 58 88-95 2015/02/10
- Electrochemical carboxylation of α-chloroethylbenzene in ionic liquids compressed with carbon dioxide Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 1953-1957 2010/02
- Precise sound velocity measurement for liquid Se50Te50 under high pressure H. Kajikawa, K. Kobayashi, Y. Hiejima, T. Hoshino and M. Yao JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 2007
- A precursor of liquid-liquid coexistence in the metal-nonmetal transition range of fluid mercury K. Kobayashi, H. Kajikawa, Y. Hiejima Y, T. Hoshino and M. Yao JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 2007
- Melting point depression of ionic liquids confined in nanospaces M. Kanakubo, Y. Hiejima, K. Minami, T. Aizawa and H. Nanjo CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2006
- Local density augmentation of excited 1-(dimethylamino)naphthalene in supercritical water K. Minami, T. Aizawa, M. Kanakubo, Y. Hiejima, H. Nanjo and R. L. Smith Jr. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS 2006
- NMR studies on supercritical fluids in nanoporous materials Y. Hiejima, M. Kanakubo, K. Minami, T. Aizawa, H. Nanjo and Y. Ikushima e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 2005
- Temperature Dependence of Local Density Augmentation for Acetophenone N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylbenzidine Exciplex in Supercritical Water T. Aizawa, M. Kanakubo, Y. Hiejima, Y. Ikushima and R. L. Smith Jr. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 2005
- Solution Structures of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate Ionic Liquid Saturated with CO2; Experimental Evidence of Specific Anion-CO2 Interaction M. Kanakubo, T. Umecky, Y. Hiejima, H. Nanjo and Y. Kameda, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 2005
- Direct Evidence of Ion-dipole Interaction between Imidazolium Cations and Polar Molecules in Ionic Liquid Solutions by Means of Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Clusters M. Kanakubo, Y. Hiejima, T. Aizawa, Y. Kurata and A. Wakisaka CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2005
- Phase behavior of water confined in Vycor glass at high temperatures and pressures Y. Hiejima and M. Yao JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2004
- Dielectric relaxation of lower alcohols in the whole fluid phase Y. Hiejima and M. Yao JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 119 7931-7942 2003
- Slow dynamics due to the metal-nonmetal transition in liquid mercury H. Kohno, Y. Kajihara, Y. Hiejima, I. Hirano and M. Yao JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 312-314 265-268 2002
- Slow structural relaxation in liquid Te-Se mixtures M. Yao, I. Hirano, H. Kajikawa, H. Kohno, N. Itokawa, Y. Kajihara and Y. Hiejima JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 312-314 361-365 2002
- Critical fluctuations in mercury wetting film on sapphire Y. Kajihara, Y. Ohmasa, H. Kohno, Y. Hiejima and M. Yao JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 312-314 489-493 2002
- Dielectric Relaxation of Supercritcal Water and Methanol M. Yao and Y. Hiejima JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 96-97 207-220 2002
- Dielectric relaxation measurements on methanol up to the supercritical region Y. Hiejima, Y. Kajihara, H. Kohno and M. Yao JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 13 10307-10320 2001
- Neutron inelastic scattering measurements of liquid Se2X2 (X: halogen) A. Chiba, Y. Kawakita, Y. Ohmasa, Y. Hiejima and M. Yao ANALYTICAL SCIENCES suppl. 17 i1089 2001
- Anormalous sound attenuation in liquid Te50Se50 mixture under high pressure M. Yao, N. Itokawa, H. Kohno, Y. Kajihara and Y. Hiejima JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 12 7323-7339 2000
- Wetting phenomena of mercury on sapphire studied by optical emissivity measurement Y. Ohmasa, Y. Kajihara, H. Kohno, Y. Hiejima and M. Yao JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 12 A375-A381 2000
- Sound attenuation in supercritical fluid mercury H. Kohno, K. Okada, Y. Kajihara, Y. Hiejima and M. Yao, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 250-252 139-143 1999
- Wetting phenomena at mercury-sapphire interface under high temperature and pressure Y. Ohmasa, Y. Kajihara, H. Kohno, Y. Hiejima and M. Yao JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 250-252 209-213 1999
