Professor KASAHARA Yoshiya
Faculty, Affiliation
Emerging Media Initiative
College and School Educational Field
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Information and Communication Engineering, School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Communications and Information Engineering Laboratory TEL:076-234-4952 FAX:076-234-4952
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Master Graduate School, Division of Engineering 199103 Completed
Kyoto University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Engineering 199203 Unfinished course
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyoto University 198903
Kyoto University(1992/04/01-1995/03/31)
Kyoto University(1995/04/01-1998/03/31)
Kyoto University(1998/04/01-2002/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2002/04/01-2003/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2003/04/01-2007/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2007/04/01-2009/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2009/04/01-2021/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2021/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
URSI Commission H Waves in Plasmas
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
URSI Commission H Waves in Plasmas
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Information Processing Society of Japan
URSI Commission H Waves in Plasmas
URSI Commission H Waves in Plasmas
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
URSI Commission H Waves in Plasmas
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
American Geophysical Union
Japan Geoscience Union
Information Processing Society of Japan
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
○IEICE Communications Society Excellent Paper Award(2023/09)
Measurement engineering、Communication/Network engineering、Space and upper atmospheric physics、Multimedia database
Speciality Keywords
Space Science,Database,Radio Science,Intelligent Signal Processing
Research Themes
Quasi-real-time processing techniques for ultra-high-speed data stream from a sensor
Remote sensing for space science using radio waves
Advanced data processing for large-scale scientific databases
- Precipitation of Auroral Electrons Accelerated at Very High Altitudes: Impact on the Ionosphere and a Possible Acceleration Mechanism S. Imajo,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kazama,K. Asamura,I. Shinohara,K. Shiokawa,Y. Kasahara,Y. Kasaba,A. Matsuoka,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,T.‐F. Chang,B.‐J. Wang,C.‐W. Jun,M. Teramoto,S. Kurita,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,K. Saito,T. Hori Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 9 2024/09/12
- Observational Evidence for Three Time‐Scale Modulations in the Pulsating Aurora Rui Chen,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Xinliang Gao,Quanming Lu,Bruce T. Tsurutani,Keisuke Hosokawa,Tomoaki Hori,Yasunobu Ogawa,Shin‐Ichiro Oyama,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Satoko Nakamura,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 51 16 2024/08/15
- On the Phase Difference of ECH Waves Obtained from the Interferometry Observation by the Arase Satellite Tomoe Taki,Satoshi Kurita,Airi Shinjo,Ibuki Fukasawa,Satoko Nakamura,Hirotsugu Kojima,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 76 1 2024/08/05
- On the Factors Controlling the Relationship Between Type of Pulsating Aurora and Energy of Pulsating Auroral Electrons: Simultaneous Observations by Arase Satellite, Ground‐Based All‐Sky Imagers and EISCAT Radar Y. Ito,K. Hosokawa,Y. Ogawa,Y. Miyoshi,F. Tsuchiya,M. Fukizawa,Y. Kasaba,Y. Kazama,S. Oyama,K. Murase,S. Nakamura,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,S. Kasahara,T. Hori,S. Yokota,K. Keika,A. Matsuoka,M. Teramoto,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 7 2024/07/16
- Cold Electron Temperature in the Inner Magnetosphere Estimated Through the Dispersion Relation of ECH Waves From the Arase Satellite Observations Tomoe Taki,Satoshi Kurita,Hirotsugu Kojima,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoichi Kazama,Chae‐Woo Jun,Shiang‐Yu Wang,Sunny W. Y. Tam,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Bo‐Jhou Wang,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara Radio Science 59 6 2024/06/11
- Global Distribution of EMIC Waves and Its Association to Subauroral Proton Precipitation During the 27 May 2017 Storm: Modeling and Multipoint Observations P. R. Shreedevi,Yiqun Yu,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Xingbin Tian,Minghui Zhu,Vania K. Jordanova,Satoko Nakamura,Chae‐Woo Jun,Sandeep Kumar,Kazuo Shiokawa,Martin Connors,T. Hori,Masafumi Shoji,I. Shinohara,S. Yokota,S. Kasahara,K. Keika,A. Matsuoka,Akira Kadokura,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yoshiya Kasahara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 6 2024/05/29
- Observation and Numerical Simulation of Cold Ions Energized by EMIC Waves K.‐H. Kim,C.‐W. Jun,J.‐W. Kwon,J. Lee,K. Shiokawa,Y. Miyoshi,E.‐H. Kim,K. Min,J. Seough,K. Asamura,I. Shinohara,A. Matsuoka,S. Yokota,Y. Kasahara,S. Kasahara,T. Hori,K. Keika,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 5 2024/05/06
- Direct Evidence of Drift‐Compressional Wave Generation in the Earth's Magnetosphere Detected by Arase K. Yamamoto,A. V. Rubtsov,D. V. Kostarev,P. N. Mager,D. Yu. Klimushkin,M. Nosé,A. Matsuoka,K. Asamura,Y. Miyoshi,S. Yokota,S. Kasahara,T. Hori,K. Keika,Y. Kasahara,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 51 8 2024/04/17
- Direct Observation of L‐X Mode of Auroral Kilometric Radiation in the Lower Latitude Magnetosphere by the Arase Satellite Sai Zhang,Qinpei Yin,Hongming Yang,Fuliang Xiao,Qinghua Zhou,Qiwu Yang,Jiawen Tang,Zhoukun Deng,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yosuke Nakamura,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Iku Shinohara,Satoko Nakamura,Yasumasa Kasaba,Tomoaki Hori Geophysical Research Letters 51 5 2024/02/28
- Long Lifetime Hiss Rays in the Disturbed Plasmasphere Zhiyong Wu,Zhenpeng Su,Huinan Zheng,Yuming Wang,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshiya Kasahara,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Shoya Matsuda,Yasumasa Kasaba,Mariko Teramoto,Tomoaki Hori Geophysical Research Letters 51 4 2024/02/15
- Relativistic electron flux growth during storm and non-storm periods as observed by ARASE and GOES satellites Vladimir Borisovich Belakhovsky,Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko,Elizaveta E. Antonova,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoshiya Kasahara,Satoshi Kasahara,Nana Higashio,Iku Shinohara,Tomoaki Hori,Shoya Matsuda,Shoichiro Yokota,Takeshi Takashima,Mitani Takefumi,Kunihiro Keika,Satoko Nakamura Earth, Planets and Space 75 1 2023/12/21
- New aspects of the upper atmospheric disturbances caused by the explosive eruption of the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano A. Shinbori,Y. Otsuka,T. Sori,M. Nishioka,S. Perwitasari,T. T. Tsuda,N. Nishitani,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,S. Matsuda,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,S. Nakamura,Y. Miyoshi,I. Shinohara Earth Planets Space 75 175 2023/11/22
- A Bayesian k-vector estimation method for electromagnetic waves in magnetized cold plasma Yuji Tanaka,Mamoru Ota,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara URSI Radio Science Bulletin 2021 378 77 2023/10/26
- Correspondence of Pi2 Pulsations, Aurora Luminosity, and Plasma Flux Fluctuation Near a Substorm Brightening Aurora: Arase Observations L. Chen,K. Shiokawa,Y. Miyoshi,S. Oyama,C.‐W. Jun,Y. Ogawa,K. Hosokawa,Y. Kazama,S. Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,T. F. Chang,B. J. Wang,K. Asamura,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,T. Hori,K. Keika,Y. Kasaba,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Shoji,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara,S. Nakamura Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 10 2023/09/28
- Plasmasphere Control of ULF Wave Distribution at Different Geomagnetic Conditions A. V. Rubtsov,M. Nosé,A. Matsuoka,Y. Kasahara,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,I. Shinohara,Y. Miyoshi Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 10 2023/09/25
- Whistler-mode waves in Mercury’s magnetosphere observed by BepiColombo/Mio Mitsunori Ozaki,Satoshi Yagitani,Yasumasa Kasaba,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiharu Omura,Mitsuru Hikishima,Fouad Sahraoui,Laurent Mirioni,Gérard Chanteur,Satoshi Kurita,Satoru Nakazawa,Go Murakami Nature Astronomy 2023/09/14
- Propagation Analysis Method Considering Angular Spread for Random Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetized Cold Plasma Mamoru Ota,Yuji Tanaka,Yoshiya Kasahara Radio Science 58 9 2023/09/04
- An Implication of Detecting the Internal Modulation in a Pulsating Aurora: A Conjugate Observation by the Arase Satellite and All‐Sky Imagers S. Nanjo,S. Ebukuro,S. Nakamura,Y. Miyoshi,S. Kurita,S.‐I. Oyama,Y. Ogawa,K. Keika,Y. Kasahara,S. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,T. Hori,S. Yokota,S. Matsuda,I. Shinohara,S.‐Y. Wang,Y. Kazama,C.‐W. Jun,M. Kitahara,K. Hosokawa Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 8 2023/07/28
- A Ground‐Based Instrument Suite for Integrated High‐Time Resolution Measurements of Pulsating Aurora With Arase K. Hosokawa,S.‐I. Oyama,Y. Ogawa,Y. Miyoshi,S. Kurita,M. Teramoto,S. Nozawa,T. Kawabata,Y. Kawamura,Y.‐M. Tanaka,H. Miyaoka,R. Kataoka,K. Shiokawa,U. Brändström,E. Turunen,T. Raita,M. G. Johnsen,C. Hall,D. Hampton,Y. Ebihara,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,I. Shinohara,R. Fujii Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 8 2023/07/17
- Interhemispheric ionosphere-plasmasphere system shows a high sensitivity to the exospheric neutral hydrogen density: a caution of the global reference atmospheric model hydrogen density Dmytro Kotov,Phil G. Richards,Maryna Reznychenko,Oleksandr Bogomaz,Vladimír Truhlík,Susan Nossal,Edwin Mierkiewicz,Taras Zhivolup,Igor Domnin,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yoshiya Kasahara,Masahiro Kitahara,Satoko Nakamura,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara,Marc Hairston Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 2023/06/05
- Statistical Study of EMIC Waves and Related Proton Distributions Observed by the Arase Satellite C.‐W. Jun,Y. Miyoshi,S. Nakamura,M. Shoji,M. Kitahara,T. Hori,C. Yue,J. Bortnik,L. Lyons,K. Min,Y. Kasahara,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,K. Asamura,I. Shinohara,A. Matsuoka,S. Imajo,S. Yokota,S. Kasahara,K. Keika Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 6 2023/05/29
- Phase Difference of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic (ECH) Waves Observed by Using the Interferometry Observation Mode of the Arase Satellite Tomoe Taki,Satoshi Kurita,Airi Shinjo,Satoko Nakamura,Hirotsugu Kojima,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara URSI Radio Science Letters 4 2023/05/26
- Generation of equatorial plasma bubble after the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption Atsuki Shinbori,Takuya Sori,Yuichi Otsuka,Michi Nishioka,Septi Perwitasari,Takuo Tsuda,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara,Ayako Matsuoka,Satoko Nakamura,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara Scientific Reports 13 1 2023/05/22
- Whistler Mode Transmission Experiments in the Radiation Belts: DSX TNT Circuit Simulation and Data Analysis Jiannan Tu,Paul Song,Ivan A. Galkin,Bodo W. Reinisch,William R. Johnston,Michael J. Starks,Yi‐Jiun Su,David Cooke,Gregory P. Ginet,Umran S. Inan,David S. Lauben,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara,Hirotsugu Kojima,Iku Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2023/03/30
- Alfvén velocity sudden increase as an indicator of the plasmapause A.V. Rubtsov,M. Nosé,A. Matsuoka,Y. Kasahara,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,I. Shinohara,Y. Miyoshi Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 245 106040 2023/02/28
- A Proposal for Modification of Plasmaspheric Electron Density Profiles Using Characteristics of Lightning Whistlers Desy Purnami Singgih Putri,Yoshiya Kasahara,Mamoru Ota,Shoya Matsuda,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshizumi Miyoshi Remote Sensing 15 5 1306 2023/02/26
