Professor MATSUMOTO Koichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering
Dean of Institute of Science and Engineering, Dean of College of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering
Low Temperature Physics TEL:076-264-5669 FAX:076-264-5739
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Doctor Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering 198803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology 198303
Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Science(1889/02/01-1999/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Science Associate Professor(1999/04/01-2010/03/31)
Kanazawa University Professor(2010/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
○Ihr Antrag fur einen Studienaufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland(2001/07/04)
○Ihr Antrag fur einen Studienaufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland(2001/07/04)
○Ihr Antrag fur einen Studienaufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland(2001/07/04)
○Ihr Antrag fur einen Studienaufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland(2001/07/04)
○Ihr Antrag fur einen Studienaufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland(2001/07/04)
、hydrogen、Condensed matter physics II、Low Temperature Physics、Applied materials
Speciality Keywords
Cryogenics,Low Temperature Physics
Research Themes
Low Temperature Properties of Liquid <sup>3</sup>He
Sound Properties of liquid and solid <sup>4</sup>He
Magnetic Refrigeration
- Magnetocaloric effect in single crystal GdTiO3 Hideki Omote, Shota Watanabe, Koichi Matsumoto, Ildar Gilmutdinov, Airat Kiiamov, Dmitrii Tayurskii Cryogenics 101 58 2019/06/07
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 K Matsumoto, Y Sekiguchi, O Iwakami, T Ono, S Abe, G Ano, M Akatsu, K Mitsumoto, Y Nemoto, T Goto, N Takeda, and H Kitazawa J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 12120 2018
- Superfluidity of 4He in dense aerogel studied using quartz tuning fork J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 12019 2018
- Thermal and magnetic properties of regenerator material Gd2O2S K Matsumoto, T Numazawa, Y Ura, T Ujiyama and S Abe Journal of Physics: Conference Series 897 2017 2017/09
- Magnetocaloric effect, thermal conductivity, and magnetostriction of epoxy-bonded La(Fe0.88Si0.12) 13 hydrides K Matsumoto, D Murayama, M Takeshita, Y Ura, S Abe, T Numazawa, H Takata, Y Matsumoto and T Kuriiwa Journal of Physics: Conference Series 897 012011 2017/09
- Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in CeRu2Si2 at Ultralow Temperatures Studied by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction Daiki Inoue, Hiroyuki Takama, Daisuke Kaidou, Mitsuyuki Minegishi, Keisuke Ueno, Koichi Matsumoto, Satoshi Abe, Shigeyuki Murayama Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86 124712 2017/11
- Revised Measurements and Interpretation of Magnetic Properties of Oriented CeF3 Single Crystals A. V. Savinkov, S. L. Korableva1, M. S. Tagirov, H. Suzuki, K. Matsumoto, S. Abe Journal of Low Temperature Physics 185 603-608 2016
- Large magnetocaloric effect in sintered ferromagnetic EuS Koichi Matsumoto, Liang Li, Shinji Hirai, Eiji Nakamura, Daiki Murayama, Yutaro Ura, Satoshi Abe Cryogenics 79 45-48 2016/08
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of heavy fermion CeRu2Si2 at millikelvin temperatures Daiki Inoue, Daisuke Kaido, Yuta Yoshikawa, Mitsuyuki Minegishi, Koichi Matsumoto, Satoshi Abe, and Shigeyuki Murayama Physics Procedia 75 158-165 2015
- Nuclear demagnetization for ultra-low temperatures Satoshi Abe, Koichi Matsumoto Cryogenics 62 213 2014
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya, T. Utaki, K. Matsumoto Cryogenics 62 185 2014
- Comparison of different regenerator geometries for AMR system Jing Li, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto Matsumoto, Y. Yanagisawa and H. Nakagome AIP Conf. Proc. 1573 548 2014
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements using a Quantum Design physical property measurement system Oshi Iwakami, Naoaki Kawata, Misato Takeshita, Yusuke Yao, Satoshi Abe and Koichi Matsumoto Journal of Physics Conf. Series 568 032001 2014
- Magnetic ordering of hyperfine-coupled nuclear and 4f-electron moments in clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 O. Iwakami, Y. Namisashi, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto, N. Takeda, T. Goto, and H. Kitazawa Physical Review B 90 90 100402(R) 2014/09
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements used high sensitive capacitive dilatometer at millikelvin temperatures Daiki Inoue, Daisuke Kaido, Yuta Yoshikawa, Mitsuyuki Minegishi, Koichi Matsumoto and Satoshi Abe Journal of Physics Conf. Series 568 032002 2014/12
- Magnetocaloric materials and the optimization of cooling power density Wikus, Patrick; Canavan, Edgar R.; Heine, Sarah Trowbridge; Matsumoto, Koichi; Numazawa, Takenori Cryogenics 62 150-162 2014/01/01
- Magnetocaloric properties of La(FexMySi1-x-y)13 (M=Ga, Co) K. Matsumoto, K. Yamada, Y. Nishimura, N. Kawata, Y. Zhu, T. Numazawa, H. Takata, T. Irie, E. Nakamura Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 227 2013/01
- A modeling study on the geometry of AMR regenerator: Comparison of Flat plate and Packed sphere regenerator Jing. Li , T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto, Y. Yanagizawa, H. Nakagome Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 223 2013/01
- A modeling study of multi-layered AMR bed K. Sonoda, J. Li,Y. Yanagisawa, H. Nakagome, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 219 2013/01
- Numerical simulation for hydrogen magnetic refrigeration Y. Zhu, J. Li, H. Hattori, K. Matsumoto, Y. Yanagisawa, H. Nakagome, and T. Numazawa AIP Conference series 1434 335 2012/01
- A Modeling study on the Geometry of Active Magnetic Regenerator Jing Li, Takenori Numazawa, Koichi Matsumoto, Yoshinori Yanagisawa, and Hideki Nakagome AIP Conference series 1434 327 2012/01
