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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/18

Professor MAEDA Katsuhiro

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

WPI Nano Life Science Institute

College and School Educational Field

Division of Nano Life Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Division of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Nano Life Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Division of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering


Macromolecular Synthesis TEL:076-234-4783 FAX:076-234-4783

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry 199803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Nagoya University Department of Applied Chemistry 199303
Doctor of Engineering


Assiatant Professor, School of Engineering, Nagoya University School of Engineering Assiatant Professor(1998/04/01-2002/04/30)
Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Nagoya University School of Engineering Associate Professor(2002/05/01-2007/01/31)
Designated Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research Designated Associate Professor(2007/02/01-2008/02/29)
Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Kanazawa University School of Engineering(2008/03/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

the Society of Polymer Science, Japan
the Chemical Society of Japan
The American Chemical Society


The American Chemical Society
○Thomson Reuters Research Front Award 2012(2012/02/21)
○The Excellent Presentation Award for Young Scientists(2005/07)
○Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science(2002/05/25)


Polymer chemistry

Speciality Keywords

polymer synthesis

Research Themes

Development of Novel Chiral π-Conjugated (Macro)molecular Systems

The purpose of this study is to develop novel chiral π-conjugated (macro)molecular systems, which can detect the chirality of target molecules as changes in their absorption, luminescence, visible color, or electrical properties.

Synthesis and Application of Functional Materials by Using Dynamic Helical Polymers

Synthesis and Application of Functional Materials by Using Dynamic Helical Polymers Dynamic helical polymers can cooperatively change their conformation, such as helical pitch and helical sense, in response to various chiral and achiral external stimuli. In this study, we aim to develop functional materials based on dynamic helical polymers, which can electrically or spectroscopically detect various external stimuli with high sensitivity.

Development of Novel Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials

Development of Novel Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials The key factor for achieving higher power-conversion efficiency (PCE) in organic thin film solar cells (OSCs) is to develop novel photovoltaic materials used in active layers as electron donors. The conjugated polymers used in OSCs as electron donor materials at present, such as poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), absorb only a small part of the sunlight. This mismatch between absorption spectra of the conjugated polymers and the solar irradiance spectrum limits the utility of the sunlight, resulting in low PCE of OSCs. In order to attain the realization of practical application of OSCs, we have been developing novel conjugated polymers with small-bandgap, which can effectively harvest photons from the sunlight. This work is performed in collaboration with Prof. K. Takahashi's group in the same department.


  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro CSJ Current Review No.14 Chirality (Chiral Chemistry) Kagaku-Dojin Inc. 2013/10
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,IKAI Tomoyuki Cutting-edge Research in Organic Thin-film Solar Cells CMC Publishing Inc. 2012/07
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Fullerene Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Applications Wiley-VCH 2009/12
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro Supramolecular Science& Technology –From Basic to Innovation– NTS Inc. 2009/05
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Nature-Guided Materials Processing Sankyo Publishing 2007/03

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  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Foldamers (Structure, Properties, and Applications) WILEY-VCH, Weinheim 2007/03
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji A Laboratory Guide to Structure and Property Measurements of Organic Compounds and Polymer for Young Chemists 2006/03
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Illustrated: All About Polymeric New Materials Kogyo Chosakai Publishing Co., Ltd. 2005/05
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Supramolecular Science Kagaku-Dojin Inc. 2004/03
  •  MAEDA Katsuhiro,YASHIMA Eiji Synthetic Macromolecules with Higher Structural Order (ACS Symposium Series 812) American Chemical Society 2002/10


  •  Well‐Controlled Living Polymerization of N‐Propargylamides and Their Derivatives by Rhodium Catalysis Kosuke Ito,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 17 2022/02/23 
  •  Enantioseparation on helical poly(diphenylacetylene)s bearing optically-active pendants: Effects of differences in higher-order structures of kinetically-trapped and thermodynamically-stable states on chiral recognition ability Daisuke Hirose,Koji Ogino,Kosei Uematsu,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of Chromatography A 1675 463164 2022/07 
  •  Well‐Controlled Living Polymerization of Phenylacetylenes in Water: Synthesis of Water‐Soluble Stereoregular Telechelic Poly(phenylacetylene)s Kensuke Echizen,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 26 2022/04/27 
  •  Synthesis of Pentaarylcyclobutenylrhodium(I) Complexes and Their Reactivity and Initiation Mechanism in Polymerization of Monosubstituted Acetylenes Shiori Sakamoto,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Yoko Sakata,Shigehisa Akine,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Organometallics 41 4 472 2022/02/28 
  •  Cross-linked dithiocarbamate-modified cellulose with enhanced thermal stability and dispersibility as a sorbent for arsenite removal Keisuke Nakakubo,Masaru Endo,Yuto Sakai,Foni B. Biswas,Kuo H. Wong,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Chemosphere 307 135671 2022/11

