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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/13

Assistant Professor OZAKI Satoru

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Laboratory Sciences,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


 TEL:076-265-2608 FAX:076-234-4369

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Natural Science & Technology 200003 Completed
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Medicine 200503 Completed
Master (Pharmacy)
Doctor (Medicine)


Kanazawa National Hospital(1985/04/01-2004/06/30)
Kanazawa University Hospital(2004/07/07-2013/05/31)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society



Clinical laboratory science、Human pathology

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

Identification of cervical glandular precancerous lesion: On the basis of HPV gene state in cervical gland cells.



  •  A case of hepatitis-associated aplastic anaemia following living-donor liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis showing loss of heterozygosity in the 6p chromosome in the affected liver Katagiri T, Iwasaki H, Fujieda A, Kasashima S, Ozaki S, Uemori M, Ogawa S, Nakao S. Br J Haematol 204 2 623-627 2024
  •  Disordered Balance of T-Cell Subsets in Arterial Tertiary Lymphoid Organs in Immunoglobulin G4-Related Vascular Disease Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Nozomu Kurose, Satoru Ozaki, Fuminori Kasashima, Yasushi Matsumoto, Hirofumi Takemura, Hiroko Ikeda, Ken-Ichi Harada Journal of the American Heart Association 2023
  •  The disturbance of the distribution of T helper cell subsets in the mantle area surrounding germinal centers in immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing sialadenitis Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Nozomu Kurose, Satoru Ozaki, Hiroko Ikeda, Ken-Ichi Harada VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 2022
  •  Regional disturbance of the distribution of T regulatory cells and T helper cells associated with irregular-shaped germinal centers in immunoglobulin G4-related sialadenitis Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Nozomu Kurose, Satoru Ozaki, Hiroko Ikeda, Ken-Ichi Harada VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 2021
  •  Analytical Performance of Newly Developed Multiplex Human Papillomavirus Genotyping Assay Using Luminex xMAP™ Technology (Mebgen™ HPV Kit). Ozaki S, Kato K, Abe Y, Hara H, Kubota H, Kubushiro K, Kawahara E, Inoue M. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS 204C 24 73-80 2014/04

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  •  Exacerbation of immunoglobulin G4-related inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm after endovascular repair  Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Fuminori Kasashima, Yasushi Matsumoto, Satoru Ozaki  PARHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2020
  •  Clinicopathological features of immunoglobulin G4-related pleural lesions and diagnostic utility of pleural effusion cytology. Satomi Kasashima,Atsuhiro Kawashima, Satoru Ozaki, Toshiyuki Kita, Tomoyuki Araya, Yasuhiko Ohta, Mitsutaka Suzuki Cytopathology 2018/10/05
  •  Massive hemothorax due to diaphragmatic endometriosis after a laparoscopic cystectomy of an ovarian endometrioma in a patient without a history of thoracic endometriosis S Kyo, M Takakura, S Nishida, S Ozaki, M Oda, M Inoue ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 286 2 411-414 2012/08
  •  Upregulated interleukins (IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13) in immunoglobulin G4-related aortic aneurysm patients Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Yoh Zen, Satoru Ozaki, Fuminori Kasashima, Masamitsu Endo, Yasushi Matsumoto, Kengo Kawakami JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY 67 4 1248-1262 2018/04/01
  •  Fine needle aspiration cytology findings of myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma: A case report Satoru Ozaki, Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Akishi Ooi DIAGNOSTIC CYTOPATHOLOGY 2017/05/24
  •  Activation of ERK/IER3/PP2A-B56γ-positive feedback loop in lung adenocarcinoma by allelic deletion of B56γ gene. Ito T, Ozaki S, Chanasong R, Mizutani Y, Oyama T, Sakurai H, Matsumoto I, Takemura H, Kawahara E. ONCOLOGY REPORTS 35 5 2635-2642 2016/03
  •  Cytologic features of nipple adenoma: A report of four cases of adenoma of the nipple. Ozaki S, Mizukami Y, Kawahara E. DYAGNOSTIC CYTOPATHOLOGY 43 8 664-668 2015/05
  •  Distinct allelic expression patterns of imprinted IGF2 in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung SATORU OZAKI, EI KAWAHARA, SHIORI MAENAKA, NGUYEN VIET HOANG, TAKERU OYAMA, MIWA IMAI, MAKOTO ODA, SEIJI YANO ONCOLOGY LETTERS 8 2561-2564 2014/10
  •  Clinical evaluation of a novel multiplex HPV genotyping reagent using the luminex xMAP technology Ozaki S, Kitamura S, Hara H, Shimoyama Y, Kubota H, Abe Y, Kato K, Inoue M. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 60 7 621-626 2012/07
  •  Utility of the paraffin-embedded section method on the detection of estrogen receptor from breast cancer tissues--comparison of the paraffin-embedded section method (6F11 and 1D5) with frozen section (H222) and dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) ones The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 47 8 767-773 1999/08

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「 IgG4関連血管病変の進展・予後因子の解明 」(2017-2019) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Anatomy and Histology(2023)
○Academic Skill(2023)
○Practice for Anatomy and Histology(2023)
○Anatomy and Histology(2023)
○Practice for Anatomy and Histology(2023)
○Laboratory Pathology(2023)
○Laboratory Information Management(2023)
○Practice in Laboratory Pathology(2023)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2023)
○General Clinical Laboratory(2023)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2023)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2023)
○Laboratory Information Management(2023)
○Practice in Clinical Laboratory(2023)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2023)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2022)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2022)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2022)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2022)
○Practice in Laboratory Pathology(2022)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2022)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2022)
○Practice for Histology(2022)
○Laboratory Pathology(2022)
○Basic Anatomy(2022)
○Practice for Histology(2022)
○Basic Anatomy(2022)
○Public Health(2021)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2021)
○Basic Anatomy(2021)
○Practice for Histology(2021)
○Laboratory Pathology(2021)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2021)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2021)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2021)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2021)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2020)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2020)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2020)
○Laboratory Pathology(2020)
○Public Health(2020)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2020)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2020)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2020)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Laboratory Pathology(2019)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2019)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2019)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2019)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2019)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Public Health(2019)
○Laboratory Pathology(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2019)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2018)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2018)
○Laboratory Pathology(2018)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2018)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2018)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2018)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2018)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2018)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2018)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2018)
○Laboratory Pathology(2018)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2017)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2017)
○Laboratory Pathology(2017)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2017)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2017)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2017)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Laboratory Course in Clinical Cytology(2016)
○Practice in Clinical Sample Test(2016)
○Introduction to Clinical Sample Test(2016)
○Clinial Practice of Laboratory Pathology(2016)
○Laboratory Pathology(2016)
○Practice on Laboratory Pathology(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2023)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2023)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2023)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2023)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2023)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2023)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2022)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2022)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2022)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2022)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2022)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2022)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2022)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2022)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2022)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2021)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2021)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2021)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2021)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2021)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2020)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2020)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2020)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2020)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2020)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2019)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2019)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2019)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2019)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2019)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2019)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2019)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2019)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2019)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2019)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2018)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2018)
○An Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences:Lec(2018)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2018)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2018)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2017)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Seminar(2017)
○Advanced Course of Practice in Clinical Cytology(2017)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2017)
○Molecular Biology of Tumor: Lecture(2017)
○Clinical Pathology Management Seminar(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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