Professor SATO(HONOKI) Miki
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Criminal Procedure
College and School Educational Field
Division of Legal Affairs, Graduate School of Law
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kansai University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Law 199203 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
Master of law
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Association International De Droit Pénal
Criminal Law Society of Japan
Criminal procedure,Evidence
Speciality Keywords
Criminal procedure, Evidence Act, Exclusionary Rules, Child abuse, Parquet européen
Research Themes
problems of proof of the child abuse
Standards, proceedings & proof of the Exclusionary Rules
- Transaction pénale par la police judiciaire Miki SATO 下 619-641 2017/01
- L'admissibilité de la deposition de l'accusé sous l'interrogatoire illégal en l’absence d’un avocat après l’arrestation dans l'arrêt Ibrahim et autres c/Royaume-Uni13.9.2016 [GC] de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme Miki Sato Human Rights Jurisprudence Journal 3 38 2021/12/25
- L'admissibilité des preuves illegales de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme dans l'arrêt Ibrahim et autres c/Royaume-Uni13.9.2016 [GC] Miki SATO Kanazawa Law Review 62 1 61-86 2019/08/30
- La coopération pénale dans l’Union européenne et Le nouveau Parquet européen (1) Miki Sato Kanazawa Law Review 64 2 155 2022/03/31
- Le nouveau Parquet européen(2) Sato (Honoki)Miki Kanazawa Law Review 65 1 101-122 2022/07/31
Conference Presentations
- Judicial precedents of the legitimacy of the surveillance on the streets by the security cameras of the prefectural police (2017/11/01)
- The Development of Controls under the Acts of Prevention and Treatment against Child Abuse (2022/06/25)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Criminal Procedure(2022)
○Seminar on Legal Studies(2021)
○Seminar on Legal Studies(2017)
○Legal Practice(2017)
○Seminar on Legal Studies(2017)
○Seminar on Legal Studies(2016)
○Seminar on Legal Studies(2016)
○Legal Practice(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Seminar on Criminal Procedure(2021)
○Criminal Procedure II (D)(2021)
○Seminar on Criminal Procedure(2021)
○Criminal Procedure(2021)
○Medical Jurisprudence(2021)
○Criminal Procedure(2017)
○Law and Contemporary Issues(2017)
○Criminal Procedure(2017)
○Seminar on Criminal Procedure(2017)
○Criminal Policy(2017)
○Seminar on Criminal Procedure(2016)
○Criminal Procedure(2016)