佐藤 渉 (さとう わたる) 教授 SATO Wataru
理工研究域 物質化学系
理工学域 物質化学類 化学コース
自然科学研究科 物質化学専攻
自然科学研究科 物質化学専攻
東京都立大学大学院 理学研究科 博士課程 2000/03 修了
東京都立大学 理学部 化学科(B類) 1995/03 卒業
横浜国立大学 教育学部 英語科 1991/03 卒業
日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)(1997/04-2000/03)
理化学研究所 応用原子核物理研究室 基礎科学特別研究員(2000/04-2002/12)
大阪大学 大学院理学研究科 助手/助教(2002/12-2009/03)
金沢大学 理工研究域 准教授(2009/04-2019/02)
金沢大学 理工研究域 教授(2019/03-)
日本放射化学会 理事(2018-2021)
日本放射化学会 「放射化学」編集委員(2014-2023)
日本化学会 近畿支部幹事(2011-2012)
○リメディアル・基礎科目 教育部門会議 委員(2022-2023)
○環境調査チーム 委員(2009-2016)
○教育方法改善委員会 委員(2009-2010)
○アイソトープ理工系研究施設 放射線取扱主任者(2010-2024)
○放射性同位元素委員会 委員(2010-2024)
○教務・学生委員会 委員(2011-2011)
○広報委員会 委員(2012-2013)
○入試委員会 委員(2014-2015)
○学生委員会 委員(2016-2017)
○教務委員会 委員(2019-2020)
- 放射化学の事典 朝倉書店 2014 原著書 共著 日本放射化学会
- Thermal behavior of open-volume defects and absorbed hydrogen atoms in palladium W. Sato, M. Furumoto, H. Shimizu, and Y. Ohkubo Journal of Applied Physics 135巻 245103(1-6)頁 2024/06 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Cd-content and temperature dependences of hyperfine fields in CdxFe3-xO4 W. Sato, M. Fujii, M. Konaka, T. Ito, H. Hirahara, S. Komatsuda, A. Taniguchi, and Y. Ohkubo Applied Radiation and Isotopes 209巻 111320(1-5)頁 2024/04 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Evaluation of image resolution of muon spin imaging Gen Takayama, Mototsugu Mihara, Takato Sugisaki, Kenji Kojima, Yutaka Mizoi, Yoko Kimura, Soshi Ishitani, Runa Yasuda, Wataru Sato, Daiki Nishimura, Masaomi Tanaka, Gerald Morris, Donald Arseneau, Rahim Abasalti, Deepak Vyas, Mitsunori Fukuda, Kensaku Matsuta, and Ryo Taguchi Interactions 245巻 57(1-11)頁 2024/04 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Investigation of doping effect on the local structure and photocatalytic activity of SrTiO3 Sayaka Komatsuda, Miyuki Kawakami, Wataru Sato, Akihiro Taniguchi, Minoru Tanigaki, and Yoshitaka Ohkubo Interactions 245巻 37(1-10)頁 2024/03 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Development of muon spin imaging spectroscopy Takato Sugisaki, Kenji M. Kojima, Mototsugu Mihara, Yoko Kimura, Yutaka Mizoi, Gen Takayama, Daiki Nishimura, Masaomi Tanaka, Soshi Ishitani, Gerald Morris, Donald Arseneau, Rahim Abasalti, Deepak Vyas, Mitsunori Fukuda, Wataru Sato, Runa Yasuda, and Ryo Taguchi Interactions 245巻 32(1-10)頁 2024/03 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Variation of local magnetism in a perovskite manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 by Fe doping W. Sato, H. Uchino, and K. Takanashi Hyperfine Interactions 244巻 17(1-8)頁 2023/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Microscopic probing of the doping effects of In ions in Fe3O4 W. Sato, R. Ishizaki, H. Shimizu, M. Sakaguchi, and S. Tsutsui Journal of Applied Physics 132巻 083904頁 2022 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Atomic level control of association-dissociation behavior of In impurities in polycrystalline ZnO W. Sato, M. Takata, H. Shimizu, S. Komatsuda, Y. Yoshida, A. Moriyama, K. Shimamura, and Y. Ohkubo Physical Review Materials 6巻 063801頁 2022 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Chemical species of localized Fe atoms in solid hydrogen using in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy Yoshio Kobayashi, Masami Sato, Yasuhiro Yamada, Kenya M. Kubo, Mototsugu Mihara, Wataru Sato, Jun Miyazaki, Takashi Nagatomo, Atsushi Okazawa, Shinji Sato, and Atsushi Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 243巻 13頁 2022 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Cobalt content dependences of cationic distribution and local fields in CoxFe3−xO4 - Hyperfine interaction studies W. Sato, S. Takenaka, M. Sakaguchi, and M. Shimada Journal of Applied Physics 130巻 215102頁 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In-beam Mössbauer spectra of 57Mn implanted into lithium aluminum hydride Yukiko Sato, Yasuhiro Yamada, Yoshio Kobayashi, M. Kenya Kubo, Mototsugu Mihara, Wataru Sato, Jun Miyazaki, Takashi Nagatomo, Takatoshi Ando, Noriko Takahama, Kanako Some, Masami Sato, Shinji Sato, and Atsushi Kitagawa Applied Radiation and Isotopes 170巻 109582頁 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Different bound states of impurity hydrogen atoms in hydrothermally grown ZnO detected with nuclear reaction analysis H. Shimizu, M. Wilde, and W. Sato Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 467巻 13頁 2020 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In-beam Mössbauer spectra for 57Mn implanted sulfur hexafluoride Yasuhiro Yamada, Yukiko Sato, Yoshio Kobayashi, Takatoshi Ando, Noriko Takahama, Kanako Some, Masami Sato, Mototsugu Mihara, M. Kenya Kubo, Wataru Sato, Jun Miyazaki, Takashi Nagatomo, Junji Kobayashi, Atsushi Okazawa, Shinji Sato, and