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  •  Functionalized polyvinyl alcohol aerogel for efficient and selective removal of arsenite from aqueous matrices Foni B. Biswas,Sandip Das,Tatsuya Nishimura,Masaru Endo,Mayu Fukuda,Futo Morita,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Chemical Engineering Journal 450 138232 2022/12
  •  Racemic Monomer‐Based One‐Handed Helical Polymer Recognizes Enantiomers through Auto‐Evolution of Its Helical Handedness Excess Tomoyuki Ikai,Tomoyuki Kurake,Shogo Okuda,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 9 4625 2021/02/23 
  •  Synthesis of Stereoregular Telechelic Poly(phenylacetylene)s: Facile Terminal Chain-End Functionalization of Poly(phenylacetylene)s by Terminative Coupling with Acrylates and Acrylamides in Rhodium-Catalyzed Living Polymerization of Phenylacetylenes Kensuke Echizen,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 9 3604 2021/03 
  •  Comparative evaluation of dithiocarbamate-modified cellulose and commercial resins for recovery of precious metals from aqueous matrices Foni B. Biswas,Ismail M.M. Rahman,Keisuke Nakakubo,Koki Yunoshita,Masaru Endo,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Journal of Hazardous Materials 418 126308 2021/09
  •  Helical springs as a color indicator for determining chirality and enantiomeric excess Katsuhiro Maeda,Daisuke Hirose,Mai Nozaki,Yoichi Shimizu,Taro Mori,Kentaro Yamanaka,Koji Ogino,Tatsuya Nishimura,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Munetsugu Moro,Eiji Yashima Science Advances 7 27 eabg5381 2021/06 
  •  Emergence of Highly Enantioselective Catalytic Activity in a Helical Polymer Mediated by Deracemization of Racemic Pendants Tomoyuki Ikai,Mitsuka Ando,Masaki Ito,Ryoma Ishidate,Nozomu Suzuki,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 32 12725 2021/08/18 
  •  Speciation analysis of inorganic selenium in wastewater using a highly selective cellulose-based adsorbent via liquid electrode plasma optical emission spectrometry Keisuke Nakakubo,Takashi Nishimura,Foni B. Biswas,Masaru Endo,Kuo H. Wong,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Journal of Hazardous Materials 424 127250 2022/02
  •  Visualisation of helical structures of poly(diphenylacetylene)s bearing chiral amide pendants by atomic force microscopy Ayhan Yurtsever,Sandip Das,Tatsuya Nishimura,Rafael Rodríguez,Daisuke Hirose,Kazuki Miyata,Ayumi Sumino,Takeshi Fukuma,Katsuhiro Maeda Chemical Communications 57 92 12266 2021/11 
  •  Helical Polymers with Dynamic and Static Macromolecular Helicity Memory: The Power of Helicity Memory for Helical Polymer Synthesis and Applications Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 11 2637 2021/11/15 
  •  Rhodium(I) Complexes Bearing an Aryl‐Substituted 1,3,5‐Hexatriene Chain: Catalysts for Living Polymerization of Phenylacetylene and Potential Helical Chirality of 1,3,5‐Hexatrienes Shiori Sakamoto,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Yoko Sakata,Shigehisa Akine,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 41 22201 2021/10/04 
  •  Radical trans-Hydroboration of Substituted 1,3-Diynes with an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Borane Kosuke Takahashi,Steven J. Geib,Katsuhiro Maeda,Dennis P. Curran,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi Organic Letters 23 3 1071 2021/01/22 
  •  Understanding the Polymerization of Diphenylacetylenes with Tantalum(V) Chloride and Cocatalysts: Production of Cyclic Poly(diphenylacetylene)s by Low-Valent Tantalum Species Generated in Situ Shingyo Sueyoshi,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Saki Tanaka,Hitoshi Asakawa,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 39 16136 2021/10/06 
  •  Chiral/Achiral Copolymers of Biphenylylacetylenes Bearing Various Substituents: Chiral Amplification through Copolymerization, Followed by Enhancement/Inversion and Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity Tomoyuki Ikai,Ryoma Ishidate,Kazuya Inoue,Kübra Kaygisiz,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Macromolecules 53 3 973 2020/02/11 
  •  Disclosing chirality in consecutive supramolecular polymerizations: chiral induction by light in N-annulated perylenetetracarboxamides Elisa E. Greciano,Rafael Rodríguez,Katsuhiro Maeda,Luis Sánchez Chemical Communications 56 15 2244 2020 
  •  Catalytic one-handed helix-induction and memory of amphiphilic poly(biphenylylacetylene)s in water Tomoyuki Ikai,Kosuke Mizumoto,Ryoma Ishidate,Winald R. Kitzmann,Riho Ikeda,Chiaki Yokota,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Giant 2 100016 2020/06 
  •  Facile and Versatile Synthesis of End‐Functionalized Poly(phenylacetylene)s: A Multicomponent Catalytic System for Well‐Controlled Living Polymerization of Phenylacetylenes Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Takumi Yoshida,Kensuke Echizen,Kokoro Takayama,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 22 8670 2020/05/25 
  •  Helix-Sense-Selective Synthesis of Right- and Left-Handed Helical Luminescent Poly(diphenylacetylene)s with Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity and Their Helical Structures Katsuhiro Maeda,Mai Nozaki,Kengo Hashimoto,Kouhei Shimomura,Daisuke Hirose,Tatsuya Nishimura,Go Watanabe,Eiji Yashima Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 16 7668 2020/04/22 
  •  Dithiocarbamate-modified cellulose-based sorbents with high storage stability for selective removal of arsenite and hazardous heavy metals Futo Morita,Keisuke Nakakubo,Koki Yunoshita,Masaru Endo,Foni B. Biswas,Tatsuya Nishimura,Asami S. Mashio,Hiroshi Hasegawa,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Katsuhiro Maeda RSC Advances 10 50 30238 2020 
  •  Revisiting Polyfluoroarenes as Radical Acceptors: Radical C–F Bond Borylation of Polyfluoroarenes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Boranes and Synthesis of Borane-Containing Liquid Crystals Kosuke Takahashi,Masaki Shimoi,Takashi Watanabe,Katsuhiro Maeda,Steven J. Geib,Dennis P. Curran,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi Organic Letters 22 5 2054 2020/03/06 
  •  Synthesis of a poly(diphenylacetylene) bearing optically active anilide pendants and its application to a chiral stationary phase for high-performance liquid chromatography Mai Nozaki,Daisuke Hirose,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of Chromatography A 1622 461173 2020/07 
  •  The Thermal Rearrangement of an NHC‐Ligated 3‐Benzoborepin to an NHC‐Boranorcaradiene Masaki Shimoi,Ilia Kevlishvili,Takashi Watanabe,Katsuhiro Maeda,Steven J. Geib,Dennis P. Curran,Peng Liu,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 2 903 2020/01/07 
  •  Spin Filtering Along Chiral Polymers Suryakant Mishra,Amit Kumar Mondal,Eilam Z. B. Smolinsky,Ron Naaman,Katsuhiro Maeda,Tatsuya Nishimura,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Takumu Yoshida,Kokoro Takayama,Eiji Yashima Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 34 14671 2020/08/17 
