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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/03

Professor HAYASHI Hiroaki

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Institute of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Radiological Technology,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation



Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Master Graduate School of Engineering Department of Nuclear Engineering 200503 Completed
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School of Engineering Materials, Physics and Engineering 200903 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Nagoya University School of Engineering 200303
Doctor of Engineering


Nagoya University Radioisotope research center  Assistant Professor(2009/04/01-2011/03/30)
Tokushima University Graduate School of biomedical Sciences Assistant Professor(2011/04/01-2017/11/30)
Kanazawa University Collage of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Associate Professor(2017/12/01-2024/06/30)
Kanazawa University(2024/07/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Physical Society of japan
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Japan Society of Medical Physics
Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management
Medical Imaging and Information Science


○Uchida paper Award(2013/06)
○Uchida paper Award(2013/06)
○Uchida paper Award(2013/06)
○Uchida paper Award(2013/06)
○Uchida paper Award(2013/06)
○CIRMS Ribbon Award(2016/11)
○Certificate of merit(2016/11)
○RPT journal Doi paper award(2017/04)
○RPT most citation award(2018/04)
○RPT most citation award(2018/04)
○Certificate of Merit Award(2019/03)
○Physics of Medical Imaging Student Best Paper Award(2019/02)
○Physics of Medical Imaging Student Best Paper Award(2019/02)
○Certificate of Merit Award(2024/02)
○Best Poster Presentation Award(2023/09)
○Outstanding Presentation Award(2023/05)
○Best poster award(2022/12)
○Best poster award(2022/12)
○Best poster award(2022/12)
○Best poster award(2022/12)


Nuclear Physics、Radiation Physics/Radiation Measurements

Speciality Keywords

Radiation Physics, Radiation Measurements, Dosimetry, Development of imaging detector, Photon Counting

Research Themes

Development of New Diagnostic Imaging Detector Using Photon Counting Detector

Direct Dose Measurement of Organ at Risk during RALS Radiotherapy for Cervical Cancer Treatment

Development of dose measurement system by means of OSL dosimeter in the diagnostic X-ray region


  •  Hiroaki Hayashi, Iniewski Reza et al. Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Technology, and Applications CRC press 2017
  •  Hiroaki HAYASHI, Natsumi KIMOTO, Takumi ASAKAWA, Akitoshi KATSUMATA Advances in Medicine and Biology 2019
  •  Natsumi KIMOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Cheonghae LEE, Tatsuya MAEDA, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Akitoshi KATSUMATA Quantitative Analysis Methodology of X-Ray Attenuation for Medical Diagnostic Imaging: Algorithm to Derive Effective Atomic Number and Soft Tissue and Bone Images Springer 2023
  •  Natsumi KIMOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Cheonghae LEE, Tatsuya MAEDA, Akitoshi KATSUMATA Algorithm for Generating Effective Atomic Number, Soft-Tissue, and Bone Images Based on Analysis Using an Energy-Resolving Photon-Counting Detector Springer 2022
  •  Hiroaki HAYASHI, Natsumi KIMOTO, Takashi ASAHARA, Takumi ASAKAWA, Cheonghae LEE, Akitoshi KATSUMATA Photon Counting Detectors for X-ray Imaging: Physics and Applications Springer 2021/02


  •  Exposure dose measurement during diagnostic pediatric X-ray examination using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter based on precise dose calibration taking into consideration variation of X-ray spectra Takashi ASAHARA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Sota GOTO, Emi TOMITA, Natsumi KIMOTO, Yoshiki MIHARA, Takumi ASAKAWA, Yuki KANAZAWA, Akitoshi KATSUMATA, Kosaku HIGASHINO, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME Radiation Measurements 119 209-219 2018
  •  Development of correction for signal-to-noise ratio using a T2* with improved Phase method Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 42 1 117-123 2018
  •  Pulsation and collimation during fluoroscopy to decrease radiation: a cadaver study Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Fumio Hayashi, Yoshihiro Fukui, Koichi Sairyo JBJS Open Access 2017
  •  Internal evaluation of impregnation treatment of waterlogged wood; relation between concentration of internal materials and relaxation time using magnetic resonance imaging Yuki Kanazawa, Tetsuya Yamada, Aki Kido, Koji Fujimoto, Kyoko Takakura, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasutaka Fushimi, Satoshi Kozawa, Koji Koizumi, Makiko Okuni, Naomi Ueda and Kaori Togashi Magnetic Resonance Imaging 38 196-201 2017
  •  Precise material identification method based on a photon counting technique with correction of the beam hardening effect in X-ray spectra Kimoto Natsumi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Mihara Yoshiki, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamakawa Tsutomu, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Yamasaki Masashi and Okada Masahiro Applied Radiation and Isotopes 124 16-26 2017

