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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/31

Professor OZAKI Noriyuki

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Department of Functional Anatomy, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science

College and School Educational Field

Division of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science
School of Medicine, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Department of Functional Anatomy TEL:076-265-2156 FAX:076-234-4221

Academic Background

【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Yamagata University 198703


Assistant professor,Fukushima Medical University Assistant professor(1992/04/01-2000/02/29)
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Pharmacology,The University of Iowa Department of Pharmacology Postdoctoral Associate(1997/03/01-1999/10/31)
Research Investigator, Department of Pharmacology,The University of Iowa Department of Pharmacology Research Investigator(1999/11/01-2001/11/26)
Assistant professor,Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Assistant professor(2001/12/01-2003/03/31)
Lecturer, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Lecturer(2003/04/01-2003/06/30)
Associate Professor,Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Associate Professor(2003/07/01-2007/03/31)
Associate Professor(2007/04/01-)
Professor, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science Department of Functional Anatomy(2009/05/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Japanese Association of Anatomists 1987-
Japanese Association of Anatomists 1987-
Japanese Association of Anatomists 1987-
Japanese Association of Anatomists 1987-
Japanese Association for Study of Pain 2002-
International Association for the Study of pain 1998-
Japan Neuroscience Society 1988-
The Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research 2009-
Society for Neuroscience 1997-
Japanese Research Society of Clinical Anatomy 2009-



Neurophysiology/General neuroscience、Nerve anatomy/Neuropathology、Neurochemistry/Neuropharmacology、Neurophysiology/General neuroscience

Speciality Keywords

pain, visceral pain, viscera sensation

Research Themes

Mechanisms of pain sensation

Mechanisms of visceral pain


  •  Waguri S, Goto K Wheater's Functional Histology, 6e Elsevier Japan 2018/07/31
  •  Basic mechanisms of pain associated with gastrointestinal tract Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc 5-10 2012/08
  •  Ozaki N, Sugiura Y Approach for the Pain Research, Kawatani M Ed Shinko Trading Co Ltd Publication Department, Tokyo 194-199 2006/07
  •  Fibroblast growth factor 2 promotes regeneration of neuromuscular junction 49 52-56 2006/04
  •  Ling L-J, Honda T, Ozaki N, Shimada Y, Sugiura Y Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Pain, Progress in Pain Research and Management, Vol.24, edited by Jonathan O. Dostrovsky, Daniel B. Carr, and Martin Koltzenburg IASP Press, Seattle pp 227-234 2003/04

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  •  Gebhart GF, Bielefeldt K, Kang Y-M, Ozaki N Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Disturbed Gut Function: Challenge of New Concepts, (G. Holtmann and N.J. Talley, Eds), Falk Symposium 130 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp 151-159 2003/09


  •  Cross-sectional area on magnetic resonance images of the semitendinosus tendon is strongly related to the collagen fibril diameter Yushin Mizuno; Junsuke Nakase; Tomoyuki Kanayama; Tatsuya Ishikawa; Kazuki Asai; Yasushi Takata; Yoshihiro Ishida; Yusuke Yanatori; Takuya Sengoku; Noriyuki Ozaki; Hiroyuki Tsuchiya Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2024/11/03
  •  Combined experiments with in vivo fiber photometry and behavior tests can facilitate the measurement of neuronal activity in the primary somatosensory cortex and hyperalgesia in an inflammatory pain mice model. Tatsuya Ishikawaa, *, Daisuke Utab, *, Hiroaki Okudaa, Ilia Potapenkoa, Kiyomi Horia, Toshiaki Kumeb, Noriyuki Ozakia Biol. Pharm. Bull. 47 3 591-599 2024/01/24
  •  Cilostazol improves the prognosis after hepatectomy in rats with sinusoidal obstruction syndrome Hiroaki Sugita; Shinichi Nakanuma; Seiichi Munesue; Tatsuya Ishikawa; Tomokazu Tokoro; Ryohei Takei; Kaichiro Kato; Satoshi Takada; Mitsuyoshi Okazaki; Isamu Makino; Noriyuki Ozaki; Yasuhiko Yamamoto, Shintaro Yagi Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2024/02/13
  •  Differences in the microstructural and mechanical qualities of semitendinosus tendon grafts between skeletally immature and mature patients in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Kazuki Asai; Junsuke Nakase; Toru Kuzumaki; Tatsuya Ishikawa; Noriyuki Ozaki; Hiroyuki Tsuchiya Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2023/11/18
  •  Distinct subdivisions of subcortical U-fiber regions in the gyrencephalic ferret brain Mayuko Yoshino1, Yoshitake Shiraishi2,3, Kengo Saito1, Narufumi Kameya1, Toshihide 9 Hamabe-Horiike1, Yohei Shinmyo1, Mitsutoshi Nakada4, Noriyuki Ozaki2, Hiroshi 10 Kawasaki1 Neuroscience Research 2023/10/17

