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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/08

Professor Shigeki Matsutani

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Shizuoka University Master Physics 198803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Shizuoka University Department of Physics 198603
Doctor of Science


Canon Inc.(1988/04/01-2015/03/31)
National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College Professor(2015/04/01-2019/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Basic analysis

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes


  •  Shigeki Matsutani, Jiryo Komeda, Edited by Ron Donagi,Tony Shaska Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry Volume 2 Cambridge University Press 2020/04/02


  •  Gauss optics and Gauss sum on an optical phenomena Shigeki Matsutani FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 38 8 758 2008/08
  •  Mathematics in Elastica : From the Studies of Bernoulli and Euler to Current Ones Matsutani Shigeki Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 13 1 48 2003/03
  •  Apparent metal-insulator transition in disordered carbon fibers S Matsutani,A Suzuki PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62 21 13812 2000/12
  •  Hopping conductivity associated with activation energy in disordered carbons S Matsutani,A Suzuki PHYSICS LETTERS A 216 1-5 178 1996/06
  •  On an Algebraic Essential of Submanifold Quantum Mechanics Shigeki Matsutani 2004/12

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  •  Relations in a quantized elastica Shigeki Matsutani JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 41 7 075201 2008/02 
  •  Statistical mechanics of non-stretching elastica in three-dimensional space S Matsutani JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS 29 3 243 1999/02
  •  Quantum field theory on curved low-dimensional space embedded in three-dimensional space Shigeki Matsutani Physical Review A 47 1 686 1993
  •  The Relation between the Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation and an Anomaly of the Dirac Field on a Thin Elastic Rod : Particles and Fields Shigeki MATSUTANI Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics 91 5 1005 1994/05/25 
  •  A generalized Kiepert formula for C (ab) curves Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 171 1 305 2009/06 
  •  Quantum Chaos and Conductivity in Disordered System Shigeki Matsutani,Akira Suzuki 2001/05
  •  Dynamics of Electrons in a Half-Space with Cylindrical Electro-Static Field S. Matsutani,M. Okuda,A. Asai Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 18 3 777 2001
  •  Jacobi inversion on strata of the Jacobian of the C-rs curve y(r) = f(x) Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 60 4 1009 2008/10 
  •  Quantum mechanics of a particle in a ballistic Corbino ring with finite-potential barriers A Suzuki,S Matsutani NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-GENERAL PHYSICS RELATIVITY ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AND METHODS 111 5 593 1996/05
  •  Addition formulae over the Jacobian pre-image of hyperelliptic Wirtinger varieties J. C. Eilbeck,V. Z. Enolski,S. Matsutani,Y. Onishi,E. Previato JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK 619 37 2008/06
  •  Electron Trajectory Analysis of Surface Condction Electron Emitter Displays(SEDs) M. Okuda, S. Matsutani, A. Asai, A. Yamano, K. Hatanaka, T. Hara and T. Nakagiri, 1998/04
  •  Generalized Weierstrass relations and Frobenius reciprocity Shigeki Matsutani MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY 9 4 353 2006/11
  •  Multiple-scattering Model of Surface-conduction Electron Emitters ASAI A. SID' 97 Tech. Digest 127 1997/04
  •  Measuring agglomeration of agglomerated particles pictures Matsutani Shigeki,Shimosako Yoshiyuki JMI : journal of math-for-industry 5 B 83 2013/08 
  •  Relationship between the prime form and the sigma function for some cyclic (r, s) curves John Gibbons,Shigeki Matsutani,Yoshihiro Onishi JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 46 17 1 2013/05 
  •  Periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of Toda latticevia hyperelliptic σ functions Matsutani, Shigeki RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B78 155 2020/04 
  •  Jacobi Inversion Formulae for a Curve in Weierstrass Normal Form J. Komeda,S. Matsutani Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry 383 2020/03/31 
  •  Sigma functions for a space curve of type (3,4,5) Shigeki Matsutani,Jiryo Komeda Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 30 75 2013 
  •  Addition formulae for Abelian functions associated with specialized curves J. C. Eilbeck,S. Matsutani,Y. Onishi PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 369 1939 1245 2011/03
