


中野 正浩 (なかの まさひろ) 准教授 NAKANO, Masahiro



理工研究域 物質化学系


理工学域 物質化学類
自然科学研究科 物質化学専攻


電気化学研究室 TEL:076-234-4770


広島大学大学院 博士課程 工学研究科 応用化学専攻 修了
岡山大学大学院 修士課程 環境学研究科 資源循環学専攻
岡山大学  環境物質工学化 卒業












  • Naphthodithiophenediimide (NDTI): Synthesis, Structure, and Applications JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 135巻 31号 11445頁 2013/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Thienannulation: Efficient synthesis of π-extended thienoacenes applicable to organic semiconductors European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2号 217頁 2013/01 査読有
  • Isomerically Pure Anthra[2,3-b:6,7-b ']-difuran (anti-ADF), -dithiophene (anti-ADT), and -diselenophene (anti-ADS): Selective Synthesis, Electronic Structures, and Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 77巻 18号 8099頁 2012/09 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphtho[2,3-b:6,7-b ']dichalcogenophenes: Syntheses, Characterizations, and Chalcogene Atom Effects on Organic Field-Effect Transistor and Organic Photovoltaic Devices CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 24巻 1号 190頁 2012/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Borylation on Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b ']- and Naphtho[1,2-b:5,6-b ']dichalcogenophenes: Different Chalcogene Atom Effects on Borylation Reaction Depending on Fused Ring Structure ORGANIC LETTERS 14巻 21号 5448頁 2012/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)