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  •  Necessity of Direct Dose Measurement during Current X-ray Diagnosis, --- Our Approach Using a Small-type OSL Dosimeter --- Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Yuki Kanazawa, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Kazuki Takegami, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil Estacio Lorenzo Cruz Medical Research Archives 5 2 1-20 2017
  •  Entrance surface dose measurements using a small OSL dosimeter with a computed tomography scanner having 320 rows of detectors Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenji Yamada, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Fumio Hayashi, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi Radiological Physics and Technology 10 1 49-59 2017
  •  Visualization of magnetic transfer effect in polyethylene glycol impregnated waterlogged wood Yuki Kanazawa, Tetsuya Yamada, Aki Kido, Koji Fujimoto, Kyoko Takakura, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasutaka Fushimi, Satoshi Kozawa, Koji Koizumi, Makiko Okuni, Naomi Ueda and Kaori Togashi Applied Magnetic Resonance 48 2 125-134 2017
  •  Uncertainty evaluation of fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTDs) for neutron dose measurements Takuya Hashizume, Tohru Okazaki, Toshiya Sanami, Masayuki Hagiwara, Hideaki Monjushiro, Hiroaki Hayashi and Ikuo Kobayashi Radiation Measurements 2017
  •  Uncertainty evaluation of absorbed dose measurements by means of small-type OSL dosimeter for radiotherapeutic X-ray region Masahide Tominaga, Hiroaki Hayashi, Akinori Matsumoto, Natsumi Kimoto, Okazaki Tohru, Hashizume Takuya and Kobayashi Ikuo Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 33 2 32-37 2016
  •  Estimation of identification limit for a small-type OSL dosimeter on the medical images by measurement of X-ray spectra Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi Radiological Physics and Technology 9 2 282-292 2016
  •  Basic characteristics of nanoDot OSL dosimeter for diagnostic X-ray Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata and Ikuo Kobayashi Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 41 3 229-236 2016
  •  Simple noise reduction for diffusion weighted images Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Junji Ueno and Masafumi Harada Radiological Physics and Technology 109 535-538 2016
  •  On the iteration of coincidence summing correction for determination of gamma-ray intensities Yosuke Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuaki Kojima, Ryouta Jyousyou and Michihiro Shibata Applied Radiation and Isotopes 109 535-538 2016
  •  Energy dependence measurement of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter by means of characteristic X-rays induced with general diagnostic X-ray equipment Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi Radiological Physics and Technology 9 1 99-108 2016
  •  Practical method for determination of air-kerma by using an ionization chamber toward the construction of secondary X-ray field to be used in clinical examination rooms Itsumi Maehata, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Yuki Kanazawa and Masahide Tominaga Radiological Physics and Technology 9 2 193-201 2016
  •  Clinical Approach of T1-mapping for Hemodynamic Analysis Yuki Kanazawa, Hiroaki Hayashi and Masafumi Harada Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 32 4 xxvi-xxix 2015
  •  Practical calibration curve of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter for evaluation of entrance-skin dose in the diagnostic X-ray region Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi Radiological Physics and Technology 8 2 286-294 2015
  •  β- Decay of 150Ce to Odd Odd 150Pr Yasuaki KOJIMA, Kazuto KOSUGA, Yosuke SHIMA, Akihiro TANIGUCHI, Hiroaki Hayashi and Michihiro SHIBATA Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84 054201-1-8 2015
  •  Procedure to measure angular dependences of personal dosimeters by means of diagnostic X-ray equipment Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Kohei Nakagawa, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 32 1 8-14 2015
  •  Determination of full-energy peak efficiency at the center position of a through-hole-type clover detector between 0.05 and 3.2 MeV by source measurements and Monte Carlo simulations Y Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, Y Kojima and M Shibata Applied Radiation and Isotopes 91 97-103 2014
  •  Half-life Measurement of Excited Levels in Fission Products around Mass Number 150 Y. Kojima, Y. Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, A. Taniguchi and M. Shibata Nuclear Data Sheets 120 52-55 2014
  •  Performance of a total absorption clover detector for Qbeta measurements of neutron-rich nuclei far from the beta-stability line Hiroaki Hayashi, Michihiro Shibata, Masato Asai, Akihiko Osa, Tukada K Sato, Mitsuo Koizumi, Atsushi Kimura and Masumi Oshima Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 747 41-51 2014
  •  Relative intensities of prompt γ-rays from the 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl reaction with thermal neutrons as secondary γ-ray intensity standards, Applied Radiation and Isotopes Michihiro Shibata, Akinori Tojo, Itaru Miyazaki, Masataka Furuta, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuaki Kojima, Yosuke Shima and Akihiro Taniguchi Applied Radiation and Isotopes 73 60-67 2013
  •  Ground-state configuration of the N = 157 nucleus 259No M. Asai, K. Tsukada, Minoru Sakama, H. Haba, T. Ichikawa, Y. Ishii, A. Toyoshima, T. Ishii, I. Nishinaka, Y. Nagame, Y. Kasamatsu, M. Shibata, Y. Kojima and Hiroaki Hayashi Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics 87 1 014332-1-6 2013
  •  Emission probabilities of some intense prompt γ rays of 24Na, 28Al, 52V, 56Mn, 60Co, 142Pr, 187W and 198Au with thermal neutron capture determined using γ rays following β decay Michihiro Shibata, Itaru Miyazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Akinori Tojo, Masataka Furuta, Yasuaki Kojima, Akihiro Taniguchi and Kiyoshi Kawade Annals of Nuclear Energy 43 106-113 2012
  •  A spectrometer for lifetime determination by β-γ-γ delayed coincidence technique at KUR-ISOL Y. Kojima, Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata, S. Endo, K. Shizuma and A. Taniguchi Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 659 1 193-197 2011
  •  Systematics for (n,2n) excitation functions in the neutron energy between 13.4 and 14.9 MeV Hiroaki Hayashi, Hitoshi Sakane, Michihiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Kawade, Yoshimi Kasugai, Yujiro Ikeda and Toshiyuki Iida Annals of Nuclear Energy 38 637-646 2010
  •  Practical Qβ analysis method based on the Fermi-Kurie plot for spectra measured with total absorption BGO detector Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuaki Kojima, Michihiro Shibata and Kiyoshi Kawade  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 613 1 79-89 2009
  •  Qβ-measurements with a total absorption detector composed of through-hole HPGe detector and anti-Compton BGO detector Hiroaki Hayashi, Michihiro Shibata, Itaru Miyazaki, Osamu Suematsu, Yasuaki Kojima, Kiyoshi Kawade and Akihiro Taniguchi Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 606 3 484-489 2009
  •  Measurements of activation cross section of (n,p) and (n,α) reactions in the energy range of 3.5-5.9 MeV using a deuterium gas target Masataka Furuta, Toshiaki Shimizu, Hiroaki Hayashi, Itaru Miyazaki, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Michihiro Shibata and Kiyoshi Kawade Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 9 1652-1662 2008
  •  Qβ measurements of 158,159Pm,159,161Sm, 160-165Eu, 163Gd and 166Tb using a total absorption BGO detector Hiroaki Hayashi, Y. Akita, O. Suematsu, M. Shibata, M. Asai, T. K. Sato, S. Ichikawa, I. Nishinaka, Y. Nagame, A. Osa, K. Tsukada, T. Ishii, Y. Kojima and A. Taniguchi The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei 34 4 363-370 2008
  •  Precise Intensity Measurements in the 14N(n, γ)15N Reaction as a γ-Ray Intensity Standard up to 11MeV Itaru Miyazaki, Hitoshi Sakane, Hirokazu Takayama, Masafumi Kasaishi, Akinori Tojo, Masataka FURUTA, Hiroaki Hayashi, Osamu Suematsu, Hiromichi Narasaki, Toshiaki Shimizu, Michihiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Kawade, Akihiro Taniguchi and Hideo Harada Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 45 6 481-486 2007