  •  On Λ-elastica Matsutani, Shigeki,Nishiguchi, Hiroshi,Higashida, Kenji,Nakatani, Akihiro,Hamada, Hiroyasu JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND SYMMETRY IN PHYSICS 54 13 2019
  •  The Riemann constant for a non-symmetric Weierstrass semigroup Jiryo Komeda,Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK 107 5 499 2016/11 
  •  A class of solutions of the dispersionless KP equation Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato PHYSICS LETTERS A 373 34 3001 2009/08
  •  Fractal structure of equipotential curves on a continuum percolation model Shigeki Matsutani,Yoshiyuki Shimosako,Yunhong Wang PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 391 23 5802 2012/12
  •  The sigma function for trigonal cyclic curves, J. Komeda,S. Matsutani,E. Previato Lett. Math. Phys. 109 2 423 2018/12 
  •  Surface Tension of Multi-phase Flow with Multiple Junctions Governed by the Variational Principle Shigeki Matsutani,Kota Nakano,Katsuhiko Shinjo MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY 14 3 237 2011/09
  •  Sheaf-theoretic investigation of CIP-method Shigeki Matsutani APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 217 2 568 2010/09
  •  New theory of diffusive and coherent nature of optical wave via a quantum walk Yusuke Ide,Norio Konno,Shigeki Matsutani,Hideo Mitsuhashi ANNALS OF PHYSICS 383 164 2017/08 
  •  On homogenized conductivity and fractal structure in a high contrast continuum percolation model Shigeki Matsutani,Yoshiyuki Shimosako APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 39 23-24 7227 2015/12
  •  Quasi-periodic and periodic solutions of the toda lattice via the hyperelliptic sigma function Yuji Kodama,Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato Annales de l'Institut Fourier 63 2 655 2013
  •  A novel conductivity mechanism of highly disordered carbon systems based on an investigation of graph zeta function Shigeki Matsutani,Iwao Sato PHYSICS LETTERS A 381 36 3107 2017/09 
  •  From Euler's elastica to the mKdV hierarchy, through the Faber polynomials Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 57 8 2016/08 
  •  The function of a cyclic trigonal curve of genus three Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA 66 3 311 2015/09
  •  The al function of a cyclic trigonal curve of genus three Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato Collectanea Mathematica 66 3 311 2015/09 
  •  Jacobi inversion on strata of the Jacobian of the C-rs curve y(r) = f(x), II Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 66 2 647 2014/04 
  •  Mathematics in caging of robotics Hiroyasu Hamada,Satoshi Makita,Shigeki Matsutani Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 44 55 2017 
  •  The sigma function for weierstrass semigroups 〈3, 7, 8〉 and 〈6, 13, 14, 15, 16〉 Jiryo Komeda,Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato International Journal of Mathematics 24 11 1350085 2013/10 
  •  Numerical computations of conductivity over agglomerated continuum percolation models Shigeki Matsutani,Yoshiyuki Shimosako,Yunhong Wang APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 37 6 4007 2013/03
  •  An algebraic description of screw dislocations in SC and BCC crystal lattices Hiroyasu Hamada,Shigeki Matsutani,Junichi Nakagawa,Osamu Saeki,Masaaki Uesaka Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry 10:3 1 2018/08 
  •  A novel discrete investigation of screw dislocations in the BCC crystal lattice Shigeki Matsutani Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems 9 1 1 2021/07 
  •  An algebro-geometric model for the shape of supercoiled DNA Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 430 133073 2022/02 
  •  Complementary Modules of Weierstrass Canonical Forms Jiryo Komeda,Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2022/12/18 
  •  Trigonal Toda Lattice Equation Shigeki Matsutani Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 27 4 697 2020/10/01 
  •  Algebraic Construction of the Sigma Function for General Weierstrass Curves Jiryo Komeda,Shigeki Matsutani,Emma Previato Mathematics (MDPI) 10 16 3010 2022/08/20 
  •  The partial differential coefficients for the second weighted Bartholdi zeta function of a graph Discrete Mathematics S. Matsutani, H. Mitsuhashi, H. Morita and I. Sato Discrete Mathematics 342 9 2647-2663 2019/09/01

Conference Presentations

  • On a Quantization of a Geometrical Object, Elastica(conference:International Workshop \Algebro-geometric methods in Gauge theory and General Relativity")(2011)
  • “Sigma function of y3 = x2(x - b1)(x - b2)”Branched Covering, Degeneration and Related Topics 2018(conference:広島大学大学院理学研究科)(2018/03/05)
  • Jacobi inversion formulae for a compact Riemann surface via Weierstrass normal form(conference:日本数学会 函数論)(2018/09/23)
  • Affine Plane Curves and their Algebraic Functions(conference:Mathematical Seminar for Prof. J. McKay)(2008)
  • Modern Mathematics in Materials Science(2020/12/20)

