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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/07

Associate Professor Ooi Kazuhiro

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

University Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanazawa University Hospital
Clinical Profesor

College and School Educational Field

Division of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science
School of Medicine, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science TEL:076-265-2444 FAX:076-234-4268

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Graduate school, Hokkaido University  Doctor Dental medicine Oral and maxillofacial surgery 200503 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Hokkaido University Dental medicine 200003
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science


Tonami General Hospital Oral and maxillofacial surgery Medical director(2012/04/01-2014/09/30)
Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Oral Patho-biological Science Clinical fellow(2008/04/01-2012/03/31)
Tonami General Hospital Oral and maxillofacial suegery Clinical fellow(2005/04/01-2007/03/31)
Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Oral Patho-biological Science Clinical Resident(2000/04/01-2001/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint
The Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities

Asian Association for oral and maxillofacial surgeon
International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon


○Japanese Stomatological Society Poster Award(2022/06/30)
○Japanese Stomatological Society Poster Award(2022/06/30)
○Distinguished Poster Presentation Award     (2011)


Oral and maxillofacial Surgery

Speciality Keywords

oral pathology,oral and maxillofacial surgery

Research Themes

Elucidation for masticatory muscle tendon-aponeurosis hyperplasia

Elucidation of progressive mandibular condylar resorption

Development of surgery support technology by monitoring vibration of rotary cutting instrument during oral and maxillofacial surgery

Evaluation for morphology and function and psychology of patient with dentofacial deformity in preoperative period

Investigation for nurse about oral care

Elucidation of obstructive sleep apnea on dentofacial deformity



  •  Factors related to oxygen desaturation index during sleep 7 days after bilateral sagittal splitting ramus osteotomy in patients without previous obstructive sleep apnea Ide, K, Ooi, K*, Takamichi, S. Jokaji, R, Kobayashi Y,Kasahara K, Nakata M, Kawashiri S, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2021
  •  The dipeptide prolyl-hydroxyproline promotes cellular homeostasis and lamellipodia-driven motility via active β1-integrin in adult tendon cells Ide K, Takahashi S, Sakai K, Taga Y, Ueno T, Dickens D, Jenkins RE, Falciani F, Sasaki T, Ooi K, Kawashiri S, Mizuno K, Hattori S, and Sakai T* Journal of Biological Chemistry 2021
  •  Metalloelastase-12 is involved in the temporomandibular joint inflammatory response as well as cartilage degradation by aggrecanases in STR/Ort mice Yamashita-Futani Y, Jokaji R, Ooi K, Kobayashi K, Kanakis I, Liu K, Kawashiri S, Bou-Gharios G, Nakamura H* Biomedical Reports 2021
  •  Evaluation of rhythmic masseter muscle activity during sleep in patients with dentofacial deformity 9. Yoshiaki Futani, Kazuhiro Ooi, Rei Jokaji, Kazuo Kasahara, Sayuri Takamichi, Masako Nakata, Yusuke Nakade, Shuichi Kawashir  J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg 2020
  •   Relationship between pharyngeal airway depth and ventilation condition in mandibular setback surgery: A computational fluid dynamics study  Yoshito Shirazawa,Tomonori Iwasaki, Kazuhiro Ooi,Yutaka Kobayashi, Ayaka Yanagisawa-Minami, Yoichiro Oku, Anna Yokura,Yuusuke Ban, Hokuto Suga, Shuichi Kawashiri, Youichi Yamasaki Wiley 23 313 2020

