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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/14

Associate Professor KAKIKAWA Makiko


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Biological Science and Technology,Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Bioengineering, School of Biological Science and Technology, College of Science and Engineering


 TEL:076-264-6601 FAX:076-234-4946

Academic Background


Postdoctoral fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society


○Thesis prize of Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology(2008/08/21)
○Thesis prize of the magnetics society of Japan(2009/09/13)
○Thesis prize of the magnetics society of Japan(2009/09/13)
○Thesis prize of the magnetics society of Japan(2009/09/13)


Applied microbiology、Medical systems、Environmental dynamic analysis

Speciality Keywords

protein conformation

Research Themes

Medical application of magnetic fields

Molecular identification of microorganisms in bioaerosols



  •  Effect of terahertz radiation on drug activity in bacterial cells Kakikawa, M., Matsuzuka, R., Yamaguchi, Y.  Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications  2024/07/22
  •  Bone regeneration–enhancing effects of extremely low-frequency electromag-netic fields: Analysis using fish scales as a bone model Biomedical Research (Tokyo)  45 5 187-195 2024/10
  •  Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields facilitate both osteoblast and osteoclast activity through Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the zebrafish scale Jingjing Kobayashi-Sun,Isao Kobayashi,Makoto Kashima,Jun Hirayama,Makiko Kakikawa,Sotoshi Yamada,Nobuo Suzuki Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 12 2024/02/07 
  •  Different effects of magnetic field on drug activity in human uterine sarcoma cell lines MES-SA and MES-SA/Dx5 Shibaki. R, Kakikawa, M. Electromagnetic biology and medicine 41 3 343-351 2022/07
  •  Exposure to 60 Hz magnetic field can affect membrane proteins and membrane potential in human cancer cells Hayashi, S., Kakikawa, M. Electromagnetic biology and medicine 40 4 459-466 2021/08