  •  Spin Filtering Along Chiral Polymers Suryakant Mishra,Amit Kumar Mondal,Eilam Z. B. Smolinsky,Ron Naaman,Katsuhiro Maeda,Tatsuya Nishimura,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Takumu Yoshida,Kokoro Takayama,Eiji Yashima Angewandte Chemie 132 34 14779 2020/08/17 
  •  Selective recovery of silver and palladium from acidic waste solutions using dithiocarbamate-functionalized cellulose Foni B. Biswas,Ismail M.M. Rahman,Keisuke Nakakubo,Koki Yunoshita,Masaru Endo,Kanji Nagai,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Chemical Engineering Journal 407 127225 2020/10 
  •  Revisiting the Polymerization of Diphenylacetylenes with Tungsten(VI) Chloride and Tetraphenyltin: An Alternative Mechanism by a Metathesis Catalytic System Mami Miyairi,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 35 14772 2020/08/24 
  •  Does local chain conformation affect the chiral recognition ability of an amylose derivative? Comparison between linear and cyclic amylose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) Akiyuki Ryoki,Yuto Kimura,Shinichi Kitamura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Ken Terao Journal of Chromatography A 1599 144 2019/08 
  •  Dithiocarbamate-modified cellulose resins: A novel adsorbent for selective removal of arsenite from aqueous media Keisuke Nakakubo,Hiroshi Hasegawa,Mikiya Ito,Kazuki Yamazaki,Maho Miyaguchi,Foni B. Biswas,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of Hazardous Materials 380 120816 2019/12 
  •  Helicity Induction and Its Static Memory of Poly(biphenylylacetylene)s Bearing Pyridine N ‐Oxide Groups and Their Use as Asymmetric Organocatalysts Mitsuka Ando,Ryoma Ishidate,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 57 24 2481 2019/12/15 
  •  Unexpectedly Strong Chiral Amplification of Chiral/Achiral and Chiral/Chiral Copolymers of Biphenylylacetylenes and Further Enhancement/Inversion and Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity Ryoma Ishidate,Albert J. Markvoort,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 18 7605 2019/05/08 
  •  Three-State Switchable Chiral Stationary Phase Based on Helicity Control of an Optically Active Poly(phenylacetylene) Derivative by Using Metal Cations in the Solid State Daisuke Hirose,Asahi Isobe,Emilio Quiñoá,Félix Freire,Katsuhiro Maeda Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 21 8592 2019/05/29 
  •  Helicity induction and memory effect in poly(biphenylylacetylene)s bearing various functional groups and their use as switchable chiral stationary phases for HPLC Ryoma Ishidate,Toru Sato,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda Polymer Chemistry 10 46 6260 2019 
  •  Esters as Radical Acceptors: β‐NHC‐Borylalkenyl Radicals Induce Lactonization by C−C Bond Formation/Cleavage on Esters Masaki Shimoi,Katsuhiro Maeda,Steven J. Geib,Dennis P. Curran,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 19 6357 2019/05/06 
  •  Macromolecular helicity control of poly(phenyl isocyanate)s with a single stimuli-responsive chiral switch Mayu Fukuda,Rafael Rodríguez,Zulema Fernández,Tatsuya Nishimura,Daisuke Hirose,Go Watanabe,Emilio Quiñoá,Félix Freire,Katsuhiro Maeda Chemical Communications 55 55 7906 2019 
  •  Optically Active Distorted Cyclic Triptycenes: Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC Tomoyuki Ikai,Naoya Nagata,Seiya Awata,Yuya Wada,Katsuhiro Maeda,Motohiro Mizuno,Timothy M. Swager RSC ADVANCES 8 37 20483 2018
  •  Direct Detection of Hardly Detectable Hidden Chirality of Hydrocarbons and Deuterated Isotopomers by a Helical Polyacetylene through Chiral Amplification and Memory Katsuhiro Maeda,Daisuke Hirose,Natsuki Okoshi,Kouhei Shimomura,Yuya Wada,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Eiji Yashima Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 9 3270 2018/03/07 
  •  Multi-Component Post-Polymerization Modification Reactions of Polymers Featuring Lignin-Model Compounds Ryohei Kakuchi,Satoshi Yoshida,Takasuke Sasaki,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Katsuhiro Maeda POLYMER CHEMISTRY 9 16 2109 2018/04/28
  •  Radical trans-Hydroboration of Alkynes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Boranes Masaki Shimoi,Takashi Watanabe,Katsuhiro Maeda,Dennis P. Curran,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 30 9485 2018/07/20 
  •  Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Containing Chiral Polythiophene Chains and Their Micelle Formation and Chiroptical Properties Daisuke Hirose,Satoru Nozaki,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Katsuhiro Maeda Polymers 10 7 718 2018/06/30 
  •  Circularly Polarized Luminescent Triptycene-Based Polymers Tomoyuki Ikai,Takumu Yoshida,Seiya Awata,Yuya Wada,Katsuhiro Maeda,Motohiro Mizuno,Timothy M. Swager ACS MACRO LETTERS 7 3 364 2018/03/20
  •  Multi-Component Post-Polymerization Modification Reactions of Polymers Featuring Lignin-Model Compounds, Polymer Chemistry Ryohei Kakuchi, Satoshi Yoshida, Takasuke Sasaki, Shigeyoshi Kanoh, Katsuhiro Maeda Polymer Chemistry 2018/03/30
  •  Direct Detection of Hardly Detectable Hidden Chirality of Hydrocarbons and Deuterated Isotopomers by a Helical Polyacetylene through Chiral Amplification and Memory Katsuhiro Maeda, Daisuke Hirose, Natsuki Okoshi, Kouhei Shimomura, Yuya Wada, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh, Eiji Yashima Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 9 3270-3276 2018/03/07
  •  Chiral stationary phases consisting of pi-conjugated polymers bearing glucose-linked biphenyl units: reversible switching of resolution abilities based on a coil-to-helix transition Tomoyuki Ikai,Seiya Awata,Tomoya Kudo,Ryoma Ishidate,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER CHEMISTRY 8 29 4190 2017/08
  •  Chromatographic enantioseparation by poly(biphenylylacetylene) derivatives with memory of both axial chirality and macromolecular helicity Ryoma Ishidate,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda CHIRALITY 29 3-4 120 2017/03
  •  A cellulose-based chiral fluorescent sensor for aromatic nitro compounds with central, axial and planar chirality Tomoyuki Ikai,Daisuke Suzuki,Ken-ichi Shinohara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER CHEMISTRY 8 14 2257 2017/04
  •  Helical Polyacetylenes Induced via Noncovalent Chiral Interactions and Their Applications as Chiral Materials Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY 375 4 2017/08
  •  Chiral Triptycene-Pyrene π-Conjugated Chromophores with Circularly Polarized Luminescence Tomoyuki Ikai,Yuya Wada,Seiya Awata,Changsik Yun,Katsuhiro Maeda,Motohiro Mizuno,Timothy M. Swager ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY 15 39 8440 2017/10
  •  Helical Folding of pi-Conjugated Polymers Bearing Glucose-Linked Biphenyl Units in the Main Chain: Application to Circularly Polarized Luminescence Materials Tomoyuki Ikai,Sho Shimizu,Tomoya Kudo,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 90 8 910 2017/08
  •  Correction: Efficient and rapid direct transesterification reactions of cellulose with isopropenyl acetate in ionic liquids (RSC Adv. (2015) 5 (72071–72074) DOI: 10.1039/C5RA14408F) Ryohei Kakuchi,Makoto Yamaguchi,Takatsugu Endo,Yoshiki Shibata,Kazuaki Ninomiya,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kenji Takahashi RSC Advances 7 24 14321 2017