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  •  Comparison of Postoperative Stability Between BSSRO and Le Fort 1 Osteotomy with BSSRO in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Severe Open Bite 10. Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Hiro-o Yamaguchi, Tadashi Mikoya, Shuichi Kawashiri, Kanchu Tei J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg 19 2020
  •  Comparison of maximum mouth opening and trismus after bilateral sagittal splitting ramus osteotomy in patients with dentofacial deformity between two different osteosynthesis methods 8. Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Hiro-o Yamaguchi, Tadashi Mikoya, Kanchu Te J Oral Rehabil 47 1242 2020
  •  Relationship between anterior disc displacement and maxillomandibular morphology in skeletal anterior open bite with mandibular condylar bone change Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Tadashi Mikoya, Kazuyuki Minowa, Shuichi Kawashiri, Kanchu Tei British J Oral and maxillaofacial surg 58 1084 2020
  •  Comparison of Postoperative Stability Between BSSRO and Le Fort 1 Osteotomy with BSSRO in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Severe Open Bite Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Hiro-o Yamaguchi, Tadashi Mikoya, Shuichi Kawashiri, Kanchu Tei Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery 2019
  •  Body weight loss after orthognathic surgery: comparison between postoperative intermaxillary fixation with metal wire and elastic traction, factors related to body weight loss K Ooi, N Inoue, K Matsushita, H Yamaguchi, T Mikoya, S Kawashiri1, K Tei Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery 2019
  •  Factors related to patients’ nutritional state after orthognathic surgery Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Hiro-o Yamaguchi, Tadashi Mikoya, Shuichi Kawashiri, Kanchu Tei Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2019
  •  Application of Marching-Cubes alorithm to Voxel Formed STL data for fabrication of surgical simulation skull model Yauo Ueda, Sintaro Tamura, Takaaki Ninimiya, Hideki Aita, Noboru Ohata, Yosiaki Satoh, Kazuhiro Ooi and Nobuo Inoue Maxillofacial Prosthetics 26 2 55 2003
  •  Application of rapid prototyping technology in costructing An auricular prosthesis Yauo Ueda, Sintaro Tamura, Takaaki Ninimiya, Hideki Aita, Noboru Ohata, Yosiaki Satoh, Kazuhiro Ooi and Nobuo Inoue Maxillofacial Prosthetics 27 1 2004
  •  Effect of Inorganic Polyphosphate on Periodontal Regeneration. Toshikazu Shiba, yasuharu Takahasi, Takashi Uematsu, Yumi Kawazoe, Kazuhiro Ooi, K Nasu, Hiromich Itoh, Hitoshi Tanaka, Minoru Yamaoka, Masanobu Shindoh, Takao Kohgo  Key Engineering Materials 16 1119 2004
  •  A combination of three minimally invasive surgical procedures for implant placement in the posterior maxilla with insufficient bone quantity. Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 106 2 e1 2008
  •  A case of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma arising in the medial pterygoid muscle. Yura S, Terahata S, Ohga N, Ooi K. Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 66 359 2008
  •  Three minimally invasive procedures for removing lesions in the maxillary sinus. Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Journal of Craniofacila Surgery 19 6 1650 2008
  •  Oral tumor resection and salivary duct relocation with an ultrasonic surgical aspirator. Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 4 1250 2009
  •  Tongue reduction techniques with an ultrasonic surgical aspirator. Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 67 1568 2009
  •  Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint in patients with skeletal open bite and subjects with no dentofacial abnormalities. Yura S, Ooi K, Kadowaki S, Totsuka Y, Inoue N. British Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 48 459 2010
  •  回転切削器具の振動モニタリングによる口腔外科手術支援に関する研究 中野 寛,学 金丸 将大,正 髙原 弘樹,大井 一浩 27 2019
  •  顎変形症治療コンセンサスミーティングにおけるアンケート調査 岩井 俊憲, 竹信 俊彦, 管野 貴浩, 山内 健介, 大井 一浩, 古賀 陽子, 佐藤 貴子, 友松 伸允, 成田 真人, 吉岡 徳枝, 小林 正治 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2019
  •  Transmaxillary Endoscopic Antrostomy for Postoperative Maxillary Cyst with Severe Bone Defect Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Hospital Dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery 21 2 105 2009
  •  Two Cases of Impacted Deciduous Molars Yura S, Kato T, OHGA Noritaka, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Hospital Dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery 21 2 117 2009