Atsushi Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 241巻 15頁 2020 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Dynamic motion and freezing of polaronic local structures in a colossal- magnetoresistive perovskite manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 detected with radioactive nuclei W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, H. Shimizu, R. Moriichi, S. Abe, S. Watanabe, S. Komatsu, T. Terai, S. Kawata, and Y. Ohkubo Physical Review B 100巻 184111頁 2019 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Interactions of intrinsic defects formed in ZnO and their contribution to electric conductivity H. Shimizu and W. Sato Journal of Applied Physics 126巻 125704頁 2019 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Thermal behavior of In impurities in ZnO W. Sato, H. Shimizu, S. Komatsuda, and Y. Ohkubo Journal of Applied Physics 124巻 105101頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- Investigation of the effects of sintering and indium-doping of zinc oxide using 67Zn magic angle spinning NMR analysis Ryutaro Ohashi, Wataru Sato, Motohiro Mizuno, Shinobu Ohki, Kenzo Deguchi, Masataka Tansho, and Tadashi Shimizu Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 95巻 12頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- In-beam Mössbauer spectra of 57Mn implanted into ice Y. Yamada, Y. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, M. Mihara, M. K. Kubo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, T. Nagatomo, S. Tanigawa, D. Natori, J. Kobayashi, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 239巻 25頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- Temperature-dependent thermal behavior of impurity hydrogen trapped in vacancy-type defects in single crystal ZnO H. Shimizu, W. Sato, M. Mihara, T. Fujisawa, M. Fukuda, and K. Matsuta Applied Radiation and Isotopes 140巻 224頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- Nuclear spin relaxation of 111Cd at the A site in spinel oxides, CdFe2O4 and CdIn2O4 W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, and Y. Ohkubo Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 316巻 1289頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- Chemical reactions of localized Fe atoms in ethylene and acetylene matrices at low temperatures using in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, M. K. Kubo, M. Mihara, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, T. Nagatomo, K. Takahashi, S. Tanigawa, Y. Sato, D. Natori, M. Suzuki, J. Kobayashi, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 239巻 18頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- muSR Study on hydrogen behavior in palladium M. Mihara, H. Araki, M. Mizuno, K. Shimomura, W. Higemoto, K. Sugita, A. Kobayashi, M. Kondo, Y. Tanaka, T. Matsuzaki, R. Kadono, W. Sato, T. Nakano, and T. Fukuda JPS Conference Proceedings 21巻 011031頁 2018 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(プロシーディング)
- Mössbauer spectroscopic study on the composition of Fe-containing minerals in ordinary chondrites, Miller Range 07710 and Yamato 790272 W. Sato, M. Nakagawa, N. Shirai, and M. Ebihara Hyperfine Interactions 239巻 13頁 2018 査読有 原著論文
- Effects of natural aging on age-hardening behavior of Cu-Be-Co and Cu-Ti alloys severely deformed by high-pressure torsion M. Hibino, C. Watanabe, Y. Tsuji, R. Monzen, Y. Todaka, and W. Sato Materials Transactions 58巻 1346頁 2017 査読有 原著論文
- Local fields in Co and Mn co-doped ZnO W. Sato, Y. Kano, T. Suzuki, M. Nakagawa, and Y. Kobayashi Hyperfine Interactions 237巻 28頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Study on chemical reactions of isolated Mössbauer probes in solid gas matrices using in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy S. Tanigawa, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, M. Mihara, M. K. Kubo, J. Miyazaki, W. Sato, T. Nagatomo, D. Natori, Y. Sato, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 237巻 72頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Mössbauer spectra obtained using beta-gamma coincidence method after 57Mn implantation into LiH and LiD Y. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, M. K. Kubo, M. Mihara, T. Nagatomo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Tanigawa, D. Natori, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 237 237巻 113頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Thermal stability of nonmagntetic Cd and In impurities in Fe3O4 W. Sato, T. Ida, S. Komatsuda, T. Fujisawa, S. Takenaka, and Y. Ohkubo Journal of Applied Physics 120巻 145104頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Chemical states of localized Fe atoms in ethylene matrices using in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, S. Tanigawa, M. Mihara, M. K. Kubo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, T. Nagatomo, Y. Sato, D. Natori, M. Suzuki, J. Kobayashi, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interactions 237巻 151頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Local fields at nonmagntetic impurity sites in a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, A. Osa, T. K. Sato, and Y. Ohkubo Hyperfine Interactions 237巻 113頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Atomic-level observation of Ag-ion hopping motion in AgI W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, R. Mizuuchi, N. Irioka, S. Kawata, and Y. Ohkubo Hyperfine Interact. 231巻 107頁 2015 査読有 原著論文