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  •  Multiple factors contribute to flight behaviors during fear conditioning. Takafumi Furuyama 1, Ayana Imayoshi 2, Toyo Iyobe 2, Munenori Ono 2, Tatsuya Ishikawa 3, Noriyuki Ozaki 3, Nobuo Kato 2, Ryo Yamamoto 4 Sci Rep 13 1 10402 2023/06/27
  •  Growth-related changes in the ultrastructure of the quadriceps tendon Mitsuhiro Kimura, Junsuke Nakase, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Kazuki Asai, Rikuto Yoshimizu, Tomoyuki Kanayama, Yusuke Yanatori, Noriyuki Ozaki, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya The Knee 42 357-363 2023/05/05
  •  Pain-related neuronal ensembles in the primary somatosensory cortex contribute to hyperalgesia and anxiety Tatsuya Ishikawa, Koshi Murata, Hiroaki Okuda, Ilia Potapenko, Kiyomi Hori, Takafumi Furuyama, Ryo Yamamoto, Munenori Ono, Nobuo Kato, Yugo Fukazawa, Noriyuki Ozaki iScience 26 4 106332 2023/03/04
  •  Hydroxynonenal causes hepatocyte death by disrupting lysosomal integrity in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Takuya Seike, Piyakarn Boontem, Masahiro Yanagi, Shihui Li, Hidenori Kido, Daisuke Yamamiya, Hidetoshi Nakagawa, Hikari Okada, Tatsuya Yamashita, Kenichi Harada, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Yoshitake Shiraishi, Noriyuki Ozaki, Shuichi Kaneko, Tetsumori Yamashima, Eishiro Mizukoshi  Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 4 925-944 2022/06/14
  •  Hedgehog signaling plays a crucial role in hyperalgesia associated with neuropathic pain in mice Hiroaki Okuda, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Kiyomi Hori, Nichakarn Kwankaew, and Noriyuki Ozaki Journal of Neurochemistry 162 2 207-220 2022/04/18
  •  Differences in cellular and microstructural properties of the semitendinosus muscle tendon between young and adult patients. Asai K, Nakase J, Ishikawa T, Yoshimizu R, Kimura M, Ozaki N, Tsuchiya H J Orthop Sci 27 2 478-485 2022/03/01
  •  Fiber Dissection Study of the Anterior Commissure: Correlations with Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Tractography and Clinical Relevance in Gliomas Xiaoliang Liu, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozak N, Nakada M Brain Topography 35 2 232-240 2022/03/01
  •  Membrane vesicles derived from Clostridium botulinum and related clostridial species induce inflammatory responses via TLR2/4 and NOD1/2 in vitro Nobuhide Kobayashi, Kimihiro Abe, Sachiyo Akagi, Mayu Kitamura, Yoshitake Shiraishi, Aki Yamaguchi, Masahiro Yutani, Sho Amatsu, Takuhiro Matsumura, Nobuhiko Nomura, Noriyuki Ozaki, Nozomu Obana, Yukako Fujinaga Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbial Immunology 13 720308 2022/02/03
  •  Comparison of each bundle of the spring ligament complex between the standing and supine positions: A multiposture magnetic resonance imaging study Tomo Hamada; Hidenori Matsubara; Naoki Ohno; Toshifumi Hikichi; Kanu Shimokawa; Tosiaki Miyati; Noriyuki Ozaki; Hiroyuki Tsuchiya Foot and Ankle Surgery 2021/07/06
  •  Anti-hypersensitivity effect of betanin (red beetroot extract) via modulation of microglial activation in a mouse model of neuropathic pain Nichakarn Kwankaew Hiroaki Okuda Aye Aye‐Mon Tatsuya Ishikawa Kiyomi Hori Phattarapon Sonthi Yu Kozakai Noriyuki Ozaki European Journal of Pain 25 8 1788-1803 2021/09/01
  •  Direct evidence of the relationship between brain metastatic adenocarcinoma and white matter fibers: a fiber dissection and diffusion tensor imaging tractography study Liu X, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Hatta T, Honma S, Nakada M. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 77 55-61 2020/07/01
  •  【膵頭十二指腸切除に必要な外科解剖と手術手技】膵癌手術のための膵外神経叢の解剖 74 7 969-975 2020/06/01
  •  Pyramid-shape crossings and inter-crossing fibers are key elements for construction of the neural network in the superficial white matter of the human cerebrum Shinohara H, Liu X, Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Ozaki N, Hori O, Nakada M. Cerebral Cortex 30 10 5218-5228 2020/09/03
  •  Does the superior fronto-occipital fascicle exist in the human brain? Fiber dissection and brain functional mapping in 90 patients with gliomas. Liu X, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Nakada M. Neuroimage Clinical 25 102192 2020/01/22
