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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/08/26

Assistant Professor MATSUZAKI Taro

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Physical Therapy,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


 TEL:076-265-2623 FAX:076-234-4372

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences 200403 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University 200203
Chubu Rehabilitation College 199303


Division of Health Sciences, Graduate school of Medical Science, Kanazawa University.(2007/04/01-)
Division of Rehabilitation Science, Department of Health Science, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University.(2005/05/01-2007/03/31)
Miyazaki Hospital(1993/04/01-2000/03/18)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

the Society of Physical Therapy Science



Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering

Speciality Keywords

Joint Contracture, Physiotherapy

Research Themes

Histopathological changes of joint components by joint contracture.

Histopathological changes of joint components by joint contracture. Joint contracture is a part of disuse syndrome induced by reduced joint movement caused by regional immobilization, bedrest, etc., and accounts for a large portion of clinical caseloads in physical therapy. However, consensus is yet to be reached on the pathology of joint components affected by joint contracture, despite the publication of various reports on the subject. We developed a joint contracture model by using various methods to immobilize the knee joints of rat hindlimbs, and have been histopathologically observing changes in joint components (e.g. joint cartilage, joint capsule, synovium, fat tissue), clarifying the effects of physical therapy treatment, and examining more effective treatment approaches.



  •  Age-related changes in rat joint capsule Matsuzaki T, Takahashi I, Hoso M. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 35 12 763-767 2023/12
  •  Treadmill Exercise Suppresses Histological Progression of Disuse Atrophy in Articular Cartilage in Rat Knee Joints during Hindlimb Suspension Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Kuroki H, Hoso M. Cartilage 14 4 482-491 2023/12
  •  Range of motion exercise suppresses myofibroblast proliferation in the joint capsule in a rat joint contracture model Matsuzaki T, Yoshida S, Hoso, M. J Wellness Health Care 46 1 39-47 2022/08
  •  Physiological Reloading Recovers Histologically Disuse Atrophy of the Articular Cartilage and Bone by Hindlimb Suspension in Rat Knee Joint Takahashi I., Matsuzaki T., Kuroki H., Hoso M. CARTILAGE 13 2 1530S-39S 2021/12
  •  Histological changes in articular cartilage by exercise Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Hoso, M. J Wellness Health Care 2023 1 1-10 2023/08

