Professor SATO Masahide
Faculty, Affiliation
Emerging Media Initiative
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 1997 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tohoku University 1992
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Associate of Crystal Growth
Japan Associate of Crystal Growth
Crystal growth、Mathematical physics/Fundamental condensed matter physics
Speciality Keywords
Crystal growth
Research Themes
Pattern Formation in crystal growth
Crystal surfaces that appear even have bumps of atomic layers called steps. In a growing crystal, solidification occurs in these areas, and proceeds to crystallization. I study the behavior of steps in the growth and sublimation of a crystal, and what form of the crystal it is reflected in.
- Multi-layer kagome lattices assembled with isotropic spherical colloids via heteroepitaxial growth Jun Nozawa, Masahide Sato, _satoshi Uda, Kozo Fujiwara Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2024/12/18
- Structures of the First Epitaxial Layer Created in Colloidal Heteroepitaxy Masahide Sato The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2024/10/22
- In-situ observation of homogeneous nucleation of colloidal crystals formed with attractive interactions under density-matching conditions Masahide Sato Modern Physics Letters B 2024/04/05
- Formation of various structures caused by particle size difference in colloidal heteroepitaxy Masahide Sato Scientific reports 14 2024/02/08
- Structures Formed by Particles with Shoulderlike Repulsive Interaction in Thin Systems Ryo Muragishi, Masahide Sato ACS Omega 8 2023/09/08
- Two-Dimensional Structures Formed by Triblock Patchy Particles with Two Different Patches Masahide Sato Langmuir 2022/11/29
- Two-dimensional binary colloidal crystals formed by particles with two different sizes Masahide Sato Scientific reports 11 2022/06/20
- Effect of impurities on tiling in a two-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystal Masahiro Fuwa, Masahide Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61 045504 2022/03/17
- Step-bunching instability of growing interfaces between ice and supercooled water Ken-ichiro Murata, Masahide Sato, Makio Uwaha, Fumiaki Saito, Ken Nagashima, Gen Sazaki Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 10 e2115955119 2022/03/01
- Clusters formed by dumbbell-like one-patch particles confined in thin systems Masahide Sato Scientific reports 11 18078 2021/09/10
- Effect of the Interaction Length on Clusters Formed by Spherical One-Patch Particles on Flat Planes Masahide Sato Langmuir 2021/03/29
- Effect of Patch area and Interaction Length on clusters and Structures Formed by One-Patch Particles in Thin Systems Masahide Sato ACS Omega 2020/10/30
- Effect of the Surface Diffusion and Evaporation of Impurities on Step Bunching Induced by Impurities Masahide Sato Journal of Physics Society of Japan 88 11 114801 2019/10/10
- Approach of Laptop personalization for 12 years at Kanazawa University 23 29 2019/09/17
- Self-Assembly Formed by Spherical Patchy Particles with Long-Range Attraction Masahide Sato Journal of Physics Society of Japan 88 10 104801 2019/09/04
- Effect of density change at crystallization on a one-dimensional heat balance equation at solid–liquid interface Atsushi Mori, Masahide Sato, Yoshihisa Suzuki Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58 4 045506 2019/03/27
- Two-dimensional structures formed in a binary system of DNA nanoparticles with a short-range interaction potential Masahide Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57 125002 2018/11/02
- Effect of evaporation on step bunching induced by impurities Masahide Sato Phys. Rev. E 97 6 062801 2018/06/15
- Self-Assembly of Two-Dimensional Patchy Colloidal Dumbbells Kanji Nakamura, Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87 6 064601 2018/05/28
- Step Bunching Induced by Immobile Impurities in a Surface Diffusion Field Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 11 114603 2017/10/13
- Effect of Direction of an External Force on Crystallization of Colloidal Particles in a V-Groove by Sedimentation Masahide Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55 9 095601/1-5 2016/08/10
- Two mechanisms forming a comblike step pattern induced by a moving linear adatom source Masahide Sato, Hitoshi Miura, and Makio Uwaha Phys. Rev. E 95 032803 2017/03/17
- Effect of difference in interaction strength on two-dimensional lattice structure in a binary system with DNA nanoparticles Keita Tanaka, Hiroyasu Katsuno, Masahide Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 075001 2017/06/21
