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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/09

Professor HASEBE Noriko

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology

College and School Educational Field

Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Earth and Planetary Science, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Kanazawa Geochronology Group TEL:076-264-6529 FAX:076-264-6545

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 1994
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyoto University 1989


Univerisity College London Dept. Earth Sciences(2001/02/15-2003/02/14)
Kyoto University Dept. Geology and Mineralogy(1994/04/01-1995/07/31)
Kanazawa University(1996/08/01-2003/12/31)
Kanazawa University Inst. Nature and Environ. Tec.(2004/01/01-)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Geochronology、accretionary complex fault volcano、Geology

Speciality Keywords

Geochronology, Fission-track, Luminescence, Accretionary complex, Fault and volcano, Paleoenvironment

Research Themes

Study of the evolution of accretionary complexes

Study of the periodicity in volcanic activity

Study of thermal anomaly aroud active faults



  •  Combined Zircon/Apatite U-Pb and Fission-Track Dating by LA-ICP-MS and Its Geological Applications: An Example from the Egyptian Younger Granites Sherif Mansour , Noriko Hasebe, Ehab Azab, Ashraf Y. Elnaggar, Akihiro Tamura Minerals 11 10.3390/min11121341  2021/11
  •  Low-temperature thermochronology of active arc-arc collision zone, South Fossa Magna region, central Japan Shigeru Sueoka, Yumi Kobayashi, Shoma Fukuda, Barry P. Kohn, TatsunoriYokoyama, NaomiSano, NorikoHasebe, AkihiroTamura, Tomoaki Morishita, Takahiro Tagami Tectonophysics 2022/02
  •  Characteristics of lake sediment from southwesternf Mongolia and comparison with meteorological data Uyangaa Udaanjargal, Noriko Hasebe, Davaadorj Davaasuren, Keisuke Fukushi, Yukiya Tanaka, Baasansuren Gankhurel, Nagayoshi Katsuta, Shinya Ochiai, Yoshiki Miyata, Tuvshin Gerelmaa Geoscience 12 2021/12
  •  Basics of fission track geo- and thermo- chronometry: revisiting its history to explore future potential Radioisotopes 70 117-130 2021/03
  •  Recent evolution of fission-track chronometry ―Advanced analytical methods, understanding of annealing kinetics, and developments of new da-ting systems― Radioisotopes 70 189-297 2021/03

