Associate Professor AOKI Tatsuto
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of Regional Development Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Environmental Coexistence, School of Regional Development Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences
Environmental Coexsistence Course, School of Regional Development Studies, Kanazawa University TEL:076-264-5330 FAX:076-264-5362
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Geography 200003 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo Gakugei University 199203
Associate Proffesor, Department of Geography, Kanazawa University Department of Geography, Kanazawa Univer(2002/05/01-)
Graduate School of Human and Sicio-Environment Studies, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Human and Sicio-Envir(2002/05/01-)
Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science & Tec(2002/05/01-)
Visiting Associate Professor, Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo Visiting Associate Professor(2004/04/01-)
Visiting Associate Proffesor, The Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University The Institute of Nature and Environmenta(2005/03-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Association of Japanese Geographers
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
Japanese Geomorphological Union
○Encouragement prize for young researcher, Association of Japanese Geographers(2001/03/29)
Speciality Keywords
geomorphology,Disaster Prevention,Geoecology,Environmental Change,Physical Geography
Research Themes
Education for disaster mitigation and egional environment throu the Geopark
Study on the regional disaster mitigation applied to the regional environment
- Debris Covered Glaciers IAHS Publication no. 264, 2000/09
- Debris Covered Glaciers IAHS Publication no. 264, 2000/09
- Late Quaternary glaciations in the Japanese Alps: controlled by sea level changes, monsoon oscillations and topography AOKI T. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGIE 130 195 2003/05
- Identification of an active fault in the Japanese Alps from DEM-based hill shading T Oguchi,T Aoki,N Matsuta COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 29 7 885 2003/08
- Vegetation change in the suburban forest for recent 50 years : An example over the area in the south-east part of Seto City, central part of Japan KIMURA Keiji,AOKI Tatsuto,NOMURA Tetsurou,NAKAJIMA Masaru,SANO Shigeki,SUZUKI Yasuhiro,HANDA Nobuhiko Theory and Applications of GIS 8 2 9 2000
- Water discharge from the Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas, 1996 SAKAI Akiko,FUJITA Koji,AOKI Tatsuto,ASAHI Katsuhiko,NAKAWO Masayoshi 15 79 1997/07/01
- Distribution of surface flow velocity on the ablation area of the Lirung Glacier, Nepal Himalayas. 内藤望,青木賢人,藤田耕史,中尾正義,坂井亜規子,門田勤,朝日克彦,白岩孝行,瀬古勝基 日本雪氷学会全国大会講演予稿集 1997 174 1997
- Field-performance tests of a portable low-frequency ice-penetrating radar and a ground-penetrating radar at Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rockies MATSUOKA Kenichi,AOKI Tatsuto,YAMAMOTO Tatsuya,NARUSE Renji 20 49 2003/02/01
- Evaluation of the Accumulation Area Ratio(AAR) Method Based on Mass Balance Data for Modern Glaciers. 青木賢人 地理学評論 Ser.A 72 11 763 1999
- Late Quaternary Equilibrium Line Altitude in the Kiso Mountain Range, Central Japan AOKI Tatsuto Geographical review of Japan, Series B. 73 2 105 2000
- Younger Dryas Glacial Advances in Japan Dated with in situ Produced Cosmogenic Radionuclides AOKI Tatsuto Transactions,Japanese Geomorphological Union 24 1 27 2003/01/25
- A GIS-based study toward forecast of suburban forest change Yasuhiro Suzuki,Keiji Kimura,Tatsuto Aoki GeoJournal 52 3 203 2000
- The Behavior of Users in Tomin no Mori Park, Hinohara Vil., Tokyo TSUJIMURA C.,AOKI T. The journal of geography 52 52 35 1997/08/01
- Chronological Study of Glacial Advances Based on the Weathering-Rind Thickness of Morainic Gravels in the Northern Part of the Central Japan Alps. 青木賢人 地理学評論 Ser.A 67 9 601 1994
- Topographical map of the ablation area of the Lirung Glacier in the Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya AOKI Tatsuto,ASAHI Katsuhiko Bull. Glacier Res. 16 19 1998/07/01
