Associate Professor WATANABE,Shinji
Faculty, Affiliation
WPI Nano Life Science Institute
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering
Academic Background
Tohoku University(2007/04-2009/03)
Kanazawa University(2020/07-)
Tohoku University(2007/03-2007/03)
Kanazawa University(2017/10-2020/06)
Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering Bio-AFM Frontier Research Center(2012/07-2017/09)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Ion conductance microscopy, live cell imaging
Speciality Keywords
live cell imaging,scanning probe microscopy,nanopipette,scanning ion conductance microscopy
Research Themes
Development of scanning ion conductance microscopy for nano-science and technology
- Molecular Scale Structure and Kinetics of Layer-by-Layer Peptide Self-Organization at Atomically Flat Solid Surfaces Ayhan Yurtsever,Linhao Sun,Kaito Hirata,Takeshi Fukuma,Siddharth Rath,Hadi Zareie,Shinji Watanabe,Mehmet Sarikaya ACS Nano 17 8 7311 2023/03/01
- Mapping Nanomechanical Properties of Basal Surfaces in Metastatic Intestinal 3D Living Organoids with High‐Speed Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy Dong Wang,Han Gia Nguyen,Mizuho Nakayama,Hiroko Oshima,Linhao Sun,Masanobu Oshima,Shinji Watanabe Small 2206213 2022/12/11
- In Situ Visualization of Dynamic Cellular Effects of Phospholipid Nanoparticles via High-Speed Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy Kenry,Linhao Sun,Trifanny Yeo,Eshu Middha,Yuji Gao,Chwee Teck Lim,Shinji Watanabe,Bin Liu Small 2203285 2022/08/10
- Recent Advances in the Glass Pipet: from Fundament to Applications Yuanshu Zhou,Linhao Sun,Shinji Watanabe,Toshio Ando Analytical Chemistry 94 1 324 2022/01/11
- Nano-scale physical properties characteristic to metastatic intestinal cancer cells identified by high-speed scanning ion conductance microscope Dong Wang,Linhao Sun,Satoru Okuda,Daisuke Yamamoto,Mizuho Nakayama,Hiroko Oshima,Hideyuki Saito,Yuta Kouyama,Koshi Mimori,Toshio Ando,Shinji Watanabe,Masanobu Oshima Biomaterials 280 121256 2022/01
- An ultrafast piezoelectric Z-scanner with a resonance frequency above 1.1 MHz for high-speed atomic force microscopy Masahiro Shimizu,Chihiro Okamoto,Kenichi Umeda,Shinji Watanabe,Toshio Ando,Noriyuki Kodera Review of Scientific Instruments 93 1 013701 2022/01/01
- Geometrical Characterization of Glass Nanopipettes with Sub-10 nm Pore Diameter by Transmission Electron Microscopy Kazuki Shigyou,Linhao Sun,Riku Yajima,Shohei Takigaura,Masashi Tajima,Hirotoshi Furusho,Yousuke Kikuchi,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Azuma Taoka,Toshio Ando,Shinji Watanabe Analytical Chemistry 92 23 15388 2020/12/01
- Architecture of zero-latency ultrafast amplitude detector for high-speed atomic force microscopy Kenichi Umeda,Chihiro Okamoto,Masahiro Shimizu,Shinji Watanabe,Toshio Ando,Kodera,Noriyuki Applied Physics Letters 119 18 181602 2021/10
- An ultra-wide scanner for large-area high-speed atomic force microscopy with megapixel resolution Arin Marchesi,Kenichi Umeda,Takumi Komekawa,Takeru Matsubara,Holger Flechsig,Toshio Ando,Shinji Watanabe,Noriyuki Kodera,Clemens M. Franz Scientific Reports 11 1 2021/06
- Development of high-speed ion conductance microscopy. Shinji Watanabe,Satoko Kitazawa,Linhao Sun,Noriyuki Kodera,Toshio Ando The Review of scientific instruments 90 12 123704 2019/12/01
- Thermally Driven Approach To Fill Sub-10-nm Pipettes with Batch Production Linhao Sun,Kazuki Shigyou,Toshio Ando,Shinji Watanabe Analytical Chemistry 91 21 14080 2019/11/05
- High-speed XYZ-nanopositioner for scanning ion conductance microscopy Shinji Watanabe,Toshio Ando Applied Physics Letters 111 11 113106 2017/09/11
- Localized NMR Mediated by Electrical-Field-Induced Domain Wall Oscillation in Quantum-Hall-Ferromagnet Nanowire S. Miyamoto,T. Miura,S. Watanabe,K. Nagase,Y. Hirayama NANO LETTERS 16 3 1596 2016/03
- Anisotropic nuclear-spin diffusion in double quantum wells T. Hatano,W. Kume,S. Watanabe,K. Akiba,K. Nagase,Y. Hirayama PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91 11 2015/03
- Nuclear magnetometry studies of spin dynamics in quantum Hall systems M. H. Fauzi,S. Watanabe,Y. Hirayama PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90 23 2014/12
- Microscopic characteristics of dynamic nuclear polarization and selective nuclear depolarization at the nu=2/3 spin phase transition M. H. Fauzi,S. Watanabe,Y. Hirayama APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101 16 2012/10
- Spin phase transition studies to probe spin dynamics in quantum Hall system M. H. Fauzi,S. Watanabe,Y. Hirayama Journal of Physics: Conference Series 456 1 2013
- All electrical probe of nuclear spin polarization and relaxation by spin phase transition peaks of the filling fraction nu=2/3 quantum hall effect M. H. Fauzi,S. Watanabe,N. Kumada,Y. Hirayama JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 60 10 1676 2012/05
- Observation of strains caused by heterostructure interfaces Masashi Nishimori,Hirokazu Hasegawa,Susumu Sasaki,Shinji Watanabe,Yoshiro Hirayama PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 8, NO 2 8 2 2011
- Nuclear spin polarization and relaxation probed by spin phase transition peak S. Watanabe,M. H. Fauzi,N. Kumada,Y. Hirayama PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 7, NO 10 7 10 2010
- Strains in heterostructures detected by standard NMR M. Nishimori,S. Sasaki,S. Watanabe,Y. Hirayama PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 42 4 1007 2010/02