- Three-dimensional Lattice Structure Formed in a Binary System with DNA Nanoparticles Keno Kawasaki, Hiroyasu Katsuno, Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 6 064601 2017/05/12
- Dependence of the Apex Angle of an Inverted Pyramidal-Shaped Container on Crystallization of Brownian Particles Yohei Kanatsu, Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 84 11 114601-1-5 2015/10/07
- Period of a comblike pattern controlled by atom supply and noise Kawaguchi, Masashi;Miura, Hitoshi;Kishi, Kazuhiro;Sato, Masahide;Uwaha, Makio PHYSICAL REVIEW E 91 1 2015/01/01
- Colloidal crystallization on tilted substrates under gravitational fields Yoshihisa Suzuki, Atsushi Mori, Masahide Sato, and Hiroyasu Katsuno Journal of Crystal Growth 401 905
- Ordering of Brownian Particles from Walls Due to an External Force Masahide Sato, Hiroyasu Katsuno, Yoshihisa Suzuki Journal of Crystal Growth 401 87 2014/02
- Effect of container shape and walls on solidification of Brownian particles in a narrow system Mamoru Fujine, Masahide Sato, Hiroyasu Katsuno, Yoshihisa Suzuki Phys. Rev. E 89 4 042401 2014/04
- Crystallization of Brownian Particles from Walls Induced by a Uniform External Force Hiroyasu Katsuno, Yoshihisa Suzuki J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82 8 084804 2013/08
- Crystallization of Brownian particles in thin systems constrained by walls Mamoru Fujine, Masahide Sato, Tetsuya Toyooka, Hiroyasu Katsuno, Yoshihisa Suzuki, and Tsutomu Sawada PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90 032404-1-7 2014/09
- Crystallization of Brownian Particles in a Pyramidal Pit by a Uniform External Force Yohei Kanatsu, Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84 4 044601 2015/03
- Growth Law of Bunch Size in Step Bunching Induced by Flow in Solution Sato, Masahide JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 80 2 0-0 2011/02/10
- Removal of defects in a colloidal crystal grown in an inverted pyramidal container by changing the external force Youhei Kanatsu, Masahide Sato Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54 11301-1-4 2015/10/08
- Relation between the Step Pattern and the Velocity of the Moving Linear Adatom Source Kazuhiro Kishi, Masashi Kawaguchi, Hitoshi Miura, Masahide Sato, Makio Uwaha e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
- Crystallization of Brownian particles in thin systems constrained by walls Fujine, Mamoru; Sato, Masahide; Toyooka, Tetsuya; Katsuno, Hiroyasu; Suzuki, Yoshihisa; Sawada, Tsutomu Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 90 3 2014/09/22
- Period of a comblike pattern controlled by atom supply and noise Masashi Kawaguchi, Hitoshi Miura, Kazuhiro Kishi, Masahide Sato, and Makio Uwaha Phys. Rev. E 91 012409 2015/01
- Two-Dimensional Crystal Structure Formed by Two Components of DNA Nanoparticles on a Substrate Hiroyasu Katsuno, Yuya Maegawa, and Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 85 6 074605-1-5 2016/06/30
- Step bunching induced by flow in solution Sato, Masahide JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 318 1 5-9 2011
- Pattern formation of a step induced by a moving linear source Shinji Kondo, Makio Uwaha, and Hiroki Hibino Phys. Rev. B 84 045420 2011/06
- Formation of finger-like step patterns on a Si(111) vicinal face Sato, Masahide;Kondo, Shinji;Uwaha, Makio JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 318 1 14-17 2011
- Two-dimensional motion of Unstable Steps Induced by a Flow in Solution Masahi Inaba J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 6 0704604 2011/06
- Growth Law of Bunch Size in Step Bunching Induced by Flow in Solution Masahi Inaba J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 6 0704606 2011/06
- Step Bunching Induced by Flow in Solution J. Crst. Growth 318 1 5-9 2011/03
- Formation of finger-like step patterns on a Si(111) vicinal face Shinji Kondo,Makio Uwaha J. Crst. Growth 318 1 5-9 2011/03
- Growth Law of Bunch Size in Step Bunching Induced by Flow in Solution J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 2 024604( 2011/02
- Step Instabilities on a Vicinal Face induced by Flow of Solution Masahide Sato J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 79 6 064606 2010/06
- Step Instabilities on Si(111) Vicinal Face near 1×1 ↔7 ×7 Transition Temperature during Sublimation Kenta Ikawa J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 78 124602 2009/11
- Step wandering on Si(111) vicinal face near the 1x1 to 7x7 transition temperature with drift of adatoms parallel to steps Masahide Sato Phys. Rev. E 062601 2008/06
