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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/01/08

Professor YONETOKU Daisuke

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


Laboratory of Astrophysics TEL:076-264-5672 FAX:076-264-6055

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Doctor Graduate school of Science and Engineeri The Course of Fundamental Physics 200203 Unfinished course
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics 199903
Doctor of Philosophy in Science


Institute of Space and Astronautical Science High Energy Astrophysics Research Assistants(2001/04/01-2002/03/31)
Research Associates Faculty of Science(2002/04/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Astronomical Society Japan

International Astronomical Union


International Astronomical Union
International Astronomical Union
○The Young Scientists Prize(2009/04/14)
○Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan(2007/09/24)


Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics、Astronomy、Infrared Telescope Grism、

Speciality Keywords

High Energy Astrophysics Gamma-Ray Burst Astro-E2 Semi-Conductor Devices Infrared Astrophysics Cosmology

Research Themes

Gamma-Ray Burst Astrophysics

HiZ-GUNDAM satellite

Gamma-Ray Polarization


High Energy Astrophysics



  •  Magnetic Structures in Gamma-Ray Burst Jets Probed by Gamma-Ray Polarization ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 758 L1 2012/10
  •  Detection of Gamma-Ray Polarization in Prompt Emission of GRB 100826A ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 743 L30 2011/12
  •  Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimeter - GAP - aboard the Small Solar Power Sail Demonstrator IKAROS PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 63 3 625 2011/06
  •  Strict Limit on CPT Violation from Polarization of Gamma-Ray Burst PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109 241104 2012/12
  •  A Possible Emission Feature In An X-ray Afterglow of GRB 970828 As A Radiative Recombination Edge ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 557 L27 2001/08

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  •  Possible Origins of Dispersion of the Peak Energy-Brightness Correlations of Gamma-Ray Bursts PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 62 6 1495 2010/12
  •  Fabrication of the ASTRO-E Hard X-ray Detector SPIE 3765 1999
  •  Non-Equilibrium Ionization States of GRB Environments ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 557 L23 2001/08
  •  Preflight Performance of the Astro-E Hard X-ray Detector SPIE 3765 1999
  •  Upper Limits of Iron Line Flux in X-ray Afterglow of Two Gamma-Ray Burst with ASCA PASJ 52 509 2000/04
  •  Observations of Iron Feature with ASCA ESO Astrophysics Symposia 2001
  •  Gamma-Ray Burst Formation Rate Inferred from the Spectral Peak Energy-Peak Luminosity Relation ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 609 2 935 2004/07
  •  One Approach to the Star-Formation History Inferred from the GRB Lag--Luminosity Relation PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 55 5 65 2003/10
  •  An Off-Axis Jet Model For GRB 980425 and Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Bursts ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 594 2 79 2003/09
  •  The Quiescent Counterpart of the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater SGR 0526-66 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 585 2 948 2003/03

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Physics Experiments 2(2017)
○Experimental Techniques of Physics A(2017)
○Experimental Techniques of Physics B(2017)
○Physics Experiments 1(2017)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 1(2017)
○Exercise in Quantum Mechanics 1(2016)
○Experimental Techniques of Physics(2016)
○Physics Experiments 1(2016)
○Physics Experiments 2(2016)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Special Lecture on Physics(2017)
○Special Lecture on Physics(2017)
○Special Lecture on Physics(2017)
○X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy(2017)
○X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy(2017)
○X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics b(2017)
○Astrophysics a(2017)
○Astrophysics b(2017)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics a(2017)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Special Lecture on Physics(2017)
○Seminar B(2017)
○X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy(2017)
○Special Lecture on Physics(2016)
○Research Work B(2016)
○X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy(2016)
○Exercise B(2016)
○Seminar B(2016)
○Astrophysics b(2016)
○Astrophysics a(2016)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics b(2016)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics a(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

○Gamma-Ray Bursts and Early Universe

Others (Social Activities)

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