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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/15

Professor INAZUMI Mitsue


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
School of Law, College of Human and Social Sciences


 TEL:076-264-5376 FAX:

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Law 1999 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Nagoya University 199403


Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



International law

Speciality Keywords

jurisdiction,genocide,International Criminal Court

Research Themes

Study on International Criminal Court

Study on Crime of Genocide and Genocide Convention

Criminal Jurisdiction over International Crime


  •  Universal Jurisdiction in Modern International Law: Expansion of National Jurisdiction for Prosecuting Serious Crimes under International Law Intersentia 2005/04
  •  Liber Amicorum: Changing Perceptions of Sovereignty and Human Rights Intersentia 2008
  •  International Law Cases 2019/06
  •  Ida Lintel, antoine Buyse, Brianne Mcgonigle Leyh (eds) Defending Human Rights: Tools for Social Justice Intersentia 2012/12
  •  Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2000-2001 Intersentia 2003


  •  Trial in absentia in International Criminal Trials: The ICC and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in Comparison Mitsue Inazumi Kanazawa Law Review 63 2 13-39 2021/03/31
  •  The Meaning of the State Consent Precondition in Article 12(2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Theoretical Analysis of the Source of International Criminal Jurisdiction Vol. XLIX issue 2 159-193 2002/09
  •  Exercise of the Jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court and the Precondition of State Consent 42 1 1-54 1999/12
  •  “The Regional Difference on Human Rights and Criminal Justice: Judicial Self-Determination Lost through the Suppression from Western States? Universal Jurisdiction and Prohibition of the Death Penalty” Mitsue Inazumi Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law  Vol 1 188-205 2013
  •  ICTR and the Rights of Suspect: The Remedies for Illegal Procedures 48 2 39-70 2006/03

show all

  •  War Crimes of the Recruitment of Child Soldiers: Sam Hinga Norman Case in the Special Court for Sierra Leone 48 1 77-107 2005/11
  •  The Interplay of the ICJ and the ICTY: The Case Concerning the Application of the Genocide Convention 50 2 17-50 2008/03
  •  Book Review on “Ekkyohanzai no Kokusaiteki Kisei [The International Regulation of Transnational Crimes], by Yurika Ishii, Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 2017” Japanese Yearbook of International Law 62 pp.388-391  2020/02
  •  Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor's Office to Prosecute War Crimes and Illicit Trafficking of Human Organs Mitsue Inazumi Kanazawa Law Review 61 2 23-47 2019/03
  •  The Prosecution of the Former Head of States in a Foreign Court: The Significance of the Habré Case Mitsue Inazumi Kanazawa Law Review 60 2 53-73 2018/03
  •  International Assistance for Securing Fairness in Domestic Criminal Proceedings Dealing with the Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Former Yugoslavia 202 147-174 2004/05

Conference Presentations

  • The Resistance of African States to the Development of International Criminal Law and the Idea of the African Criminal Court(conference:2017 Conference of International Law Association)(2017/04/22)


  •  The Resistance of African States to the Development of International Criminal Law and the Idea of the African Criminal Court Mitsue Inazumi Japanese Yearbook of International Law Vol. 60 60 556 2017

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○International Law 2(2017)
○Case Study(2017)
○Case Study(2017)
○International Law 1(2017)
○International Law 2(2016)
○International Law 1(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○International Law Application theory(2017)
○International Law (SL) III(2017)
○Seminar on International Law II (D)(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) II(2017)
○Theories of International Human Rights Protection(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) (D)(2017)
○International Law (D)(2017)
○International Law (SL) I(2017)
○Seminar on theories of International Human Rights Protection(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) II(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) III(2017)
○International Law (SL) II(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) I(2017)
○Seminar on International Law I (D)(2017)
○International Law II (D)(2017)
○International Law I (D)(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) I(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) IV(2017)
○International Law (SL) I(2017)
○International Law (SL) II(2017)
○International Law (SL) IV(2017)
○International Law (Seminar) I(2016)
○International Law I (D)(2016)
○International Law Application theory(2016)
○International Law II (D)(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) II(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) IV(2016)
○International Law (SL) I(2016)
○International Law (SL) I(2016)
○International Law (SL) III(2016)
○International Law (SL) IV(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) III(2016)
○Theories of International Human Rights Protection(2016)
○Seminar on theories of International Human Rights Protection(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) (D)(2016)
○International Law (D)(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) II(2016)
○International Law (SL) II(2016)
○International Law (Seminar) I(2016)
○International Law (SL) II(2016)
○Seminar on International Law I (D)(2016)
○Seminar on International Law II (D)(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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