- Using Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations to Develop an Empirical Plasma Density Model in the Inner Zone D. P. Hartley,G. S. Cunningham,J.‐F. Ripoll,D. M. Malaspina,Y. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi,S. Matsuda,S. Nakamura,F. Tsuchiya,M. Kitahara,A. Kumamoto,I. Shinohara,A. Matsuoka Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 3 2023/02/25
- Latitudinal dependence of ground VLF transmitter wave power in the inner magnetosphere Zhiyang Xia,Lunjin Chen,Wenyao Gu,Richard B. Horne,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoshiya Kasahara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara,Iku Shinohara Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 2023/02/23
- Direct Observations of Energetic Electron Scattering and Precipitation Due To Whistler‐Mode Waves in the Dayside High‐Density Regions Shin Sugo,Satoshi Kasahara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yuto Katoh,Kunihiro Keika,Shoichiro Yokota,Tomoaki Hori,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 3 2023/02/21
- Multi-Event Analysis of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling of Nighttime Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From the Ground and the Arase Satellite K. Kawai,K. Shiokawa,Y. Otsuka,S. Oyama,M. G. Connors,Y. Kasahara,Y. Kasaba,S. Nakamura,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,A. Shinbori,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara,Y. Miyoshi Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 2 2023/01/18
- Observation of source plasma and field variations of a substorm brightening aurora at L ∼ 6 by a ground‐based camera and the Arase satellite on 12 October 2017 L. Chen,K. Shiokawa,Y. Miyoshi,S. Oyama,C‐W. Jun,Y. Ogawa,K. Hosokawa,Y. Inaba,Y. Kazama,S. Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,T. F. Chang,B. J. Wang,K. Asamura,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,T. Hori,K. Keika,Y. Kasaba,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Shoji,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara,S. Imajo,S. Nakamura,M. Kitahara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 11 2022/10/17
- A Calibration Method of Short‐Time Waveform Signals Passed through Linear Time‐Invariant Systems: 1. Methodology and Simple Examples M. Kitahara,S. Matsuda,Y. Katoh,H. Kojima,Y. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi,S. Nakamura,M. Hikishima Radio Science 57 9 2022/08/24
- Quantifying the Size and Duration of a Microburst‐Producing Chorus Region on 5 December 2017 S. S. Elliott,A. W. Breneman,C. Colpitts,J. M. Pettit,C. A. Cattell,A. J. Halford,M. Shumko,J. Sample,A. T. Johnson,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kasahara,C. M. Cully,S. Nakamura,T. Mitani,T. Hori,I. Shinohara,K. Shiokawa,S. Matsuda,M. Connors,M. Ozaki,J. Manninen Geophysical Research Letters 49 15 2022/08/09
- Channeling of Auroral Kilometric Radiation During Geomagnetic Disturbances M. M. Mogilevsky,D. V. Chugunin,A. A. Chernyshov,V. I. Kolpak,I. L. Moiseenko,Y. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi JETP Letters 115 10 602 2022/08/03
- Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements due to Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations Q. Ma,W. Xu,E. R. Sanchez,R. A. Marshall,J. Bortnik,P. M. Reyes,R. H. Varney,S. R. Kaeppler,Y. Miyoshi,A. Matsuoka,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,K. Keika,T. Hori,T. Mitani,S. Nakamura,Y. Kazama,S.‐Y. Wang,C‐W. Jun,I. Shinohara,W. S.‐Y. Tam Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 8 2022/08/02
- Identification Approach of Arriving Wave Model Based on Likelihood Ratio Test with Different Sensor Noise Levels Yuji Tanaka,Mamoru Ota,Yoshiya Kasahara Radio Science 57 8 2022/07/18
- Asymmetric Distributions of Auroral Kilometric Radiation in Earth's Northern and Southern Hemispheres Observed by the Arase Satellite Fuliang Xiao,Jiawen Tang,Sai Zhang,Qinghua Zhou,Si Liu,Yihua He,Qiwu Yang,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yosuke Nakamura,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Iku Shinohara,Satoko Nakamura Geophysical Research Letters 49 13 2022/06/29
- Collaborative Research Activities of the Arase and Van Allen Probes Y. Miyoshi,I. Shinohara,S. Ukhorskiy,S. G. Claudepierre,T. Mitani,T. Takashima,T. Hori,O. Santolik,I. Kolmasova,S. Matsuda,Y. Kasahara,M. Teramoto,Y. Katoh,M. Hikishima,H. Kojima,S. Kurita,S. Imajo,N. Higashio,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,K. Asamura,Y. Kazama,S.-Y. Wang,C.-W. Jun,Y. Kasaba,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,M. Kitahara,A. Matsuoka,K. Shiokawa,K. Seki,M. Nosé,K. Takahashi,C. Martinez-Calderon,G. Hospodarsky,C. Colpitts,Craig Kletzing,J. Wygant,H. Spence,D. N. Baker,G. D. Reeves,J. B. Blake,L. Lanzerotti Space Science Reviews 218 5 2022/06/21
- Sigma-Delta Beamformer DOA Estimation for Distributed Array Radar Toshihiro Ito,Shoji Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara IEICE Transactions on Communications E105-B 8 2022/06/09
- Mesospheric ionization during substorm growth phase Kiyoka Murase,Ryuho Kataoka,Takanori Nishiyama,Koji Nishimura,Taishi Hashimoto,Yoshimasa Tanaka,Akira Kadokura,Yoshihiro Tomikawa,Masaki Tsutsumi,Yasunobu Ogawa,Herbert Akihito Uchida,Kaoru Sato,Satoshi Kasahara,Takefumi Mitani,Shoichiro Yokota,Tomoaki Hori,Kunihiro Keika,Takeshi Takashima,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shoya Matsuda,Masafumi Shoji,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Tatsuhiko Sato,Yusuke Ebihara,Takashi Tanaka Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 12 18 2022/06/06
- Signatures of Auroral Potential Structure Extending Through the Near‐Equatorial Inner Magnetosphere S. Imajo,Y. Miyoshi,K. Asamura,I. Shinohara,M. Nosé,K. Shiokawa,Y. Kasahara,Y. Kasaba,A. Matsuoka,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,K. Keika,T. Hori,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,M. Teramoto Geophysical Research Letters 49 10 2022/05/16
- Space-to-space very low frequency radio transmission in the magnetosphere using the DSX and Arase satellites James P. McCollough,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Gregory P. Ginet,William R. Johnston,Yi-Jiun Su,Michael J. Starks,Yoshiya Kasahara,Hirotsugu Kojima,Shoya Matsuda,Iku Shinohara,Paul Song,Bodo W. Reinisch,Ivan A. Galkin,Umran S. Inan,David S. Lauben,Ivan Linscott,Alan G. Ling,Shawn Allgeier,Richard Lambour,Jon Schoenberg,William Gillespie,Stephen Stelmash,Kevin Roche,Andrew J. Sinclair,Jenny C. Sanchez,Gregory F. Pedinotti,Jarred T. Langhals Earth, Planets and Space 74 1 2022/04/27
- Slow Contraction of Flash Aurora Induced by an Isolated Chorus Element Ranging From Lower-Band to Upper-Band Frequencies in the Source Region Mitsunori Ozaki,Satoshi Yagitani,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshimasa Tanaka,Yasunobu Ogawa,Keisuke Hosokawa,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yusuke Ebihara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Kousuke Imamura,Ryuho Kataoka,Shin-ichiro Oyama,Teppei Chida,Akira Kadokura Geophysical Research Letters 49 9 2022/04/21
- Statistical survey of Arase satellite data sets in conjunction with the Finnish Riometer Network Neethal Thomas,Antti Kero,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Kazuo Shiokawa,Miikka Hyötylä,Tero Raita,Yoshiya Kasahara,Iku Shinohara,Shoya Matsuda,Satoko Nakamura,Satoshi Kasahara,Shoichiro Yokota,Kunihiro Keika,Tomoaki Hori,Takefumi Mitani,Takeshi Takashima,Kazushi Asamura,Yoichi Kazama,Shiang‐Yu Wang,C‐W. Jun,Nana Higashio Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 5 2022/04/07
- Statistical Study of Approaching Strong Diffusion of Low‐Energy Electrons by Chorus and ECH Waves Based on In Situ Observations M. Fukizawa,T. Sakanoi,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kazama,Y. Katoh,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,A. Matsuoka,S. Kurita,S. Nakamura,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,S. Imajo,I. Shinohara,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W.‐Y. Tam,T.‐F. Chang,B.‐J. Wang,C.‐W. Jun Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 3 2022/03/11
- Simultaneous Observations of EMIC-Induced Drifting Electron Holes (EDEHs) in the Earth's Radiation Belt by the Arase Satellite, Van Allen Probes, and THEMIS S. Nakamura,Y. Miyoshi,K. Shiokawa,Y. Omura,T. Mitani,T. Takashima,N. Higashio,I. Shinohara,T. Hori,S. Imajo,A. Matsuoka,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,Y. Kasahara,M. Shoji,H. Spence,V. Angelopoulos Geophysical Research Letters 49 5 2022/02/16
- Relation of the Plasmapause to the Midlatitude Ionospheric Trough, the Sub‐Auroral Temperature Enhancement and the Distribution of Small‐Scale Field Aligned Currents as Observed in the Magnetosphere by THEMIS, RBSP, and Arase, and in the Topside Ionosphere by Swarm Balázs Heilig,Claudia Stolle,Guram Kervalishvili,Jan Rauberg,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yoshiya Kasahara,Masafumi Shoji,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara,Iku Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 3 2022/02/09
- An event study on broadband electric field noises and electron distributions in the lunar wake boundary Masaki N. Nishino,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yuki Harada,Yoshifumi Saito,Hideo Tsunakawa,Atsushi Kumamoto,Shoichiro Yokota,Futoshi Takahashi,Masaki Matsushima,Hidetoshi Shibuya,Hisayoshi Shimizu,Yukinaga Miyashita,Yoshitaka Goto,Takayuki Ono Earth, Planets and Space 74 1 2022/01/04
- A Statistical Study of the Solar Wind Dependence of Multi-Harmonic Toroidal ULF Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite K. Yamamoto,K. Seki,A. Matsuoka,S. Imajo,M. Teramoto,M. Kitahara,Y. Kasahara,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,Y. Miyoshi,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 1 2021/12/28
- Off-Equatorial Pi2 Pulsations Inside and Outside the Plasmapause Observed by the Arase Satellite M. Teramoto,Y. Miyoshi,A. Matsuoka,Y. Kasahara,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,M. Nosé,S. Imajo,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,M. Kitahara,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 1 2021/12/10
- Cross-Energy Couplings from Magnetosonic Waves to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves through Cold Ion Heating inside the Plasmasphere Kazushi Asamura,Masafumi Shoji,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yasumasa Kasaba,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Mariko Teramoto,Yoichi Kazama,Iku Shinohara Physical Review Letters 127 24 2021/12/10
- Study of an Equatorward Detachment of Auroral Arc From the Oval Using Ground-Space Observations and the BATS-R-US–CIMI Model Sneha Yadav,K. Shiokawa,S. Oyama,Y. Inaba,N. Takahashi,K. Seki,K. Keika,Tzu Fang Chang,S. W.Y. Tam,B. J. Wang,Y. Kazama,S. Y. Wang,K. Asamura,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,T. Hori,Y. Kasaba,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,M. Shoji,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,S. Matsuda,C. W. Jun,S. Imajo,Y. Miyoshi,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 12 2021/11/26
- Multipoint Measurement of Fine-Structured EMIC Waves by Arase, Van Allen Probe A, and Ground Stations S. Matsuda,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kasahara,L. Blum,C. Colpitts,K. Asamura,Y. Kasaba,A. Matsuoka,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,M. Teramoto,S. Nakamura,M. Kitahara,I. Shinohara,G. Reeves,H. Spence,K. Shiokawa,T. Nagatsuma,S. Oyama,I. R. Mann Geophysical Research Letters 48 23 2021/11/10
- Propagation Mechanism of Medium Wave Broadcasting Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite: Hectometric Line Spectra Kozo Hashimoto,Atsuki Shinbori,Yuichi Otsuka,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yoshiya Kasahara,Ayako Matsuoka,Isamu Nagano,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Tatsuhiro Yokoyama Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 11 2021/10/21
- Role of Ducting in Relativistic Electron Loss by Whistler-Mode Wave Scattering A. V. Artemyev,A. G. Demekhov,X. J. Zhang,V. Angelopoulos,D. Mourenas,Yu V. Fedorenko,J. Maninnen,E. Tsai,C. Wilkins,S. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi,A. Matsuoka,Y. Kasahara,T. Mitani,S. Yokota,K. Keika,T. Hori,S. Matsuda,S. Nakamura,M. Kitahara,T. Takashima,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 11 2021/10/20