- Local structure of 57Mn/57Fe implanted into lithium hydride Jun Miyazaki, Takashi Nagatomo, Yoshio Kobayashi, Michael Kenya Kubo, Yasuhiro Yamada, Mototsugu Mihara, Wataru Sato, Shinji Sato, and Atsushi Kitagawa J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 303巻 1155頁 2015 査読有 原著論文
- Thermal stability of locally-associated Al and In impurities in zinc oxide S. Komatsuda, W. Sato, and Y. Ohkubo J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 303巻 1249頁 2015 査読有 原著論文
- Evaluation of vacancy-type defects in ZnO by the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy R. Ono, T. Togimitsu, and W. Sato J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 303巻 1223頁 2015 査読有 原著論文
- Local structures at In impurity sites in ZnO probed by the TDPAC technique W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, Y. Yamada, and Y. Ohkubo J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 303巻 1201頁 2015 査読有 原著論文
- Detection of spinel ZnIn2O4 formed as nanostrucrures in ZnO W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, Y. Yamada, and Y. Ohkubo Physical Review B 90巻 235204頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- Formation energy of oxygen vacancies in ZnO determined by investigating thermal behavior of Al and In impurities S. Komatsuda, W. Sato, and Y. Ohkubo Journal of Applied Physics 116巻 183502頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- Extranuclear dynamics of 111Ag(→111Cd) doped in AgI nanoparticles W. Sato, R. Mizuuchi, N. Irioka, S. Komatsuda, S. Kawata, A. Taoka, and Y. Ohkubo Chemical Physics Letters 609巻 104頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- Time-resolved Mössbauer spectra obtained after 57Mn implantation in Si Y. Kobayashi, M. Mihara, T. Nagatomo, Y. Yamada, M. K. Kubo, J. Miyazaki, W. Sato, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interact. 226巻 679頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- In-beam Mössbauer study of 57Mn implanted into a low-temperature xenon Y. Yamada, Y. Kobayashi, M. K. Kubo, M. Mihara, T. Nagatomo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Hyperfine Interact. 226巻 35頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- In-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy of 57Fe/57Mn in MgO and NaF at HIMAC M. K. Kubo, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, M. Mihara, T. Nagatomo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85巻 02C310頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- In-beam Mössbauer spectra of 57Mn implanted into low-temperature solid Ar Y. Yamada, Y. Kobayashi, M. K. Kubo, M. Mihara, T. Nagatomo, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Chem. Phys. Lett. 567巻 14頁 2013 査読有 原著論文
- Characteristic interactions of 111Cd probes with nonradioactive In impurities doped in ZnO W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, and Y. Ohkubo Hyperfine Interact. 221巻 79頁 2013 査読有 原著論文
- In-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy of 57Mn implanted into lithium hydride Takashi Nagatomo, Yoshio Kobayashi, Kenya M. Kubo, Yasuhiro Yamada, Mototsugu Mihara, Wataru Sato, Jun Miyazaki, Kazuya Mae, Shinji Sato, and Atsushi Kitagawa Hyperfine Interact. 204巻 125頁 2012 査読有 原著論文
- Characteristic local association of In impurities dispersed in ZnO W. Sato, S. Komatsuda, and Y. Ohkubo Phys. Rev. B 86巻 235209頁 2012 査読有 原著論文
- Remarkable improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio of 57Mn in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy T. Nagatomo, Y. Kobayashi, M. K. Kubo, Y. Yamada, M. Mihara, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, and A. Kitagawa Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 269巻 455頁 2011 査読有 原著論文
- Electric field gradient at the 111Cd(←111In) sites in Ga-doped ZnO W. Sato, Y. Ohkubo, Y. Itsuki, S. Komatsuda, D. Minami, T. Kubota, S. Kawata, A. Yokoyama, and T. Nakanishi Suppl. Radiochim. Acta 1巻 435頁 2011 査読有 原著論文
- Strong affinity between In and Al impurities doped in ZnO Sayaka Komatsuda, Wataru Sato, Satoshi Kawata, and Yoshitaka Ohkubo J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80巻 095001頁 2011 査読有 原著論文