- Effect of alternation of kinetic coefficients on step instabilities on Si(0 0 1) vicinal face, Masahide Sato Journal of Crystal Growth Vol 310 April (2008) 1371-1375 2008/04
- Effect of impingement and evaporation on drift - induced step instabilities on Si(1 1 1) vicinal face near transition temperature Kaori Deura Journal of Crystal Growth Vol 310 Issues 7-9 1376-1379 2008/04
- Motion of step pairs during drift-induced step bunching on a Si(001) vicinal face Journal of Crystal Growth 303, No 1 (2007) 85-89 2007/04
- ffect of step permeability on step instabilities due to alternation of kinetic coefficients on a growing vicinal face Euro.Phys. J. B Vol. 59 No. 3 (2007) 311-318 2007/03
- Drift-Induced Step Instabilities on Si(111) Vicinal Face near 1X1-7X7 Kenta Ikawa, Masahide Sato, Makio Uwaha Journal of Physics Society of Japan 76 6 6 (2007) 064602-1-7 2007/06
- Effect of Two-Dimensionality on Step Bunching on a Si(001) Vicinal Face Masahide Sato, Makio Uwaha, Yukio Hirose J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75 4 (2006) 043601-1-4 2006/04
- Drift-Induced Step Instabilities Due to The Gap in the Diffusion Coefficient JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 275 1-2 e129-e134 2005/04
- Growth of Step Bunches on a Si(001) Vicinal Face with Drift of Adatoms M. Sato, T. Mori, M. Uwaha, Y. Hirose JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 73 7 1827-1832 2004/07
- Step Bunching with Alternation of Structural Parameters JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 72 11 2850-2855 2003/11
- Repulsion-mediated step wandering on a Si(001) vicinal face PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67 1254081 -7 2003/03
- Step Wandering induced by the drift of adatoms in a conserved sytsem PHYSICAL REVIEW B 65 2454271-6 2002/06
- Growth of permeable steps formed by drift of adatoms SURFACE SCIENCE 493 1-3 480 2001/11
- Growth law of step bunches induced by the Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect in growth SURFACE SCIENCE 493 1-3 494 2001/11
- Instabilities of steps induced by the drift of adatoms and the effect of step permeability PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62 12 8452 2000/09
- Instabilities of permeable steps induced by the drift of adatoms SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 7 5 6 607 2000/12
- Growth of step bunches formed by the drift of adatoms SURFACE SCIENCE 442 1 318 1999/11
- Change of wandering pattern with anisotropy in step kinetics JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 198 199 1 38 1999/03
- Pattern formation in the instability of a vicinal face by the drift of adatoms PHYSICAL REVIEW E 60 6 7120 1999/12
- Control of chaotic wandering of an isolated step by the drift of adatoms PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 80 19 4233 1998/05
- Hierarchial bunching of steps in conserved system Journal of Physical Society of Japan 67 11 3675 1998/11
- Wandering and bunching instabilities of steps described by nonlinear evolution of equations 5 3 4 841 1998/07
- Kinematical bound states of steps caused by Asymmetry in step kinetics Journal of Physical Society of Japan 66 4 1054 1997/04
- Gravitational tempering in colloidal epitaxy to reduce defects further A. Mori, Y. Suzuki, and M. Sato Crystal Growth & Design 14 2083
- Effect of Impurities on Two-Dimensional Nucleation Hiroyasu Katsuno, Kiiko Katsuno, Masahide Sato Phys. Rev. E 84 021605 2011/08/23
- Cluster diffusion on two-dimensional surface with immobile impurities Hiroyasu Katsuno, Masahide Sato Journal of Crystal Growth 401 504
Conference Presentations
- In situ observation of homogeneous nucleation of colloidal crystals formed with attractive interactions under density matching conditions(2022/11/19)
- STEP BUNCHING INDUCED BY IMPURITES IN A SURFACE DIFFUSION FIELD(conference:The 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy )(2019/07/29)
- TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES FORMED BY SPHERICAL PATCHY PARTICLES(conference:The 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy )(2019/07/29)
- Formation of a comblike step pattern induced by a moving linear adatom source(conference:New developments in step dynamics on crystal surfaces: from nanoscale to mesoscale)(2017/10/27)
- Step bunching on a vicinal face in a conserved system
- Crystal lattice structure of two components of DNA nano particles on a substrate(conference:The 18th international conference in Crystal Growth and Epitaxy)(2016/08/07)
- Effect of Direction of External Force on Crystallization of Colloidal Particles in a V-Groove in Sedimentation(conference:The 18th international conference in Crystal Growth and Epitaxy)(2016/08/07)