  • Angular-shaped naphthodifurans, naphtho[1,2-b;5,6-b ']- and naphtho[2,1-b;6,5-b ']-difuran: are they isoelectronic with chrysene? CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 48巻 45号 5671頁 2012 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Reversible Dimerization and Polymerization of a Janus Diradical To Produce Labile C-C Bonds and Large Chromic Effects ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 55巻 47号 14563頁 2016/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • N,N '-Bis(2-cyclohexylethyl)naphtho[2,3-b:6,7-b ']dithiophene Diimides: Effects of Substituents MOLECULES 21巻 8号 2016/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Organic Semiconductors Based on [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene Substructure ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 47巻 5号 1493頁 2014/05 査読有
  • Selective thionation of naphtho[2,3-b] thiophene diimide: tuning of the optoelectronic properties and packing structure ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS 4巻 5号 704頁 2017/05 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphtho[2,3-b]thiophene diimide (NTI): a mono-functionalisable core-extended naphthalene diimide for electron-deficient architectures JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 4巻 38号 8879頁 2016 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Sodium Sulfide-Promoted Thiophene-Annulations: Powerful Tools for Elaborating Organic Semiconducting Materials CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 29巻 1号 256頁 2017/01 査読有
  • Electron-deficient thienoacenes for opto/electronic applications Takimiya Kazuo,Nakano Masahiro,Osaka Itaru ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 251巻 2016/03/13 査読有
  • pi-Building Blocks for Organic Electronics: Revaluation of "Inductive" and "Resonance" Effects of pi-Electron Deficient Units CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 26巻 1号 587頁 2014/01 査読有
  • Synthesis and Characterization of 2,3,9,10-Tetradendronized Pentacene CHEMISTRY LETTERS 41巻 12号 1622頁 2012/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Comparison among Perylene Diimide (PDI), Naphthalene Diimide (NDI), and Naphthodithiophene Diimide (NDTI) Based n-Type Polymers for All-Polymer Solar Cells Application MACROMOLECULES 50巻 8号 3179頁 2017/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphthodithiophenediimide-Benzobisthiadiazole-Based Polymers: Versatile n-Type Materials for Field-Effect Transistors and Thermoelectric Devices MACROMOLECULES 50巻 3号 857頁 2017/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Control of Major Carriers in an Ambipolar Polymer Semiconductor by Self-Assembled Monolayers ADVANCED MATERIALS 29巻 1号 2017/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • N,N '-Unsubstituted Naphthodithiophene Diimide: Synthesis and Derivatization via N-Alkylation and -Arylation ORGANIC LETTERS 18巻 15号 3770頁 2016/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Design and elaboration of organic molecules for high field-effect-mobility semiconductors SYNTHETIC METALS 217巻 68頁 2016/07 査読有
  • Naphthodithiophene Diimide-Based Copolymers: Ambipolar Semiconductors in Field-Effect Transistors and Electron Acceptors with Near-Infrared Response in Polymer Blend Solar Cells MACROMOLECULES 49巻 5号 1752頁 2016/03 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphthodithiophenediimide (NDTI)-based triads for high-performance air-stable, solution-processed ambipolar organic field-effect transistors JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 3巻 17号 4244頁 2015 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • alpha-Modified Naphthodithiophene Diimides-Molecular Design Strategy for Air-Stable n-Channel Organic Semiconductors CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27巻 18号 6418頁 2015/09 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Thienothiophene-2,5-Dione-Based Donor-Acceptor Polymers: Improved Synthesis and Influence of the Donor Units on Ambipolar Charge Transport Properties ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 1巻 6号 2015/06 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphthodithiophene Diimide (NDTI)-Based Semiconducting Copolymers: From Ambipolar to Unipolar n-Type Polymers MACROMOLECULES 48巻 3号 576頁 2015/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Dibenzo[a,e]pentalene-embedded dicyanomethylene-substituted thienoquinoidals for n-channel organic semiconductors: synthesis, properties, and device characteristics JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 3巻 2号 283頁 2015 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • All-Polymer Solar Cell with High Near-Infrared Response Based on a Naphthodithiophene Diimide (NDTI) Copolymer ACS MACRO LETTERS 3巻 9号 872頁 2014/09 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Novel dibenzo[a, e] pentalene-based conjugated polymers JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2巻 1号 64頁 2014 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Thiophene-fused naphthalene diimides: New building blocks for electron deficient p-functional materials Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 91巻 1号 121頁 2018 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Reproducible perovskite solar cells using a simple solvent mediated sol−gel synthesized NiOx hole transport layer Ersan