  •  Access to the maxillary sinus using a bone flap with sinus mucosal and mucoperiosteal pedicles. Yura S, Kato T, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 109 2010
  •  Procedure for Tooth Autotransplantation with Bone-added Sinus Fllor Elavation Shinya Yura , Natsuko Fujita, Takumi Kato, Noritaka Ohga , Kazuhiro Ooi , Yuri Izumiyama. Asian Journal oral and maxillofacial surgery 21 106 2009
  •  Postoperative pressure-induced alopecia after segmental osteotomy at the upper and lower frontal edentulous areas for distraction osteogenesis  Matsushita K, Inoue N, Ooi K, Totsuka Y. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2010
  •  Chin augmentation with thin cortical bone concomitant with advancement genioplasty. Matsushita K, Inoue N, Yamaguchi HO, Ooi K, Totsuka Y. Journal of oral and maxillofacial  68 691 2010
  •  Oral Health Care Teamwork and Progress at Tonami General Hospital YURA Shinya, MATSUDA Kohei, KATO Takumi, OOI Kazuhiro, IZUMIYAMA Yuri. Hospital Dentistry and Oral maxillofacial Surgery 22 1 25 2010
  •  Tooth-borne distraction of the lower anterior subapical segment for correction of class II malocclusion, subsequent to genioplasty. Matsushita K, Inoue N, Yamaguchi HO, Ooi K, Totsuka Y. Oral and maxillofacial surgery 15 183 2011
  •  Procedures of endoscopic periradicular surgery. Yura S, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Quintessence International 41 7 537 2010
  •  Postoperative pressure-induced alopecia after segmental osteotomy at the upper and lower frontal edentulous areas for distraction osteogenesis  Matsushita K, Inoue N, Ooi K, Totsuka Y. Oral and maxillofacial surgery 15 161 2011
  •  Reconstruction of a defect on the buccal mucosa and prolabium. Yura S, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 22 3 1013 2011
  •  Repair of oral mucosal defects using artificial dermis: factors related to postoperative scar contracture. Yura S, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 112 161 2011
  •  Relationship between the Effectiveness of Arthrocentesis under Sufficient Pressure and Conditions of the Temporomandibular Joint. Yura S, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y. International scholarly Research Network 2011
  •  Intra-articular fracture of thr mandibular condyle : a case report Yura S, Ohga N, Ooi K, Izumiyama Y Cranio 30 227 2012
  •  Are the Articular Pathologic Conditions Associated with Duration of Symptoms in Patients with Closed Lock of the Temporomandibular Joint? Yura Shinya, Kakuguchi Wataru, Ooi Kazuhiro Hospital Dentistry and Oral maxillofacial Surgery 24 2 133 2012
  •  Natural History from the Onset of Joint Symptoms in Patients with Closed Lock of the Temporomandibular Joint Yura Shinya, Kakuguchi Wataru, Kurosu Takuro, Matsuda Kohhei, Kato Takumi, Ooi Kazuhiro, Izumiyama Yuri, Yamaguchi Tomoaki Hospital Dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery 24 1 5 2012
  •  Elastin‐derived peptides are involved in the processes of human temporomandibular disorder by inducing inflammatory responses in synovial cells  KAZUHIKO KOBAYASHI, REI JOKAJI, MAYUKO MIYAZAWA-HIRA, SHIGEYUKI TAKATSUKA, AKIRA TANAKA, KAZUHIRO OOI, HIROYUKI NAKAMURA and SHUICHI KAWASHIRI  MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS  16 3147 2017
  •  Loss of epidermal growth factor receptor expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma is associated with invasiveness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition  IYO KIMURA, HIROKO KITAHARA, KAZUHIRO OOI, KOROKU KATO, NATUYO NOGUCHI, KUNIO YOSHIZAWA, HIROYUKI NAKAMURA and SHUICHI KAWASHIRI  ONCOLOGY LETTERS 11 201 2016
  •  Tooth loss-related dietary patterns and cognitive impairment in an elderly Japanese population: The Nakajima study  Mai Ishimiya, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Yutaka Kobayashi, Moeko Noguchi-Shinohara, Chiemi Abe, Chiaki Dohmoto, Yoshihisa Ikeda, Kahori Tokuno, Kazuhiro Ooi, Masami Yokokawa, Kazuo Iwasa, Kiyonobu Komai, Shuichi Kawashiri, Masahito Yamada PLOS ONE 2018
  •  Condylar Height of the Mandible in Skeletal Class I Orthodontic Patients with Facial Asymmetry Kajii TS, Ooi K, Fujita T and Sakaguchi Y  Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders 4 5 2018
  •  Early changes in body weight after orthognathic surgery: comparisons between three different osteosynthesis methods and factors related to body weight loss OOI Kazuhiro, JOKAJI Rei, MATSUSHITA Kazuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiro-o, MIKOYA Tadashi, NISHIKATA Satoshi, KAWASHIRI Shuichi , TEI Kanchu 2018
