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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/03/25

Associate Professor OKAMOTO Hiroyuki


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Radiological Technology,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


 TEL:076-265-2589 FAX:076-234-4360

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of National Science and Technology (except Gakushuin University, Konan University) 199303 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Shimane University 198603


Kanazawa University(1995/10/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Physical Society of Japan
Wellness and Health Care Society

The Japan Institute of Light Metals

Wellness and Health Care Society
The Physical Society of Japan
The Physical Society of Japan


○JPS Paper Award(2006/03/29)
○JILM Research Award (Cyugoku Sikoku)(2009/07/04)
○JILM Research Award (Cyugoku Sikoku)(2009/07/04)


Condensed matter physics II、Condensed matter physics I

Speciality Keywords

synchrotron radiation. X-ray phase contrast imaging.

Research Themes

Diffraction-Enhanced X-ray Imaging of Materials

The study for lattice defects using three dimensional topography



  •  Evaluation of refraction angle resolution in X-ray phase imaging method Hiroyuki Okamoto, Erina Naito, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 45 1 47-50 2021/08/02
  •  Preliminary study to evaluate the ability to detect fibrous tissue by X-ray phase imaging method Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 47 1 53-56 2023/08/01
  •  Detection of fibrous substances in lacquerware (Japan) by X-ray phase imaging Hiroyuki Okamoto, Naito Erina, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 44 1 97-101 2020/08/03
  •  Three-dimensional X-ray topographic characterization of synthesized diamond crystals Kaoru Mizuno, Kazuya Suzuki, Hidetomo Un-no, Kimihiko Morikawa, Hiroyuki Okamoto Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57 085503-1-4 2018/07/01
  •  Three-dimensional X-ray topographic characterization of broken and unbroken natural diamond anvil crystals at 99.4 GPa Kimihiko Morikawa, Kazuya Suzuki, Akane Fujimori, Shuntarou Takano, Satoshi Nakano, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kaoru Mizuno Trans Mat. Res. Soc. Japan 44 4 143-148 2019/08/01