Y. Muslih,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Md. Akhtaruzzaman,Mohammad,Ismail Hossain,LiangLe Wang,He,I. Alkhammash,Sami S. Alharthi,Masahiro Nakano,Makoto KARAKAWA,Mohammod Aminuzzaman,Lai Hock Tey,Kamaruzzaman Sopian,jean-michel Nunzi,Tetsuya TAIMA Applied Physics Express 2021/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Dopant-Free Mexylaminotriazine Molecular Glass Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells L. Wang,M. Shahiduzzaman,E. Y. Muslih,M. Nakano,M. Karakawa,K. Tomita,O. Level,J. M. Nunzi,T. Taima ACS Applied Energy Materials 4巻 11号 12232頁 2021/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Selective Extraction of Nonfullerene Acceptors from Bulk-Heterojunction Layer in Organic Solar Cells for Detailed Analysis of Microstructure Masahiro Nakano*,Akira Takahara,Kenji Genda,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Makoto Karakawa,Tetsuya Taima,Kohshin Takahashi* Materials 14巻 9号 2107頁 2021/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Switchable Crystal Phase and Orientation of Evaporated Zinc Phthalocyanine Films for Efficient Organic Photovoltaics The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020/09/22 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Low-Temperature Processed TiOx Electron Transport Layer for Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells Nanomaterials 10巻 9号 1676頁 2020/08/26 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Metal oxide compact electron transport layer modification for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells Materials 13巻 9号 2020/05/01 査読有
  • Substrate-driven switchable molecular orientation in bulk heterojunction films identified using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy Molecular Systems Design and Engineering 5巻 2号 559頁 2020/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Factors contributing to degradation of organic photovoltaic cells Makoto Karakawa,* Kenji Suzuki, Takayuki Kuwabara, Tetsuya Taima, Keiji Nagai, Masahiro Nakano, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Kohshin Takahashi Organic Electronics 76巻 105448頁 2020 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • The effect of alkyl chain branching positions on the electron mobility and photovoltaic performance of naphthodithiophene diimide (NDTI)-based polymers SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY 62巻 12号 1649頁 2019/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Thermal Control of PbI2 Film Growth for Two-Step Planar Perovskite Solar Cells Md. Shahiduzzaman,Keitaro Hamada,Kohei Yamamoto,Masahiro Nakano,Makoto Karakawa,Kohshin Takahashi,Tetsuya Taima Crystal Growth and Design 19巻 9号 5320頁 2019 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • High-performance solution-processed organic thin-film transistors based on a soluble DNTT derivative ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 46巻 68頁 2017/07 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Naphthalene diimide-incorporated helical thienoacene: a helical molecule with high electron mobility, good solubility, and thermally stable solid phase. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 56巻 82号 12343頁 2020/10/15 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Solution-crystallized n-type organic thin-film transistors: An impact of branched alkyl chain on high electron mobility and thermal durability Organic Electronics 62巻 548頁 2018/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • “Disrupt and Induce” Intermolecular Interactions to Rationally Design Organic Semiconductor Crystals: from Herringbone to Rubrene-like Pitched π-Stack Chengyuan Wang, Daisuke Hashizume, Masahiro Nakano, Takuya Ogaki, Hiroyuki Takenaka, Kohsuke Kawabata and Kazuo Takimiya* Chemical Science 11巻 6号 1573頁 2020 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Air-stable and balanced split-gate organic transistors Yoo Hocheon,Nakano Masahiro,On Sungmin,Ahn Hyungju,Lee Han-Koo,Takimiya Kazuo,Kim Jae-Joon ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 63巻 200頁 2018/12 査読有
  • Low-cost molecular glass hole transport material for perovskite solar cells Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2021/01/20 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Investigation of Degradation Mechanism of Y6-Based Inverted Organic Solar Cells and Their Utilization in Durable Near-Infrared Photo-Detection Naoya Tanaka,Masahiro Nakano,Tomoki Kobayashi,Akira Takahara,Takahiro Fujinuki,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Makoto Karakawa,Tetsuya Taima,Koichi Iiyama Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2100718頁 2021/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Gate-tunable gas sensing behaviors in air-stable ambipolar organic thin-film transistors Hyunah Kwon, Hocheon Yoo, Masahiro Nakano, Kazuo Takimiya, Jae-Joon Kim,* Jong Kyu Kim* RSC Advances 10巻 1910頁 2020 査読有