- Magnetocaloric effect of RM2 (R=rare earth, M=Ni, Al) intermetallic compounds made by centrifugal atomization process for magnetic refrigerator K Matsumoto, K Asamoto, Y Nishimura, Y Zhu, S Abe, and T Numazawa Journal of Physics Conference series 400 5 052020 2012/01
- Ultrasound propagation in dense aerogels filled with liquid 4He K Matsumoto, K Ohmori, S Abe, K Kanamori and K Nakanishi Journal of Physics Conference series 400 1 012045 2012/01
- A compact capacitive dilatometer for thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements at millikelvin temperatures Satoshi Abe, Fumishi Sasaki, Takanobu Oonishi, Daiki Inoue, Jun Yoshida, Daisuke Takahashi, Hiroyuki Tsujii, Haruhiko Suzuki, Koichi Matsumoto CRYOGENICS 52 10 452 2012/04
- Capacitive level meter for liquid hydrogen Matsumoto, Koichi;Sobue, Masamitsu;Asamoto, Kai;Nishimura, Yuta;Abe, Satoshi;Numazawa, Takenori CRYOGENICS 51 2 114-115 2011
- Numerical analysis of active magnetic regenerators for hydrogen magnetic refrigeration between 20 and 77 K Matsumoto, Koichi;Kondo, Takuya;Ikeda, Masakazu;Numazawa, Takenori CRYOGENICS 51 6 353-357 2011
- Numerical modeling on a reciprocating active magnetic regenerator refrigeration in room temperature Li, Jing;Numazawa, Takenori;Nakagome, Hideki;Matsumoto, Koichi CRYOGENICS 51 6 347-352 2011
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction K. Matsumoto, T. Numazawa Proc. 23rd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 2011/01
- NMR, high frequency EPR and magnetization studies of YF3:Tm3+ and TmF3 A.V. Savinkov, G.S. Shakurov, S.L. Korableva, A.V. Dooglav, M.S. Tagirov,H. Suzuki, K. Matsumoto, S. Abe JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 324 012033 2011/01
- Magnetic Refrigeration with GdN by Active Magnetic Refrigerator Cycle Yusuke Hirayama, Hiroyuki Okada, Takashi Nakagawa, Takao Yamamoto, Takafumi Kusunose, Takenori Numazawa, Koichi Mastumoto, Toshio Irie, Eiji Nakamura, MRS BULLETIN 2011/04
- Magnetocaloric Effect of (ErxR1−x)Co2 (R = Ho, Dy) for Magnetic Refrigeration between 20 and 80 K Yiyin Zhu, Kai Asamoto, Yuta Nishimura, Takaaki Kouen, Satoshi Abe, Koichi Matsumot, Takenori Numazawa CRYOGENICS 51 9 494 2011/09
- Experimental study of Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR) composed of spherical GdN Yusuke Hirayama, Hiroyuki Okada, Takashi Nakagawa, Takao. A. Yamamoto, Takafumi Kusunose, Numazawa Takenori, Koichi Mastumoto, Toshio Irie, and Eiji Nakamura Cryocoolers 16 531 2010/04
- Magnetocaloric effect, specific heat and entropy of iron-substituted gadolinium gallium garnets Gd 3 (Ga1-x Fex)5O12 Koichi Matsumoto, Ayumi Matsuzaki, Koji Kamiya, Takenori Numazawa Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48 11 113002 2009
- Ultrasound Study of the Solid-Liquid Transition and Solid-Liquid Interface of 4He in Aerogels Koichi MATSUMOTO, Hiroyuki TSUBOYA, Keiichi YOSHINO, Satoshi ABE, Hiroyuki TSUJII, and Haruhiko SUZUKI JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 78 3 034601 2009/03
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction K. Matsumoto, T. Kondo, S. Yoshioka, K Kamiya and T. Numazawa Journal of Physics; Conference series 150 012028 2009/04
- Frequency dependence of fast mode ultrasound attenuation of liquid 4He in aerogel K. Matsumoto, H. Tsuboya, K. Ohmori, S. Abe, H. Suzuki and D. A. Tayurskii Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 032054 2009/04
- Acoustic properties of superfluid 3He in 97% aerogel H. Tsujii, S. Mihara, S. Abe, H. Suzuki and K. Matsumoto Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 032114 2009/04
- About anomalous ultrasound attenuation in aerogels filled in by liquid 4He below Tlambda D. A. Tayurskii, A. O. Badrutdinov and K. Matsumoto Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 032109 2009/04
- Magnetic properties of enriched 195Pt metals N. Kuwata, K. Ohno, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto and H. Suzuki Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 042107 2009/04
- Magnetic susceptibility of PrMg3 at ultra low temperatures J. Yoshida, S. Abe, A. Tada, H. Tsujii, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, and H. S. Suzuki Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 042241 2009/04
- DEVELOPMENT OF A MAGNETIC REFIREGERATOR FOR HYDROGEN LIQUEFACTION T. Numazawa, Kamiya, S. Yoshioka, H. Nakagome and K. Matsumoto AIP Conference Proceedings 986 1183-1189 2008
- Anisotroic magnetization of the Van Vleck paramagnet LiTmF4 at low temperatures and high magnetic fields D. I. Abubakirov, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, and M. S. Tagirov JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 395223 2008
- Magnetic properties of Dy3+ ions and crystal field characterization in YF3:Dy3+ and DyF3 single crystals A V Savinkov, S L Korableva, A A Rodionov, I N Kurkin, B Z Malkin, M S Tagirov, H Suzuki, K Matsumoto and S Abe J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 48 20 485220 2008
- Novel Quantum Criticality in CeRu2Si2 near Absolute Zero Observed by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction J. Yoshida,S. Abe,D. Takahashi,Y. Segawa,Y. Komai,H. Tsujii,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,and Y. Onuki PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 256402 2008/12
- Possible Sound Mode Conversion in "Superfluid 4He-97% Open Aerogel" System Koichi Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Tsuboya, Keiichi Yoshino, Satoshi Abe, Haruhiko Suzuki, and Dmitrii Tayurskii JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 148 615-620 2007
- Science Lab, Student initiating organization for science demonstration experiment Keiichi Kamada, Koichi Matsumoto, et al. 2007 1 37-40 2007/01
- Magnetic Properties of CeRu2Si2 at Small Magnetic Fields and Ultralow Temperatures J. Yoshida, S. Abe, D. Takahashi, K. Matsumoto, and H. Suzuki AIP Conference Proceedings 850 1171-1172 2006
- Solidification and Melting of 4He in Aerogel Observed by Ultrasound Propagation K. Matsumoto, K. Yoshino, S. Abe, H. Suzuki, and K. Tajiri AIP Conference Proceedings 850 347-348 2006