  •  Responsiveness of lumbosacral superficial dorsal horn neurons during the voiding reflex and functional loss of spinal urethral-responsive neurons in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Nakagawa T, Akimoto N, Hakozaki A, Noma T, Nakamura A, Hayashi Y, Sasaki E, Ozaki N, Furue H. Neurourology and Urodynamics 39 1 144-157 2020/01/01
  •  Anatomically safe sites for intramuscular injections: a cross-sectional study on young adults and cadavers with a focus on the thigh. Nakajima Y, Fujii T, Mukai K, Ishida A, Kato M, Takahashi M, Tsuda M, Hashiba N, Mori N, Yamanaka A, Ozaki N, Nakatani T. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 16 1 189-196 2020/01/01 
  •  The role of peripheral corticotropin-releasing factor signaling in a rat model of stress-induced gastric hyperalgesia Kozakai Y, Hori K, Aye-Mon A, Okuda H, Harada S, Hayashi K, Ozaki N Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 519 4 797-802 2019/11/19
  •  Deletion of CD38 suppresses glial activation and neuroinflammation in a mouse model of demyelination Roboon J, Hattori T, Ishii H, Takarada-Iemata M, Le TM, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Yamamoto Y, Sugawara A, Okamoto H, Higashida H, Kitao Y, Hori O. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 13 258 2019/06/06
  •  Thin-fibre receptors expressing acid-sensing ion channel 3 contribute to muscular mechanical hypersensitivity after exercise Matsubara T, Hayashi K, Wakatsuki K, Abe M, Ozaki N, Yamanaka A, Mizumura K, Taguchi T. European Journal of Pain 23 10 1801-1813 2019/11/01
  •  Vascular RAGE transports oxytocin into the brain to elicit its maternal bonding behaviour in mice. Yamamoto Y, Liang M, Munesue S, Deguchi K, Harashima A, Furuhara K, Yuhi T, Zhong J, Akther S, Goto H, Eguchi Y, Kitao Y, Hori O, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Shimizu Y, Kamide T, Yoshikawa A, Hayashi Y, Nakada M, Lopatina O, Gerasimenko M, Komleva Y, Malinovskaya N, Salmina AB, Asano M, Nishimori K, Shoelson SE, Yamamoto H, Higashida H Commun Biol 2 76 2019/02/25
  •  CCR2 upregulation in DRG neurons plays a crucial role in gastric hyperalgesia associated with diabetic gastropathy. Aye-Mon A, Hori K, Kozakai Y, Nakagawa T, Hiraga S, Nakamura T, Shiraishi Y, Okuda H, Ozaki N Molecular Pain 14 1-13 2018/01/01
  •  Topical Thermal Therapy with Hot Packs Suppresses Physical Inactivity-Induced Mechanical Hyperalgesia and Up-regulation of NGF Nakagawa T, Hiraga S, Mizumura K, Hori K, Ozaki N, Koeda T J Physiol Sci 68 5 629-637 2018/09/01
  •  Pharmacokinetics of Morphine in Rats with Adjuvant-induced Arthritis. Kimura Y, Shibata M, Tamada M, Ozaki N, Arai K In Vivo 31 5 811-817 2017/09/01
  •  The validity of ultrasound images of musculoskeletal system: direct comparison with macroscopic anatomy using ultrasound-guided marking method. Tokuda Y, Ozaki N Journal of the Juzen Medical Society 126 2 51 2017/06/01
  •  CD38 positively regulates postnatal development of astrocytes cell-autonomously and oligodendrocytes non-cell-autonomously Hattori t, Kaji M, Ishii H, Jureepon R, Takarada-Iemata M, Ta HM, Le TM, Konno A, Hirai H, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Yamamoto Y, Okamoto H, Yokoyama S, Higashida H, Kitao Y, Hori O GLIA 65 6 974-989 2017
  •  Location of the Meso-pancreatoduodenum as a Regional Lymphatic Basin for Pancreatic Head Carcinoma Terakawa H, Kitagawa H, Makino I, Nakagawara H, Miyashita T, Tajima H, Ozaki N, Ohta T Oncology Letters 14 397-403 2017
  •  In Vivo Interaction of Morphine and Diclofenac Kimura Y, Muryoi K, Shibata M, Ozaki N, Arai K Pharmacology & Pharmacy 7 12 493-503 2016/12/01
  •  Atrophy of submandibular gland by the duct ligation and a blockade of SP receptor in rats Hishida S, Ozaki N, Honda T, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Hibi H, Sugiura Y Nagoya J Med Sci. 78 2 215-227 2016/05/01 
  •  Effects of interfascial injection of bicarbonated Ringer’s solution, physiological saline and local anesthetic under ultrasonography for myofascial pain syndrome. -two prospective, randomized, double-blinded trials- Kobayashi T, Kimura H, Ozaki N Journal of the Juzen Medical Society in press 125 2 40-49 2016/06 