  •  A mechanistic insight into the organocatalytic properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids and a positive co-solvent effect on cellulose modification reactions in an ionic liquid Ryohei Kakuchi,Ryo Ito,Shuhei Nomura,Hadi Abroshan,Kazuaki Ninomiya,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hyung J. Kim,Kenji Takahashi RSC ADVANCES 7 16 9423 2017
  •  Correction: A mechanistic insight into the organocatalytic properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids and a positive co-solvent effect on cellulose modification reactions in an ionic liquid (RSC Advances (2017) 7 (9423-9430) DOI: 10.1039/C6RA28659C) Ryohei Kakuchi,Ryo Ito,Shuhei Nomura,Hadi Abroshan,Kazuaki Ninomiya,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hyung J. Kim,Kenji Takahashi RSC Advances 7 23 13876 2017
  •  Static Memory of Enantiomeric Helices Induced in a Poly(biphenylylacetylene) by a Single Enantiomer Assisted by Temperature- and Solvent-Driven Helix Inversion Katsuhiro Maeda,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Eiji Yashima Macromolecules 50 19 7801 2017/10/10 
  •  Cellulose Derivatives Bearing Pyrene-Based π-Conjugated Pendants with Circularly Polarized Luminescence in Molecularly Dispersed State Tomoyuki Ikai,Yutaka Kojima,Ken-Ichi Shinohara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER 117 220 2017/05
  •  Efficient and rapid direct transesterification reactions of cellulose with isopropenyl acetate in ionic liquids (vol 5, pg 72071, 2015) Ryohei Kakuchi,Makoto Yamaguchi,Takatsugu Endo,Yoshiki Shibata,Kazuaki Ninomiya,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kenji Takahashi RSC ADVANCES 7 24 14321 2017
  •  Development of Amylose- and beta-Cyclodextrin-Based Chiral Fluorescent Sensors Bearing Terthienyl Pendants Tomoyuki Ikai,Changsik Yun,Yutaka Kojima,Daisuke Suzuki,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh MOLECULES 21 11 2016/11
  •  Chiral Recognition Ability of an Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene) as a Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Katsuhiro Maeda,Miyuki Maruta,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh CHEMISTRY LETTERS 45 9 1063 2016/09
  •  Chiral fluorescent sensors based on cellulose derivatives bearing terthienyl pendants Tomoyuki Ikai,Daisuke Suzuki,Yutaka Kojima,Changsik Yun,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER CHEMISTRY 7 29 4793 2016
  •  Supramolecular Helical Systems: Helical Assemblies of Small Molecules, Foldamers, and Polymers with Chiral Amplification and Their Functions Eiji Yashima,Naoki Ousaka,Daisuke Taura,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda CHEMICAL REVIEWS 116 22 13752 2016/11
  •  Synthesis of Thieno[ 3,4-b] thiophene-Based Donor Molecules with Phenyl Ester Pendants for Organic Solar Cells: Control of Photovoltaic Properties via Single Substituent Replacement Yuya Wada,Yuki Asada,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Takayuki Kuwabara,Kohshin Takahashi,Shigeyoshi Kanoh CHEMISTRYSELECT 1 4 703 2016/04
  •  Synthesis and chiroptical properties of a pi-conjugated polymer containing glucose-linked biphenyl units in the main chain capable of folding into a helical conformation Tomoyuki Ikai,Syo Shimizu,Seiya Awata,Tomoya Kudo,Takayuki Yamada,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER CHEMISTRY 7 48 7522 2016
  •  Achieving high ON/OFF ratio and good stability in organic nonvolatile resistive memory devices with polyisocyanide bearing oligothiophene Yasushi Sakuragawa,Yugaku Takagi,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Toan Thanh Dao,Heisuke Sakai,Hideyuki Murata JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 55 3 2016/03
  •  Synthesis of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene)s Using Polymer Reactions and an Evaluation of Their Chiral Recognition Abilities as Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC Katsuhiro Maeda,Miyuki Maruta,Yuki Sakai,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh MOLECULES 21 11 1487 2016/11
  •  Thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene-based polymers bearing optically pure 2-ethylhexyl pendants: Synthesis and application in polymer solar cells Tomoyuki Ikai,Ryotaro Kojima,Sinji Katori,Tomoyuki Yamamoto,Takayuki Kuwabara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kohshin Takahashi,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER 56 171 2015/01
  •  Macromolecular Helicity Induction and Memory in a Poly(biphenylylacetylene) Bearing an Ester Group and Its Application to a Chiral Stationary Phase for High-performance Liquid Chromatography Ryoma Ishidate,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Katsuhiro Maeda CHEMISTRY LETTERS 44 7 946 2015/07
  •  Efficient and rapid direct transesterification reactions of cellulose with isopropenyl acetate in ionic liquids Ryohei Kakuchi,Makoto Yamaguchi,Takatsugu Endo,Yoshiki Shibata,Kazuaki Ninomiya,Tomoyuki Ikai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kenji Takahashi RSC ADVANCES 5 88 72071 2015
  •  Synthesis of polyisocyanides bearing oligothiophene pendants: higher-order structural control through pendant framework design Tomoyuki Ikai,Yugaku Takagi,Ken-ichi Shinohara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER JOURNAL 47 9 625 2015/09
  •  Dual Memory of Enantiomeric Helices in Poly(phenylacetylene)s Induced by a Single Enantiomer through Helix Inversion and Dual Storage of the Enantiomeric Helicity Memories Katsuhiro Maeda,Toyoharu Miyagawa,Akira Furuko,Hisanari Onouchi,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 48 13 4281 2015/07
  •  Influence of 4-fluorophenyl pendants in thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b]dithiophene-based polymers on the performance of photovoltaics Tomoyuki Yamamoto,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shinji Katori,Takayuki Kuwabara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Tomoyuki Koganezawa,Kohshin Takahashi,Shigeyoshi Kanoh JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 53 13 1586 2015/07
  •  Achieving high ON/OFF ratio and good stability in organic nonvolatile resistive memory devices with polyisocyanide bearing oligothiophene S. Yasushi, T. Yugaku, I. Tomoyuki, M. Katsuhiro, D. Toan Thanh, S. Heisuke, M. Hideyuki Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55 3S2 03DC10 2015/12/01
  •  Fine tuning of frontier orbital energy levels in dithieno[3,2-b:2 ',3 '-d] silole-based copolymers based on the substituent effect of phenyl pendants Tomoyuki Ikai,Tomoya Kudo,Masahiro Nagaki,Tomoyuki Yamamoto,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh POLYMER 55 9 2139 2014/04
  •  Synthesis of polysaccharide derivatives bearing bromobenzoate pendants for use as chiral auxiliaries Tomoyuki Ikai,Kazuma Kimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS 82 52 2014/09