- Anticoincidence measurement of 57Fe Mössbauer spectra obtained after 57Mn implantation: Application to Fe in α-Al2O3 Y. Kobayashi, T. Nagatomo, Y. Yamada, M. Mihara, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, A. Kitagawa, and M. K. Kubo Hyperfine Interact. 198巻 173頁 2010 査読有 原著論文
- Experimental study on radon loss from water sample N. Yamada, M. Uesugi, W. Sato, A. Yokoyama, and T. Nakanishi Low-level measurement of radionuclides and its application to earth and environmental sciences 191頁 2010 査読有 原著論文
- Anionic Fluoro Complex of Element 105, Db Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Atsushi Toyoshima, Masato Asai, Kazuaki Tsukada, Zijie Li, Yasuo Ishii, Hayato Toume, Tetsuya K. Sato, Takahiro Kikuchi, Ichiro Nishinaka, Yuichiro Nagame, Hiromitsu Haba, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Yuki Kudou, Yasuji Oura, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Wataru Sato, Kazuhiro Ooe, Hiroyuki Fujisawa, Atsushi Shinohara, Sin-ichi Goto, Taichi Hasegawa, Hisaaki Kudo, Tomohiro Nanri, Mikio Araki, Norikazu Kinoshita, Akihiko Yokoyama, Fangli Fan, Zhi Qin, Christoph E. Düllmann, Matthias Schädel, and Jens V. Kratz Chem. Lett. 38巻 1084頁 2009 査読有 原著論文
- Oxidation of element 102, nobelium, with flow electrolytic column chromatography on an atom-at-a-time scale Atsushi Toyoshima, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Yoshihiro Kitatsuji, Yasuo Ishii, Hayato Toume, Ichiro Nishinaka, Hiromitsu Haba, Kazuhiro Ooe, Wataru Sato, Atsushi Shinohara, Kazuhiko Akiyama, and Yuichiro Nagame J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131巻 9180頁 2009 査読有 原著論文
- Adsorption of Db and its homologues Nb and Ta, and the pseudo-homologue Pa on anion-exchange resin in HF solution K. Tsukada, H. Haba, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama, Y. Kasamatsu, I. Nishinaka, S. Ichikawa, K. Yasuda, Y. Miyamoto, K. Hashimoto, Y. Nagame, S. Goto, H. Kudo, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, Y. Oura, K. Sueki, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, A. Yokoyama, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, and J. V. Kratz Radiochim. Acta 97巻 83頁 2009 査読有 原著論文
- Temperature-dependent behavior of impurity atoms implanted in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite― An application of a new online TDPAC method Wataru Sato, Hideki Ueno, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hisanori Miyoshi, Akihiro Yoshimi, Daisuke Kameda, Takashi Ito, Kenzi Shimada, Jou Kaihara, Shinichi Suda, Yoshio Kobayashi, Atsushi Shinohara, Yoshitaka Ohkubo, and Koichiro Asahi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77巻 095001頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Hexafluoro complex of rutherfordium in mixed HF/HNO3 solutions A. Toyoshima, H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, K. Akiyama, S. Goto, Y. Ishii, I. Nishinaka, T. K. Sato, Y. Nagame, W. Sato, Y. Tani, H. Hasegawa, K. Matsuo, D. Saika, Y. Kitamoto, A. Shinohara, M. Ito, J. Saito, H. Kudo, A. Yokoyama, M. Sakama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, and J. V. Kratz Radiochim. Acta 96巻 125頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Development of an online preparation system for multitracer solutions Y. Kasamatsu, M. Yatsukawa, W. Sato, K. Ninomiya, T. Ohki, N. Takahashi, A. Yokoyama, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, S. Shibata, and A. Shinohara Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 66巻 271頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Observation of local fields at 111Cd(←111In) sites in aluminum-doped ZnO Wataru Sato, Yasufumi Komeno, Minoru Tanigaki, Akihiro Taniguchi, Satoshi Kawata, and Yoshitaka Ohkubo J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77巻 105001頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Online time-differential perturbed angular correlation study with an 19O beam – Residence sites of oxygen atoms in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite W. Sato, H. Ueno, H. Watanabe, H. Miyoshi, A. Yoshimi, D. Kameda, T. Ito, K. Shimada, J. Kaihara, S. Suda, Y. Kobayashi, A. Shinohara, Y. Ohkubo, and K. Asahi Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 266巻 316頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Rattling motion of 140Ce(←140La) confined in the hexaboride cage W. Sato, A. Shinohara, and Y. Ohkubo Phys. Rev. B 78巻 012301頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Local fields and conduction-electron behavior at impurity sites in indium-doped ZnO W. Sato, Y. Itsuki, S. Morimoto, H. Susuki, S. Nasu, A. Shinohara, and Y. Ohkubo Phys. Rev. B 78巻 045319頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Neutron In-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy of iron disulfide at 298 K and 78 K Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, Y. Tsuruoka, M. K. Kubo, H. Shoji, Y. Watanabe, T. Takayama, Y. Sakai, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, M. Segawa, and H. Matsue Hyperfine Interact. 