  •  Innervation of extrahepatic biliary tract, with special reference to the direct bidirectional neural connections of the gallbladder, sphincter of Oddi and duodenum in Suncus murinus, in whole-mount immunohistochemical study Yi S-Q, Ren K, Kinoshita M, Takano N, Itoh M, Ozaki N Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 45 3 184-188 2016/06
  •  Anatomical investigation of position of crossing of superficial branch of radial nerve and cephalic vein and its frequency Mukai K, Komatsu E, Urai T, Nakajima Y, Asano K, Ozaki N, Nakatani T Structure and Function 14 1 3-11 2015/08
  •  Involvement of Glial Activation in Trigeminal Ganglion in a Rat Model of Lower Gingival Cancer Pain. Hironaka K, Ozaki N, Hattori H, Nagamine K, Nakashima H, Ueda M, Sugiura Y Nagoya Journal of Medical Science 76 3/4 323-332 2014/08 
  •  Examination of the utility of a new tool for intramuscular injection points into the deltoid muscle and the safety of the points decided by a method using it Komatsu e, Mukai K, Nakajima Y, Ozaki N, Nakatani T 形態・機能 13 1 17-24 2014/08
  •  Assessment of antitumor activity and acute peripheral neuropathy of 1,2-diaminocyclohexane platinum (II)-incorporating micelles (NC-4016)  Ueno T, Endo K, Hori K, Ozaki N, Tsuji A, Kondo S, Wakisaka N, Murono S, Kataoka K, Kato Y, Yoshizaki T International Journal of Nanomedicine 9 3005-3012 2014/06
  •  Repeated intramuscular injections of nerve growth factor induced progressive muscle hyperalgesia, facilitated temporal summation and expanded pain areas Hayashia K, Shiozawa S, Ozaki N, Mizumura M, Graven-Nielsen T PAIN 154 11 2344-52 2013/11
  •  Evaluation of the safety of a novel intramuscular injection point by insertion of gel and determination of the optimal depth of insertion in cadavers. Nakajima Y, Iuchi T, Mukai K, Komatsu E, Kitayama Y, Ozaki N, Nakatani T 形態機能 11 2 102-108 2013/03
  •  The three most common variations of the left renal vein. A review and meta-analysis. Yi SQ, Ueno Y, Naito M, Ozaki N, Itoh M. SURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY 34 9 799-804 2012/11 
  •  Vitreous preservation of articular cartilage from cryoinjury in rabbits Onari I, Hayashi M, Ozaki N, Tsuchiya H. CRYOBIOLOGY 65 2 98-103 2012/10
  •  Nerve growth factor and associated nerve sprouting contribute to local mechanical hyperalgesia in a rat model of bone injury. Yasui M, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Hayashi K, Hori K, Ichiyanagi M, Sugiura Y. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN-LONDON 16 7 953-65 2012/08 
  •  新しい殿部筋肉内注射部位「新殿筋注点」と従来のクラークの点との解剖体による比較研究 中島由加里、向井加奈恵、今有香、北山幸枝、大桑麻由美、尾崎紀之、中谷壽男 形態・機能 10 2 108-114 2012/03
  •  What bone part is important to remove in accessing the suprachiasmatic region with less frontal lobe retraction in frontotemporal craniotomies. Kinoshita M, Tanaka S, Nakada M, Ozaki N, Hamada J, Hayashi Y. World Neurosurgery 77 2 342-8 2012/02
  •  Association fibers connecting the Broca center and the lateral superior frontal gyrus: a microsurgical and tractographic anatomy. Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Ueda F, Nakada M, Hamada J, Hayashi Y. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 116 2 323-30 2012/02
  •  Anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery running between the dorsal and ventral pancreas: from morphological and embryological viewpoint 易勤、易望美、王恒孝、小川夕輝、太田哲生、尾崎紀之、伊藤正裕 臨床解剖研究会記録 12 54-55 2012/02
  •  【腹部症状発現メカニズムと知覚過敏】 腹部症状発生のメカニズムの基礎 19 6 523-529 2011/12
  •  Involvement of NGF in the rat model of persistent muscle pain associated with taut band. Hayashi K, Ozaki N, Kawakita K, Itoh K, Mizumura K, Furukawa K, Yasui M, Hori K, Yi SQ, Yamaguchi T, Sugiura Y. JOURNAL OF PAIN 12 10 1059-1068 2011/10 
  •  Surgical Neuroanatomy of the Pancreas Head 32 1157-1162 2011/10
  •  Innervation of the gallbladder 32 1129-1134 2011/10
  •  Basic mechanisms of pain associated with gastrointestinal tract Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Igaku no Ayumi) 238 10 891-896 2011/09
  •  Basic mechanisms of visceral pain originating from gastrointestinal tract 120 2 72-73 2011/06
  •  Immunolocalization of ghrelin in the stomach of Sprague-Dawley rat. Li J, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Yi N, Ogawa Y, Ozaki N, Itoh M. ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA-JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES C 40 2 95-9 2011/04
