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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/13

Associate Professor FURUTACHI Hideki

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Chemistry, School of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering


coordination laboratry TEL:076-264-5703 FAX:076-264-5742

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyushu University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 1998 Completed
Ryukyu University Master Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 1995 Completed


assistant prof(2000/11/01-2008/03/31)
University of Arkansas and Hawaii visiting researcher(2007/05/23-2008/03/23)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry

Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry


Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry
○BCSJ 論文賞(2004)


Coordination Chemistry、Inorganic chemistry

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

Model study for non-heme diiron enzymes

Model study for non-heme diiron enzymes

synthesis of metal complexes with thiolate ligands

synthesis of metal complexes with thiolate ligands

Synthetic model study of metalloenzymes

Synthetic model study of metalloenzymes



  •  Synthesis and Crystal Structure of (μ-Acetato)bis(μ-alkoxo)dicobalt(II, III) Complex with an Unsymmetric Dinucleating Ligand N. Shinde, Ryunosuke Handa, H. Furutachi, Y. Sakata, S. Akine, S. Fujinami, and M. Suzuki X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 37 3 13-14 2021/03/10
  •  Crystal Structure of (μ-Phenoxo)bis(μ-pentafluorobenzoate)dicobalt(II, III) Complex with a Dinucleating Ligand N. Shinde, H. Furutachi, Y. Sakata, S. Akine, S. Fujinami, and M. Suzuki X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 36 7 23-25 2020/07/10
  •  Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Bis(μ-hydroxo)diiron(II) Complex with Tridentate Ligands Having a Sterically Bulky Imidazolyl Group Reiko Yaguchi, Hideki Furutachi, Sanae Shirotsuki, Xi Zhang, Takanao Ishikawa, Shigehisa Akine, Takehiko Tosha, Shuhei Fujinami, Masatatsu Suzuki, and Teizo Kitagawa X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 35 5 27-29 2019/05/10
  •  Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy of Peroxo-bridged Biferric Complexes: Structural insight into Peroxy Intermediates of Binuclear Non-heme Iron Enzymes K. Park, T. Tsugawa, H. Furutachi, Y. Kwak, L. V. Liu, S. D. Wong, Y. Yoda, Y. Kobayashi, M. Saito, M. Kurokuzu, M. Seto, M. Suzuki, and E. I. Solomon Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 4 1294-1298 2013/01
  •  Active Trifluoromethylating Agents from Well-Defined Copper(I)-CF3 Complexes G. Dubinina, H. Furutachi, and D. A. Vic JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 130 27 8600-8601 2008/06