- Hyperfine Nuclear Magnetism of PrPb3 in the Antiferro-Quadrupolar Ordered State S. Abe, D. Takahashi, J. Yoshida, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki and T. Kitai AIP Conference Proceedings 850 1293-1294 2006
- Magnetocaloric Effect of Polycrystal GdLiF4 for Adiabatic Magnetic Refrigeration T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya, P. Shirron, M. DiPirro, and K. Matsumoto AIP Conference Proceedings 850 1579-1580 2006
- Magnetocaloric Effect of RCo2 (R: Er, Ho, Dy) Compounds for Regenerative Magnetic Refrigeration K. Matsumoto, T. Kouen, R. Nishida, S. Abe, K. Kamiya, and T. Numazawa AIP Conference Proceedings 850 1581-1582 2006
- Development of Magnetic Refrigerator for Hydrogen Liquefaction K. Kamiya, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto, S. Abe, H. Nozawa, and T. Yanagitani AIP Conference Proceedings 850 1583-1584 2006
- Design and build of Magnetic Refrigerator for Hydrogen Liquefaction K. Kamiya, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto, H. Nozawa, and T. Yanagitani AIP Conference Proceedings 823 591-597 2006
- Pressure dependence of the sound velocity of 4He in aerogel Masaaki Nishikawa, Keiichi Yoshino, Satoshi Abe, Haruhiko Suzuki, Koichi Matsumoto, Dimitrii A. Tayurskii, Koji Tajiri JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 66 1506-1508 2005
- Superfluid transition and solidification of 4He in aerogel Koichi Matsumoto, Masaaki Nishikawa, Keiichi Yoshino, Satoshi Abe, Haruhiko Suzuki, Dimitrii A. Tayurskii, Koji Tajiri JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 66 1486-1489 2005
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Magnetic Materials for Regenerative Magnetic Refrigeration on Hydrogen Liquefaction K. Matsumoto, S. Abe, K. Kamiya,and T. Numazawa Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC15) 2004
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Magnetic Materials for Carnot Magnetic Refrigeration on Hydrogen Liquefaction Takenori NUMAZAWA, Koji KAMIYA, Satoshi ABE, Koichi MATSUMOTO Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC15) 2004
- On the sound propagation in silica aerogels filled in by normal and superfluid helium D. A. Tayurskii, K. Matsumoto Magnetic Rosonace in Solid 6 1 213-220 2004/01
- Thermal Property of DyxEr1-xAl2 and Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 for Hydrogen Magnetic Refrigeration K. Kamiya, K. Matsumoto ほか6名 50 11-17 2004/01
- Dissipation Mechanisms near the Superfluid 3He Transition in Aerogel A. I. Golov, K. Matsumoto ほか4名 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 92 19 195301 2004/05
- Magnetic Entropy Change of Magnetic Refrigerants with First Order Phase Transition Suitable for Hydrogen Refrigeration Koichi Matsumoto, Takahiro Okano, Takaaki Kouen, Satoshi Abe, Takenori Numazawa, Koji Kamiya, and Sigeki Nimori IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 14 2 1738-1741 2004/06
- Thermal Property of Magnetic Materials for Hydrogen Magnetic Refrigeration and Effect of Magnetic Field on them Koji Kamiya, Takenori Numazawa, Takaaki Koen, Takahiro Okano, Koichi Matsumoto, and Sigeki Nimori IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 14 2 1734-1737 2004/06
- Porosity dependence of sound propagation in liquid 4He filled aerogel K. Matsumoto, Y. Matsuyama, D. A. Tayurskii, and K. Tajiri JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS 80 2 109-113 2004/07
- Ac Susceptibility and Satic Magnetization Measurements of CeRu2Si2 at Small Magnetic Fields and Ultra Low Temperatures D. Takahashi, S. Abe, H. Mizuno, D. A. Tayurskii, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, and Y. Onuki Phys. Rev. B 67 1804071-1804074R 2003
- NMR study of enriched 195Pt metal H. Suzuki, E. Kobayashi, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto, I. Mukhamedshin, and A. Egorov Physica B 329-333 1101-1102 2003
- Hyperfine-Enhanced Nuclear Spin Order of PrPb3 S. Abe, D. Takahashi, H. Mizuno, A. Ryu, S. Asada, S. Nahaer, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, and T. Kitai Physica B 329-333 637-638 2003
- Magnetic Properties of CeRu2Si2 at Ultra Low Temperatures D. Takahashi, S. Abe, H. Mizuno, T. Ogawa, K. Hayashi, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, Y. Onuki Physica B 329-333 489-490 2003
- Acoustic properties of 97% porous aerogel at low temperature S. Putselyk, G. Eska, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto Physica B 329-333 309-310 2003
- Magneto Caloric Effect in (DyxGd1-x)3Ga5012 for Adiabatic Demagentization refrigeration T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya, T. Okano, K. Matsumoto Physica B 329-333 1656-1657 2003
- Magnetic entropy change of a rare earth garnet (Gd0.5Dy0.5)3(Ga0.875Fe0.125)5O12 K. Matsumoto, T. Okano, A. Matsuzaki, K. Kamiya, T. Numazawa Physica B 329-334 1261-1262 2003
- UltrasoundVelocity and Attenuation of Liquid 4He in Aerogel K. Matsumoto, T. Higaki, Y. Matsuyama, K. Tajiri Physica B 329-335 335-336 2003
- Magnetic Properties of CeRu2Si2 at Ultra Low Temperatures D. Takahashi, S. Abe, H. Mizuno, T. Ogawa, K. Hayashi, K. Matsumoto, H. Suzuki, Y. Onuki Physica B 329-333 489-490 2003
- Acoustic properties of 97% porous aerogel at low temperature S. Putselyk, G. Eska, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto Physica B 329-333 309-310 2003
- Surface Tension Maximum of Liquid 3He - Experimental Study- K. Matsumoto, Y. Okuda, M. Suzuki, S. Misawa JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 125/1 2 59-68 2001/10
- Surfacetension Maximun of Liquid 3He K. Matsumoto, S. Hasegawa, M. Suzuki and Y. Okuda PHYSICA B 284-288 1-4 198-199 2000/07
- Sound Velocity of Liquid 4He in aerogel K. Matsumoto, O. Arai, Y. Okuda, K. Tajiri PHYSICA B 284-288 1-4 101-102 2000/07
- Dynamics of the BCC-HCP transition of solid 4He Hirosuke Fujii, Yuji Okumura, Koichi Matsumoto and Yuichi Okuda PHYSICA B 284-288 1-4 347-348 2000/07
- Density of liquid 3He in 8 T magnetic field Koichi Matsumoto, Syuichi Hasegawa and Yuichi Okuda PHYSICA B 284-288 1-4 194-195 2000/07
- Observation of melting of solid 4He by sound wave Y.Okuda, S.Yamazaki, T.Yoshida, H.Fujii and K.Matsumoto PHYSICA B 675-677 279-286 1999