  •  Direct Radiation Dose Measurement of Rectum during High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Treatment Emi Tomita, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Kanako Sakuragawa, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Hiroshi Saegusa, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Sota Goto, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 6 39-42 2019
  •  Dose evaluation of radiosensitive organs during high-pitch third generation dual-source CT of the chest Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Shogo Tokurei, Ayumi Hashimoto, Shohei Kudomi, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume European Congress of Radiology 2018
  •  Phantom study using an OSL dosimeter with the aim of accurate measurement of eye lens dose exposure of operator during transfemoral cardiac catheterization using fluoroscopic examination Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Kenji Yamada, Sumi Yokoyama, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki European Congress of Radiology (EPOS) 2018
  •  Evaluation of Dose Response Characteristics of a Small Type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter Irradiated with More Than 10 Gy Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume, Yoshinori Hashimoto, Masashi Shirakata, Hajime Nakamura, Hirohito Yamazaki, Vergil LE Cruz, Cheng Wei Hsin, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuo Kobayashi Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) 2018
  •  Nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect of low B1 power CEST RF in human brain at 3.0 T Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Ikuho Kosaka, Kotaro Baba, Hiroaki Hayashi and Yuki Matsumoto Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 5117 2018
  •  T1 dependency of magnetization transfer effect in human brain Yuki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kotaro Baba, Ikuho Kosaka, Yuki Mtasumoto, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 3179 2018
  •  Does the amount of signal change depend on calcium concentration in lipid-rich core plaque? Yuki Kanazawa, Kotaro Baba, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuho Kosaka, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Michael Carl and Yuki Matsumoto Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 3473 2018
  •  Identification of breast tissue using the x-ray image measured with an energy-resolved cadmium telluride series detector based on photon-counting technique Mariko Sasaki, Shuji Koyama, Yoshie Kodera, Reina Suzuki, Ai Nakajima, Hiroko Nishide, Mitsuhiro Mizutani, Megumi Watanabe, Naoko Yoshida, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Daisuke Hashimoto, Masahiro Okada Proceedings of SPIE 2018
  •  Development of energy-resolved photon-counting mammography with a cadmium telluride series detector to reduce radiation exposure and increase contrast-to-noise ratio using the high-energy X-rays Reina Suzuki, Shuji Koyama, Yoshie Kodera, Ai Nakajima, Mariko Sasaki, Hiroto Kimura, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsutomu Yamakawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Daisuke Hashimoto, Masahiro Okada Proceedings of SPIE 10718 (IWDM) 2018
  •  Preliminary study of the portable Optically Stimulated Luminescence dosimetry system for measuring radiation doses more than 100 Gy T. Okazaki, T. Hashizume, V. LE Cruz, W. Cheng, I. Kobayashi, Y. Hashimoto, M. Shirakawa, H. Nakamura, H. Yamazaki, H. Hayashi Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan 2018
  •  Reproduction of response functions of a multi-pixel-type energy-resolved photon counting detector while taking into consideration interaction of X-rays, charge sharing and energy resolution Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada, Masashi Yamasaki Proceedings of IEEE(MIC) 2018
  •  A novel mammographic fusion imaging technique: the first results of tumor tissues detection from resected breast tissues using energy-resolved photon counting detector Mariko Sasaki, Shuji Koyama, Yoshie Kodera, Reina Suzuki, Hiroto Kimura, Hiroko Nishide, Mitsuhiro Mizutani, Megumi Watanabe, Naoko Yoshida, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Daisuke Hashimoto, Masahiro Okada Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2019
  •  Evaluation of Dose Response Characteristics of a Small Type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter Irradiated with More Than 10 Gy Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME, Yoshinori HASHIMOTO, Masashi SHIRAKATA, Hajime NAKAMURA, Hirohito YAMAZAKI, Vergil LE CRUZ, Wei Hsin CHENG, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Ikuo KOBAYASHI JPS Conf. Proc. 011035 2019
  •  High Dose Measurement using Low Density Aluminum Oxide Element Ikuo KOBAYASHI, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME, Vergil LE CRUZ, Cheng Wei HSIN, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Nakahiro YASUDA JPS Conf. Proc. 011034 2019
  •  Evaluation of gamma-ray disturbing effect on readout of charged particle tracks using fluorescent nuclear track detector (FNTD) Takuya Hashizume, Tohru Okazaki, Toshiya Sanami, Masayuki Hagiwara, Hideaki Monjushiro, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuo Kobayashi Radiation Measurements 122 22-28 2019
  •  Applicability of a Practical Calibration for the Small-type OSL Dosimeter for Measuring Doses from Direct X-rays and Penetrating X-rays Affected by Scattered Radiation Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kosaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Sumi Yokoyama, Kazuki Takegami, Takuya Hashizume, Vergil LE Cruz and Ikuo Kobayashi Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 6 22-25 2019
  •  Development of Novel Rectum Dosimeter using OSL sheet with the aim of Direct Dose Measurement of Organ Dose during Brachytherapy Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Kanako Sakuragawa, Hiroshi Saegusa, Yasufumi Shitakubo, Hitoshi Ikushima, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki Mihara, Yoshinori Miyahara, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 6 30-33 2019
  •  Direct Dose Measurement of Patients during Pediatric Computed Tomography Examination Hiroaki Hayashi, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Natsumi Kimoto, Keiji Tada, Ryosuke Kasai, Yuki Kanazawa, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Vergil LE Cruz Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 6 18-21 2019
  •  Energy and Angular Dependence of the Small-Type OSL Dosimeter in Nuclear Medicine Regions using Monte Carlo Simulation Vergil Lorenzo E. Cruz, Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume, Ikuo Kobayashi Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 6 34-38 2019
  •  Evaluation of gamma-ray disturbing effect on readout of charged particle tracks using fluorescent nuclear track detector (FNTD) Takuya Hashizume, Tohru Okazaki, Toshiya Sanami, Masayuki Hagiwara, Hideaki Monjushiro, Hiroaki Hayashi, Ikuo Kobayashi Radiation Measurements 122 22-28 2019
  •  Appropriate echo time selection for quantitative susceptibility mapping Yuki KANAZAWA, Yuki MATSUMOTO, Masafumi HARADA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Tsuyoshi MATSUDA, Hideki Otsuka Radiological Physics and Technology 12 2 185-193 2019
  •  Thermal sensitive pH imaging using CEST Yuki Kanazawa, Daiki Chiba, Masafumi Harada, Tosiaki Miyati, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe and Akihiro Haga Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 3991 2019
  •  Myelin imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Abe, Maki Ohtomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Ono, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 3313 2019
  •  Feasibility study of photon counting detector for producing effective atomic number image Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Asakawa, Takashi Asahara, Tatsuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada Proceedings of IEEE(MIC) 2019
