Associate Professor NINOMIYA, Junichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Environmental Engineering Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Civil Engineering and Disaster Prevention, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Doctor Graduate School of Engineering Civil and Earth Resources Engineering 201409 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Osaka City University Department of Environmental Urban Engineering 200603
Dr. Eng.
Osaka Prefecture Government Neyagawa River-Basin Flood Control Office, Department of Urban and Public Works(2008/04/01-2011/03/31)
Kanazawa University Assistant Professor(2014/10/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Hydraulic engineering
Speciality Keywords
Coupled Model (Air-Sea-Wave), Air-Sea Interaction, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclone (Typhoon), Extra-tropical cyclone, Ocean Environment
Research Themes
Momentum and Heat Flux between Air and Sea
Evaluation of Coastal Hazard Risk under the Climate Change
- Impacts of Wave-induced Ocean Surface Turbulent Kinetic Energy Flux on Typhoon Characteristics Masashi Takagi,Junichi Ninomiya,Nobuhito Mori,Tomoya Shimura,Takuya Miyashita Coastal Engineering Journal 64 1 151 2022/01
- Future projection of maximum potential storm surge height at three major bays in Japan using the maximum potential intensity of a tropical cyclone Nobuhito Mori,Nozomi Ariyoshi,Tomoya Shimura,Takuya Miyashita,Junichi Ninomiya Climatic Change 164 3-4 25 2021/02
- FUTURE CHALLENGES TO ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE IN JAPANESE COASTAL AREAS Tomohiro KUWAE,Yugo MITO,Taro ARIKAWA,Yoichi ISHIKAWA,Hideaki KIDOKORO,Yoko SHIBUTANI,Tomoya SHIMURA,Satoquo SEINO,Kanako HASUMI,Hirotada MOGI,Takehisa YAMAKITA,Hansoo LEE,Sooyoul KIM,Shinichi KUBOTA,Yoshinosuke KURAHARA,Daiki TSUJIO,Junichi NINOMIYA,Masayuki BANNO,Naoki FURUICHI,Tomohiro YASUDA,Nobuhito MORI,Satoshi TAKEWAKA Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 77 1 1 2021
- Seasonal Variability of the Currents in the Offshore Region of Surf Zone and Effects of External Forcings on the Currents 楳田真也,二宮順一,有田守,由比政年 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
- Future Changes of Explosive Cyclones and Their Impact on Japanese Coastal Waves Using Mri-agcm 150-year Projection 小池宏之進,森信人,志村智也,宮下卓也,二宮順一 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
- Pseudo Global Warming Experiments of Typhoon Haiyan Using High-resolution Coupled Atomsphere-ocean-wave Model 二宮順一,竹見哲也,森信人 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
- Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Waves at Toyama Bay Using Neural Network 岩崎鷹也,増田和輝,二宮順一 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
- Projecting Changes in Explosive Cyclones and High Waves Around Japan Using a Mega-ensemble Projection Junichi Ninomiya,Yuya Taka,Nobuhito Mori Ocean Engineering 237 109634 2021/10
- Effect of Sandy Beach Characteristics on the Accuracy of Autocorrelation Particle Size Distribution Measurement 中條壮大,三宅一成,森信人,辻本剛三,安田誠宏,二宮順一,馬場康之 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
- Impacts of Wave-induced Turbulent Mixing on Typhoon Characteristics 高木雅史,森信人,二宮順一,志村智也,宮下卓也 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 77 2 2021
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Observation and numerical modeling of atmosphere, ocean and wave
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 2(2023)
○Computer Programming Practice(2023)
○Coastal Engineering B(2023)
○Surveying and Practice 2(2023)
○Civil Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Fundamental Hydraulics(2023)
○Civil Engineering Experiment(2023)
○Surveying and Practice 1(2023)
○Academic Skills(2023)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Coastal and Ocean Modeling(2023)
○Exercises on hydraulic engineering(2023)