- Relative Contribution of ULF Waves and Whistler-Mode Chorus to the Radiation Belt Variation During the May 2017 Storm Naoko Takahashi,Kanako Seki,Mei Ching Fok,Yihua Zheng,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Satoshi Kasahara,Kunihiro Keika,David Hartley,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yasumasa Kasaba,Nana Higashio,Ayako Matsuoka,Shoichiro Yokota,Tomoaki Hori,Masafumi Shoji,Satoko Nakamura,Shun Imajo,Iku Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 11 2021/10/18
- Field-Aligned Electron Density Distribution of the Inner Magnetosphere Inferred From Coordinated Observations of Arase and Van Allen Probes Yuki Obana,Yukinaga Miyashita,Naomi Maruyama,Atsuki Shinbori,Masahito Nosé,Masafumi Shoji,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Iku Shinohara,William S. Kurth,Charles W. Smith,Robert J. MacDowall Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 10 2021/09/20
- Localization of Sources of Two Types of Continuum Radiation M. M. Mogilevsky,D. V. Chugunin,A. A. Chernyshov,T. V. Romantsova,I. L. Moiseenko,A. Kumamoto,Y. Kasahara,F. Tsuchiya JETP Letters 114 1 23 2021/09/07
- Noise Integration Kernel Design for the Wave Distribution Function Method: Robust Direction Finding With Different Sensor Noise Levels Yuji Tanaka,Mamoru Ota,Yoshiya Kasahara Radio Science 56 9 2021/09/03
- Inter‐calibrated Measurements of Intense Whistlers by Arase and Van Allen Probes O. Santolík,Y. Miyoshi,I. Kolmašová,S. Matsuda,G. B. Hospodarsky,D. P. Hartley,Y. Kasahara,H. Kojima,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara,W. S. Kurth,C. A. Kletzing Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 9 2021/09/02
- Global Maps of Solar Wind Electron Modification by Electrostatic Waves Above the Lunar Day Side: Kaguya Observations Yuki Harada,Yoshiya Kasahara,Masaki N. Nishino,Satoshi Kurita,Yoshifumi Saito,Shoichiro Yokota,Atsushi Kumamoto,Futoshi Takahashi,Hisayoshi Shimizu Geophysical Research Letters 48 17 2021/08/25
- Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High‐Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere During Substorm Dipolarization: ERG Observations Yukinaga Miyashita,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Tomoaki Hori,Akira Kadokura,Satoshi Kasahara,Shiang‐Yu Wang,Kunihiro Keika,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshimasa Tanaka,Yoshiya Kasahara,Mariko Teramoto,Chae‐Woo Jun,Kazushi Asamura,Yoichi Kazama,Sunny W. Y. Tam,Bo‐Jhou Wang,Shoichiro Yokota,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Masafumi Shoji,Satoshi Kurita,Shun Imajo,Iku Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 9 2021/08/21
- First Simultaneous Observation of a Night Time Medium‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance From the Ground and a Magnetospheric Satellite K. Kawai,K. Shiokawa,Y. Otsuka,S. Oyama,Y. Kasaba,Y. Kasahara,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,S. Nakamura,A. Matsuoka,S. Imajo,Y. Kazama,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,T. F. Chang,B. J. Wang,K. Asamura,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,K. Keika,T. Hori,Y. Miyoshi,C. Jun,M. Shoji,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 9 2021/07/20
- Stochastic Wave Distribution Function Method Mamoru Ota,Yoshiya Kasahara Radio Science 56 8 2021/07/19
- Arase Observation of Simultaneous Electron Scatterings by Upper-Band and Lower-Band Chorus Emissions Y. Kazama,Y. Miyoshi,H. Kojima,Y. Kasahara,S. Kasahara,H. Usui,B. J. Wang,S. Y. Wang,S. W.Y. Tam,T. F. Chang,K. Asamura,S. Matsuda,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,Y. Kasaba,M. Shoji,A. Matsuoka,M. Teramoto,T. Takashima,I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 48 14 2021/07/15
- Penetration of MeV electrons into the mesosphere accompanying pulsating aurorae Y. Miyoshi,K. Hosokawa,S. Kurita,S. I. Oyama,Y. Ogawa,S. Saito,I. Shinohara,A. Kero,E. Turunen,P. T. Verronen,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,T. Mitani,T. Takashima,N. Higashio,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,A. Matsuoka,T. Hori,K. Keika,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,S. Imajo,C. Jun,S. Nakamura Scientific Reports 11 1 2021/07/13
- Discovery of proton hill in the phase space during interactions between ions and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves Masafumi Shoji,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Lynn M. Kistler,Kazushi Asamura,Ayako Matsuoka,Yasumasa Kasaba,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara,Iku Shinohara Scientific Reports 11 1 2021/06/29
- Evening Side EMIC Waves and Related Proton Precipitation Induced by a Substorm A. G. Yahnin,T. A. Popova,A. G. Demekhov,A. A. Lubchich,A. Matsuoka,K. Asamura,Y. Miyoshi,S. Yokota,S. Kasahara,K. Keika,T. Hori,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,Y. Kasahara,M. Shoji,Y. Kasaba,S. Nakamura,I. Shinohara,H. Kim,S. Noh,T. Raita Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 7 2021/06/17
- Spatial Evolution of Wave‐Particle Interaction Region Deduced From Flash‐Type Auroras and Chorus‐Ray Tracing Mitsunori Ozaki,Tomohiro Inoue,Yoshimasa Tanaka,Satoshi Yagitani,Yoshiya Kasahara,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Kousuke Imamura,Keisuke Hosokawa,Shin‐ichiro Oyama,Ryuho Kataoka,Yusuke Ebihara,Yasunobu Ogawa,Akira Kadokura Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 7 2021/06/17
- Correction to: ISEE_Wave: interactive plasma wave analysis tool (Earth, Planets and Space, (2021), 73, 1, (110), 10.1186/s40623-021-01430-3) Shoya Matsuda,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara,Masafumi Shoji,Tomoaki Hori,Shun Imajo,Chae Woo Jun,Satoshi Kurita,Yoshiya Kasahara,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 73 1 2021/06/10
- Recent Progress of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Space Plasma: Arase Observations J. Plasma Fusion Res. 97 5 269 2021/05/28
- The Characteristics of EMIC Waves in the Magnetosphere Based on the Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations Chae‐Woo Jun,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Satoshi Kurita,Chao Yue,Jacob Bortnik,Larry Lyons,Satoko Nakamura,Masafumi Shoji,Shun Imajo,Craig Kletzing,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yasumasa Kasaba,Shoya Matsuda,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Atsushi Kumamoto,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 6 2021/05/27
- ISEE_Wave: interactive plasma wave analysis tool Shoya Matsuda,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara,Masafumi Shoji,Tomoaki Hori,Shun Imajo,Jun Chae-Woo,Satoshi Kurita,Yoshiya Kasahara,Ayako Matsuoka,Iku Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 73 1 2021/05/20
- Direct Antenna Impedance Measurement for Quantitative AC Electric Field Measurement by Arase S. Matsuda,H. Kojima,Y. Kasahara,Y. Kasaba,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,A. Matsuoka,Y. Miyoshi,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 6 2021/05/14
- Relationship Between the Locations of the Midlatitude Trough and Plasmapause Using GNSS‐TEC and Arase Satellite Observation Data Atsuki Shinbori,Yuichi Otsuka,Takuya Tsugawa,Michi Nishioka,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Shoya Matsuda,Yoshiya Kasahara,Ayako Matsuoka Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 5 2021/04/15
- A Concise Empirical Formula for the Field‐Aligned Distribution of Auroral Kilometeric Radiation Based on Arase Satellite and Van Allen Probes Sai Zhang,Si Liu,Wentao Li,Yihua He,Qiwu Yang,Fuliang Xiao,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yosuke Nakamura,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Yoshiya Kasahara,Iku Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 48 8 2021/04/11
- Data‐Driven Simulation of Rapid Flux Enhancement of Energetic Electrons With an Upper‐Band Whistler Burst S. Saito,S. Kurita,Y. Miyoshi,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,K. Keika,T. Hori,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,M. Shoji,S. Nakamura,A. Matsuoka,S. Imajo,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 4 2021/03/23
- Over‐Darkening of Pulsating Aurora K. Hosokawa,Y. Miyoshi,S.‐I. Oyama,Y. Ogawa,S. Kurita,Y. Kasahara,Y. Kasaba,S. Yagitani,S. Matsuda,M. Ozaki,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,T. Takashima,I. Shinohara,R. Fujii Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 4 2021/03/15
- Multi‐Event Analysis of Plasma and Field Variations in Source of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arcs in Inner Magnetosphere During Non‐Storm‐Time Substorms Yudai Inaba,Kazuo Shiokawa,Shin‐ichiro Oyama,Yuichi Otsuka,Martin Connors,Ian Schofield,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Shun Imajo,Atsuki Shinbori,Artem Yu Gololobov,Yoichi Kazama,Shiang‐Yu Wang,Sunny W. Y. Tam,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Bo‐Jhou Wang,Kazushi Asamura,Shoichiro Yokota,Satoshi Kasahara,Kunihiro Keika,Tomoaki Hori,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshiya Kasahara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Shoya Matsuda,Yasumasa Kasaba,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Masafumi Shoji,Masahiro Kitahara,Satoko Nakamura,Iku Shinohara,Harlan E. Spence,Geoff D. Reeves,Robert J. Macdowall,Charles W. Smith,John R. Wygant,John W. Bonnell Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 4 2021/03/12
- Investigation of Small‐Scale Electron Density Irregularities Observed by the Arase and Van Allen Probes Satellites Inside and Outside the Plasmasphere Neethal Thomas,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoshiya Kasahara,Iku Shinohara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Ayako Matsuoka,Satoshi Kasahara,Shoichiro Yokota,Kunihiro Keika,Tomoaki Hori,Kazushi Asamura,Shiang‐Yu Wang,Yoichi Kazama,Sunny Wing‐Yee Tam,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Bo‐Jhou Wang,John Wygant,Aaron Breneman,Geoffrey Reeves Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 3 2021/02/18
- Extremely Collimated Electron Beams in the High Latitude Magnetosphere Observed by Arase Y. Kazama,H. Kojima,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kasahara,S. Kasahara,H. Usui,B.‐J. Wang,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,T.‐F. Chang,K. Asamura,Y. Kasaba,S. Matsuda,M. Shoji,A. Matsuoka,M. Teramoto,T. Takashima,I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 48 5 2021/02/06
- Active auroral arc powered by accelerated electrons from very high altitudes Shun Imajo,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoichi Kazama,Kazushi Asamura,Iku Shinohara,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yasumasa Kasaba,Ayako Matsuoka,Shiang-Yu Wang,Sunny W. Y. Tam,Tzu‑Fang Chang,Bo‑Jhou Wang,Vassilis Angelopoulos,Chae-Woo Jun,Masafumi Shoji,Satoko Nakamura,Masahiro Kitahara,Mariko Teramoto,Satoshi Kurita,Tomoaki Hori Scientific Reports 11 1 2021/01/18
- Multievent Study of Characteristics and Propagation of Naturally Occurring ELF/VLF Waves Using High‐Latitude Ground Observations and Conjunctions With the Arase Satellite C. Martinez‐Calderon,Y. Katoh,J. Manninen,O. Santolik,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,A. Matsuoka,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,I. Shinohara,K. Shiokawa,Y. Miyoshi Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 2 2021/01/15
- Study of Spatiotemporal Development of Global Distribution of Magnetospheric ELF/VLF Waves Using Ground‐Based and Satellite Observations, and RAM‐SCB Simulations, for the March and November 2017 Storms Yuhei Takeshita,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Mitsunori Ozaki,Yoshiya Kasahara,Shin‐ichiro Oyama,Martin Connors,Jyrki Manninen,Vania K. Jordanova,Dmitry Baishev,Alexey Oinats,Vladimir Kurkin Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 2 2020/12/19
- Pitch‐Angle Scattering of Inner Magnetospheric Electrons Caused by ECH Waves Obtained With the Arase Satellite M. Fukizawa,T. Sakanoi,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kazama,Y. Katoh,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,A. Matsuoka,S. Kurita,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,S. Imajo,I. Sinohara,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W.‐Y. Tam,T.‐F. Chang,B.‐J. Wang,C.‐W. Jun Geophysical Research Letters 47 23 2020/10/29
