


見崎 孝一 (みさき こういち) 准教授 MISAKI, Kouichi


医薬保健研究域 医学系


医薬保健学域 医学類
医薬保健学総合研究科 医学専攻




金沢大学医学系研究科 脳神経外科学 博士課程 2004/03
金沢大学医学部医学科  2000/03


東京慈恵医科大学 脳血管内治療センター(2012/04/01-2013/03/31)
カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 脳神経外科(2019/07-2019/09)
 (日本脳神経血管内治療学会 指導医:2015/12/19~)




日本脳神経外科学会 専門医 指導医 第Ⅺ期代議員
日本脳神経血管内治療学会 専門医 指導医 中部地方会幹事 北陸IVNR研究会世話人
日本脳卒中学会 専門医 指導医 代議員
日本脳神経外科コングレス 第40回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会事務局長
日本脳神経外科光線力学学会 第13回日本脳神経外科光線力学学会事務局長
日本脳卒中の外科学会 技術認定医


○脳卒中センター 副センター長(2023-2024)


○公益財団法人橘勝会 医学研究助成金(2017/11/08)
○第10回ライフサイエンス研究交流セミナー 最優秀ポスター賞(2018/09/25)
○令和4年 優秀JNET論文賞 銅賞(2022/11/11)







  • 脳血管障害手術におけるモニタリング 脳神経外科 2023 51(3): 500-506 2023 分担執筆 見崎孝一、吉識賢志、上出智也
  • 経上腕動脈アプローチでの頚動脈ステント留置術における8Fr OPTIMO®EPDのシースレス挿入の有用性 東海メディカルプロダクツケースレポート 2022 分担執筆 見崎孝一
  • ピックアップ海外文献 「European Multicenter Study of ET-COVID-19」 脳神経外科速報 2021 分担執筆 見崎孝一
  • 脳動脈瘤におけるCFDのパラメーター 基礎からよくわかる実践的CFD入門 2017 分担執筆 見崎孝一、髙尾洋之、鈴木貴士、山本 誠、村山雄一
  • 視床出血 日本臨牀別冊(神経症候群 第2版) 2013 分担執筆 見崎孝一、濵田潤一郎


  • 脳血管疾患に対する血管内治療の現状 臨床麻酔 2013 分担執筆 見崎孝一,村山雄一
  • 脳血管攣縮 ブレインナーシング 2010 分担執筆 濵田潤一郎


  • Recurrence of extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm treated with STA-MCA bypass and trapping due to neovascularization from ascending pharyngeal artery Shomura K, Kamide T, Uno T, Misaki K, Nakada S, Ito Y, Sabit H, Yoshikawa A, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M J Neurosurg: Case Lessons 2024
  • Determination of significant 3D hemodynamic features for post-embolization recanalization in cerebral aneurysms through explainable artificial intelligence Liao J, Misaki K, Uno T, Futami K, Nakada M, Sakamoto J World Neurosurg 2024
  • Evaluation of a scoring system to assess proficiency in cerebral angiography for neuroendovascular surgery education Misaki K, Kamide T, Uno T, Tsutsui T, Nambu I, Nakada M Heliyon 2023
  • Periprocedural antiplatelet medication assessed by VerifyNow for neuroendovascular treatment: comparison of prasugrel with clopidogrel. Nambu K, Misaki K, Uno T, Tsutsui T, Kamide T, Nakada M. Interv Neuroradiol 2023
  • Impact Exploration of Spatiotemporal Feature Derivation and Selection on Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models for Post-Embolization Cerebral Aneurysm Recanalization Liao J, Misaki K, Sakamoto J Cardiovasc Eng Technol Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 2023


