Professor SATO Hideki
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Center for the Study of Global Cultures and Societies, Research Division of Digital Society Structure and Transformation / (01. 09. 2023 - 31. 08. 2024) The London School of Economics and Political Science, Financial Markets Group / Department of Finance, Associate Staff
College and School Educational Field
Division of Economics, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Course in Global Economy and Management, School of Economics, College of Human and Social Sciences
International Finance
Academic Background
Ph.D. in Economics
Master of Economics
Bachelor of Economics
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
- London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Financial Markets Group (FMG) / Systemic Risk Centre (SRC) / Department of Finance, Seminar Groups, UK.
- EBA (European Banking Authority), Research Conferences, Paris, France.
- Cambridge University, Financial History Seminar Group, UK.
- Institute of Historical Research (IHR), headquartered at School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK.
- The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh), headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- The European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF: Société Universitaire Européenne de Recherches Financières).
- Florence School of Banking and Finance (FBF), headquartered at European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy.
- European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSAAP), headquartered at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Council for European Studies (CES), headquartered at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
- Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA), headquartered at University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
- Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME).
- Political Economy and Economic History Society.
- The European Union Studies Association-Japan (EUSA-JP)
- The Japan Society of International Economics (JSIE)
- Research Group on International Finance and International Economic Policy
- Research Group on the Economic and Monetary History in the 1970s
Economic History、Economic Issues、International Finance
Speciality Keywords
History of Banking Supervision in the UK and France, Bank of England, Banque de France, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, ECB, European Banking Union, European Capital Markets Union, EMU, Financial Crisis, Governance on International Finance
Research Themes
Banking Supervision in the UK and France: Analysis through a Historical Approach
Historical Analysis on Harmonization of Banking Supervision in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS): Based on the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Archives
The Latest Study on European Banking Union (EBU) through Institutional and Current Approaches
International Comparative Study on Deposit Insurance Schemes among European Union, UK, US and Japan
The Historical Analysis on Origin of the Brexit: Focus on Banking Regulation
The Latest Institutional Analyses on International Banking Regulations and Supervision: The Financial Stability Board (FSB), Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and European Banking Authority (EBA)
Historical Relation between French Franc Rate Policy and European Economic and Monetary Union (1960-2000)
Institutional and Historical Analyses of UPU (Universal Postal Union/Union Postale Universelle) for its 150 years' anniversary
- Hideki Sato “Monetary Union: From the EMS to the Birth of the Euro" (5. The Development of the Economic and Monetary Union) in Kumiko Haba, Soko Tanaka, and Yumiko Nakanishi (eds.), Encyclopedia of European Union, Maruzen Publishing 2024/12
- Hideki Sato The Dynamics of Banking Supervision: Advances in Europe and Global Challenges Maruzen Publishing 2023/12/25
- Hideki Sato, "The Bank of England and the UK Banking Supervision from the Mid-1970s to the Early 1980s: The Relationship between the UK's and Basel's Methodologies", Chapter 9 Jean-Luc Mastin et Béatrice Touchelay (dir.), Des banques sous surveillance? Pour une histoire du contrôle bancaire depuis le XIXe siècle Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion 2023/05
- Hiroyuki Iijima, Shingo Iokibe, Hideki Sato and Ayumu Sugawara INTERNATIONAL FINANCE: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE, Chap.1: Introduction, Chap.6: Financial Crises and Responses to the Crises, Chap.7: Quest for the New International Monetary Regime; Section 3 and 4 Yuhikaku 2017/06/25
- Hideki Sato, in Kanamori, H., Ara, K. and C. Moriguchi (eds.) Technical Terms on Monetary Policy and Balance of Payments, Yuhikaku Dictionary of Economic Terms: 5th Edition 'base rate''global imbalances''Bagehot's Rule''macro-prudence policy''micro-prudence policy''liquidity crisis''ESFS''ESRB,' etc. Yuhikaku 2013/12
- Hideki Sato Hideki Sato, "Germany, France and the Eurozone", Chap. 11 in Takao Kamikawa (ed.) The International Monetary Regime and the Global Financial Crisis: Examinations through Analyses of the Regional Countries, pp. 321-349. Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha 2011/02
- Socrates Rudy Sirait (Author), Hideki Sato (Translation), Takao Kamikawa (Revision) "ASEAN Countries",Chap. 8 in Takao Kamikawa (ed.) The International Monetary Regime and the Global Financial Crisis: Examinations through Analyses of the Regional Countries, pp. 243-266. Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha 2011/02
- Takao Kamikawa, Hideki Sato Encyclopedia Nipponica, Shogakukan (Yahoo Encyclopedia in Japan) Shogakukan Creative 2010/09
- Hideki Sato "European Monetary Integration and France" and "Globalization and Monetary Integration", in Koni Hironori and Takao Kamikawa (eds.), Globalization and International Currency; in Chap. 12, pp. 270-281, 289-295, 297-298, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsya 2003/12
- The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in the 1980s: Policies and Progress towards Global Financial Stability Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 92 1-16 2025/01/28
- The UK Banking Act 1979: Process and Forward from Non-Statutory to Statutory Framework Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 91 1-13 2025/01/17
- The Initiation of Harmonisation in Banking Supervision at the Early Stage (1975-1979) Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 90 1-16 2025/01/10
- The Antecedence of the International Harmonisation of Banking Supervision: The Prerequisite for Establishment of the Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices in 1974 Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 89 1-15 2024/12/24
- Overview of the History of Banking Supervision: Need for, and Implications of, a Study on Global Banking Supervision (Second Version on 27 December 2024) Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 86 1-16 2024/05/17