- First Direct Observations of Propagation of Discrete Chorus Elements From the Equatorial Source to Higher Latitudes, Using the Van Allen Probes and Arase Satellites Chris Colpitts,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoshiya Kasahara,Gian Luca Delzanno,John R. Wygant,Cynthia A. Cattell,Aaron Breneman,Craig Kletzing,Greg Cunningham,Mitsuru Hikishima,Shoya Matsuda,Yuto Katoh,Jean‐Francois Ripoll,Iku Shinohara,Ayako Matsuoka Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 10 2020/10/15
- Measurements of Magnetic Field Fluctuations for Plasma Wave Investigation by the Search Coil Magnetometers (SCM) Onboard Bepicolombo Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter) Satoshi Yagitani,Mitsunori Ozaki,Fouad Sahraoui,Laurent Mirioni,Malik Mansour,Gerard Chanteur,Christophe Coillot,Sebastien Ruocco,Vincent Leray,Mitsuru Hikishima,Dominique Alison,Olivier Le Contel,Hirotsugu Kojima,Yoshiya Kasahara,Yasumasa Kasaba,Takashi Sasaki,Takahiro Yumoto,Yoshinari Takeuchi Space Science Reviews 216 7 2020/10/06
- An Ephemeral Red Arc Appeared at 68° MLat at a Pseudo Breakup During Geomagnetically Quiet Conditions S. Oyama,A. Shinbori,Y. Ogawa,M. Kellinsalmi,T. Raita,A. Aikio,H. Vanhamäki,K. Shiokawa,I. Virtanen,L. Cai,A. B. Workayehu,M. Pedersen,K. Kauristie,T. T. Tsuda,B. Kozelov,A. Demekhov,A. Yahnin,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,M. Lester Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 10 2020/10/03
- Detection of UHR Frequencies by a Convolutional Neural Network From Arase/PWE Data S. Matsuda,T. Hasegawa,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,Y. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi,Y. Kasaba,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 10 2020/10/01
- Plasma and Field Observations in the Magnetospheric Source Region of a Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arc by the Arase Satellite on 28 March 2017 Yudai Inaba,Kazuo Shiokawa,Shin‐ichiro Oyama,Yuichi Otsuka,Arto Oksanen,Atsuki Shinbori,Artem Yu Gololobov,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Yoichi Kazama,Shiang‐Yu Wang,Sunny W. Y. Tam,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Bo‐Jhou Wang,Shoichiro Yokota,Satoshi Kasahara,Kunihiro Keika,Tomoaki Hori,Ayako Matsuoka,Yoshiya Kasahara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Yasumasa Kasaba,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Masafumi Shoji,Iku Shinohara,Claudia Stolle Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 10 2020/09/21
- Spatial Extent of Quasiperiodic Emissions Simultaneously Observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes on 29 November 2018 C. Martinez‐Calderon,F. Němec,Y. Katoh,K. Shiokawa,C. Kletzing,G. Hospodarsky,O. Santolik,Y. Kasahara,S. Matsuda,A. Kumamoto,F. Tsuchiya,A. Matsuoka,M. Shoji,M. Teramoto,S. Kurita,Y. Miyoshi,M. Ozaki,N. Nishitani,A. V. Oinats,V. I. Kurkin Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 9 2020/08/14
- Plasma Waves Causing Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events at International Space Station: Lessons From Conjunction Observations With Arase Satellite Ryuho Kataoka,Kiyoka Murase,Herbert Akihito Uchida,Yoichi Asaoka,Shoji Torii,Shoya Matsuda,Ayako Matsuoka,Satoshi Nakahira,Iku Shinohara,Haruka Ueno,Shoko Miyake,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Masafumi Shoji,Satoshi Kurita,Yoshiya Kasahara,Mitsunori Ozaki,Yasumasa Kasaba,Keisuke Hosokawa,Yoshimasa Tanaka Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 9 2020/08/14
- Oxygen torus and its coincidence with EMIC wave in the deep inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probe B and Arase observations M. Nosé,A. Matsuoka,A. Kumamoto,Y. Kasahara,M. Teramoto,S. Kurita,J. Goldstein,L. M. Kistler,S. Singh,A. Gololobov,K. Shiokawa,S. Imajo,S. Oimatsu,K. Yamamoto,Y. Obana,M. Shoji,F. Tsuchiya,I. Shinohara,Y. Miyoshi,W. S. Kurth,C. A. Kletzing,C. W. Smith,R. J. MacDowall,H. Spence,G. D. Reeves Earth, Planets and Space 72 111 2020/08/03
- Arase Observation of the Source Region of Auroral Arcs and Diffuse Auroras in the Inner Magnetosphere K. Shiokawa,M. Nosé,S. Imajo,Y.‐M. Tanaka,Y. Miyoshi,K. Hosokawa,M. Connors,M. Engebretson,Y. Kazama,S.‐Y. Wang,S. W. Y. Tam,Tzu‐Fang Chang,Bo‐Jhou Wang,K. Asamura,S. Kasahara,S. Yokota,T. Hori,K. Keika,Y. Kasaba,M. Shoji,Y. Kasahara,A. Matsuoka,I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 8 2020/07/10
- Report of the Campus-Student/Staff Information Repository on Emergency Networks “C-SIREN” in Kanazawa University 23 2020/07/01
- Data Warehouse System for Multidimensional Analysis of Tuition Fee Level in Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia Ardhian Agung Yulianto,Yoshiya Kasahara International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 6 541 2020/07/01
- Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) Aboard BepiColombo Mio on the Trip to the First Measurement of Electric Fields, Electromagnetic Waves, and Radio Waves Around Mercury Yasumasa Kasaba,Hirotsugu Kojima,Michel Moncuquet,Jan-Erik Wahlund,Satoshi Yagitani,Fouad Sahraoui,Pierre Henri,Tomas Karlsson,Yoshiya Kasahara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Keigo Ishisaka,Karine Issautier,Gaëtan Wattieaux,Tomohiko Imachi,Shoya Matsuda,Janos Lichtenberger,Hideyuki Usui Space Science Reviews 216 4 2020/06/02
- Mission Data Processor Aboard the BepiColombo Mio Spacecraft: Design and Scientific Operation Concept Yasumasa Kasaba,Takeshi Takashima,Shoya Matsuda,Sadatoshi Eguchi,Manabu Endo,Takeshi Miyabara,Masahiro Taeda,Yoshikatsu Kuroda,Yoshiya Kasahara,Tomohiko Imachi,Hirotsugu Kojima,Satoshi Yagitani,Michel Moncuquet,Jan Erik Wahlund,Atsushi Kumamoto,Ayako Matsuoka,Wolfgang Baumjohann,Shoichiro Yokota,Kazushi Asamura,Yoshifumi Saito,Dominique Delcourt,Masafumi Hirahara,Stas Barabash,Nicolas Andre,Masanori Kobayashi,Ichiro Yoshikawa,Go Murakami,Hajime Hayakawa Space Science Reviews 216 3 2020/03/19
- ULF modulation of energetic electron precipitation observed by VLF/LF radio propagation Takuya Miyashita,Hiroyo Ohya,Fuminori Tsuchiya,Asuka Hirai,Mitsunori Ozaki,Kazuo Shiokawa,Yoshizumi Miyoshi,Nozomu Nishitani,Mariko Teramoto,Martin Connors,Simon G. Shepherd,Yoshiya Kasahara,Atsushi Kumamoto,Masafumi Shoji,Iku Shinohara,Hiroyuki Nakata,Toshiaki Takano URSI Radio Science Bulletin 2020 372 29 2020/03/01
- Multiple time-scale beats in aurora: precise orchestration via magnetospheric chorus waves K. Hosokawa, Y. Miyoshi, M. Ozaki, S. I. Oyama, Y. Ogawa, S. Kurita, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, S. Yagitani, S. Matsuda, F. Tsuchiya, A. Kumamoto, R. Kataoka, K. Shiokawa, T. Raita, E. Turunen, T. Takashima, I. Shinohara, R. Fujii Scientific reports 10 1 3380 2020/02/25
- Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation Nigang Liu, Zhenpeng Su, Zhonglei Gao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Iku Shinohara, Yoshiya Kasahara, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Atsushi Kumamoto, Shoya Matsuda, Masafumi Shoji, Takefumi Mitani, Takeshi Takashima, Yoichi Kazama, Bo Jhou Wang, Shiang Yu Wang, Chae Woo Jun, Tzu Fang Chang, Sunny W.Y. Tam, Satoshi Kasahara, Shoichiro Yokota, Kunihiro Keika, Tomoaki Hori, Ayako Matsuoka Geophysical Research Letters 47 2 2020/01/13
- A Systematic Study in Characteristics of Lower Band Rising‐Tone Chorus Elements Jih Hong Shue, Yasuhiro Nariyuki, Yuto Katoh, Shinji Saito, Yoshiya Kasahara, Yi Kai Hsieh, Shoya Matsuda, Yoshitaka Goto Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 11 9003-9016 2019/11/23
- Strong Diffusion of Energetic Electrons by Equatorial Chorus Waves in the Midnight‐to‐Dawn Sector S. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kurita, S. Yokota, K. Keika, T. Hori, Y. Kasahara, S. Matsuda, A. Kumamoto, A. Matsuoka, K. Seki, I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 46 22 12685-12692 2019/11/09
- Automatic Electron Density Determination by Using a Convolutional Neural Network T. Hasegawa, S. Matsuda, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, Y. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara IEEE Access 7 163384-163394 2019/11/06
- Remote Detection of Drift Resonance Between Energetic Electrons and Ultralow Frequency Waves: Multisatellite Coordinated Observation by Arase and Van Allen Probes M. Teramoto, T. Hori, S. Saito, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kurita, N. Higashio, A. Matsuoka, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, R. Nomura, M. Nose, A. Fujimoto, Y.-M. Tanaka, M. Shoji, Y. Tsugawa, M. Shinohara, I. Shinohara, J. B. Blake, J.F. Fennell, S.G. Claudepierre, D. L. Turner, C. A. Kletzing, D. Sormakov, O. Troshichev Geophysical Research Letters 46 21 11642-11651 2019/11/05
- Conjugate observations of dayside and nightside VLF chorus and QP emissions between Arase (ERG) and Kannuslehto, Finland Claudia Martinez-Calderon, Yuto Katoh, Jyrki Manninen, Yoshiya Kasahara, Shoya Matsuda, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Ayako Matsuoka, Masafumi Shoji, Mariko Teramoto, Iku Shinohara, Kazuo Shiokawa, Yoshizumi Miyoshi Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 1 2019/10/16
- Direct Comparison Between Magnetospheric Plasma Waves and Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes in Both Hemispheres Y.-M. Tanaka, T. Nishiyama, A. Kadokura, M. Ozaki, Y. Miyoshi, K. Shiokawa, S.-I. Oyama, R. Kataoka, M. Tsutsumi, K. Nishimura, K. Sato, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, M. Fukizawa, M. Hikishima, S. Matsuda, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara, M. Nose, T. Nagatsuma, M. Shinohara, A. Fujimoto, M. Teramoto, R. Nomura, A. Sessai Yukimatu, K. Hosokawa, M. Shoji, R. Latteck Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 9626-9639 2019/10/10
- Automatic Detection of Lightning Whistlers Observed by the Plasma Wave Experiment Onboard the Arase Satellite Using the OpenCV Library Umar Ali Ahmad, Yoshiya Kasahara, Shoya Matsuda, Mitsunori Ozaki, Yoshitaka Goto Remote Sensing 11 15 1785 2019/07/30
- Response of the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Coupling to the September 2017 Storm:What Erodes the Plasmasphere so Severley? Y. Obana, N. Maruyama, A. Shinbori, K. K. Hashimoto, M. Fedrizzi, M. Nose, Y. Otsuka, N. Nishitani, T. Hori, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, S. Matsuda, A. Matsuoka, Y. Kasahara, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Miyoshi, I. Shinohara Space Weather 17 6 861-876 2019/05/18
- EMIC Waves Converted From Equatorial Noise Due to M / Q = 2 Ions in the Plasmasphere: Observations From Van Allen Probes and Arase Y. Miyoshi, S. Matsuda, S. Kurita, K. Nomura, K. Keika, M. Shoji, N. Kitamura, Y. Kasahara, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara, K. Shiokawa, S. Machida, O. Santolik, S. A. Boardsen, R. B. Horne, J. F. Wygant Geophysical Research Letters 46 5662-5669 2019/04/29
- Tracking the Region of High Correlation Between Pulsating Aurora and Chorus: Simultaneous Observations With Arase Satellite and Ground‐Based All‐Sky Imager in Russia S. Kawamura, K. Hosokawa, S. Kurita, S. Oyama, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasahara, M. Ozaki, S. Matsuda, A. Matsuoka, B. Kozelov, Y. Kawamura, I. Shinohara Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 2769-2778 2019/03/25
- Development of a miniaturized spectrum-type plasma wave receiver comprising an application-specific integrated circuit analog front end and a field-programmable gate array Takahiro Zushi, Hirotsugu Kojima, Yoshiya Kasahara and Takuya Hamano Measurement Science and Technology 30 5 2019/03/22
- Transient ionization of the mesosphere during auroral breakup: Arase satellite and ground-based conjugate observations at Syowa Station Ryuho Kataoka, Takanori Nishiyama, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Akira Kadokura, Herbert Akihito Uchida, Yusuke Ebihara, Mitsumu K. Ejiri, Yoshihiro Tomikawa, Masaki Tsutsumi, Kaoru Sato, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Kazuo Shiokawa, Satoshi Kurita, Yoshiya Kasahara, Mitsunori Ozaki, Keisuke Hosokawa, Shoya Matsuda, Iku Shinohara, Takeshi Takashima, Tatsuhiko Sato, Takefumi Mitani, Tomoaki Hori, and Nana Higashio Earth, Planets and Space 71 1 2019/01/23