187巻 49頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Development of on-line solvent extraction system with microchips for heavy element chemistry K. Ooe, Y. Tashiro, D. Saika, Y. Kitamoto, K. Matsuo, T. Takabe, T. Kuribayashi, N. Takahashi, T. Yoshimura, W. Sato, K. Takahisa, and A. Shinohara J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 8巻 59頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- 高配向熱分解グラファイト中の不純物140Ceと19Fの存在状態 佐藤 渉 メスバウアー分光研究会会誌 8巻 8頁 2007 査読無 解説
- Local magnetic field of a perovskite manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 W. Sato, N. Ochi, A. Taniguchi, T. Terai, T. Kakeshita, A. Shinohara, and Y. Ohkubo J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 8巻 89頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- TDPAC and its application to chemistry Y. Ohkubo, Y. Murakami, W. Sato, and A. Yokoyama J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 8巻 79頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- Extraction behavior of rutherfordium into tributylphosphate from hydrochloric acid H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, Y. Ishii, H. Toume, T. Sato, I. Nishinaka, T. Ichikawa, S. Ichikawa, Y. Nagame, W. Sato, K. Matsuo, Y. Kitamoto, Y. Tashiro, A. Shinohara, J. Saito, M. Ito, T. Ikezawa, M. Sakamaki, S. Goto, H. Kudo, H. Kikunaga, M. Arai, S. Kamataki, A. Yokoyama, K. Akiyama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, M. , W. , and J. V. Kratz Radiochim. Acta 95巻 1頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- Study of electronic X rays emitted from pionic and muonic atoms K. Ninomiya, H. Sugiura, T. Nakatsuka, Y. Kasamatsu, H. Kikunaga, W. Sato, T. Yoshimura, H. Matsumura, K. Takamiya, M. K. Kubo, K. Sueki, A. Yokoyama, Y. Hamajima, T. Miura, K. Nishiyama, and A. Shinohara J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 272巻 661頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- Time-dependent quadrupole interactions for 140Ce ions implanted in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite W. Sato, H. Ueno, A. Taniguchi, Y. Itsuki, Y. Kasamatsu, A. Shinohara, K. Asahi, K. Asai, and Y. Ohkubo J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 272巻 665頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- Mössbauer spectroscopic study of 57Fe species produced by 56Fe(n,γ)57Fe reaction in iron disulfide Y. Kobayashi, Y. Tsuruoka, M. K. Kubo, H. Nonaka, Y. Yamada, Y. Sakai, H. Shoji, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, Y. Watanabe, and H. Matsue J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 272巻 623頁 2007 査読有 原著論文
- γ線摂動角相関法による炭素物質中の不純物挙動の観察 佐藤 渉 放射線化学 84巻 22頁 2007 査読有 解説
- Nuclear quadrupole relaxation of 140Ce implanted in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite W. Sato, H. Ueno, A. Taniguchi, Y. Itsuki, Y. Kasamatsu, A. Shinohara, K. Asahi, K. Asai, and Y. Ohkubo Phys. Rev. B 74巻 214302頁 2006 査読有 原著論文
- Search for the decay of 229mTh by photon detection Y. Kasamatsu, H. Kikunaga, K. Takamiya, T. Mitsugashira, T. Nakanishi, Y. Ohkubo, T. Ohtsuki, W. Sato, and A. Shinohara Radiochim. Acta 93巻 511頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- 物性・構造研究のためのガンマ線摂動角相関法 大久保嘉高、横山明彦、佐藤 渉 放射化学ニュース 12巻 1頁 2005 査読無 解説
- Energy shift of electronic X-rays emitted from pionic atoms K. Ninomiya, H. Sugiura, Y. Kasamatsu, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, Y. Tani, H. Hasagawa, M. Yatsukawa, K. Takamiya, W. Sato, H. Matsumura, A. Yokoyama, K. Sueki, Y. Hamajima, T. Miura, and A. Shinohara Radiochim. Acta 93巻 515頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- Chemical studies on rutherfordium (Rf) at JAERI Y. Nagame, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, A. Toyoshima, K. Akiyama, Y. Ishii, T. Kaneko-Sato, M. Hirata, I. Nishinaka, S. Ichikawa, H. Haba, S. Enomoto, K. Matsuo, D. Saika, Y. Kitamoto, H. Hasegawa, Y. Tani, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, M. Ito, J. Saito, S. Goto, H. Kudo, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, A. Yokoyama, K. Sueki, Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, M. Sakama, M. Schadel, W. Bruchle, and J. V. Kratz Radiochim. Acta 93巻 519頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- Elution curve of rutherfordium (Rf) in anion-exchange chromatography with hydrofluoric acid solution