  •  Incidence of anterior disc displacement without reduction of the temporomandibular joint in patients with dentofacial deformity K. Ooi, N. Inoue, K. Matsushita, H. Yamaguchi, T. Mikoya, K. Minowa, S. Kawashiri, S. Nishikata, K. Tei International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 47 505-510 2018
  •  Factors related to the incidence of anterior disc displacement without reduction and bony changes of the temporomandibular joint in patients with anterior open bite Kazuhiro Ooi, Shinya Yura, Nobuo Inoue, Yasunori Totsuka Oral maxillofacial Surgery 2013
  •  Factors related to the prevalence of anterior disc displacement without reduction and bony changes of the temporomandibular joint in patients with facial asymmetry Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Kazuyuki Minowa, Yasunori Totsuka Oral Science International 10 65 2013
  •  Posterior maxillary alveolar vertical distraction osteogenesis by bi-directional distractor Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Tomoyuki Okada, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Yasunori Totsuka Oral Science International 10 95 2013
  •  Clinical Application of a Maxillofacial Model using a Rapid Prototyping Technique in the Center for Dental Clinics, Hokkaido University Hospital 31 2 112 2010
  •  A case of Skeletal Lateral Open Bite treated by Vertical Distraction Osteogenesis  Kazuhiro Ooi, Nobuo Inoue, Mitsutaka Oda, Hiro-o Yamaguchi, Yasunori Totsuka Asian journal of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 22 23 2010
  •  Examination of the Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients with Jaw Deformity 20 1 1 2010/04
  •  A case of cystadenocarcinoma arising in the retromolar area 56 1 61 2007/01
  •  A case of Headed Mandibular Fracture with Difficulty for Correction of Malocclusion 18 2 125 2006/12
  •  A case of skeletal Class Ⅲ Treated by BSSRO following Intramural Anterolateral Segmental Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis 15 2 95 2005
  •  Regeneration of Periodontal Tissue by Inorganic Polyphosphate 25 2 223 2004
  •  Assessment of bone healing and hypoesthesia in the upper lip after le Fort i osteotomy with self-setting α-tricalcium phosphate and absorbable plates Ueki, Koichiro; Okabe, Katsuhiko; Marukawa, Kohei; Mukozawa, Aya; Moroi, Akinori; Miyazaki, Mao; Sotobori, Megumi; Ishihara, Yuri; Yoshizawa, Kunio; Ooi, Kazuhiro; Kawashiri, Shuichi Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 41 2 129-134 2013/03/01 
  •  Maxillary stability after le Fort i osteotomy with self-setting α-tricalcium phosphate and an absorbable plate Ueki, Koichiro; Okabe, Katsuhiko; Marukawa, Kohei; Mukozawa, Aya; Moroi, Akinori; Miyazaki, Mao; Sotobori, Megumi; Ishihara, Yuri; Yoshizawa, Kunio; Ooi, Kazuhiro; Kawashiri, Shuichi International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 42 5 597-603 2013/05/01 
  •  Skeletal stability after mandibular setback surgery: Comparison between the hybrid technique for fixation and the conventional plate fixation using an absorbable plate and screws Ueki, Koichiro; Okabe, Katsuhiko; Marukawa, Kohei; Mukozawa, Aya; Moroi, Akinori; Miyazaki, Mao; Sotobori, Megumi; Ishihara, Yuri; Yoshizawa, Kunio; Ooi, Kazuhiro Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 42 4 351-355 2014/01/01 

Conference Presentations

  • Scoping review of outcomes to developing clinical guidelines for temporomandibular disorders(2022/07/02)
  • Elucidation of Pathophysiology and critical prevention for Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis using genetically modified STR/Ort mouse model of spontaneous osteoarthritis(2022/07/02)
  • Effect of targeted inhibition of aggrecanases for mandibular condylar cartilage degradation in the STR/Ort spontaneous mouse model of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis(conference:The 6th Asian Academy congress for TMJ)(2019/07/27)
  • Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in the STR/Ort mouse model of spontaneous osteoarthritis and effect of targeted inhibition of aggrecanases for mandibular condylar cartilage degradation(conference:American Society for Temporomandibular Joint Surgeon Meeting 2019)(2019)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Cancer Cell Invasion(2017)
○Cancer Cell Invasion(2017)
○Cancer Cell Invasion(2016)
○Cancer Cell Invasion(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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