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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/10/16

Professor TAKAYAMA Tomoaki


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
School of Humanities, College of Human and Social Sciences


Japanese language and literature TEL: FAX:

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba Doctor 1992 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba 1986



Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

The linguistic society of Japan
The Phonological Society of Japan
Phonetic Society of Japan



Japanese linguistics、Linguistics

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

Historical and synchronic study on the sounds of the Japanese Language


  •  Tomoaki TAKAYAMA Dynamic aspects of sound changes of Japanese and Kenshukuryoko-shu Kasamashoin 2014/05
  •  Japanese Language Vol.3 Phonetics and Phonology 2003/06


  •  Gemination in compounds and complexes Current issues in Japanese phonology: segmental variation in Japanese 107-128 2013/01
  •  affrication and vowel system 0 0 218-228 2006/07
  •  A survey of Rendaku in loanwords Voicing in Japanese (Studies in Generative Grammar 84) 84 177-190 2005/12
  •  Asymmetry of medial approximants j and w in Japanese Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 9 1 30-38 2005/04
  •  On factors of Denasalizing in the Prenasalized Consonants of Japanese Japanese Studies(Institute of Japanese Studies Dankook University, Korea) 16 0 319-336 2005/04

show all

  •  Aspects de la phonologie de /p/ Laurence Labrune Japon Pluriel 5 0 365-377 2004/09
  •  Prenasalized consonants in Ken-syuku-ryoo-ko syuu. 0 28 94-101 2003/09
  •  Some issues in Historical Phonology of Sino-Japanese 6 1 44-52 2002/04
  •  Prenasalized consonants in the end of the 17th century. 23 1-8 1998/09
  •  Sequential voicing (Rendaku) of Sino-Japanese 22 26-34 1997/09
  •  The prosodic role of Sokuon and compound construction Kokugogaku, Studies in the Japanese Language 0 182 15-27 1995/09
  •  On the semantic role derived from the geminations of Japanese (Sokuon). Memoirs of the faculty of education Kagawa university (part 1) 0 95 71-82 1995/09
  •  Geminations and compound forms 0 0 347-360 1994/10
  •  The gemination (the Sokuon insertion) and the /CVQ/ prefixes 0 18 62-68 1993/09
  •  The Japanized Fanqie and Hokekyoo-ongi 0 0 713-726 1993/06
  •  A consonantal shift and the merger between fricatives and affricatives 62 4 18-30 1993/04
  •  The birth of long syllables in the history of Japanese language 16 19-27 1992/02
  •  The changes of Vu hiatuses into long vowels in the history of Japanese language Gengo Kenkyu, Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan 101 14-34 1992/03

Conference Presentations

  • Diachronic Uniformity of the Two Affrications in Japanese(conference:Summer Conference 2021 of the Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea)(2021/06/12)
  • The Delabialization of the Voiceless Bilabial Fricative and the Mimetics of Late Middle Japanese(2017/03/09)
  • On the relationship between a sound-symbolic system and sound changes: A case study of the delabialization in Japanese(conference:Mimetics in Japanese and other languages of the world)(2016/12/18)
  • The History of Rendaku(conference:Rendaku Workshop: Compiling a rendaku research handbook)(2015/07/02)


  •  Ogura Hajime: Research on the history of Japanese phonology (review)  Studies in the Japanese Language 9 1 35-41 2013/01/01
  •  Review of Japanese Linguistics 2004-2005: Phonology(Historical Studies) 2 3 50-58 2006/07
  •  Choenjamoon of the Kambara Collection 0 19 79-86 1994//9

