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Professor MASAKI Toyomu
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of Economics, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
World Political Economy
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kobe University Doctor International Cooperation Studies Economic Development and Policies 200109 Completed
University of Bordeaux IV Master DEA Development Economics 199710 Completed
Kobe University Master International Cooperation Studies Economic Developmnet and Policies 199503 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Osaka City University Economics 199303
Kushiro Public University Faculty of Economics(1999/04/01-2001/03/31)
Kushiro Public University Faculty of Economics(2001/04/01-2004/09/30)
Faculty of Economics, Kanazawa University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor(2004/10/01-2011/03/31)
Boston University African Studies Center Visiting Scholar(2015/05/01-2016/04/30)
Universite de Rouen Normandie Faculty of History visiting scholar(2017/10-2018/02)
University of Cambridge Faculty of History Visiting scholar(2019/10-2019/12)
University of Cambridge Faculty of History Visiting scholar(2018/03-2018/09)
School of Economics, Kanazawa University Professor(2011/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Society of International Economics
Japan Association For African Studies
Japan Society of Monetary Economics
Societé franco-japonaise des Science historiques
Socio-Economic History Society
○Second-Prize Article in the Commemorative Essay Contest (2011/05/21)
Economic history、History of Asia and Africa、Money/Finance、Economic policy
Speciality Keywords
Research Themes
Western Africa in World Economy
Developing countries and World Economy
- Please go to https://researchmap.jp/read0063355 2022/10
- Please go to https://researchmap.jp/read0063355 2019/10
- The Management of the Bank of Senegal and the Formation of a Colonial Economy, 1840s–1901 Toyomu MASAKI African Studies Review 66 3 595-617 2023/09
- Indian guinée cloth, West Africa, and the French colonial empire 1826–1925: Colonialism and imperialism as agents of globalization Toyomu MASAKI Economic History of Developing Regions 37 2 2022/03
- The colonization of French West Africa and postal money transfer services 1874-1955: Seeking the origin of the compte d'operation Toyomu MASAKI Entreprises et Histoire 105 42-51 2021/12
- Spheres of money, payments, and credit systems in the colony of Senegal in the long nineteenth century Toyomu MASAKI Pallaver, Karin ed. Monetary Transitions Currencies, Colonialism and African Societies 2021/11
- Export of Indian guinee to Senegal via France : intercolonial trade in the long nineteenth century Toyomu MASAKI 81 2 239-260 2015/08
- From the CFA franc to the ECO? An interpretation on the Announcement of the New Common Currency for the ECOWAS Toyomu MASAKI Africa Report 57 87 92 2019/10
- "Background of the Establishment of La Banque du Sénégal(1853-1901) and Facts" The Kokumin-Keizai Zasshi(Journal of Economics & Business Administration) 211 1 39-57 2015/01
- "Formation Process of WAEMU/WAMU and the Recent Moves(2) -after the devaluation of the CFA franc in 1994" Africa 54 4 38-47 2014/12
- "Formation Process of WAEMU/WAMU and the Recent Moves(1) -From the perspective of the Relationship with France" Africa 54 3 40-49 2014/09
- "The Muride Blotherhood (4) : Toward the comprehension of the socio-economic system of the Republic of Senegal" Kanazawa University Economic Review 34 2 251-273 2014/03
- "The Muride Blotherhood (3) : Toward the comprehension of the socio-economic system of the Republic of Senegal" Kanazawa University Economic Review 34 1 155-194 2013/12
- ”The Muride brotherhood (2) -Toward the comprehension of ths socio-economic system of the Republic of Senegal ―” Kanazawa University Economic Review 33 2 201-232 2013/03
- "Globalization and Regionalization in West Africa―Overcoming the Colonial Divide" Quarterly Bulletin of Third World Studies 51 3 44- 67 2011/07
- ”Export Competitiveness of the CFA Franc Zone Countries-Examinations of their Real Efective Exchange rates(1999-2006)” Journal of International Development Studies 19 2 101-118 2010/11
- "Japanese Contribution to Malaysian Economic Development:lessons for Africa" African and Asian Studies 4 4 575-602 2005/06
- "Dutch Disease and Industrialization Policies in a Resource-Rich Country: The Case of Cote d’Ivoire (1970-1989)" Journal of International Development Studies 9 1 1-19 2000/06
- "System of CFA Franc and Economic Growth of UEMOA" Journal of African Studies 50 29-51 1997/03
- THe quiet Demise of the CFA Francs and the Mergence of Two Ecos:West Africa and Its Currency in a Chaotic World Political Economy Toyomu MASAKI Africa Report 62 15-22 2024/02
- The Formation of Colonial Economies and African Societies Toyomu MASAKI 岩波講座 世界歴史 第18巻 2022/10/28
