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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/11

Professor HAYASHI, Toru

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Center for Management of Teaching and Learning

College and School Educational Field


Academic Background


Yamaguchi University(2020/11-2021/03)
Yamaguchi University Organization for Education and Student Affairs, Office for Teaching and Learning Management Associate professor(2020/04-2021/03)
Yamaguchi University(2015/06-2017/03)
Yamaguchi University Organization for University Education, Ecucation Promoting Center(2013/04-2020/03)
Yamaguchi University(2016/04-2021/03)
Yamaguchi University(2014/04-2016/03)
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(2012/08-2013/03)
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(2012/06-2013/03)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society





Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

Learning Support



  •  Examining the Key Components of Faculty Development to Advance Japanese Higher Education: A Qualitative Study Satoshi Ozeki,Toru Hayashi,Masa Fukano,Shinichi Yamazaki,Andrea L. Beach,Mary Deane Sorcinelli International Journal of Institutional Research and Management 7 1 1 2023/04
  •  Designing Organizations that Integrate Institutional Research Within the Management of Teaching and Learning 42 2 108 2020/12 
  •  A Study for Quality Assurance of Graduate Education using Student Data : Through constructing the Integrated Database of Education and Student Learning 林 透,長谷川 忍 大学教育研究ジャーナル 13 10 2016/03
  •  Planning, Implementation, Assessment and Roles for Community-Based Learning 林 透,眞鍋 和博,猪股 歳之,岩瀬 峰代,西村 君平,山下 貴弘 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education 39 2 110 2017/11
  •  The life course and it's characteristics of faculty members who has an experience as administrative staff in colleges and universities Shinichi YAMAZAKI,Toru HAYASHI,Masayuki FUKANO,Comprehensive Research Organization,J.F. Oberlin University,Center for the,Promotion of,Higher,Education Yamaguchi University,Faculty of Liberal Arts,Sciences Osaka Prefecture University 大学アドミニストレーション研究 = Journal of higher education administration 6 85 2016/03