- The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System (SPEDAS) V. Angelopoulos, P. Cruce, A. Drozdov, E.W. Grimes, N. Hatzigeorgiu, D.A. King, D. Larson, J.W. Lewis, J.M. McTiernan, D.A. Roberts, C.L. Russell, T. Hori, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, A. Matsuoka, Y. Miyashita, Y. Miyoshi, I. Shinohara, M. Teramoto, J.B. Faden, A.J. Halford, M. McCarthy, R.M. Millan, J.G. Sample, D.M. Smith, L.A. Woodger, A. Masson, A.A. Narock, K. Asamura, T.F. Chang, C.-Y. Chiang, Y. Kazama, K. Keika, S. Matsuda, T. Segawa, K. Seki, M. Shoji, S.W.Y. Tam, N. Umemura, B.-J. Wang, S.-Y. Wang, R. Redmon, J.V. Rodriguez, H.J. Singer, J. Vandegriff, S. Abe, M. Nose, A. Shinbori, Y.-M. Tanaka, S. UeNo, L. Andersson, P. Dunn, C. Fowler, J.S. Halekas, T. Hara, Y. Harada, C.O. Lee, R. Lillis, D.L. Mitchell, M.R. Argall, K. Bromund, J.L. Burch, I.J. Cohen, M. Galloy, B. Giles, A.N. Jaynes, O. Le Contel, M. Oka, T.D. Phan, B.M. Walsh, J. Westlake, F.D. Wilder, S.D. Bale, R. Livi, M. Pulupa, P. Whittlesey, A. DeWolfe, B. Harter, E. Lucas, U. Auster, J.W. Bonnell, C.M. Cully, E. Donovan, R.E. Ergun, H.U. Frey, B. Jackel, A. Keiling, H. Korth, J.P. McFadden, Y. Nishimura, F. Plaschke, P. Robert, D.L. Turner, J.M. Weygand, R.M. Candey, R.C. Johnson, T. Kovalick, M.H. Liu, R.E. McGuire, A. Breneman, K. Kersten, and P. Schroeder Space Science Review 215 1 2019/01/22
- Visualization of rapid electron precipitation via chorus element wave?particle interactions Mitsunori Ozaki, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Kazuo Shiokawa, Keisuke Hosokawa, Shin-ichiro Oyama, Ryuho Kataoka, Yusuke Ebihara, Yasunobu Ogawa, Yoshiya Kasahara, Satoshi Yagitani, Yasumasa Kasaba, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Shoya Matsuda, Yuto Katoh, Mitsuru Hikishima, Satoshi Kurita, Yuichi Otsuka, Robert C. Moore, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Masahito Nose, Tsutomu Nagatsuma, Nozomu Nishitani, Akira Kadokura, Martin Connors, Takumi Inoue, Ayako Matsuoka, Iku Shinohara Nature Communications 10 1 2019/01/16
- Spatiotemporal development of pulsating auroral patch associated with discrete chorus elements: Arase and PWING observations Ozaki M,Shiokawa K,Miyoshi Y,Hosokawa K,Oyama S,Yagitani S,Y. Kasahara,Kasaba Y,Matsuda S,Kataoka R,Ebihara Y,Ogawa Y,Otsuka Y,Kurita S,Moore R. C,Tanaka Y. -M,Nose M,Nagatsuma T,Connors M,Nishitani N,Hikishima M,Kumamoto A,Tsuchiya F,Kadokura A,Nishiyama T,Inoue T,Imamura K,Matsuoka A,Shinohara I 2019 URSI ASIA-PACIFIC RADIO SCIENCE CONFERENCE (AP-RASC) . 2019
- Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation Masafumi Shoji, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Yoshiharu Omura, Lynn M. Kistler, Yasumasa Kasaba, Shoya Matsuda, Yoshiya Kasahara, Ayako Matsuoka, Reiko Nomura, Keigo Ishisaka, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Satoshi Yagitani, Mariko Teramoto, Kazushi Asamura, Takeshi Takashima, Iku Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 45 24 2018/11/29
- Temporal and Spatial Correspondence of Pc1/EMIC Waves and Relativistic Electron Precipitations Observed with Ground‐Based Multi‐Instruments on 27 March 2017 Hirai A., F. Tsuchiya, T. Obara, Y. Kasaba, Y. Katoh, H. Misawa, K. Shiokawa, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kurita, S. Matsuda, M. Connors, T. Nagatsuma, K. Sakaguchi, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, A. Matsuoka, M. Shoji, I. Shinohara, J. M. Albert Geophysical Research Letters 45 24 2018/11/26
- Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves as a Candidate to Cause Pulsating Auroras Fukizawa, M., T. Sakanoi, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, K. Shiokawa, Y. Katoh, Y. Kazama, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, Y. Miyashita, Y. ‐M. Tanaka, Y. Kasahara, M. Ozaki, A. Matsuoka, S. Matsuda, M. Hikishima, S. Oyama, Y. Ogawa, S. Kurita, R. Fujii Geophysical Research Letters 45 23 2018/11/16
- Microscopic Observations of Pulsating Aurora Associated With Chorus Element Structures: Coordinated Arase Satellite‐PWING Observations M. Ozaki, K. Shiokawa, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, S. Oyama, S. Yagitani, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, S. Matsuda, R. Kataoka, Y. Ebihara, Y. Ogawa, Y. Otsuka, S. Kurita, R. C. Moore, Y.-M. Tanaka, M. Nos{\'{e}}, T. Nagatsuma, M. Connors, N. Nishitani, Y. Katoh, M. Hikishima, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, A. Kadokura, T. Nishiyama, T. Inoue, K. Imamura, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 45 22 2018/11/12
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Associated With Pulsating Aurora Observed by VLF Radio Propagation During the Recovery Phase of a Substorm on 27 March 2017 F. Tsuchiya, A. Hirai, T. Obara, H. Misawa, S. Kurita, Y. Miyoshi, K. Shiokawa, M. Connors, M. Ozaki, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, M. Shoji, I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 45 23 2018/10/25
- Hectometric Line Spectra Detected by the Arase (ERG) Satellite Kozo Hashimoto, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Yoshiya Kasahara, Ayako Matsuoka Geophysical Research Letters 45 21 2018/10/22
- Spatial Distribution of Fine-Structured and Unstructured EMIC Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, R. Nomura, M. Shoji, A. Matsuoka, Y. Kasaba, S. Kurita, M. Teramoto, K. Ishisaka Geophysical Research Letters 45 21 2018/10/16
- Longitudinal Structure of Oxygen Torus in the Inner Magnetosphere: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Van Allen Probe A M. Nose, A. Matsuoka, A. Kumamoto, Y. Kasahara, J. Goldstein, M. Teramoto, F. Tsuchiya, S. Matsuda, M. Shoji, S. Imajo, S. Oimatsu, K. Yamamoto, Y. Obana, R. Nomura, A. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, Y. Miyoshi, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, C. W. Smith, R. J. MacDowall Geophysical Research Letters 45 19 2018/10/01
- Density Depletions Associated With Enhancements of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Emissions: An ERG Observation Y. Kazama, H. Kojima, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasahara, H. Usui, B.-J. Wang, S.-Y. Wang, S. W. Y. Tam, T.-F. Chang, P. T. P. Ho, K. Asamura, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, Y. Kasaba, S. Matsuda, M. Shoji, A. Matsuoka, M. Teramoto, T. Takashima, I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 45 19 2018/09/21
- Coincident Observations by the Kharkiv IS Radar and Ionosonde, DMSP and Arase (ERG) Satellites, and FLIP Model Simulations: Implications for the NRLMSISE-00 Hydrogen Density, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere D. V. Kotov, P. G. Richards, V. Truhl{\'{\i}}k, O. V. Bogomaz, M. O. Shulha, N. Maruyama, M. Hairston, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara, M. Hern{\'{a}}ndez-Pajares, I. F. Domnin, T. G. Zhivolup, L. Ya. Emelyanov, Ya. M. Chepurnyy Geophysical Research Letters 45 16 2018/08/13
- Deformation of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Caused by Upper Band Chorus Observed by the Arase Satellite S. Kurita, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, S. Yokota, Y. Kasahara, S. Matsuda, A. Kumamoto, A. Matsuoka, I. Shinohara Geophysical Research Letters 45 16 2018/07/31
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Storm Time Midlatitude Ionospheric Trough Based on Global GNSS-TEC and Arase Satellite Observations Atsuki Shinbori, Yuichi Otsuka, Takuya Tsugawa, Michi Nishioka, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Shoya Matsuda, Yoshiya Kasahara, Ayako Matsuoka, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Simon G. Shepherd, Nozomu Nishitani Geophysical Research Letters 45 15 2018/07/25
- Impulsively Excited Nightside Ultralow Frequency Waves Simultaneously Observed on and off the Magnetic Equator Kazue Takahashi, Richard E. Denton, Tetsuo Motoba, Ayako Matsuoka, Yasumasa Kasaba, Yoshiya Kasahara, Mariko Teramoto, Masafumi Shoji, Naoko Takahashi, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Masahito Nos{\'{e}}, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Robert J. Redmon, Juan V. Rodriguez Geophysical Research Letters 45 16 2018/07/24
- Kanazawa-SAT^3: micro-satellite mission for monitoring x-ray transients coincide with gravitational wave events Kazuki Yoshida, Daisuke Yonetoku, Makoto Arimoto, Tatsuya Sawano, Yasuaki Kagawa, Masao Ina, Kaichi Ota, Daichi Suzuki, Koga Miyao, Syota Watanabe, Tatehiro Mihara, Yusuke Takao, Hirokazu Ikeda, Satoshi Yagitani, Yoshiya Kasahara, Tomohiko Imachi, Takayuki Kita, Kohei Kawagoshi, Hirofumi Segawa, Takuya Nakashima, Teruya Minamoto, Koutaro Kyutoku Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 2018/07/06
- Geospace exploration project ERG Miyoshi Yoshizumi, Shinohara Iku, Takashima Takeshi, Asamura Kazushi, Higashio Nana, Mitani Takefumi, Kasahara Satoshi, Yokota Shoichiro, Kazama Yoichi, Wang Shiang-Yu, Tam Sunny W. Y., Ho Paul T. P., Kasahara Yoshiya, Kasaba Yasumasa, Yagitani Satoshi, Matsuoka Ayako, Kojima Hirotsugu, Katoh Yuto, Shiokawa Kazuo, Seki Kanako Earth, Planets and Space 70 1 2018/06/26
- The ERG Science Center Miyoshi Y, Hori T, Shoji M, Teramoto M, Chang T.F, Segawa T, Umemura N, Matsuda S, Kurita S, Keika K, Miyashita Y, Seki K, Tanaka Y, Nishitani N, Kasahara S, Yokota S, Matsuoka A, Kasahara Y, Asamura K, Takashima T, Shinohara I. Earth, Planets and Space 70 1 2018/06/15
- The Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) Satellite Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, K. Ishisaka, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, M. Ozaki, S. Matsuda, T. Imachi, Y. Miyoshi, M. Hikishima, Y. Katoh, M. Ota, M. Shoji, A. Matsuoka, and I. Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/05/21
- High Frequency Analyzer (HFA) of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) onboard the Arase spacecraft A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, K. Ishisaka, T. Imachi, M. Ozaki, S. Matsuda, M. Shoji, A. Matsuoka, Y. Katoh, Y. Miyoshi, and T. Obara Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/05/16
- Data Processing in Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the Arase Satellite M. Hikishima, H. Kojima, Y. Katoh, Y. Kasahara, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, N. Higashio, A. Matsuoka, Y. Miyoshi, K. Asamura, T. Takashima, S. Yokota, M. Kitahara, and S. Matsuda Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/05/11
- Onboard Software of Plasma Wave Experiment aboard Arase: Instrument Management and Signal Processing of Waveform Capture/Onboard Frequency Analyzer S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, H. Kojima, Y. Kasaba, S. Yagitani, M. Ozaki, T. Imachi, K. Ishisaka, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, M. Ota, S. Kurita, Y. Miyoshi, M. Hikishima, A Matsuoka, and I. Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/05/04
- Magnetic Search Coil (MSC) of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard the Arase (ERG) satellite M. Ozaki, S. Yagitani, Y. Kasahara, H. Kojima, Y. Kasaba, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, S. Matsuda, A. Matsuoka, T. Sasaki, and T. Yumoto, Y. Kasahara, H. Kojima, Y. Kasaba, S. Yagitani, M. Ozaki, T. Imachi, K. Ishisaka, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, M. Ota, S. Kurita, Y. Miyoshi, M. Hikishima, A Matsuoka, and I. Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/05/04
- Electron scattering by chorus waves generating pulsating auroras S. Kasahara, Y. Miyoshi, S. Yokota, T. Mitani, Y. Kasahara, S. Matsuda, A. Kumamoto, A. Matsuoka, Y. Kazama, H. U. Frey, V. Angelopoulos, S. Kurita, K. Keika, K. Seki, and I. Shinohara Nature 554 2018/02/15
- Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer on board the Arase satellite Y. Katoh, H. Kojima, M. Hikishima, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasahara, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, N. Higashio, A. Matsuoka, M. Ozaki, S. Yagitani, S. Yokota, S. Matsuda, M. Kitahara, I. Shinohara Earth, Planets and Space 70 2018/01/08
- Study on automatic classification of natural waves using a huge dataset of Akebono satellite Y. Tanaka, Y, Goto, Y. Kasahara, and H. Nambo IEICE Trans.Commun. J101-D 1 2018/01/01
- Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD) of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard Arase: Specifications and initial evaluation results Y. Kasaba, K. Ishisaka, Y. Kasahara, T. Imachi, S. Yagitani, H. Kojima, S. Matsuda, M. Shoji, S. Kurita, T. Hori, A. Shinbori, M. Teramoto, Y. Miyoshi, T. Nakagawa, N. Takahashi, Y. Nishimura, A. Matsuoka, A. Kumamoto, F. Tsuchiya, and R. Nomura Earth, Planets and Space 69 2017/12/27