- Surface flow on the ablation area of the Lirung Galcier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas NAITO Nozomu,NAKAWO Masayoshi,AOKI Tatsuto,ASAHI Katsuhiko,FUJITA Koji,SAKAI Akiko,KADOTA Tsutomu,SHIRAIWA Takayuki,SEKO Katsumoto Bull. Glacier Res. 16 16 67 1998/07/01
- Effects of rapid urbanisation on suspended sediment concentration in Japanese rivers: a GIS analysis Transactions Japanese Geomorphological Union 22 4 C-221 2001/08
- Factors affecting the distribution of Japanese Red Pine (Pinus desiflora) in the riparian zone FUJIWARA Yoshika,TSUJIMURA Chihiro,AOKI Tatsuto,KOIZUMI Takeei The Journal of geography 58 58 23 2003
- An integrated approach to hydrogeomorphology in a Japanese hilly land. Transactions Japanese Geomorphological Union 22 4 C-233 2001/08
- Chronometry of Glacial Deposits by the 10Be Exposure Dating Method. A Case Study in the Senjojiki and Nogaike Cirques, Northern Kiso Mountain Range, Central Japan. 青木賢人 第四紀研究 39 3 189 2000
- Classification and Characteristics of the Distribution of Glacial Landforms in the Japanese Alps. 青木賢人 地学雑誌 111 4 498 2002
- Satellite-Derived Equilibrium Lines in Northern Patagonia Icefield, Chile, and Their Implications to Glacier Variations Gonzalo Barcaza,Masamu Aniya,Takane Matsumoto,Tatsuto Aoki ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH 41 2 174 2009/05
- Verification of operational optimization in acquiring High-definition topographic data using UAV and SfM-MVS 小倉拓郎,青木賢人 地形 37 3 399 2016
- Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2006-2009 Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagonico Norte, and along the Pacific Coast 安仁屋政武,SKVARCA Pedro,杉山慎,青木賢人,松元高峰,安間了,内藤望,榎本浩之,堀和明,MARINSEK Sebastian,紺屋恵子,縫村隆行,津滝俊,刀根健太,BARCAZA Gonzalo Bulletin of Glaciological Research (Web) 29 29 1 2011
- 琉球列島における津波災害 河名 俊男,鈴木 康弘,後藤 和久,宮城 豊彦,柳沢 英明,馬場 繁幸,熊木 洋太,青木 賢人,平井 幸弘,山本 正昭,西岡 陽一,竹内 仁,喜屋武 昂,星 宗博,宇根 寛,中埜 貴元,小白井 亮一 E-journal GEO 5 1 50 2010
- Overview of Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2003 ANIYA Masamu,SATOW Kazuhide,SKVARCA Pedro,ANMA Ryo,AOKI Tatsuto,SAWAGAKI Takanobu,TANIKAWA Tomonori,NARUSE Renji,GLASSER Neil,HARRISON Stephan Bulletin of Glaciological Research 22 109 2005/03/01
- Local Bioresource Utilization in Formative Processes and Factors for Developmentof Shelterbelt Plantations on Izu-Oshima Island 原裕太,関戸彩乃,淺野悟史,青木賢人 E-Journal GEO (Web) 10 1 67 2015
- 『災害認知社会』の構築に向けた地理の役割 平井 幸弘,鈴木 康弘,宇根 寛,鈴木 隆介,村山 良之,小口 千明,大西 宏治,廣内 大助,福留 邦洋,青木 賢人,田村 俊和 E-journal GEO 4 2 117 2010
- 『日本の地形レッドデータブック』と地形の保全 青木賢人,小泉武栄 地球環境 10 2 163 2005
- Change in riverine suspended sediment concentration in central Japan in response to late 20th century human activities J Siakeu,T Oguchi,T Aoki,Y Esaki,HP Jarvie CATENA 55 2 231 2004/01
- Problems regarding Awareness and Behavior in terms of Tsunami Disaster Prevention in Coastal Areas in Ishikawa Prefecture 林紀代美,青木賢人 日本海域研究 47 47 91 2016
- Mountain glaciation in Japan and Taiwan at the global last glacial maximum YG Ono,T Aoki,H Hasegawa,DL Liu QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 138 139,79-92 79 2005/09
- Education for hazard mitigation through the hazard related landscape: casestudy of the R. Tedori, Ishikawa Japan 青木 賢人 Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 156 265 2010/03
- An Awareness of the Effects of Natural Disasters on the Lives of Local Residents. The Case of Hakusan City, Ishikawa, Japan-an Environmentally Diverse Municipality 青木賢人,林紀代美 日本海域研究 48 48 45 2017
- Study on content and constitution of learning to deal with Geomorphology in Geography A 小倉拓郎,林紀代美,青木賢人 地形 38 4 325 2017
- Problems on the Tsunami Disaster Mitigation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations in Japan Verified by the Case Study of the Chile Earthquake 2010 HAYASHI Kiyomi,AOKI Tatsuto Journal of Regional Fisheries 51 1 109 2010
- Timings and causes of glacial advances across the PEP-II transect (East-Asia to Antarctica) during the last glaciation cycle Y Ono,J Shulmeister,F Lehmkuhl,K Asahi,T Aoki QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 118 119 55 2004
- Attitudes and Evacuation Behavior of Residents during the Tsunami after the Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2007 青木賢人,林紀代美 地理学評論 82 3 243 2009
