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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/01/07

Professor OE, Makoto

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master 200403 Completed
The University of Tokyo Doctor 201003 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University 199903


Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital(1999/04/01-2002/03/31)
Yokohama City University(2004/04/01-2007/03/31)
The University of Tokyo(2010/04/01-2020/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2020/04/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society



Clinical nursing

Speciality Keywords

diabetes mellitus, foot care

Research Themes

Prevention of diabetic foot ulcers using a thermography

Introduction of diabetic foot ulcer prevention clinics in Indonesia

Development of DMIST for monitoring healing of diabetic foot ulcers


  •  Oe M, Tamai N, Yoshida M, Yabunaka K Chapter 7. Typical Bioengineering Nursing Research. (Sanada H, Mori T. Bioengineering Nursing: New Horizons of Nursing Research) Nova Science Publishers 2014
  •  1. 体表・皮下組織のエコーによる観察 PART2 表在(皮膚/血管)・下肢血流のエコー (真田弘美、藪中幸一、西村元一編 看護に役立つ!エコーの読み方活かし方) 2013/07
  •  Oe M, Sanada H, Nagase T, Minematsu T, Ohashi Y, Kadono T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T Chapter 4 Foot fissures in the patients with diabetes. Fistulas and Fissures (Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment) Nova Science Publishers 2013
  •  Nagase T, Sanada H, Oe M, Takehara K, Nishide K, Kadowaki T Screening of foot inflammation in diabetic patients by non-invasive imaging modalities (Global Perspective on Diabetic Foot Ulcerations) IntechOpen 2011


  •  Factors associated with the local increase of skin temperature, hotspot,’ of callus in diabetic foot: A cross-sectional study. Qin Q, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Shimojima Y, Imafuku M, Dai M, Nakagami G, Yamauchi T, Yeo S, Sanada H Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 16 5 1174-1182 2022/09
  •  Incidence of and risk factors for self-load-related and medical device-related pressure injuries in critically ill patients: A prospective observational cohort study Shimura T, Nakagami G, Ogawa R, Ono S, Takahashi T, Nagata M, Kashiwabara K, Sugama J, Sanada H, Oe M Wound Repair Regen 30 4 453-467 2022/07
  •  Increased temperature at the healed area detected by thermography predicts recurrent pressure ulcers Oohashi F, Ogai K, Takahashi N, Arisandi D, Urai T, Sugama J, Oe M Wound Repair Regen 30 2 190-197 2022
  •  Prevention of diabetic foot ulcers using a self-monitoring device smartphone and mobile thermography: Case study Oe M, Tsuruoka K, Ohashi Y, Takehara K, Noguchi H, Mori T, Yamauchi T, Sanada H Journal of Wound Care 30 2 116-9 2021
  •  Onsite visualization of shoe fitting for education of the people with diabetes using 3D scanner: A pilot study Noguchi H, Oe M, Takehara K, Mori T, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering 7 162-169 2020