  •  Immunolocalization of the PP family and its receptors in the gastrointestinal tract of house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Yi SQ, Li J, Yamaguchi T, Hori K, Hayashi K, Itoh M, Ozaki N Neuro Endocrinol Lett 32 2 212-9 2011/04
  •  Transcrusal approach to the retrochiasmatic region with special reference to temporal lobe retraction: an anatomical study Masashi Kinoshita 1, Mitsutoshi Nakada, Shingo Tanaka, Noriyuki Ozaki, Jun-ichiro Hamada, Yutaka Hayashi Acta Neurochir (Wien)  153 3 659-65 2011/03
  •  【なぜ胃や腸は痛くなるのか? 機能性消化管疾患の病態と診療】 機能性消化管疾患の概論 腹部症状発生のメカニズムの基礎 31 3 276-278 2011/03
  •  A morphogenetic consideration of the anomalous left renal vein: retroaortic and circumaortic left renal vein, anastomoses with the lumbar vein 11 42-43 2011/02
  •  Intra- and extrahepatic innervation in Suncus murinus, in whole mount immunohistological observation 11 12-13 2011/02
  •  Apoptosis induction after herpes simplex virus infection differs according to cell type in vivo. Esaki S, Goshima F, Katsumi S, Watanabe D, Ozaki N, Murakami S, Nishiyama Y ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 155 8 1235-1245 2010/08
  •  Upregulations of P2X3 and ASIC3 involve in hyperalgesia induced by cisplatin administration in rats. Hori K, Ozaki N, Suzuki S, Sugiura Y PAIN 149 393-405 2010/05
  •  Anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery running between the dorsal and ventral pancreas: morphological and embryological viewpoint Yi N, Yi SQ*, Wang HX, Ogawa Y, Ohta T, Ozaki N, Itoh M Open Anat J 2 79-85 2010/04
  •  Basic mechanisms of gastrointestinal tract Ozaki N, Sugiura Y Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine on Digestive Diseases J Psychosom Digest Dis 17 1 21-26 2010/04
  •  House musk shrew, Suncus murinus: a novel and natural obesity-resistant animal model Yi S-Q, Li J, Qu N, Wang H-X, Itoh M, Yamaguchi T, Oda S, Ozaki N Obesity and Metabolism 6(1): 22-28 2010/03
  •  Progressive polyuria without vasopressin neuron loss in a mouse model for familial neurohypophysial diabetes insipidus. Hayashi M, Arima H, Ozaki N, Morishita H, Hiroi M, Ozaki N, Nagasaki H, Kinoshita N, Ueda M, Shiota A, Oiso Y Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 296 5 R1641-9 2009/05
  •  Transplanted embryonic spinal tissue promotes severed sciatic nerve regeneration in rats Xiong G, Ozaki N, Sugiura Y. ARCHIVES OF HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY 72 2 127-138 2009/07
  •  TRP channels and ASICs mediate mechanical hyperalgesia in models of inflammatory muscle pain and delayed onset muscle soreness. Fujii Y, Ozaki N, Taguchi T, Mizumura K, Furukawa K, Sugiura Y. PAIN 140 292-304 2008/11
  •  Involvement of TRPV1 and TRPV2 on nociceptive behavior in rat model of cancer pain. Shinoda M, Ogino A, Ozaki N, Urano H, Sugiura Y JOURNAL OF PAIN 9 8 687-699 2008/08
  •  Involvement of ATP and its receptors on nociception in rat model of masseter muscle pain. Shinoda M, Ozaki N, Sugiura Y PAIN 134 148-157 2008/01
  •  Activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase in sensory neurons after noxious gastric distention and its involvement in acute visceral pain in rats. Sakurai J, Obata K, Ozaki N, Tokunaga A, Kobayashi K, Yamanaka H, Dai Y, Kondo T, Miyoshi K, Sugiura Y, Matsumoto T, Miwa H, Noguchi K. GASTROENTEROLOGY 134 4 1094-1103 2008/04
  •  Novel treatment for lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus rat model using the Sendai-virus vector carrying aquaporin 2 gene Suga H, Nagasaki H, Kondo TA, Okajima Y, Suzuki C, Ozaki N, Arima H, Yamamoto T, Ozaki N, Akai M, Sato A, Uozumi N, Inoue M, Hasegawa M, Oiso Y. ENDOCRINOLOGY 149 11 5803-5810 2008/11
  •  P2X(3) Receptor Mediates Heat Hyperalgesia in a Rat Model of Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain. Shinoda M, Kawashima K, Ozaki N, Asai H, Nagamine K, Sugiura Y. JOURNAL OF PAIN 8 7 588-597 2007/07
  •  Peripherally administered baclofen reduced food intake and body weight in db/db as well as diet-induced obese mice. Sato I, Arima H, Ozaki N, Ozaki N, Watanabe M, Goto M, Shimizu H, Hayashi M, Banno R, Nagasaki H, Oiso Y FEBS LETTERS 581 4857-4864 2007/10
  •  Central administration of melanocortin agonist increased insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obese rats. Banno R, Arima H, Hayashi M, Goto M, Sato I, Ozaki N, Nagasaki H, Ozaki N, Oiso N FEBS LETTERS 581 6 1131-1136 2007/03