- "Guinee Cloth Exported to Western Africa Via France from 1815 to 1929: Focusing on Changes in Transit Points and Destinations at the Turn of the Century" Toyomu MASAKI Discussion Paper Series No.29 Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University 0 29 2016/10
Conference Presentations
- Please go to https://researchmap.jp/read0063355(2019/10)
- Indian guinee cloth, West Africa, and the French colonial empire 1826-1925: Colonialism and Imperialism as agents of globalization(conference:Global History Seminar)(2022/01/28)
- The Management of the Bank of Senegal and the Formation of a Colonial Economy, 1840s–1901(conference:African Studies Association (USA))(2021/11/29)
- How France made Senegal its colony:From an Aspect of the Financial System Established in the Nineteenth Century(conference:14th Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network)(2019/10/22)
- French struggles to make payments with cotton cloth in the territories of Upper Senegal in the 1880s(conference:International Workshop on Money in West Africa : The economic and social history of the transitions from commodity to colonial currencies)(2019/12/17)
- Spheres of money and payment systems in the colony of Senegal and its protectorates in the long nineteenth century(conference:International Workshop "Monetary transitions in colonial Africa")(2020/01/16)
- The Bank of Senegal (1840’ to 1901): The Background of the Establishment and its Impacts on the French Colonization over West Africa(conference:Transnational money and the formation of economies and states in Africa, 1870s-1960s (Osaka University))(2019/06/20)
- Globally connecting the facts:A history of guinee cloth exported to French territories in Western Africa via France, 1833-1925(2017/04/20)
- セネガル発祥のスーフィー教団:ムリッド教団の概要とグローバル展開の動向・意義(2016/11/12)
- Guinée cloth exported to Western Africa via France 1815-1929: Focusing on the change of transit points and destinations at the turn of the century(conference:VI Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network )(2016/10/22)
- "A Comprehensive Perspective on Society: From the Micro to the Macro and Vice Versa"(conference:International Forum for Scientific Exchange between France and Japan: A Demographic View of the Worl)(2012/11/30)
- "Monetary Integrations in Western Africa and the Real Effective Exchange Rates 1999-2006"(conference:Annual Conference 2009, Center for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, UK,)(2009/03/23)
- The French Invasion of the Haut Sénégal and Payment Issues: 1880–1900(conference:Imperial and Colonial Currencies Monetary Supply, Policy, and Circulation, 16th-20th Centuries)(2024/06/07)
- Guinée Cloth (Nila) beyond the ‘Saharan Divide’ : Its Origins, Functions, and Circulations(conference:African Economic History Network)(2024/09/26)
- A History of Guinée Cloth (Nila) beyond the “Saharan Divide” Focusing on the origins of its function and changes in circulation within the Western Sahel around the turn of the 20th century(conference:Workshop to Commemorate the Conclusion of Inter-University Agreements University of Nouakchott & Kanazawa University)(2023/03/29)
- The French Invasion of Haut Senegal and payment issues 1880-1900:The emergence of a multiplex payment system(conference:Word Economic History Congress)(2022/07/28)
- Book Review: Franklin Obeng-Odoom, Property, institutions, and social stratification in Africa, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020 Toyomu MASAKI Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 2021/02
- International Collaborative Research: The Purposes, Methods and Significances Toyomu MASAKI Journal of African Studies (Afurika Kenkyu) 97 31-32 2020/05
- Please consult a follwing page http://researchmap.jp/read0063355/?lang=english
- The French Invasion of the Haut Sénégal and Payment Issues: 1880–1900 Toyomu MASAKI Discussion Paper Series 87, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kanazawa University 2024/05/20
- Indian Guinée Cloth Revisited: Indigo Dyeing Methods, Mass-Produced Items, and the Development of Global Capitalism. Toyomu MASAKI 95 2025/03/03
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「Globalizing the Study on West African Financial, Colonial, and Socio-Economic Histor
y in Japan: Overcoming divides through Knowledge Transfers and Dialogues」(2024-2028)
○「重層的決済システムと中央銀行制度成立過程の再考 (関西大学 西村雄志)」(2019-2022)
○「Formation Process and Economic Functions of Intermediate Organizations; Historical and Theoretical Studies on Asia and Africa」(2011-2013)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
○A Study of Trade and Credit System with Commodity money in the Western Sahel: 19th-20th Centuries Santo Project Kanazawa University(2022-2023)
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Global Economy(2024)
○World Political Economy B(2024)
○World Political Economy(2024)