- Relation between the period of protrusions in a comb-like step pattern and the velocity of adatom source moving in front of the step(conference:The 18th international conference in Crystal Growth and Epitaxy)(2016/08/07)
- Effect of Apex Angle and Force Direction on Sedimentation of Crystallization of Brownian Particles in Inverted Pyramidal Container
- Effect of Container Shape and Force Direction on Crystallization of Brownian Particles in Sedimentation(conference:The Joint Conference of 6th ISPS and 10th ITTW )(2015/09/15)
- Some Details of Gravitational Tempering in Colloidal Epitaxy Using Hard-Sphere Model (conference:The Joint Conference of 6th ISPS and 10th ITTW ()(2015/09/15)
- Formation of a Comb-Like Pattern on a Ga Deposited Si(111) Vicinal Face
- 金沢大学における教員のICTの教育への活用状況‑アンケート調査報告‑(conference:2014PCカンファレンス)(2014/08/09)
- ノートPC必携化‑金沢大学における生協との協力体制-(conference:2014PCカンファレンス)(2014/08/09)
- 移動する原子供給源による特異なステップパターン(conference:新学術領域研究「ゆらぎと構造の協奏」公募班キックオフ研究会)(2014/04/26)
- 様力を受けたブラウン粒子の壁面からの結晶化(conference:日本物理学会2013年秋季大会)(2013/09/25)
- 移動する粒子源によるステップのパターン形成 フェーズフィールドシミュレーション(3)(conference:日本物理学会2013年秋季大会)(2013/09/25)
- リゾチーム存在下でのグルコースイソメラーゼ結晶の平衡温度(conference:第43回日本結晶成長国内学会 )(2013/11/06)
- 移動する粒子源によるステップのパターン形成‐原子供給量と異方性の効果(conference:第43回日本結晶成長国内学会 )(2013/11/06)
- コロイド結晶成長における容器形状依存性(conference:第43回日本結晶成長国内学会 )(2013/11/06)
- 移動する粒子源によるステップのパターン形成―櫛歯状パターンの周期―(conference:第43回日本結晶成長国内学会 )(2013/11/06)
- Ordering of Brownian Particles from Walls Due to an External Force(conference:The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth)(2013/08/11)
- Effect of immobile impurities on behaviors of a two-dimensional island(conference:The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth)(2013/08/11)
- Step patterns induced by a line source of adatoms(conference:The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth)(2013/08/11)
- Crystallization and annealing of colloidal crystals under gravitational fields(conference:The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth)(2013/08/11)
- Pattern formation of steps on Si(001) vicinal face due to the drift of adatoms 47 4 292-300 2004/04
- Drift-Induced Bunching with Anisotropic Surface Diffusion The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 56 2 2001/09
- 27aXC-11 Instability of a Step Train Due to the Alternation of Kinetic Coefficient Sato Masahide The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 60 1 2005/03
- 27aWK-9 E-Learning contents of fundamental physics for science and engineering The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 60 1 2005/03
- Effects of surface diffusion and step kinetics in step bunching on a Si(001) vicinal face with electric current The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 58 2 2003/08
- Step Bunching in a Si(001) Vicinal Face with Electric Current : Effects of Surface Diffusion and Step Kinetics The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 30 3 2003/07
- Growth law of step bunches in current-induced step bunching on a Si(001) vicinal face The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 30 3 2003/07
- Step Bunching in a Si(001) Vicinal Face with Drift Flow of Adatoms The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 29 2 2002/07
- Drift-Induced Step Wandering in a Vicinal Face of Si(001) The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 29 2 2002/07
- Fundamentals of Crystal Growth : Theory and Experiment(
ICCG-13/ICVGE-11) The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 28 4 266-268 2001/12 - 13pXE-13 E-Learning contents of the fundamental course of physics for improving teaching and homework system The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 59 2 2004/08
- Pattern Formation of Steps on a Si(001) Vicinal Face with Drift of Adatoms 47 4 292-300 2004/04
- 29pWP-4 Growth Laws in Drift-Induced Step Bunching on a Si(001) Vicinal Face The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 59 1 2004/03
- News of JACG: The 15th international conference on crystal growth (ICCG-15) 34 3 167-171 2007/09
- 22pPSA-1 Step Instabilities on a Si(001) Vicinal Face in Sublimation : Effect of Kinetic Coefficients The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 62 2 2007/08
- 22pPSA-4 Effect of Impingement and Evaporation on Drift-Induced Step bunching on Si(111) Vicinal Face near Transition Temperature The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 62 2 2007/08
- 20aPS-4 Drift-Induced step & Boundary Due to the Gap in the Diffusion Coefficient The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 62 1 2007/02
