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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/12

Professor ZUKA Masahiko

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Legal Affairs, Graduate School of Law
Division of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science
Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences
School of Medicine, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Department of forensic medicine and pathology TEL:076-265-2223 FAX:076-234-4234

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences Pathology 199503 Completed
M.D. & Ph.D.


Kanazawa University Pathology I assistant(1996/04-1996/12)
Kanazawa Medical University Pathology II Associate Professor(1999/01-2002/10)
The Scripps Research Institute Molecular & Experimental Medicine Research associate(2002/08-2006/08)
Kanazawa University Legal Medicine Associate professor(2007/04-2015/01)
Kanazawa University Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Professor and Chairman(2015/02-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Japanese Society of Legal Medicine
The Japanese Society of Pathology


○The Scholarship of Juzen Alumni Association for International Publication(2004/07)


Legal medicine、Human pathology

Speciality Keywords

vascular wall tissue fragility,sudden death,atherosclerosis,experimental animals,establishment of preventive molecular suicidology

Research Themes

Assessment of Vascular Fragility

Assessment of Vascular Fragility


  •  Hacker GW, Zuka M, Tubbs RR et. al. Proteolytic activity demonstrated by film in situ zymography(FIZ): A novel double staining method also involving immunogold-silver staining. CRC Press 2004/01


  •  Activated tumor cell integrin αvβ3 cooperates with platelets to promote extravasation and metastasis from the blood stream Martin R. Weber*,Masahiko Zuka*,Mihaela Lorger,Mario Tschan,Bruce E. Torbett,Andries Zijlstra,James P. Quigley,Karin Staflin,Brian P. Eliceiri,Joseph S. Krueger,Patrizia Marchese,Zaverio M. Ruggeri,Brunhilde H. Felding * equally contributed Thrombosis Research 140 S27 2016/04
  •  Cellular uptake and biotransformation of arsenate by freshwater phytoplankton under salinity gradient revealed by single-cell ICP-MS and CT-HG-AAS Md Shah Alam, Shogo Fujisawa, Masahiko Zuka, Yinghan Zai, Asami S. Mashio, Ismail M. M. Rahman, Kuo H. Wong, Hiroshi Hasegawa Environmental Chemistry 2023
  •  Secretion of Pleiotrophin Stimulates Breast Cancer Progression through Remodeling of the Tumor Microevironment. Chang Y, Zuka M, Perez-Pinera P, Deuel TF, et. al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104 26  10888-10893 2007/06
  •  Platelet Glycoprotein Ibalpha supports Experimental Lung Metastasis. Jain S, Zuka M, Felding-Habermann B, Ware J, et. al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104 21  9024-9028 2007/05
  •  Tracheal injury added to cervical bone destruction due to the impact of hitting the water surface: Four immersed adult bodies Masahiko Zuka,Tohru Ohshima Forensic Science International 228 1-3 e62 2013/05