  •  Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhances functional recovery of reinnervated muscle. Iwata Y, Ozaki N, Hirata H The Bone 21 4 469-472 2007/07
  •  Basic mechanisms of visceral pain Ozaki N, Sugiura Y 223 9 725-730 2007/12
  •  Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhances functional recovery of reinnervated muscle. Iwata Y, Ozaki N, Hirata H, Sugiura Y, Horii E, Nakao E, Tatebe M, Yazaki N, Hattori T, Majima M, Ishiguro N. MUSCLE & NERVE 34 5 623-630 2006/11
  •  Mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by experimental squamous cell carcinoma of the lower gingiva in rats. Nagamine K, Ozaki N, Shinoda M, Asai H, Nishiguchi H, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Sugiura Y. JOURNAL OF PAIN 7 9 659-670 2006/09
  •  Murine glycosyltransferases responsible for the expression of globo-series glycolipids: cDNA structures, mRNA expression, and distribution of their products. Fujii Y, Numata S, Nakamura Y, Honda T, Furukawa K, Urano T, Wiels J, Uchikawa M, Ozaki N, Matsuo S, Sugiura Y, Furukawa K. GLYCOBIOLOGY 15 12 1257-1267 2005/12
  •  Insulin inhibits neuropeptide Y gene expression in the arcuate nucleus through GABAergic systems. Sato I, Arima H, Ozaki N, Watanabe M, Goto M, Hayashi M, Banno R, Nagasaki H, Oiso Y JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 25 38 8657-8664 2005/09
  •  Heat and mechanical hyperalgesia in mice model of cancer pain. Asai H, Ozaki N, Shinoda M, Nagamine K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Sugiura Y PAIN 117 1-2 19-29 2005/09
  •  GD3 synthase gene knockout mice exhibit thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia but decreased response to formalin-induced prolonged noxious stimulation. Handa Y, Ozaki N, Honda T, Furukawa K, Tomita Y, Inoue M, Furukawa K, Okada M, Sugiura Y PAIN 117 3 271-279 2005/10
  •  Changes in P2X3 receptor expression in the trigeminal ganglion following monoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint in rats. Shinoda M, Ozaki N, Asai H, Nagamine K, Sugiura Y PAIN 116 1-2 42-51 2005/07
  •  Morphological study of disordered myelination and degeneration of nerve fibers in the spinal cord of mice lacking complex gangliosides. Ma Q, Kobayashi M, Sugiura M, Ozaki N, Nishio K, Shiraishi Y, Furukawa K, Furukawa K, Sugiura Y. Arch Histol Cytol 66 1 37-44 2003/03
  •  Role of nerve growth factor in modulation of gastric afferent neurons in the rat. Bielefeldt K, Ozaki N, Gebhart GF. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 284 3 G499-507 2003/03
  •  Innervation and functional characteristics of connective tissues, especially elastic fibers, in human fetal thoracic intervertebral articular capsule and its surroundings. Shiraishi Y, Kobayashi M, Yasui M, Ozaki N, Sugiura Y. Anat Embryol (Berl) 206 6 437-45 2003/05
  •  Central projection of unmyelinated (C) primary afferent fibers from gastrocnemius muscle in the guinea pig. Ling LJ, Honda T, Shimada Y, Ozaki N, Shiraishi Y, Sugiura Y. J Comp Neurol 461 2 140-50 2003/06
  •  Mechanisms of visceral and somatic pain. Ozaki N, Sugiura Y 24 6 807-815 2003/06
  •  Nerve terminals extend into the temporomandibular joint of adjuvant arthritic rats. Shinoda M, Honda T, Ozaki N, Hattori H, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Sugiura Y. Eur J Pain 7 6 493-505 2003/12
  •  Amitriptyline inhibits voltage-sensitive sodium currents in rat gastric sensory neurons. Bielefeldt K, Ozaki N, Whiteis C, Gebhart GF. Dig Dis Sci 47 5 959-966 2002/05
  •  Gastric hyperalgesia and changes in voltage gated sodium channel function in the rat. Gebhart GF, Bielefeldt K, Ozaki N. Gut 51 Suppl 1 i15-i18 2002/07
  •  Models of gastric hyperalgesia in the rat. Ozaki N, Bielefeldt K, Sengupta JN, Gebhart GF. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 283 3 G666-676 2002/09
  •  Mild gastritis alters voltage-sensitive sodium currents in gastric sensory neurons in rats. Bielefeldt K, Ozaki N, Gebhart GF. Gastroenterology 122 3 752-61 2002/03
  •  Experimental ulcers alter voltage-sensitive sodium currents in rat gastric sensory neurons. Bielefeldt K, Ozaki N, Gebhart GF. Gastroenterology 122 2 394-405 2002/02

