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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/15

Associate Professor Hiroyasu Kamei


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Biological Science and Technology,Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Aquatic Biology and Environmental Science, School of Biological Science and Technology, College of Science and Engineering


Kamei Lab (Laboratory of Animal Growth and Development) TEL:076-234-6889 FAX:-

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Aquatic Bioscience 200503 Completed
The University of Tokyo Master Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Aquatic Bioscience 200203 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Utsunomiya University 200003
Doctor of Philosophy


Kanazawa University Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor (2022/08-)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor (Specialized in Research)(2018/04-2022/07)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Natural System, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor (Specialized in Research)(2016/02-2018/03)
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences Postdoctoral research fellow/Assistant professor(2011/01-2016/01)
University of Michigan Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad (2008/04-2010/03)
University of Michigan Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) Postdoctoral Fellow (2005/08-2010/12)
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences Research fellow(2005/04-2005/07)
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC1)(2002/04-2005/03)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology
The Zoological Society of Japan
The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Endocrine Society
The Japan Endocrine Society


○JSCE Incentive Award(2018/11/10)
○Gordon Research Conference, Travel Award (2015/03)
○NIG Collaborative Research Program (2012/04)
○Best poster prize in International Symposium of “Advances in Eel Biology”(2001/09)


Integrative animal science、Applied molecular and cellular biology、Developmental biology、Endocrinology、Aquatic life science

Speciality Keywords

Embryonic growth, Zebrafish, Hypoxia, Growth retardation, Catch-up growth, Insulin/IGF-signalling, Neural crest cells

Research Themes

Molecular mechanisms regulating catch-up growth

Most animals retard growth in response to adverse conditions; however, upon the removal of unfavorable factors, they often show quick growth restoration, which is known as “catch-up” growth. Albeit the catch-up growth is essential for the accidentally stunted wild animal to regain its size to resume competition with non-stunted one, the molecular mechanism of this unique growth spurt remains mostly unknown. In this project, by using the zebrafish model, we want to know when, where, and how the growth signal changes to facilitate the catch-up phenomenon.

Effects of anomalistic growth pattern on multipotent cell development

We know that severe embryonic growth retardation and subsequent catch-up growth often associates with adult-onset disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, and mental retardation. Though the changes that occurred during such an anomalistic growth pattern seem to be a key for deciphering the future pathogenesis of stunted animals, the cellular basis of the phenomenon remains elusive. We tackle this issue by exploring the changes of the multipotent cell development, such as the fate-determination process of neural crest cells and mesenchymal stem cells, using zebrafish models of embryonic growth retardation and catch-up growth.


  •  Hiroyasu Kamei, Cunming Duan Hypoxia: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 1742, Edited by L. Eric Huang) Springer Nature 2018/01/13
  •  Hiromi Hirata (Chapter 4. Breeding, Hiroyasu Kamei) ZEBRAFISH EXPERIMENTAL GUIDE  Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd. 2020/11/01


  •  Editorial: Insights in developmental endocrinology: 2023 Front. Endocrinol. 15 1453023 2024/08/01
  •  Cellular Energy Sensor Sirt1 Augments Mapk Signaling to Promote Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Catch-up Growth in Zebrafish Embryo Hayasaka O., Shibukawa M., Kamei H. Zool.Sci. 41 1 21-31 2023/11/29
  •  NADPH-Oxidase Derived Hydrogen Peroxide and Irs2b Facilitate Re-oxygenation-Induced Catch-Up Growth in Zebrafish Embryo Zasu A., Hishima F., Thauvin M., Yoneyama Y., Kitani Y., Hakuno F., Volovitch M., Takahashi S.I., Vriz S., RamponC. and Kamei H. Front. Endocrinol. 13 929668 2022/07/01
  •  Catch-up growth in zebrafish embryo requires neural crest cells sustained by Irs1-signaling. Kamei H., Yoneyama Y., Hakuno F., Sawada R., Shimizu T., Duan C., Takahashi S.I. Endocrinology 159 4 pp. 1547–1560 2018/01/30
  •  Role of IGF signaling in catch-up growth and accelerated temporal development in zebrafish embryos in response to oxygen availability. Kamei H., Ding Y., Kajimura S., Wells M., Chiang P., Duan C. Development 138 pp. 777-786 2011/02