  • The first coil embolization ratio is the key factor for retreatment for unruptured cerebral aneurysms Nogami K, Misaki K, Tsutsui T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 2023
  • Prediction of post-embolization recurrence in internal carotid-posterior communicating aneurysms with Vel-PointNet Liao J, Sakamoto J, Misaki K, Siritanawan P, Kotani K Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 2023
  • Carotid artery stenting after balloon aortic valvuloplasty in cervical internal carotid artery stenosis associated with severe aortic stenosis: a case report Kitabayashi T, Misaki K, Kamide T, Nakada M Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience 2023
  • Targeted transvenous embolization of a dural arteriovenous fistula at the jugular tubercle venous complex: A case report Tsutsui T, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Nogami K, Nambu I, Kamide T, Muramatsu N, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 2023
  • Factors related to high bifurcation level of common femoral artery Uno T, Misaki K, Nakajima R, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nakada M J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2023
  • Improvement of intrapartum reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome over 12 weeks after onset Misaki K, Sano H, Tsutsui T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Nakada M J Med Case Rep Case Series 2022
  • Multiple endovascular treatments for hemorrhagic cerebral proliferative angiopathy: A case report Shomura K, Kamide T, Misaki K, Tsutsui T, Nambu I, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Case Rep Neurol 2022
  • Comparison of endovascular therapy for ruptured cerebral aneurysm during spasm and non-spasm period Kamide T, Misaki K, Tsutsui T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Nakada M Asian J Neurosurg 2022
  • Minimum wall shear stress points and their underlying intra-aneurysmal flow structures of unruptured cerebral aneurysms on 4D flow MRI Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Tsutsui T, Kamide T, Nakada M J Neuroradiol 2022
  • Morphological factors affecting vortex core instability on 4D Flow MRI of unruptured cerebral aneurysms Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Nakada M Neurol Res 2022
  • Panhypopituitarism caused by an unruptured giant cavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm compressing the pituitary gland treated with a flow-diverting stent: A case report Oikawa N, Misaki K, Aono D, Nambu I, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 2022
  • Late complications of visual impairment and hydrocephalus after flow diverter-assisted coil embolization for intracranial large aneurysm: a case report and literature review Ichinose T, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Kamide T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Tsuchiya S, Nakada M Br J Neurosurg 2022
  • Recurrence pattern predicts aneurysm rupture after coil embolization Nambu I, Misaki K, Uno T, Yoshikawa A, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Nakada M PLoS One 2022
  • Inflow hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms: A comparison of computational fluid dynamics and 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging Misaki K, Futami K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nakada M Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease 2021
  • Prediction of post-embolization recurrence of anterior communicating aneurysms with A1 segment asymmetry by fluid dynamic analysis Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 2021
  • Ocular ischemic syndrome due to severe internal carotid artery stenosis improved by intracranial stent placement: A case report Uchida W, Kamide T, Uno T, Yoshikawa A, Misaki K, Nakada M Surgical Neurology International 2021
  • Follow-up study in a patient with early-onset cerebral amyloid angiopathy following childhood cadaveric dural graft. Yoshiki K, Hirose G, Kumahasi K, Kohda Y, Ido K, Shioya A, Misaki K, Kasuga K Acta Neurochirurgica 2021
  • Extracranial-intracranial high flow bypass as a rescue therapy for incomplete cerebral aneurysm occlusion after flow diversion; a case report Kamide T, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Surgical Neurology International 2021
  • Morphological factors affecting vortex core instability on 4D Flow MRI of unruptured cerebral aneurysms Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Nakada M Neurological Research 2021
  • Hemodynamic factor evaluation using computational fluid dynamics analysis for de novo bleb formation in unruptured intracranial aneurysms Uno T, Misaki K, Futami K, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Neurological Sciences 2021
  • Usefulness of 2D-Perfusion Analysis for the Assessment of Unilateral Cervical Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Yoshikawa A, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Misaki K, Nakada M Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 2021
  • Prediction of internal carotid artery aneurysm recurrence by pressure difference at the coil mass surface Uno T, Misaki K, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Neuroradiology 2021