Conference Presentations

  • Na/K-ATPase alpha1とalpha3サブユニットの神経細胞膜上分布と細胞種特異性(conference:第101回日本生理学会大会、2024年3月28日)(2024/03/28)
  • 大脳皮質一次体性感覚野の痛み刺激に応答する神経細胞の役割(conference:第83回日本解剖学会・中部支部学術集会、2023年10月7日(土)-8日(日))(2023/10/07)
  • Chemogenetic inhibition of posterior insular cortex alleviates mechanical hypersensitivity(conference:第83回日本解剖学会・中部支部学術集会、2023年10月7日(土)-8日(日))(2023/10/07)
  • Altering VEGF-A165a/VEGF-A165b balance contribute to muscle hyperalgesia in a rat model of peripheral arterial disease.(conference:IASP 2022 World Congress on Pain)(2022/09/19)
  • Protective Effects of betanin on dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in mice. (conference:The 127th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Aanatomist)(2022/03/29)

show all

  • Effect of Eppikajutsuto on Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain(conference:第1回日越伝統医学シンポジウム)(2022/01/09)
  • The role of primary somatosensory cortex in nociception.(conference:New Frontier in Neuroscience)(2021/12/11)
  • Effect of Eppikajyutsuto on Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain (conference:The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, The 1st CJK International Meeting)(2021/07/28)
  • Antiallodynic effect of betanin (red beetroot extract) via modulation of microglial activation in a mouse model of neuropathic pain(conference:The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Aanatomist, The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan)(2021/03/28)
  • Morphological changes in infrapatellar fat pad associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury: Ultrasonographic and quantitative dynamic assessment on Thiel embalmed cadaver.(conference:The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Aanatomist, The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan)(2021/03/28)
  • New horizons in crosstalk between nociceptive and self-defense system. The role of primary somatosensory cortex in nociception.(conference:The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Aanatomist, The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan)(2021/03/28)
  • Visceral pain and sensation; basic mechanisms ad pathophysiological aspects. Mechanisms of abnormal gastrointestinal motility and hyperalgesia in functional gastrointestinal disorders(conference:The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Aanatomist, The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan)(2021/03/28)
  • Effects of Natural Compounds on a Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain.(conference:2020 KUEST Poster Presentations)(2020/02/10)
  • Pain responsible neurons in primary somatosensory cortex contribute to anxiety behavior(2018/12/13)
  • Hedgehogシグナルは痛覚過敏形成に関与する(2019/07/12)
  • 虚血性疼痛における神経成長因子の関与について(2019/07/12)
  • 食用ビート成分による疼痛緩和作用の解析(2019/07/12)
  • Na/K-ATPase の神経細胞膜上発現分布の定量的局在解析(conference:第28回神経行動薬理若手研究者の集い, 2019年3月13日)(2019/03/13)
  • The role of primary somatosensory cortex in causing mirror image pain(conference:9th FAOPS congress, March 28-31, 2019, Federation fo the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies)(2019/03/30)
  • Betanin (red beetroot extract) attenuates mechanical allodynia via inhibition on microglial activation in the neuropathic pain model in mice.(2019/03/27)
  • Cortical astrocytes prime the induction of spine plasticity and mirror image pain(conference:International Symposium on NEW FRONTIER in NEUROSCIENCE)(2019/02/07)
  • Nerve growth factor plays an important role on muscle hyperalgesia through ASIC3 regulation in a rat model of peripheral arterial disease(conference:International Symposium on NEW FRONTIER in NEUROSCIENCE)(2019/02/07)
  • Involvement of Nerve Growth Factor in muscle hyperalgesia in a rat model of peripheral arterial disease.(conference:17th World Congress on Pain, September 12–16, 2018)(2018/09/12)
  • CCR2 upregulation in DRG neurons plays a crucial role in gastric hyperalgesia associated with diabetic gastropathy(2018/06/15)
  • Direct evidence of the relationship between brain metastases of lung cancer and white matter fibers: a fiber dissection and DTI tractography study (conference:The14th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology, October 29-31, 2017)(2017/10/29)
  • 末梢動脈疾患に伴う冷痛覚過敏におけるイオンチャネルの関与(2017/06/16)
  • NGF increased in skeletal muscle has a role in muscular mechanical hyperalgesia in inactivity model. program #PTH365(conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/29)