show all

  •  Reduction of knee joint load suppresses cartilage degeneration, osteophyte formation, and synovitis in early-stage osteoarthritis using a post-traumatic rat model Takahashi I, Takeda K, Matsuzaki T, Kuroki H, Hoso M. PLoS ONE 16 7 e0254383 2021/07
  •  Disuse Atrophy of Articular Cartilage Induced by Unloading Condition Accelerates Histological Progression of Osteoarthritis in a Post-traumatic Rat Model Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Kuroki H, Hoso M. CARTILAGE 13 2 1947603520982350 2020/12
  •  Disuse histological changes of an unloading environment on joint components in rat knee joints Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Kuroki H, Hoso M. Osteoarthr. Cartil. Open 1 1 100008 2019/11
  •  Daily and short-term application of joint movement for the prevention of infrapatellar fat pad atrophy due to immobilization Takeda K, Takeshima E, Kojima S, Watanabe M, Matsuzaki T, Hoso M. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 31 11 873-877 2019/08
  •  Joint unloading inhibits articular cartilage degeneration in knee joints of a monosodium iodoacetate-induced rat model of osteoarthritis Takahashi I. Matsuzaki T. Kuroki H. Hoso M. Osteoarthr. Cartil. 27 7 1084-1093 2019/07
  •  Effects of vibration on the infrapatellar fat pad during rat knee joint immobilization 34 6 759-763 2019/07
  •  Changes in joint components after knee immobilization associated with hinflimb weighting in rats. Matsuzaki T, Yoshida S, Ikeda A, Hoso M. J Wellness Health Care 42 2 33-40 2019/02
  •  The histological effect of immobilization and unloading/ reloading on articular cartilage of rat knee joint J Wellness Health Care 42 1 51-55 2018/08
  •  Induction of osteoarthritis by injecting monosodium iodoacetate into the patellofemoral joint of an experimental rat model Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Kuroki H, Hoso M. PLOS ONE 13 4 2018/04
  •  Long-term histopathological developments in knee-joint components in a rat model of osteoarthritis induced by monosodium iodoacetate Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Hoso M. J Phys Ther Sci. 29 4 590-597 2017/04
  •  An immunohistochemical study of the sciatic nerve in a rat knee immobilization model. Yoshida S, Matsuzaki T, Hoso M J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 28 4 1116-1119 2016/04
  •  Experimental Joint Immobilization and Remobilization in the Rats Kojima S, Hoso M. Watanabe M. Matsuzaki T. Hibino I. Sasaki K. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 26 6 865-871 2014/06
  •  Differences in cartilage repair between loading and unloading environments in the rat knee. Takahashi I, Matsuzaki T, Hoso M J Jpn Physic Ther Ass 17 1 22-30 2014/05
  •  Influence of ROM exercise on the joint components during immobilization. Matsuzaki, T., Yoshida, S., Kojima, S., Watanabe, M., Hoso, M J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 25 1547-1551 2013/08
  •  Histopathological changes in the periphery of the sciatic nerve of rats after knee joint immobilization. Yoshida, S., Matsuzaki, T., Kamijo, A., Araki, Y., Sakamoto, M., Moriyama, S., Hoso, M J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 25 623-626 2013/01
  •  Histopathological effects of loading on cartilage repair in a rat full-thickness articular cartilage defect model Takahashi I., Hoso M., Matsuzaki T. J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 24 11 1187-1190 2012/07
  •  Histopathological changes in surrounding tissue of the sciatic nerve after spinal cord injury in rats Kitade I, Hoso M, Matsuzaki T, Yoshida S, Kamijyo A, Araki Y, Takahashi I J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 24 9 817-820 2012/08
  •  Histopathological changes in knee joint components after spinal cord injury in rats Kitade, I., Hoso, M., Matsuzaki, T., Yoshida, S., Kamijyo, A., Araki, Y., Takahashi J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 24 1 31-35 2012/08
  •  Analysis of a low-invasive method to create full-thickness articular cartilage defects in a rat model Takahashi I., Hoso M., Matsuzaki T. J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 23 6 879-882 2011/07
  •  Histopathological changes of joint capsule after joint immobility compared with aging in rats Watanabe M., Hoso M., Hibino I., Matsuzaki T., Kojima S. J.Phys.Ther. Sci. 22 4 369-374 2010/04
  •  Fibrillation of the articular cartilages of the human sternoclavicular joint: a report of 20 autopsy cases Hoso M, Kanemori Y, Yoshikubo H, Takemura K, Matsuzaki T, Tachino K. J. Tsuruma Health Sci. Soc. 27 15-21 2003/12
  •  A histological study of articular cartilages of the human stermoclavicular joint, proposals for modification in the established descriptions and for improvement of the cartilage tissue classification. Hoso M, Kanemori Y, Yoshikubo H, Takemura K, Matsuzaki T, Tachino K. J. Tsuruma Health Sci. Soc. 137-140 2003/12

Conference Presentations

  • Influence of peripheral nerve injury on the joint immobilization.(conference:6th WCPT-AWP & 12th ACPT Congress 2013.)(2013/09/07)
  • Histopathological examination of rat knee joint capsules during extension contracture: Comparison with flexion contracture.(conference:10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy.)(2008/08/30)
  • Effects of the range of motion exercise on joint contracture. An experimental study using rats.(conference:WCPT Congress 2007)
  • Histopathological changes of joint components following four weeks immobilization(2006/05/25)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Practice of Anatomy(2022)
○Practice of Anatomy(2022)
○Practice of Anatomy(2022)
○Practice of Anatomy(2022)
○Community Rehabilitation(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2022)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2022)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 1(2020)
○Research and Directed Studies(2020)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 2(2020)
○Research Methods in Physical Therapy(2020)
○Practice of Anatomy(2020)
○Clinical Internship 3(2020)
○Community Rehabilitation(2020)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 2(2020)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 1(2020)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2020)
○Clinical Internship 2(2020)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 1(2019)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 2(2019)
○Community Rehabilitation(2019)
○Practice of Anatomy(2019)
○Clinical Internship 2(2019)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Practice of Anatomy(2018)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 1(2018)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 2(2018)
○Research and Directed Studies(2018)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 1(2018)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 2(2018)
○Research Methods in Physical Therapy(2018)
○Clinical Internship 2(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2018)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2018)
○Practice of Anatomy(2017)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 1(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 2(2017)
○Research and Directed Studies(2017)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 1(2017)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 2(2017)
○Clinical Internship 2(2017)
○Research Methods in Physical Therapy(2017)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 2(2016)
○Research and Directed Studies(2016)
○Research Methods in Physical Therapy(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 2(2016)
○Treatment Techniques for Orthopaedic Conditions 1(2016)
○Practice of Anatomy(2016)
○Clinical Internship 2(2016)
○Physical Therapy Clinical Seminar 1(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Seminar(2022)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Seminar(2022)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2022)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2022)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2022)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Seminar(2020)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2020)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2020)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2019)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Seminar(2019)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2019)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Seminar(2018)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2018)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2018)
○Evaluation and Assessment of Impairment: Lecture(2017)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2017)
○Research Design in Physical Therapy: Lecture(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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