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  •  Oxidation Reactivity of Bis(μ-oxo) Dinickel(III) Complexes: Arene Hydroxylation of the Supporting Ligand K. Honda, J. Cho, T. Matsumoto, J. Roh, H. Furutachi, T. Tosha, M. Kubo, S. Fujinami, T. Ogura, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 48 18 3304-3307 2009/03
  •  Aliphatic C-H Bond Activation Initiated by a (μ-η²:η²-peroxo)dicopper(II) Complex in Comparison with Cumylperoxyl Radical T. Matsumoto, K. Ohkubo, K. Honda, A. Yazawa, H. Furutachi, S. Fujinami, S. Fukuzumi, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 131 6 9258-9267 2009/06
  •  New Mechanistic Insight into Intramolecular Aromatic Ligand Hydroxylation and Benzyl Alcohol Oxidation Initiated by the well-defined (μ-Peroxo)diiron(III) Complex M. Sekino, H. Furutachi, R. Tojo, A. Hishi, H. Kajikawa, T. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, S. Fujinami, S. Akine, Y. Sakata, T. Ohta, and M. Suzuki Chem. Commun. 53 8838-8841 2017
  •  Crystal Structure of Bis(μ-hydroxo)diiron(III) Complex with Tripodal Ligands Having a Terminal Carboxylate Group Xi Zhang, Hideki Furutachi, Yuya Ohyama, Shuhei Fujinami, Shigehisa Akine, and Masatatsu Suzuki X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 35 4 17-19 2019/04/10
  •  Crystal Structure of Bis(μ-hydroxo)diiron(II) Complex with a Dinucleating Ligand Having a Butyl linker M. Sekino, H. Furutachi, K. Tasaki, T. Ishikawa, S. Fujinami, S. Akine, Y. Sakata, M. Suzuki, T. Nomura, T. Ogura, and T. Kitagawa X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 35 2 5-7 2019/02/10
  •  Crystal Structure of μ-Phenoxo-μ-benzoate-bridged Dinuclear Fe(II) Complex with a Dinucleating Ligand Having a Sterically Bulky Imidazolyl Group Yuichi Yasuda, Hideki Furutachi, Yosuke Hayashi, Kana Ishizaki, Shuhei Fujinami, Shigehisa Akine, Masatatsu Suzuki, Shigenori Nagatomo, and Teizo Kitagawa X-ray Struct. Anal. Online 35 3 11-13 2019/03/10
  •  New mechanistic insight into intramolecular arene hydroxylation initiated by (μ-1,2-peroxo)diiron(III) complexes with dinucleating ligands M. Sekino, H. Furutachi, K. Tasaki, T. Ishikawa, S. Mori, S. Fujinami, S. Akine, Y. Sakata, T. Nomura, T. Ogura, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki Dalton Trans. 45 469-473 2016
  •  Oxidation Reactivity of a Structurally and Spectroscopically Well-Defined Mononuclear Peroxocarbonato-Iron(III) Complex T. Tsugawa, H. Furutachi, M. Marunaka, T. Endo, K. Hashimoto, S. Fujinami, S. Akine, Y. Sakata, S. Nagatomo, T. Tosha, T. Nomura, T. Kitagawa, T. Ogura, and M. Suzuki Chem. Lett. 44 3 330-332 2015/03
  •  A Mononuclear Peracetatoiron(III) Complex: Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization, and Oxidation Reactivity Chem. Lett. 40 4 515 2011/04
  •  Regioselective Arene Hydroxylation Mediated by a (μ-Peroxo)diiron(III) Complex: A Functional Model for Toluene Monooxygenase M. Yamashita, H. Furutachi, T. Tosha, S. Fujinami, W. Saito, Y. Maeda, K. Takahashi, K. Tanaka, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 1 2-3 2007/01
  •  Synthesis and Reactivity of (μ-η2:η2-peroxo)dicopper(II) Complexes with Dinucleating Ligands: Hydroxylation of Xylyl Linker with a NIH Shift T. Matsumoto, H. Furutachi, S. Nagatomo, T. Tosha, S. Fujinami, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY 692 111-121 2007/01
  •  A Novel Mononuclear Ligand-based Alkylperoxo Copper(II) Complex as a Reaction Intermediate in the Oxidation of Methyl Groups of Supporting Ligand M. Mizuno, K. Honda, J. Cho, H. Furutachi, T. Tosha, T. Matsumoto, S. Fujinami, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 45 41 6911-6914 2006/10
  •  Sequential Reaction Intermediates in Aliphatic C-H Bond Functionalization Intiated by a Bis(μ-oxo)dinicke(III) Complex J. Cho, H. Furutachi, S. Fujinami, T. Tosha, H. Ohtsu, O. Ikeda, A. Suzuki, M. Nomura, T. Uruga, H. Tanida, T. Kawai, K. Tanaka, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 45 7 2873-2885 2006/04
  •  Intramolecular Arene Hydroxylation versus Styrene Epoxidation by (μ-η2:η2-peroxo)dicopper(II) Complexes Supported by Dinucleating Ligands T. Matsumoto, H. Furutachi, M. Kobino, M. Tomii, S. Nagatomo, T. Tosha, T. Osako, S. Fujinami, S. Itoh, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128 12 3874-3875 2006/04
  •  Mass Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Studies on Hydrolysis of Phosphoesters by Bis(m-acetato)-m-phenolato Dinuclear Metal(II) Complexes (Metal = Mn, Co, Ni, and Zn) R. Jikido, H. Shiraishi, K. Matsufuji, M. Ohba, H. Furutachi, M. Suzuki, and H. Okawa BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 78 10 1795-1803 2005/10
  •  Structure and Dioxygen-reactivity of Copper(I) Complexes Supported by Bis(6-methylpyridin-2-ylmethyl)amine Tridentate Ligands T. Osako, S. Terada, T. Tosha, S. Nagatomo, H. Furutachi, S. Fujinami, T. Kitagawa, M. Suzuki, and S. Itoh Dalton Trans. 21 3514-3521 2005/09
  •  Synthesis and Reactivity of a (m-1,1-hydroperoxo)(m-hydroxo)dicopper(II) Complex: Ligand Oxidation by a Bridging Hydroperoxo Ligand JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 14 5212-5223 2005/04
  •  Reversible Cleavage and Reformation of a Peroxo O-O Bond in a Peroxocarbonate Group Mediated by an Iron(III) Complex H. Furutachi, K. Hashimoto, S. Nagatomo, T. Endo, S. Fujinami, Y. Watanabe, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 13 4550-4551 2005/04