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  •  Alteration of organ size and allometric scaling by organ-specific targeting of IGF signaling.  Kamei H., Duan C. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 314 113922 2021/12/01
  •  Nedd4-induced monoubiquitination of IRS-2 enhances IGF signalling and mitogenic activity. Fukushima T., Yoshihara H., Furuta H., Kamei H., Hakuno F., Luan J., Duan C., Saeki Y., Tanaka K., Iemura S., Natsume T., Chida K., Nakatsu Y., Kamata H., Asano T., Takahashi S. Nat. Commun. 6 6780(article number) pp.1-14 2015/04
  •  In vivo loss of function study reveals the short stature homeobox-containing gene plays indispensable roles in early embryonic growth and bone formation in zebrafish. Sawada R., Kamei H.(Co-first & Co-corresponding authorships), Hakuno F., Takahashi S., Shimizu T. Dev. Dyn. 244 pp. 146-156 2015/02
  •  Physiological Significance of Insulin-like Peptide System from Evolutionary Perspective: The Anabolic Hormone Responsible for the Lifelong Health of Animals Shin-Ichiro TAKAHASHI, Hiroyasu KAMEI, Masahiro TOMIOKA, Hitomi SEIKE, Shinji NAGATA, Atsufumi OZOE, Fumihiko HAKUNO Chemistry and Biology 60 5 240-250 2022/05/09
  •  Duplication and diversification of the hypoxia-inducible IGFBP-1 gene in zebrafish. Kamei H., Lu L., Jiao S., Li Y., Gyrup C., Laursen L.S., Oxvig C., Zhou J., Duan C. PLoS ONE 3 e3091 2008/08
  •  Oxygen and embryonic growth: the role of insulin-like growth factor signaling. Kamei H. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113473. 2020/04/02
  •  Dual role of Jam3b in early hematopoietic and vascular development.  Kobayashi I., Kobayashi-Sun J., Hirakawa Y., Ouchi M., Yasuda K., Kamei H., Fukuhara S., Yamaguchi M. Development 147 1 pii: dev181040. 2020/01/08
  •  Purification and characterization of red pigment concentrating hormone from the Alaska pink shrimp Pandalus eous Ohira T., Terasawa T., Toyota T., Kamei H., Ogiso S., Suzuki N., Katayama H. Aquatic Animals AA2022-8 2022/05/08
  •  Developmental and endocrinological studies on regulation of embryonic growth using zebrafish model. Kamei H. Comparative Endocrinology 45 166 pp. 4-5 2019/01
  •  The Short-Stature Homeobox-Containing Gene (shox/SHOX) Is Required for the Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Bone Differentiation in Zebrafish Embryo and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.  Yokokura T., Kamei H.(Co-first authorship & Co-corresponding authorship), Shibano T., Yamanaka D., Sawada-Yamaguchi R., Hakuno F., Takahashi S., Shimizu T. Front. Endocrinol. https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo. 2017/06/08
  •  Importance of Serum Amino Acid Profile for Induction of Hepatic Steatosis under Protein Malnutrition. Nishi H., Yamanaka D., Kamei H., Goda Y., Kumano M., Toyoshima Y., Takenaka A., Masuda M., Nakabayashi Y., Shioya R., Kayaoka N., Hakuno F., Takahashi S. Sci. Rep. 8 (1) 5461 2018/04/03
  •  Oxygen regulates Insulin-like growth factor signalling: mechanisms of altered embryonic growth via changing environmental oxygen level.  Kamei H., Kajimura S., Duan C., Takahashi S. Kagaku to Seibutu 50 pp. 11-13 2012/01
  •  Zebrafish IGF genes: gene duplication, conservation and divergence, and novel roles in midline and notochord development. Zou S., Kamei H., Modi Z., Duan C. PLoS ONE 4 e7026 2009/09
  •  Insulin-like signaling and multipotent stem cells cooperatively contribute to the catch-up growth in zebrafish embryos. Kamei H. Proceedings of KU-PSU-CTU Joint Symposium in conjunction with 5th Kanazawa Univeristy-Prince of Songkla University Joint Workshop F06-1 - F06-2 2017/10/13
  •  Role of IGF signaling in catch-up growth in zebrafish embryos in response to oxygen availability. Hiroyasu Kamei Comparative Endocrinology 37 pp. 170-173 2011/09
  •  USP40 gene knockdown disrupts glomerular permeability in zebrafish. Takagi H., Nishibori Y., Katayama K., Katada T., Takahashi S., Kiuchi Z., Takahashi S.I., Kamei H., Kawakami H., Akimoto Y., Kudo A., Asanuma K., Takematsu H., Yan K. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2017/02/01
  •  The novel functions of high-molecular-mass complexes containing insulin receptor substrates in mediation and modulation of insulin-like activities: Emerging concept of diverse function by IRS-associated proteins. Hakuno F., Fukushima T., Yoneyama Y., Kamei H., Ozoe A., Yoshihara H., Yamanaka D., Shibano T., Sone-Yonezawa M., Yu B.C., Chida K., Takahashi S. Front. Endocrinol. 6 73(article number) pp. 1-18 2015/05
  •   Diseases in the Aging Society Caused by Modulation of Insulin-Like Activities. Takahashi S., Hakuno F., Kamei H., Girnita L., Torres-Aleman I., Higashi Y., Fukushima T., Shibano T., Ozoe A. Kagaku to Seibutsu 51 pp. 389-399 2013/06
  •  Insulin receptor substrate-1 promotes embryonic growth through IGF-IR signal-dependent and -independent mechanisms in response to developmental stages and environmental oxygen availability. Kamei H., Sawada R., Yoneyama Y., Hakuno F., Shimizu T., Takahashi S. Growth hormone & IGF research 24 pp.S16 2014/10