show all

  •  Skin characteristics associated with foot callus in people with diabetes: A cross-sectional study focused on Desmocollin1 in corneocytes Tsuruoka K, Oe M, Minematsu T, Tomida S, Ohashi Y, Mori Y, Nitta S, Qi Q, Abe M, Yamauchi T, Sanada H Journal of Tissue Viability 29 4 291-296 2020
  •  Difficulties of self-monitoring blood glucose in the aged with diabetes: an analysis based on observations of self-monitoring blood glucose procedures Oe M, Koike N, Tobe H, Ohashi Y, Kuramochi E, Ikeda M, Suzuki R, Yamauchi T, Murayama R, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering 7 141-148 2020
  •  Validity of DMIST for monitoring healing of diabetic foot ulcers Oe M, Yotsu RR, Defa A, i, Suriadi, Sakai Y, Imran, Takehara K, Nakagami G, Tamaki T, Sugama J, Sanada H Wound Repair and Regeneration 28 4 539-546 2020
  •  Effects of multi-layer silicone foam dressings for the prevention of pressure ulcers in high-risk patients: A randomized clinical trial Oe M, Sasaki S, Shimura T, Takaki Y, Sanada H Advances in Wound Care 9 12 649-656 2020
  •  Factors associated with callus formation in the plantar region through gait measurement in patients with diabetic neuropathy: an observational case-control study Amemiya A, Noguchi H, Oe M, Takehara K, Ohashi Y, Suzuki R, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Sanada H, Mori T Sensors 20 17 4863 2020
  •  Effects of skin care education for care staff at elderly care facilities on skin conditions of the residents Tsunemi Y, Nakagami G, Takehara K, Tamai N, Kitamura A, Mugita Y, Oe M, Kishida M, Sanada H The Journal of Dermatology 47 4 327-333 2020
  •  Authors' response to a letter to the editor Re: Differences between patient-reported versus clinician-observed nonulcerative signs and symptoms of the foot in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2019;46(2): Differences between patient-reported versus clinician-observed nonulcerative signs and symptoms of the foot in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2019;46(2):113-116 Takehara K, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Tsunemi Y, Kadowaki T, Sanada H. Journal of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses 46 4 283 2019
  •  Differences between patient-reported versus clinician-observed nonulcerative signs and symptoms of the foot in patients with diabetes mellitus Takehara K, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Tsunemi Y, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Journal of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses 46 2 113-6 2019
  •  Introduction of care to prevent diabetic foot ulcer in Indonesia Oe M, Takehara K, Suriadi, Sanada H Japanese Journal of Foot Care 16 2 80-4 2018
  •  Impact of squeezing condition to obtain sufficient blood volume for self-monitoring of blood glucose using an automatic puncturing and sampling system Abe-Doi M, Oe M, Murayama R, Zushi Y, Tanabe H, Sanada H Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 12 5 1041-4 2018
  •  Effects of understanding wellbeing on psychological aspects and wound healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcer recurrence: a pilot randomized controlled trial Imran, Defa A, i, Haryanto J, Oe M, Okuwa M, Nakatani T, Sanada H, Sugama J The Diabetic Foot Journal 21 2 119-25 2018
  •  Exploring the causes of peripheral intravenous catheter failure based on shape of catheters removed from various insertion sites Murayama R, Takahashi T, Tanabe H, Yabunaka K, Oe M, Komiyama C, Sanada H Drug Discoveries and Therapeutics 12 3 170-7 2018
  •  Skin hydration of the heel with fissure in patients with diabetes: a cross-sectional observational study Oe M, Takehara K, Noguchi H, Ohashi Y, Fukuda M, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Chronic Wound Care Management and Research 5 11-6 2018
  •  Factors associated with severe skin disorder after extravasation of intravenously infused antineoplastic agents. Matsui Y, Murayama R, Tanabe H, Oe M, Motoo Y, Wagatsuma T, Michibuchi M, Kinoshita S, Sakai K, Konya C, Sugama J, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering 5 1 31-40 2018
  •  A study of gerontological nursing and quality of life in Japan - from survey results on the elderly Takahashi M, Oe M, Sanada H International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices 4 262 2017
  •  Reliability and validity of a portable device for measuring stratum corneum hydration Takehara K, Iizaka S, Oe M, Sanada H Journal of Japanese Society Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Management 21 4 296-303 2017
  •  Evaluation of the predictive validity of thermography in identifying extravasation with intravenous chemotherapy infusions Matsui Y, Murayama R, Tanabe H, Oe M, Motoo Y, Wagatsuma T, Michibuchi M, Kinoshita S, Sakai K, Konya C, Sugama J, Sanada H Journal of Infusion Nursing 40 6 367-74 2017