show all

  •  Vascular Tissue Fragility Assessed by a New Double Stain Method. Zuka M, Okada Y, Nemori R et. al. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 11 1  78-84 2003/03
  •  LatY136F knock-in mouse model for human IgG4-related disease Kazunori Yamada,Masahiko Zuka,Kiyoaki Ito,Keishi Mizuguchi,Yasushi Kakuchi,Tamehito Onoe,Yasunori Suzuki,Masakazu Yamagishi,Shozo Izui,Marie Malissen,Bernard Malissen,Mitsuhiro Kawano PLOS ONE 13 6 e0198417 2018/06/14 
  •  The pronounced lung lesions developing in LATY136F knock-in mice mimic human IgG4-related lung disease. Yuko Waseda,Kazunori Yamada,Keishi Mizuguchi,Kiyoaki Ito,Satoshi Watanabe,Masahiko Zuka,Tamotsu Ishizuka,Marie Malissen,Bernard Malissen,Mitsuhiro Kawano,Shoko Matsui PLOS ONE 16 3 e0247173 2021
  •  Sudden death of a young male with previously undiagnosed autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Zuka M, Onoe T, Kawano M, Yamagishi M, Ohshima T. Legal Medicine 13 1 35-38 2011/01
  •  Impact of adrenomedullin on dextran sulfate sodium-induced inflammatory colitis in mice: Insights from in vitro and in vivo experimental studies. Yoshiaki Hayashi, Kenta Narumi, Shigetsugu Tsuji, Toshinari Tsubokawa, Masaaki Nakaya, Tomohiko Wakayama, Masahiko Zuka, Tohru Ohshima, Masakazu Yamagishi, Toshihide Okada International Journal of Colorectal Disease 26 11 1453-1462 2011/11/01 
  •  Fatal and non-fatal cases of lime sulfide exposure and pathogenetic mechanisms underlying pancreatic injury: Case reports with an animal experiment. Zuka, Masahiko; Chinaka, Satoshi; Matsumoto, Yutaka; Takayama, Nariaki; Hitomi, Yoshiaki; Nakamura, Hiroyuki; Ohshima, Tohru Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 19 6 358-362 2012/08/01 
  •  Four cases of suicide due to gunshot injury. Masahiko Zuka, Harufumi Sugimoto, Satoshi Chinaka, Nariaki Takayama, Tohru Ohshima The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 54 141-146 2011/11/30
  •  Pre-administration of low-dose methamphetamine enhances movement and neural activity after high-dose methamphetamine administration in the striatum. Takeichi T, Hori O, Hattori T, Kiryu K, Zuka M, Kitamura O Neuroscience Letters 703 119-124 2019/03/15
  •  Two incidents of indoor carbon monoxide poisoning with multiple victims. Masahiko Zuka, Tohru Ohshima The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 54 147-154 2011/11/30
  •  Significance of simultaneous measurement for lithium and strontium in various cavity-fluids of immersed bodies as potentially novel markers of drowning. Takahiro Eida, Satoru Minabe, Asami Mashio, Takaya Murakami, Hirishi Hasegawa, and Masahiko Zuka The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 65 35-43 2023/11/30
  •  A modified diatom test with enzymatic digestion for unfixed organ tissues after autoclaved sterilization. Toshiaki Takeichi, Satoru Minabe, Masae Kitahiro, Masahiko Zuka The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 60 129-134 2017/11/30
  •  Trend of drowning and comparison of result of diatom test between Ishikawa and Niigata. Masaki Hamano, Yoshiyuki Ikarashi, Misato Shichijo, Keigo Nagae, Takaaki Hama, Hiroki Matyumi, Isao Shimizu, Satoru Minabe, Takashi Aoyama, Kazuhisa Funayama, Toshiaki Takeichi, Hisakazu Takatsuka and Masahiko Zuka The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 62 129-137 2019/11/30
  •  Increased Myosin light chain 9 expression during Kawasaki disease vasculitis. Hironobu Kobayashi,Motoko Y Kimura,Ichita Hasegawa,Eisuke Suganuma,Yuzuru Ikehara,Kazuhiko Azuma,Toshihiro Ito,Ryota Ebata,Yosuke Kurashima,Yohei Kawasaki,Yuki Shiko,Naoki Saito,Hirotaro Iwase,Youngho Lee,Magali Noval Rivas,Moshe Arditi,Masahiko Zuka,Hiromichi Hamada,Toshinori Nakayama Frontiers in immunology 13 1036672 2022
  •  Molecular engineering of a minimal E-cadherin inhibitor protein derived from Clostridium botulinum hemagglutinin. Sho Amatsu,Takuhiro Matsumura,Masahiko Zuka,Yukako Fujinaga The Journal of biological chemistry 299 3 102944 2023/03

Conference Presentations

  • A case of unusual death due to stinging by Hymenoptera vespidae.(conference:24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine(IALM))(2018/06/08)


  •  Fragility of Vascular Wall in Pathological microenvironment. 117 1 10-13 2008/01

Arts and Fieldwork


○Method of measurement for protease activity(publish date:2001/01/01)(No:2001-197)

Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「組織培養とFIZを用いたヒト動脈壁プロテアーゼ活性測定法による薬物治療効果の予測---副題 FIZ(:film in situ zymography)重染色法の動脈硬化症病変への応用」(2001-2002) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Forensic medicine for the students of department of medicine(2020)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2020)
○Introduction to Medical Sciences(2020)
○Forensic medicine for the students of department of law(2020)
○Practice of Forensic Medicine(2020)
○Introduction to Medical Sciences(2019)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2019)
○Forensic medicine(2019)
○Practice of Forensic Medicine(2019)
○Introduction to Medical Sciences(2017)
○Legal Medicine(2017)
○Legal Medicine(2017)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2017)
○Legal Medicine(2016)
○Legal Medicine(2016)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Forensic Medicine for the students of law school(2019)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2019)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2019)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2019)
○Forensic Medicine for the students of law school(2018)
○Forensic Medicine(2017)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2017)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2017)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2017)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2017)
○Introduction to Basic Medical Science(2016)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2016)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2016)
○Forensic Medicine(2016)
○Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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