  •  Chiral Amplification in Polymer Brushes Consisting of Dynamic Helical Polymer Chains through the Long-Range Communication of Stereochemical Information Katsuhiro Maeda,Shiho Wakasone,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh MACROMOLECULES 47 19 6540 2014/10
  •  Switchable enantioseparation based on macromolecular memory of a helical polyacetylene in the solid state Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh,Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda NATURE CHEMISTRY 6 5 429 2014/05
  •  Thieno[3,4-b]thiophene–benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene-based polymers bearing optically pure 2-ethylhexyl pendants: Synthesis and application in polymer solar cells T. Ikai, R. Kojima, S. Katori, T. Yamamoto, T. Kuwabara, K. Maeda, K. Takahashi, S. Kanoh Polymer  56 171-177 2014/11/11
  •  Amplification of macromolecular helicity of dynamic helical poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing non-racemic alanine pendants in dilute solution, liquid crystal and two-dimensional crystal Sousuke Ohsawa,Shin-ichiro Sakurai,Kanji Nagai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Jiro Kumaki,Eiji Yashima POLYMER JOURNAL 44 1 42 2012/01
  •  Synthesis of seleno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione-based polymers for polymer solar cells Tomoyuki Ikai,A. K. M. Fakhrul Azam,Mitsuhiro Kuzuba,Takayuki Kuwabara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kohshin Takahashi,Shigeyoshi Kanoh SYNTHETIC METALS 162 17-18 1707 2012/10
  •  Helical polymer brushes with a preferred-handed helix-sense triggered by a terminal optically active group in the pendant Katsuhiro Maeda,Shiho Wakasone,Kouhei Shimomura,Tomoyuki Ikai,Shigeyoshi Kanoh CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 48 27 3342 2012
  •  Solvent‐dependent helix inversion in optically active poly(diphenylacetylene)s and their chiral recognition abilities as chiral stationary phases for high‐performance liquid chromatography Daisuke Hirose,Mai Nozaki,Miyuki Maruta,Katsuhiro Maeda Chirality 2022/01/12 
  •  Highly selective and straightforward recovery of gold and platinum from acidic waste effluents using cellulose-based bio-adsorbent Foni B. Biswas,Ismail M.M. Rahman,Keisuke Nakakubo,Masaru Endo,Kanji Nagai,Asami S. Mashio,Tsuyoshi Taniguchi,Tatsuya Nishimura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroshi Hasegawa Journal of Hazardous Materials 410 124569 2020/11 
  •  Synthesis of polysaccharide derivatives bearing pyridine N-oxide groups and their use as asymmetric organocatalysts Tomoyuki Ikai,Munetsugu Moro,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shigeyoshi Kanoh REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS 71 10 1055 2011/10
  •  Enantioselective Adsorption of Chiral Amines on an Induced Helical Poly(bis(4-carboxyphenoxy)phosphazene): Chiral Filter Effect Katsuhiro Maeda,Kenji Kuroyanagi,Shin-ichiro Sakurai,Toshio Yamanaka,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 44 8 2457 2011/04
  •  Effect of Polyelectrolyte Function on Helical Structures of Optically Active Poly(phenylacetylene) Derivatives Bearing Basic or Acidic Functional Pendant Groups Katsuhiro Maeda,Mitsuo Muto,Takahiro Sato,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 44 20 8343 2011/10
  •  Synthesis and Characterization of Thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-Based Copolymers Bearing 4-Substituted Phenyl Ester Pendants: Facile Fine-Tuning of HOMO Energy Levels Tomoyuki Yamamoto,Tomoyuki Ikai,Mitsuhiro Kuzuba,Takayuki Kuwabara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kohshin Takahashi,Shigeyoshi Kanoh MACROMOLECULES 44 17 6659 2011/09
  •  Stimuli-Responsive Helical Poly(phenylacetylene)s Bearing Cyclodextrin Pendants that Exhibit Enantioselective Gelation in Response to Chirality of a Chiral Amine and Hierarchical Super-Structured Helix Formation Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroaki Mochizuki,Keiko Osato,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 44 9 3217 2011/05
  •  Hierarchical Amplification of Macromolecular Helicity of Dynamic Helical Poly(phenylacetylene)s Composed of Chiral and Achiral Phenylacetylenes in Dilute Solution, Liquid Crystal, and Two-Dimensional Crystal Sousuke Ohsawa,Shin-ichiro Sakurai,Kanji Nagai,Motonori Banno,Katsuhiro Maeda,Jiro Kumaki,Eiji Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 133 1 108 2011/01
  •  Helical Polymers: Synthesis, Structures, and Functions Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroki Iida,Yoshio Furusho,Kanji Nagai CHEMICAL REVIEWS 109 11 6102 2009/11
  •  Mechanism of Helix Induction in Poly(4-carboxyphenyl isocyanide) with Chiral Amines and Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity and Its Helical Structures Yoko Hase,Kanji Nagai,Hiroki Iida,Katsuhiro Maeda,Noriaki Ochi,Kyoichi Sawabe,Koichi Sakajiri,Kento Okoshi,Eiji Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 131 30 10719 2009/08
  •  Synthesis of Functional Poly(phenyl isocyanide)s with Macromolecular Helicity Memory and Their Use as Asymmetric Organocatalysts Toshitaka Miyabe,Yoko Hase,Hiroki Iida,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima CHIRALITY 21 1 44 2009/01
  •  Double Helices with a Controlled Helicity Composed of Biphenol-Derived Phosphoric Acid Diesters Hidekazu Yamada,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 15 28 6794 2009
  •  Fullerene-Containing Helical Polymers Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda Fullerene Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Applications 129 2009/09/16
  •  Helicity induction and memory of the macromolecular helicity in a polyacetylene bearing a biphenyl pendant Katsuhiro Maeda,Shinji Tamaki,Kazumi Tamura,Eiji Yashima CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 3 3 614 2008
  •  Single- and double-stranded helical polymers: Synthesis, structures, and functions Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda,Yoshio Furusho ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 41 9 1166 2008/09
  •  Chirality-responsive helical polymers Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda MACROMOLECULES 41 1 3 2008/01
  •  Chemical modification of a luminescent poly(phenylenevinylene)-amylose composite Kazumi Tamura,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 41 13 5065 2008/07
  •  Synthesis and chirality sensing properties of poly[(phenyleneethynylene)-alt-(carboxybiphenyleneethynylene)]s Katsuhiro Maeda,Kohei Morioka,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 40 4 1349 2007/02
  •  Helically Folding Polymers Eiji Yashima,Katsuhiro Maeda Foldamers: Structure, Properties, and Applications 331 2007/06/14
  •  Synthesis of optically active helical poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing oligopeptide pendants and their use as polymeric organocatalysts for asymmetric epoxidation Katsuhiro Maeda,Kiyoshi Tanaka,Kazuhide Morino,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 40 19 6783 2007/09
  •  Syntheses and chiroptical properties of optically active helical poly (phenylacetylene)s bearing [60]fullerene pendants Sousuke Ohsawa,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 40 26 9244 2007/12