  •  Development of a plantar load estimation algorithm for evaluation of forefoot load of diabetic patients during daily walks using a foot motion sensor Watanabe A, Noguchi H, Oe M, Sanada H, Mori T Journal of Diabetes Research 2017 Article ID 5350616 2017
  •  Development of an Automatic Puncturing and Sampling System for a Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Device Abe-Doi M, Oe M, Murayama R, Takahashi M, Zushi Y, Tanabe H, Takamoto I, Suzuki R, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Komiyama C, Sanada H Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 19 1 651-659 2017
  •  Is thrombus with subcutaneous edema detected by ultrasonography related to short peripheral catheter failure?  Takahashi T, Murayama R, Oe M, Nakagami G, Tanabe H, Yabunaka K, Arai R, Komiyama C, Uchida M, Sanada H Journal of Infusion Nursing 40 3 313-22 2017
  •  Thermographic findings in a case of type 2 diabetes with foot ulcer due to callus deterioration Oe M, Takehara K, Noguchi H, Ohashi Y, Amemiya A, Sakoda H, Suzuki R, Yamauchi T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Diabetology International 8 328-33 2017
  •  Continuous thermographic observation may predict extravasation in chemotherapy-treated patients Oya M, Murayama R, Oe M, Yabunaka K, Tanabe H, Takahashi T, Matsui Y, Otomo E, Komiyama C, Sanada H European Journal of Oncology Nursing 28 56-61 2017
  •  Shear stress-normal stress (Pressure) Ratio (SPR) decides forming callus in patients with diabetic neuropathy Amemiya A, Noguchi H, Oe M, Takehara K, Ohashi Y, Suzuki R, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Sanada H, Mori T Journal of Diabetes Research 2016 Article ID 3157123 2016
  •  Validation of a skin hardness meter for the foot callus in patients with diabetes Oe M, Takehara K, Noguchi H, Ohashi Y, Watanabe A, Murayama R, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Japanese Journal of Foot Care 14 4 141-3 2016
  •  Factors associated with callus in diabetic patients, focused on plantar shear stress during gait Hamatani M, Mori T, Oe M, Noguchi H, Takehara K, Amemiya A, Ohashi Y, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 10 6 1353-9 2016
  •  Low-temperature infiltration identified using infrared thermography in patients with subcutaneous edema revealed ultrasonographically: A case report Oya M, Takahashi T, Tanabe H, Oe M, Murayama R, Yabunaka K, Matsui Y, Sanada H Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics 10 2 117-22 2016
  •  Ultrasonographic classification of subcutaneous edema caused by infusion via peripheral intravenous catheters Yabunaka K, Murayama R, Takahashi T, Oe M, Oya M, Fujioka M, Sanada H Journal of Medical Ultrasound 24 2 60-5 2016
  •  Low-angled peripheral intravenous catheter tip placement decreases phlebitis Tanabe H, Murayama R, Yabunaka K, Oe M, Takahashi T, Komiyama C, Sanada H Journal of Vascular Access 17 6 542-7 2016
  •  Foot complications in patients with diabetes mellitus: practical report of diabetic foot clinic in Beijing Oe M, Ohashi Y, Takehara K, Oba M, Doi M, Iizuka Y, Murayama R, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Japanese Journal of Foot Care 14 5 57-61 2016
  •  Blood collection assistance device for self-monitoring blood glucose in elderly patients with diabetes Arai R, Murayama R, Oe M, Tanabe T, Iizuka Y, Komiyama C, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering 3 2 86-92 2016
  •  Topical administration of acylated homoserine lactone improves epithelialization of cutaneous wounds in hyperglycaemic rats Huang L, Minematsu T, Kitamura A, Quinetti PC, Nakagami G, Mugita Y, Oe M, Noguchi H, Mori T, Sanada H PLoS One 11 7 e0158647 2016
  •  Evaluation of validity of the new diabetic foot ulcer assessment scale in Indonesia Arisandi D, Oe M, Roselyne Yotsu R, Matsumoto M, Ogai K, Nakagami G, Tamaki T, Suriadi, Sanada H, Sugama J Wound Repair and Regeneration 24 5 876-84 2016
  •  Use of smartphone attached mobile thermography assessing subclinical inflammation: a pilot study Kanazawa T, Nakagami G, Goto T, Noguchi H, Oe M, Miyagaki T, Sasaki S, Sanada H Journal of Wound Care 25 4 177-82 2016
  •  The Association between tinea pedis and feet-washing behavior in patients with diabetes: A cross-sectional study Takehara K, Amemiya A, Mugita Y, Tsunemi Y, Seko Y, Ohashi Y, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Oe M, Nagase T, Ikeda M, Sanada H Advances in Skin and Wound Care 30 11 510-6 2016
  •  Using ultrasonography for vessel diameter assessment to prevent infiltration Tanabe H, Takahashi T, Murayama R, Yabunaka K, Oe M, Matsui Y, Arai R, Uchida M, Komiyama C, Sanada H Journal of Infusion Nursing 39 2 105-11 2016