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  •  Statistical approach on preliminary geochemical records from Lake Olgoy, Valley of the Lakes, Mongolia Uyangaa Udaanjargal, Hasebe Noriko, Davaadoj Davaasuren, Igarahsi Yudai, Hitoshi Hasegewa, Baasansuren Gankhurel, Katsuta Nagayoshi, Shuuhaaz Ganbat, Ichinnorov Niiden, Fukushi Keisuke Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union 41 261-275 2020/08
  •  Optically stimulated luminescence signal resetting of quartz gouge during sub-seismic to seismic frictional sliding; a case study using granite-derived quartz K. Oohashi, Y. Minomo, K. Akasegawa, N. Hasebe, and K. Miura JGR Solid Earth 125 e2020JB019900 2020/10
  •  Hydrogeochemical Study on Closed-Basin Lakes in Cold and Semi-Arid Climates of the Valley of the Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Implications for Hydrology and Water Chemistry of Paleolakes on Mars Yasuhito Sekine, Takuma Kitajima, Keisuke Fukushi, Baasansuren Gankhurel, Solongo Tsetsgee, Davaadorj Davaasuren, Haruna Matsumiya , Takufumi Chida, Maya Nakamura and Noriko Hasebe Minerals 10 doi:10.3390/min10090792 2020
  •  In Situ Formation of Monohydrocalcite in Alkaline Saline Lakes of the Valley of Gobi Lakes: Prediction for Mg, Ca, and Total Dissolved Carbonate Concentrations in Enceladus’ Ocean and Alkaline-Carbonate Ocean Worlds Keisuke Fukushi,Eigo Imai,Yasuhito Sekine,Takuma Kitajima,Baasansuren Gankhurel,Davaadorj Davaasuren,Noriko Hasebe Minerals 10 8 669 2020/07/27 
  •  Thermal fluid activities along the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault, central Japan, identified via zircon fission-track thermochronometry,  Shigeru Sueoka, Zuitetsu Ikuho, Noriko Hasebe, Masaki Murakami, Ryuji Yamada, Akihiro Tamura, Shoji Arai and Takahiro Tagami,  Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2019
  •  Thermal history analysis of granitic rocks in an arc-trench system based on apatite fission-track thermo-chronology: a case study of the Northeast Japan Arc,  Shoma Fukuda, Shigeru Sueoka, Noriko Hasebe, Akihiro Tamura, Shoji Arai, Takahiro Tagami Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2019
  •  Chemical speciation and environmental behavior of arsenic in lacustrine sediments on Lake Onuma, Hokkaido Keisuke FUKUSHI, Takaaki YABE, Taeko ITONO, Shinya OCHIAI, Takuma MURAKAMI, Noriko HASEBE, Kenji KASHIWAYA Transactions, Japanese Geomophological Union 40 57-75 2019
  •  Paleolake reconstruction and estimation of paleo-inflow in the Olgoi Basin, Mongolia, based on GIS and hydraulic analyses Noritaka Endo, Yusuke Matsumura, Noriko Hasebe, Davaadorj Davaasuren Island Arc 2019
  •  Distribution and Chemical Speciation of Molybdenum in River and Pond Sediments Affected by Mining Activity in Erdenet City, Mongolia Tsetsgee Solongo, Keisuke Fukushi, Ochir Altansukh, Yoshio Takahashi, Akitoshi Akehi, Gankhurel Baasansuren, Yunden Ariuntungalag, Odgerel Enkhjin, Boldbaatar Davaajargal, Davaasuren Davaadorj and Noriko Hasebe, Minerals 8 doi:10.3390/min8070288 2018
  •  Petrology, geochemistry and geodynamic setting of Eocene-Oligocene alkaline intrusions from the Alborz-Azerbaijan magmatic belt, NW Iran Nasser Ashrafi, Ahmad Jahangiri, Noriko Hasebe G. Nelson Eby Geochemistry, 78 432-461 2018
  •  Cooling history and exhumation of the nepheline syenites, NW Iran: constraints from apatite fission track Nasser Ashrafi, Noriko Hasebe, Ahmad Jahangiri Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences accepted 2018
  •  Environmental changes in the earth surface inferred from lake-catchment systems Kenji KASHIWAYA, Taeko ITONO, Shinya OCHIAI, Kazuma ISHIKAWA, Noriko HASEBE Transactions, Japanese Geomophological Union 40 5-25 2019
  •  Measurement of apparent dose rate factors by beta and gamma and alpha radiation efficiency for the precise thermoluminescence dating of calcite Manabu Ogata, Noriko Hasebe, Naoki Fujii, Minoru Yamakawa Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Science 112 336-345 2017
  •   Multi-geochronological study of Hakusan volcano, central Japan Noriko Hasebe, Yasuyuki Nakano, Hikaru Miyamoto, Toshio Higashino, Akihiro Tamura, Shoji Arai, and Ju-Yong Kim, Island Arc 25 111-125 2016
  •   Stable nitrogen isotope record of lacustrine sediments in Lake Onuma (Northern Japan) indicates regional hydrological variability during the past four centuries Weiwei Sun, Ji Shen, Enlou Zhang, Noriko Hasebe, Kenji Kashiwaya, Rong Chen;,Taeko Itono 397  307-316 2016
  •  Centennial-scale environmental changes in Terhiin Tsagaan Lake, Mongolia inferred from lacustrine sediment: preliminary results Keisuke Fukushi, Nagayoshi Katsuta, Robert G. Jenkins, Kosuke Matsubara, Bunta Takayama, Yukiya Tanaka, Davaasuren Davaadorj, Ochirbat Batkhishig, Noriko Hasebe and Kenji Kashiwaya in Kashiwaya et al., eds, Earth surface processes and environmental changes in East Asia – records from lake-catchment systems 25-44 2015