- Magnetic-field gradient in nanostructures detected by nuclear spins S. Watanabe,S. Sasaki,S. Sato,M. Nishimori,N. Isogai,Y. Matsumoto PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 42 4 1004 2010/02
- Direct observation of local magnetic field generated by micromagnet Shinji Watanabe,Susumu Sasaki,Shinya Sato,Naoki Isogai,Yoshinori Matsumoto APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92 25 2008/06
- Spectroscopic study of nuclear magnetic resonance induced by oscillating electron spin domain walls S. Watanabe,G. Igarashia,K. Hashimoto,N. Kumada,Y. Hirayama PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 42 4 999 2010/02
- Direct observation of Si-29 nuclear-spin decoherence process S Sasaki,S Watanabe Realizing Controllable Quantum States 1 1 473 2005
- Dynamical suppression of nuclear-spin decoherence time in Si and GaAs using inversion pulses S. Watanabe,J. Harada,S. Sasaki,Y. Hirayama JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 310 2 2167 2007/03
- Superconductivity driven by zigzag chain in Pr-based copper oxide evidenced by Cu-nuclear resonance Susumu Sasaki,Shinji Watanabe,Yuh Yamada JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 310 2 696 2007/03
- Evidence for antiferromagnetic order within the CuO2 planes in superconducting Pr2Ba4Cu7O14.5 Shinji Watanabe,Yuh Yamada,Susumu Sasaki LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B 850 1 493 2006
- Cu-spin dynamics at zigzag chain of superconducting and nonsuperconducting Pr247 compounds S Watanabe,Y Yamada,S Sasaki PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 426 473 2005/10
- (29)Si nuclear-spin decoherence process directly observed by multiple spin-echoes for pure and carrier-less silicon S Watanabe,S Sasaki JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS 42 11B L1350 2003/11
Conference Presentations
- A novel approach for making electrical contact of pipettes for high spatial resolution scanning ion conductance microscopy(conference:International Symposium on Atomic Force Microscopy at Solid-Liquid Interfaces)(2017/11/09)
- High-speed ion conductance microscopy for visualizing morphological changes in biological samples with nanoscale resolution(conference:International Symposium on Atomic Force Microscopy at Solid-Liquid Interfaces)(2017/11/09)
- Mapping of nanoscale physical properties of live cell surface by high-speed ion conductance microscopy(2020/03/14)
- Nanoscale Mapping of Surface Charge Density of Lipid Membranes by Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy(conference:ACSIN-14 & ICSPM26)(2018/10/23)
- Modulated 1/f^a Noise Behavior by Bias Voltage and Concentration Gradient in Conically Shaped Quartz Nanopipettes(2019/03/10)
- Morphological Changes in Nanostructures on Living Cell Surface Captured by High-Speed Ion Conductance Microscopy(conference:ACSIN-14 & ICSPM26)(2018/10/23)
- Development of nanoscale mapping of surface charge density of lipid membranes by high-speed ion conductance microscopy(2018/09/16)
- Nanoscale imaging of biological samples using high-speed ion conductance microscopy(conference:ゆらぎと構造の協奏 第4回領域研究会)(2017/06/24)
- High-speed Ion Conductance Microscope(conference:The 1st NanoLSI International Symposium)(2018/02/21)
- Functional extension of high-speed atomic force microscopy(conference:International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference (ISPM 2016))(2016/06/13)
- High-speed ion conductance microscopy for studying biological samples(conference:24th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscop)(2016/12/16)
- High-speed ion conductance microscopy for probing nanoscale surface properties of live cells(2019/06/27)
- Visualization of surface charge difference of lipid bilayers on mica substrate by scanning ion conductance microscopy(conference:ICSPM27)(2019/12/05)
- Nanoscale visualization of live cell surface by high-speed ion conductance microscopy(conference:Joint USBI-NanoLSI workshop)(2019/11/20)
- Visualization and Characterization of Biological Mebrane Structures using High-Speed Ion Conductance Microscopy(conference:The 2nd NanoLSI International Symposium)(2018/11/19)
- Development of High-Speed Ion Conductance Microscopy for Visualizing Morphological Changes in Biological Samples with Nanoscale Resolution(conference:SFS2017 International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2017)(2017/11/21)
- Improvements in Fundamental Performance of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope for Visualizing Morphological Changes in Biological Samples with Nanoscale(conference:ICSPM25 (25th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy))(2017/12/07)
- Visualization of nanomechanical responses of living cell surface captured by high-speed ion conductance microscope(conference:ICSPM27)(2019/12/05)
- Exploring 1/f noise behavior of ion current in a single channel of conically shaped pipette filled with electrolyte solution(2018/03/17)
- Controlling Inner Diameter of Nanopipette Tip for High-Resolution Ion Conductance Microscope(conference:International Symposium on Atomic Force Microscopy at Solid-Liquid Interfaces)(2017/11/09)
- High-speed ion conductance microscope to reveal the nanoscale physical properties of metastatic intestinal cancer cells(conference:81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association)(2022/09/30)
- Development of Patch-Clamp High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy(2021/11/26)
- Elucidation of cell surface topography with plasma irradiation by scanning probe microscopy(2022/03/25)
- Machine-learning-based noise-processing technique in scanning probe mi-croscopy(2021/03/17)
- Nanoscale imaging of plasma-exposed cell membrane using scanning probe microscopy(2022/09/20)