  • Tuning the absorption range of naphthothiophene diimide-based acceptors for organic solar cells Johan Hamonnet,Masahiro Nakano*,Akira Takahar,Kazuo Takimiya Dyes and Pigments 171巻 107691頁 2019/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Double-layer CsI intercalation into an MAPbI3 framework for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells LiangLe Wang,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Ersan Y. Muslih,Masahiro Nakano,Makoto Karakawa,Kohshin Takahashi,Koji Tomita,Jean Michel Nunzi,Tetsuya Taima Nano Energy 86巻 106135頁 2021/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Magnesium diethynylporphyrin derivatives with strong near-infrared absorption for solution-process bulk heterojunction organic solar cells Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 25巻 02号 128頁 2021/02 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Ionic Liquid-Assisted MAPbI3 Nanoparticle-Seeded Growth for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13巻 4号 18頁 2021/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Study on Properties of Low-Temperature-Prepared Zinc Oxide-Based Inverted Organic Solar Cells and Improvement of their Photodurability Masahiro Nakano*,Sae Nakagawa,Fumiya Sato,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Makoto Karakawa,Tetsuya Taima,Kohshin Takahashi* ACS Applied Energy Materials 2021/06 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • The benefits of ionic liquids for the fabrication of efficient and stable perovskite photovoltaics Chemical Engineering Journal 411巻 128461頁 2021/05 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • A single-phase brookite TiO2 nanoparticle bridge enhances the stability of perovskite solar cells Sustainable Energy and Fuels 4巻 4号 2009頁 2020/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Two isomeric perylenothiophene diimides: physicochemical properties and applications in organic semiconducting devices Nakano Masahiro,Nakano Kyohei,Takimiya Kazuo,Tajima Keisuke JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 7巻 8号 2267頁 2019/02/28 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • Bis(naphthothiophene diimide)indacenodithiophenes as Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 29巻 22号 9618頁 2017/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Study on Photo-Degradation of Inverted Organic Solar Cells Caused by Generation of Potential Barrier between PEDOT:PSS and PBDB-Ts Akira Takahara,Masahiro Nakano*,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Makoto Karakawa,Tetsuya Taima,Khoshin Takahashi,Hajime Shibata,Atsushi Masuda Sustainable Energy & Fuels 5巻 3092頁 2021/05 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌) 
  • High performance photoanodic catalyst prepared from an active organic photovoltaic cell – high potential gain from visible light Keiji Nagai,Takayuki Kuwabara,Mohd Fairus Ahmad,Masahiro Nakano,Makoto Kawakawa,Tetsuya Taima,Kohshin Takahashi Chemical Communications 55巻 83号 12491頁 2019 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Statistical analysis of properties of non-fullerene acceptors for organic photovoltaics Naoya Yamaguchi,Hiroaki Sano,Hikaru Sawahata,Masahiro Nakano,Tetsuya Taima,Fumiyuki Ishii,Makoto Karakawa Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2022/01 査読有
  • Electrode sticker for electrode lamination process enables highly durable inverted organic solar cells Takahiro Fujinuki,Masahiro Nakano,LiangLe Wang,Md. Shahiduzzaman,Makoto Karakawa,Tetsuya Taima Synthetic Metals 285巻 117024頁 2022/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Tuning the absorption range of naphthothiophene diimide-based acceptors for organic solar cells  Johan Hamonnet, Masahiro Nakano, Akira Takahar, Kazuo Takimiya  Dyes and Pigments 171巻 107691頁 2019/12/01 査読有
  • The effect of alkyl chain branching positions on the electron mobility and photovoltaic performance of naphthodithiophene diimide (NDTI)-based polymers  Yang, Jing, An, Ning, Sun, Su, Sun, Xiangnan, Nakano, Masahiro, Takimiya, Kazuo, Xiao, Bo, Zhou, Erjun  SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY 62巻 1649-1655頁 2019/12/01 査読有
  • Factors contributing to degradation of organic photovoltaic cells  Makoto Karakawa,* Kenji Suzuki, Takayuki Kuwabara, Tetsuya Taima, Keiji Nagai, Masahiro Nakano, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Kohshin Takahashi  Organic Electronics 76巻 105448頁 2020/01/01 査読有
  • Gate-tunable gas sensing behaviors in air-stable ambipolar organic thin-film transistors  Hyunah Kwon, Hocheon Yoo, Masahiro Nakano, Kazuo Takimiya, Jae-Joon Kim,* Jong Kyu Kim*  RSC Advances 2020/01/09 査読有
  • Substrate-driven switchable molecular orientation in bulk heterojunction films identified ysing infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy  Md. Shahiduzzaman,* Tomoki Hirayama, Tatsuki Chikamatsu, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Masahiro Nakano, Tetsuhiko Miyadera, Makoto Karakawa, Kohshin Takahashi, Tetsuya Taima,*  Molecular Systems Design and Engineering 2019/12/17 査読有
  • “Disrupt and Induce” Intermolecular Interactions to Rationally Design Organic Semiconductor Crystals: from Herringbone to Rubrene-like Pitched π-Stack  Chengyuan Wang, Daisuke Hashizume, Masahiro Nakano, Takuya Ogaki, Hiroyuki Takenaka, Kohsuke Kawabata and Kazuo Takimiya*  Chemical science 11巻 1573-1580頁 2020/01/07 査読有
  • A single-phase brookite TiO2 nanoparticle bridge enhances the stability of perovskite solar cells Md. Shahiduzzaman, Ashish Kulkarni, Sem Visal, LiangLe Wang, Masahiro Nakano, Makoto Karakawa, Kohshin Takahashi, Shinjiro Umezu, Atsushi Masuda, Satoru Iwamori, Masao Isomura, Tsutomu Miyasaka, Koji Tomita and Tetsuya Taima  Sustainable Energy & Fuels  4巻 2009-2017頁 2020/02/09 査読有 原著論文








○寄附金 (2019-2020) 研究 有機半導体 ― 無機酸化物界面の修飾による新奇な電子機能性の開拓  国際科学技術財団研究助成金 国際科学技術財団