- Surface Tension of Liquid 3He under 8 Tesla Magnetic Field K.Matsumoto, K. Ichikawa, S. Hasegawa, M. Suzuki and Y. Okuda JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 567-572 1998
- Supression of the superfluidity of 3He by Aerogel J.V. Porto, A. Golov, K. Matsumoto, R.D. Biggar, and J. Parpia JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 225 205-209 1998
- Superfluidity of Pure 3He and Mixtures of 3He and 4He in Aerogel A. Golov, J.V. Porto, K. Matsumoto, L. Pollack, E.N. Smith, R.D. Biggar, T.L.Ho, and J. Parpia JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 110 515-523 1998
- Dynamic Motion of Superfluid Bubble in Solid 4He Y.Okuda, S.Yamazaki, T.Yoshida, H.Fujii and K.Matsumoto JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 775-780 1998
- 3He in 99.5 % Porous Aerogel at the Normal-Superfluid Transition S.C. Kingsley, G. Lawes, A. Golov, K. Matsumoto, J.V. Porto, E.N. Smith, N. Mulders, M.H.W. Chan, and J. Parpia JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 357-361 1998
- Optimum structure of multilayer regenerator with magnetic materials T. Tsukagoshi, K. Matsumoto, T. Hashimoto, T. Kuriyama, and H. Nakagome Criogenics 37 11-14 1997
- Quantum Phase Transition of 3He in Aerogel at a Nonzero Pressure K. Matsumoto, J.V. Porto, L. Pollack, E.N. Smith, T.L. Ho, and J. Parpia PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 79 253-256 1997
- Zero and first sound velocity and Fermi liquid parameter F2s in normal liquid 3He K. Matsumoto, T. Ikegami, S. Ito, M. Kirigaya, Y. Okuda Journal of Low Temperature Physics 102 227-235 1996
- Heat capacity of ternary compounds RNiGe(R=Gd, Dy, Er, and Y) Y. Long, H. Fu, T. Hashimoto, K. Matsumoto, A. Onishi, T. Satoh Journal of Applied Physics 78 7410-7412 1995
- New magnetic regenerator materials with broad peaks of magnetic specific heat H. Makuuchi, T. Aikawa, K. Matsumoto,T. Hashimoto, L. Rui, A. Onishi, T. Satoh, Y. Kanazawa Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 34 L1003-1006 1995
- Installation of 4 K refrigerator in dilution refrigerator with nuclear demagnetization apparatus K. Matsumoto, Y. Okuda Cryogenics 33 11 1018-1022 1993
- Analysis of rare earth compound regenerator operating at 4K H. Seshake, T. Eda, K. Matsumoto, T. Hashimoto, T. Kuriyama, H. Nakagome Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 37 995-1001 1992
- Nonlinear resolution improvement and second-harmonic generation of a pressurized superfluid 4He acoustic microscope K.Karaki, T. Saito, K. Matsumoto, Y. Okuda Applied Physics Letters 59 8 908-910 1991
- New nonlinear phenomena in focused acoustic beam in pressurized superfluid 4He K.Karaki, T. Saito, K. Matsumoto, Y. Okuda Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 60 2 360-363 1991
- Thermodynamic analysis of magnetically active regenerator from 30 to 70 K with a Brayton-like cycle K. Matsumoto, T. Hashimoto Cryogenics 30 840-845 1990
- High efficient two-stage GM refrigerator with magnetic material in the liquid helium temperature region T. Kuriyama, R. Hakamada, H. Nakagome, Y. Tokai, M. Sahashi, R. Li, O. Yoshida, H.Seshake, K. Matsumoto, T. Hashimoto Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35 1261-1269 1990
- Thermal regenerator analysis: analytical solution for effectiveness and entropy production in regenerative process K. Matsumoto, M. Shiino Cryogenics 29 888-894 1989
- An Ericsson magnetic refrigerator for low temperature K. Matsumoto, T. Ito, T. Hashimoto Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 33 743-750 1988
- Recent progress in magnetic refrigeration studies T. Hashimoto, T. Yazawa, R. Li, T. Kuzuhara, K. Matsumoto, H. Nakagome, M. Takahashi, M.Sahashi, K. Imonata, A. Tomokiyo, H. Yayama 33 733-741 1988
- A study of Ericsson magnetic refrigerator for low temperature K. Matsumoto, T. Ito, T. Hashimoto, T. Kuriyama, H. Nakagome 22 368-375 1987
- Investigation on the possibility of the RAl2 system as a refrigerant in an Ericsson type magnetic refrigerator T. Hashimoto, K. Matsumoto, T. Kurihara, T. Numazawa, A. Tomokiyo, H. Yayama, T. Goto, S.Todo, M. Sahashi Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 32 279-286 1986
- Optimum structure of multilayer regenerator with magnetic materials T Tsukagoshi,K Matsumoto,T Hashimoto,T Kuriyama,H Nakagome CRYOGENICS 37 1 11 1997/01
- Improvement of the Performance of Heliume Liquefaction System on Dilution Refrigerator Using GM Precooled JT Expansion Refrigerator with Magnetic Regenerator MATSUMOTO Koichi,OKUDA Yuichi,ONISHI Atsushi,KANAZAWA Yoshiaki 31 4 216-222 1996
- Analysis of rare earth compound regenerator operating at 4K H. Seshake,T. Eda,K. Matsumoto,T. Hashimoto,T. Kuriyama,H. Nakagome Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 37 995-1001 1992
- High efficient two-stage GM refrigerator with magnetic material in the liquid helium temperature region T. Kuriyama,R. Hakamada,H. Nakagome,Y. Tokai,M. Sahashi,R. Li,O. Yoshida,H.Seshake,K. Matsumoto,T. Hashimoto Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 35 1261-1269 1990
- Investigation on the possibility of the RAl2 system as a refrigerant in an Ericsson type magnetic refrigerator T. Hashimoto,K. Matsumoto,T. Kurihara,T. Numazawa,A. Tomokiyo,H. Yayama,T. Goto,S.Todo,M. Sahashi Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 32 279-286 1986
- Heat capacity of ternary compounds RNiGe(R=Gd,Dy,Er, and Y) Y Long,H Fu,T Hashimoto,K Matsumoto,A Onishi,T Satoh JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 78 12 7410 1995/12
- Zero and first sound velocity and Fermi liquid parameter F-2(s) in normal He-3 K Matsumoto,T Ikegami,S Ito,M Kirigaya,Y Okuda JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 102 1-2 227 1996/01
- A study of Ericsson magnetic refrigerator for low temperature K. Matsumoto,T. Ito,T. Hashimoto,T. Kuriyama,H. Nakagome 低温工学 22 6 368-375 1987
- An Ericsson magnetic refrigerator for low temperature K. Matsumoto,T. Ito,T. Hashimoto Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 33 743-750 1988
- Ultrasound velocity and attenuation of liquid He-4 in aerogel K Matsumoto,T Higaki,Y Matsuyama,K Tajiri PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 335 2003/05