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  • Quantized Elastica as Curve Flows(conference:Workshop \Curve flows and integrable systems)(2012)
  • Sigma Functions over Affine Plane Curves and their Jacobi Inversion Formulae(conference:第 7 回 代数曲線シンポジュウム)(2009)
  • MKdV-flow and Statistical Mechanics of Elastica.(conference:応用数理学会 応用可積分系)(2016/09/13)
  • Weierstrass al functions and their applications(conference:International Conference \Integrable Systems, Geometry, and Abelian Functions" .)(2005)
  • Submanifold Dirac operators based on the submanifold quantum mechanics(conference:RIMS Research Project 2020 RIMS Symposium The 4th International Workshop Ge- ometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems)(2022/02/21)
  • Mathematics in Euler’s Elastica and beyond it(conference:Applied Mathematial Seminar in Math and Computer Science OSU)(2009)
  • On σ function for the curve, y3 = x(x - s)(x - b1)(x - b2) and its limit of s ! 0(conference:日本数学会 函数論)(2018/09/23)
  • Affine Plane Curves and their Algebraic Functions(conference:Math and Computer Science)(2009)
  • Jacobi inversion and addition structure on strata of the Jacobian of an affine plane curve yr = f(x)(conference:International Conference \Concrete theory of Abelian functions and its applications)(2008)
  • Submanifold Dirac Operator and Generalized Weierstrass Relation(conference:偏微分方程式姫路研究集会)(2016/03/02)
  • "Advanced mathematical investigation on electric conductivity of highly disordered carbon systems associated with percolation and graph zeta function". The 9th. MathAM-OIL Seminar(conference:産総研・東北大数理先端材料モデリングオープンイノベーションラボラトリ)(2017/10/06)
  • Submanifold Dirac operators, generalized Weierstrass relations and their local indextheorem(conference:立命館大学幾何学セミナー)(2017/09/28)
  • Truncated Young diagrams and sigma functions(conference:International Conference on the Jacobian varieties, Abelian functions, and Kummer surfaces)(2012)
  • Jacobi inversion formulae for a trigonal curve y3 = x2k(x)(conference:日本数学会)(2016/09/16)
  • Tales of Elastica/ Linear Systems associated with Hyperelliptic Curves(conference:Seminar in Concordia University)(2004)
  • Abelian functions of a curve given by Weierstrass normal form: Jacobi inversion formulae and sigma of singular curves. Workshop: Algebraic Curves, Integrable Systems, and Cryptography(conference:National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)(2018/08/24)
  • Difference-Difference Lotka-Volterra equation in p-adic number space(conference:International Conference on Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (SIDE?) (東京大学数理科学研究科))(2000)


  •  Collisions of Hard Sphere Chain and Cyclotomic Polynomial Ishiwata S,Matsutani S Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1996 0 118 1996
  •  MKdV Equation and Submanifold Quantum Mechanics MATSUTANI Shigeki Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics 94 1 A72 1996
  •  MKdV Equation and Submanifold Quantum Mechanics MATSUTANI Shigeki 物性研究 67 3 355 1996/12
  •  On relations between sales of midnight biiyile raies in SASEBO Keirin and jobs of purihasers MAEDA, Ryuji,MATSUTANI, Shigeki,HAMADA, Hiroyasu 佐世保工業高等専門学校研究報告 = RESEARCH REPORTS OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,SASEBO COLLEGE 55 42 2019/01/31

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2022)
○Linear Algebra 2B(2022)
○Linear Algebra 2B(2022)
○Linear Algebra 2A(2022)
○Linear Algebra 2A(2022)
○Linear Algebra 2(2021)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2021)
○Theory of Vector Analysis and Exercise(2020)
○Linear Algebra 2B(2020)
○Linear Algebra 2A(2020)
○Linear Algebra 2A(2020)
○Linear Algebra 2B(2020)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Nonlinear Wave Equation B(2022)
○Nonlinear Wave Equation A(2022)
○Mathematical/Nanomaterial Science and Engineering(2022)
○Algebraic Function Theory(2021)
○Nonlinear Wave Equation A(2021)
○Nonlinear Wave Equation B(2021)
○Nonlinear Wave Equation A(2020)
○Nonlinear Wave Equation B(2020)
○Algebraic Function Theory(2020)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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