- Statistical study on propagation characteristics of Omega signals (VLF) in magnetosphere detected by the Akebono satellite I Made Agus Dwi Suarjaya, Yoshiya Kasahara, and Yoshitaka Goto Earth, Planets and Space 69 2017/07/25
- Geospace exploration project: Arase (ERG) Y. Miyoshi, Y. Kasaba, I. Shinohara, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, H. Matsumoto, N. Higashio, T. Mitani, S. Kasahara, S. Yokota, S. Wang, Y. Kazama, Y. Kasahara, S. Yagitani, A. Matsuoka, H. Kojima, Y. Katoh, K. Shiokawa, K. Seki, M. Fujimoto, T. Ono, and ERG project group IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 869 2017/07/12
- Estimation Method of Ionospheric TEC Distribution using Single Frequency Measurements of GPS Signals Win Zaw Hein, Y. Goto, and Y. Kasahara International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 12 1-6 2016/12
- Automatic Detection of Omega Signals Captured by the Poynting Flux Analyzer (PFX) On Board the Akebono Satellite I Made Agus Dwi Suarjaya, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 10 67-74 2016/10
- Calibration Method of Wave Polarization Data Obtained by KAGUYA/WFC Y. Goto, K. Uda, Y. Kasahara, and K. Hashimoto Radio Science 51 9 1579-1586 2016/09
- Variation in crossover frequency of EMIC waves in plasmasphere estimated from ion cyclotron whistler waves observed by Van Allen Probe A S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, and C. A. Kletzing Geophysical Research Letters 43 1 28-34 2016/01
- Auroral Kilometric Radiation, : Polarization and Spectra Observed far from the Earth K. Hashimoto, Y. Goto, Y. Kasahara, H. Matsumoto, and R. R. Anderson American Geophysical Union Monograph doi: 10.1002/9781118978719.ch1 2015/11
- Utilization analysis of Acanthus portal system as a support tool of teaching A. Higashi, Y. Kasahara, Y. Takata, M. Futastugi, T. Matsuhira Journal for Academic Computing and Networking 19 1 58-67 2015/09
- A new method for direction finding based on Markov random field model M. Ota, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto Radio Science 50 7 598-613 2015/07
- M/Q = 2 Ion Distribution in the Inner Magnetosphere Estimated from Ion Cyclotron Whistler Waves Observed by the Akebono Satellite S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto Journal of Geophysical Research 120 4 2783-2795 2015/04
- Automated calibration method of observation data measured by analogue wide-band receiver on board the Akebono satellite Y. Kasahara, Y. Goto, Y. Oike Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan 4 41-49 2015/03
- Evaluation of Parallel Distributed Processing of NICT Science Cloud for Data Analysis of Waveform Obtained by Spacecraft D. Yagi, K. T. Murata, Y. Kasahara Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge 25 1 3-22 2015/02
- A Web Application of Interdisciplinary Data Analysis Designed for ICSU World Data Syste K. T. Murata, K. Ukawa, K. Muranaga, Y. Suzuki, H. Watanabe, K. Zettu, K. Yamamoto, I. Shinohara, Y. Kasahara, M. Okada, H. Kojima, M. Nose, E, Kimura, O. Tatebe, M. Tanaka Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge 24 3 297-320 2014/10
- Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variations of Occurrence Frequency of Lightning whistlers Observed by VLF/WBA onboard Akebono Y. Oike, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto Radio Science 49 9 753-764 2014/09
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves Suggesting Minor Ion Existence in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by the Akebono Satellite S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto Journal of Geophysical Research 119 6 4348-4357 2014/06
- High-altitude M/Q = 2 Ion Cyclotron Whistlers in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by the Akebono Satellite S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto Geophysical Research Letters 41 11 3759-3765 2014/06
- Development of "ARchive system for Cross-reference Across Distributed Environment (ARCADE)" T. Matsuhira, M. Nakamura, K. Yamaji, T. Nishimura, Y. Takata, Y. Kasahara IPSJ Journal 55 5 1485-1497 2014/05
- Inner Belt and Slot Region Electron Lifetimes and Energization Rates Based on AKEBONO Statistics of Whistler Waves V. Agapitov, A. V. Artemyev, D. Mourenas, Y. Kasahara, and V. Krasnoselskikh Journal of Geophysical Research 119 4 2876-2893 2014/04
- Akebono Observations of EMIC Waves in the Slot Region of the Radiation Belts K. Sakaguchi, Y. Kasahara, M. Shoji, Y. Omura, Y. Miyoshi, T. Nagatsuma, A. Kumamoto, and A. Matsuoka Geophysical Research Letters 40 21 5587-5591 2013/11
- Type-II Entry of Solar Wind Protons into the Lunar Wake: Effects of Magnetic Connection to the Night-side Surface M. N. Nishino, M. Fujimoto, Y. Saito, H. Tsunakawa, Y. Kasahara, M. Kawamura, M. Matsushima, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto, Y. Omura, A. Kumamoto, T. Ono, S. Yokota Planetary and Space Science 87 106-114 2013/10
- High-speed Solar Wind with Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field Causes Relativistic Electron Flux Enhancement of the Outer Radiation Belt via Enhanced Condition of Whistler Waves Y. Miyoshi, R. Kataoka, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, T. Nagai, and M. F. Thomsen Geophysical Research Letters 40 17 4520-4525 2013/09
- The Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Project American Geophysical Union Monograph 199 103-116 2013/03
- Study of Dispersion of Lightning Whistlers Observed by Akebono Satellite in the Earth's Plasmasphere I. P. A. Bayupati, Y. Kasahara, Y. Goto IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E95-B 11 3472-3479 2012/11
- Study on onboard data processing for phase property of plasma wave measured by spacecraft S. MATSUDA, Y. KASAHARA, and Y. GOTO IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS J95-B 11 1584-1593 2012/11
- Reduction of Interference Noises on Wave Spectrograms Observed by the Kaguya Spacecraft M. Nishibe, Y. Goto, and Y. Kasahara IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS J95-B 11 1567-1575 2012/11
- Development of a multi-functioonal message system among students and faculty members using a university portal 16 15-24 2012/09
- Improvement of Equatorial Density Distribution of the Global Core Plasma Model using GPS-derived TEC Y. Goto, Y. Kasahara, and T. Ide RADIO SCIENCE 47 RS0F12 10.1029/2011RS004763 2012/03
- Evaluation of data selection algorithm implemented on the LRS/WFC onboard Kaguya The IEICE transactions on communications. B J94-B 8 978-987 2011/08
- Development of a co-operational observation simulator for formation-flying mission The IEICE transactions on communications. B J94-B 7 880-889 2011/07
- Integrated Authentication Infrastructure in University Based on the Shibboleth System Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan 52 2 703-713 2011/02
- Lunar Ionosphere Exploration Method using Auroral Kilometric Radiation Y. Goto, T. Fujimoto, Y. Kasahara, A. Kumamoto, and T. Ono EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 63 1 47-56 2011/01
- Development of a File-sharing System for Educational Collaboration among Higher-education Institutions Takuya Matsuhira, Yoshiya Kasahara, Yoshihiro Takata 5 2 149-156 2011/01
- Simultaneous Ground-based and Satellite Observations of Natural VLF Waves in Antarctica: A Case Study of Downward Ionospheric Penetration of Whistler-mode Waves M. Ozaki, S. Yagitani, I. Nagano, Y. Kasahara, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, and A. Kadokura 4 3 431-441 2010/12
- Electrostatic Solitary Waves Associated with Magnetic Anomalies and Wake Boundary of the Moon Observed by KAGUYA K. Hashimoto,M. Hashitani,Y. Kasahara,Y. Omura,M. N. Nishino,Y. Saito,S. Yokota,T. Ono,H. Tsunakawa,H. Shibuya,M. Matsushima,H. Shimizu,and F. Takahashi GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 37 L19204 doi:10.1029/2010GL04 2010/10
- The Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) Onboard the KAGUYA (SELENE) Spacecraft T. Ono, A. Kumamoto, Y. Kasahara, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yamaji, T. Kobayashi, S. Oshigami, H. Nakagawa, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto, Y. Omura, T. Imachi, H. Matsumoto, and H. Oya 154 1-4 145-192 2010/08
- Effect of the Solar Wind Proton Entry into the Deepest Lunar Wake M. N. Nishino, M. Fujimoto, Y. Saito, Y. Yokota, Y. Kasahara, Y. Omura, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto, A. Kumamoto, T. Ono, H. Tsunakawa, M. Matsushima, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, and T. Terasawa GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 37 L12106 doi:10.1029/2010GL04 2010/06
- Similar Data Retrieval from Enormous Datasets on ELF/VLF Wave Spectrum Observed by Akebono Y. Kasahara,A. Hirano,and Y. Takata Data Science Journal 8 IGY66-IGY75 2010/03
- Development of a Science Database System Applicable to Various Access Restrictions Y. Takata,Y. Kasahara,and T. Matsuhira Data Science Journal 8 IGY32-43 2010/02
- The Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) onboard the BepiColombo/MMO: First Measurement of Electric Fields, Electromagnetic Waves, and Radio Waves around Mercury Y. Kasaba, J.-L. Bougeret, L.G. Blomberg, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, M. Moncuquet, J.-G. Trotignon, G. Chanteur, A. Kumamoto, Y. Kasahara, J. Lichtenberger, Y. Omura, K. Ishisaka and H. Matsumoto PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE 58 1-2 238-278 2010/01
- Construction of an Academic Resource Repository Excellent in Visibility and Maintainability for non-Bibliographic Contents Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge 19 3 251-263 2009/10
- Construction of data sharing systems based on the UPKI Federation Journal for academic computing and networking 13 84-90 2009/09
- Observations of lunar subsurface layers and natural radio waves by the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) onboard the KAGUYA Planetary People 18 1 18-24 2009/03
- Lunar Radar Sounder Observations of Subsurface Layers under the Nearside Maria of the Moon T. Ono, A. Kumamoto, H. Nakagawa, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Oshigami, A. Yamaji, T. Kobayashi, Y. Kasahara, and H. Oya SCIENCE 323 5916 885-887 2009/02
- Simultaneous Satellite Observations of VLF Chorus, Hot and Relativistic Electrons in a Magnetic Storm "Recovery" Phase Y. Kasahara,Y. Miyoshi, Y. Omura, O. P. Verkhoglyadova, I. Nagano, I. Kimura, and B. T. Tsurutani GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 36 L01106 doi:10.1029/2008GL03 2009/01
- Plasma Wave Observation Using Waveform Capture in the Lunar Radar Sounder on board the SELENE Spacecraft Y. Kasahara, Y. Goto, K. Hashimoto, T. Imachi, A. Kumamoto, T. Ono, and H. Matsumoto EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 60 4 341-351 2008/04
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Evaluation of the SELENE Spacecraft for the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) Observations A. Kumamoto, T. Ono, Y. Kasahara, Y. Goto, Y. Iijima, and S. Nakazawa EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 60 4 333-340 2008/04
- Instrumentation and Observation Target of the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) Experiment on-board the SELENE Spacecraft T. Ono., A. Kumamoto, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yamaji, T. Kobayashi, Y. Kasahara, and H. Oya EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 60 4 321-332 2008/04
- Evolution of the outer radiation belt during the November 1993 storms driven by corotating interaction regions Y. Miyoshi, A. Morioka, R. Kataoka, Y. Kasahara, T. Mukai JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 112(A05210); doi:10.1029 2006JA012148 2007/05
- ERG - A small-satellite mission to investigate the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere K. Shiokawa, K. Seki, Y. Miyoshi, A. Ieda, T. Ono, M. Iizima, T. Nagatsuma, T. Obara, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, Y. Saito, H. Saito, M. Hirahara, Y. Tonegawa, F. Toyama, M. Tanaka, M. Nose, Y. Kasahara, K. Yumoto, H. Kawano, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Ebihara, A. Yukimatsu, N. Sato, S. Watanabe, and Subgroup of Inner Magnetosphere in SGEPSS ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 38(8) 1861-1869 2006/11
- Corotating Solar Wind Streams and Recurrent Geomagnetic Activity: A Review B. Tsurutani, W. Gonzalez, A. Gonzalez, F. Guarnieri, N. Gopalswamy, M. Grande, Y. Kamide, Y. Kasahara, G. Lu, I. Mann, R. McPherron, F. Soraas, and V. Vasyliunas JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 111(A7); 10.1029 2005JA011273 2006/07