- Overview of Banking Supervisory History: Necessity and Implications of Study on Global Banking Supervision Hideki Sato Kanazawa University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Discussion Paper Series 83 2024/04/03
- "A Note on the Differences between European and International Methodologies of Banking Regulation and Supervision" Goodhart, C. and H. Sato CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research) Discussion Paper Series DP18840 1-28 2024/02/16
- BCBS (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision): The Cornerstone of International Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Harmonization Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 71 2022/10/06
- European Banking Authority (EBA) and EU's Prudential Policy: A Progressive Implementation of Commonization on Banking Regulation among the Member States Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 65 1-16 2022/06/30
- Paving the Way of Financial Stability Board (FSB): Challenges for Harmonisation of Global Financial Regulation and Supervision Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kanazawa University 64 1-17 2022/03/31
- Deepening the Internal Market Integration through European Capital Markets Union (CMU): A Political Transformation from "Stability" to "Growth" under the Current Pandemic Hideki Sato Kanazawa University Economic Review 42 2 29-52 2022/03/31
- General Introduction to Banking Supervisory Theory: Why Does Financial Stability Necessitate Banking Supervision? Hideki Sato Kanazawa University Economic Review 42 2 1-28 2022/03/31
- A New Phase of European Financial Integration: Dynamics of European Recovery and Resilience Facility and Green Deal Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 63 1-21 2021/12/27
- European Harmonization of Banking Supervision: European Identity or International Context? Sato, Hideki Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 58 1-19 2021/03/26
- Financial Stability and a Quest for the Integrity of Banking Regulations: Implications from the Europe's 'Ex-ante' Measures for Systemic Risk Hideki Sato Yucho Fund Research 27 103-129 2020/11
- The UK's Initiative on International Banking Supervision in the 1980s: Basel Process and International Cooperation on Prudential Policies Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University No. 50 1-21 2019/12/27
- UK Banking Supervision and Regulation through a Historical Approach: Implications for the European Banking Union Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 46 1-30 2018/09/28
- Bank Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Scheme as the European Banking Union: With Reference to the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 41 1-22 2018/04/09
- International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU): Dynamism on the Harmonization of the Banking Supervision Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 37 1-33 2017/11/01
- Construction of the European Banking Union: Relations with the European Banking Authority and Financial Stability Board Hideki Sato Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 32 1-29 2017/03/24
- International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU): Dynamism on the Harmonization of the Banking Supervision Hideki Sato Paper for the Japan Society of International Ecnomics (JSIE), 75th Annual Meeting 1-29 2016/10
- European Financial Regulation and Banking Union: The Relations among ECB, EBA and FSB (in Japanese) Hideki Sato Presented to the 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of International Economics 1-22 2015/09/26
- The Construction and Development of Banking Union: A Challenge to Harmonise in Banking Regulation and Supervision Hideki Sato EU STUDIES IN JAPAN 35 251-273 2015/05
- Translation(with Susumu Yamazaki and Tetsuo Yoshikawa): Original Text, McKinnon, Ronald and Gunther Schnabl(2014), "China's Exchange Rate and Financial Repression: The Conflicted Emargence of the RMB as an International Currency", China & World Economy, Vol. 22, No. 3. International Finance Journal, Dec. 1, 2014 - Jan. 1, 2015 1267-68 (上)16-24, (下)12-19 2014/12
- 'Banking Union and the Reform of the Financial Supervisory System: An Effective Resolution for the Eurozone Crisis' Hideki Sato Kanazawa University Economic Review 34 2 299-322 2014/03
- Interview on the viewpoint; written by Yusuke Maekawa, Dr. Jim Yong Kim was selected as the 12th President of the World Bank Group: the first case as a doctor and the new trend on the WBG's policy International Development Journal 68 2012/06
- "EU's regulation on the cross-share holdings by the credit institutions" Hideki Sato Monthly Kinyu Journal No. 690 26-29 2014/02
- The euro crisis and the financial regulation: A viewpoint of a banking union Kanazawa University Economic Review 33 2 265-289 2013/03
- Encyclopedia Nipponica, Shogakukan (Yahoo Encyclopedia in Japan) with Takao KAMIKAWA in the following articles, "State Bank of India","Kasikornbank PCL","Bank of China Ltd.","Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.","Bank of East Asia, Ltd.","National Westminster Bank Plc","Barclays Bank PLC","Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd.","Lloyds TSB Bank plc" Takao KAMIKAWA and Hideki SATO Shogakukan Creative 2010/09
- The Restructuring of European Financial Supervisory Framework: Its Response to the World Financial Crisis Kanazawa University Economic Review 30 2 249-265 2010/02
- The structure of international finance which generated the chain of bankruptcy in the field of financial institutions Cres (Center for Urban and Regional Studies) NEWSLETTER 85 13-15 2009/08
- Foreign Exchange Policy in France: Focused on its External Relations in the 1960s Kanazawa University Economic Review 28 2 305-331 2008/03
- The Exchange Rate Policy in France and European Monetary Integration (1960-2000): The Structure and the Dynamics Hideki Sato Doctoral thesis, Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University 2005/03
- The French Exchange Rate Policy and European Monetary Integration (1981-89): The Creation and the Effect of the Turning its Policy Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences 9 1 39-56 2004/07
- The French Franc Crises and European Monetary Integration: A Comparative Analysis between Snake and EMS Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences 8 3 87-112 2003/09
- Chronological Table on Currency Crises in 1990s: (1)World (2)Each Region(European Area, American Area and Russia/CEE Area) in Kamikawa, T., Niioka, S. and M. Masuda (eds.), Political Economy on Currency Crises: Perpective on the System in 21st Century. 398-421 2000/11
Conference Presentations
- The Three Perspectives on the History of Banking Supervision: The UK, EEC, and Basel Committee in the 1970s and 1980s(conference:European Union Studies Association Japan, Research Conference in Kanto)(2025/02/08)
- The Three Perspectives on the History of Banking Supervision: The UK, EEC, and Basel Committee in the 1970s and 1980s(conference:The 23rd Conference of the Study Group of Global Economy at Kanazawa University)(2024/11/21)