  • Involvement of type 2 CRF receptor in animal models of stress-induced Functional Dyspepsia. program #PTO429(conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • Cold-gated ion channels contribute to cold allodynia in a new rat model of peripheral arterial disease. program #PTO428(conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • TRPV4 with NGF and PAR2 contributes to cutaneous tactile allodynia and muscular mechanical hyperalgesia in a new rat model of physical inactivity. program #PTO368(conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • Role of MCP-1/CCR2 signaling in gastric hyperalgesia related to diabetic gastropathy. program #PTO367 (conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • Effects of a hotpack on inactivity-induced hyperalgesia in rats. program #PTO345(conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • Acid sensing ion channel mediated peripheral mechanisms in delayed mechanical hyperalgesia after lengthening contractions in rats. program #PTO191 (conference:16th World Congress on Pain)(2016/09/27)
  • Facilitated mechanical response of myelinated Aδ-afferents in a rat model of delayed onset muscle soreness(conference:39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society July 20-22, 2016, Yokohama)(2016/07/20)
  • Acid-sensing ion channel 3 is involved in muscular mechanical hyperalgesia after lengthening contractions in rats
  • Involvment of CRF2 receptor and urocortin in an animal model of stress-induced functional dyspepsia.(conference:The 37th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for the Study of Pain)(2015/07/04)
  • Cold-gated ion channels involve in cold allodynia in a new rat model of peripheral arterial disease. 。The 50th Congress of Japanese Society of Physical Therapy, Tokyo, 2015/06/05-07(conference:The 50th Congress of Japanese Society of Physical Therapy)(2015/06/05)
  • Involvment of ASICs in isoproterenol induced ischemic cardiac pain rat model. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 65 supplement 1, S277, P3-203, 2015, Proceedings of the 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92nd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. March 21-23, 2015, Kobe, Japan(conference:the 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92nd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan.)(2015/03/21)
  • Involvment of ion channels in cold allodynia in a new rat model of peripheral arterial disease. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 65 supplement 1, S120, P1-054, 2015, Proceedings of the 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92nd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. March 21-23, 2015, Kobe, Japan(conference:the 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92nd Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan.)(2015/03/21)
  • Identification of silent nociceptors responsible for pathological muscle pain(2015/02/13)
  • Involvement of CRF2 receptor in animal models of stress-induced functional dyspepsia(2013/07/12)
  • Characteristics and modulation of gastric afferents in gastric hyperalgesia(conference:14th world congress on pain, August 27-31, 2012)(2012/08)


  •  Improvement of information infrastructure. Current situation and challenges of e-journals Noriyuki Ozaki Journal of the Juzen Medical Society 123 4 103 2015/02/01

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○treatment of visceral pain
○treatment of pain

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

○Validation and pharmacological effect of sensory neuron-derived action potential-recording system.(2004-2004)

Classes (Bachelors)

○Human AnatomyⅠ(2022)
○Practice of Anatomy(2022)
○Basic Health Science 2(2022)
○Basic Health Science 1(2022)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2022)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2022)
○English for MedicineⅡ(2022)
○English for MedicineⅠ(2022)
○Human Anatomy(2022)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Introduction to Basic Medical Science(2021)
○Functional Anatomy(2021)
○Reading and Writing of Scientific Papers(2021)
○Reading and Writing of Scientific Papers(2021)
○Human Body: Structures a(2021)
○Special Lecture on Medical Science 2(2021)
○Principles of AnatomyⅠ(2021)
○Research Ethics(2021)
○Introduction to Medical Science(2021)
○The Human Body in Health and Disease Curriculum 2(2021)
○The Human Body in Health and Disease Curriculum 1(2021)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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