  •  Evaluation of Dose Response Characteristics of a Small Type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter Irradiated with More Than 10 Gy Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME, Yoshinori HASHIMOTO, Masashi SHIRAKATA, Hajime NAKAMURA, Hirohito YAMAZAKI, Vergil LE CRUZ, Wei Hsin CHENG, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Ikuo KOBAYASHI  JPS Conf. Proc. 011035 2019
  •  High Dose Measurement using Low Density Aluminum Oxide Element Ikuo KOBAYASHI, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME, Vergil LE CRUZ, Cheng Wei HSIN, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Nakahiro YASUDA JPS Conf. Proc. 011034 2019
  •  A Blurring Correction Method Suitable to Analyze Quantitative X-ray Images Derived from Energy-Resolving Photon Counting Detector Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto Physics in Medicine and Biology 2024
  •  Conversion Map from Quantitative Parameter Mapping to Myelin Water Fraction: Comparison with R1·R2* and Myelin Water Fraction in White Matter Shyun Kitano, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito, Akihiro Haga Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2024
  •  Differences of white matter structure for diffusion kurtosis imaging using voxel-based morphometry and connectivity analysis Yuki Kanazawa, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kinjyo, Masafumi Harada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yo Taniguchi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito, Yuki Matsumoto, Akihiro Haga BJR Open 6 1 1-7 2024
  •  Determination of Alzheimer's disease based on morphology and atrophy using machine learning combined with automated segmentation Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Akihiro Haga, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, and Masafumi Harada Acta Radiologica 1-8 2024
  •  Simplified assessment for chemical exchanged saturation transfer (CEST) imaging: local offset frequency and CEST effect  Daiki Chiba, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Akihiro Haga Radiological Physics and Technology 17 93-102 2024
  •  Performance of elastic X-ray shield made by embedding Bi2O3 particles in porous polyurethane Tatsuya MAEDA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Miku ANDO, Daiki KOBAYASHI, Rina NISHIGAMI, Takashi ASAHARA, Sota GOTO, Cheonghae LEE, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Kosaku HIGASHINO, Takeshi KONISHI, Shuichi MURAKAMI, Motochika MAKI Medical Physics 1-13 2023
  •  Radiation exposure doses to the surgical team during hip surgery is significantly higher during lateral imaging than posteroanterior imaging: a cadaveric simulation study Yasuaki Tamaki, Kazuta Yamashita, Daiki Nakajima,Yasuyuki Omichi, Yoshinori Takahashi, Michihiro Takai, Shunsuke Tamaki, Tomohiro Goto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosaku Higashino, Yoshihiro Tsuruo, Koichi Sairyo Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 18 27 2023
  •  A cadaveric simulation study of radiation exposure to the surgical team during fluoroscopic spinal surgery: How much are we exposed? Kazuta YAMASHITA, Yasuaki TAMAKI, Daiki NAKAJIMA, Yasuyuki OMICHI, Yoshinori TAKAHASHI, Michihiro TAKAI, Tomohiro GOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Kosaku HIGASHINO, Yoshihiro TSURUNO, Koichi SAIRYO Spine Surgery and Related Research 7 341-349 2023
  •  A wearable active-type X-ray dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute exposure dose Takashi ASAHARA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Tatsuya MAEDA, Sota GOTO, Daiki KOBAYASHI, Rina NISHIGAMI, Cheonghae LEE, Miku ANDO, Yuki KANAZAWA, Satoshi IMAJO, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Kosaku HIGASHINO Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2023
  •  Signal-stabilized Al2O3:C-OSL dosimeter "checking chip" for correcting OSL reader sensitivity variation Sota GOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Hidetoshi YAMAGUCHI, Ryuji AKINO, Morihito SHIMIZU Radiation Measurements 160 106893 2023
  •  A cadaveric simulation study of radiation exposure to the surgical team during fluoroscopic spinal surgery: How much are we exposed? Kazuta YAMASHITA, Yasuaki TAMAKI, Daiki NAKAJIMA, Yasuyuki OMICHI, Yoshinori TAKAHASHI, Michihiro TAKAI, Tomohiro GOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Kosaku HIGASHINO, Yoshihiro TSURUNO, Koichi SAIRYO Spine Surgery and Related Research 2022
  •  Thyroid dose reduction shield with the generation of less artifacts used for fast chest CT examination Kazuki TAKEGAMI, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Tatsuya MAEDA, Cheonghae LEE, Rina NISHIGAMI, Takashi ASAHARA, Sota GOTO, Daiki KOBAYASHI, Miku ANDO, Yuki KANAZAWA, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Kosaku HIGASHINO, Shuichi MURAKAMI, Takeshi KONISHI, Motochika MAKI Radiation Physics and Chemistry 203 110635 2023
  •  Myelin-weighted imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takeshi Abe, Maki Otomo, Yuki Matsumoto, Masaharu Ono, Yoshitaka Bito, Akihiro Haga European Journal of Radiology 156 110525 2022
  •  Author Correction: Direct measurement of radiation exposure dose to individual organs during diagnostic computed tomography examination Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Fumio Hayashi, Yoshihiro Tsuruo, Koichi Sairyo Scientific Report 12 5035 2022
  •  Experimental study of X-ray dose reduction factor when using various size bismuth and lead particles Tatsuya Maeda, Hiroaki Hayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Miku Ando, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Takeshi Konishi, Shuichi Murakami, Motochika Maki, Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino Radiation Physics and Chemistry 195 110049 11 pages 2022
  •  Influence of distant scatterer on air kerma measurement in the evaluation of diagnostic X-rays using Monte Carlo simulation Masahide Tominaga, Yukari Nagayasu, Motoharu Sasaki, Takuya Furuta, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masataka Oita, Yuichi Nishiyama, Akihiro Haga Radiological Physics and Technology 14 381-389 2021
  •  A novel algorithm for extracting soft-tissue and bone images measured using a photon-counting type X-ray imaging detector with the help of effective atomic number analysis Natsumi KIMOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Cheonghae LEE, Tatsuya MAEDA, Miku ANDO, Yuki KANAZAWA, Akitoshi KATSUMATA, Shuichiro YAMAMOTO, Masahiro OKADA Applied Radiation and Isotopes 176 109822 12 pages 2021
  •  Direct measurement of radiation exposure dose to individual organs during diagnostic computed tomography examination: A cadaveric study Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Fumio Hayashi, Yoshihiro Tsuruo, Koichi Sairyo  Scientific Report 11 1 5435 2021/03
  •  Effective atomic number image determination with an energy-resolving photon-counting detector using polychromatic X-ray attenuation by correcting for the beam hardening effect and detector response Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Asakawa, Cheonghae Lee, Takashi Asahara, Tatsuya Maeda, Sota Goto, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada Applied Radiation and Isotopes 170 109617 2021/03
  •  A disposable OSL dosimeter for in-vivo measurement of rectum dose during brachytherapy Hiroaki HAYASHI, Natsumi KIMOTO, Tatsuya MAEDA, Emi TOMITA, Takashi ASAHARA, Sota GOTO, Yuki KANAZAWA, Yasufumi SHITAKUBO, Kanako SAKURAGAWA, Hitoshi IKUSHIMA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME Medical Physics Accepted 2021
  •  Evaluation of calibration factor of OSLD toward eye lens exposure dose measurement of medical staff during IVR Takashi ASAHARA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Sota GOTO, Natsumi KIMOTO, Kazuki TAKEGAMI, Tatsuya MAEDA, Yuki KANAZAWA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 21 11 263-271 2020
  •  Quantitative analysis of vibration waves based on Fourier transform in magnetic resonance elastography Ikuho KOSAKA, Yuki KANAZAWA, Kotaro BABA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Masafumi HARADA Radiological Physics and Technology 13 268-275 2020
  •  An idea to reduce angular dependence of dosimeter having a disk-shaped detection region, Radiation Measurements Sota GOTO, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Takashi ASAHARA, Natsumi KIMOTO, Emi TOMITA, Kazuki TAKEGAMI, Takumi ASAKAWA, Yuki KANAZAWA, Tohru OKAZAKI, Takuya HASHIZUME Radiation Measurements 137 106323 2020