- History of Banking Supervision: The UK, EEC, and Basel Committee in the 1970s and 1980s, Report of Research Overseas.(conference:Research Conference at Kanazawa University, Center for the Study of Global Cultures and Societies, Research Division of Digital Society Structure and Transformation)(2024/10/17)
- Is There Any Feasibility to Overcome Financial Crises for Human Beings? The Construction of a Dynamic Paradigm Overwhelming Time and Spaces in Financial Regulations: A Great Fusion of Historical and Current Analyses towards the "Ex-ante" Prevention of Financial Crises(conference:Kanazawa University's Strategy of Research Promotion Programme: The Conference of JIKOCHOKOKU (Self-Overwelming) Project 2020)(2024/09/30)
- The Current Situation in the UK and EU's Economy(conference:EU Cafe 2024, Kanazawa University Library EU Info (EUi): EU Friendship Week Event)(2024/07/17)
- The Banking Supervision of the EEC and UK in the 1970s and 1980s: Standpoints from the European Commission and the Bank of England(conference:CES (Council for European Studies), 30th International Conference of Europeanists (Sciences Po. Lyon, France))(2024/07/05)
- An Institutional Analysis on Dichotomy between European and International Methodologies on Banking Supervision: Towards an Effective Harmonisation of Prudential Policies(conference:CES (Council for European Studies), 30th International Conference of Europeanists (Sciences Po. Lyon, France))(2024/07/04)
- Historical Aspects on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Bank of England: A Dichotomy on Supervisory Methodologies(conference:London Financial Regulation Seminar (LFRS), hosted by Queen Mary University of London)(2024/06/17)
- Is There Any Feasibility to Overcome Financial Crises for Human Beings? Construction of a Dynamic Paradigm Overwhelming Time and Spaces in Financial Regulation: A Great Fusion of Historical and Current Analyses towards the "Ex-ante" Prevention of Financial Crises(conference:Kanazawa University, Jiko-Chokoku (Self-Overcome) Research Programme Presentation)(2024/03/13)
- Macro-, micro- and long-term perspectives to the UPU: The three dimensions for international harmonisation(conference:UPU Historians' Colloquium, Achieving "a single postal territory": a global promise - past and present (Bern, Switzerland))(2024/02/01)
- Financial Stability and the European Union: The 25th Anniversary of the European Central Bank (conference:Kanazawa University Library EU Info (EUi): EU Friendship Week Event)(2023/07/12)
- Institutional Analysis on Financial Stability: A Lens of Banking Regulation Based on European and International Organizations (conference:Regular Meeting: Research Division of Digital Society Structure and Transformation, Center for the Study of Global Cultures and Societies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University)(2023/06/08)
- Interdicsiprinary Research Based on Individual Activities: Forging Domestic and International Research Networks and Jiko-chokoku (Self-overcome) Project(conference: Institute of Human and Social Sciences & Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative, Kanazawa University, "Studies on Improving Research Competence 2022")(2022/12/19)
- The 10th Anniversary of the European Banking Union (EBU) Proposal: Review of the EBU related to the Capital Markets Union (CMU)(conference:European Union Studies Association-Japan (EUSA-Japan), 2022 Annual Conference)(2022/11/06)
- The 30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht: EU's Experiences and Future Perspective(conference:Kanazawa University Library EU Info (EUi): EU Friendship Week Event)(2022/05/25)
- A Dichotomy between European and International Methodologies on Banking Regulation and Supervision: Towards an Effective Harmonization of Prudential Policies(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics, 2022 Spring Annual Meeting: English Session )(2022/05/14)
- European Harmonisation of Banking Supervision: European Identity or International Context?(conference:European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSAAP), Conference 2021 in Melbourne, Australia & Virtual)(2021/06/28)
- EU's Current Status under the Pandemic: Its Standpoint and Perspective(conference:Kanazawa University Library EU Info (EUi): EU Café Online 2021)(2021/06/23)
- The Bank of England and the UK Banking Supervision from the Mid-1970s to the Early 1980s: The Relationship between the UK's and Basel's Methodologies(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting (Online: Reitaku University))(2021/05/29)
- The UK's Initiative on International Banking Supervision in the 1980s: Basel Process and International Cooperation on Prudential Policies(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting (Online: Chuo University))(2020/05/23)
- UK Banking Act 1979 and the Bank of England: Policy Stance and Implications for the European Banking Union(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting 2019, Gakushuin University)(2019/05/25)
- Banking Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Scheme: The Comparative Approach between the European Banking Union and the US FDIC(conference:European Union Studies Association - Japan, Kanto Area Study Group (Hitotsubashi University))(2019/02/09)
- European Banking Union (EBU) through a Political Economy Approach: Features, Prospects, and International Dimensions(conference:Research Conference on Global Economy (Kanazawa University))(2018/07/26)
- UK Banking Supervision and Regulation: Implications for the European Banking Union(conference:European Union Studies Association Asia-Pacific (EUSAAP), 2018 Conference in Taipei (National Taiwan University))(2018/06/28)
- European Banking Union (EBU): Features, Prospects and International Aspects(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting, English Session: Monetary Policy and Macro-Prudential Policy, Senshu University)(2018/05/27)
- Bank Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Scheme as the European Banking Union: With Reference to the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(conference:25th International Conference for Europeanists at the Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile, U.S.A.)(2018/03/28)
- International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU): Methodology on Harmonization of Banking Regulation and Supervision(conference:Japan Society of International Economics (JSIE) Chubu, Winter Regular Conference (Nagoya University))(2017/12/09)
- Institutional Design of European Banking Union (EBU): Comparative Analysis on Banking Regulation between the UK and EBU(conference:European Union Studies Association-Japan (EUSA-Japan), The 38th Annual Conference, Kyushu University)(2017/11/19)
- Discussant: Comment for a paper by Mr. Amane Ishida, "SSM in the European Banking Union: A Viewpoint of European Systemically Important Banks"(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Autumn Annual Meeting 2017 (Kagoshima University))(2017/09/30)
- Chair: 'Role of Financial Institutions,' Session No. 140(conference:24th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, University of Glasgow)(2017/07/13)