- Relationships between Vegetation Change and Geomorphic Conditions in Suburban Forests of Japan: Analysis by Means of Digital Aerial Photogrammetry and Geographical Information Systems:Analysis by Means of Digital Aerial Photogrammetry and Geographical Information Systems KIMURA Keiji,AOKI Tatsuto,SANO Shigeki,SUZUKI Yasuhiro Geographical Review of Japan 78 5 276 2005
- Late Quaternary glaciations in Japan Takanobu Sawagaki,Tatsuto Aoki,Hirohiko Hasegawa,Shogo Iwasaki,Shuji Iwata,Kazuomi Hirakawa Developments in Quaternary Science 2 C 217 2004
- Spatio-Temporal Shoreline Changes on the Kaetsu Coast in the Central Part of Japan, and a Factors-Quantitative Analysis using a Geographical Information System Rei YAMANAKA,Tatsuto AOKI Japan Sea Research 52 13 2021/03
- 高精細地形情報を用いた河床における礫堆の変化抽出―水位変動との関係― 小倉拓郎,早川裕弌,青木賢人 地形 39 2 200‐201 2018
- The Current Situation Regarding Teacher Training Programs for Disaster Mitigation in Japan 青木賢人,林紀代美 Japan Sea Research 50 25 2019/03
- Characteristics and Determination Factors for Distribution of the Glaciers during the Last Glacial Age, Central Mountains, Japan AOKI Tatsuto The journal of geography 67 31 2013
- Glaciological research project in Patagonia 2006-2009: Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagonico Norte, and along the Pacific coast Bulletin of Glaciological Research 29 1-17 2011/12/07
- Reconstructing the glacial chronology based on the 10Be exposure age in the Khumbu glacier, eastern Nepal Himalayas ? a problem on the production rate of in-situ cosmogenic radionuclides -. Proceedings of the Korea-Japan / Japan-Korea Geomorphological Conference 134-135 1999/08
- Glacial Advances During the Younger Dryas Stage in the Japanese Alps - based on the in-situ Produced Cosmogenic Radionuclides (CRNs) dating method -. Proceedings of International Conference on Climatic Change and variability ? Past Present and Future- 71 1999/09
- Glacial landforms and palaeo-glaciation in Japanese Alps Transactions Japanese Geomorphological Union 22 4 C-11 2001/08
- Glaciological and geomorphological studies at Glacier Exploradores, Hielo Patagonico Norte, and Glacier Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, South America, during 2003-2005 (GRPP03-05). Masamu ANIYA, Hiroyuki ENOMOTO, Tatsuto AOKI, Takane MATSUMOTO, Pedro SKVARCA, Gonzalo BARCAZA, Ryohei SUZUKI, Takanobu SAWAGAKI, Norifumi SATO, Evgeni ISENCO, Shogo IWASAKI, Heren SALA, Akira FUKUDA, Kazuhide SATOW, and Renji NARUSE Bulletin of Glaciological Research 24 95-107 2007/04
- A GIS-based study toward forecast of suburban forest change. GeoJournal 52 3 203-212 2001/12
- Palaeoclimatic change in the mountain district of central Japan at the end of the Last Glacial Age Third International Meeting on Global Continental Paleohydrology GLOCOPH '98, Abstract of conference papers 9 1998/09
- Climatic Features of Koryoto Glacier, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Atmosphere ? Ocean ? Cryosphere Interaction in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Surrounding Environments 156-157 2001/03
Conference Presentations
- Chronological Study of Glacial Advance based on the 10Be Exposure Age in the Khumbu Glacier, Eastern Nepal Himalayas. 青木賢人,今村峰雄,永井尚生 1997 185 1997
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Laboratory Study in Physical Geography(2017)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence 2(2017)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Natural Environment and Society(2017)
○Study in Geoecology(2017)
○Study in Applied Geography(2017)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence 2(2017)
○Natural Environment and Society(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System 1(2017)
○Study in Environmental Coexistence(2017)
○Advanced Practice in Natural Environment(2017)
○Natural Environment and Society 1(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System 2(2017)
○Laboratory Study in Physical Geography 2(2017)
○Introduction to Physical Geography A(2017)
○Seminar on Physical Geography 2(2017)
○Natural Environment and Society 2(2017)
○Technical Practice in Natural Environment 2(2017)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System 2(2017)
○Study in Environmental Coexistence 1(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System 2(2017)
○Seminar for Natural Environment(2017)
○Technical Practice in Natural Environment 1(2017)
○Advanced Seminar for Natural Environment(2017)
○Regional Development Studies(2017)