  •  Helix induction in poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing achiral oligoglycine pendants by chiral oligopeptides in water Katsuhiro Maeda,Hitoshi Tsukui,Yasuaki Matsushita,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 40 21 7721 2007/10
  •  Temperature-induced chiroptical changes in a helical poly(phenylacetylene) bearing N,N-diisopropylaminomethyl groups with chiral acids in water Kanii Nagai,Katsuhiro Maeda,Yoshihisa Takeyama,Takahiro Sato,Eiji Yashima CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 2 10 1314 2007
  •  Application of soluble poly(phenylenevinylene) wrapped in amylose to organic light-emitting diodes Shunsuke Nishino,Tatsuo Mori,Sayaka Tanahara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Masato Ikeda,Yoshio Furusho,Eiji Yashima MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS 471 29 2007
  •  Unexpected thermally stable, cholesteric liquid-crystalline helical polyisocyanides with memory of macromolecular helicity Yoko Hase,Yuuki Mitsutsuji,Masayoshi Ishikawa,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kento Okoshi,Eiji Yashima CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 2 6 755 2007
  •  Helicity induction on a poly(phenylacetylene) bearing carboxy groups at the meta-position Hidetoshi Goto,Kazuhide Morino,Toru Morishita,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima Kobunshi Ronbunshu 63 5 325 2006/05
  •  Switching of macromolecular helicity of optically active poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing cyclodextrin pendants induced by various external stimuli Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroaki Mochizuki,Masaki Watanabe,Eiji Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128 23 7639 2006/06
  •  Helicity induction on a poly(phenylacetylene) derivative bearing a sulfonic acid pendant with chiral amines and memory of the macromolecular helicity in dimethyl sulfoxide Takashi Hasegawa,Katsuhiro Maeda,Hiroyuki Ishiguro,Eiji Yashima POLYMER JOURNAL 38 9 912 2006
  •  Hierarchical amplification of macromolecular helicity in a lyotropic liquid crystalline charged poly(phenylacetylene) by nonracemic dopants in water and its helical structure Kanji Nagai,Koichi Sakajiri,Katsuhiro Maeda,Kento Okoshi,Takahiro Sato,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 39 16 5371 2006/08
  •  Dynamic helical structures: Detection and amplification of chirality Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima SUPRAMOLECULAR CHIRALITY 265 47 2006
  •  Helicity induction in a poly(4-carboxyphenyl isocyanide) with chiral amines and memory of the macromolecular helicity in aqueous solution Yoko Hase,Masayoshi Ishikawa,Reiko Muraki,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima MACROMOLECULES 39 18 6003 2006/09
  •  Chirality sensing of various biomolecules with helical poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing acidic functional groups in water Hisanari Onouchi,Takashi Hasegawa,Daisuke Kashiwagi,Hiroyuki Ishiguro,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 44 17 5039 2006/09
  •  A luminescent poly(phenylenevinylene)-amylose composite with supramolecular liquid crystallinity Masato Ikeda,Yoshio Furusho,Kento Okoshi,Sayaka Tanahara,Katsuhiro Maeda,Shunsuke Nishino,Tatsuo Mori,Eiji Yashima ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 45 39 6491 2006
  •  Dynamic axial chirality control of a carboxybiphenol through acid-base interaction K Morioka,N Tamagawa,K Maeda,E Yashima CHEMISTRY LETTERS 35 1 110 2006/01
  •  Stiffness and conformational transition of poly {3-[(S)-2-methylbutoxy]phenyl isocyanate} in dilute solution K Yoshiba,R Hama,A Teramoto,N Nakamura,K Maeda,Y Okamoto,T Sato MACROMOLECULES 39 9 3435 2006/05
  •  Helicity induction on a poly (phenylacetylene) bearing carboxy groups at the meta-position Hidetoshi Goto,Kazuhide Morino,Toru Morishita,Katsuhiro Maeda,Eiji Yashima KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU 63 5 325 2006
  •  Helicity induction in charged poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing various acidic functional groups in water and its mechanism H Onouchi,T Hasegawa,D Kashiwagi,H Ishiguro,K Maeda,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 38 21 8625 2005/10
  •  Layer-by-layer assembly of charged poly(phenylacetylene)s with induced macromolecular helicity K Maeda,Y Matsushita,M Ezaka,E Yashima CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 33 4152 2005
  •  Enantioselective esterification of prochiral phosphonate pendants of a polyphenylacetylene assisted by macromolecular helicity: Storage of a dynamic macromolecular helicity memory H Onouchi,T Miyagawa,A Furuko,K Maeda,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 9 2960 2005/03
  •  Helicity induction and chiral amplification in a poly(phenylacetylene) bearing N,N-diisopropylaminomethyl groups with chiral acids in water K Nagai,K Maeda,Y Takeyama,K Sakajiri,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 38 13 5444 2005/06
  •  Helical arrays of pendant fullerenes on optically active poly(phenylacetylene)s T Nishimura,K Maeda,S Ohsawa,E Yashima CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 11 4 1181 2005/02
  •  Dual memory of enantiomeric helices in a polyacetylene induced by a single enantiomer T Miyagawa,A Furuko,K Maeda,H Katagiri,Y Furusho,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 14 5018 2005/04
  •  Chiral amplification in macromolecular helicity assisted by noncovalent interaction with achiral amines and memory of the helical chirality K Morino,N Watase,K Maeda,E Yashima CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 10 19 4703 2004/10
  •  Poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing a peptide pendant: Helical conformational changes of the polymer backbone stimulated by the pendant conformational change K Maeda,N Kamiya,E Yashima CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 10 16 4000 2004/08
  •  Chirality induction on achiral N-methyl aromatic amide oligomers bearing terminal carboxy groups with chiral Amines T Nishimura,K Maeda,E Yashima CHIRALITY 16 S12 2004
  •  An unprecedented memory of macromolecular helicity induced in an achiral polyisocyanide in water M Ishikawa,K Maeda,Y Mitsutsuji,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 3 732 2004/01
  •  Detection and amplification of chirality by helical polymers E Yashima,K Maeda,T Nishimura CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 10 1 42 2004/01
  •  An optically active hydrogel composed of cross-linked poly(4-carboxyphenyl isocyanide) with a macromolecular helicity memory M Ishikawa,D Taura,K Maeda,E Yashima CHEMISTRY LETTERS 33 5 550 2004/05
  •  A helical array of pendant fullerenes on a helical poly (phenylacetylene) induced by non-covalent chiral interactions T Nishimura,S Ohsawa,K Maeda,E Yashima CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 646 2004/03
  •  Mechanism of helix induction on a stereoregular poly((4-carboxyphenyl)acetylene) with chiral amines and memory of the macromolecular helicity assisted by interaction with achiral amines K Maeda,K Morino,Y Okamoto,T Sato,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 13 4329 2004/04