  •  Hypoxia and leucine deprivation induce human IGFBP-1 hyper-phosphorylation and increase its biological activity. Seferovic M.D., Ali R., Kamei H., Liu S., Khosravi J.M., Nazarian S., Han V.K., Duan C., Gupta MB. Endocrinology 150 pp. 220-231 2009/01
  •  Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) modulates early developmental rate in zebrafish independent of its proteolytic activity. Kjaer-Sorensen K., Engholm D.H., Kamei H., Morch M.G., Kristensen A.O., Zhou J., Conover C.A., Duan C., Oxvig C. J. Biol. Chem. 288 pp.9982-9992 2013/04
  •  Inducible transgenesis in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri. Allard J.B., Kamei H., Duan C. J. Fish Biol. 82 pp. 1733-1738 2013/05
  •  Steroid hormones are novel nucleoside transport inhibitors by competition with nucleosides for their transporters. Kaneko M., Hakuno F., Kamei H., Yamanaka D., Chida K., Minami S., Coe I.R., Takahashi S. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 443 pp. 505-510 2014/01
  •  Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition aggravates fasting-induced triglyceride (TG) accumulation in the mouse liver. Yokota S., Nakamura K., Ando M., Kamei H., Hakuno F., Takahashi S., Shibata S. FEBS Open Bio 22 pp. 905-914 2014/10
  •  Subfunctionalization of cyprinid hypoxia-inducible factors for roles in development and oxygen-sensing. Rytkönen K.T., Akbarzadeh A., Miandare H.K., Kamei H., Duan C., Leder E.H., Williams T.A., Nikinmaa M. Evolution 67 pp. 873-882 2013/03
  •  IGF signaling regulates catch-up growth and accelerated developmental timing in zebrafish embryos in response to oxygen availability. Kamei H., Ding Y., Kajimura S., Wells M., Chiang P., Duan C. Growth hormone & IGF research 20 pp. S81 2010/09
  •  Duplicated zebrafish insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 genes with split functional domains: evidence for evolutionarily conserved IGF binding, nuclear localization, and transactivation activity. Dai W., Kamei H., Zhao Y., Ding J., Du Z., Duan C. FASEB J. 24 pp. 2020-2029 2010/06
  •  Duplication of the IGFBP-2 gene in teleost fish: Protein structure and functionality conservation and gene expression divergence. Zhou J., Li W., Kamei H., Duan C. PLoS ONE 3 e3926 2008/12
  •  Follicle-stimulating hormone induces spermatogenesis mediated by androgen production in Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Ohta T., Miyake H., Miura C., Kamei H., Aida K., Miura T. Biol. Reprod. 77 pp. 970-977 2007/12
  •  Structural characterization of gonadotropin β subunit genes in a teleost, the medaka Oryzias latipes. (5th AOSCE, Nara, Japan)  Kamei H., Okubo K., Yoshiura Y., Kajimura S., Kawaguchi N., Aida K. Proceedings of 5th Congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology, “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” pp. 276-278 2004/03
  •  Purification of follicle-stimulating hormone from immature Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, and its biochemical properties and steroidogenic activities. Kamei H., Kawazoe I., Kaneko T., Aida K. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 143 pp. 257-266 2005/09
  •  Steroidogenic activities of follicle-stimulating hormone in the ovaries of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Kamei H., Kaneko T., Aida K. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 146 pp. 83-90 2006/04
  •  In vivo gonadotropic effects of recombinant Japanese eel follicle-stimulating hormone. Kamei H., Kaneko T., Aida K. Aquaculture 261 pp. 771-775 2006/11
  •  Expression of a biologically active recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica using methylotropic yeast, Pichia pastoris. Kamei H., Ohira T., Yoshiura Y., Uchida N., Nagasawa H., Aida K. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 134 pp. 244-254 2003/12
  •  Biological activity of recombinant gonadotropin-I of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, in methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris. (International symposium of Eel Biology, Tokyo, Japan)  Kamei H., Ohira T., Yoshiura Y., Uchida N., Aida K. Proceeding of the International Symposium “Advances in Eel Biology” pp. 195-197 2001/09
  •  Androgen secretion activity of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica in immature and maturing eel testes. Kamei H., Ohira T., Yoshiura Y., Uchida N., Aida K. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 28 pp. 97-98 2003/03
  •  Expression of recombinant gonadotropin-I of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, in methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris. (14th ICCE, Sorrento, Italy)  Kamei H., Ohira T., Yoshiura Y., Uchida N., Aida K. Proceeding of the International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology “Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology: Unity and Diversity” pp. 127-132 2001/05