  • Asymptomatic carotid intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with a high risk of cerebral infarction and death after cardiovascular surgery Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kimura R, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Iino K, Takemura H, Nakada M Journal of Neurological Sciences 2020
  • Effect of Neck Size on the Inflow Magnitude Evaluated on 4D Flow MRI in Unruptured Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Kamide T, Nakada M J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2020
  • Cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula with an enhanced lesion in the brainstem mimicking a malignant tumor Nambu K, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nambu I, Sasagawa Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2020
  • Effect of unilateral carotid artery stenting on cognitive function in patients with severe bilateral stenosis: a case report Nakahara M, Misaki K, Tsutsui T, Nakajima R, Yoshikawa A, Miyashita K, Uchiyama N, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2020
  • 浅側頭動脈中大脳動脈吻合術の術中にバイパス閉塞をきたした場合の対処法 毛利正直、内山尚之、見崎孝一、会田泰裕、林康彦、中田光俊 脳卒中の外科 2020
  • 数値流体力学の基礎と脳動脈瘤への臨床応用 見崎孝一 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌 2019
  • RNF213 p.R4810Kホモ接合の乳児もやもや病例とその同胞への対応 坂井勇太; 伊川泰広; 西田圭吾; 藤田直久; 神川愛純; 井上なつみ; 黒田文人; 谷内江昭宏; 南部育; 見崎孝一; 毛利正直; 中田光俊; 和田泰三 日本小児科学会雑誌 2020
  • High pressure in virtual post-coiling model is a predictor of internal carotid artery aneurysm recurrence after coiling Nambu I, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Suzuki T, Takao H, Murayama Y, Futami K, Kawamura T, Inoguchi Y, Matsuzawa T, Nakada M Neurosurgery 2019
  • Radiological and endocrinological evaluations with grading of hypothalamic perifocal edema caused by craniopharyngiomas Hayashi Ya, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Misaki K, Kozaka K, Tachibana O, Nakada M. Pituitary 2019
  • Identification of vortex cores in cerebral aneurysms on 4D flow MRI Futami K, Uno T, Misaki K, Tamai S, Nambu I, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Am J Neuroradiol 2019
  • Contribution of intrasellar pressure elevation to headache manifestation in pituitary adenoma evaluated with intraoperative pressure measurement Hayashi Ya, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Kita D, Misaki K, Fukui I, Tachibana O, Nakada M Neurosurgery 2019
  • Carotid artery plaque diagnosis using CT Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Nakada M Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 2018
  • Objective evaluation of cerebrovascular reactivity for acetazolamide predicts cerebral hyperperfusion after carotid artery stenting: Comparison with region of interest methods Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Inaki A, Kinuya S, Nambu I, Kamide T, Mohri M, Hayashi Ya, Nakada M Journal of Neuroradiology 2018
  • 部分血栓化脳動脈瘤に対する瘤内コイル塞栓術の治療成績 毛利正直、内山尚之、見崎孝一、中田光俊 脳血管内治療 2018
  • Physical risk factors of hemorrhagic complications associated with Angio-Seal closure device use in neurointerventional procedures Aida Y, Misaki K, Kamide T, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2018
  • Hyperperfusion syndrome after trapping with high-flow bypass for a giant paraclinoid internal carotid artery aneurysm Mohri M, Ichinose T, Uchiyama N,Misaki K, Nambu I, Takabatake Y, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2018
  • Concurrent cervical dural and multiple perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage: The source of bleeding was invisible at initial angiography  Nambu I, Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Mohri M, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 2017
  • Unique venous drainage of a sphenoid wing dural arteriovenous fistula with ocular symptoms Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Aida Y, Uno T, Nakada M World Neurosurg 2017
  • Estimated pretreatment hemodynamic prognostic factors of aneurysm recurrence after endovascular embolization Misaki K, Takao H, Suzuki T, Nishimura K, Kan I, Yuki I, Ishibashi T, Yamamoto M, Murayama Y Technol Health Care 2017
  • Delayed asymptomatic coil migrations toward different arteries after aneurysmal embolization: case report  Kamide T, Misaki K, Nambu I, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Acta Neurochir (Wien)  2017
  • A pediatric case of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome with similar radiographical findings to posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Kamide T, Tsutsui T, Misaki K, Sano H, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Pediatr Neurol 2017
  • Long-term predictive factors of the morphology based outcome in bare platinum coiled intracranial aneurysms: Evaluation by pre- and post-contrast 3D time-of-flight MR angiography Ueda F, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Misaki K, Matsui O, Kida S, Sanada J, Yoshikawa J, Aburano H, Yoshie Y, Gabata T Neurol Neurochir Pol 2017
  • Inflow hemodynamics evaluated by using four-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging and the size ratio of unruptured cerebral aneurysms Futami K, Nambu I, Kitabayashi T, Sano H, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Neuroradiology 2017
  • Descent of the anterior communicating artery after removal of pituitary macroadenoma using transsphenoidal surgery  Hayashi Ya, Sasagawa Y, Fukui I, Oishi M, Kita D, Misaki K, Kozaka K, Tachibana O, Nakada M Surgical Neurology International 2017