  •  Helicity induction on poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing phosphonic acid pendants with chiral amines and memory of the macromolecular helicity assisted by interaction with achiral amines in dimethyl sulfoxide H Onouchi,D Kashiwagi,K Hayashi,K Maeda,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 37 15 5495 2004/07
  •  Macromolecular helicity induction on a poly(phenylacetylene) with C-2-Symmetric chiral [60]fullerene-bisadducts T Nishimura,K Tsuchiya,S Ohsawa,K Maeda,E Yashima,Y Nakamura,J Nishimura JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 37 11711 2004/09
  •  Nonracemic dopant-mediated hierarchical amplification of macromolecular helicity in a charged polyacetylene leading to a cholesteric liquid crystal in water K Maeda,Y Takeyama,K Sakajiri,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 50 16284 2004/12
  •  Helix induction in an optically inactive poly[(4-carboxyphenyl)acetylene] film with chiral amines K Maeda,K Hatanaka,E Yashima MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 14 6 231 2004/11
  •  Macromolecular helicity induction in a cationic polyacetylene assisted by an anionic polyisocyanide with helicity memory in water: Replication of macromolecular helicity K Maeda,M Ishikawa,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 46 15161 2004/11
  •  Helicity induction on a poly(phenylacetylene) bearing a phosphonate residue by chiral dendrons Y Kamikawa,T Kato,H Onouchi,D Kashiwagi,K Maeda,E Yashima JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 42 18 4580 2004/09
  •  Convenient synthesis of fully and partially deuterated stereoregular poly(phenylacetylene)s rearing a carboxy pendant and helicity induction on the polymers with chiral amines and its memory K Morino,T Asari,K Maeda,E Yashima JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 42 18 4711 2004/09
  •  Cu(II)-assisted helicity induction on a poly(phenylacetylene) derivative bearing an achiral glycine residue with amino acids in water H Kawamura,M Ishikawa,K Maeda,E Yashima CHEMISTRY LETTERS 32 11 1086 2003/11
  •  Macromolecular helicity inversion of poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives induced by various external stimuli K Maeda,K Morino,E Yashima MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA 201 135 2003/09
  •  Helix-sense inversion of poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives bearing an optically active substituent induced by external chiral and achiral stimuli K Morino,K Maeda,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 36 5 1480 2003/03
  •  Solvent-induced switching of the macromolecular helicity of poly [(4-carboxyphenyl)acetylene] induced by a single chiral amino alcohol K Maeda,K Morino,E Yashima JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 41 22 3625 2003/11
  •  Helical structural change in poly((4-carboxyphenyl)acetylene) by acid-base complexation with an optically active amine Y Ashida,T Sato,K Morino,K Maeda,Y Okamoto,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 36 9 3345 2003/05
  •  Temperature dependence of helical structures of poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives bearing an optically active substituent K Morino,K Maeda,Y Okamoto,E Yashima,T Sato CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 8 22 5112 2002/11
  •  Macromolecular chirality induction on optically inactive poly(4-carboxyphenyl isocyanide) with chiral amines: A dynamic conformational transition of poly(phenyl isocyanide) derivatives M Ishikawa,K Maeda,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 124 25 7448 2002/06
  •  A helical array of pendant fullerenes on an optically active polyphenylacetylene T Nishimura,K Takatani,S Sakurai,K Maeda,E Yashima ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 41 19 3602 2002
  •  Helix formation of poly(phenylacetylene) derivatives bearing amino groups at the meta position induced by optically active carboxylic acids K Maeda,S Okada,E Yashima,Y Okamoto JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 39 18 3180 2001/09
  •  Molecular recognition of nucleosides and nucleotides based on circular dichroism induced by helix formation of poly[(4-dihydroxyborophenyl)acetylene] H Kawamura,K Maeda,Y Okamoto,E Yashima CHEMISTRY LETTERS 1 58 2001/01
  •  A helical polyelectrolyte induced by specific interactions with biomolecules in water H Onouchi,K Maeda,E Yashima JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 123 30 7441 2001/08
  •  Switching of a macromolecular helicity for visual distinction of molecular recognition events E Yashima,K Maeda,O Sato JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 123 33 8159 2001/08
  •  Stereospecific polymerization of propiolic acid with rhodium complexes in the presence of bases and helix induction on the polymer in water K Maeda,H Goto,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 34 5 1160 2001/02
  •  Synthesis and structure of poly(phenyl isocyanate)s bearing an optically active alkoxyl group K Hino,K Maeda,Y Okamoto JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13 7 361 2000/07
  •  Synthesis and macromolecular helicity induction of a stereoregular polyacetylene bearing a carboxy group with natural amino acids in water MA Saito,K Maeda,H Onouchi,E Yashima MACROMOLECULES 33 13 4616 2000/06
  •  Helicity induction and conformational dynamics of poly(bis(4-carboxyphenoxy)phosphazene) with optically active amines E Yashima,K Maeda,T Yamanaka JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 122 32 7813 2000/08
  •  Synthesis and conformational characteristics of poly(phenyl isocyanate)s bearing an optically active ester group K Maeda,Y Okamoto MACROMOLECULES 32 4 974 1999/02
  •  Memory of macromolecular helicity assisted by interaction with achiral small molecules E Yashima,K Maeda,Y Okamoto NATURE 399 6735 449 1999/06
  •  Synthesis and conformation of optically active poly(phenyl isocyanate)s bearing an ((S)-(alpha-methylbenzyl)carbamoyl) group K Maeda,Y Okamoto MACROMOLECULES 31 4 1046 1998/02
  •  Unusual conformational change of optically active poly(3-((S)-sec-butoxycarbonyl)phenyl isocyanate) K Maeda,Y Okamoto MACROMOLECULES 31 15 5164 1998/07
  •  Helical structure of oligo- and poly(m-substituted phenyl isocyanate)s bearing an optically active end-group K Maeda,Y Okamoto POLYMER JOURNAL 30 2 100 1998
  •  Helicity induction of poly(3-carboxyphenyl isocyanate) by chiral acid-base interaction K Maeda,N Yamamoto,Y Okamoto MACROMOLECULES 31 17 5924 1998/08
  •  Synthesis and Conformation of Optically Active Poly(aromatic isocyanate)s MAEDA Katsuhiro,OKAMOTO Yoshio Kobunshi Kagaku 54 10 608 1997 
  •  Synthesis and anionic polymerization of isocyanates bearing a carbamate group K Maeda,M Matsunaga,H Yamada,Y Okamoto POLYMER JOURNAL 29 4 333 1997
  •  Synthesis and chiral recognition of helical polymers Y Okamoto,T Nakano,S Habaue,K Shiohara,K Maeda JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY A34 10 1771 1997

