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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/01/15

Professor TAKEDA Shinji

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


Institute for Theoretical Physics

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba Doctor Graduate school of pure and applied sciences Physics 200510 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba Physics 200103
Doctor of Science


Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering Faculty of Mathematics and Physics(2024/01-)
Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics(2018/12-2023/12)
Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics(2009/12-2018/11)
Columbia University Physics department Postdoc fellow(2008/09-2009/11)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society




Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics

Speciality Keywords

Tensor network,Lattice field theory

Research Themes

Analysis of phase structure for finite temperature/density QCD

The universe 0.00001 second after the Big Bang was extremely hot and quarks and gluons were freely moving around; such a state is called quark-gluon plasma (QGP) state. As time goes, the universe was rapidly expanding while cooling down. Then, quarks and gluon were trapped in hadrons (proton and neutron); such a state is called hadron state which is rather close to our current universe. When changing the state from the QGP to the hadron state, a rapid change of state, that is, a phase transition is believed to occur. The properties, say the nature of transition and the temperature at which the transition took place, etc. are, however, determined by dynamics of the fundamental theory. Therefore to reveal them, one has to rely on solving the theory by first principle simulations or carrying out experiments which realize the Big Bang in a lab. My final goal is to extract the information of the transition by following the former method.

Application of tensor network to high energy physics

Lattice QCD simulations play an important role in the study of QCD where the non-perturbative effect is crucial such as the confinement. On the other hand, there are some unsolved problems, for example, the strong CP problem, providing the equation of state for neutron stars, etc. When attacking these problems, however, one encounters the sign-problem that hampers the Monte-Carlo simulation since the Boltzmann weight is complex for such systems. In fact, there are many attempts to solve the sign-problem within a framework of the Monte-Carlo simulation but we do not have a perfect and general solution at this moment. Recently, however, an interesting idea was proposed in the condensed matter physics. It is called tensor network method whose striking feature is that there is no sign-problem. My interest is to apply the method to high energy physics, study the unexplored systems and reveal their dynamics.



  •  All-mode renormalization for tensor network with stochastic noise Erika Arai,Hiroshi Ohki,Shinji Takeda,Masaaki Tomii Physical Review D 107 11 2023/06/01
  •  Triad second renormalization group Daisuke Kadoh,Hideaki Oba,Shinji Takeda Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 4 2021/07/19 
  •  Nature of the phase transition for finite temperature $N_{\rm f}=3$ QCD with nonperturbatively O($a$) improved Wilson fermions at $N_{\rm t}=12$ Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Hiroshi Ohno,Shinji Takeda Physical Review D 101 5 2020/01/10
  •  Investigation of complex $φ^{4}$ theory at finite density in two dimensions using TRG Daisuke Kadoh,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Ryo Sakai,Shinji Takeda,Yusuke Yoshimura Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 2 2019/12/30
  •  Critical endpoint in the continuum limit and critical endline at NT=6 of the finite temperature phase transition of QCD with clover fermions 2019/09/19