show all

  •  Combined Effect of 60 Hz Magnetic Fields and Anticancer Drugs on Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells Kakikawa M, Maeda T, Yamada S. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology 3 1 56-60 2019/03
  •  Gradual Deformation of the Bacterial Cell Morphology due to the Effect of Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma jet-Treated Water (PTW) Begum A, Chiba R, Ishijima T, Kakikawa M, Taoka A, Pervez M. R, Innomata T, Uesugi Y, and Tanaka Y. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 2 4 360-368 2018/07
  •  Concentration and viability of bacteria aerosols associated with weather in Asian continental outflow: Current understanding Zhang D, Murata K, Hu W, Yuan H, Matsusaki H, Kakikawa M. Aerosol Science and Engineering 1 66-77 2017/08
  •  Effect of Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) magnetic fields on the potency of drugs in bacterial cells Kakikawa M., Imai, S., Yamada S IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 4 1-4 2014/04
  •  Cell concentration, viability and culture composition of airborne bacteria during a dust event in Beijing Yuan H., Zhang D., Shi Y., Li B., Yang J., Yu X.,Chen N., Kakikawa M. Journal of Environmental Sciences 55 33-40 2017/05
  •  Genetic and biochemical characterization of glutamyl endopeptidase of Staphylococcus warneri M. Yokoi K,Kakikawa M,Kimoto H,Watanabe K,Yasukawa H,Yamakawa A,Taketo A,Kodaira KI GENE 281 1-2 115-22 2001/12
  •  Molecular Identification of Microorganisms in Bioaerosols Earozoru Kenkyu 25 1 29-34 2010/03
  •  Effect of Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) magnetic fields on anticancer drugs potency Kakikawa M., Yamada S. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 2869-2872 2012/11
  •  Determination of calcium sensing receptor in the scales of goldfish and inductionof its mRNA expression by acceleration loading Kakikawa M, Yamamoto T, Satoh Y, Kitamura K-I, Sekiguchi T, Chowdhury VS, Funahashi H, Omori K, Endo M, Yano S, Yamada S, Hayakawa K, Chiba A, Srivastav AK, Ijiri K, Hattori1 A, Suzuki N. Biological Sciences in Space, 26 26-31 2012/12
  •  Enhanced Potency of Anticancer Drug, Bleomycin by ELF Magnetic Fields Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics 17 3 477-480 2009/09
  •  Dustborne microorganisms in the atmosphere over an Asian dust source region, Dunhuang Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 2 4 195-202 2008/12
  •  A Review of Studies of the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields in the Intermediate Frequency Range IEEJ Trans 2 4 405-412 2007/07
  •  Phylogenetic analysis of atmospheric halotolerant bacterial communities at high altitude in an Asian dust (KOSA) arrival region, Suzu City  Maki T,Susuki S, Kobayashi F, Kakikawa M,Tobo Y, Yamada M, Higashi T, Matsuki A, Hasegawa H, Iwasaka Y Science of the Total Environment 408 20 4556-4562 2010/09
  •  Influence of ELF Magnetic Fields on Anticancer Drug Cisplatin Potency Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics 17 3 489-492 2009/09
  •  High Spatial Resolution Measurement of Low Magnetic Fields by Needle-Type GMR Sensor Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 34 4 529-532 2010
  •  Measurement of Minute Changes in Magnetic Flux Density by Means of a Novel GMR Needle Probe for Application in Hyperthermia Therapy Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 0 0 2010
  •  GMR Sensor Application in Detecting and Estimating Magnetic Fluid Weight Density inside Various Size Tumors Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 33 3 175-178 2009/05
  •  Mixture of Kosa (Asian dust) and bioaerosols detected in the atmosphere over the Kosa particles source regions with balloon-borne measurements: Possibility of long-range transport Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 2 1 29-38 2009/03
  •  Estimation of Density of Low-Concentration Magnetic Fluid by a Needle-Type GMR Sensor for Medical Applications Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 32 3 191-194 2008/05
  •  Study on Atmospheric Diffusion of Bioaerosols in a KOSA Source Region Earozoru Kenkyu 22 3 218-227 2007/09
  •  Detection of Magnetic Fluid Volume Density with a GMR Sensor Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan 31 2 44-47 2007/03
  •  Phylogenetic Analysis of Halotolerant Bacterial Species Compositions in an Asian Dust (KOSA) Bioaerosol Earozoru Kenkyu 25 1 35-42 2010/03
  •  Direct Samplings, Separated Culture, and Identifications of KOSA Bioaerosols over Noto Peninsula, Suzu City Earozoru Kenkyu 25 1 23-28 2010/03
  •  The virion proteins encoded by bacteriophage phi K and its host-range mutant phi KhT: host-range determination and DNA binding properties. Kodaira K,Oki M,Kakikawa M,Kimoto H,Taketo A J Biochem 119 6 1062-9 1996
  •  Effects on the Attraction and Avoidance Behavior of C. elegans by Exposure to ELF Magnetic Fields(Biomagnetic and Medical Application) Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan 30 3 418-421 2006/05
  •  Effects on Bacterial Cells of Exposure to Very-Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields(Biomagnetic and Medical Applications) Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan 29 3 356-359 2005/03
  •  Action of Cavitation Phenomena Generated by Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator to Inactivation of Phage Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 0 0 2010
  •  Genome structure of a Lactobacillus plasmid pNMO belonging to the rolling-circle type replocon Oki M., Kakikawa M., Taketo A., Kodaira K.-I. J.Gen. Appli. Microbiol., 42 271-283 1996
  •  Characterization of the major tail protein gpP encoded by Lactobacillus plantarum phi g1e Kakikawa M., Yamakawa A., Yokoi K.-J., Nakamura S., Taketo A., Kodaira K.-I. 6 185-191 2002/06
  •  Characterization of halotolerant and oligotrophic bacterial communities in Asian desert dust (KOSA) bioaerosol accumulated in layers of snow on Mount Tateyama, Central Japan Maki T, Aoki K, Kobayashi F, Kakikawa M, Tobo Y, Matsuki A, Hasegawa H, Iwasaka Y Aerobiologia 27 227-290 2011/12