Conference Presentations

  • Development of Chiral Materials Utilizing Structural Features of Synthetic Helical Polymers(2017/04/17)
  • Macromolecular Helicity Control in Helical Polymer Brushes through Long-range Communication of Stereochemical Information(conference:Japan-Canada Mini Symposium On Supramolecular Science)(2018/01/08)
  • Function of Chirality-Responsive Dynamic Helical Polymers(2018/03/13)
  • Function of Chirality-Responsive Dynamic Helical Polymers(2018/03/16)
  • Enantioseparation on optically active poly(diphenylacetylene)s as chiral stationary phases for HPLC(conference:th World Congress on Chromatography)(2017/08/07)

show all

  • Macromolecular Helicity Control of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene)s by External Stimuli(conference:EMN Meeting on Polymer 2018)(2018/01/25)
  • 動的らせん高分子の構造特性を活用したキラルマテリアルの合成と応用(2017/11/10)
  • Function of Helical Polyacetylenes through Chiral Amplification and Memory(conference:Strasbourg-Kanazawa Universities Joint Symposium on Organic Synthesis)(2018/02/08)
  • Synthesis of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene)s and Their Chiral Recognition Abilities as Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC(conference:ISPAC 2017)(2017/06/09)
  • Helicity Control of Poly(diphenylacetylene)s Bearing Optically Active Pendants through an Amide Linkage by External Stimuli(conference:29th International Symposium on Chirality)(2017/07/10)
  • Development of chiral stationary phases capable of reversible switching of the elution order(2016/01/27)
  • Function of Chirality-Responsive Dynamic Helical Polymers(conference:The 8th Japan-China Joint Symposium on Functional Supramolecular Architectures)(2014/12)
  • Chirality Control and Chiral Amplification in Polyacetylenes Bearing Dynamically Chiral Pendants (conference:International Symposium on Polymer Materials 2015)(2015/07)
  • Function of a Polyacetylene Bearing 2,2’-Biphenol-Derived Pendants Based on Helicity Induction and Memory Effect(conference:International Science & Nature Congress 2015)(2015/09)
  • Function of Chirality-Responsive Polyacetylenes Possessing 2,2’-Biphenol-Derived Pendants(conference:EMN Meeting on Polymer)(2016/01)
  • Development of Chiral Materials Utilizing Structural Features of Helical Polymers(2016/09/16)


  •  Macromolecular Helicity Control of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene)s by External Stimuli  Katsuhiro Maeda Proceedings of EMN Meeting on Polymer 2018 2018/01/24
  •  Enantioseparation on optically active poly(diphenylacetylene)s as chiral stationary phases for HPLC Katsuhiro Maeda Proceedings of 4th World Congress on Chromatography 2017/08/07
  •  Helicity Control of Poly(diphenylacetylene)s Bearing Optically Active Pendants through an Amide Linkage by External Stimuli Katsuhiro Maeda, Yuki Sakai, Miyuki Maruta, Daisuke Hirose, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh Proceedings of Chirality 2017 2017/07/09
  •  Synthesis of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene)s and Their Chiral Recognition Abilities as Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC Katsuhiro Maeda Proceedings of International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC) 2017 2017/06/08
  •  Chiroptical Properties and Chiral Recognition Abilities of Optically Active Poly(diphenylacetylene) Derivatives Katsuhiro Maeda, Yuki Sakai, Miyuki Maruta, Daisuke Hirose, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy – CD2017 2017/06/11

show all

  •  Elution Order Switchable Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC Based on Switching and Memory of Helicity in Polyacetylenes in the Solid State Katsuhiro Maeda Proceedings of World Congress on Chromatography 2016/09/21
  •  Switching and Memory of Macromolecular Helicity in Poly(biphenylylacetylene)s in the Solid State and Application to Elution Order Switchable Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Katsuhiro Maeda Proceedings of International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC)  2016/08/15
  •  Chirality Sensing of Asymmetric Hydrocarbons Using a Helical Polyacetylene Bearing Biphenyl Pendants Based on Helicity Induction and Memory Effect Katsuhiro Maeda, Natsuki Okoshi, Kouhei Shimomura, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh, Eiji Yashima Proceedings of Symposium on Molecular Chirality Asia 2016 2016/04/20
  •  Switchable Enantioseparation Based on Switching and Memory of Macromolecular Helicity in Polyacetylene Derivatives in the Solid State K. Maeda, R. Ishidate, K. Shimomura, T. Ikai, S. Kanoh, E. Yashima Proceedings of Chirality 2016 89 2016/07

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「コアにらせん高分子鎖を有する機能性ミセルの創成と応用              」(2009-2010) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Laboratory Course V(2017)
○Introduction of Chemistry A(2017)
○Synthetic Polymer Chemistry(2017)
○Laboratory Course V(2017)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2016)
○Laboratory Course V(2016)
○Chemistry for Education(2016)
○Chemistry for Education(2016)
○Laboratory Course V(2016)
○Fundamental Laboratory Course in Applied Chemistry(2016)
○Synthetic Polymer Chemistry(2016)
○Technical English(2016)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Synthetic Chemistry of Polymeric Materials(2017)
○Precision Macromolecular Synthesis(2017)
○Precision Macromolecular Synthesis(2017)
○Solar Cell Engineering(2017)
○Precision Macromolecular Synthesis(2017)
○Precision Macromolecular Synthesis(2017)
○Introduction of Material Program(2017)
○Fine Synthetic Polymer Chemistry(2017)
○Introduction of Material Program(2016)
○Solar Cell Engineering(2016)
○Fine Synthetic Polymer Chemistry(2016)
○Synthetic Chemistry of Polymeric Materials(2016)
○Precision Macromolecular Synthesis(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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