Conference Presentations

  • Evaluation of accuracy for the portable-type reading device of the small-size OSL dosimeter(2018/04)
  • Doses caused by overranging effect: Radiosensitive organs dose measurement using a small-type OSL dosimeter during high pitch dual-source CT for chest scan(2018/04)
  • Proposal of Accurate Calibration for Measuring Eye Lens Dose of the Operator during Transfemoral Cardiac Catheterization with Fluoroscopic System Using an OSL dosimeter(2018/04)
  • Rectum Dose Measurements Using Novel Dosimetric System During High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy Treatment of Cervical Cancer(2018/04)
  • Potentiality of Effective Atomic Number Image Based on Photon Counting Technique for Achieving Proper Diagnosis Using Plain X-ray(conference:第74回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(Next Generation Session & 一般口頭発表))(2018/04)

show all

  • Spontaneous fission measurements for neutron-rich Fm nuclei produced with an 254Es target(conference:annual meeting of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences)(2018/09)
  • Construction of voxel-based morphometry of R1 and R2* derived from quantitative parameter mapping(2018/09)
  • Actual Surface Dose Evaluation outside Scan Area during Dual Source CT Scanning with Low Tube Voltage : A Phantom Study to Optimize Scan Parameters(2019/04)
  • Actual Dose Measurement of Assistants while Positioning Patients during Pediatric X-ray Examination Using a Small-type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter(2019/04)
  • An experiment toward proposing a way to reduce eye lens exposure dose using small-type OSL dosimeter during neonatal cardiac CT examination(2019/04)
  • Monte-Carlo Simulation of Photon Counting Detector towards Production of Effective Atomic Number Images Using Continuous X-rays(2019/04)
  • Trial production and evaluation of characteristics of novel-shaped optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter having lower angular dependence(2019/04)
  • Preliminary study for eye lens dose evaluation of the medical staff during interventional fluoroscopy using Optically Stimulated Luminescence dosimeters(conference:51st Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Radiation Technology)(2018/05)
  • 評估患者狀況的差異對小兒電腦斷層掃描(CT)檢查期間使用小型光刺激發光(OSL)劑量計(nanoDot)做直接劑量測量之影響(conference:51st Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Radiation Technology)(2018/05)
  • Nuclear Overhauser enhancement effect of low B1 power CEST RF in human brain at 3.0 T, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 26th Annual Meeting(conference: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 26th Annual Meeting)(2018/06)
  • T1 dependency of magnetization transfer effect in human brain(conference:International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 26th Annual Meeting)(2018/06)
  • Does the amount of signal change depend on calcium concentration in lipid-rich core plaque?(conference:International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 26th Annual Meeting)(2018/06)
  • Radiation Dose to the Lens of the Eye of Interventional Cardiologists and the Effect of Protectors on Dose Reduction(conference:5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5))(2018/05)
  • Proper Calibration Factor of Small Type OSL Dosimeter for Evaluating Eye Lens Dose of Operators during X-ray Fluoroscopic Procedure(conference:5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5))(2018/05)
  • Simulation of alpha-ray track images on fluorescence nuclear track detectors using Monte Carlo code(conference:5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5))(2018/05)
  • Radiation dose measurement in pediatric CT examination using nanoDot dosimeters, a small type Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeter(conference:5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOARP5))(2018/05)
  • Development of energy-resolved photon-counting mammography with a cadmium telluride series detector to reduce radiation exposure and increase contrast-to-noise ratio using the high-energy X-rays(conference:14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI))(2018/07)
  • Identification of breast tissue using the X-ray image measured with an energy-resolved cadmium telluride series detector based on photon-counting technique(conference:14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI))(2018/07)
  • First Trial of Actual Dose Measurement of Organ at Risk During Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer in Tokushima University Hospital(conference:Second International Seminar and Workshop on Technological Competency as Caring in the Health Science)(2018/08)
  • Reproduction of response functions of a multi-pixel-type energy-resolved photon counting detector while taking into consideration interaction of X-rays, charge sharing and energy resolution(conference:25th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-ray & Gamma-ray Detectors, IEEE(MIC))(2018/11)
  • The basic characteristics of a prototype eye lens dosimeter using thermoluminescence detector(conference:18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP))(2018/11)
  • Evaluating the energy dependence of the small type Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) “nanoDot” dosimeters in the energy region of diagnostic X-rays by using Monte Carlo Simulation(conference:18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP))(2018/11)
  • Trial study for development of a novel-formed dosimeter having lower angular dependence(conference:18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP))(2018/11)
  • Multiple readouts of response of OSL dosimeter to achieve highly accurate measurement of radiation dose during diagnostic X-ray examination(conference:34th annual meeting of JCRT)(2018/09)
  • Availability of the high pitch dual source CT for the chest examination: actual surface dose measurement using an OSL dosimeter to optimize irradiation parameters(conference:Radiological Society of North America (RSNA))(2018/11)
  • A. Ue, Y. Miyahara, E. Tomita, H. Hayashi, M. Tokudo, Y. Imoto, Y. Hieda, Y. Tamaki, T. Inomata, H. Kitagaki, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okazaki(conference:Radiological Society of North America (RSNA))(2018/11)
  • Quantitative evaluation of local offset frequency for CEST imaging(conference:The 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Chapter of ISMRM)(2018/12)
  • A novel mammographic fusion imaging technique: the first results of tumor tissues detection from resected breast tissues using energy-resolved photon counting detector(conference:SPIE Medical Imaging)(2019/02)
  • A novel mammographic substance discrimination technique with fusion imaging: Initial results of detection of breast cancer from resected breast tissues by energy-resolved photon counting detector(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/03)
  • Effective atomic number image produced with energy-resolved photon counting detector toward the development of next-generation plain X-ray diagnosis(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/03)
  • Evaluation of dose to risk organ during brachytherapy for cervical cancer using a novel passive rectum dosimeter(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/03)
  • Where do the scattering X-rays to eye lens exposure come from during neonatal cardiac CT examination?(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/03)
  • Actual dose measurements of assistant during pediatric X-ray examination with a precisely calibrated optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/03)
  • Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Sota Goto, Takashi Asahara, Emi Tomita, Yuki Kanazawa, Takuya Hashizume, Vergil Cruz, Cheng Wei Hsin(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2019/05)
  • Thermal sensitive pH imaging using CEST(conference:ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting)(2019/05)
  • Myelin imaging derived from quantitative parameter mapping(conference:ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting)(2019/05)
  • Phantom study using an OSL dosimeter with the aim of accurate measurement of eye lens dose exposure of operator during transfemoral cardiac catheterization using fluoroscopic examination(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2018/03)
  • Dose evaluation of radiosensitive organs during high-pitch third generation dual-source CT of the chest(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2018/03)
  • Gamma ray effect on reading alpha particle tracks using fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTDs) ~Difference with track angles~(conference:Internatinal Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Users)(2018/03)
  • Evaluation of Dose Response Characteristics of a Small Type Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter Irradiated with More Than 10 Gy(conference:Internatinal Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Users)(2018/01)
  • Response functions of multi-pixel type CdTe detector, --- toward development of precise material identification in diagnosti x-ray images by means of photon counting ---(conference:SPIE Medical Imaging)(2017/03)
  • Development of a novel method based on a photon counting technique with the aim of precise material identification in clinical X-ray diagnosis(conference:SPIE Medical Imaging)(2017/03)
  • Basic study for internal dose evaluation during CT examination by means of small-type OSL dosimeter(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2017/03)
  • An improvement of signal-to-noise ratio for phase image(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2017/03)
  • T1 dependence of magnetization transfer effect for macromolecules(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2017/03)
  • Preliminary study for exposure dose measurement of people assisting during a pediatric X-ray procedure by means of a small-type OSL dosimeter(conference:European Congress of Radiology)(2017/03)
  • Phase Correction for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) using T2* Mapping(conference:The 5th International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging)(2017/03)
  • 小型光刺激發光劑量計測量診斷範圍之輻射劑量的可能性評估(conference:The 50th Annual Meeting of TWSRT and the International Conference of Medical Imaging)(2017/03)
  • Use of detector holding device to minimize radiation exposure to the operator(conference:The 21st International Congress of Dental and Maxillo-Facial Radiology)(2017/04)
  • Reliability of the dose calibration of small-type Optically Stimulated Luminescence dosimeter for diagnostic X-rays(conference:The 50th Annual Meeting of TWSRT and the International Conference of Medical Imaging)(2017/03)
  • Baseline of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Brain(conference:ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting)(2017/04)
  • Dura Mater imaging with UTE T2* Mapping(conference:ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting)(2017/04)
  • Development of Novel Rectum Dosimeter using OSL sheet with the aim of Direct Dose Measurement of Organ Dose during Brachytherapy(conference:International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9))(2017/07)
  • Direct Dose Measurement of Patients during Pediatric Computed Tomography Examination(conference:International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9))(2017/07)
  • Applicability of Practical Calibration of a Small-type OSL Dosimeter For Measuring the Exposure Doses Effected by Scattered and Penetrating X-rays(conference:International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9))(2017/07)
  • Direct Radiation Dose Measurement of Rectum during High-Dose-Rate 192Ir Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Treatment(conference:International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9))(2017/07)
  • Energy and Angular Dependence of the small type OSL Dosimeter in Diagnostic and Nuclear Medicine Regions using Monte Carlo Simulation(conference:International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology (ISORD-9))(2017/07)
  • Gamma-ray effect for track counting of fluorescent nuclear detectors(conference:27th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements27th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements)(2017/08)
  • Novel material identification method using three energy bins of a photon counting detector taking into consideration Z-dependent beam hardening effect correction with the aim of producing an X-ray image with information of effective atomic number(conference:2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium)(2017/10)
  • Direct measurement of exposure doses using a small-type OSL dosimeters during pediatric CT examination(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology)(2017/10)
  • Development of a Novel Rectum Dosimeter for Evaluation of Organ Dose Exposure during Brachytherapy using High-Dose-Rate Ir-192(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology)(2017/10)
  • Precise calibration factor of small-type OSL dosimeter with the aim toward analysis of exposure doses caused by scattering X-ray in the diagnostic region(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology)(2017/10)
  • Evaluating the Influence of the Small-type Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dosimeter on CT Images for Radiation Dose Measurement of Patient(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology)(2017/10)
  • Development of a new in-vivo measurement system by means of OSL dosimeters during brachytherapy for cervical cancer(conference:RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America))(2017/11)
  • Potential of photon counting technique for next-generation type X-ray diagnostic system: To provide new medical image concerning effective atomic numbers using plain X-ray(conference:RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America))(2017/11)
  • Can OSL dosimetry measurement be applied to MR imaging during MR-LINAC treatment?(conference:RSNA2017 (Radiological Society of North America))(2017/11)
  • Which is More Important for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping? SNR of Phase vs Spin Dephasing.(conference:Radiological Society of North America (RSNA))(2017/11)