- Comments to "Central Banking in Hard Times: Revisiting the Eurozone's Monetary-Fiscal 'Divorce'". Sebastian Diessner, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and "From Frankfurt with Legitimacy? Reassessing the ECB's (fiduciary) Role During the Eurozone Crisis". Tobias Tesche, European University Institute (conference:24th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, University of Glasgow)(2017/07/12)
- International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU): Dynamism on the Harmonization of the Banking Supervision(conference:24th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, University of Glasgow)(2017/07/12)
- International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU): Dynamism on the Harmonization of the Banking Supervision(conference:Japan Society of International Economics (JSIE), 75th Annual Meeting (Chukyo University))(2016/10/30)
- Institutional Analysis on the European Banking Union (EBU): Relations with the European Banking Authority and Financial Stability Board(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Autumn Annual Meeting 2016 (Kansai University))(2016/10/15)
- Fundamentals, Current Situation of the European Union and Studies on the EU (Kanazawa University Library)(conference:EUi Seminar)(2016/07/14)
- Stabilization of Financial System in the European Union(conference:Ishikawa EU Association, Lecture in the Conference on EU Research )(2016/06/21)
- Construction of the European Banking Union: Relations with the European Banking Authority and Financial Stability Board(conference:23rd International Conference for Europeanists, Council for European Studies (CES) (Philadelphia, USA))(2016/04/14)
- 'The Methodologies of European Banking Union(EBU): The Relations among ECB, EBA and FSB'(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics(JSME), International Monetary Economics Study Group(Meiji Gakuin University))(2016/02/13)
- European Financial Regulation and Banking Union: The Relations among ECB, EBA and FSB(conference:The Japan Society of International Economics, The 74th Annual Meeting(Senshu University))(2015/11/08)
- Harmonization on Banking Regulation and Supervision: The European Banking Union(conference:Research Group on International Finance and International Political Economy: Summer Seminar, Yokohama National University)(2015/08/01)
- Harmonization on Banking Regulation and Supervision: The European Banking Union and its Approach(conference:Research Conference on International Economics, Kanazawa University)(2015/10/08)
- Hideki Sato(2015),'Banking Union and Reform of the Financial Supervisory System: An Effective Resolution for the Eurozone Crisis' (conference:22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, SciencesPo., Paris, France )(2015/07/09)
- European Economy in Modern Era: Dynamism and Structure for Stability and Growth(conference:EU Café (Kanazawa University Central Library))(2015/05/21)
- Viewpoint on European Banking Union and Innovation of Financial Supervisory System: A Modern Resolution for Europe's Sovereign Debt Crisis(conference:Conference on Research, The 5th Grant for Young Researchers by Hokuriku Bank LTD.)(2015/03/09)
- The Construction and Development of Banking Union: A Challenge to Harmonise in Banking Regulation and Supervision(conference:European Union Studies Association-Japan: The 35th Annual Conference, Rissho University)(2014/11/09)
- Comments on the presentation by Professor David Howarth, The Political Economy of the Single Supervisory Mechanism: Squaring the 'Inconsistent Quartet'(Mainly), and on the presentation by Professor Laszlo Bruszt, European Integration and the Evolution of Economic State Capacities in the Southern and Eastern Peripheries of Europe(Shortly).(conference:International Conference on Comparative Analysis of Change (KIER, Kyoto University) )(2014/12/07)
- Discussant, in the Euro Session, comment to Professor Shigeru Yonekura's presentation(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics, Autumn Annual Meeting in 2014, Yamaguchi University)(2014/10/18)
- Euro@15: Controlling of the Crisis and Feasible Resolution(conference:Kanazawa University Library: European Info (EUi))(2014/06)
- Euro Crisis and Financial Supervision: From the Viewpoint of Banking Union(conference:Research group on International Finance and International Political Economy; Summer Seminar,"Past and Present of European Monetary Integration: Considering on the European Sovereign Debt Crisis" (Yokohama National University))(2012/08)
- Viewpoints from the Perspective of European Banking Union and Innovation of Financial Supervisory System: A Resolution of the Eurozone Crisis(conference:Japan Society of International Economics (JSIE), 3rd Spring Meeting (Fukuoka University))(2013/06/08)
- Lasting of the Euro Crisis: Challenges what We Are Facing and Future Solution(conference:Kanazawa University Library: European Info (EUi))(2013/06)
- Euro Crisis and Financial Supervision: From the viewpoint of "Banking Union"(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting 2013 (Hitotsubashi University))(2013/05/26)
- Continuous Euro Crisis: EU' Reality and Ideal(conference:Kanazawa University Library: European Info (EUi))(2012/06)
- Euro Crisis and EU's Response (conference:Kanazawa University Library: European Info (EUi))(2011/06)
- Germany, France and the Eurozone in the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)(conference:Research group on International Finance and International Political Economy (Yokohama National University))(2010/12)
- EU's Status Quo(conference:Kanazawa University Library: European Info (EUi))(2010/06)
- Comment for Yasuo Gonjo(2009)"From Keynesian to Neo-Liberalism: Economic Crisis in 1970s and Drastic Change of French Policies",Yokohama College of Commerce, Vol. 43, No. 1.(conference:Reseach Group on Historical Origin of the European Monatary Integration and France's Strategy for Dealing with Exchange Rate Policy)(2009/12)
- Development of French Exchange Rate Policy: France's External Strategy in 1960s(conference:Research group on International Finance and International Political Economy (Yokohama National University))(2008/08)
- French Exchage Rate Policy and Bretton Woods System: France's External Relationships in 1960s(conference:Research Group on Human and Social Sciences in Kanazawa University)(2008/06)
- French Franc Crisis and European Monetary Integration: A comparison between 'Snake' and European Monetary System (EMS)(conference:Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME), Spring Annual Meeting 2003 (Hitotsubashi University))(2003/05/31)
- French Exchange Rate Policy and European Monetary Integration: A Comparison between 'Snake' and European Monetary System (EMS)(conference:Research group on International Finance (Yokohama National University))(2001/05/18)
- Introduction of Reseach (Interviews for Faculty Members) Hideki Sato Website of School of Economics, College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 2022/01
- A Newspaper Interview "The results of the UK's referendum and the Brexit" Hideki Sato Hokuriku Chunichi Newspaper, 25 June 2016 (morning paper) 2016/06/25
