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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/16

Associate Professor TANIGUCHI Yoshimi


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences



Academic Background



Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing
Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing



Gerontological nursing

Speciality Keywords

Gerontorogical Nursing, dementia care, Nursing Theory(Patricia Benner), Nursing Ethics

Research Themes

Patterns of Difficulty Experienced by Nurses Caring for Elderly Patients with Dementia in Medical Facilities

The purpose of this study was to describe and clarify nurses' experience of difficulties with institutionalized elderly patients with dementia in medical facilities. This study was a qualitative study using grounded theory guided data collection and analysis. Twenty-seven registered nurses (RN) who care for elderly with dementia in medical facilities were interviewed. Finally, a core category emerged following the refinement of categories and diagrams. Dimensions of Accepting patients and their situation was the core category and four categories were identified : An encounter with demented patients, necessity to watch, the tension of the routine work, and conflict between families and nurses. Antecedent conditions were an encounter with demented patients and conflict between families and nurses.



Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「臨床判断力育成を包含した転倒予防のコンピューターシミュレーションプログラムの開発 」(2012-2015) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Nursing Ethics(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Clinical Practice(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Clinical Practice(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Skills Laboratory(2023)
○Academic Skill(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Clinical Practice(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Skills Laboratory(2023)
○Presentation and Debate(2023)
○Introduction to Gerontological Nursing(2023)
○Concept of Nursing Research(2023)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2023)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2023)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Seminar(2023)
○Gerontological and Rehabilitation Nursing: Lecture(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing:Semi.(2021)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lec.(2021)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2021)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing:Semi.(2020)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lec.(2020)
○Nursing Theory: Lecture(2020)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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