  • Practical phantom study using small-type OSL dosimeter toward direct dose measurement during pediatric CT examination(conference:AOCMP-AMPICON 2017)(2017/11)
  • Energy dependence of nanoDot OSL dosimeters to low energy X-rays using Monte-Carlo simulation code EGS5(conference:AOCMP-AMPICON 2017)(2017/11)
  • Universal calibration curve for a small-type OSL dosimeter to be used for direct dose measurements of direct, scattered and penetrating X-rays in the diagnostic region(conference:Radiological Society of North America (RSNA))(2017/11)
  • Study of fluorescence nuclear track detectors for practical use as personal neutron dosimeters -Evaluation of interceptive effect of gamma rays on reading alpha particle tracks-(2017/10)
  • Exposure dose measurement outside of the scan range by high pitch dual source CT(2017/12)
  • Spontaneous fission studies for neutron-rich Fm and Lr isotopes(conference:6th international conference on the chemistry and physics of the transactinide elements)(2019/08)
  • Novel Disk-Shaped OSL Dosimeter Having Smaller Angular Dependence(conference:19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19))(2019/09)
  • Development of a Clinically Applicable Rectum Dosimeter for Brachytherapy using an Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter(conference:19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19))(2019/09)
  • Practical calibration curve for a small-type OSL dosimeter to measure exposure dose of patients during medical X-ray diagnosis(conference:19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19))(2019/09)
  • Precise dose calibration method of OSL dosimeter with help of X-ray spectra toward exposure dose evaluation of eye lens(conference:19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19))(2019/09)
  • Measurements of neutron dose equivalents during BNCT using fluorescent nuclear track detectors(conference:19th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19))(2019/09)
  • Feasibility study of photon counting detector for producing effective atomic number image(conference:IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2019/10)
  • Importance of considering the response function of photon counting detectors with the goal of precise material identification(conference:IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2019/10)
  • Photon counting technique: How to analyze a novel quantitative image?(conference:RSNA2019)(2019/12)
  • Dose calibration factor of an OSL dosimeter during CT examination to measure exposure dose of patients taking into consideration proper X-ray quality(conference:ECR2020)(2020/03)
  • Multi-components analysis of brain using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging(conference:ECR2020)(2020/03)
  • Multicomponent T1 Relaxometry Analysis using Quantitative Parameter Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging(conference:ECR2020)(2020/03)
  • Optimizing the imaging conditions of energy resolved photoncounting mammography by simulating the characteristics of an actual detector(conference:ECR2020)(2020/03)
  • Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques(conference:ISMRM2020)(2020/04)
  • Comparison of estimation parameters of relaxation rate and susceptibility for myelin content with quantitative parameter mapping(2019/09)
  • 高エネルギー光子線場におけるOSL線量計を用いた吸収線量計測の不確かさの評価(2020/04)
  • Reading Uncertainty of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter with High Energy Photon Beam(2020/04)
  • Spatially smoothing processing of quantitative values in voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis(2020/04)
  • Phantom study using novel shaped OSL dosimeters having smaller angular dependence toward actual dose measurement during clinical X-ray examination(2020/04)
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters When Calculating the Shielding Rate Using Monte-Carlo Simulation and Experimentation(2020/04)
  • Dual-type active dosimeter having a novel algorithm to identify incident angles of X-rays(conference:第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会)(2020/04)
  • A Novel Algorithm for Material Identification Based on a Photon Counting Technique -Toward the Development of a Quantitative Plain X-ray Diagnosis Using an Effective Atomic Number Image-(conference:第76回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会)(2020/04)
  • Discrimination of non-metal dental material using photon counting CT toward identifying human remains(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • Convenient procedure to determine a dose reduction factor of the collar-type thyroid shield used for the chest CT examination(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • Suitability of High Tube Voltage Imaging for General Radiography When Using Energy Resolving Photon Counting Detectors(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • A correction method for image blurring to derive accurate quantitative material information using an energy resolving photon counting detector(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • A novel analysis method to determine surface radiation dose taking into account the incident angle of X-rays during a helical scanning CT examination(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • A novel evaluation procedure of X-ray shielding ability by estimating X-ray incident direction during helical CT examination(conference:The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2024/04)
  • Direct dose measurement method during chest CT examination by taking into consideration the X-ray incident direction(conference:European Congress of Radiology, ECR2024)(2024/02)
  • Applicability of high tube voltage imaging to achieve accurate quantitative images when applying photon counting detectors to general radiography(conference:SPIE Medical Imaging 2024)(2024/02)
  • Will general radiography become more valuable when exploiting the performance of a photon counting detector?(conference:The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America)(2023/11)
  • How can we establish direct radiation dose measurement during CT examinations?(conference:The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America)(2023/11)
  • Metabolic Analysis within an Atherosclerotic Plaque Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging(conference:The 109th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America)(2023/11)
  • Blurring correction for calculating functional images using an energy resolving photon counting detector(conference:The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2023/11)
  • Simulation study on functional images to optimize radiographic condition using energy resolving photon counting detector(conference:The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2023/11)
  • Automatic determination algorithm of intrinsic parameters on response function of energy-resolving photon counting imaging detector(conference:The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2023/11)
  • Absolute measurement of bone mineral density in general radiography using energy-resolving photon-counting detector(conference:The 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference)(2023/11)
  • Feasibility study of X-ray shielding procedure for reducing thyroid dose caused by overranging effect during CT examination(conference:The 39th Japan Conference of Radiological Technologists(39JCRT)and the 30th East Asia Conference of Radiological Technologists (30EACRT))(2023/09)
  • A pilot study of novel remote audits of radiotherapy beams using Al2O3:C OSL dosimetry system(conference:20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20))(2023/09)
  • An active-type personal dosimeter having functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during clinical X-ray examinations(conference:20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20))(2023/09)
  • Beam quality conversion factor of BeO-OSLD for a high-energy photon beam(conference:20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20))(2023/09)
  • Exposure Dose Reduction in Medical X-ray Diagnostics for BMD Measurement(conference:20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20))(2023/09)
  • Evidence of exposure dose reduction outside the scanning region during fast scan chest CT examination through the use of an X-ray shield(conference:20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20))(2023/09)
  • Myelin Water Atlas Template derived from Quantitative Parameter Mapping(conference:2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting)(2023/06)
  • Evaluation of Biological Metabolic Activity within an Atherosclerotic Plaque using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging(conference:2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting)(2023/06)
  • Diffusion Weighted-Viscosity Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques(conference:2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting)(2023/06)
  • Myelin Water Atlas Template derived from Quantitative Parameter Mapping(conference:2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting)(2023/06)
  • Evaluation of Biological Metabolic Activity within an Atherosclerotic Plaque using ChemicalExchange Saturation Transfer Imaging(conference:2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting)(2023/06)
  • Diffusion Weighted-Viscosity Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques(conference:Diffusion Weighted-Viscosity Imaging for Atherosclerotic Plaques)(2023/06)
  • A novel function for wearable dosimeters: to determine both incident direction and absolute dose of X-rays during IVR procedure(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • Findings for manufacturing novel X-ray shields having elasticity(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • A correction method for object edge blurring that is effective for quantitative analysis using photon counting imaging(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • Suitability of High-Tube-Voltage Imaging When Using Energy Resolving Photon Counting Detector (ERPCD): Simulation Study(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • Thyroid dose reduction related to the overranging effect by using a novel sponge-type shield during high-pitch chest CT examination(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • Investigation of properties related to BeO-based OSL dosimeter sensitivity in high-energy photon beam(conference:2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT))(2023/04)
  • Experimental study to develop elastic radiation shields embedded with metal particles(conference:European Congress of Radiology (ECR))(2023/03)
  • Practical procedure to reduce thyroid dose related to the overranging effect during fast chest CT examination using a novel sponge shield with embedded fine bismuth particles(conference:European Congress of Radiology (ECR))(2023/03)
  • A wearable active-type dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during IVR procedures(conference:European Congress of Radiology (ECR))(2023/03)
  • A Novel Method to Reduce Exposure Dose When Performing BMD Measurement Using Diagnostic X-ray Examinations(conference:22nd Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics, AOCMP 2022)(2022/12)
  • The development of a postal dosimetry procedure for high-energy photon beams using OSL dosimeters in Japan(conference:22nd Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics, AOCMP 2022)(2022/12)
  • Variable flip angle T1 mapping without acquiring data for B1 correction(2022/04)
  • Improvement of micro-densitometry method using a sheet which has X-ray shielding ability(2022/04)
  • Bone and soft-tissue image generation method based on one shot X-ray exposure using a photon-counting detector(2022/04)
  • Investigating the appropriate T2* cut-off value for Myelin Water Fraction (MWF)(conference:49th Annual Meeting of JSMRM)(2021/09)
  • Determination of Alzheimer's disease based on morphology and atrophy using machine learning combined with automated segmentation(conference:2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting)(2022/05)
  • Evaluation of Blood Flow and Plaque Vulnerability in Carotid Artery Stenosis Focusing on Morphological and Component Characteristics(conference:2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting)(2022/05)
  • Conversion map from quantitative parameter mapping to myelin water fraction(conference:2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting)(2022/05)
  • Development of self-calibrating B1 correction for three-dimensional variable flip angle T1 mapping(conference:2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting)(2022/05)
  • Determination of white matter structure index for voxel based morphometry and connectivity analysis(conference:ECR2022)(2022/03)
  • Development of a B1 correction method without additional scanning VFA T1 map(conference:ECR2022)(2022/03)
  • What Information Can We Derive From In-vivo Rectum Dose Measurement During RALS Irradiation?(conference:RSNA2021)(2021/11)
  • Is it possible to evaluate morphological carotid artery stenosis information using NASCET criteria?(conference:RSNA2021)(2021/11)
  • An idea for preparing the stabilized optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters having smaller signal depletion(conference:IEEE(NSS))(2021/10)
  • Bone and soft-tissue images extraction through derivation of effective atomic number image using photon-counting detector(conference:IEEE(MIC))(2021/10)
  • Trial to Fabricate a Radiation Dosimeter Having Functions to Determine Both Incident Angle and Exposure Dose of Scattered X-rays(conference:3rd Technological Competency As Caring In The Health Sciences)(2021/08)
  • Improved Resolution with Reconstructed Pixel Size(2021/04)
  • Precise Energy Calibration Procedure for X-ray Imaging Detector Using Polychromatic X-ray Spectrum(2021/04)
  • Simulation Study to Calculate Shielding Rate for the Development of Three-Dimensional Non-Uniform Shielding Material(2021/04)
  • Beam quality conversion factor and dose linearity of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSLD) for high-energy photon beam(2021/04)
  • How can we perform actual dose measurement? Clinically applicable procedures and its impact(conference:RSNA)(2020)