  •  Patient risk factors for developing sign- and symptom-related peripheral intravenous catheter failure: A retrospective study Murayama R, Uchida M, Oe M, Takahashi T, Oya M, Komiyama C, Sanada H Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management 19 4 394-402 2015
  •  The relationship between the tip position of an indwelling venous catheter and the subcutaneous edema Murayama R, Takahashi T, Tanabe H, Yabunaka K, Oe M, Oya M, Uchida M, Komiyama C, Sanada H BioScience Trends 9 6 414-9 2015
  •  Comparison of gait features between feet with callus or corns and normal feet using motion sensors in people with diabetes and people without diabetes Amemiya A, Noguchi H, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Takehara K, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H, Mori T Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 10 2 614-5 2015
  •  Histopathology of incontinence-associated skin lesions: inner tissue damage due to invasion of proteolytic enzymes and bacteria in macerated rat skin Mugita Y, Minematsu T, Huang L, Nakagami G, Kishi C, Ichikawa Y, Nagase T, Oe M, Noguchi H, Mori T, Abe M, Sugama J, Sanada H PLoS One 10 9 e0138117 2015
  •  Cost-utility analysis of an advanced pressure ulcer management protocol followed by trained wound, ostomy, and continence nurses Kaitani T, Nakagami G, Iizaka S, Fukuda T, Oe M, Igarashi A, Mori T, Takemura Y, Mizokami Y, Sugama J, Sanada H Wound Repair Regen 23 6 915-21 2015
  •  Reliability and validity of an on-site measurement and visualization system to measure plantar pressure and shear force in footwear for the education of diabetic patients Noguchi H, Oe M, Takehara K, Mori T, Sanada H Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management 19 3 327-35 2015
  •  Difficulties of the introduction of self-monitoring of blood glucose in elderly diabetic patients Oe M, Nagai S, Ikeda M, Oya M, Ohashi Y, OtomOe Murayama R, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Komiyama C, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering 2 3 164-73 2015
  •  Removal of peripheral intravenous catheters due to catheter failures among adult patients Murayama R, Uchida M, Oe M, Takahashi T, Oya M, Komiyama C, Sanada H Journal of Infusion Nursing 40 4 224-31 2017
  •  The incidence of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes at a university hospital in Tokyo over a 5-year period Oe M, Takehara K, Ohashi Y, Mugita Y, Murayama R, Komiyama C, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Diabetology International 6 1 55-9 2015
  •  Foot complications in diabetes mellitus: comparison of Chinese and Japanese patients Oe M, Ohashi Y, Amemiya A, Yamada A, Iizuka Y, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Japanese Journal of Foot Care 13 1 19-23 2015
  •  Association between washing residue on the feet and tinea pedis in diabetic patients Takehara K, Amemiya A, Mugita Y, Tsunemi Y, Seko Y, Ohashi Y,Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Oe M, Nagase T, Ikeda M, Sanada H Nursing Research and Practice 2015 Article ID 872678 2015
  •  Ultrasonographic appearance of infusion via the peripheral intravenous catheters Yabunaka K, Murayama R, Takahashi T, Tanabe H, Kawamoto A, Oe M, Arai R, Sanada H Journal of Nursing Science Engineering 2 1 40-6 2015
  •  Diagnostic accuracy of tinea unguium based on clinical observation Tsunemi Y, Takehara K, Oe M, Sanada H, Kawashima M The Journal of Dermatology 42 2 221-2 2015
  •  Development and evaluation of a system to assess the effect of footwear on the in shoe plantar pressure and shear during gait Takano M, Noguchi H, Oe M, Sanada H, Mori T ROBOMECH Journa 1 4 2014
  •  Elevated plantar pressure in diabetic patients and its relationship with their gait features Amemiya A, Noguchi H, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Mori T, Sanada H Gait & Posture 40 3 408-14 2014
  •  Comparison of characteristics and healing course of diabetic foot ulcers by etiological classification: Neuropathic, ischemic, and neuro-ischemic type Yotsu RR, Pham NM, Oe M, Nagase T, Sanada H, Hara H, Fukuda S, Fujitani J, Yamamoto-Honda R, Kajio H, Noda M, Tamaki T Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 28 4 528-35 2014
  •  Skin blotting: a noninvasive technique for evaluating physiological skin status Minematsu T, Horii M, Oe M, Sugama J, Mugita Y, Huang L, Nakagami G, Sanada H Advances in Skin & Wound Care 27 6 272-9 2014
  •  Four factor research awareness scale for nurses in japanese: instrument development study Watanabe Y, Oe M, Takemura Y, Sasaki M, Onishi M, Kanda K, Sanada H Japan Journal of Nursing Science 10 2 232-41 2013
  •  A convenient and highly sensitive method for quantification of ceramide in tape-stripping samples by dot-blot analysis as a skin barrier assessment technique in murine macerated skin Mugita Y, Minematsu T, Huang L, Sugama J, Ichikawa Y, Nakagami G, Nagase T, Oe M, Noguchi H, Mori T, Sanada H Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management 17 3 201-12 2013