show all

  •  Observation of the lacquerware using X-ray phase imaging Hiroyuki Okamoto, Naito Erina, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 43 2 85-88 2020/02/03
  •  Resolution of scatter image obtained by X-ray phase imaging Hiroyuki Okamoto, Akane Fujimori, Kimihiko Morikawa, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 43 1 101-104 2019/08/01
  •  Zero-Field Spin Structure and Spin Reorientations in Layered Organic Antiferromagnet, κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction Rui Ishikawa, Hitoshi Tsunakawa, Kohsuke Oinuma, Shinji Michimura, Hiromi Taniguchi, Kazuhiko Satoh, Yasuyuki Ishii, Hiroyuki Okamoto Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87 064701 2018/05/01
  •  Evaluation of sample size dependence on minimum detectable refraction angle in X-ray diffraction-enhanced imaging Hiroyuki Okamoto, Akane Fujimori, Kimihiko Morikawa, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 42 2 51-58 2019/02/01
  •  Diffraction condition dependence of refraction angle resolution in X-ray refraction contrast imaging method Hiroyuki Okamoto, Akane Fujimori, Yuki Kunioka, Kimihiko Morikawa, Kaoru Mizuno Journal of wellness and health care 41 1 167-170 2017/08/08
  •  Determination of minimum detectable refraction angle in X-ray diffraction-enhanced imaging method via standard test piece Kaoru Mizuno, Hitoshi Ikeya, Kenzou Inoue, Akane Fujimori, Hiroyuki Okamoto Japanese Journal of Applied Physics in press 2017
  •  Growth and X-ray topographic characterization of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br single crystals K. Mizuno, T. Kobayashi, H. Taniguchi and H. Okamoto Transaction of Materials Research Society of Japan 38  371-374 2013
  •  Determination of hydrogen diffusivity depending on the hydride concentration in titanium-hydride by means of the diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging method K.Mizuno, T.Kanai, K.Hirano and H. Okamoto Transaction of Materials Reserch Society of Japan 37 2 319-323 2012
  •  Spin structure at zero magnetic field and field-induced spin reorientation transitions in a layered organic canted antiferromagnet bordering a superconducting phase Kohsuke Oinuma, Naoki Okano, Hitoshi Tsunakawa, Shinji Michimura, Takuya Kobayashi, Hiromi Taniguchi, Kazuhiko Satoh, Julia Angel, Isao Watanabe, Yasuyuki Ishii, Hiroyuki Okamoto, and Tetsuaki Itou PHYSICAL REVIEW B B 102 035102-1-035102-14 2020/07/01
  •  X-ray Diffraction Study of Spontaneous Strain in Fe-Pnictide Superconductor, NdFeAs00.89F0.11 H. Fujishita, Y. Hayashi, M. Saito, H. Unno, H. Kaneko, H. Okamoto, M. Ohashi, Y. Kobayashi, M.Sato The European Physical Journal B 85 2 1 2012/02
  •  X-ray diffraction study of spontaneous strain in superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3 H. Fujishita, T. Yamada, S. Nakada, H. Okamoto, S. Shitara, M. Kato, Y. Koike SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 150 15-16 711-714 2010/04
  •  Spontaneous strain in Ba0.6K0.4BiO3  H. Fujishita, T. Yamada, S. Nakada, H. Okamoto, S. Shitara, M. Kato and Y. Koike Physica C: Superconductivity 4 1 S770-S771 2010/12
  •  Distribution of Hydride in Titanium Determination by X-Ray Diffraction-Enhanced Imaging Method with Asymmetric Reflection Analyzer Kaoru Mizuno, Takashi Kanai, Keiichi Hirano ando Hiroyuki Okamoto The Materials Research Society of Japan 34 2 229-232 2009/06
  •  Spontaneous strain in superconductors H. Fujishita, T. Yamada, H. Okamoto, S. Shitara, M. Kato, Y. Koike ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A A 64 C429-C430 2008/08
  •  Spontaneous strain in high-temperature superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 H. Fujishita, S. Murakami, N. Nakamura, Y. Kanou and H. Okamoto SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 145 5-6 246-249 2008/02
  •  Electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional conductors Nb3X4 (X=S,Se,Te) studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy T. Dobashi, T. Sato, S, Souma, T. Takahashi, H. Kaneko, Y. Ishihara, H. Okamoto PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76 4 045121-1- 045121-8 2007/07
  •  New determination method of hydrogen diffusivity in titanium-hydrides by means of diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging method K. Mizuno, T. Kobayashi, F. Fujiki, Y. Furuya, K. Hirano, H. Okamoto Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn. 32 12 855-858 2007/12
  •  Characterization of ZnTe homo-epitaxial Layer by means of synchrotron X-ray topography  K. Mizuno, H. Okamoto, P. Prete and N. Lovergine JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS 9 1273-1276 2007/04
  •  Assessment of heteroepitaxial ZnSe layers on GaAs by means of grazing incident X-ray topography  K. Mizuno, T. Kobayashi, F. Fujiki, H. Okamoto, P. Prete and N. Lovergine PHYSICA B 376-377 1 782-785 2006/04
  •  Characterization of VGFB grown ZnTe single crystals by means of synchrotron X-ray topo-tomography technique K. Mizuno, T. Kobayashi, K. Morikawa, H. Okamoto and T. Asahi JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 292 2 538-541 2006/02
  •  Crystal Growth of 50mg-class single crystals of β'- (BEDT-TTF)2ICl2 and crystal evaluation of them  H.Taniguchi, R. Sato, K. Satoh, A. Kawamoto, H. Okamoto, T. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 142 3-4 437-440 2006/05