  •  Cloning of two members of the calcitonin-family receptors from stingray, Dasyatis akajei: Possible physiological roles of the calcitonin family in osmoregulation Suzuki N, Sekiguchi T, Satake H, Kato, K, Nishiyama Y, Takahashi H, Danks JA, Martin TJ, Hattori A, Nakano M, Kakikawa M, Yamada S, Ogoshi M, Hyodo S, Yamaguchi Y, Chowdhury VS, Hayakawa K, Funahashi H, Sakamoto T, Sasayama Y. GENE 499 326-331 2012/05
  •  Spectroscopic Susceptibility Measurements of Magnetic Markers by SV-GMR Needle Probe Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 35 2 157-162 2011
  •  Molecular analysis of the lysis protein Lys encoded by Lactobacillus plantarum phage phig1e. Kakikawa M,Yokoi KJ,Kimoto H,Nakano M,Kawasaki K,Taketo A,Kodaira K GENE 299 1-2 227-34 2002/10
  •  Purification and biochemical properties of an N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase from Escherichia coli. Yamamura E,Sayama M,Kakikawa M,Mori M,Taketo A,Kodaira K Biochim Biophys Acta 1475 1 10-6 2000/06
  •  The genetic switch for the regulatory pathway of Lactobacillus plantarum phage (phi)g1e: characterization of the promoter P(L), the repressor gene cpg, and the cpg-encoded protein Cpg in Escherichia coli. Kakikawa M,Ohkubo S,Syama M,Taketo A,Kodaira KI GENE 242 1-2 155-66 2000/01
  •  Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the major capsid proteins of Lactobacillus bacteriophage phi gle Kakikawa, M., Oki M., Tadokoro H., Nakamura S., Taketo A., Kodaira K.-I. Gene 175 157-165 1996/10
  •  Assessment of composition and origin of airborne bacteria in the free troposphere over Japan ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 74 73-82 2013/08
  •  Mutagenicities of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluenes and their reduced products in Salmonella typhimurium nitroreductase- and O-acetyltransferase-overproducing Ames test strains Sayama M., Mori M., Shoji M., Uda S., Kakikawa M., Kondo T., Kodaira K.-I. Mutation Research 420 27-32 1998/12
  •  Effects of deifferent temperature treatments on biological ice nuclei in snow samples, Atmospheric Environment Hara K, Maki T, Kakikawa M, Kobayashi F, Matsuki A  Atmospheric Environment 140 415-419 2016/09
  •  Variations of ice nuclei concentration induced by rain and snowfall within a local forested site in Japan Hara K, Maki T, Kobayashi F, Kakikawa M, Wada M, Matsuki A Atmospheric Environment 127 1-5 2016/02
  •  Atmospheric bioaerosols originating from Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae): ecological observations of airborne bacteria at Hukuro Cove, Langhovde, Antarctica Kobayashi F, Maki T, Kakikawa M, Noda T, Mitamura H, Takahashi A, Imura S, Iwasaka Y Polar Science 10 71-78 2016/03
  •  Vertical distribution of airborne bacterial communities in an Asian dust downwind area, Noto Peninsula,  Maki T., Hara K., Kobayashi F., Kurosaki Y., Kakikawa M., Matsuki A., Chen B., Shi G., Hasegawa H., Iwasaka Y. Atmospheric Environment 119 282-293 2015/08
  •  Bioprocess of Kosa bioaerosols: effect of 1 ultraviolet radiation on airborne bacteria within Kosa (Asian dust) Kobayashi F, Maki T, Kakikawa M, Yamada M, Puspitasari F, Iwasaka Y Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 199 570-579 2015/02
  •  Mutagenic and physiological effects on the bacterial cell by exposure to magnetic fields Kakikawa M, Hosono R, Hashimoto S, Iwahara M, Yamada S, J. Jpn. Soc. Appl. Electromagn. Mechan, 15 199-202 2005/08
  •  Novel GMR Sensor for Estimation of Magnetic Nanoparticles inside Minute Cavities Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics 17 3 457-460 2009/09
  •  Purification and DNA-binding properties of the cro-type regulatory repressor protein cng encoded by the Lactobacillus plantarum phage phi g1e. Kakikawa M,Ohkubo S,Sakate T,Sayama M,Taketo A,Kodaira K GENE 249 1-2 161-9 2000/05
  •  Purification and DNA-binding properties of the integrase protein Int encoded by Lactobacillus plantarum phage. Yasukawa H,Kakikawa M,Masamune Y,Taketo A,Kodaira KI GENE 204 1-2 219-25 1997/12
  •  Application of Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator in the Generation of Radicals Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics 17 0 S145-S148 2009/09
  •  Genome structure of the Lactobacillus temperate phage phi g1e: the whole genome sequence and the putative promoter/repressor system Kodaira K.-I., Oki M., Kakikawa M., Watanabe N., Hirakawa M., Yamada K., Taketo A. Gene 187 45-53 1997/03
  •  Monitoring minute changes of magnetic Markers' susceptibility by SV-GMR needle-type probe Haraszczuk, R., Yamada, S., Kakikawa, M., Ueno, T. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 47 2584-2587 2011/10
  •  Functional and structural features of the holin HOL protein of the Lactobacillus plantarum phage phi gle: analysis in Escherichia coli system. Oki M,Kakikawa M,Nakamura S,Yamamura ET,Watanabe K,Sasamoto M,Taketo A,Kodaira K GENE 197 1-2 137-45 1997/09
  •  Promoter/repressor system of Lactobacillus plantarum phage og1e: characterization of the promoters pR49-pR-pL and overproduction of the cro-like protein cng in Escherichia coli. Kakikawa M,Watanabe N,Funawatashi T,Oki M,Yasukawa H,Taketo A,Kodaira KI GENE 215 2 371-9 1998/07
  •  Cloning, sequence analysis, and expression of the genes encoding lytic functions of Bacteriophage phi g1e Oki M., Kakikawa M., Yamada K., Taketo A., Kodaira K.-I. Gene 176 215-223 1996/10
  •  Characterization of the genes encoding integrative and excisive functions of Lactobacillus phage phi g1e: cloning, sequence analysis, and expression in Escherichia coli Kakikawa M., Oki M., Watanabe N., Yasukawa H., Masamune Y., Taketo A., Kodaira K.-I. Gene 185 119-125 1997/01

Conference Presentations


  •  Biological Effect of magnetic fields 84  456 2006/11

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「マイクロ駆動機構を持つ針状磁気抵抗効果プローブによる低侵襲・非破壊計測の開発 」(2010-2012) 
○「乳酸菌の分子育種:遺伝子導入並びに発現系の構築 」(1999-2001) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Design of Biological Information System(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Student-Initiated Project(2017)
○Design of Biological Information System(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Student-Initiated Project(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Foundation of Genome informatics A(2017)
○Foundation of Genome informatics A(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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