- Interview: An Analysis from the Viewpoint of France's Authorities on Monetary and Supervisory Policies Nikkei BP Mook, Series on Innovative Universities: Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University, 2010-2011, pp. 82-83. 2010/03
Arts and Fieldwork
○Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research [A]), Study of the Origin of Global Banking Supervision: Analyses of Bank of England Archives and Archives of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision(2023/09/01-2024/08/31)(place:London (UK))(result:Field work on banking supervision: The London School of Economics and Political Science, The Bank of England Archives, The National Archives, LSE Library and Bank for International Settlements Archives)
○Discussion on the historical and current analyses on the Bank of England's and international institutions' banking regulation(2024/08/29-2024/08/29)(place:London (the UK))(result:Exchanging of ideas on the latest research trend)
○Discussion on the study of global central banking, banking regulation, and history of banking supervision (London, the City))(2024/07/23-2024/07/23)(place:London (the UK))(result:Exchange of opinions with the expert of central banking on the practical and adacemic issues)
○Discussion with the expert of European banking supervisory policy and banking legislation through the cutting-edge issues (LSE)(2024/07/18-2024/07/18)(place:London (the UK))(result:Discussion on European legal mechanism of banking regulation and Europe's essential identity with the highly political expert)
○Presentations and discussion at the CES (Council for European Studies) 30th International Conference for Europeanists (Science Po Lyon)(2024/07/03-2024/07/05)(place:Lyon (France))(result:The current banking supervision of the EU and Basel Committee, and the history of banking supervision of the Bank of England)
○Participation in the session on the history of politics, beliefs and arts (IHR, Institute of Historical Research)(2024/06/13-2024/06/13)(place:London (the UK))(result:Seminar on the history of arts, beliefs and politics before the Thirty Years' War)
○Discussion with the highly experts of Banque de France (Banque de France, Paris)(2024/06/07-2024/06/07)(place:Paris (France))(result:Political and acacemic discussion on European Banking Union and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision through the global perspective)
○Discussion with the EBA's experts on the cutting edge regulatory policies (EBA, Paris)(2024/06/05-2024/06/05)(place:Paris (France))(result:Discussion on the EBA's valuable policies in Europe and concrete banking regulatory metholodogy)
○Archival study of the history of European banking supervisory cooperation (Les Archives de la Banque de France)(2024/06/05-2024/06/07)(place:Paris (France))(result:Research on Comptes Rendus and the preparatory notes)
○Participation into the 10 years review session of LSE's Financial Markets Group (FMG) / Systemic Risk Centre (SRC)(2024/05/30-2024/05/30)(place:London (the UK))(result:Review of the decade and future perspective of financial risk magement with the risk prevention )
○Participation into the Lecture of the Governor of Bank of England (LSE)(2024/05/21-2024/05/21)(place:London (the UK))(result:Discourse of the latest monetary policy of the BOE: PGIM Lecture Series in the Honour of Charles Goodhart)
○Discussion of the Dichotomy of banking regulation (LSE, Faculty of Law)(2024/05/21-2024/05/21)(place:London (the UK))(result:Discourse on the Common Law vs Civil Law (Roman Law) in the field of banking regulation)
○Session on European financial history and history of the City of London (EUI: Eurpean University Insititute) Online(2024/05/16-2024/05/16)(place:Online (Florence [Italy]))(result:Participation into the discussion on Euro-dollar market and interrelation among the Bank of England, HM Treasury and BBA)
○Participation into the session and discussion on financial regulation and legislation (LSE, Faculty of Law)(2024/05/15-2024/05/15)(place:London (the UK))(result:Corporate and Financial Hub Workshop)
○Participation into the book launch session (LSE, Financial Markets Group / Systemic Risk Centre)(2024/05/09-2024/05/09)(place:London (the UK))(result:The Bankers' New Clothes: What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It)
○Participation into the session on financial regulation (LSE, Faculty of Law)(2024/05/09-2024/05/09)(place:London (the UK))(result:Discussion on the various approaches to financial legal framework research)
○Discussion with the academic expert on the history of banking supervision and current banking regulation (LSE, Faculty of Law)(2024/05/09-2024/05/09)(place:London (the UK))(result:Exchange of information on research methods, points of view, and bibliographies)
○Fieldwork on EU financial regulation through a session of Cambridge University Faculty of Law and discussion with acadmic experts(2024/03/28-2024/03/28)(place:Cambridge (United Kingdom))(result:Discussion on latest Listing Legislation on the EU and UK, Research on the Marshall Lecture Series at Marshall Library)
○Paticipating and discussion on Italian history of bookkeeping in the 15th Century (IHR: Institute of Historical Research)(2024/03/22-2024/03/22)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on methodology of research and archival records)
○Participation and discussion in a session on speculation in financial markets (LSE)(2024/03/21-2024/03/21)(place:London (UK))(result:Exchanging of opinions on implication and regulation of speculation)
○Fieldwork via participation into Monetary History Group and academic discussion(2024/03/21-2024/03/21)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on monetary history research)
○Discussion on the latest financial regulation through a legal approach (LSE)(2024/03/21-2024/03/21)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on an academic trend and exchanging opinions)
○Participating and discussion in a financial history session (IHR: Institute of Historical Research) (2024/03/19-2024/03/19)(place:London (UK))(result:International financial history in the 1980s)
○Academic discussion on European financial regulation (King's College London)(2024/03/18-2024/03/18)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on regulation of banking, investment banking and insurance companies)
○Academic discussion on European monetary integration (LSE)(2024/03/18-2024/03/18)(place:London (UK), Online)(result:A comprehensive discussion on ECB's monetary and supervisory policies)
○Discussion on the British financial history (at Bayes Business School)(2024/03/15-2024/03/15)(place:London (the UK))(result:History of British banks and banking supervision)
○Discussion at Cambridge University Financial History Seminar, Discussion with the academics, and Archival research at Marshall Library(2024/03/11-2024/03/11)(place:Cambridge (United Kingdom))(result:Participating in the Financial History Semiar on the history of Bank of Amsterdam, Discussion with academic experts, and Analysis of archival records at Marshall Library)