○World Political Economy A(2024)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2024)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2024)
○Overseas language Training A(2023)
○Overseas language Training B(2023)
○Overseas language Training C(2023)
○Overseas language Training A(2023)
○Overseas language Training B(2023)
○Overseas language Training C(2023)
○World Political Economy B(2023)
○Global Economy(2023)
○World Political Economy A(2023)
○World Political Economy(2023)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2023)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2023)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2023)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2023)
○Presentation and Debate(2023)
○Academic Skills(2023)
○Global Economy(2022)
○World Political Economy(2022)
○World Political Economy B(2022)
○World Political Economy A(2022)
○Academic Skills(2022)
○Presentation and Debate(2022)
○Overseas language Training A(2021)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2021)
○Overseas language Training C(2021)
○World Political Economy B(2021)
○World Political Economy(2021)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2021)
○Overseas language Training A(2021)
○Global Economy(2021)
○Overseas language Training A(2020)
○Overseas language Training A(2020)
○Overseas language Training B(2020)
○Overseas language Training B(2020)
○World Political Economy(2020)
○Global Economy(2020)
○Overseas language Training C(2020)
○Overseas language Training C(2020)
○World Political Economy B(2020)
○World Political Economy A(2020)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○Freshman Seminar I(2019)
○World Political Economy A(2019)
○World Political Economy B(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○Preparation for Teaching Practice III(2019)
○Review of Teaching Practice III(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2019)
○Overseas language Training C(2019)
○Overseas language Training A(2019)
○Overseas language Training B(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2019)
○World Political Economy(2019)
○Global Economy(2019)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2019)
○Advanced Topics in Economics C(2019)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 1(2018)
○World Political Economy B(2018)
○An Introduction to Economics D(2018)
○GS English Language Courses for Undergraduates 2(2018)
○Advanced Study(2018)
○World Political Economy A(2018)
○Advanced Topics in Economics C(2018)
○Study for Graduation(2018)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○World Political Economy A(2017)
○World Political Economy B(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○World Political Economy A(2016)
○World Political Economy B(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Special Study on World Economy b-2(2024)
○Special Study on World Economy b-1(2024)
○Seminar on Economic Development II(2023)
○Economic Development II(2023)
○Seminar on Economic Development I(2023)
○Economic Development I(2023)
○Seminar on World Economy b-1(2023)
○Special Study on World Economy b-1(2023)
○Seminar on World Economy a-2(2023)
○Seminar on World Economy a-1(2023)
○Special Study on World Economy a-1(2023)
○Special Study on World Economy b-2(2023)
○Special Study on World Economy a-2(2023)
○Seminar on World Economy b-2(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation II(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Economic Development I(2017)
○Seminar on World Economy a-2(2017)
○Economic Development(2017)
○Seminar on Economic Development(2017)
○Seminar on Economic Development I(2017)
○Economic Development II(2017)
○Seminar on World Economy a-1(2017)
○Policies for Social and Economic Development(2017)
○Special Study on World Economy a-1(2017)
○Special Study on World Economy a-2(2017)
○Special Study on World Economy a(2017)
○Seminar on Economic Development(2017)
○Seminar on World Economy a(2017)
○Seminar on Economic Development II(2017)
○Special Study on World Economy a(2017)
○Special Study on World Economy b(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy a(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy b(2016)
○Economic Development II(2016)
○Economic Development I(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy a(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy a(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy b-1(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy a-1(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy a-2(2016)
○Seminar on Economic Development(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy b-2(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy b-2(2016)
○Economic Development(2016)
○Special Study on World Economy b-1(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy a-1(2016)
○Seminar on World Economy a-2(2016)
○Seminar on Economic Development II(2016)
○Seminar on Economic Development I(2016)