  •  Grazing Incident X-Ray Topographs of Heteroepitaxial ZnSe Films on GaAs Substrates K. Mizuno, F. Fujiki, H. Okamoto, P. Prete, N. Lovergine 321-323 2004
  •  Electrical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional compound Nb3Te4 iserted with indium:InxNb3Te4 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 64 749-758 2003/01
  •  Electrical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional Nb3Te4 inserted with indium. Okamoto, T. Konno, G. Muramoto, Y. Itou, Y. Sonobe, I. Mamada, H. Kaneko, Y. Ishihara PHYSICA B 329-333 2003
  •  Diffraction-Enhanced X-ray Imaging of Hydride in a-titanium and Titanium Alloy Kaoru Mizuno, Takuo Kobayashi, Fumiaki Fujiki, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Yoshio Furuya and Keiichi Hirano Proc. 8th Int. Conf. X-ray Microscopy IPAP Conf. 7 2006
  •  Superconductivity at 14.2K in Layered organics under extreme pressure JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 72 468-471 2003/04
  •  Direct Observation of Hydride Formed in Pure Titanium by Refraction-Enhanced X-ray Imaging Method K. Mizuno, H. Okamoto, K. Kjiwara, M. Kuga, Y. Furuya, K. Kawasaki Transactions of the MRS-J 29 2004
  •  Low-temperature specific heats of an anisotropic super conductor HgXNb3Te4 Y. Ito, T. Katsumi, H. Okamoto, H. Kaneko, Y. Ishihara J. Phys.:Condes. Matter 16 2004
  •  Evaluation of Hydrogen Diffusion in Alpha-Titanium by Diffraction-Enhanced X-ray Imaging Technique Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kaoru Mizuno, Takuo Kobayashi, Fumiaki Fujiki, Yoshio Furuya and Keiichi Hirano Proc. 8th Int. Conf. X-ray Microscopy IPAP Conf. 7 2006
  •  Electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power of a quasi-one-dimensional Nb3Te4 single crystal inserted with mercury: HgXNb3Te4 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 11 6373-6384 1999/06
  •  Pressure effect on the superconductivity and the charge-density waves in Nb3X4 with X=S, Se, and Te Physica B 291 135-144 2000/09
  •  Evaluation of re-appearance sites of interstitial type dislocation loops grown as vacancy source by means of a microscope with digital CCD camera SPring-8 User Experiment Report 2000A 5 224 2000/10
  •  Angle-resolved photoemission study of quasi one-dimensional conductor Nb3Te4 J. Electron Spectrosc 114-116 647-652 2000/10
  •  Low temperature Laue topography of La-doped SrTiO SPring-8 User Experiment Report 2000B 6 111 2001/05
  •  New vacancy generation mechanism in ultrahigh-purity aluminum single crystals with low dislocation density Photon Factory Activity Report B 18 184 2001/11
  •  Predominant vacancy sink in ultra high purity aluminum single crystals with low dislocation density Photon Factory Activity Report B 15 197 1998/11
  •  Visualization of hydride in titanium by means of diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging K. Mizuno, T. Kobayashi, F. Fujiki, H. Okamoto, Y. Furuya, K. Hirano JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 402 2005
  •  Visualization of hydride in titanium by means of diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging K. Mizuno, H. Okamoto, K. Kajiwara, Y. Furuya 2005
  •  Assessment of MOCVD-grown ZeSe epilayers on GaAs by means of synchrotron radiation topography T. Mater. Res. Jpn. 26 2 779-782 2001/08
  •  Ultrahigh-purity aluminum single crystals with a low dislocation density grown by strain-annealing method JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 237-239 779-782 2002/10

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Medical Electronic Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Applied Mathematics 1(2023)
○Applied Mathematics B(2023)
○Experiments in Physics for Health Sciences(2023)
○Medical Electronic Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Applied Mathematics A(2023)
○Applied Mathematics 1(2023)
○Experiments in Physics for Health Sciences(2023)
○Fundamentals of Biostatistics(2023)
○Electrical Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Experiments in Physics for Health Sciences(2023)
○Fundamentals of Biostatistics(2023)
○Electrical Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Experiments in Physics for Health Sciences(2023)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2B(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2B(2023)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2A(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 2A(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 1B(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2023)
○Fundamental Physics 1A(2023)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Statistics for Medical Sciences: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Statistics for Medical Sciences: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Research Design in Medical Radiation Science: Lec.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Research Design in Medical Radiation Science: Lec.(2023)
○Statistics for Medical Sciences: Lecture(2023)
○Statistics for Medical Sciences: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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