○Participation into the Session on EU's Governance (LSE, European Institute)(2024/02/27-2024/02/27)(place:London (United Kingdom))(result:Participating into the discussion on EU's institutional governance)
○Participating in the University of Cambridge, Financial History Seminar, Online(2024/02/26-2024/02/26)(place:Cambridge (United Kingdom))(result:Seminar on the British insurance market and Basel regulations)
○Field work for the study of British private banks' history, Part II(2024/02/19-2024/02/22)(place:Edinburgh (United Kingdom))(result:Historical research at NatWest's Archives)
○Field work for the study of British private banks' history(2024/02/13-2024/02/16)(place:Manchester (United Kingdom))(result:Historical research at Barclays' Archives)
○Participation into the sesssion on history of global trade and British way(2024/02/06-2024/02/06)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on The British Way in Trading Policy in Global Perspective: from the Corn Laws to 'Global Britain')
○Discussion with an academic expert of financial law (Online, University of Edinburgh))(2024/02/04-2024/02/04)(place:London (UK))(result:Exchange of research methodology and academic information)
○Presentation and discussion at the UPU (Universal Postal Union/Union Postale Universelle) Colloquium on the 150 anniversary(2024/02/01-2024/02/02)(place:Bern (Switzerland))(result:Presentation and discussion on the history of postal services)
○Field work for banking supervision and regulation: Bank for International Settlements, Financial Stability Board, and Swiss National Bank(2024/01/28-2024/01/31)(place:Basel (Switzerland), Zurich (Switzerland))(result:Discussion on methodology of financial regulation and supervision, Analyses of archival records on history of banking supervision)
○Discussion on history of global economic governance(2024/01/24-2024/01/24)(place:Institute of Historical Research, London (United Kingdom))(result:Discussion on methodologies and standpoints of economic history)
○Discussion of Banking Supervisory History and Analysis of Archives(2024/01/15-2024/01/15)(place:Oxford University (United Kingdom))(result:Academic discussion on British banking history and history of Basel process, Analysis of Oxford University Archives)
○Discussion with experts on British financial supervisory organisation (Online, Bank of England)(2023/12/19-2023/12/19)(place:London (United Kingdom))(result:Hearing survey of the latest UK's inter-agency cooperation in the financial supervision)
○Research on Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Archives and Swiss National Bank (SNB) Archives, with adademic discussions at BIS and FSB(2023/12/05-2023/12/07)(place:Basel (Switzerland), Zurich (Switzerland))(result:Discussion on the latest issues on financial regulations and supervision, Analyses of archival records on history of banking supervision)
○Research Field Work for Discussion in Department of History, Cambridge University(2023/11/30-2023/11/30)(place:Cambridge (United Kingdom))(result:Participation into the seminar on financial history, academic discussion with the faculties)
○Research on Bank for International Settlements Archives and Adademic Discussion with Experts of the BIS, FSB and IADI(2023/11/07-2023/11/09)(place:Basel (Switzerland))(result:Research for archives, Meetings for discussion and interview)
○Participation into the seminar on the US financial and monetary issues(2023/11/03-2023/11/03)(place:London (UK))(result:Fifth Economic Networks and Financial Conference (LSE, Systemic Risk Centre, Financial Markets Group))
○Research Field Work for Discussion in Faculty of Law 3CL Seminar and Faculty of History, Cambridge University(2023/10/31-2023/10/31)(place:Cambridge (United Kingdom))(result:Participation into the seminar on financial law, Academic discussion with the faculties)
○Participation and Discussion in the Public Lecture on Five Years of European Banking Supervision and Beyond (LSE, Financial Markets Group [FMG])(2023/10/30-2023/10/30)(place:London (UK))(result:Participation into the Public Lecture and Acamemic Discussion )
○Academic discussion with an expert of financial law (LSE Online)(2023/10/30-2023/10/30)(place:London (UK))(result:Discussion on legal aspects on European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and the EU-UK relations in the aftermath of Brexit)
○Participation into the seminar: New Approach to Culture in Financial Services (LSE)(2023/10/12-2023/10/12)(place:London (UK))(result:Research exchange in the interdisciplinary field of financial services)
○Discussion with a professional scholar on financial regulatory law (LSE)(2023/10/11-2023/10/11)(place:London (United Kingdom))(result:Academic discussion on the latest financial legal perspective)
○Discussion with a professional scholar regarding the history of Basel Committee and European Commission (LSE)(2023/09/21-2023/09/21)(place:London (United Kingdom))(result:Exchange of opinions on research methodology)
○Research on Relationship between the UK and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Historical Analysis on the UK and European Monetary Integration: JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Grant, KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid (C) (2023/03/11-2023/03/24)(place:London (the UK))(result:Research for archives at the Bank of England, The National Archives and LSE Library, Meetings and Discussion at Queen Mary University's Lecture Session (ECB's SSM through a legal approach))
○Meeting for Discussion with the Director and Experts of the European Banking Authority (EBA) headquartered in Paris(2020/05/13-2020/05/13)(place:Paris (France)-Kanazawa (Japan) Teleconference)(result:Discussion and Interview: 1: Legal Perspective on Risk Reduction and Risk Sharing, 2: Harmonization of Deposit Guarantee Schemes of the EU member states)
○Fieldwork on the prevention of financial crises (Kanazawa University, 2019 Fund for young researchers for overseas research)(2020/03/10-2020/03/22)(place:London (United Kingdom), Paris (France), Frankfurt (Germany))(result:Research for archives (The National Archives), Meeting for discussion and interview (Online: Paris School of Economics, House of Finance / Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management))
○Field work for financial stability: Bank for International Settlements, FSB (Basel, Switzerland), House of Finance: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Bundesbank (Frankfurt, Germany) and Queen Mary University of London (London, UK)(2020/03/01-2020/03/09)(place:Basel (Switzerland), Frankfurt (Germany), London (United Kingdom))(result:Research into archives (Bank for International Settlements Archives), Meeting for discussion and interview (Financial Stability Board, House of Finance: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Bundesbank), Participation into the session (Queen Mary University of London & The London School of Economics and Political Science))
○Field work for financial stability: Bank for International Settlements Archives (2019/12/01-2019/12/05)(place:Basel, Switzerland)(result:Research for archives (Bank for International Settlements Archives), Meeting for discussion and interview with the experts of the BIS and BCBS)