  •  Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of (m-Hydroxo or -Oxo)(m-peroxo)diiron(III) Complexes: Models for Peroxo Intermediates of Non-Heme Diiron Proteins X. Zhang, H. Furutachi, S. Fujinami, S. Nagatomo, Y. Maeda, Y. Watanabe, T. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 3 826-827 2005/01
  •  A Bis(m-alkylperoxo)dinickel(II) Complex as a Reaction Intermediate for the Oxidation of Methyl Groups of Me2-tpa Ligand to Carboxylate and Alkoxide Ligands ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 43 25 3300-3303 2004/06
  •  Dioxygen Reactivity of Copper(I) Complexes with Tetradentate Tripodal Ligands Having Aliphatic Nitrogen Donors: Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of Peroxo and Superoxo Complexes BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 77 1 59-72 2004/04
  •  Ligand Effect on Reversible Conversion between Copper(I) and Bis(m-oxo)Dicopper(III) Complex with a Sterically Hindered Tetradentate Tripodal Ligand and Monooxygenase Activity of Bis(m-oxo)Dicopper(III) Complex INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 42 25 8534-8544 2003/11
  •  Regioselective Hydroxylation of the Xylyl Linker in a Diiron(III) Complex having a Carboxylate-Rich Ligand with H2O2 CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 15 1900-1901 2003/08
  •  trans,trans,trans-Diethanoldiquinaldinatoiron(II) K. Osawa, H. Furutachi, S. Fujinami and M. Suzuki E59 m315 2003/02
  •  A New Mononuclear Iron(III) Complex Containing a Peroxocarbonate Ligand Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 41 7 4 2002/04
  •  Modulation of Copper-Dioxygen Reactivity by Stereochemical Effect of Tetradentate Tripodal Ligands Chem. Lett. 3 2 2002/03
  •  Bis(m-oxo)(m-hydroxo)triiron(III) and (m-oxo)(m-hydroxo)diiron(III) Core Complexes with Tripodal Ligands Having a Terminal Carboxylate Group Chem. Lett. 10 2 2000/10
  •  Dinuclear CoIIMII (M = Pb, Co) Complexes Having a 'Co(salen)' Entity in a Macrocyclic Framework: Ligand Modulation Effect and Neighboring MII Effect upon Oxygenation at the 'Co(salen)' Center J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 16 9 2000/08
  •  A Heterodinuclear CoIICuI Complex with Co(salen) in a Macrocyclic Framework. Oxygenation Studies in Comparison with Analogous CuIICuI and CoIIPbII Complexes Inorg. Chem. 39 20 7 2000/08
  •  Bimetallic Dioxygen Complexes Derived from ‘End-off’ Compartmental Ligands M. Suzuki, H. Furutachi, and H. Okawa COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 200-202 105 2000/01
  •  A Rare m3-h1,h2 Peroxo Bridge between Two CoIIIPbII Dinuclear Units and Hydrolytic Conversion into a Hydroxo-Bridged CoIIIPbII Complex Chem. Lett. 8 2 1999/08
  •  Oxygenation of Heterodinuclear Di(m-phenoxo)CoIIMII (M = Mn, Fe, Co) Complexes Having a "Co(salen)" Entity in a Macrocyclic Framework J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 13 7 1999/07
  •  Di(m-phenoxo)CoIIMII (M = Mn, Co, Zn) Complexes with 'Co(salen)' Entity in a Macrocyclic Framework: Core Structures and Neighboring MII Effect upon Oxygenation at the 'Co(salen)' Center Inorg. Chem. 38 18 8 1999/07
  •  New Pyridine-modified Macrocycle and Its Ability to Encapsulate Four Divalent Metal Ions [Nickel(II), Manganese(II), and Zinc(II)] into the Ring Chem. Lett. 7 2 1999/07
  •  FeIIPbII and FeIII Complexes of Macrocyclic Compartmental Ligands: Different Cyclization in Stepwise Template Synthesis Using FeII/PbII or FeIII/PbII Pairs J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 3 6 1999/02
  •  Macrocyclic Heterodinuclear ZnIIPbII Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, and Hydrolytic Function toward Tris(p-nitrophenyl) Phosphate Inorg. Chem. 37 26 7 1998/12
  •  Dinuclear Nickel(II) Complexes of an Unsymmetric "End-Off" Compartmental Ligand: Conversion of Urea into Cyanate at a Dinuclear Nickel Core Inorg. Chem. 37 24 7 1998/11
  •  Reversible Oxygenation of a m-Acetato-di(m-phenoxo)dicobalt(II) Core Complex and Crystal Structure of Its Oxygenated Complex Chem. Lett. 8 2 1998/08
  •  Heterodinuclear Metal Complexes of Phenol-based Compartmental Macrocycles COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 174 51-75 1998/07
  •  Hydrolytic Function of a Hydroxo-ZnIIPbII Complex toward Tris-p-nitrophenyl Phosphate: A Functional Model of Heterobimetallic Phosphatases Chem. Lett. 3 2 1998/03
  •  Dinuclear Nickel(II) Complexes of Phenol-Based "End-Off" Compartmental Ligands and Their Urea Adducts Relevant to the Urease Active Site Inorg. Chem. 37 5 8 1998/03
  •  Dioxygen Oxidation of Coordinated Nitrosyl to Nitro on Dmf-Bridged CoPb Complex Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 71 3 7 1998/02
  •  Diphenoxo-bridged NiCo and CuCo Complexes of Macrocyclic Ligands: Synthesis, Structure and Electrochemical Behaviour J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 17 6 1997/09
  •  (m-Phenoxo)2CoIIMII (M = Mn, Fe, Co) Core Complexes Having a "Co(salen)" Entity Embedded in a Macrocyclic Framework: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties Inorg. Chem. 36 18 8 1997/09
  •  Migratory Transmetalation in Diphenoxo-Bridged CuIIMII Complexes of a Dinucleating Macrocycle with N(amine)2O2 and N(imine)2O2 Metal-Binding Sites Inorg. Chem. 36 13 7 1997/07
  •  A Macrocyclic Co(II)Pb(II) Complex: Neighboring Pb(II) Effect upon Reversible Superoxo-cobalt Complex Formation in Solid State Chem. Lett. 11 2 1996/11
  •  Polynuclear Zinc(II) Complexes of Phenol-Imine and -Amine Macrocycles J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 23 8 1995/06