  • Multiple sclerosis showing elevation of adenosine deaminase levels in the cerebrospinal fluid Samuraki M, Sakai K, Odake Y, Yoshita M, Misaki K, Nakada M, Yamada M Mult Scler Relat Disord 2017
  • Optimizing the volume of the initial framing coil to facilitate tight packing of intracranial aneurysms Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nambu I, Aida Y, Kamide T, Mohri M, Ueda F, Nakada M World Neurosurg 2016
  • Prediction of carotid artery in-stent restenosis by quantitative assessment of vulnerable plaque using computed tomography Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Hayashi Yu, Ueda F, Nakada M J Neuroradiol 2016
  • Pseudoaneurysm formation caused by the withdrawal of a Trevo ProVue stent at a tortuous cerebral vessel: a case report Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Kamide T, Tsutsui T, Kanamori N, Kurokawa K, Nakada M Acta Neurochir (Wien)  2016
  • Inflow jet patterns of unruptured cerebral aneurysms based on the flow velocity in the parent artery: evaluation using 4D flow MRI. Futami K, Kitabayashi T, Sano H, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Ueda F, Nakada M Am J Neuroradiol  2016
  • Intracranial aneurysm formation after radiotherapy for medulloblastoma Kamide T, Mohri M, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 2016
  • Treatment result in the initial stage of Kanazawa mobile embolectomy team for acute ischemic stroke Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Mohri M, Kamide T, Hirota Y, Higashi R, Minamide H, Kohda Y, Asahi T, Shoin K, Iwato M, Kita D, Hamada Y, Yoshida Y, Nakada M Neurol Med Chir 2016
  • Cerebral proliferative angiopathyに対し間接血行再建術を施行した1例 福井一生,内山尚之,毛利正直,見崎孝一、会田泰裕、南部 育、林裕、濵田潤一郎 脳卒中の外科 2015
  • Parent artery curvature influences inflow zone location of unruptured sidewall internal carotid artery aneurysms  Futami K, Sano H, Kitabayashi T, Misaki K, Nakada M, Uchiyama N, Ueda F Am J Neuroradiol 2015
  • Cerebral infarction related to carmustine wafers in glioblastoma Nakada M, Tanaka S, Oishi M, Miyashita K, Misaki K, Mohri M, Hayashi Ya, Uchiyama N, Watanabe T, Hayashi Yu Neurol Med Chirur (Tokyo) 2015
  • Molecular analysis of a recurrent glioblastoma treated with bevacizumab Furuta T, Nakada M, Misaki K, Sato Y, Hayashi Y, Nakanuma Y, Hamada J Brain Tumor Pathology 31巻 1号 32-39頁 2014 
  • 経上腕動脈ステント留置術におけるピッグテールカテーテルによる大動脈弓内操作を伴わないガイディングシースの誘導法 見崎孝一, 内山尚之, 毛利正直, 中尾庸人, 林 裕 脳神経血管内治療 2014
  • CAS後に生じたコレステロール結晶塞栓症の危険因子に関する検討 福井一生、内山尚之、毛利正直、見崎孝一、大石正博、林裕 脳神経外科ジャーナル 2014
  • Identification of the inflow zone of unruptured cerebral aneurysms: Comparison of 4D flow MRI and 3D TOF MRA data Futami K, Sano H, Misaki K, Nakada M, Ueda F, Hamada J American Journal of Neuroradiology 35巻 7号 1363-1370頁 2014 
  • 後下小脳動脈(PICA)分岐部を含んだ破裂椎骨動脈解離性動脈瘤に対する治療-PICAの灌流領域と治療後動脈瘤のサイズ変化- 毛利正直、内山尚之、見崎孝一、林康彦、林裕、濵田潤一郎 脳卒中の外科 2013
  • 脳血管疾患に対する血管内治療の現状 見崎孝一, 村山雄一 臨床麻酔 2013
  • 脳動脈瘤におけるCFDのパラメーター 見崎孝一, 髙尾洋之, 鈴木貴士, 山本 誠, 村山雄一 脳神経外科速報 2013
  • Association between carotid plaque composition assessed by multidetector computed tomography and cerebral embolism after carotid stenting Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Mohri M, Watanabe T, Hirota Y, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Ueda F, Hamada J.  Neuroradiology 54巻 5号 487-493頁 2012 
  • 遺残左上大静脈経由で行った横-S状静脈洞硬膜動静脈瘻に対する経静脈的塞栓術 見崎孝一、内山尚之、毛利正直、河原庸介、林裕、濵田潤一郎 脳神経血管内治療 2012
  • 左総頚動脈ステント留置術におけるガイディングシース保持のためのGooseNeck Snareの使用 見崎孝一、内山尚之、毛利正直、福井一生、南部育、林裕、濵田潤一郎 脳神経血管内治療 2012
  • MGMT promoter methylation and temozolomide response in choroid plexus carcinoma Misaki K, Nakada M, Mohri M, Hayashi Y, Hamada J. Brain Tumor Pathology 28巻 3号 259-263頁 2011 
  • ダブルマイクロカテーテル法を使用した未破裂脳動脈瘤に対する瘤内コイル塞栓術の治療成績 毛利正直、内山尚之、渡邉卓也、見崎孝一、林康彦、林裕、濵田潤一郎 脳卒中の外科 2011
  • Unusual delayed hydrocephalus after bare platinum coil embolization of an unruptured aneurysm - case report - Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Hayashi Y, Hamada J. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2010
  • Ruptured internal carotid artery aneurysm at the origin of a perforating artery associated with a hyperplastic anomalous anterior choroidal artery -case report- Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nitta H, Hamada J. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2010
  • Intracerebral hemorrhage secondary to ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion--four case reports Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Hayashi Y, Hamada J. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2010
  • Endovascular treatment for traumatic ear bleeding associated with acute epidural hematoma -case report-  Misaki K, Muramatsu N, Nitta H Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2008
  • Correlation of γ-catenin expression with good prognosis in medulloblastomas Misaki K, Marukawa K, Hayashi Y, Fukusato T, Minamoto T, Hasegawa M, Yamashita J, Fujisawa H. J Neurosurg 2005
  • Cyclin D1 is overepressed in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor with hSNF5/INI1 gene inactivation Fujisawa H, Misaki K, Takabatake Y, Hasegawa M, Yamashita J. J Neurooncol 2005
  • Contrast-enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MRI is useful to detect the CSF dissemination of glioblastoma Misaki K, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Tachibana O, Yamashita J, Ueda F, Suzuki M J Comput Assist Tomogr 2001