  •  Palaeohydrological and Palaeoenvironmental Fluctuations of the Historic Eurimji Lake Ju Yong Kim, Wook-Hyun Nahm, Dong-Yoon Yang, Sei-Sun Hong, Sang-Heon Yi, Han-Woo Choi, Jaesoo Lim, Jin-Young Lee, Jin-Cheul Kim, Jin-Kwan Kim, Kyeong-Nam Jo, Kota Katsuki, Hyo-Seok Park, Kenji Kashiwaya, Noriko Hasebe, Keisuke Fukushi, Noritake Endo, Ji Shen, YongWang, and Keun-Chang Oh in Kashiwaya et al., eds, Earth surface processes and environmental changes in East Asia – records from lake-catchment systems 143-162 2015
  •  Comparison of luminescence dating methods on lake sediments from a small catchment: Example from Lake Yogo, Japan, in Kashiwaya et al., eds, Earth surface processes and environmental changes in East Asia – records from lake-catchment systems Kazumi Ito, Toru Tamura, Noriko Hasebe, Toshio Nakamura, Shoji Arai, Manabu Ogata, Taeko Itono, Kenji Kashiwaya in Kashiwaya et al., eds, Earth surface processes and environmental changes in East Asia – records from lake-catchment systems 221-238 2015
  •  Possible age models for Lake Onuma lacustrine sediments based on tuffs recovered in three cores Noriko Hasebe, Taeko Itono, Kota Katsuki, Takuma Murakami, Shinya Ochiai, Nagayoshi Katsuta, Yong Wang, Jin Young Lee, Keisuke Fukushi, Yoshihiro Ganzawa, Muneki Mitamura, Kuniaki Tanaka, Ju Yong Kim, Ji Shen, and Kenji Kashiwaya in Kashiwaya et al., eds, Earth surface processes and environmental changes in East Asia – records from lake-catchment systems 239-256 2015
  •  Confirmation of a Middle Jurassic age for the Eedemt Formation in Dundgobi Province, southeast Mongolia: constraints from the discovery of new spinicaudatans (clam shrimps) Gang Li, Hisao Ando, Hitoshi Hasegawa, Masanobu Yamamoto, Takashi Hasegawa, Tohru Ohta, Noriko Hasebe, and Niiden Ichinnorov Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 38 305-316 2014
  •  Advanced Java-based application to process thermoluminescence digital color images Manabu Ogata, Noriko Hasebe, Ayako Inagaki, Noritake Endo The Science Reports of Kanazawa University 58 1-12 2014
  •  An inter-laboratory evaluation of OD-3 zircon for use as a secondary U-Pb dating standard Iwano, Hideki;Orihashi, Yuji;Hirata, Takafumi;Ogasawara, Masatsugu;Danhara, Tohru;Horie, Kenji;Hasebe, Noriko;Sueoka, Shigeru;Tamura, Akihiro;Hayasaka, Yasutaka;Katsube, Aya;Ito, Hisatoshi;Tani, Kenichiro;Kimura, Jun-Ichi;Chang, Qing;Kouchi, Yoshikazu;Haruta, Yasuhiro;Yamamoto, Koshi ISLAND ARC 22 3 382-394 2013 
  •  Zeta equivalent fission-track dating using LA-ICPMS and examples with simultaneous U-Pb dating Hasebe, Noriko;Tamura, Akihiro;Arai, Shoji ISLAND ARC 22 3 280-291 2013 
  •  Denudation history of the Kiso Range, central Japan, and its tectonic implications: Constraints from low-temperature thermochronology Shigeru Sueoka, Barry P. Kohn, Takahiro Tagami, Hiroyuki Tsutsumi, Noriko Hasebe, Akihiro Tamura and Shoji Arai Island Arc 21 32-35 2012
  •  Thermoluminescence color image analysis of sediments from Lake Khuvsgul, Mongolia, and its potential to investigate paleoenvironmental change Noriko Hasebe, Ayako Inagaki, Noritaka Endo, Keisuke Fukushi, Kazumi Ito and Kenji Kashiwaya Quaternary Geochronology 20 156–159 2012
  •  Solved and unsolved problems of sedimentation, glaciation and paleolakes of the Darhad Basin, Northern Mongolia Sergey Krivonogov, Sangheon Yi, Kenji Kashiwaya, Jincheul Kim ,Narantsetseg T, Oyunchimeg T, Inna Safonova, Alexey Kazansky, Tatiana Sitnikova, Juyong Kim, Noriko Hasebe Quaternary Science Reviews 56 142-163 2012
  •  Observations of fission-tracks in zircons by atomic force microscope Ohishi, Shinnosuke;Hasebe, Noriko RADIATION MEASUREMENTS 47 7 548-556 2012
  •  The matrix effect on 238U and 232Th measurements using pressed powder pellets by LA-ICP-MS Kazumi Ito, Noriko Hasebe, Akihiro Hasebe, Shoji Arai,  Geochemical Journal 45 375-385 2011
  •   K-Ar age of basement basalt of HDP09 core from Lake Khuvsgul, Mongolia: Implication to estimate the beginning of Baikal rift zone HASEBE Noriko, ITO Kazumi, HASEBE Akihiro, NARANTSETSEG TS, OYUNCHIMEG TS, IVANOV Egor V, KASHIWAYA Kenj Journal of Earth Environment 2 462-466 2011/09
  •  Fission track dating of Quaternary volcanic glass by stepwise etching, Radiation Measurement Kentaro ITO and Noriko HASEBE RADIATION MEASUREMENTS 46 176-182 2011/01
  •  Raman spectroscopy of synthetic zircon: Effects of chemical composition Noriko Hasbe, Koji Aratake, Akihiro Tamura, Masayuki Okuno, Shoji Arai and Isamu Shinno The Science Reports of Kanazawa University 55 17-24 2011
  •  Fission-track zircon ages in psammitic schist from the chlorite zone of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan: two distinct ages and their implications Journal of Geological Society, Japan 117 53-56 2011/01
  •  Climato-hydrological fluctuations printed in long lacustrine records in Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia K. Kashiwaya, S. Ochiai, G. Sumino, T. Tsukamoto, A. Szyniszewska, M. Yamamoto, A. Sakaguchi, N. Hasebe, H. Sakai, T. Watanabe, T. Kawai QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 219 178-187 2010/10