○Field work for banking supervision and regulation: The Bank of England Archives, The National Archives, Cass Business School / City University of London, The London School of Economics and Political Science, and Prudential Regulation Authority(2019/11-2019/11)(place:London (United Kingdom))(result:Research for archives, Meetings for discussion and interview with experts)
○Field work for history of banking supervision(2019/11-2019/11)(place:Paris (France))(result:Research into archives at la Salle des Archives de la Banque de France, Participation into the Historical Conference organised by Université de Paris 8 à le Ministère de l'Economie des Finances et de la Relance)
○Field work for the origin of international banking supervision (Archives de la Banque de France)(2018/10-2018/10)(place:Paris (France))(result:Research into archives at la Salle des Archives de la Banque de France, Interviews with high-level experts)
○Field work for the UK Banking Act 1979: The Bank of England Archives, The National Archives, The LSE, Cass Business School / City University of London, European Banking Authority and UK Prudential Regulation Authority (London, UK)(2018/10-2018/10)(place:London (UK))(result:Research into archives and meetings for discussion and interview)
○Presentation on the UK Banking Act 1979 at an international conference(2018/06/28-2018/06/29)(place:National Taiwan University, Taipei (Taiwan))(result:"UK Banking Supervision and Regulation: Implications for the European Banking Union", 2018 European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific Conference)
○Academic Presentation and Discussion on Comparative Banking Supervision: Analysis of the EU and US (Grant-in-aid, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)(2018/03-2018/03)(place:Chicago (USA))(result:Presentation and Discussion at the International Conference: 25th International Conference of Europeanists )
○Field work for the UK Banking Act 1979: The Bank of England Archives, The National Archives, The LSE and Cass Business School, City University of London and European Banking Authority (London, United Kingdom)(2017/09-2017/09)(place:London (the UK))(result:Research for archives and meetings for discussion and interview )
○Discussion with the experts of ECB (European Central Bank) on EBU (European Banking Union), Visiting the Bundesbank's Geld Museum(2017/07/19-2017/07/20)(place:Frankfurt (Germany))(result:Discussion on the latest issues of the EBU with the practitioners, Visiting the exposition on the development of Euro)
○Historical research at Bank of England Archives(2017/07/17-2017/07/18)(place:London (UK))(result:Research on the British banking legislation in the late 1970s)
○Presentation and Discussion on International Aspects of European Banking Union, Chair of the session "Financial Institution" (Grant-in-aid, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)(2017/07-2017/07)(place:Glasgow (UK))(result:Speaker, Chair, and Discussant: 24th International Conference of Europeanists )
○Presentation and Research Discussion on Diversity and Harmonization of Banking Regulation (Grant-in-Aid from Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance)(2016/04-2016/04)(place:Philadelphia (US), Washington,D.C. (US))(result:Presentation at the International Conference of Europeanists (Council for European Studies) in Philadelphia and Research Discussion at the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) in Washington, D.C.)
○Presentation, Research Discussion and Analyses of Archives on European Banking Union, Reform of Financial Supervisory System and UK Banking Supervision(2015/07-2015/07)(place:Paris (France), London (UK))(result:Presentation at the International Conference of Europeanists (Council for European Studies) at SciencesPo in Paris, Research Discussion at the Banque de France, ACPR, and LSE, and Analyses of Archives (Bank of England, UK National Archives))
○Study of EU's Cooperation on Banking Regulation and Supervision (2013 Kanazawa University Strategic Research Promotion Programme)(2014/02/27-2014/03/07)(place:London (UK))(result:Research discussion at the LSE (The London School of Economics and Political Science) )
○Study on Harmonisation of Banking Regulation (European Banking Union): Supported by Hokuriku Bank's Research Fund for Young Scholars(2013/09-2013/09)(place:Paris (France), Luxembourg (Luxumbourg), Brussels (Belgium))(result:Research discussion at the Banque de France, Université du Luxembourg, and European Commission)
○Fieldwork for the research discussion on European monetary integration for Central and Eastern European Countries and historical research on European banking regulation (University of Birmingham, London School of Economics, and The National Archives)(2013/03-2013/03)(place:Birmingham (UK), London (UK))(result:Academic discussion, study, and participation in the session at the University of Birmingham, Discussion at London School of Economics and Political Science, Fundamental historical analysis at the National Archives)
○Study of the archives and research discussion at La Salle de la Banque de France: academic meeting with the distinguished Honorary Director General (Advisor to the Governor)(2013/02-2013/02)(place:Paris (France))(result:Franco-German axis, free movement of capital, internal current account equilibrium and monetary policy in the Eurozone)
○Participation into the Press Conference and Specified Sessions at IMF-WBG Annual Meeting in Tokyo, 2012(2012/10-2012/10)(place:Tokyo (Japan))(result:Study and discussion on the latest policies of IMF-WBG at the annual conference)
○Study of the archival records at La Salle des Archives de la Banque de France(2012/02/19-2012/02/29)(place:Paris (France))(result:Historical Research on European Monetary System (EMS) and free movement of capital )
○Field work for the historical research at La Salle des Archives de la Banque de France(2010/11-2010/11)(place:Paris (France))(result:Study on the Franco-German Relation in terms of their exchange and monetary policies)
○Study on European monetary integration in the 1970s through an analysis of Les Archives de la Banque de France(2009/08/30-2009/09/05)(place:Paris (France))(result:Research of Archives de la Banque de France, Discussion with the Japanese distinguished scholar in the field of Frence's economy)
Theme to the desired joint research
○European Banking Union
○Comparative Studies on Financial Regulation
○International Comparison on Deposit Insurance Scheme
○Political Economy on the Brexit
○Study on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
○Political Economy on the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and European Banking Authority (EBA)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A))「A Study on the Origin of Global Banking Supervision: Analyses of Bank of England Archives and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Archives」(2021-2024)