A. Toyoshima, H. Haba, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, K. Akiyama, I. Nishinaka, Y. Nagame, D. Saika, K. Matsuo, W. Sato, A. Shinohara, H. Ishizu, M. Ito, J. Saito, S. Goto, H. Kudo, H. Kikunaga, N. Kinoshita, C. Kato, A. Yokoyama, and K. Sueki J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 5巻 45頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Application of the high-spin isomer beams to the secondary fusion reaction and the measurement of g-factor H. Watanabe, K. Asahi, T. Kishida, H. Ueno, W. Sato, A. Yoshimi, Y. Kobayashi, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, T. Fukuchi, Y. Wakabayashi, T. Sasaki, M. Kibe, N. Hokoiwa, A. Odahara, B. Cederwall, K. Lagergren, Zs. Podolyak, M. Ishihara, and Y. Gono Nucl. Phys. A 746巻 540c頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Study on the transient field at very high velocities for the g-factor measurement of excited states in unstable nuclei A. Yoshimi, H. Ueno, W. Sato, H. Watanabe, Y. Kobayashi, J. Murata, H. Miyoshi, K. Shimada, and K. Asahi Nucl. Phys. A 738巻 519頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Measurement of nuclear moments in the region of light neutron-rich nuclei H. Ueno, K. Asahi, H. Ogawa, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, A. Yoshimi, H. Watanabe, K. Shimada, W. Sato, K. Yoneda, N. Imai, Y. Kobayashi, M. Ishihara, and W.-D. Schmidt-Ott Nucl. Phys. A 738巻 211頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Recent result from the nuclear moment measurements using a spin polarized radioactive beam D. Kameda, K. Asahi, H. Ueno, A. Yoshimi, H. Watanabe, H. Miyoshi, K. Shimada, J. Murata, Y. Kobayashi, G. Kato, S. Emori, W. Sato, and H. Ogawa Nucl. Phys. A 734巻 481頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Lifetime of a new high-spin isomer in 150Dy H. Watanabe, Y. Wakabayashi, Y. Gono, T. Fukuchi, H. Ueno, W. Sato, A. Yoshimi, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, T. Kishida, Y. Kobayashi, T. Morikawa, S. Motomura, O. Kashiyama, K. Saito, A. Odahara, and K. Asahi Euro. Phys. J. A 19巻 163頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- Nuclear moments of nuclei in the neighborhood of the neutron drip line H. Ueno, K. Asahi, H. Ogawa, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, A. Yoshimi, H. Watanabe, K. Shimada, W. Sato, K. Yoneda, N. Imai, Y. Kobayashi, M. Ishihara, and W. –D. Schmidt-Ott AIP Conf. Proc. 701巻 135頁 2004 査読無 原著論文
- Application of the high-spin isomer beams to secondary fusion reaction and measurement of g-factor H. Watanabe, K. Asahi, T. Kishida, H. Ueno, W. Sato, A. Yoshimi, Y. Kobayashi, M. Ishihara, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, Y. Gono, T. Fukuchi, Y. Wakabayashi, M. Kibe, N. Hokoiwa, A. Odahara, B. Cederwall, K. Lagergren, and Z. S. Podolyak New Era Nucl. Structure Phys. Proc. Internat. Symp. 99頁 2004 査読無 原著論文
- γ線摂動角相関法のフラーレン物性研究への応用と新規測定法の開発 佐藤 渉 放射化学ニュース 9巻 1頁 2004 査読無 解説
- g-Factor of the high-spin isomer in 149Dy and a multi-quasiparticle configuration caused by the N = 82 core excitations H. Watanabe, H. Ueno, D. Kameda, W. Sato, A. Yoshimi, H. Miyoshi, T. Kishida, Y. Kobayashi, A. Odahara, Y. Gono, and K. Asahi Nucl. Phys. A 728巻 365頁 2003 査読有 原著論文
- Time-differential perturbed angular correlation of 140Ce implanted in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite W. Sato, Y. Kasamatsu, Y. Ohkubo, A. Taniguchi, and A. Shinohara J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 4巻 15頁 2003 査読有 原著論文
- Valence states of 57Fe decayed from 57Mn implanted into KMnO4 Y. Kobayashi, M. K. Kubo, Y. Yamada, T. Saito, H. Ueno, H. Ogawa, W. Sato, K. Yoneda, H. Watanabe, N. Imai, H. Miyoshi, and K. Asahi J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 255巻 403頁 2003 査読有 原著論文
- On-line TDPAC studies with the 19O beam W. Sato, H. Ueno, H. Watanabe, H. Ogawa, H. Miyoshi, N. Imai, A. Yoshimi, K. Yoneda, D. Kameda, Y. Kobayashi, and K. Asahi J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 255巻 183頁 2003 査読有 原著論文
- Quenching of neutron E2 effective charge in neutron-rich nuclei and the ground state spin-parity of 17C H. Ogawa, K. Asahi, H. Ueno, K. Sakai, H. Miyoshi, D. Kameda, T. Suzuki, H. Izumi, N. Imai, Y. X. Watanabe, K. Yoneda, N. Fukuda, H. Watanabe, A. Yoshimi, W. Sato, N. Aoi, M. Nagakura, T. Suga, K. Yogo, A. Goto, T. Honda, Y. Kobayashi, W.-D. Schmidt-Ott, G. Neyens, S. Teughels, A. Yoshida, T. Kubo, and M. Ishihara Euro. Phys. J. A 13巻 81頁 2002 査読有 原著論文
- Magnetic moment of the ground state of 17C H. Ueno, A. Yoshimi, W. Sato, H. Watanabe, K. Yoneda, Y. Kobayashi, A. Yoshida, T. Kubo, M. Ishihara, K. Asahi, H. Ogawa, H. Miyoshi, D. Kameda, T. Suga, K. Ohno, K. Sakai, K. Yogo, and N. Imai Proc. 4th Italy-Japan Symp. Heavy Ion Phys. 2001巻 26頁 2002 査読無 原著論文