  •  Thermoluminescence digital color image and its evaluation using Java application journal of Geological Society, Japan 116 690-693 2010/12
  •  Iron-bentonite interactions in the Kawasaki bentonite deposit, Zao area,Japan APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 2010/10
  •  LA-ICP-MS analysis of pressed powder pellets to luminescence geochronology Kazumi Ito, Noriko Hasebe, Ryosuke Sumita, Shoji Arai, Masayoshi Yamamoto, Kenji Kashiwaya, Yoshihiro Ganzawa CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 262 131-137 2009/01
  •  Biotite mineral chemistry of the Bozqush and Kaleybar intrusions, NW Iran Ashrafi, N., Jahangiri, A., Ameri, A., Hasebe, N., Eby, G.N. Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy  17 381-394 2009
  •  Mineral chemistry of garnets in the Kaleybar alkaline igneous intrusion, NW Iran Ashrafi, N., Ameri, A., Jahangiri, A., Hasebe, N., Eby, G.N.  Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy 17 357-368 2009
  •  The effect of chemical etching on LA-ICP-MS analysis in determining uranium concentration for fission-track chronometry Noriko Hasebe, Andrew Carter, Anthony J. Hurford, and Shoji Arai Geological Society Special Publication 324 37-46 2009/01
  •  Application of confocal laser microscopy on fission-track dating method- surface profile measurement of laser ablated pit Hisatoshi Ito, Noriko Hasebe 20 1-5 2007/10
  •  Apatite etching condition to increase the number of confined tracks: Application to the Shimanto Belt Komei Arata, Noriko Hasebe 20 6-12 2007/10
  •  Local heat influx and exhumation of the Shimanto accretionary complex: Miocene fission track ages from Kii peninsula, southwest Japan ISLAND ARC 13 533-543 2004/12
  •  Apatite fission-track chronometry using laser ablation ICP-MS CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 207 3 135-145 2004/07
  •  Geological partial annealing zone of zircon fission-track system: additional constrains from the deep drilling MITI-Nishikubiki and -Mishima 199 ? 45-52 2003/02
  •  Igneous rocks emplacement and exhumation of sedimentary basement: Fission track age determination on the Osuzuyama volcano-plutonic complex and surrounding rocks, Miyazaki prefecture, Southwest Japan GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 37 5 537-543 2003
  •  Exhumation of an accretionary prism -results from fission track thermochronology of the Shimanto Belt, southwest Japan TECTONOPHYSICS 331 247-267 2001
  •  Ancient thermal anomaly of an active fault system: Zircon fission-track evidence from Nojima GSJ 750 m borehole samples 29 23,DOI: 10 1029 2002/12
  •  Fission track ages of the Omine Acidic Rocks, Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 34 229-235 2000
  •  Thermal anomaly around earthquake fault - evidence from fission-track analysis of Nojima Fault Borehole samples, Island Arc 10 457-464 2001
  •  Transition of eruptive style in an arc-arc collision zone: K-Ar dating of Quaternary monogenetic and polygenetic volcanoes in the Higashi-Izu region Bull. Volcanol. 63 377-386 2001/07
  •  Thermal history analysis of the Nojima fault borehole samples by fission-track thermochronology Proceedings of International workshop on the Nojima fault core and borehole data analysis 203-209 1999
  •  Cordilleran-type orogeny and episodic growth of continents: Insights from the circum-Pacific continental margins ISLAND ARC 8 206-217 1999
  •  Melange forming processes in the development of an accretionary prism; evidence from fission-track thermochronology J. Geophy. Res. 102 7659-7672 1997
  •  Calibration of a new Ar analytical system for the K-Ar dating method and analytical results of K-Ar age known samples Masafumi Sudo, Takahiro Tagami, Keiko Sato, Noriko Hasebe and Susumu Nishimura Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Geol. Mineral 108 21-40 1996/03
  •  Episodic exhumation of accretionary complexes: fission-track thermochronologic evidence from the Shimanto Belt and its vicinities Takahiro Tagami, Noriko Hasebe and Chica Shimada ISLAND ARC 4 209-230 1995/04
  •  K-Ar biotite and fission-track zircon ages of the Nisatai Dacite, Iwate Prefecture, Japan: a candidate for an age standard Takahiro Tagami, Kozo Uto, Takaaki Matsuda, Noriko Hasebe and Akikazu Matsumoto GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 29 207-211 1995/02
  •  Towards zircon fission-track thermochronology: Reference framework for confined track length measurements Noriko Hasebe, Takahiro Tagami and Susumu Nishimura CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 112 169-178 1994/01
  •  Evolution of the Shimanto accretionary complex; A fission-track thermochronologic study Noriko Hasebe, Takahiro Tagami and Susumu Nishimura, Geological Society of America special paper 273 121-136 1993/01
  •  The evidence of the along-arc differential uplift of the Shimanto accretionary complex; Fission track thermochronology of the Kumano Acidic Rocks, Southwest Japan.  Noriko Hasebe, Takahiro Tagami and Susumu Nishimura, TECTONOPHYSICS 224 327-335 1993/02