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: Fundamental Research (C) (General)「The Historical Origins of Brexit: An Elucidation of "Gap of Banking Supervision" through Verification of British and Basel Committee's Archives」(2021-2024)
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: Fundamental Research (C) (General)「Fragmentation on Banking Regulation in Europe: Verification of the Diversity of Banking Regulation through UK's and France's Archives」(2017-2019)
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: Fundamental Research (C) (General)「Principal Investigator: Yasuo GONJO, "Historical Origins of Eurupean Monetary Union and France's Monetary Strategy, 1968-1979", Co-investigators: Reiji MIYAZAKI, Satoshi ISHII and Hideki SATO 」(2008-2010)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
○The Dynamics of Banking Supervision: Advances in Europe and Global Challenges Strategic Research Promotion Programme, Grant for the Acacemic Publication on Human and Social Sciences (Publication in 2023) Kanazawa University(2023-2023)
○Is There Any Feasibility to Overcome Financial Crises for Human Beings? Construction of a Dynamic Paradigm Overwhelming Time and Spaces in Financial Regulation: A Great Fusion of Historical and Current Analyses towards the "Ex-ante" Prevention of Financial Crises Kanazawa University JIKOCHOKOKU Project Kanazawa University(2020-2022)
○Financial Stability and Challenges for Unification of Banking Regulations: European Implications for an Ex-ante Prevention of Systemic Risk Grant-in-Aid for Research for Financial Markets and Financial System Yu-cho Foundation Grant-in-Aid(2019-2020)
○Is it possible to prevent recurrence of financial crises?: An analysis of the European Banking Union (EBU) and the preemptive ex-ante policies through European perspectives Kanazawa University Fund for Young Researchers on International Project Kanazawa University(2019-2019)
○Challenges for International Harmonization of Financial Regulation: Analysis of Banking Regulation on the European Banking Union (EBU) Grant-in-Aid from Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance(2016-2016)
○Analysis of Structure and Dynamics on Monetary, Prudential and Fiscal Policies: From the Viewpoints of Banque de France Archives Kanazawa University Strategic Research Promotion Programme in 2013 Kanazawa University(2013-2013)
○A Viewpoint of European Banking Union and the Reform of Financial Supervisory System: A Modern Solution for European Sovereign Debt Crisis The 5th Grant for young researchers The Hokuriku Bank, LTD. (2013-2013)
○Impact of the Eurozone Crisis on the Economy of the Central and Eastern European Countries: Core-Periphery Relations of the EU Kanazawa University Strategic Research Promotion Programe 2012 (International Research Collaboration) Kanazawa University(2012-2012)
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○International cooperative research on the history of banking supervision, banking regulations, and monetary policy, at LSE (The London School of Economics and Political Science)(2023-2025)
○History of Banking Supervision: International Joint Research, with researchers of University of Paris 8, Lille University and Banque de France(2020-2023)
○Economic and Monetary Analysis of the Eurozone: A Viewpoint of Core-Periphery Relations (Kanazawa University)(2010-2014)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Theory of Internatinal Finance(2024)
○History of International Finance (English)(2024)
○Seminar on International Finance (4th undergraduates)(2024)
○Seminar on International Finance (3rd undergraduates)(2024)
○Seminar for Graduate Papers (2024)
○Global Standard Subject (English) I, Institute of Human and Social Sciences(2024)
○Global Standard Subject (English) II, Institute of Human and Social Sciences(2024)
○International Finance(2023)
○International Financial History (English)(2023)
○Seminar on International Finance (for 4th undergraduate students)(2023)
○Seminar on International Finance (for 3rd undergraduate)(2023)
○International Finance(2022)
○History of International Finance (English)(2022)
○Seminar on International Finance: 4th Undergraduates(2022)
○Seminar on International Finance: 3rd Undergraduates(2022)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2022)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2022)
○Seminar on International Finance: 2nd Undergraduates(2022)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○International Financial Relations I(2024)
○Special Lecture on International Finance a-1(2023)
○Special Lecture on International Finance a-2(2023)
○Seminar on International Financial Relations I(2023)
○Seminar on International Financial Relations II(2023)
○International Financial Relations II(2021)
○International Financial Relations I(2021)
○Special Lecture on International Finance b-1(2021)
○Special Lecture on International Finance b-2(2021)
○Basic Preparation for a Thesis on Human and Social Sciences (2021)
○Seminar on International Finance a-1(2020)
○Seminar on International Finance a-2(2020)
○Human and Social Sciences: Basic Preparation for Master Thesis(2020)
○Special Lecture on International Finance a-1(2020)
○Special Lecture on International Finance a-2(2020)
International Project
International Students
○Seminar on Japanese Culture 1: Current Fiscal Situation in Japan; Trend of Japanese Society: National Policies and Business Activities(2010)
○Seminar on Japanese Culture 1: Japanese Recognition of Consumption; Some Aspects on Japanese Society and Culture: Change of Periods and Business Society (2009)
○Seminar on Japanese Culture 1: Some Issues on Japanese Economy from the Perspective of Current Global Economies; Considering of Contemporary Japan: New Development of Economic and Industrial World and Subjects of Our Global Societies(2008)
Lecture themes
○Central Banking on Monetary and Prudential Policies
○Financial Stability
○European Banking Supervision, Financial Market Integration
Others (Social Activities)
○Ishikawa Prefectural Nonoichimeirin High School(20230707-20230707) Introduction to Economics: Global Economy through a Long-term Perspective
○Ishikawa Prefectural Hakui High School(20221025-20221025) "Introduction to Economics" as a lecture by school visit
○Fukuoka Senior High School(20171107-20171107) Lecture: "International Economy and Society in the Global Era"
○Daishoji High School(2016-2016) Lecture, "International Economy and Society in the Global Era"
○Ishikawa Prefectural Hakui Senior High School(2014-2014) 'Economic Phenomenon and Our Life: Japan and the World', Lecture on Economics for Senior High School Students
○Kanazawa University(2012-2012) Hideki Sato, Global Financial Crisis and Current Situation on the Eurozone's Financial and Budgetary Issues, Lecture for Renewal of Teaching Certificate: Some Issues of Contemporary Economy.
○Maebashi High School(2009-2009) Lecture for High School Students, Global Financial Crisis: The International Contagion and Japan's Economic Situation.
○Kanazawa University and Torahime High School(2007-2007) Cooperative Lecture between University and High School, Let's Expand Our Perspectives on Economics: From Japan to the World.