- Dielectric relaxation of water and heavy water in the whole fluid phase K. Okada, M. Yao, Y. Hiejima, H. Kohno and Y. Kajihara JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 110 3026-3036 1999
- In-situ Raman spectroscopic study of conformational reorganization during heat treatment for high-density polyethylene solid Misato Nabata,Takumitsu Kida,Yusuke Hiejima,Koh-hei Nitta Polymer 2024/01
- Additive Effects of Solid Paraffins on Mechanical Properties of High-Density Polyethylene Asae Ito,Akid Ropandi,Koichi Kono,Yusuke Hiejima,Koh-hei Nitta Polymers 2023/03/06
- In-situ observation of falling-weight impact damage in isotactic polypropylene sheet Ryohei Ippitsu,Takamasa Okuda,Asae Ito,Koh-hei Nitta,Yusuke Hiejima Polymer 283 126225 2023/09
- In-situ x-ray and infrared measurements of alkane absorption and desorption processes of isotactic poly (4-methyl-1-pentene) film H. Murashige, Y. Hiejima, Y. Sanada, A. Chiba Macromolecular Symposia 2023
Conference Presentations
- In situ Raman spectroscopy for detection of morphological changes of polyolefins(conference:The 8th Asian Polyolefin Workshop (APO2019))(2019/12/03)
- Rheo-Raman study of deformation in polyethylene and isotactic polypropylene(conference:World Polyolefin Congress (WPOC2015))(2015/11/23)
- Synthesis of photoluminescent nanocarbon and application for polymer composites(conference:2015 EMN Open Access Week Meeting)(2015/09/22)
- Orientation of polymeric materials by means of polarized Raman spectroscopy Y. Hiejima, T. Kida and K.H.Nitta 31 7 281-284 2019/07
- Evaluation of structures and properties of polyolefin resin by means of Raman spectroscopy Y. Hiejima, T. Kida, T. Igarashi and K.H.Nitta 2018/05
- Mapping of orientation and diagnostics of degradation of plastic molds by means of Raman spectroscopy Y.Hiejima, T.Kida, T.Igarashi and K.-H.Nitta Chemical Engineering 63 3 178-182 2018/03
- Phase Behavior of Xe Confined in Porous Vycor Glass Probed by 129Xe NMR Chemical Shift 2006
- Determination of fluid density confined in nanopore by means of NMR spectroscopy 2005
- Electrochemical carboxylation in biphasic systems of supercritical CO2 and ionic liquids Y. Hiejima, H. Kondo and K. Takahashi 2007
- Supercritical fluids in nanospace M. Kanakubo, Y. Hiejima 2007
- Direct observation of supercritical fluids in nanospace by means of NMR spectroscopy under high pressure Y. Hiejima and M. Kanakubo 2006
- Reaction between Diiodide Anion Radicals in Ionic Liquids K. Takahashi, S. Sakai, H. Tezuka, Y. Hiejima, Y. Katsumura, M. Watanabe 2007
- NMR spectroscopy of high-pressure fluids in nanopore Y. Hiejima, M. Kanakubo, T. Aizawa, Y. Kurata and Y. Ikushima 2005
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Polymer degradation
○Failure analysis of polymers
○Fatigue in polymers
○Spectroscopy of polymers
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2017)
○Introduction of Chemical Engineering 2(2017)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 1(2017)
○Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena(2017)
○Basic Laboratory in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering(2017)
○Introduction of Chemical Engineering 1(2017)
○Exercise in Chemical Engineering A(2017)
○Exercise in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering A(2017)
○Exercise in Chemical Engineering D(2017)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 2(2017)
○Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena(2016)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2016)
○Freshman Seminar I(2016)
○Introduction of Chemical Engineering(2016)
○Basic Laboratory in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering(2016)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry(2016)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2016)
○Exercise in Chemical Engineering A(2016)
○Exercise in Chemical Engineering D(2016)
○Exercise in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering A(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Advanced Physical Chemistry B(2017)
○Basic Chemical Engineering B(2017)
○Basic Chemical Engineering A(2017)
○Advanced Physical Chemistry A(2017)
○Research Work of Earth and Environmental Sciences(2016)
○Basic Chemical Engineering B(2016)
○Basic Chemical Engineering A(2016)
○Advanced Physical Chemistry B(2016)
○Advanced Physical Chemistry A(2016)