- Plasma/Radio Wave Observations at Mercury by the BepiColombo MMO Spacecraft H. Matsumoto, J.-L. Bougeret, L. G. Bolmberg, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, M. Moncuquet, G. Chanteur, Y. Kasaba, J. Trotignon, Y. Kasahara, and BepiColombo MMO PWI Team 3 71-84 2006/05
- A Possible Generation Mechanism of Temporal and Spatial Structures of Flickering Aurora JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 110 A3,10.1029 2004JA010549 2005/03
- Determination of Plasmaspheric Electron Density Profile by a Stochastic Approach RADIO SCIENCE 38 3,10.1029 2002RS002603 2003/05
- Automatic Classification of Electromagnetic Waves from Database Obtained by the Akebono Satellite J86-D-II 5 598-607 2003/05
- Rebuilding Process of the Outer Radiation Belt during the November 3, 1993, Magnetic Storm - NOAA and EXOS-D Observation JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 108 A1,10.1029 2002ja007542 2003/03
- ELF/VLF Plasma Waves in the Low Latitude Boundary Layer American Geophysical Union Monograph 133 189-203 2003/01
- A Flexible Modeling of Global Plasma Profile Deduced from Wave Data Progress in Dicovery Science, LNCS, Springer 2281 438-448 2002/03
- Computational Analysis of Plasma Waves and Particles in the Auroral Region Observed by Scientific Satellites Progress in Dicovery Science, LNCS, Springer 2281 426-437 2002/03
- Type III Solar Radio Bursts in the Inhomogeneous Interplanetary Space Observed by GEOTAIL RADIO SCIENCE 36 6 1701-1711 2001/11
- ELF/VLF Waves Correlated with Transversely Accelerated Ions in the Auroral Region Observed by Akebono JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 106 A10,21,123-21 136 2001/10
- Determination of Global Plasmaspheric Electron Density Profile by Tomographic Approach Using Omega Signals and Ray Tracing Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 63 11 1157-1170 2001/07
- Direction Finding of the Waves in Plasma Using Energy Function Proc.of the 3rd International Symposium on Discovery Science, LNAI 1967 258-260 2000/12
- Computational Analysis for Discovery on the Plasma Waves Observed by Scientific Satellites Proc.of the 3rd International Symposium on Discovery Science, LNAI 1967 255-257 2000/12
- Direction finding method using wave distribution function with the Gaussian distribution model Proc.of the 2000 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2 815-818 2000/08
- Coordinated Akebono and EISCAT Observations of Suprathermal Ion Outflows in the Nightside Inverted-V Region Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 62 6 449-465 2000/04
- Plasma Waves Observed during Cusp Energetic Particle Events and Their Correlation with POLAR and AKEBONO Satellite and Ground Data ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 24 1 23-33 1999/01
- Low Frequency Plasma Wave Analyzer (LFA) onboard the PLANET-B Spacecraft Earth, Planets and Space 50 3 223-228 1998/03
- Global Electron Density Distribution in the Plasmasphere Deduced from Akebono Wave Data and IRI Model I.Kimura, K.Tsunehara, A.Hikuma, Y.Z.Su, Y.Kasahara, H.Oya Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 59 13 1569-1586 1997/09
- Electron density distribution in the plasmasphere in conjunction with IRI model, deduced from Akebono wave data I. Kimura, A. Hikuma, Y. Kasahara, and H. Oya Adv. Space Res. 18 6 279-288 1996/06
- Development of Internet-Based Total Health Care Management System with Electronic Mail S. Nakagawa, M. Kimura, Y. Itokawa, Y. Kasahara, T. Sato, and I. Kimura Journal of Epidemiology 5 3 131-140 1995/09
- Propagation Characteristics of Auroral Hiss Observed by Akebono Satellite Y. Kasahara, K. Yoshida, T. Matsuo, I. Kimura, and T. Mukai J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 47 6 509-525 1995/06
- K-Vector Determination of Whistler Mode Signals by Using Amplitude Data Obtained by a Spacecraft Borne Instrument K. Sakamoto, Y. Kasahara, and I. Kimura IEEE Trans. Geoelectr. and Remote Sensing 33 3 528-534 1995/05
- Determination of electron density distributions in the plasmasphere by using wave data observed by Akebono satellite I. Kimura, A. Hikuma, Y. Kasahara, A. Sawada, M. Kikuchi, and H. Oya Adv. Space Res. 15 2 103-107 1995/02
- On the sources of energization of molecular ions at ionospheric altitudes W. K. Peterson, T. Abe, H. Fukunishi, M. J. Greffen, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasahara, I. Kimura, A. Matsuoka, T. Mukai, T. Nagatsuma, K. Tsuruda, B. A. Whalen and A. W. Yau J.Geophys. Res. 99 A12 23,257-23,274 1994/12
- Propagation Characteristics of the ELF Emissions Observed by the Satellite Akebono in the Magnetic Equatorial Region Y. Kasahara, H. Kenmochi, and I. Kimura Radio Science 29 4 751-767 1994/07
- Collaborative Experiments by Akebono Satellite, Tromso Ionospheric Heater, and EISCAT I. Kimura, P. Stubbe, M. T. Rietveld, R. Barr, K. Ishida, Y. Kasahara, S. Yagitani, and I. Nagano Radio Science 29 1 23-37 1994/01
- Ion Cyclotron Emissions Observed by the Satellite Akebono in the vicinity of the Magnetic Equator Y. Kasahara, A. Sawada, M. Yamamoto, I. Kimura, S. Kokubun, and K. Hayashi Radio Science 27 2 347-362 1992/03
- Triaxial Search Coil Measurements of ELF Waves in the Plasmasphere: Initial Results from EXOS-D S. Kokubun, M. Takami, K. Hayashi, H. Fukunishi, I. Kimura, A. Sawada, and Y. Kasahara Geophysical Research Letters 18 2 301-304 1991/01
- Propagation Characteristics of Omega Signals and their Triggerd Emissions Observed by EXOS-D Satellite A. Sawada, Y. Kishi, M. Yamamoto, A. Sakurai, Y. Kasahara, and I. Kimura Geophysical Research Letters 18 2 321-324 1991/01
- ELF Emissions Observed by the EXOS-D Satellite around the Geomagnetic Equatorial Region A. Sawada, Y. Kasahara, M. Yamamoto, I. Kimura, S. Kokubun, and K. Hayashi Geophysical Research Letters 18 2 317-320 1991/01
Conference Presentations
- Propagation characteristics of the NWC signals detected by the Arase satellite(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023)(2023/12/15)
- Activities of low-frequency plasma waves observed by the Arase satellite(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023)(2023/12/13)
- Energetic electron precipitations associated with pulsating aurora: Arase-EISCAT coordinate observations(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023)(2023/12/12)
- Signal processing technology in radio science for solar-terrestrial research(conference:2023 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob2023))(2023/10/11)
- Plasma wave measurements and remote sensing techniques for the solar-terrestrial research(conference:Invited Lecture at Udayana University, Indonesia)(2023/10/09)
- Statistical Features of Plasma Wave Spectra Derived from 6 Years Observation by PWE/OFA on board the Arase(conference:35th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS 2023))(2023/08/26)
- Tracking the Upper Hybrid Resonance Emission in the Inner Magnetosphere using a Convolutional Neural Network(conference:35th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS 2023))(2023/08/24)
- Plasmaspheric Total Electron Content Variations obtained from GPS Total Electron Content Data(conference:35th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS 2023))(2023/08/21)
- Recent advances in plasma wave observation by Arase and future prospects of plasma wave measurements(conference:Symposium on the Future of Heliospheric Science: From Geotail and Beyond)(2023/03/29)
- The Distribution and the Effect of Chorus Waves in the Earth’s and the Jupiter’s Radiation Belts(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022)(2022/12/17)
- Spatial distributions of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves and characteristics of rising tone EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere using Arase observations(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022)(2022/12/17)
- Spatial distribution of plasma waves statistically revealed by the PWE/OFA aboard Arase(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022)(2022/12/17)
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022)(2022/12/16)
- Intercalibrated multi-point measurements of whistler mode waves by Van Allen Probes and Arase(conference:3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting)(2022/05/31)
- Multipoint Measurement of Latitudinally Propagating EMIC Waves by Arase, Van Allen Probe A, PWING and CARISMA(conference:3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting)(2022/05/31)
- Latitude and Magnetic Local Time Dependences of Whistler Mode Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by PWE/OFA on board the Arase(conference:3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting)(2022/05/31)
- Arase observations of wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere(conference:3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting)(2022/05/30)
- Rapid flux enhancement of relativistic electrons associated with dynamic pressure enhancements of the solar wind(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021)(2021/12/14)
- Spatial Distribution of Wave Spectra in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by PWE/OFA on board the Arase(conference:34th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science)(2021/08/30)
- Deflection of upflowing ion beams by a converging electric field in the auroral flux tube: Alternative explanation for mass-dependent beam width(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) International Symposium 2021)(2021/06/05)
- Statistical study on spatial distribution of plasma waves observed by PWE/OFA(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) International Symposium 2021)(2021/06/05)
- Statistical analysis of spatial distribution of wave spectra observed by PWE/OFA on board the Arase(conference:PWING-ERG conference and school on the inner magnetosphere)(2021/03/09)
- Correlation analysis of lightning whistlers simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes(conference:The 9th VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres (VERSIM) Workshop)(2020/11/16)
- Multi-Point Measurements of Whistler Mode Waves in the Outer Van Allen Belt(conference:The 9th VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres (VERSIM) Workshop)(2020/11/16)
- Calibration of waveform data measured by the electric sensors on board the Arase satellite(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) International Symposium 2020)(2020/07/15)
- Calibration of the gain and phase of waveform data measured by the Arase/WFC(conference:Japanese-Czech Symposium on Space Physics)(2020/03/03)
- Highlights from the Plasma Wave Measurements by Arase/PWE, Japanese-Czech Symposium on Space Physics(conference:Japanese-Czech Symposium on Space Physics)(2020/03/02)
- Evaluation of wave normal and Poynting vector for whistler mode waves observed by the waveform capture (WFC) on board the Arase(conference:2020 ERG Science and Space Weather Workshop)(2020/01/14)
- Overview of the plasma wave measurements by Arase satellite and collaborative study with overseas research groups(conference:Workshop on radio science and wave measurement technology in space plasma)(2019/11/19)
- Study on the propagation characteristics of lightning whistlers simultaneously observed by the Arase and Van Allen Probes(conference:The URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting 2019)(2019/09/06)
- Signal processing technology in radio science for solar-terrestrial research(conference:Joint Symposium of Kanazawa Univ. and Six Russian Universities on Advanced Sci. & Tech.)(2019/08/26)
- Correlation Analysis of Lightning Whistlers Simultaneously Observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes(conference:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)(2019/07/31)
- Highlights from plasma wave observation by Arase (ERG)(conference:Joint Astrophysics/Space Physics Seminar, University of Iowa)(2019/02/28)
- Highlights from plasma wave observation by Arase (ERG)(conference:Space Physics Seminar, University of Minnesota)(2019/02/26)
- Multipoint Measurements of Whistler Mode Chorus in the Radiation Belts(conference:Committee on Space Research 42nd Assembly (COSPAR) 2018)(2018/07/18)
- Observations of the Inner Magnetosphere from the Arase Satellite(conference:Committee on Space Research 42nd Assembly (COSPAR) 2018)(2018/07/17)