○Basics of Natural Environment 2(2017)
○Basics of Natural Environment 1(2017)
○Basics of Natural Environment(2017)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence 1(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System(2017)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence 1(2017)
○Regional Development Studies 2(2017)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence(2017)
○Technical Practice in Natural Environment(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Physical Geography(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System(2017)
○Basic Seminar for Natural Environment(2017)
○Study in Quaternary Science(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System 1(2017)
○Advanced Field Research on Physical Geography(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Seminar on Physical Geography(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System(2017)
○Introduction to Physical Geography B(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Advanced Seminar on Physical Geography(2017)
○Lecture on Physical Geography A(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System(2017)
○Study in Geographical Information System 1(2017)
○Seminar on Physical Geography 1(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System 2(2017)
○Laboratory Study in Physical Geography 1(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System 1(2017)
○Lecture on Physical Geography 2(2017)
○Lecture on Physical Geography 1(2017)
○Practice in Geographical Information System(2016)
○Study in Geographical Information System(2016)
○Seminar on Physical Geography(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2016)
○Seminar for Natural Environment(2016)
○Regional Development Studies(2016)
○Basic Practice in Environmental Coexistence(2016)
○Advanced Practice in Natural Environment(2016)
○Study in Geoecology(2016)
○Study in Geographical Information System(2016)
○Study in Environmental Coexistence 1(2016)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2016)
○Study in Environmental Coexistence(2016)
○Natural Environment and Society(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2016)
○Technical Practice in Natural Environment(2016)
○Study in Quaternary Science(2016)
○Natural Environment and Society(2016)
○Introduction to Physical Geography B(2016)
○Introduction to Physical Geography A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2016)
○Advanced Field Research on Physical Geography(2016)
○Lecture on Physical Geography B(2016)
○Laboratory Study in Physical Geography(2016)
○Practice in Geographical Information System(2016)
○Physical Geography(2016)
○Advanced Seminar on Physical Geography(2016)
○Basics of Natural Environment(2016)
○Basic Seminar for Natural Environment(2016)
○Regional Development Studies 2(2016)
○Regional Development Studies 1(2016)
○Advanced Seminar for Natural Environment(2016)
○Study in Applied Geography(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Problem Based Internship (Short Term)(2017)
○Physical Geography(2017)
○Physical Geography(2017)
○Physical Geography(2017)
○Physical Geography(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Geography 2(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Geography(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Environment 2(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Environment 1(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Geography 1(2017)
○Seminar in Regional Environment(2017)
○Problem Based Internship (Long Term)(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Environment(2017)
○Seminar in Regional Environment 1(2017)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2017)
○Seminar in Regional Environment 2(2017)
○Special Study on Physical Environment 2(2016)
○Physical Geography(2016)
○Seminar in Regional Environment 2(2016)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2016)
○Special Study on Physical Environment(2016)
○Special Study on Physical Geography 2(2016)
○Seminar in Regional Environment 1(2016)
○Special Study on Physical Geography(2016)
○Special Study on Physical Geography 1(2016)
○Problem Based Internship (Long Term)(2016)
○Problem Based Internship (Short Term)(2016)
○Special Study on Physical Environment 1(2016)
○Seminar in Regional Environment(2016)