show all

  •  Tensor network approach to real-time path integral 2019/07/31
  •  Tensor network analysis of critical coupling in two dimensional phi(4) theory Kadoh Daisuke,Kuramashi Yoshinobu,Nakamura Yoshifumi,Sakai Ryo,Takeda Shinji,Yoshimura Yusuke JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2019 5 2019/05/28 
  •  Tensor renormalization group algorithms with a projective truncation method Nakamura Yoshifumi,Oba Hideaki,Takeda Shinji PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99 15 2019/04/01
  •  Continuum extrapolation of the critical endpoint in 4-flavor QCD with Wilson-Clover fermions 2018/12/04
  •  Tensor network study of two dimensional lattice ϕ4 theory 2018/12/01
  •  Tensor Renormalization Group Algorithms with Projective Truncation Method 未定 2018/09/24
  •  Loop-TNR analysis of CP(1) model with theta term Hikaru Kawauchi, Shinji Takeda EPJ Web Conf. 175 2018/03/26
  •  Application of tensor network method to two dimensional lattice N=1 Wess-Zumino model Ryo Sakai, Daisuke Kadoh, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Shinji Takeda Yusuke Yoshimura EPJ Web Conf. 175 2018/03/26
  •  Tensor network formulation for two-dimensional lattice N=1 Wess-Zumino model Daisuke Kadoh, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Ryo Sakai, Shinji Takeda, Yusuke Yoshimura Journal of High Energy Physics 03 2018 141 2018/03/23
  •  Calculation of fermionic Green functions with Grassmann higher-order tensor renormalization group Yoshimura Yusuke,Kuramashi Yoshinobu,Nakamura Yoshifumi,Takeda Shinji,Sakai Ryo PHYSICAL REVIEW D 97 5 2018/03/22
  •  Calculation of fermionic Green functions with Grassmann higher-order tensor renormalization group Yusuke Yoshimura,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Shinji Takeda,Ryo Sakai Physical Review D 97 5 2018/03/01 
  •  Tensor network formulation for two-dimensional lattice N = 1 Wess-Zumino model Daisuke Kadoh,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Ryo Sakai,Shinji Takeda,Yusuke Yoshimura Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 3 2018/03/01
  •  Critical point phase transition for finite temperature 3-flavor QCD with nonperturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions at N-t=10 Xiao-Yong Jin,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Shinji Takeda,Akira Ukawa PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96 3 2017/08
  •  Higher-order tensor renormalization group for relativistic fermion systems Ryo Sakai,Shinji Takeda,Yusuke Yoshimura PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 6 2017/06
  •  Critical endline of the finite temperature phase transition for 2+1 flavor QCD around the SU(3)-flavor symmetric point Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Shinji Takeda,Akira Ukawa PHYSICAL REVIEW D 94 11 2016/12
  •  Tensor renormalization group analysis of CP(N-1) model Hikaru Kawauchi,Shinji Takeda PHYSICAL REVIEW D 93 11 2016/06
  •  Curvature of the critical line on the plane of quark chemical potential and pseudoscalar meson mass for three-flavor QCD Jin Xiao-Yong,Kuramashi Yoshinobu,Nakamura Yoshifumi,Takeda Shinji,Ukawa Akira PHYSICAL REVIEW D 92 11 2015/12/22
  •  Grassmann tensor renormalization group for the one-flavor lattice Gross-Neveu model with finite chemical potential Shinji Takeda,Yusuke Yoshimura PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 4 2015/04
  •  Critical endpoint of the finite temperature phase transition for three flavor QCD Xiao-Yong Jin,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Shinji Takeda,Akira Ukawa PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91 1 2015/01
  •  Finite size scaling study of Nf=4 finite density QCD on the lattice Xiao-Yong Jin,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Yoshifumi Nakamura,Shinji Takeda,Akira Ukawa Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 88 9 2013/11/22
  •  Lattice study on quantum-mechanical dynamics of two-color QCD with six light flavors M. Hayakawa,K-I Ishikawa,S. Takeda,M. Tomii,N. Yamada PHYSICAL REVIEW D 88 9 2013/11 
  •  Running coupling constant and mass anomalous dimension of six-flavor SU(2) gauge theory M. Hayakawa,K-I Ishikawa,S. Takeda,N. Yamada PHYSICAL REVIEW D 88 9 2013/11 
  •  Formulation of domain-wall fermions in the Schrodinger functional Shinji Takeda PHYSICAL REVIEW D 87 11 2013/06
  •  Phase of quark determinant in lattice QCD with finite chemical potential Shinji Takeda,Yoshinobu Kuramashi,Akira Ukawa PHYSICAL REVIEW D 85 9 2012/05
  •  An O(a) modified lattice set-up of the Schrodinger functional in SU(3) gauge theory Paula Perez Rubio,Stefan Sint,Shinji Takeda JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2011 7 2011/07 
  •  Automatic generation of Feynman rules in the Schrodinger functional Shinji Takeda NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 811 1-2 36 2009/04
  •  On cutoff effects in lattice QCD from short to long distances Michele Della Morte,Rainer Sommer,Shinji Takeda PHYSICS LETTERS B 672 4-5 407 2009/03
  •  Perturbative analysis of the Neuberger-Dirac operator in the Schrodinger functional Shinji Takeda NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 796 1-2 402 2008/06
  •  Scaling test of two-flavor O(a)-improved lattice QCD Michele Della Morte,Patrick Fritzsch,Harvey B. Meyer,Hubert Simma,Rainer Sommer,Shinji Takeda,Oliver Witzel,Ulli Wolff JHEP0807:037,2008 2008/04 
  •  Vector meson masses in 2+1 flavor Wilson chiral perturbation theory S Aoki,O Bar,S Takeda PHYSICAL REVIEW D 73 9 2006/05 
  •  Nonperturbative O(a) improvement of the Wilson quark action with the renormalization-group-improved gauge action using the Schrodinger functional method S Aoki,M Fukugita,S Hashimoto,KI Ishikawa,N Ishizuka,Y Iwasaki,K Kanaya,T Kaneko,Y Kuramashi,M Okawa,S Takeda,Y Taniguchi,N Tsutsui,A Ukawa,N Yamada,T Yoshie PHYSICAL REVIEW D 73 3 2006/02
  •  Pseudoscalar meson masses in Wilson chiral perturbation theory for 2+1 flavors S Aoki,O Bar,T Ishikawa,S Takeda PHYSICAL REVIEW D 73 1 2006/01
  •  Scaling study of the step scaling function in SU(3) gauge theory with improved gauge actions S. Takeda,S. Aoki,M. Fukugita,K-I. Ishikawa,N. Ishizuka,Y. Iwasaki,K. Kanaya,T. Kaneko,Y. Kuramashi,M. Okawa,Y. Taniguchi,A. Ukawa,T. Yoshié Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 70 7 2004 
  •  Perturbative determination of O(a) boundary improvement coefficients for the Schrodinger functional coupling at 1 loop with improved gauge actions S Takeda,S Aoki,K Ide PHYSICAL REVIEW D 68 1 2003/07