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Critical Thinking(2021)
○Critical Thinking(2021)
○Introduction to Data Science(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2021)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics 2(2021)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A(2021)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 2(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics B2(2021)
○History of Japanese Language A(2021)
○History of Japanese Language 1(2021)
○History of Japanese Language 2(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics B(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics B1(2021)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics 1(2021)
○Common English A(2021)
○Introduction to the study of linguistics(2021)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 1(2021)
○History of Japanese Language(2021)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2020)
○Introduction to Date Science(2020)
○History of Japanese Language 2(2020)
○History of Japanese Language 1(2020)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2020)
○History of Japanese Language(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics A(2020)
○History of Japanese Language A(2020)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2020)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2020)
○Introduction to the study of linguistics(2020)
○Introduction to Humanity D(2020)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2020)
○Introduction to Humanity 2A(2020)
○History of Japanese Language(2020)
○Critical Thinking(2020)
○Critical Thinking(2020)
○Special Lecture on Japanese Linguistics A(2019)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A(2019)
○History of Japanese Language A(2019)
○Introduction to the study of linguistics(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 1(2019)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 2(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2019)
○Reading in Japanese Linguistics A(2019)
○History of Japanese Language B2(2019)
○History of Japanese Language B1(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics C(2019)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Critical Thinking(2019)
○History of Japanese Language(2019)
○Critical Thinking(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2018)
○History of Japanese Language(2018)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○Critical Thinking(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2018)
○History of Japanese Language A(2018)
○History of Japanese Language 2(2018)
○History of Japanese Language(2018)
○Introduction to Humanity D(2018)
○Reading in Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○History of Japanese Language(2018)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2018)
○History of Japanese Language(2018)
○History of Japanese Language 1(2018)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2018)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 2(2017)
○History of Japanese Language B2(2017)
○History of Japanese Language B1(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics C(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 1(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics B(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Critical Thinking(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics A(2017)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A(2017)
○History of Japanese Language(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics C(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 2(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics 1(2017)
○Reading in Japanese Linguistics A(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics B(2017)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics A(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○History of Japanese Language B1(2017)
○History of Japanese Language B(2017)
○History of Japanese Language A(2017)
○History of Japanese Language B2(2017)
○Critical Thinking(2017)
○Critical Thinking(2017)
○Critical Thinking(2017)
○Critical Thinking(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics B(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2016)
○History of Japanese Language B(2016)
○Critical Thinking(2016)
○Introduction to Japanese Linguistics B(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics A(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2021)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2021)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2021)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I1(2021)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics II1(2021)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics II2(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2021)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2021)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I2(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics II1(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2021)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics II2(2021)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2021)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2021)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2020)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2020)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2020)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2020)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2020)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2020)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2020)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2020)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2020)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2020)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I2(2020)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I1(2020)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2020)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I1(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I2(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIb(2020)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIb(2020)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2020)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIa(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2020)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIa(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2020)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2019)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I2(2019)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIa(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2019)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2019)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2019)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2019)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2019)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2019)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2019)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2019)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I2(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIa(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2019)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I1(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIb(2019)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I1(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIb(2019)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2019)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2019)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I2(2018)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2018)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2018)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIa(2018)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 2(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIa(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIb(2018)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2018)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2018)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I1(2018)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2018)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I2(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I1(2018)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIb(2018)
○Lecture on Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2018)
○Seminar in Analysis of Linguistic Structure 1(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2018)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIb(2017)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2017)
○linguistic structure of Japanese(2017)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2017)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2017)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2017)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2017)
○Seminar in Cognitive Science of Language I2(2017)
○Lecture on Structural Analysis of Language 1(2017)
○Lecture on Structural Analysis of Language 1(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIa(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIb(2017)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese(2017)
○linguistic structure of Japanese(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics II2(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics II1(2017)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIa(2017)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics II2(2017)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics II1(2017)
○Seminar in Cognitive Science of Language I1(2017)
○DEAi Program(2016)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese(2016)
○Supervised Independent Study and Research II(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ib(2016)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I(2016)
○Lecture on Structural Analysis of Language 1(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I(2016)
○Seminar in Cognitive Science of Language I(2016)
○Lecture on Structural Analysis of Language 1(2016)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese II(2016)
○linguistic structure of Japanese I(2016)
○linguistic structure of Japanese II(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I2(2016)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I1(2016)
○Seminar in Cognitive Science of Language I2(2016)
○Seminar in Cognitive Science of Language I1(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Linguistics I1(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ib(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIa(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics Ia(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics Ia(2016)
○linguistic structure of Japanese(2016)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese(2016)
○Lecture on Structural Analysis of Language(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics II(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIb(2016)
○linguistic structure of Japanese(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics IIb(2016)
○Study in Japanese Linguistics I2(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics II(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics I(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese linguistics I(2016)
○Lecture on Japanese Linguistics IIa(2016)
○Seminar on linguistic structure of Japanese I(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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