  •  Novel material identification method using three energy bins of a photon counting detector taking into consideration Z-dependent beam hardening effect correction with the aim of producing an X-ray image with information of effective atomic number 1.Kimoto Natsumi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Tomita Emi, Goto Sota, Mihara Yoshiki, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamakawa Tsutomu, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Yamasaki Masashi, Okada Masahiro and Hashimoto Daisuke 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium; Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record  2017
  •  Baseline of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Brain Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki and Natsuki Ikemitsu Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2017
  •  Dura Mater imaging with UTE T2* Mapping Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Toshiaki Sasaki, Natsuki Ikemitsu and Michael Carl  Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2017
  •  Preliminary study for exposure dose measurement of people assisting during a pediatric X-ray procedure by means of a small-type OSL dosimeter Hiroaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Mihara, Natsumi Kimoto, Takashi Asahara, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume  European Congress of Radiology 2017
  •  Basic study for internal dose evaluation during CT examination by means of small-type OSL dosimeter Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenji Yamada, Yuki Kanazawa, Kousaku Higashino, Kazuta Yamashita, Ryosuke Kasai, Tohru Okazaki and Takuya Hashizume European Congress of Radiology 2017

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  •  An improvement of signal-to-noise ratio for phase image Natsuki Ikemitsu, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takatoshi Usuda, Toshiaki Sasaki, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada European Congress of Radiology  2017
  •   T1 dependence of magnetization transfer effect for macromolecules Toshiaki Sasaki, Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsuki Ikemitsu, Takatoshi Usuda, Mitsuharu Miyoshi and Masafumi Harada  European Congress of Radiology  2017
  •  Development of a novel method based on a photon counting technique with the aim of precise material identification in clinical X-ray diagnosis Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamakawa Tsutomu, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Yamasaki Masashi and Okada Masahiro Proceedings of SPIE 2017
  •  Response functions of multi-pixel-type CdTe detector, --- Toward development of precise material identification on diagnostic X-ray images by means of photon counting --- 9.Hiroaki Hayashi, Asahara Takashi, Kimoto Natsumi, Yuki Kanazawa, Yamakawa Tsutomu, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Yamasaki Masashi and Okada Masahiro  Proceedings of SPIE 2017
  •  Simple improvement method of uniformity of MR elastography on liver 10.Yuki Kanazawa, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda, Munguu Ganbold and Masafumi Harada Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2016
  •  Evaluation of energy dependence of nanoDot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter using characteristic X-ray induced by medical X-ray equipment Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa and Kobayashi Ikuo  European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •  Development of leaf electroscope to understand ionization for novice practical training Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Itsumi Maehata and Yuki Kanazawa European Congress of Radiology 2016
  •  Compact irradiation system for evaluation of basic characteristics of the nanoDot OSL dosimeter toward direct measurement of exposure dose of patients Hiroki Okino, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi  European Congress of Radiology 2016
  •  Fabrication and analysis of phantoms providing the equal-image-density for basic experiment of next-generation-type X-ray diagnosis Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •   Proposal of quantitative identification method of a small-type OSL dosimeter: Verification that the dosimeter is not detected in the medical image Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume and Ikuo Kobayashi European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •  Precise determination of the scattered X-ray contamination rate using diagnostic X-ray equipment for the construction of the secondary X-ray field Itsumi Maehata, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami and Yuki Kanazawa  European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •  Comparison with statistical analysis of signal correction in diffusion weighted MR image Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •   Noise estimation for diffusion weighted MR image Yuto Konishi, Yuki Kanazawa, Takatoshi Usuda, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Harada European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •  Experimental evaluation of response functions of a CdTe detector in the diagnostic region with the aim of carrying out a basic experiment concerning a next generation photon counting system Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Kazuki Takegami, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tsutomu Yamakawa and Shuichiro Yamamoto  European Congress of Radiology  2016
  •   A Fundamental Experiment for Novel Material Identification Method Based on a Photon Counting Technique: Using Conventional X-Ray Equipment Hiroaki Hayashi, N. Kimoto, I. Maehata, K. Takegami, H. Okino, Yuki Kanazawa, M. Okada, T. Yamakawa, S. Yamamoto and M. Yamasaki  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium; Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record 2015
  •  Measurement method of an exposed dose using the nanoDot dosimeter Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroki Okino, Tohru Okazaki and Ikuo Kobayashi  European Congress of Radiology  2015
  •  Evaluation of the angular dependence of the nanoDot OSL dosimeter toward direct measurement of the entrance skin dose Tohru Okazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takegami Kazuki, Hiroki Okino and Kohei Nakagawa European Congress of Radiology  2015
  •  Development of new educational apparatus to visualize scattered X-rays Hiroaki Hayashi, K Takegami, H Okino, K Nakagawa and Yuki Kanazawa  European Congress of Radiology  2015
  •  Optimization of imaging parameter in contrast-enhanced three-dimensional T1 weighted MRI with fat saturation for head disease Yuki Kanazawa, T Miyati, Hiroaki Hayashi, A Yagi and O Sato  European Congress of Radiology 2015
  •  Proposal of efficient irradiation system of small type OSL dosimeter for photon beams between 100-2000 keV H. Okino, Hiroaki Hayashi, K. Takegami, N. Kimoto, I. Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, T. Okazaki, T. Hasizume and I. Kobayashi KEK proceedings 2015
  •  Beta- decay of 150Ce to 150Pr Y. Kojima, K. Kosuga, Y. Shima, A. Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi and M. Shibata KURRI progress report 2015 2015
  •   Identification of the excited levels of 156Pm through the decay of 156Nd M. Shibata, R. Jyoushou, Y. Shima, K. Kasuga, Y. kojima, Hiroaki Hayashi and A. Taniguchi  KURRI progress report 2013 2014
  •   Decay scheme of 150Ce Y. Kojima, K. Kosuga, Y. Shima, A. Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi and M. Shibata   KURRI progress report 2013 2014
  •  Prompt g-ray Measurement of 35Cl(n,g) Using Total Absorption Type Ge Detector Hiroaki Hayashi, Y. Kojima, M. Shibata and A. Taniguchi  KURRI Proceedings 2012 2013
  •  Half-Life Measurements of Excited Levels in 149Pr Yasuaki Kojima, Yousuke Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, Akihiro Taniguchi and Michihiro Shibata  KURRI progress report 2012 2013
  •  Determination of Gamma-Ray Intensities and Evaluation of Beta-Branching Ratios for the Decay of 147La to 147Ce Yousuke Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuaki Kojima, Akihiro Taniguchi and Michihiro Shibata  KURRI progress report 2012 2013
  •  Half-Life Measurements of Excited Levels in 149Nd Y. Kojima, Y. Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, A. Taniguchi and M. Shibata   KURRI Progress Report 2011 2012
  •  Coincidence Summing Correction of Total Absorption Clover Detector for Determination of g-ray Intensities of Fission Products Y. Shima, Y. Kojima, Hiroaki Hayashi, A. Taniguchi and M. Shibata KURRI Progress Report 2011 2012
  •  Newly Available Fission Products at KUR-ISOL (II) A. Taniguchi, Y. Okubo, M. Tanigaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata and Y. Kojima  KURRI Progress Report 2011 2012
  •   Identification of High-Energy Levels in 147Ce with a Total Absorption Clover Detector Yosuke Shima, Yasuaki Kojima, Michihiro Shibata, Hiroaki Hayashi and Akihiro Taniguchi JAEA-Conf-2012-001 2012
  •   Level Lifetime Measurements of Mass-Separated 148Pr Y. Kojima, Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata, S. Higuma, T. Fukushige, K. Shizuma and A. Taniguchi  KURRI Progress Report 2010 2011
  •  Decay Spectroscopy of 147La with a Total Absorption Clover Detector Y. Shima, Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata, Y. Kojima and A. Taniguchi  KURRI Progress Report 2010 2011
  •  Newly Available Fission Products at KUR-ISOL A. Taniguchi, Y. Ohkubo, M. Tanigaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata and Y. Kojima  KURRI Progress Report 2010 2011
  •  Neutron Flux Measurements of Newly Developed Neutron Collimator Hiroaki Hayashi, M. Shibata, Y. Shima and A. Taniguchi  KURRI Progress Report 2010 2011
  •  A new technique to measure half-lives of long-lived isomers using a total absorption detector M Asai, Hiroaki Hayashi, A Osa, T K Sato, Y Otokawa, D Nagae, K Tsukada, Y Miyashita, H Ouchi, S Izumi, T Shinozuka and M Shibata JAEA-Review 2009-036 2009
  •   Alpha-gamma coincidence spectroscopy of 259No M Asai, K Tsukada, M Sakama, Y Ishii, A Toyoshima, T Ishii, I Nishinaka, Y Nagame, Y Kasamatsu, M Shibata, Hiroaki Hayashi, H Haba and Y Kojima  JAEA-Review 2008-054 2008
  •  β DECAY HALF-LIFE OF 166Eu AND LEVELS IN 166Gd T K Sato, A Osa, M Asai, K Tsukada, Hiroaki Hayashi, M Shibata, Y Kojima and S Ichikawa  JAEA-Review 2007-046 2008
  •  Qβ measurements of neutron-rich isotopes with a total-absorption-type Ge detector using the KUR-ISOL Hiroaki Hayashi, Itaru Miyazaki, Michihiro Shibata, Yasuaki Kojima and Akihiro Taniguchi International Conference on Nuclear Date for Science and Technology 2007