- Magnetic properties of CeRu2Si2 at ultra low temperatures D Takahashi,S Abe,H Mizuno,T Ogawa,K Matsumoto,H Suzuki,Y Onuki PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 489 2003/05
- Superfluidity of pure He-3 and mixtures of He-3 and He-4 in aerogel A Golov,JV Porto,K Matsumoto,L Pollack,EN Smith,RD Biggar,TL Ho,JM Parpia JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 110 1-2 515 1998/01
- NMR study of enriched Pt-195 metal H Suzuki,E Kobayashi,S Abe,K Matsumoto,Mukhamedshin, I,A Egorov,M Tagirov PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 1101 2003/05
- Surface tension of liquid He-3 under 8 T magnetic field K Matsumoto,K Ichikawa,S Hasegawa,M Suzuki,Y Okuda JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 3-4 567 1998/11
- Surface tension maximum of liquid He-3 - Experimental study K Matsumoto,Y Okuda,M Suzuki,S Misawa JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 125 1-2 59 2001/10
- Dynamic motion of superfluid bubble in solid He-4 Y Okuda,S Yamazaki,T Yoshida,H Fujii,K Matsumoto JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 5-6 775 1998/12
- He-3 in 99.5% porous aerogel at the normal-superfluid transition SCJ Kingsley,G Lawes,A Golov,K Matsumoto,JV Porto,EN Smith,N Mulders,MHW Chan,JM Parpia JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 113 3-4 357 1998/11
- Suppression of He-3 superfluidity by aerogel JV Porto,A Golov,K Matsumoto,RD Biggar,JM Parpia JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 225 1-3 205 1998/04
- Observation of melting of solid He-4 by sound wave Y Okuda,S Yamazaki,T Yoshida,H Fujii,K Matsumoto PHYSICA B 263 364 1999/03
- Density of liquid He-3 in 8 T magnetic field K Matsumoto,S Hasegawa,Y Okuda PHYSICA B 284 194 2000/07
- Dynamics of the BCC-HCP transition of solid He-4 H Fujii,Y Okumura,K Matsumoto,Y Okuda PHYSICA B 284 347 2000/07
- Hyperfine-enhanced nuclear spin order of PrPb3 S Abe,D Takahashi,H Mizuno,A Ryu,S Asada,S Nahaer,K Matsumoto,H Suzuki,T Kitai PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 637 2003/05
- Superfluidity of Liquid 3He in Aerogel. Matsumoto Koichi Butsuri 52 11 850 1997
- Porosity dependence of sound propagation in liquid-He-4-filled aerogel K Matsumoto,Y Matsuyama,DA Tayurskii,K Tajiri JETP LETTERS 80 2 109 2004
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Magnetic Materials for Carnot Magnetic Refrigeration on Hydrogen Liquefaction Takenori NUMAZAWA,Koji KAMIYA,Satoshi ABE,Koichi MATSUMOTO Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC15) 2004
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Magnetic Materials for Regenerative Magnetic Refrigeration on Hydrogen Liquefaction K. Matsumoto,S. Abe,K. Kamiya,T. Numazawa Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC15) 2004
- Magnetic entropy change of magnetic refrigerants with first order phase transition suitable for hydrogen refrigeration K Matsumoto,T Okano,T Kouen,S Abe,T Numazawa,K Kamiya,S Nimori IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 14 2 1738 2004/06
- Ac susceptibility and static magnetization measurements of CeRu2Si2 at small magnetic fields and ultralow temperatures D. Takahashi,S. Abe,H. Mizuno,D. A. Tayurskii,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,Y. Ōnuki Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 67 18 2003/05/30
- On the sound propagation in silica aerogels filled in by normal and superfluid helium D. A. Tayurskii, K. Matsumoto Magnetic Rosonace in Solid 6 1 213 2004
- Thermal property of magnetic materials for hydrogen magnetic refrigeration and effect of magnetic field on them K Kamiya,T Numazawa,T Koen,T Okano,K Matsumoto,S Nimori IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 14 2 1734 2004/06
- Surface tension maximum of liquid He-3 K Matsumoto,S Hasegawa,M Suzuki,Y Okuda PHYSICA B 284 1-4 198 2000/07
- Dissipation mechanisms near the superfluid He-3 transition in aerogel AI Golov,D Einzel,G Lawes,K Matsumoto,JM Parpia PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 92 19 195301 2004/05
- Thermal property of DyxEr1-xAl2 and Gd-5(SixGe1-x)(4) for hydrogen magnetic refrigeration K Kamiya,T Numazawa,T Koen,T Okano,K Matsumoto ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING, VOLS 50A AND B 711 11 2004
- Quantum phase transition of He-3 in aerogel at a nonzero pressure K Matsumoto,JV Porto,L Pollack,EN Smith,TL Ho,JM Parpia PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 79 2 253 1997/07
- Sound velocity of liquid He-4 in aerogel K Matsumoto,O Arai,Y Okuda,K Tajiri PHYSICA B 284 101 2000/07
- Magnetic entropy change of a rare earth garnet (Gd0.5Dy0.5)(3)(Ga0.875Fe0.125)(5)O-12 K Matsumoto,T Okano,A Matsuzaki,K Kamiya,T Numazawa PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 1261 2003/05
- Acoustic properties of 97% porous aerogel at low temperatures S Putselyk,G Eska,S Abe,K Matsumoto PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 309 2003/05
- ac susceptibility and static magnetization measurements of CeRu2Si2 at small magnetic fields and ultralow temperatures D Takahashi,S Abe,H Mizuno,DA Tayurskii,K Matsumoto,H Suzuki,Y Onuki PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67 18 1804071-1804074R 2003/05
- Magneto caloric effect in (DyxGd1-x)(3)Ga5O12 for adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration. T Numazawa,K Kamiya,T Okano,K Matsumoto PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 1656 2003/05
- Numerical modeling on a reciprocating active magnetic regenerator refrigeration in room temperature Jing Li,Takenori Numazawa,Hideki Nakagome,Koichi Matsumoto CRYOGENICS 51 6 347 2011/06
- Development of a magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction Koji Kamiya,Takenori Numazawa,Koichi Matsumoto,Satoshi Abe,Hoshiteru Nozawa,Takakimi Yanagitani LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1583 2006
- Acoustic properties of superfluid (3)He in 97% aerogel H. Tsujii,S. Mihara,S. Abe,H. Suzuki,K. Matsumoto 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 3 150 2009