  •  Morphological pattern classification system for plantar thermography of patients with diabetes Mori T, Nagase T, Takehara K, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Amemiya A, Noguchi H, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 7 5 1102-12 2013
  •  Morphological characteristics of and factors related to moisture-associated dermatitis surrounding malignant wounds in breast cancer patients Tamai N, Horii M, Takehara K, Kato S, Yamamoto Y, Naito A, Tayama M, Tamahashi Y, Nakamura S, Kadono T, Oe M, Nagase T, Sanada H The European Journal of Oncology Nursing 17 5 673-80 2013
  •  Establishment of a novel rat model for deep tissue injury deterioration Sari Y, Minematsu T, Huang L, Noguchi H, Mori T, Nakagami G, Nagase T, Oe M, Sugama J, Yoshimura K, Sanada H International Wound Journal 12 2 202-9 2015
  •  Screening for osteomyelitis using thermography in patients with diabetic foot Oe M, Yotsu R, Sanada H, Nagase T, Tamaki T Ulcers 2013 Article ID 284294 2013
  •  Variations in the mental health and sense of coherence (SOC) of new graduate nurses and the effects of SOC on variations in mental health Takeuchi T, Togari T, Oe M, Takemura Y, Sanada H Open Journal of Nursing 3 1 122-129 2013
  •  Evaluation of skin temperature, humidity and comfort of two types of absorbent products for urinary incontinence Tamai N, Kaitani T, Takehara K, Oe M, Nagase T, Murayama R Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Management 16 4 345-52 2012
  •  Life pattern estimation of the elderly based on accumulated activity data and its application to anomaly detection Mori T, Ishino T, Noguchi H, Sato T, Miura Y, Nakagami G, Oe M, Sanada H Journal of Robotics and Mschatronics 24 5 754-65 2012
  •  Insole-type simultaneous measurement system of plantar pressure and shear force during gait for diabetic patients Mori T, Hamatani M, Noguchi H, Oe M, Sanada H Journal of Robotics and Mschattronics 24 5 766-72 2012
  •  Sweat gland atrophy of the heel in diabetic patients with angiopathy Oe M, Sanada H, Nagase T, Minematsu T, Ohashi Y, Kadono T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T Journal of Clinical Nursing 22 1-2 289-92 2013
  •  Thermographic findings in a case of type2 diabetes with foot ulcer and osteomyelitis Oe M, Yotsu RR, Sanada H, Nagase T, Tamaki T Journal of Wound Care 21 6 274-8 2012
  •  Factors associated with deep foot fissures in diabetic patients: A cross-sectional observational study Oe M, Sanada H, Nagase T, Minematsu T, Ohashi Y, Kadono T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T The International Journal of Nursing Studies 49 6 739-46 2012
  •  Impaired aquaporin 3 expression in re-epithelialization of cutaneous wound healing in the diabetic rat Sugimoto T, Huang L, Minematsu T, Yamamoto Y, Asada M, Nakagami G, Akase T, Nagase T, Oe M, Mori T, Sanada H Biological Research for Nursing 15 3 347-55 2013
  •  Aging enhances maceration-induced ultrastructural alteration of the epidermis and impairment of skin barrier function Minematsu T, Yamamoto Y, Nagase T, Naito A, Takehara K, Iizaka S, Komagata K, Huang L, Nakagami G, Akase T, Oe M, Yoshimura K, Ishizuka T, Sugama J,Sanada H The Journal of Dermatological Science 62 3 160-8 2011
  •  Factors associated with presence and severity of toenail onychomycosis in patients with diabetes: A cross-sectional study Takehara K, Oe M, Tsunemi Y, Nagase T, Ohashi Y, Iizaka S, Ueki K, Tsukamoto K, Kadowaki T, Sanada H The International Journal of Nursing Studies 48 9 1101-8 2011
  •  Variations of plantar thermographic patterns in normal controlsand non-ulcer diabetic patients: novel classification using angiosome concept Nagase T, Sanada H, Takehara K, Oe M. Iizaka S, Ohashi Y, Oba M, Kadowaki T, Nakagami G Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 64 7 860-6 2011
  •  Difference of foot manifestations between young, adult, and bedridden elderly with diabetes: a cross-sectional observational study Oe M, Okuwa M, Sanada H, Sugama J, Inagaki M, Kasahara Y, Tabata K, Nakagami G, Nishizawa T Journal of Society Nursing Practice 22 1 19-27 2010
  •  Evaluating the effect of the new incentive system for high-risk pressure ulcer patients on wound healing and cost-effectiveness: A cohort study Sanada H, Nakagami G, Mizokami Y, Minami Y, Yamamoto A, Oe M, Kaitani T, Iizaka S The International Journal of Nursing Studies 47 3 279-86 2010
  •  Ultrasonographic and thermographic screening for latent inflammation in diabetic foot callus Nishide K, Nagase T, Oba M, Oe M, Ohashi Y, Iizaka S, Nakagami G, Kadowaki T, Sanada H Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 85 3 304-9 2009