  •  Development of a determination method of the prompt gamma-ray emission probability for the measurement of neutron capture cross sections I. Miyazaki, Hiroaki Hayashi, A. Tojo, A. Taniguchi and M. Shibata International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology  2007
  •   An Application of a Total-Absorption-Type HPGe Detector to QEC Measurements Hiroaki Hayashi, Y Akita, M Furuta, I Miyazaki, M Shibata, Y Kojima and A Taniguchi KURRI Progress Report 2008 2007
  •   Qβ DETERMINATIONS OF 160-165Eu, 163Gd, 158,159Pm, 159,161Sm AND 166Tb USING A TOTAL ABSORPTION BGO DETECTOR Hiroaki Hayashi, Y Akita, M Shibata, T K Sato, A Osa, M Asai, K Tsukada, T Ishii, S Ichikawa, Y Kojima and A Taniguchi JAEA-Review 2006-029 2006
  •  DECAY STUDIES OF NEW NEUTRON-RICH ISOTOPES 163,164,165EU T K Sato, A Osa, K Tsukada, M Asai, Hiroaki Hayashi, Y Kojima, M Shibata and S Ichikawa  JAEA-Review 2006-029 2006
  •  MEASUREMENT OF β-DECAY ENERGIES USING TOTAL ABSORPTION BGO DETECTOR Hiroaki Hayashi, M Shibata, K Kawade, M Asai, T K Sato, S Ichikawa, A Osa, K Tsukada, I Nishinaka, Y Nagane, Y Kojima and A Taniguchi  JAEA-Review 2005 2005
  •  Qβ Measurement of 147-149La and 151Ce with a Total-Absorption-Type HPGe Detector Using the KUR-ISOL Hiroaki Hayashi, Y Akita, I Miyazaki, M Shibata, Y Kojima, A Taniguchi and Y Ohkubo  KURRI Progress Report 2006 2006
  •  Qβ Measurements of Neutron-Rich Isotopes With a Total-Absorption-Type HPGe Detector Using an On-Line Mass Separator Hiroaki Hayashi, I Miyazaki, M Shibata, K Kawade, Y Kojima, A Taniguchi and Y Kawase  KURRI Progress Report 2005 2006
  •  PERFORMANCES OF AN HPGe TOTAL ABSORPTION DETECTOR FOR Qβ MEASUREMENTS Hiroaki Hayashi, I Miyazaki, M Shibata, K Kawade, M Asai, S Ichikawa, I Nishinaka, Y Nagame, A Osa, K Tsukada, Y Kojima and A Taniguchi  JAEA-Review 2004 2004
  •  Qβ measurement using a total absorption detector Hiroaki Hayashi, I Miyazaki, M Shibata, K Kawade, Y Kojima, A Taniguchi and Y Kawase   KURRI Progress Report 2004 2004
  •   Qb measurement using a well-type HPGe detector Hiroaki Hayashi, O. Suematsu, M. Shibata, Y. Kojima, A. Taniguchi and K. Kawade  JAERI-Conf 2004-005 2003
  •  Applicability of high tube voltage imaging to achieve accurate quantitative images when applying photon counting detectors to general radiography Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto Proceedings of SPIE 2024
  •  Direct dose measurement method during chest CT examination by taking into consideration the X-ray incident direction Hiroaki HAYASHI, Tatsuya MAEDA, Sota GOTO, Kazuki TAKEGAMI, Takashi ASAHARA, Rina NISHIGAMI, Daiki KOBAYASHI, Yuki KANAZAWA, Kazuta YAMASHITA European Congress of Radiology, EPOS 2024
  •  Blurring correction for calculating functional images using an energy resolving photon counting detector Daiki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Rina Nishigami, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto Proceedings of IEEE 2023
  •  Simulation study on functional images to optimize radiographic condition using energy resolving photon counting detector Rina Nishigami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto Proceedings of IEEE 2023
  •  Automatic determination algorithm of intrinsic parameters on response function of energy-resolving photon counting imaging detector Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Daiki Kobayashi, Rina Nishigami, Tatsuya Maeda, Takashi Asahara, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Natsumi Kimoto, Shuichiro Yamamoto Proceedings of IEEE 2023
  •  Absolute measurement of bone mineral density in general radiography using energy-resolving photon-counting detector Natsumi Kimoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto Proceedings of IEEE 2023
  •  Myelin Water Atlas Template Derived from Quantitative Parameter Mapping Yuki Kanazawa, KITANO Shun, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito and Akihiro Haga Proceedings of ISMRM 2023
  •  Diffusion weighted-viscosity imaging for atherosclerotic plaques Mayuka Seguchi, Yuki Kanazawa, Tosiaki Miyati, Masafumi Harada, Mitsuharu Miyoshi, Yuki Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yasuhisa Kanematsu and Yasushi Takagi Proceedings of ISMRM 2023
  •  A wearable active-type dosimeter having novel functions to derive both incident direction and absolute dose of scattered X-rays during IVR procedures Takashi Asahara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Sota Goto, Daiki Kobayashi, Cheonghae Lee, Yuki Kanazawa, Naoki Maeda, Mitsugi Honda ECR2023 2023
  •  Practical procedure to reduce thyroid dose related to the overranging effect during fast chest CT examination using a novel sponge shield with embedded fine bismuth particles Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Tatsuya Maeda, Cheonghae Lee, Rina Nishigami, Takashi Asahara, Shuichi Murakami, Takeshi Konishi, Motochika Maki ECR2023 2023
  •  Experimental study to develop elastic radiation shields embedded with metal particles Tatsuya MAEDA, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Miku ANDO, Cheonghae LEE, Takeshi KONISHI, Shuichi MURAKAMI, Motochika MAKI, Kazuta YAMASHITA, Kosaku HIGASHINO ECR2023 2023
  •  Determination of white matter structure index for voxel basedmorphometry and connectivity analysis N.Ikemitsu, Y.Kanazawa, M.Harada, Y.Matsumoto, H.Hayashi, K.Ito, Y.Taniguchi, Y.Bito, A.Haga EPOS, ECR 2022 2022
  •  Development of a B1 correction method without additionalscanning for VFA T1 mapping N.Fukuda, Y.Kanazawa, H.Hayashi, Y.Matsumoto, M.Harada, M.Sasaki, A.Haga EPOS, ECR 2022 2022
  •  Determination of white matter structure index for voxel basedmorphometry and connectivity analysis N.Ikemitsu, Y.Kanazawa, M.Harada, Y.Matsumoto, H.Hayashi, K.Ito, Y.Taniguchi, Y.Bito, A.Haga 2021
  •  Development of a B1 correction method without additionalscanning for VFA T1 mapping N.Fukuda, Y.Kanazawa, H.Hayashi, Y.Matsumoto, M.Harada, M.Sasaki, A.Haga 2021
  •  An idea for preparing the stabilized optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters having smaller signal depletion Sota GOTO, Hidetoshi YAMAGUCHI, Morihito SHIMIZU, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Hiroshi SEKIGUCHI, Ryuji AKINO Proceedings of IEEE(NSS) 4 pages 2021
  •  Bone and soft-tissue images extraction through derivation of effective atomic number image using photon-counting detector Cheonghae Lee, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Tatsuya Maeda, Miku Ando, Yuki Kanazawa, Akitoshi Katsumata, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada 5 pages 2021
  •  RSNA Award report Radfan 18 2 2020
  •  Determining the difference of calibration factors in diagnostic X-rays and mono-energetic X-rays of the small type OSL dosimeter for a more precise dose evaluation in diagnostic X-ray examinations T. Okazaki, H. Hayashi, S. Goto, T. Asahara, E. Tomita, Y. Kanazawa, T. Hashizume, V. Cruz, W. H. Cheng 2019
  •  Where do the scattering X-rays to eye lens exposure come from during neonatal cardiac CT examination? Yoshiki Mihara, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takumi Uehara, Emi Tomita, Sota Goto, Keiji Tada, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Takuya Hashizume 2019
  •  A novel mammographic substance discrimination technique with fusion imaging: Initial results of detection of breast cancer from resected breast tissues by energy-resolved photon counting detector M. Sasaki, S. Koyama, Y. Kodera, H. Nishide, M. Mizutani, M. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, H. Hayashi, S. Yamamoto 2019
  •  Dose calibration factor of an OSL dosimeter during CT examination to measure exposure dose of patients taking into consideration proper X-ray quality Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takashi Asahara, Sota Goto, Emi Tomita, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Shohei Kudomi 2020
  •  Multi-components analysis of brain using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging Yugo Wada, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Naoki Maeda, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, and Mitsuharu Miyoshi 2020
  •  Multicomponent T1 Relaxometry Analysis using Quantitative Parameter Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging Naoki Maeda, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Yuki Matsumoto, Takashi Abe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Masaharu Ono, and Yoshitaka Bito 2020
  •  Optimizing the imaging conditions of energy resolved photoncounting mammography by simulating the characteristics of an actual detector H. Kimura, S. Koyama, Y. Kodera, H. Hayashi, N. Kimoto, H. Nishide, S., Yamamoto, M. Okada , D. Hashimoto 2020
  •  Importance of considering the response function of photon counting detectors with the goal of precise material identification Takumi Asakawa, Hiroaki Hayashi, Natsumi Kimoto, Takashi Asahara, Tatsuya Maeda, Shuji Koyama, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Okada 2020

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study


Classes (Bachelors)

○Radiation Measurement Experiment 2(2023)
○Radiochemistry Experiment(2023)
○Radiation Measurement Experiment 2(2023)
○Radiochemistry Experiment(2023)
○Radiological Physics B(2023)
○Radiochemistry B(2023)
○Radiochemistry A(2023)
○Radiological Physics A(2023)
○Introduction to Data Science(2023)
○Radiation Physics(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Radiochemistry Experiment(2022)
○Radiation Measurement Experiment 2(2022)
○Radiation Measurement Experiment 2(2022)
○Radiochemistry Experiment(2022)
○Radiation Physics(2022)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2023)
○Research Design in Medical Radiation Science: Lec.(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2023)
○Research Design in Medical Radiation Science: Lec.(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Research Design in Medical Radiation Science: Lec.(2022)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2022)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Seminar(2022)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2022)
○Analytics for Functional Imaging: Lecture(2022)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2022)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2022)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2022)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Seminar(2022)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2022)
○Medical Physics:Lecture(2022)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2022)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2022)
○Processing & Anal. for Biofunctional Imaging: Res.(2022)
○Radiological Imaging Technology: Lecture(2022)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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