- Magnetic susceptibility of PrMg3 at ultra low temperatures J. Yoshida,S. Abe,A. Tada,H. Tsujii,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,H. S. Suzuki 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 4 150 2009
- Ultrasound Study of the Solid-Liquid Transition and Solid-Liquid Interface of He-4 in Aerogels Koichi Matsumoto,Hiroyuki Tsuboya,Keiichi Yoshino,Satoshi Abe,Hiroyuki Tsuji,Haruhiko Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 78 3 034601 2009/03
- Magnetic refrigeration with GdN by active magnetic refrigerator cycle Yusuke Hirayama,Hiroyuki Okada,Takashi Nakagawa,Takao A. Yamamoto,Takafumi Kusunose,Numazawa Takenori,Koichi Mastumoto,Toshio Irie,Eiji Nakamura Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1310 54 2011
- Magnetocaloric effect of polycrystal GdLiF4 for adiabatic magnetic refrigeration Takenori Numazawa,Koji Kamiya,Peter Shirron,Mike DiPirro,Koichi Matsumoto LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1579 2006
- Experimental study of Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR) composed of spherical GdN Yusuke Hirayama,Hiroyuki Okada,Takashi Nakagawa,Takao. A. Yamamoto,Takafumi Kusunose,Numazawa Takenori,Koichi Mastumoto,Toshio Irie,Eiji Nakamura Cryocoolers 16 531 2010/04
- Magnetocaloric Effect, Specific Heat, and Entropy of Iron-Substituted Gadolinium Gallium Garnets Gd-3(Ga1-xFex)(5)O-12 Koichi Matsumoto,Ayumi Matsuzaki,Koji Kamiya,Takenori Numazawa JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 48 11 113002 2009/11
- Superfluid transition and solidification of He-4 in aerogel K Matsumoto,M Nishikawa,K Yoshino,S Abe,H Suzuki,DA Tayurskii,K Tajiri JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 66 8-9 1486 2005/08
- Frequency dependence of fast mode ultrasound attenuation of liquid He-4 in aerogel K. Matsumoto,H. Tsuboya,K. Ohmori,S. Abe,H. Suzuki,D. A. Tayurskii 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 3 150 2009
- NMR, high frequency EPR and magnetization studies of YF3:Tm3+ and TmF3 A. V. Savinkov,G. S. Shakurov,S. L. Korableva,A. V. Dooglav,M. S. Tagirov,H. Suzuki,K. Matsumoto,S. Abe INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESONANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER: ALTSHULER100 324 12033 2011
- Numerical analysis of active magnetic regenerators for hydrogen magnetic refrigeration between 20 and 77 K Koichi Matsumoto,Takuya Kondo,Masakazu Ikeda,Takenori Numazawa CRYOGENICS 51 6 353 2011/06
- Magnetocaloric effect of RCo2 (R : Er, Ho, Dy) compounds for regenerative magnetic refrigeration Koichi Matsumoto,Takaaki Kouen,Ryouhei Nishida,Satoshi Abe,Koji Kamiya,Takenori Numazawa LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1581 2006
- About anomalous ultrasound attenuation in aerogels filled in by liquid He-4 below T-lambda D. A. Tayurskii,A. O. Badrutdinov,K. Matsumoto 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 3 150 2009
- Solidification and melting of He-4 in aerogel observed by ultrasound propagation Koichi Matsumoto,Keiichi Yoshino,Satoshi Abe,Haruhiko Suzuki,Koji Tajiri LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 347 2006
- Magnetic properties of CeRu2Si2 at small magnetic fields and ultralow temperatures J. Yoshida,S. Abe,D. Takahashi,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1171 2006
- Magnetic Properties of Enriched Pt-195 Metals N. Kuwata,K. Ohno,E. Kobayashi,Y. Sugita,H. Suzuki JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 155 1-2 114 2009/04
- Anisotropic magnetization of the Van Vleck paramagnet LiTmF(4) at low temperatures and high magnetic fields D. I. Abubakirov,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,M. S. Tagirov JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 39 2008/10
- Pressure dependence of the sound velocity of He-4 in aerogel M Nishikawa,K Yoshino,S Abe,H Suzuki,K Matsumoto,DA Tayurskii,K Tajiri JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 66 8-9 1506 2005/08
- Novel Quantum Criticality in CeRu2Si2 near Absolute Zero Observed by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction J. Yoshida,S. Abe,D. Takahashi,Y. Segawa,Y. Komai,H. Tsujii,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,Y. Onuki PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 25 2008/12
- Possible sound mode conversion in "Superfluid He-4-97% open aerogel" system Koichi Matsumoto,Hiroyuki Tsuboya,Keiichi Yoshino,Satoshi Abe,Haruhiko Suzuki,Dmitrii Tayurskii JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 148 5-6 615 2007/09
- Design and build of magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction K. Kamiya,T. Numazawa,K. Matsumoto,H. Nozawa,T. Yanagitani ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING, VOLS 51A AND B 823 591 2006
- Development of a magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction Koji Kamiya,Takenori Numazawa,Koichi Matsumoto,Satoshi Abe,Hoshiteru Nozawa,Takakimi Yanagitani LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1583 2006
- Capacitive level meter for liquid hydrogen Koichi Matsumoto,Masamitsu Sobue,Kai Asamoto,Yuta Nishimura,Satoshi Abe,Takenori Numazawa CRYOGENICS 51 2 114 2011/02
- Development of a magnetic refirgerator for hydrogen liquefaction T. Numazawa,K. Kamiya,S. Yoshioka,H. Nakagome,K. Matsumoto ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING, VOLS 53A AND 53B 985 1183 2008
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction K. Matsumoto,T. Kondo,S. Yoshioka,K. Kamiya,T. Numazawa 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 1 150 359 2009
- Magnetic properties of enriched (195)Pt metals N. Kuwata,K. Ohno,S. Abe,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 4 150 2009
- Magnetic properties of Dy3+ ions and crystal field characterization in YF3: Dy3+ and DyF3 single crystals A. V. Savinkov,S. L. Korableva,A. A. Rodionov,I. N. Kurkin,B. Z. Malkin,M. S. Tagirov,H. Suzuki,K. Matsumoto,S. Abe JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 48 485220 2008/12
- Hyperfine nuclear magnetism of PrPb3 in the antiferro-quadrupolar ordered S. Abe,D. Takahashi,J. Yoshida,K. Matsumoto,H. Suzuki,T. Kitai LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1293 2006