- Energetic Electron Acceleration and Precipitations Associated with Chorus Waves; Arase Observations(conference:Committee on Space Research 42nd Assembly (COSPAR) 2018)(2018/07/16)
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of the, Plasmasphere and Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms Based on Global, GNSS-TEC and Arase Satellite Observations(conference:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) Annual Meeting 2018)(2018/06/08)
- Flux Enhancement of Relativistic Electrons of the Outer Belt Through Resonance with the Fast Mode Waves(conference:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) Annual Meeting 2018)(2018/06/06)
- Initial results of EMIC observation by MGF/Arase(conference:URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) 2018)(2018/05/28)
- Strategy of EMIC Wave Observation by Arase/PWE and its Initial Results(conference:URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) 2018)(2018/05/28)
- Arase (ERG) Observations of Electron Scattering by Chorus Waves near the Magnetospheric Equator(conference:URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) 2018)(2018/05/28)
- Properties of quasi-periodical VLF emissions from ground-space conjunctions and multi-point observations(conference:URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) 2018)(2018/05/28)
- Temporal and spatial variations of midlatitude ionospheric trough during a geomagnetic storm based on global GNSS-TEC and Arase satellite observations(conference:URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) 2018)(2018/05/28)
- Flux evolutions of relativistic electrons of the outer radiation belt as seen from the first year observation of Arase(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2018)(2018/05/23)
- Analysis of whistler, hiss and other magnetospheric plasma waves observed simultaneously during a series of conjunctions between ARASE (ERG) and Van Allen Probes(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2018)(2018/05/21)
- Simultaneous observation of PMWE and plasma waves with PANSY radar and Arase satellite(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2018)(2018/05/21)
- Identification of plasma waves observed by scientific satellites with machine learning methods(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2018)(2018/05/20)
- Initial status and results of plasma wave and radio observations by the Arase satellite(2017/11/09)
- Multiple timescales of pulsating electron/proton auroras related with chorus/EMIC waves(2017/10/30)
- The Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG: Arase) project overview - Collaboration with Arase and the IMAGE magnetometer network-(2017/10/11)
- Miniaturized Plasma Wave Receiver System Targeting the use in Micro- and Nano-satellites(2017/09/22)
- Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) on board the ARASE (ERG) Satellite(conference:The 3rd ERG Mission Science Workshop)(2017/09/06)
- Arase mission; overview(conference:The 3rd ERG Mission Science Workshop)(2017/09/06)
- Energetic Electron Precipitation into the Middle Atmosphere; Chorus-Wave Particle Interactions(2017/08/22)
- Initial Report of the Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) onboard the ARASE (ERG) Satellite(conference:32nd General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science)(2017/08/21)
- Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) on Board the Arase (ERG) Satellite~ Specification and Initial Observation Report(conference:14th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS))(2017/08/10)
- Geospace Exploration Project: Arase(ERG)(conference:14th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS))(2017/08/09)
- Geospace Exploration Project ERG(conference:2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference)(2016/08/24)
- Current Status and Planning of the Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Onboard the ERG Satellite(conference:2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference)(2016/08/24)
- Data production & Quick Look Plan (MMO/PWI)(conference:BepiColombo Hermean Environment Working Group Meeting)(2016/05/12)
- Development and evaluation of data compression technique for plasma wave instruments(conference:12th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)(2015/08)
- Evaluation of Data Compression Techniques Applicable for Plasma Wave Instruments(conference:European Planetary Science Congress 2014)(2014/09)
- Study on plasma waves and electron density profile around the moon observed by KAGUYA in the solar wind(conference:31st General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science)(2014/08)
- Plasma Waves Related to Mini-Magnetospheres over Lunar Magnetic Anomalies Observed by LRS/WFC onboard KAGUYA(conference:6th Alfven Conference ? Plasma Interactions with Solar System Objects?)(2014/07/11)
- Global dynamics of the inner magnetosphere derived from long term observation by Akebono(conference:Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) International Symposium 2014)(2014/04/28)
- Automatic Detection of Dispersion Curves of Lightning Whistlers Propagating in the Plasmasphere(conference:American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting)(2013/12/11)
- Onboard Data Processing for Plasma Wave Instruments Implemented into Japanese Spacecraft(conference:European Planetary Science Congress 2013)(2013/09/11)
- Natural Plasma Waves as Signatures of Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Moon Observed by KAGUYA LRS/WFC(conference:2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC2013))(2013/09/05)
- Characterization of charged particles and electromagnetic fields in lunar mini-magnetospheres based on Kaguya low-altitude data 荻野晃平,原田裕己,西野真木,齋藤義文,横田勝一郎,笠原禎也,熊本篤志,高橋太,清水久芳 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会総会及び講演会(Web) 154th 2023
- Development of research data management infrastructure in Kanazawa University MATSUHIRA Takuya,KASAHARA Yoshiya,TAKATA Yoshihiro,HAMA Takayuki,KANIYASHIKI Yusuke Joho Chishiki Gakkaishi 31 4 486 2021/12/18
- Kanazawa University’s newly introduced course ”Introduction to Date Science” 森祥寛,笠原禎也,大野浩之,佐藤正英,高田良宏,井町智彦,東昭孝,NAKASAN Chawanat 教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 45th 2020
- Correspondence of Information Media Center, Kanazawa University in Corona R2 森祥寛,笠原禎也,大野浩之,佐藤正英,高田良宏,井町智彦,東昭孝,NAKASAN Chawanat 教育システム情報学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 45th 2020
- ISMS on the Information Media Center, Kanazawa University Yoshihiko Uesugi,Masahide Sato,Yoshiya Kasahara,Hiroyuki Ohno,Yoshihiro Takata,Tomohiko Imachi,Mori Yoshihiro,Akitaka Higashi,Nakasan Chawanat,Megumi Futatsugi,Takayuki Hama,Naoki Nishikawa 大学ICT推進協議会2019年度年次大会(AXIES2019)論文集 2019 1 SF4-6 2019/12
- Approach of Laptop personalization for 12 years at Kanazawa University 森祥寛,佐藤正英,大野浩之,笠原禎也,井町智彦,高田良宏,東昭孝,二木恵,NAKASAN Chawanat 学術情報処理研究(Web) 23 1 2019
- Waves in Plasma Y. Kasahara Japan National Committee of URSI National Report 2013-2016 (RPT17), Ed by S. Yagitani et al., Chapter H (35 pages) 2017/08
- O-018 Analysis of the use environment of university services for the construction of next generation integrated authentication infrastructure Fujita Shoya,Matsuhira Takuya,Takata Yoshihiro,Kasahara Yoshiya 13 4 353 2014/08/19
- New techniques of high-speed data processing for spacecraft observation data via NICT Science Cloud(ICSANE 2013(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics) MURATA Ken T,WATANABE Hidenobu,KASAHARA Yoshiya,YAGI Daisuke,KASAI Yasuko,ISHII Shoken,YAMAMOTO Kazunori,KIMURA Eizen,TANAKA Masahiro,TATEBE Osamu,UKAWA Kentaro,MURANAGA Kazuya,SUZUKI Yutaka,KOJIMA Hirotsugu Technical report of IEICE. SANE 113 335 133 2013/11/25
- Development of Common Platforms for non-Bibliographic Contents Disclosure in University : Construction of an Academic Resource Repository Excellent in Visibility and Maintainability for non-Bibliographic Contents Japan Society of Information and Knowledge 20 3 329-336 2010/10
- Development of a co-operational observation simulator for formation-flight mission The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 109 426 25-28 2010/02
- Development of onboard software for plasma wave instruments by MMO spacecraft The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 109 426 19-23 2010/02
- Ionospheric error correction for single frequency GPS receiver using global core plasma model The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 108 267 35-39 2008/10
- Plasma Environment Derived from Plasma Wave Data Observed by Scientific Satellites 3 92-93 2000/12
- Determination of wave normal direction by wave distribution function method using energy function GOTO Yoshitaka,KASAHARA Yoshiya,SATO Toru 2000 65 57 2000/10/25
- Multi-dimensional Analysis for Discovery on the Plasma Waves Observed by Scientific Satellites 2 90-91 1999/12
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Student-Initiated Project(2023)
○Digital Communication B(2023)
○Student-Initiated Project(2023)
○Digital Communication A(2023)
○Introduction of C Programming B(2023)
○Introduction of C Programming A(2023)
○Introduction to Data Science(2023)
○Introduction to Data Science(2023)
○Introduction to Data Science(2023)
○Student-Initiated Project(2022)
○Digital Communication B(2022)
○Digital Communication A(2022)
○Introduction of C Programming B(2022)
○Introduction of C Programming A(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2021)
○Introduction to Data Science(2021)
○Introduction to Data Science(2021)
○Digital Communication B(2021)
○Student-Initiated Project(2021)
○Introduction of C Programming B(2021)
○Digital Communication A(2021)
○Introduction of C Programming A(2021)
○Digital Communication B(2020)
○Introduction to Date Science(2020)
○Introduction of C Programming A(2020)
○Introduction of C Programming B(2020)
○Student-Initiated Project(2020)
○Digital Communication A(2020)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2020)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2020)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Introduction of C Programming B(2019)
○Digital Communication A(2019)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Student-Initiated Project(2019)
○Digital Communication B(2019)
○Introduction of C Programming A(2019)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Digital Communication B(2018)
○Digital Communication A(2018)
○Introduction to Computer Programming(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2018)
○Student-Initiated Project(2018)
○Student-Initiated Project(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Digital Communication(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Introduction to Computer Programming(2017)
○Student-Initiated Project(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Digital Communication(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Student-Initiated Project(2015)
○Student-Initiated Project(2013)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2023)
○Advanced Communication Engineering A(2023)
○Advanced Communication Engineering B(2023)
○Advanced Lecture on Solar-Terrestrial Science(2022)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2022)
○Advanced Communication Engineering B(2022)
○Advanced Communication Engineering A(2022)
○Advanced Communication Engineering A(2021)
○Advanced Communication Engineering B(2021)
○Satellite Communication Engineering A(2021)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2021)
○Satellite System(2021)
○Satellite Communication Engineering A(2020)
○Satellite System(2020)
○Advanced Communication Engineering B(2020)
○Advanced Communication Engineering A(2020)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2020)
○Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(2020)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2019)
○Satellite Communication Engineering A(2019)
○Advanced Communication Engineering(2019)
○Satellite System(2019)
○Advanced Communication Engineering A(2019)
○Advanced Communication Engineering B(2019)
○Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(2019)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2018)
○Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(2018)
○Advanced Communication Engineering(2018)
○Advanced Communication Engineering(2018)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2017)
○Advanced Communication Engineering(2017)
○Intelligent Information Processing(2016)
○Advanced Communication Engineering(2016)