  • Scoring system to assess proficiency in cerebral angiography for neuroendovascular surgery education(会議名:The 16th Congress of World Federation of interventional and Therapeutic neuroradiology)(2022/08/21)
  • Educational scoring system for endovascular neurosurgeons(会議名:The 2021 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting)(2021/10/18)
  • Clinical significance of conversion from computational fluid dynamics to morphology for risk evaluation of aneurysm recurrence after coiling(会議名:The 2019 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting)(2019/10/21)
  • Clinical significance of computational fluid dynamics for aneurysm recurrence after coiling(会議名:Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University International Day of DNA-2019 VI International conference)(2019/04/25)
  • Clinical significance of computational fluid dynamics for aneurysm recurrence after coiling.(会議名:The 6th Japan Russia Neurosurgical Symposium)(2018/05/20)



○Medical Orchestra Kanazawa(医療関係者によるオーケストラ)のトランペット奏者(2015-)
○Musica Neurochirurgiana (脳神経外科医によるオーケストラ) のトランペット奏者(2016-)




○若手研究 (B)「髄芽腫の分子遺伝学的解析と診断法の確立」(2009-2010) 代表者
○基盤研究 (C)「多孔質足場を用いた動脈瘤開口部の新生血管壁構造の誘導実験」(2015-2017) 分担者
○基盤研究 (C)「数値流体解析の個別化による血管内治療後の脳動脈瘤再発の術前予測」(2016-2018) 代表者
○基盤研究(C)「多孔質足場とフローダイバーターによる動脈瘤の血栓化および開口部新生内膜の誘導実験」(2018-2020) 分担者
○基盤研究 (C)「脳動脈瘤再発予防に向けた数値流体力学解析によるステント併用コイル塞栓術の開発」(2021-2023) 代表者














○日本脳神経外科学会(20210901-) 代議員
○日本脳卒中学会(20220801-) 代議員・評議員
○加賀脳卒中地域連携協議会(20180101-) 理事
○石川脳血管障害研究会(20210904-) 世話人