- Magnetocaloric materials and the optimization of cooling power density Patrick Wikus,Edgar Canavan,Sarah Trowbridge Heine,Koichi Matsumoto,Takenori Numazawa CRYOGENICS 62 150 2014/07
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements using a high sensitive capacitive dilatometer at millikelvin temperatures Daiki Inoue,Daisuke Kaido,Yuta Yoshikawa,Mitsuyuki Minegishi,Koichi Matsumoto,Satoshi Abe 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT27), PTS 1-5 568 32002 2014
- Magnetocaloric effect in single crystal GdTiO3 Hideki Omote,Shota Watanabe,Koichi Matsumoto,Ildar Gilmutdinov,Airat Kiiamov,Dmitrii Tayurskii Cryogenics 101 58 2019/05
- Large magnetocaloric effect in sintered ferromagnetic EuS Koichi Matsumoto,Liang Li,Shinji Hirai,Eiji Nakamura,Daiki Murayama,Yutaro Ura,Satoshi Abe CRYOGENICS 79 45 2016/10
- Magnetocaloric effect, thermal conductivity, and magnetostriction of epoxy-bonded La(Fe0.88Si0.12)13 hydrides K. Matsumoto,D. Murayama,M. Takeshita,Y. Ura,S. Abe,T. Numazawa,H. Takata,Y. Matsumoto,T. Kuriiwa Journal of Physics: Conference Series 897 1 12011 2017/09/21
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of heavy fermion CeRu2Si2 at millikelvin temperatures Daiki Inoue,Daisuke Kaido,Yuta Yoshikawa,Mitsuyuki Minegishi,Koichi Matsumoto,Satoshi Abe,Shigeyuki Murayama 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM, ICM 2015 75 158 2015
- Ultrasound propagation in dense aerogels filled with liquid He-4 K. Matsumoto,K. Ohmori,S. Abe,K. Kanamori,K. Nakanishi 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT26), PTS 1-5 400 1 12045 2012
- Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in CeRu2Si2 at Ultralow Temperatures Studied by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction Daiki Inoue,Hiroyuki Takama,Daisuke Kaidou,Mitsuyuki Minegishi,Keisuke Ueno,Koichi Matsumoto,Satoshi Abe,Shigeyuki Murayama Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86 12 124712 2017/11
- Magnetocaloric properties of La(FexMySi1-x-y)13 (M=Ga, Co) K. Matsumoto,K. Yamada,Y. Nishimura,N. Kawata,Y. Zhu,T. Numazawa,H. Takata,T. Irie,E. Nakamura Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 227 2013/01
- Superfluidity of 4He in dense aerogel studied using quartz tuning fork K Matsumoto,Y Sekiguchi,O Iwakami,T Ono,S Abe,G Ano,M Akatsu,K Mitsumoto,Y Nemoto,T Goto,N Takeda,H Kitazawa J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 12019 2018
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction T. Numazawa,K. Kamiya,T. Utaki,K. Matsumoto Journal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics 15 2 1 2013
- A modeling study of multi-layered AMR bed K. Sonoda,J. Li,Y. Yanagisawa,H. Nakagome,T. Numazawa,K. Matsumoto Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010 219 2013/01
- Magnetocaloric effect of RM2 (R=rare earth, M=Ni, Al) intermetallic compounds made by centrifugal atomization process for magnetic refrigerator K. Matsumoto,K. Asamato,Y. Nishimura,Y. Zhu,S. Abe,T. Numazawa 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT26), PTS 1-5 400 5 52020 2012
- Magnetocaloric effect of (ErxR1-x)CO2 (R = Ho, Dy) for magnetic refrigeration between 20 and 80 K Yiyin Zhu,Kai Asamoto,Yuta Nishimura,Takaaki Kouen,Satoshi Abe,Koichi Matsumoto,Takenori Numazawa CRYOGENICS 51 9 494 2011/09
- Nuclear demagnetization for ultra-low temperatures Satoshi Abe,Koichi Matsumoto CRYOGENICS 62 213 2014/07
- A compact capacitive dilatometer for thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements at millikelvin temperatures Satoshi Abe,Fumishi Sasaki,Takanobu Oonishi,Daiki Inoue,Jun Yoshida,Daisuke Takahashi,Hiroyuki Tsujii,Haruhiko Suzuki,Koichi Matsumoto CRYOGENICS 52 10 452 2012/10
- Revised Measurements and Interpretation of Magnetic Properties of Oriented CeF3 Single Crystals A. V. Savinkov,S. L. Korableva,M. S. Tagirov,H. Suzuki,K. Matsumoto,S. Abe JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 185 5-6 603 2016/12
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 K. Matsumoto,Y. Sekiguchi,O. Iwakami,T. Ono,S. Abe,G. Ano,M. Akatsu,K. Mitsumoto,Y. Nemoto,T. Goto,N. Takeda,H. Kitazawa Journal of Physics: Conference Series 969 1 12120 2018/04/19
- Improvement of 4 K cooling power by coaxial pipe regenerator for a Gifford-McMahon cryocooler S Masuyama,K Matsumoto,T Numazawa Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1857 1 012007 2021/04/01
- Thermal and electrical conductivity of magnetic refrigerant RT2 Laves compounds (R: Rare earth; T: Al, Ni) for magnetic refrigerator application Anastasia Lopatina,Shota Watanabe,Kazumi Futatsuka,Naoya Kumazawa,Yusuke Hirano,Keigo Matsunaga,Satoshi Abe,Koichi Matsumoto,Akiko T. Saito,Hiroyuki Takeya,Takenori Numazawa Cryogenics 126 103519 2022/07
- Thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of RT2 (R: Gd, Dy, Er; T: Al, Ni) intermetallic compounds for magnetic refrigerator S Watanabe,S Komatsu,K Futatsuka,N Kumazawa,K Matsumoto,K Kamiya,H Takeya,T Numazawa Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1857 1 012003 2021/04/01
- Active magnetic regenerative refrigeration using superconducting solenoid for hydrogen liquefaction Koji Kamiya,Koichi Matsumoto,Takenori Numazawa,Shinji Masuyama,Hiroyuki Takeya,Akiko T. Saito,Naoya Kumazawa,Kazumi Futatsuka,Keigo Matsunaga,Tsuyoshi Shirai,Suguru Takada,Teruhito Iida Applied Physics Express 15 5 053001 2022/04
Conference Presentations
- Review of magnetic cooling cycle(conference:KERI intensive seminar for magnetic cooling technology)(2011/10/06)
- Magnetic Refrigeration for Hydrogen Liquefaction(conference:Thermag VI)(2014/09/07)
- Improvement of 4 K cooling power by coaxial pipe regenerator for a Gifford-McMahon cryocooler(conference:10th ACASC/2nd Asian-ICMC/CSSJ Joint Conference)(2020/01/08)
- Superfluidity of 4He in dense aerogel studied using quartz tuning fork(conference:28th international conference on low temperature physics)(2017/08/09)
- Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6(conference:28th international conference on low temperature physics)(2017/08/09)
