Professor AKITA Junichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Interface Device Laboratory
College and School Educational Field
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Information and Communication Engineering, School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
School of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Studies, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation
Interface Device Laboratory TEL:076-234-4864 FAX:076-264-6404
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School, Division of Engineering 199803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo 199303
Kanazawa University Dept. of Elec.&Comp.Eng.(1998/04/01-2000/03/31)
Future University-Hakodate Dept. of Media Architecture(2000/04/01-2004/03/31)
Kanazawa University Grad.Sch. of Natural Sci.&Tech.(2004/04/01-)
Kanazawa University Grad.Sc.of Nat. Sci.&Tech.(2008/01/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Institure of Image Information and Television Engineers
Institure of Image Information and Television Engineers
○Best Paper Award, Entertainment Computing 2008, Society for Art and Science(2008/10)
○Best Paper Award, Entertainment Computing 2008, Society for Art and Science(2008/10)
○IEICE MVE Award, 5th 2008(2008)
○IEICE MVE Award, 5th 2008(2008)
○IEICE MVE Award, 5th 2008(2008)
○IEICE MVE Award, 5th 2008(2008)
○IEICE MVE Award, 5th 2008(2008)
○Patent of the Year 2006(2006)
○PIC10F Design Contest(2007)
○ISID Best Poster Award(2022/03/15)
○ISID Best Poster Award(2022/03/15)
○Best Demo Award by Comittee(2014/12/06)
Electron device/Electronic equipment、Intelligent informatics
Speciality Keywords
Integrated Circuits, Image Sensor, Interactive System, Wearable Computing
Research Themes
Perception Extension Device
Perception extension device based on human's spatial exploration action.
- A Method for Reducing Power Consumption of CMOS Logic Based on Signal Transition Probability IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E78-C 4 436-440 1995/04
- A Tree Structure of Automata for Selective I mage Scanning and Its Implementation Comuters Electronics Engineering 23 6 453-461 1997/06
- An Image Scanning Method with Selective Activation of Tree Structure IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E80-C 7 956-961 1997/07
- Fast Square-area Detection Algorithm using Automata for VLSI Implementation 54 2 248-251 2000/02
- Rough information processing -- a computing paradigm for analog systems E87-C 11 1177-1179 2004/11
- Vision Chip Architecture for Detecting Line of Sight Including Saccade J.Akita, H.Takagi, T.Nagasaki, M.TOda, T.Kawashima, A.Kitagawa 2006/11
- TextileNet: Flexible Network Infrastructure for Wearable Computing Using Conductive Fabric 1 2 201-205 2006/12
- Pulse number control of electrical resistance for multi-level storage based on phase change K.Nakayama, M.Takata, T.Kasai, A.Kitagawa, J.Akita 40 1 5061-5065 2007/08
- Column-Parallel Vision Chip Architecture for High-Resolution Line-of-Sight Detection Including Saccade J.Akita, H.Takagi, K.Doumae, A.Kitagawa, M.Toda, T.Nagasaki, T.Kawashima 90 10 1869-1875 2007/10
- Wearable Electromyography Measurement System using Cable Free Network System on Conductive Fabric J.Akita, T.Shinmura, S.Sakurazawa, K.Yanagihara, M.Kunita, M.Toda, K.Iwata 42 2 99-108
- CMOS image sensor with pseudorandom pixel placement 5 10 383-393 2008/05
- Power Line Communication Transceiver on Conductive Wear for Wearable Computing T.Murakami, J.Akita, M.Toda 4 3 287-291 2008/10
- CyARM: Haptic Sensing Device for Spatial Localization on Basis of Exploration by Arms J.Akita, T.Komatsu, K.Ito, T.Ono, M.Okamoto Vol.2009 901707 2010/01
- A rectifier structure for UHF RFID transponder with high efficiency J.Cui, J.Akita, A.Kitagawa 7 14 1086-1090 2010/07
- Power Line Communication Transceiver on Conductive Fabric for Wearable Computing T.Ameyama, J.Akita, M.Toda, S.Sakurazawa, K.Kondo, Y.Nakamura 5 1 47-57 2011/02
- A Position Detection Method of Devices on Conductive Clothes by Controlling LED Blinking 11 2 2013/04
- Seasonal pigment fluctuation in diploid and polyploid Arabidopsis revealed by machine learning-based phenotyping method PlantServation R.Akiyama, T.Goto, T.Tameshige, J.Sugisaka, K.Kuroki, J.Q.Sun, J.Akita, M.Hatakeyama, H.Kudoh, T.Kenta, A.Tonouchi, Y.Shimahara, J.Sese, N.Kutsuna, R.Shimizu-Inatsugi, K.K.Shimizu Nature Communications 14 Article 5792 2023