Conference Presentations


  •  Age equation for LA-ICP-MS FT dating 16 1-5 2003
  •  Radiometric dating of lake sediments: A review 142-144 2003/03
  •  Notes from the First Workshop of the IGCP543 Low Temperature Thermochronology: Applications and Interlaboratory Calibration Zattin M., Balestrieri M.L., Hasebe N., Ketcham R., Seward D., Sobel E., Spiegel C. 15 29 2007
  •  Observation of spontaneous fission-track density using stepwise etching Kentro Ito and Noriko Hasebe 20 37-39 2007/10
  •  Luminescence dating of fine grained sediments from Lake Baikal; an attempt Kazumi It, Noriko Hasebe, Yoshihiro Ganzawa, Kenji Kashiwaya 20 52-53 2007/10

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  •  Luminescence dating of lake sediments; chemical analysis and annual dose estimation Ryousuke Sumita, Noriko Hasebe, Masayoshi Yamamoto, Shoji Arai 20 54-56 2007/10
  •  Measurement of uranium and thorium concentration of zircon in young igneous rocks and prospects for disequilibrium dating Takashi Ishihara, Noriko Hasebe, Shoji Arai 20 57-58 2007/10
  •  LA-ICP-MS-FT dating of age standards Noriko Hasebe, Shoji Arai 20 40-41 2007/10
  •  Metamictization of zircon: Study by Raman spectoroscopy and fission track methods Koji Aratake, Noriko Hasebe, Masayuki Okuno 19 47-49 2006/10
  •  Luminescence Characteristics of lake sediments Kazumi Ito, Noriko Hasebe, Yoshihiro Ganzawa, Kenji Kashiwaya 19 65-67 2006/10
  •  Fission-track dating of Quaternary volcanic glass using stepwise etching procedures Kentaro Ito, Noriko Hasebe 19 69-71 2006/10
  •  LA-ICP-MS FT dating: Laser ablation characteristics of etched samples, part 2 Noriko Hasebe, Shoji Arai, Koji Aratake, Kazumi Ito, Kentaro Ito 18 33-35 2005/10

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Assessment of radiation damage
○Radiometric dating of lake sediments

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「鉱物中の放射線損傷量をどう見積もるか? ラマン分光法とFT法を用いた研究」(2005-)

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Isotopic Earth Science B(2019)
○Isotopic Earth Science A(2019)
○Applied Geochemical Experiments(2019)
○Geochemical Experiments(2019)
○Revolution and Cycle of the Earth(2019)
○Practice in Geology(2019)
○Revolution and Cycle of the Earth(2017)
○Isotopic Earth Science(2017)
○Geochemical Experiments(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Applied Geochemical Experiments(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Introduction to Biology, Material Engineering and Geosciences B(2017)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Geochemical Experiments(2016)
○Applied Geochemical Experiments(2016)
○Isotopic Earth Science(2016)
○Revolution and Cycle of the Earth(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Practice in Geology(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Radiation Geoscience(2019)
○Earth Surface Environment B(2019)
○Earth Surface Environment A(2019)
○Earth Surface Environment B(2017)
○Earth Surface Environment A(2017)
○Radiation Geoscience(2017)
○Radiation Geoscience(2017)
○Radiation Geoscience(2017)
○Radiation Geoscience(2017)
○Earth Surface Environment A(2016)
○Radiation Geoscience(2016)
○Earth Surface Environment B(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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