- Thermal and magnetic properties of regenerator material Gd2O2S(conference:1st Asian ICMC - CSSJ50)(2016/11/07)
- Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction(conference:23rd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010)(2010/07)
- Thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of RT2 (R:Gd,Dy,Er; T:Al,Ni) intermetallic compounds for magnetic refrigerator(conference:10th ACASC/2nd Asian-ICMC/CSSJ Joint Conference)(2020/01/09)
- Magnetocaloric Materials with Rare-Earth Element for Magnetic Refrigeration at Cryogenic Temperatures(conference:Muroran-IT Workshop 2017)(2017/10/18)
- Magnetic Refrigerator for Hydrogen Liquefaction(conference:Muroran-IT Rare Earth Workshop 2018)(2018/11/09)
- Magnetocaloric effect, thermal conductivity, and magnetostriction of epoxy-bonded La(Fe0.88Si0.12) 13 hydrides(conference:1st Asian ICMC - CSSJ50)(2016/11/07)
- Room temperature ferromagnetism in iron implanted magnesium oxide(conference:XV International conference "M_ssbauer spectroscopy and applications")(2018/09/10)
- Development of active magnetic regenerator refrigerator (AMRR) with reciprocating AMR bed(conference:10th ACASC/2nd Asian-ICMC/CSSJ Joint Conference)(2020/01/07)
- M_ssbauer effect studies of iron implanted lithium niobate (LiNbO3)(conference:XV International conference "M_ssbauer spectroscopy and applications")(2018/09/10)
- Superfluid transition and solidification of 4He in aerogel(conference:Todai International Symposium 2004 on Quantum Condensed System)(2004/11)
- Propagation of heat pulse through superfluid 4He in 90% open aerogel(conference:International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2018)(2018/07/25)
- Recent Progress of Rare-Earth Materials for Magnetic Refrigerator and Cryocooler(conference:2016 Muroran-IT Workshop on Innovative Development for Rare Earths Application)(2016/06/11)
- Recent Progress of Rare-Earth Materials for Magnetic Refrigerator and Cryocooler(conference:2016 Muroran-IT Workshop on Innovative Development for Rare Earths Application)(2016/06/11)
- Magnetic Refrigeration for Hydrogen Liquefaction(conference:Thermag VI)(2014/09/07)
- Development of magnetic refrigeration system for hydrogen liquefaction Koichi Matsumoto, Takenori Numazawa Journal of the hydrogen energy systems society of Japan 41 4 251 2016/12/31
- Present status of cryocooling/cold energy technology – Present status of the development of magnetic cryocooler for Hydrogen liquefaction – 2009/10
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○refrigeration using magnetocaloric effect
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○Development of high efficient magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction(2008-2010)
○Magnetic refrigeration for hydrogen liquefaction(2002-2006)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Solid State Physics(2017)
○Physics Experiments 2(2017)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession C / Junior High School・High School(2017)
○Physics Experiments 1(2017)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2017)
○Exercise in Mathematics and Physics A(2017)
○Exercise in Mathematics and Physics B(2017)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2017)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2016)
○Exercise in Mathematics and Physics A(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession C / Junior High School・High School(2016)
○Exercise in Mathematics and Physics B(2016)
○Physics Experiments 2(2016)
○Solid State Physics(2016)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2016)
○Physics Experiments 1(2016)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2016)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2016)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2016)
○Freshman Seminar I(2016)
○The World of Mathematics and Physics(2012)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2012)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2012)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics(2012)
○The World of Mathematics and Physics(2011)
○Research Work in Physics(2011)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics(2011)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2011)
○Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2010)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2010)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics(2010)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2010)
○Research Work in Physics(2010)
○The World of Mathematics and Physics(2010)
○Introduction to thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(2009)
○Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(2009)
○Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 2(2009)
○Research Work in Physics(2009)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Low Temperature Physics a(2017)
○Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics b(2017)
○Surveys of Physics(2017)
○Ultra Low Temperature Physics(2017)
○Ultra Low Temperature Physics(2017)
○Surveys of Physics(2017)
○Ultra Low Temperature Physics(2017)
○Surveys of Physics(2017)
○Surveys of Physics(2017)
○Ultra Low Temperature Physics(2017)
○Physics Education a(2017)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Seminar B(2017)
○Physics Education b(2017)
○Low Temperature Physics b(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Seminar B(2016)
○Physics Education b(2016)
○Low Temperature Physics a(2016)
○Low Temperature Physics b(2016)
○Physics Education a(2016)
○Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics a(2016)
○Exercise B(2016)
○Research Work B(2016)
○Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics b(2016)
○Surveys of Physics(2016)
○Ultra Low Temperature Physics(2016)
○Physics Education(2012)
○Seminar B(2012)
○Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics(2012)
○Physics of Quantum Fluid(2012)
○Low Temperature Physics(2012)
○Physics Acoustics(2012)
○Research Work B(2012)
○Exercise B(2012)
○Research Work(2011)
○Research Work(2010)
○Physics of Quantum Liquid(2010)
○Physics of Quantum Liquid(2009)
○Research Work(2009)