Associate Professor MATSUKI Atsushi
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology
College and School Educational Field
Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Atmospheric and Earth Surface Environment lab. TEL:076-264-6510 FAX:076-264-6545
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School of Environmental Studies 200410 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokai University 199909
Doctor of Science
Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies JSPS postdoctoral fellow(2004/10/01-2005/03/31)
Kanazawa University Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology JSPS postdoctoral fellow(2005/04/01-2006/03/31)
Blaise Pascal University LaMP JSPS postdoctoral fellow for research abroad(2006/04/01-2008/02/29)
Kanazawa University Forntier Science Organization Specially-appointed Assistant Professor(2008/03/01-2012/03/31)
Kanazawa University Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology Associate Professor(2012/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Kanazawa University Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology Associate Professor(2012/04/01-)
Environmental dynamic analysis
Speciality Keywords
Atmospheric aerosols, Mineral dust, PM2.5
Research Themes
Evaluation of cloud nucleating properties of atmopsheric aerosols
Investigation on the mixing state of atmospheric aerosols during long-range transport
Atmospheric monitoring in Noto peninsula, Japan
- KOSA 2009/07
- Application of Micro Raman Spectroscopy on Atmospheric Aerosol Research Atsushi Matsuki Earozoru Kenkyu 28 3 208-213 2013/10
- Morphological and chemical modification of mineral dust: Observational insight into the heterogeneous uptake of acidic gases Atsushi Matsuki, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Guangyu Shi, Daizhou Zhang, Dmitri Trochkine, Maromu Yamada, Yoon-Suk Kim, Bin Chen, Tetsuji Nagatani, Takeshi Miyazawa, Masahiro Nagatani, Hiroshi Nakata Geophysical Research Letters 32 L22806 2005/11
- Heterogeneous sulfate formation on dust surface and its dependence on mineralogy: balloon-borne measurements in the surface atmosphere of Beijing, China Atsushi Matsuki, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Guangyu Shi, Hongbin Chen, Kazuo Osada, Daizhou Zhang, Mizuka Kido, Yayoi Inomata, Yoon-Suk Kim, Dmitri Trochkine, Chiharu Nishita, Maromu Yamada, Tetuji Nagatani, Masahiro Nagatani, Hiroshi Nakata Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 5 101–132 2005/01
- Seasonal dependence of the long-range transport and vertical distribution of free tropospheric aerosols over east Asia: On the basis of aircraft and lidar measurements and isentropic trajectory analysis Atsushi Matsuki, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Kazuo Osada, Katsuji Matsunaga, Mizuka Kido, Yayoi Inomata, Dmitri Trochkine, Chiharu Nishita, Takayoshi Nezuka, Tetsu Sakai, Daizhou Zhang, Soung-An Kwon Journal of Geophysical Research 108 D23 8663 2003/08
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Earth Environment(2017)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Earth Sciences 1(2017)
○Introduction to Biology, Material Engineering and Geosciences B(2017)
○Geochemical Experiments(2017)
○Earth Environment(2017)
○Revolution and Cycle of the Earth(2017)
○Applied Geochemical Experiments(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2016)
○Earth Sciences 1(2016)
○Earth Environment(2016)
○Earth Environment(2016)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2016)
○Atmospheric and Environmental Science(2016)
○Revolution and Cycle of the Earth(2016)
○Applied Geochemical Experiments(2016)
○Geochemical Experiments(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Earth Surface Environment A(2017)
○Atmospheric composition and circulation(2017)
○Atmospheric composition and circulation(2017)
○Atmospheric composition and circulation(2017)
○Earth Surface Environment B(2017)
○Atmospheric composition and circulation(2017)
○Earth Surface Environment A(2016)
○Environment and Sustainable Society(2016)
○Atmospheric composition and circulation(2016)
○Earth Surface Environment B(2016)