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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/01/08

Associate Professor YAMAGUCHI, Hiromichi

Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Environmental Engineering Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Environmental and Urban Engineering, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tohoku University Doctor Graduate school of engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 201603 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tohoku University Department of Civil engineering and Architecture 201103
Ph.D. in Engineering


Tokyo Institute of Technology(2016/09/10-2018/03/31)
ETH zurich Institute for Transport Planning and Systems Visiting Scholar(2017/01-2017/03)
Tohoku University International Research Institute of Disaster Science JSPS research fellow (PD)(2016/04-2017/03)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Japan society for natural disaster science
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Japan society of civil engineers


Japan society of civil engineers
Japan society of civil engineers
Japan society of civil engineers
Japan society of civil engineers
Japan society of civil engineers


Civil engineering project/Traffic engineering

Speciality Keywords

Transportation, Disaster prevention and mitigation, Long distance travel, Data science

Research Themes

Analysis of mobile phone location data by image processing technology

>> For detailed explanations about research themes, please access LAb. Web site.

Design of long-haul passenger network taking into account demand information including seasonal variations

Time-series analysis of long-distance travel behavior, including abnormalities



  •  Comparison between algebraic connectivity-based and global efficiency-based vulnerability for railway topology analysis: A case study of Kyushu, Japan Pongwit Promsuwan, Shoichiro Nakayama, Hiromichi Yamaguchi, and Shun-ichi Kobayashi  Asian Transport Studies 8 100074 2022
  •  A link-based semi-dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment model considering signal effect Kosuke Koike, Shoichiro Nakayama, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi  Asian Transport Studies 8 100062 2022
  •  Managing a multiple-gateway airport system with super high-speed rail Mikio Takebayashi and Hiromichi Yamaguchi  Journal of Air Transport Management 99 102177 2022
  •  Potential discharge, attenuation and exposure risk of SARS-CoV-2 in natural water bodies receiving treated wastewater 4 8 2021
  •  Analysis of Bus Fare Structure to Observe Modal Shift, Operator Profit, and Land-Use Choices through Combined Unified Transport Model Nazam Ali, Shoichiro Nakayama, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi  Sustainability 14 2 139 2021

show all

  •  Japanese travel behavior trends and change under COVID-19 state-of-emergency declaration: Nationwide observation by mobile phone location data 9 100288 2020
  •  Detection of base travel groups with different sensitivities to new high-speed rail services: Non-negative tensor decomposition approach 97 37-46 2020
  •  高齢者の災害避難支援のための「災害脆弱地区マップ」の作成:地方中規模A市の河川浸水災害を焦点化して 21 3 19-29 2020
  •  Feature Extraction of Inter-region Travel Pattern Using Random Matrix Theory and Mobile Phone Location Data Wataru NAKANISHI, Hiromichi YAMAGUCHI and Daisuke FUKUDA Transportation Research Procedia 34 115-122 2018
  •  Frequency Distribution of Leisure Travel by the Japanese: The Past and Future Hiromichi YAMAGUCHI, Makoto OKUMURA Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11 566-579 2015
  •  Network Fortification Model for Intercity Passenger Transportation Huseyin TIRTOM, Makoto OKUMURA, Hiromichi YAMAGUCHI, Rubel DAS Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11 75-89 2015
  •  Time Value Distribution and Multi-modal Intercity Travel Network Shape: Theoretical Analysis for the Typical Setting Hiromichi Yamaguchi and Makoto Okumura Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 138 602-611 2014
  •  Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gasoline Shortages in the Tohoku Region after the Great East Japan Earthquake Takashi Akamatsu, Minoru Osawa, Takeshi Nagae and Hiromichi Yamaguchi Journal of JSCE Special Topic - 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake 1 1 447-469 2013
  •  Planning model of optimal modal-mix in intercity passenger transportation Makoto Okumura, Huseyin Tirtom, Hiromichi Yamaguchi Proceedings of International Conference on Low-carbon Transportation and Logistics, and Green Buildings 309-314 2012

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Basic Probability Theory(2021)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2021)
○Road policy(2021)
○Study on Transportation Planning(2021)
○Road policy(2021)
○Road policy(2021)
○Graduation thesis Or Design(2021)
○Transportation Planning(2021)
○Study on Transportation Planning(2021)
○Method of Experiment/Survey Analysis(2021)
○Transportation Planning(2020)
○Method of Experiment/Survey Analysis(2020)
○Road policy(2020)
○Study on Transportation Planning(2020)
○Road policy(2020)
○Study on Transportation Planning(2020)
○Road policy(2020)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2020)
○Graduation thesis Or Design(2020)
○Basic Probability Theory(2020)
○Study on Transportation Planning(2020)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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