Conference Presentations

  • Reversible O–O Bond Cleavage and Reformation of Peroxo Group of Peroxocarbonate Ligand of Iron(III) Complex(2007/06/23)
  • Oxidation Reactivity of Peroxocarbonate Iron(III) Complex(conference:4th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry)(2013/11/05)
  • Reversible O–O Bond Cleavage and Reformation of Peroxo Group of Peroxocarbonate Ligand of Iron(III) Complex(2007/11/18)
  • Oxidation reactivity of (peroxo)diiron(III) complexes: Functional models for dioxygen activating non-heme diiron enzymes(conference:Advances in Coordination Chemistry: A Bridging Symposium Between Korea and Japan)(2023/08/30)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Physics for Education(2017)
○Chemistry for Education(2017)
○Chemistry for Education(2017)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry B(2017)
○Structural Coordination Chemistry(2017)
○Physics for Education(2017)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession C / Junior High School・High School(2017)
○Biology for Education(2017)
○Earth Sciences for Education(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Fundamental Chemistry 2(2017)
○Experiments in Fundamental Chemistry(2017)
○Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry(2017)
○Earth Sciences for Education(2016)
○Research Work in Chemistry(2016)
○Freshman Seminar I(2016)
○Literature Survey in Chemistry(2016)
○Structural Coordination Chemistry(2016)
○Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry(2016)
○Physics for Education(2016)
○Fundamental Chemistry 2(2016)
○Chemistry for Education(2016)
○Chemistry for Education(2016)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry B(2016)
○Biology for Education(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession C / Junior High School・High School(2016)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Biomimetic Coordination Chemistry(2017)
○Biomimetic Coordination Chemistry(2017)
○Biomimetic Coordination Chemistry(2017)
○Seminar in Material Analysis(2017)
○Seminar in Material Analysis(2017)
○Synthesis of Metal Complexes(2017)
○Material Creation Chemistry III(2017)
○Seminar in Chemistry II(2017)
○Seminar in Chemistry III(2017)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2017)
○Biomimetic Coordination Chemistry(2017)
○Seminar in Material Analysis(2016)
○Presentation II(2016)
○Presentation III(2016)
○Advanced Chemistry(2016)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2016)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2016)
○Material Creation Chemistry III(2016)
○Presentation IV(2016)
○Synthesis of Metal Complexes(2016)
○Advanced Chemistry(2016)
○Presentation I(2016)
○Biomimetic Coordination Chemistry(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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