Conference Presentations

  • Tensor Network Approach to CP(N-1) model(conference:CP^N model: recent developments and future directions)(2020/01/23)
  • Study of QCD critical end-point using Wilson-type fermions(conference:QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD)(2021/10/27)
  • Tensor Networks -- Lagrangian Approach(conference:U. of Tokyo, Hadron Theory Group Online Seminar)(2021/06/11)
  • A novel method to evaluate real-time path integral for scalar phi^4 theory(conference:Lattice 2021)(2021/07/29)
  • All-mode renormalization and phase structure of 2d CP(1) model with topological theta term(2023/07/13)

show all

  • Tensor networks(2016/07/26)
  • 2次元格子N=1Wess‐Zumino模型のテンソルネットワーク形式:連続極限における超対称性の回復(conference:日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集(Web))(2017)
  • Tensor Network Approach to Real-time Path Integral(conference:NYCU High Energy Physics Seminar (on-line))(2021/10/19)
  • All-mode Renormalization for Tensor Network with Stochastic Noise(2023/09/01)
  • Tensor network approach to real-time path integral(conference:International Workshop on Tensor Networks in Many Body and Lattice Field)(2021/07/27)
  • Tensor network coarse-graining with stochastic noise(conference:Tensor networks and quantum computing for high-energy physics in Taiwan)(2023/12/14)
  • Spectroscopy by Tensor Renormalization group method(2023/11/16)
  • Tensor renormalization group approach to finite fermion density system(conference:10sor network workshop, Field 2x5 joint workshop on new algorithm for quantum many body)(2014/11)


  •  Computing Lattice Field Theory by Tensor Networks -- Challenge to Sign Problem JPS 77 3 136 2022/03

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics b(2023)
○Computer Experiments 2B(2023)
○Quantum Mechanics 2b(2023)
○Quantum Mechanics 2a(2023)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics a(2023)
○Computer Experiments 2A(2023)
○Selected Topics(2023)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2023)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2023)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2022)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2022)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics b(2022)
○Research Work in Physics(2022)
○Computer Experiments 2(2022)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics a(2022)
○Quantum Mechanics 2B(2022)
○Research Work in Physics(2022)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2022)
○Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1(2022)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2022)
○Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1(2022)
○Computer Experiments 2(2022)
○Quantum Mechanics 2A(2022)
○Research Work in Physics(2022)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics b(2022)
○Research Work in Physics(2022)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2022)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2021)
○Computational Physics B(2021)
○Computer Experiments 2(2021)
○Computational Physics A(2021)
○Research Work in Physics(2021)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2021)
○Quantum Mechanics 2B(2021)
○Quantum Mechanics 2A(2021)
○Topics in Statistical Mechanics(2020)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 2B(2020)
○Computational Physics A(2020)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 2A(2020)
○Computational Physics B(2020)
○Computer Experiments 2(2020)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 1(2019)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 2B(2019)
○Computational Physics A(2019)
○Computational Physics B(2019)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 2A(2019)
○Computer Experiments 2(2019)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○computational elementary particle physics(2023)
○computational elementary particle physics(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Theoretical Physics b(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Theoretical Physics a(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics b(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2023)
○Methodology of Science B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Scientific Presentation B(2023)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics a(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○computational elementary particle physics(2022)
○computational elementary particle physics(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Theoretical Physics b(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics b(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Theoretical Physics a(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Scientific Presentation B(2022)
○Methodology of Science B(2022)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics a(2022)
○computational elementary particle physics(2021)
○Methodology of Science B(2021)
○Methodology of Science B(2021)
○Research Work B(2021)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2021)
○Scientific Presentation B(2021)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics a(2021)
○Theoretical Physics a(2021)
○Theoretical Physics b(2021)
○Research Work B(2021)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics b(2021)
○Special Lectures on Physics(2021)
○Theoretical Physics a(2020)
○Theoretical Physics b(2020)
○computational elementary particle physics(2020)
○computational elementary particle physics(2020)
○computational elementary particle physics(2020)
○computational elementary particle physics(2020)
○Methodology of Science B(2020)
○Methodology of Science B(2020)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics b(2020)
○Research Work B(2020)
○Research Work B(2020)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics a(2020)
○computational elementary particle physics(2019)
○Research Work B(2019)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics b(2019)
○Research Work B(2019)
○Methodology of Science B(2019)
○Methodology of Science B(2019)
○computational elementary particle physics(2019)
○computational elementary particle physics(2019)
○computational elementary particle physics(2019)
○Theoretical Physics a(2019)
○Theoretical Physics b(2019)
○Introduction to Theoretical Physics a(2019)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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