- 24pYH-5 Dependence of step bunching in Si(001) vicinal face on velocity of drift of adatoms The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 61 2 2006/08
- 28aXJ-7 Step Bunching on a Si(001) Vicinal Face : Dependence of growth rate of bunch size on Strength of Drift of Adatoms The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 61 1 2006/03
- 20pXF-5 Drift-induced Step Instabilities on a Vicinal Face with two diffusion coefficients The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 60 2 2005/08
- 20pXF-4 Two-Dimensional Effect on Growth of Step Bunches on a Si(001) Vicinal Face The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 60 2 2005/08
- 28aXJ-8 Step Instabilities on a Si(111) Vicinal Face in low temperature The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 61 1 2006/03
- Fundamenals of Crystal Growth(The 40th National Conference on Crystal Growth (NCCG-40) and the 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-16)/the 14th International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy (ICVGE-14),News of JACG) The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 37 3 235-236 2010/10
- 24aWX-11 Effect of flow in a solution on instability of a vicinal face II The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 65 2 2010/08
- 24aWX-10 Effect of flow in a solution on instabilities of vicinal face I Sato Masahide The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 65 2 2010/08
- 24aWX-4 Dependence of step velocities on interstep distances : in-situ measurement on monoclinic lysozyme crystal surfaces The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 65 2 2010/08
- Research Project of the Computer Centre at Gakushuin University : The 4th Workshop on Mathematical Science of Crystal Growth(News of JACG) The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 37 1 2010/04
- 21pPSA-4 Behavior of an array of steps with flow in solution Sato Masahide The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 65 1 2010/03
- 21pGL-10 Simulation of step pattern formation on Si(111) with Ga deposition I The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 65 1 2010/03
- 26pPSA-65 Morphological Instabilities of Crystal Surface Consisting of Two Structures with Different Diffusion Coefficients : Effect of Sublimation Sato Masahide The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 64 2 2009/08
- Crystallization and Structure Formation of Nano-Submicron Particles(Preface for special issue) The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) 36 2 2009/07
- 22pPSB-5 Cluster growth with long-range interactions The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 63 2 2008/08
- 24pTD-9 Instabilities of Step Train in Surfrace Diffusion Field Sato Masahide The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 63 1 2008/02
- Creating the educational system of basic information processing in order to develop the e-learning environment across departments 25 1 87-92 2008/
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Computer Experiments 1(2018)
○Mechanics 1(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Computer Experiments 1(2017)
○Mechanics 1(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2016)
○Mechanics 1(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Computer Experiments 1(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Research Work B(2018)
○Computational Nanoscience b(2018)
○Seminar B(2018)
○Computational Nanoscience a(2018)
○Exercise B(2018)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2018)
○Computer Operation(2018)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2018)
○Seminar B(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Computer Operation(2017)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2017)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2017)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2017)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2017)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2017)
○Computational Nanoscience b(2017)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2017)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2017)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2017)
○Computational Nanoscience a(2017)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Computational Nanoscience a(2016)
○Topics in Computational Science b(2016)
○Exercise B(2016)
○Computational Nanoscience b(2016)
○Research Work B(2016)
○Topics in Computational Science a(2016)
○Computational Nanoscience a(2016)
○Seminar B(2016)
○Special Topics in Applied Computational Science(2016)
○Computational Physics of Crystal Growth(2016)
○Computer Operation(2016)