Conference Presentations

  • Technology and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Prevention(2022/08/03)
  • Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Japan(conference:International Seminar)(2021/01/22)
  • Incidence of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes at a diabetic foot outpatient clinic in Tokyo over a 10-year period(conference:The 8th Asia Pacific Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Association)(2019/11)
  • Preventive care for diabetic foot ulcers(conference:1st Indonesian Nurses Scientific Meeting on Diabetic Wound Management Foot and Beyond)(2019/11/15)
  • Development of a diabetic foot ulcer evaluation scale: “DMIST”(conference:2nd Congress of Diabetic Limb Salvage in Asia)(2018/06/06)

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  • Identification of high-risk condition of diabetic foot ulcer using thermography: examination of calluses in the fifth metatarsal area(conference:7th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum 2017)(2017/12)
  • Thermographic findings might be useful for predicting ulceration in a diabetic patient with foot callus, a case report(conference:Diabetic Foot Global Conference 2015)(2015/03/19)
  • Variations in the healing course of diabetic foot ulcers based on the Kobe classification(conference:Australian Wound Management Association National Conference 2014)(2014/05/07)
  • Foot complications of patients with diabetes in Japan; based on the risk categorization system of the international consensus on the diabetic foot(conference:The 4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies)(2012/09)
  • Healing course of diabetic foot ulcers based on the Kobe classification(conference:22nd Conference of the European Wound Management Association)(2012/05)
  • Thermographic findings of osteomyelitis and cellulitis in the diabetic foot(conference:Diabetic Foot Global Conference)(2011/03)
  • Comparison of callus characteristics in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects using physiological parameters(conference:The 3rd Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies)(2008/06)
  • Development of preventional care for diabetic foot by evaluating the skin moisture content: identification of the factors associated with a low skin moisture content(conference:Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference)(2007/09)
  • Visible observation method vs. foot-skin moisture measurement method of diabetics(conference:2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies' Meeting)(2004/07)
  • A study of bedfast patients with heel ulcers in Japan(conference:7th European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Open Meeting)(2003/09)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

○Cost-effectiveness of prevention for diabetic foot ulcer recurrence in Indonesia(2023-2025)

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Introduction to Nursing(2024)
○Conceptual Basis of Nursing Practice(2024)
○Health Assessment: Skills Laboratory(2024)
○Standard Nursing: Skills Laboratory(2024)
○Fundamental Nursing: Clinical Practice(2024)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2024)
○Advanced Nursing: Clinical Practice(2024)
○Introduction of Clinical Nursing(2024)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2024)
○Wound Management: Lecture(2024)
○Wound Management: Seminar(2024)
○Chronic Care Nursing & Wound Management: Research(2024)
○Chronic Care & Wound Management: Lecture(2024)
○Chronic Care & Wound Management: Seminar(2024)
○Chronic Care & Wound Management: Research(2024)

International Project

○JSPS-DG-RSTHE Joint research projectThe Nursing Institute of Muhammadiyah PontianakIndonesia(2019-2021)IndonesiaMembers of Research Team on Japanese Side

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

○Hasanuddin University(2024-2024) International lecturer

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