- Time-resolved imaging of nanomechanical properties of live cells using high-speed scanning ion conductance microscopy(2022/11/18)
- Nanoscale visualization of cell membrane exposed to non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma(conference:The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japna)(2022/09/30)
- Quantitative measurements of the spatial profile of elastic modulus of living cell surface and their dynamics(conference:Phys2BioMed winter workshop)(2022/01/21)
- Probing and characterizing nano-bio interfaces by scanning ion conductance microscopy(conference:4th NanoLSI Symposium)(2020/11/26)
- Investigation of plasma effect on cell surface morphology using scanning probe microscopy(conference:The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023)(2023/03/16)
- Elucidation of Nanomechanical Properties of Cancer Cells by Scanning ion conductance microscopy(2022/11/11)
- Fine Control of Tip Geometries by Asymmetric Wet Etching for Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy(2021/12/09)
- Quantitative evaluation of nanoscale physical properties of the plasma membrane of living cells by scanning ion conductance microscopy(2021/03/17)
- High-speed ion conductance microscope to reveal the nanoscale physical properties of metastatic intestinal cancer cells(conference:81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association)(2022/09/29)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Live cell surface imaging at nano scale resolution
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「イオン伝導顕微鏡による液中環境下での高速3次元ナノイ メージング技術の開発」(2014-2016)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 2B(2022)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2a(2022)
○Physics Experiments 2(2022)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2b(2022)
○Physics Experiments 1(2022)
○Physics Experiments 2(2022)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 2A(2022)
○Physics Experiments 1(2022)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2021)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2021)
○Physics Experiments 1(2021)
○Physics Experiments 2(2021)
○Academic Skills(2021)
○Presentation and Debate(2021)
○Physics Experiments 2(2020)
○Physics Experiments 1(2020)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2020)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2020)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2020)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2019)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2019)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2019)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2018)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2018)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2018)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2017)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2017)
○Exercise in Electromagnetism 2(2017)
○Exercise in Thermodynamics Statistical Mechanics 1(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2022)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2022)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2022)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2022)
○Nano Molecular physics A(2022)
○Nano Molecular physics B(2022)
○Fundamentals of Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2022)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules b(2022)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules a(2022)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2022)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2022)
○Biophysics b(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Biophysics a(2022)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2022)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2022)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2021)
○Biophysics b(2021)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules a(2021)
○Fundamentals of Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2021)
○Nano Molecular physics A(2021)
○Nano Molecular physics B(2021)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2021)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2021)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2021)
○Biophysics a(2021)
○Research Work B(2021)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2021)
○Nano Molecular physics A(2020)
○Introduction to Nano Science(2020)
○Introduction to Nano Science(2020)
○Introduction to Nano Science(2020)
○Introduction to Nano Science(2020)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules b(2020)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2020)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2020)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules a(2020)
○Nano Molecular physics B(2020)
○Fundamentals of Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2020)
○Utilization of Scientific instruments B(2020)
○Research Work B(2020)
○Biophysics b(2020)
○Biophysics a(2020)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2020)
○Research Work B(2020)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2020)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics b(2019)
○Research Work B(2019)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics a(2019)
○Introduction to Molecular and Biophysics(2019)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules(2019)
○Biophysics a(2019)
○Biophysics b(2019)
○Research Work B(2019)
○Exercise B(2018)
○Seminar B(2018)
○Research Work B(2018)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Seminar B(2017)