Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences 200603 Completed
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences 201103 Completed
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Japanese Society of Child Health Nursing
The Japanese society of Child Health
The Japanese society of Child Health
Japan Association for International Health
Japan Society of Maternal Health
Japan Society of Adolescentlogy
Hokuriku Association of Public Health
Society of Nursing Practice
Society of Nursing Practice
World Association for Infant Mental Health
Japan Academy of Nursing Education
Lifelong developmental nursing
Speciality Keywords
child, child health, development, developmental disability, life style of children, parents-child relation,attachment
Research Themes
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2021)
○Freshman Seminar I(2021)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2021)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2021)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2021)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2021)
○Pediatric Nursing(2021)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2021)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2021)
○Introduction to Bioethics(2021)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2020)
○Lecture on Pediatric Disease(2020)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2020)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2020)
○Pediatric Nursing(2020)
○Advanced Nursing: Clinical Practice(2020)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2020)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2020)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2019)
○Pediatric Nursing(2019)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2019)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2019)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2019)
○Advanced Nursing: Clinical Practice(2019)
○Lecture on Pediatric Disease(2019)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2019)
○Lecture on Pediatric Disease(2018)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2018)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2018)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2018)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2018)
○Advanced Nursing: Clinical Practice(2018)
○Pediatric Nursing(2018)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2018)
○Pediatric Nursing(2017)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2017)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2017)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2017)
○Concept of Nursing Research(2017)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2017)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2017)
○Introduction to nursing system: Skills Laboratory(2017)
○Pediatric Nursing(2016)
○Pediatric Nursing: Clinical Practice(2016)
○Nursing Care of Parents and Children: Practicum(2016)
○Introduction to Pediatric Nursing(2016)
○Introduction to nursing system: Skills Laboratory(2016)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2016)
○Concept of Nursing Research(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Research(2021)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2021)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2021)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2021)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2021)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2021)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2021)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2021)
○Preventive Medicine(2021)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2020)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2020)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Research(2020)
○Preventive Medicine(2020)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2020)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2020)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2020)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2020)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2020)
○Preventive Medicine(2019)
○Preventive Medicine(2019)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2019)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2019)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2019)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Research(2019)
○Introduction to Health Science: Lecture(2019)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2019)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2019)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2019)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2018)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2018)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Research(2018)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2018)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2018)
○Preventive Medicine(2018)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2018)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2018)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2017)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2017)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2017)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2017)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2017)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2017)
○Women's Health & Child Development : Research(2016)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Lecture(2016)
○Environmental Women'S-Child Development: Seminar(2016)
○Environmental Child Development: Seminar(2016)
○Research Design in Nursing: Lecture(2016)
○Environmental Child Development: Lecture(2016)