- Assignment of the ground-state spin-parity for 17C through g-factor measurement Hiroshi Ogawa, Koichiro Asahi, Hideki Ueno, Hisanori Miyoshi, Daisuke Kameda, Ken-ichiro Yoneda, Hiroshi Watanabe, Nobuaki Imai, Toshitaka Suga, Akihiro Yoshimi, Wataru Sato, Kenji Sakai, Katsunotri Yogo, Yoshio Kobayashi, Atsushi Yoshida, Toshiyuki Kubo, and Masayasu Ishihara Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 146巻 607頁 2002 査読有 原著論文
- Dynamic and electronic properties of Ce@C80-Comparative studies by the time-differential perturbed angular correlation technique with 140Ce(←140La) probes in graphite and diamond Wataru Sato, Keisuke Sueki, Yohji Achiba, Hiromichi Nakahara, Yoshitaka Ohkubo, and Kichizo Asai Phys. Rev. B 63巻 024405頁 2001 査読有 原著論文
- Radioactive ion beams as microscopic probes into matter Koichiro Asahi, Yoshio Kobayashi, Hideki Ueno, Akihiro Yoshimi, Wataru Sato, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hisanori Miyoshi, and Daisuke Kameda Anal. Sci. 17 Sup.巻 i613頁 2001 査読有 原著論文
- Development of a detector system for transient magnetic field experiments with radioactive-isotope beams and a test experiment H. Ueno, W. Sato, H. Ogawa, N. Aoi, K. Yoneda, Y. Kobayashi, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, H. Watanabe, N. Imai, A. Yoshimi, J. Kaihara, and K. Asahi Hyperfine Interact. 136/137巻 211頁 2001 査読有 原著論文
- Nuclear moment studies with polarized radioactive nuclear beams K. Asahi, H. Ogawa, H. Ueno, Y. Kobayashi, W. Sato, A. Yoshimi, H. Watanabe, D. Kameda, H. Miyoshi, K. Sakai, N. Imai, K. Yoneda, Y. Watanabe, N. Fukuda, N. Aoi, A. Yoshita, T. Kubo, and M. Ishihara Hyperfine Interact. 136/137巻 183頁 2001 査読有 原著論文
- 放射化学的手法を用いたフラーレン研究 末木啓介、佐藤 渉、中原弘道 Radioisotopes 50巻 452頁 2001 査読無 総説
- Nuclear reactions and radionuclides in the study of fullerenes H. Nakahara, K. Sueki, W. Sato, and K. Akiyama J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 243巻 169頁 2000 査読有 原著論文
- Some basic studies on non-destructive elemental analysis of bulky samples by PGAA H. Nakahara, Y. Oura, K. Sueki, M. Ebihara, W. Sato, Sk. A. Latif, T. Tomizawa, S. Enomoto, C. Yonezawa, and Y. Ito J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 244巻 405頁 2000 査読有 原著論文
- Electronic state of Ce@C82 W. Sato, K. Sueki, K. Kikuchi, K. Kobayashi, S. Suzuki, Y. Achiba, H. Nakahara, Y. Ohkubo, F. Ambe, and K. Asai J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 239巻 187頁 1999 査読有 原著論文
- Completely nondestructive elemental analysis of bulky samples by PGAA Y. Oura, H. Nakahara, K. Sueki, W. Sato, A. Saito, T. Tomizawa, and K. Nishikawa Czech. J. Phys. 49巻 311頁 1999 査読有 原著論文
- Dynamic motion of Ce@C80-Comparison study with Ce@C82 Wataru Sato, Keisuke Sueki, Koichi Kikuchi, Shinzo Suzuki, Yohji Achiba, Hiromichi Nakahara, Yoshitaka Ohkubo, Kichizo Asai, and Fumitoshi Ambe AIP Conf. Proc. 486巻 120頁 1999 査読無 原著論文
- Novel dynamic behavior of Ce@C82 at low temperature W. Sato, K. Sueki, K. Kikuchi, K. Kobayashi, S. Suzuki, Y. Achiba, H. Nakahara, Y. Ohkubo, F. Ambe, and K. Asai Phys. Rev. Lett. 80巻 133頁 1998 査読有 原著論文
- Molecular and intramolecular dynamics of a C80 dimetallofullerene Wataru Sato, Keisuke Sueki, Koichi Kikuchi, Shinzo Suzuki, Yohji Achiba, Hiromichi Nakahara, Yoshitaka Ohkubo, Kichizo Asai, and Fumitoshi Ambe Phys. Rev. B 58巻 10850頁 1998 査読有 原著論文
- Analysis of archaeological samples by the internal monostandard method of PGAA K. Sueki, Y. Oura, W. Sato, H. Nakahara, and T. Tomizawa J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 234巻 27頁 1998 査読有 原著論文
- New lanthanoid metallofullerenes and their HPLC behavior Keisuke Sueki, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Takashi Yamauchi, Wataru Sato, Koichi Kikuchi, Shinzo Suzuki, Motomi Katada, Yohji Achiba, Hiromichi Nakahara, Takeshi Akasaka, and Kenji Tomura Fullerene Sci. Tech. 5巻 1435頁 1997 査読有 原著論文
- Nondestructive determination of major elements in a large sample by prompt γ-ray neutron activation analysis Keisuke Sueki, Kanako Kobayashi, Wataru Sato, Hiromichi Nakahara, and Takeshi Tomizawa Anal. Chem. 68巻 2203頁 1996 査読有 原著論文
- メスバウアー分光法によるコンドライト隕石中の鉄含有鉱物組成の研究 (会議名:2016日本放射化学会年会)
- ペロブスカイト型酸化物La0.7Ca0.3MnO3中の超微細場測定(会議名:2016日本放射化学会年会)
- Formation process of oxygen vacancy in zinc oxide studied by perturbed angular correlation method
- Supertransferred hyperfine field at a unique residential site of 111Cd in Fe3O4 (会議名:環太平洋化学会)(2010/12)
- Local fields at nonmagnetic impurity sites in a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
- Comarison of electronic X-ray energies between pionic and muonic atoms
- Basic study on the chemical property of muonic atoms
- Development of the microchip solvent extraction apparatus for superheavy elements
- Development of capillary electrophoresis apparatus for heavy actinide chemistry