show all

  •  A practical study for visualization of active learning : Focusing on the establishment and effectiveness of AL point certified system 林 透,河島 広幸 大学教育 13 12 2016/03
  •  A practical study of curriculum management in universiy : The case study of educational program for Yamaguchi frontier leader 林 透 大学教育 14 10 2017/03
  •  A practical study of the planning and impact of YU Award system for active learning excellence in teaching : focusing on Yamaguchi University acceleration program for university education rebuilding 林 透 大学教育 15 1 2018/03
  •  A Study for Quality Assurance of Graduate Education using Student Data : Through constructing the Integrated Database of Education and Student Learning 林 透,長谷川 忍 大学教育研究ジャーナル 13 13 10 2016/03
  •  Visualizing Learning Outcomes and Their Future : Fostering a Culture of Assessment 41 2 71 2020/01 
  •  Faculty Development & Staff Development and its Organization (II. Center Activities . (1) Faculty Development・Staff Development) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2010 9 2011/07
  •  Target and Result of Global Seminar (III. Event Report . (1) CGEI Global Seminar) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2011 55 2012/07
  •  Quality Assurance of Higher Education through ASEAN Regional Cooperation and Accreditation System of Thailand : Research Report 2015 Bangkok Shimamoto Hideki,Hayata Yukimasa,Horii Yusuke,Hayashi Toru,Mochizuki Taro,Hara Kazuyo 大阪大学高等教育研究 = Osaka University higher education studies 4 25 2016
  •  Approach for Establishing Education and Student Learning Integrated Database (II. Center Activities . (4) Establishment of Education and Student Integrated Database) Hayashi.Toru CGEI annual report 2011 23 2012/07
  •  A Report for Lab-based Education Survey at Graduate Schools in Science and Technology (II. Center Activities . (6) Survey of Supervision & Lab work) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2011 35 2012/07
  •  Exchange between Colleges and Universities in the East Asian Higher Education Area and Quality Assurance System Hayata Yukimasa,Mochizuki Taro,Saito Takahiro,Horii Yusuke,Shimamoto Hideki,Nakamura Masaki,Watanabe Tatsuo,Hayashi Toru 大阪大学大学教育実践センター紀要 8 17 2012/03
  •  A Case Study at Yamaguchi University : Focusing on the Management for Quality Assurance of General Education 林 透 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of the Liberal and General Education Society of Japan 37 1 45 2015/05
  •  The Process for the Establishment of Quality Assurance Framework of Graduate Education (II. Center Activities . (2)Some Ways for Quality Assurance Framework) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2012 11 2013/09
  •  Reflections on JUAM Regional Study Group : Focusing on the Development from the Chubu Study Group into the Chubu and Hokuriku Study Group 林 透,武藤 正美,水谷 早人 大学行政管理学会誌 20 131 2016
  •  The Survey and Evaluation Indicators on Laboratory Education (II. Center Activities . (6) Survey of Supervision & Lab work) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2010 45 2011/07
  •  A Report for Cooperative Meeting with Sokendai (III. Event Report . (4) Cooperative Meeting) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2011 201 2012/07
  •  The Survey and Study of Advanced Projects on Graduate Education (II. Center Activities . (5) Survey of Quality Assurance for Graduate Education) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2010 37 2011/07
  •  A Report for Survey of the connection between Graduate and Undergraduate Education (II. Center Activities . (5)Survey of connection between graduate and undergraduate education) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2012 31 2013/09
  •  Faculty Development and Staff Development which Faculty members, Administrative Staffs and Students join Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2012 3 2013/09
  •  A practical study of organizational development in universities : from collaboration betweeen academic staff and non-academic staff to collaboration between academic staff, non-academic staff and student 林 透 大学教育 11 1 2014/03
  •  The University Interchange Systems and the Quality Assurance Sy stems in the East Asian Higher Education Area (2) : The Quality Assurance of Higher Education in China Shanghai A rea and South Korea 大阪大学高等教育研究 2 2 19 2014/03
  •  Faculty Development and Staff Development for Joining the Organization (II. Center Activities . (1) Faculty Development・Staff Development) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2011 3 2012/07
  •  A Report for Cooperative Meeting with Sokendai (III. Event Report . (4) Cooperative Meeting) Hayashi Toru CGEI annual report 2011 201 2012/07 
  •  A practical study for the development of rubric : focusing on first-year experience Yamaguchi and the world 林 透,星野 晋 大学教育 12 10 2015/03
  •  The job description survey for analyzing experiences, knowledge and skills of institutional researcher in the U.S. higher education institutions 山崎 慎一,林 透 大学教育研究ジャーナル 12 12 1 2015/03
  •  The job description survey for analyzing experiences,knowledge and skills of university administrators in the United States YAMAZAKI Shinichi,HAYASHI Toru 大学アドミニストレーション研究 4 11 2014/03
  •  The job description survey for analyzing experiences, knowledge and skills of institutional researcher in the U.S. higher education institutions Yamazaki Shinichi,Hayashi Toru Journal of University Education Research 12 1 2015/03
  •  The incorporation of national university and the perspective or university finance 林 透 Japan journal of university administrative management 9 51 2005
  •  The inspector system in Japanese higher education: focusing on the changes and functions of the system 林 透 Journal of the Liberal and General Education Society of Japan 30 1 80 2008/05
  •  A study of the quality assurance of private colleges of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy in the inter-war period: focus on the automatic licensure system 林 透 Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.. Educational sciences 56 2 143 2009
  •  Proceedings of IMUA2008 林 透 Japan journal of university administrative management 12 205 2008
  •  A study of the development of accreditation after the Ad Hoc Council on Education: the relation between Japan University Accreditation Association and the Inspector System of the Monbusho 林 透 Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.. Educational sciences 55 2 181 2008
  •  Research grant: A study of the career path and development of administrative staffs in national university corporation 林 透 Japan journal of university administrative management 11 223 2007
  •  Fluctuations in the quality assurance system of higher education: focusing on the introduction period of the certified evaluation and accreditation 林 透 Japan journal of university administrative management 14 93 2010
  •  Three Policies and Assessment Policy for Quality Assurance of Student Learning 濱名 篤,林 透,川嶋 太津夫,清水 栄子,藤木 清,芹澤 高斉 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education 38 2 138 2016/11

Conference Presentations

  • A Comparison of Priorities, Services, and Approaches to Educational Development in Japan and the U.S.(conference:ICED2018)(2018/06/06)
  • New direction for assessment of learning outcomes in Japanese Universities: focusing on combinations of the dierct and indirect measures(conference:SRHE Newer&Early Career Researchers' Conference)(2017/12/05)
  • Shaping a Program-Level Assessment Culture in Japanese Higher Education(2021/05)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「大学職員の内発性に基づく役割モデルの再構築に向けた国際比較研究 」(2021-2023) 
○「専門分野別教育プログラム認定・評価導入への実証的研究 」(2010-2012) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge A(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Kyoka Izumi with Kanazawa Arts(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○A Study for the History of Kanazawa University(2023)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge A(2023)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2023)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2023)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2023)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2023)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2023)
○A Study for the History of Kanazawa University(2023)
○Practical Internship Program(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2022)
○Practical Internship Program(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge A(2022)
○Introduction A to the Integrated and Innovative KnowledgeーService Learning and Entrepreneurship Education(2022)
○Kyoka Izumi with Kanazawa Arts(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Introduction A to the Integrated and Innovative KnowledgeーService Learning and Entrepreneurship Education(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Introduction A to the Integrated and Innovative KnowledgeーService Learning and Entrepreneurship Education(2022)
○University Education and Student Engagement(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge A(2022)
○A Study for the History of Kanazawa University(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○Introduction to Design Thinking(2022)
○University Education and Student Engagement(2022)
○A Study for the History of Kanazawa University(2022)
○Practical Internship Program(2022)
○Studying and Learning in University(2022)
○Studying and Learning in University(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge C(2022)
○Practical Seminar for the Integrated and Innovative Knowledge B(2022)
○Practical Internship Program(2022)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2023)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Data Science(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)
○Data Science in Society 5.0(2022)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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