- The Effect of Pseudorandom Pixel Placement on Unconstrained Face Recognition Performance Using Single Learning Image M.S.Hadis, J.Akita, M.Toda, Nurzaenab ICIC Express Letters 17 11 1217-1224 2023/11
- Open-source, multi-layer LSI design & fabrication framework for distributed IP development and education Junchi Akita International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies 6 4 2023/10
- CMOS Image Sensor with Pseudorandom Pixel Placement for Image Measurement using Hough Transform Junichi Akita, Masashi Toda ITE Trans. on Media Technology and Applications 6 3 212-216 2018/07/01
- CMOS Image Sensor for High Speed and Low Latency Eye Tracking Junichi Akita IEICE Electronics Express Article ID: 15.20180785 2018/11
- Pixel Parameter Optimization for Jaggy Reduction in Line Representation using Pseudorandom Pixel Placement C.Izaki, J.Akita ITE Trans. on Media Technology and Applications 3 4 263-267 2015/10/01
- FutureBody-Finger: A Novel Alternative Aid for Visually Impaired Persons International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 7 182 54-64 2015/07/01
Conference Presentations
- Evaluation of Pseudorandom Pixel Placement in Enhancing Face Recognition using VGG-Face(conference:2023 International Conference on Image, Video Processing and Artigficial Intelligence)(2023/12)
- Impact of Open Source and NDA-free on LSI Design and Fabrication(conference:26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2021))(2021/01)
- Open Source LSI Design & Fabrication Project for Distributed IP Development (conference:International Conference on Analog VLSI Circuits (AVIC2016))(2017/08/20)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Integrated Circuits
○Ubiquitous Sensor Network
○Wearable Computing System using Conductive Wear
○Clear Vision System
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「着るアシスタント: 動作と行動の支援と教示を行うためのセンシングと認識の統合
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○Precise Multi-channel EMG Measurement System(2008-)
○High Resolution Image Sensor for Small & High-Speed Eye Tracking(2006-2006)
○Emulation System for High-Speed & High-Resolution Image Sensors with Capability of Image Processing(2008-2008)
○EMG Measurement System using Conductive Wear(2007-2007)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Microelectronics II B(2019)
○Information and Computer System Engineering Laboratory 3(2019)
○Microelectronics II A(2019)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis I and Exercise(2018)
○Microelectronics II A(2018)
○Research Project(2018)
○Vlsi Design & Practice(2018)
○Information and Computer System Engineering Laboratory 3(2018)
○Introduction to Engineering(2018)
○Microelectronics II B(2018)
○Research Project(2017)
○Vlsi Design & Practice(2017)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis I and Exercise(2017)
○Information and Computer System Engineering Laboratory 3(2017)
○Ethics and Legal Issues in Engineering(2017)
○Ethics and Legal Issues in Engineering(2017)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2017)
○Ethics and Legal Issues in Engineering(2017)
○Ethics and Legal Issues in Engineering(2017)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis I and Exercise(2017)
○Microelectronics II(2017)
○Introduction to Engineering(2017)
○Research Project(2016)
○Research Project(2016)
○Information and Computer System Engineering Laboratory 3(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Vlsi Design & Practice(2016)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis I and Exercise(2016)
○Microelectronics II(2016)
○Introduction to Engineering(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Information-reinforced Mechatronics balanced with Environment A(2017)
○Interface Device Technologies(2017)
○Research Ethics(2017)
○Information-reinforced Mechatronics balanced with Environment B(2017)
○Fostering the independence of researchers(2017)
○Fostering the independence of researchers(2017)
○Advanced Seminar(2017)
○Technology Trend Engineering(2017)
○Interface Device Technologies(2017)
○Interface Device Technologies(2017)
○Interface Device Technologies(2017)
○Interface Device Technologies(2016)
○Information-reinforced Mechatronics balanced with Environment B(2016)
○Technology Trend Engineering(2016)
○Information-reinforced Mechatronics balanced with Environment A(2016)