- Development of online solvent extraction system using microchip
- Studies of chemical properties of tungsten as a homologue of seaborgium (element 106)
- Chloride complex formation of Rf in HCl and CH3OH mixed solution
- Exraction behavior of Rf into tributylphosphate from hydrochloric acid
- Online TDPAC measurements with the 19F probe implanted in metal oxides
- Lanthanum hexaboride studies by means of the TDPAC method
- Local field studies of ZnO by the TDPAC method
- Neutron in-beam Mössbauer spectra of iron disulfides
- Measurement of perturbed angular correlation in metalloprotein and metal complexes
- Nuclear quadrupole relaxation of PAC probes in HOPG
- Internal magnetic field at the A site of a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
- Initial angular momentum distribution of atomic pions in the formation process of pionic atoms
- Attempt of measurement of visible-ray emission accompanying the chemical reaction of muonic atoms
- Startup of on-line chemistry for heavy elements at Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
- Measurements of hyperfine fields in metal complexes by the PAC method using 111Ag parent nuclei for biomolecular study
- Rapid solvent extraction of No2+ with multitrack microchips
- In-beam Mössbauer spectra of 57Fe produced in iron disulfide by neutron capture reaction
- Preparation of parent probe tracer of Ag-111 for measurement of perturbed angular correlation in biomolecules
- Elution curves of Nb and Ta in anion-exchange chromatography with HF/HNO3 solutions
- Observation of the internal magnetic field at the A site of a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
- TDPAC studies of hyperfine fields in a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
- Internal magnetic field at the A site of a perovskite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
- Investigation of initial process in negative pion capture by measuring pionic X-ray intensities
- Development of microchannel-microelectrode chip for redox reaction of heavy elements
- Measurement of the excitation function of 238U(16O,4n)250Fm reaction and chemical behavior of the liquid-liquid extraction of fermium
- Measurement of electric field gradient in mavicyanin by perturbed angular correlation using a parent probe tracer of Ag-111
- Measurements of excitation function for 238U(16O,4n)250Fm reaction and liquid-liquid extraction behavior of fermium
- Measurement of hyperfine fields in mavicyanine by the PAC method using 111Ag parent nuclei
- Construction of a TDPAC measurement system with VME standard modules and its use to study local fields at 111Cd(←111In) in Al-doped ZnO
- Local fields of In-doped ZnO probed by 111Cd(←111In)
- Online TDPAC study with the 19F(←19O) probe implanted in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
- Local fields at impurity sites in indium-doped ZnO
- Dynamic motion of 140Ce(←140La) confined in the cage of hexaboride
- 57Mn implantation Mössbauer spectroscopy in HIMAC, RIKEN-RIPS, and CERN-ISOLDE
- PAC measurement using parent probe of 111Ag
- Observation of local fields in In-doped ZnO
- Measurements of the hyperfine field in mavicyanin by the PAC method using 111Ag parent nuclei
- Observation of local fields in indium-doped ZnO
- Improvement of signal to noise ratio of 57Mn in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy by utilizing plastic scintillation counter
- Observation of local fields in ZnO doped with group 13 elements
- In-beam Mössbauer experiment on stress-induced iron diffusion in silicon
- Diffusion of muon in hydrogen tungsten bronze
- Anionic fluoro complex of element 105, Db
- Measurement of the Hyperfine Field in Mavicyanin by the PAC Method Using 111In Probes
- Observation of local fields in silver-doped ZnO
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「量子ビームおよび不安定核を利用した酸化亜鉛中不純物ドナーの状態解析と電気特性制御」(2022-2024) 代表者
○基盤研究(A)(一般)「原子線共鳴法を利用した高核スピン偏極RIビーム生成装置の開発」(2018-2022) 分担者
○基盤研究(B)(一般)「核分光法による酸化亜鉛中の不純物が誘起する伝導性と希薄磁性の探索」(2014-2017) 代表者
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「液相における超重元素ラザホージウムの陽イオン化学種の同定とその化学挙動 」(2011-2013) 分担者
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「酸化亜鉛中不純物ドナー位置での伝導電子散乱現象の探索」(2011-2013) 代表者
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「局所場観察によるマンガン酸化物の超巨大磁気抵抗発現機構の解明」(2008-2010) 代表者
○萌芽研究「第2世代化学種としてのミュオン原子の化学反応 」(2004-2005) 分担者
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「固体酸素にイオン注入したFe原子の電子状態とその磁性 」(2003-2004) 分担者
○若手研究(B)(一般)「γ線摂動角相関法によるフラーレン超伝導体の局所磁場測定」(2003-2004) 代表者
○基盤研究(B)(一般)「重元素領域の単一原子化学(ノーベリウムの酸化還元) 」(2002-2003) 分担者
○特別研究員奨励費 (DC1)「放射性核種をプローブとする金属内包フラーレンの電子状態の研究」(1997-1999) 代表者
○競争的資金(学外) (2022-2024) 研究 科研費基盤研究C
○競争的資金(学外) (2018-2022) 研究 科研費 基盤研究A
○金沢子ども科学財団(2023-2024) 小・中学生向けの放射線教室
○金沢子ども科学財団(2009-2018) おもしろ放射線教室