Associate Professor THELEN, Timo
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of International Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences School of International Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of International Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Course in European Studies, School of International Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Dusseldorf University Doctor Modern Japanese Studies 2018 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
Dusseldorf University Master Modern Japanese Studies・German as Foreign Language 2012 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Dusseldorf University 2009
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Studies, Media Tourism
Speciality Keywords
Rural Revitalization,Popular Culture,Human Geography,Satoyama,Contents Tourism,Cultural Anthropolgy
Research Themes
Rural Culture, Media Tourism, LGBTQ
- Understanding fan tourists at a non-commodified fan pilgrimage site: an application of fan capital theory Timo Thelen,Sangkyun Kim Current Issues in Tourism 1 2021/12/09
- Local Governance of Public Transport Services Timo Thelen,Hitoshi Oguma Rethinking Locality in Japan 153 2021/06/02
- Between 1990s’ Nostalgia and ‘LGBT-friendly’ Tokyo Olympics: Representations of LGBTQ People in NHK’s Morning Drama Series Timo Thelen Japanese Studies 1 2021/05/04
- Real Mermaid vs. Nuclear Power Plant: Ecofeminist Vengeance and Ama Divers in Japanese Horror Timo Thelen Gothic Nature 2 175 2021/03
- Transnational comic franchise tourism and fan capital: Japanese Attack on Titan fans travelling to Germany Timo Thelen Participations 17 2 303 2020/11
- Following Oshin and Amachan Elisabeth Scherer,Timo Thelen Locating Imagination in Popular Culture 134 2020/12/29
- Film tourism impacts: a multi-stakeholder longitudinal approach Timo Thelen,Sangkyun Kim,Elisabeth Scherer Tourism Recreation Research 45 3 291 2020/07/02
- Longing for the “Absolute Satoyama.” Reconsidering Nostalgia and Environmentalism in My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro) Timo Thelen Das ländliche Japan zwischen Idylle und Verfall 2020/06/08
- The Japanization of wife and whisky in NHK’s morning drama Massan Timo Thelen East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 5 2 177 2019/08/01
- Disaster and Salvation in the Japanese Periphery. “The Rural” in Shinkai Makoto\textquoterights Kimi no na wa (Your Name) Thelen, Timo FFK Journal 4 215 2019/03
- Drama Off-Screen: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Film Tourism in Relation to the Japanese Morning Drama (Asadora) Timo Thelen Film Tourism in Asia 2018
- On Countryside Roads to National Identity: Japanese Morning Drama Series (Asadora) and Contents Tourism Elisabeth Scherer, Timo Thelen Japan Forum 2017
- The Mermaid’s Crisis. Hegura Island’s Ama Divers in the Era of Over-aging and Declining Resources Timo Thelen OAG Magazin 2017 12 10-33 2017
- Auf Mares Spuren durchs Hinterland. ; Publikumsaktivität und Vermarktungsstrategien zu japanischen TV-Serien am Beispiel des asadora Mare Scherer, Elisabeth AND Thelen, Timo 2016
- Changing of Japanese Working Abroad: Focused on Locally Hired Young Japanese Niwa, Takahito, Nakagawa, Satoshi, and Thelen, Timo Saitama University Kiyō Kyōiku Gakubu 51 2 205-222 2016
- Connecting Academia and Furusato-zukuri in Rural Japan: The ‘Festival Support Project’ of Kanazawa University and its Impact on a Village Community in the Noto Peninsula Timo Thelen Kanazawa University Human Socio-Environmental Studies 30 171-193 2015
- From watching to eating: food tourism perspectives on Japans ama divers and their catches Timo Thelen Handbook on Food Tourism 209 2024/03/12
- Narrating the Nation in a Global Crisis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Japanese Morning Drama (Asadora) Elisabeth Scherer,Timo Thelen The Coronavirus Pandemic in Japanese Literature and Popular Culture 2023/09
- The Emergence of Fan Pilgrimage Sites – Unintended and Intended Timo Thelen, Sangkyun Kim Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations 31 2024/02/17
- The homeland of Sanuki udon: unconsolidated placemaking processes in a food tourism destination Kyungjae Jang,Sangkyun Kim,Timo Thelen Handbook on Food Tourism 167 2024/03/12
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「Reconciling Light Contents Tourism and Dark History: A Case Study of Witch-Themed Tourism and Its Conflicts」(2022-2024)
○「Challenges and Potentials of Transnational Film/Contents Tourism: A Case Study of Japanese Fan Tourists in Germany」(2019-2021)