Conference Presentations

  • Catch-up growth and the beyond in zebrafish embryo and larva after hypoxia.(conference:The 2195th Biological Symposium NIG)(2024/09/24)
  • Temporal hypoxia evokes latent abilities for growth and survival in zebrafish embryos and larvae.(conference:International Zebrafish Conference 2024)(2024/08/20)
  • Temporal hypoxic experience evokes usually dormant adaptive capability for growth and survival.(conference:International Symposium on “Signals for Human, Animal and Planetary Health: From Metabolites To Biological Interactions” )(2024/03/08)
  • Gene functions induced by temporal hypoxic experiences exert usually dormant adaptive mechanisms for growth and survival(conference:46th Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Annual Meeting)(2023/12/08)
  • 逆境にめげない小魚に学ぶ成長力(conference:第5回生命科学概論(東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 先端生命科学専攻))(2023/06/16)

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  • Neural crest cells exploit growth factor signaling for facilitating catch-up growth in zebrafish embryo.(conference:International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Physiology)(2023/05/12)
  • Neural crest cells and growth factor signaling regulate embryonic catch-up growth.(conference:46th Japan Society of Comparative Endocrinology Meeting)(2022/10/30)
  • The expression of an embryonic stem cell regulator is essential to the growth regain induced by the environmental hypoxia/re-oxygenation (conference:45th Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Annual Meeting)(2022/12/02)
  • Hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced redox signal facilitates embryonic catch-up growth. (conference:44th Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Annual Meeting)(2021/12/03)
  • Hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced redox signal facilitates embryonic catch-up growth. (conference:Kick-off Symposium of Core-to-Core International Collaboration on “International research on regulation of insulin-like activities for extension of health life span” supported by JSPS & Moonshot Research & Development Program on “Creation of Next-Generati)(2021/09/20)
  • A catch-up story of tiny fish embryos: from a study focused on fluctuated environmental oxygen.(conference:Collège de France, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology, Department Seminar)(2019/10/02)
  • Developmental endocrinological studies on the embryonic growth regulation using zebrafish model(conference:The 43rd Annual Meeting of The Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)(2018/11/11)
  • Insulin-like signaling and multipotent stem cells cooperatively contribute to the catch-up growth in zebrafish embryos.(conference:KU-PSU-CTU Joint Symposium in conjunction with 5th Kanazawa Univeristy-Prince of Songkla University Joint Workshop)(2017/10/13)
  • Roles of insulin receptor substrates in controlling embryonic growth in response to changing environmental oxygen tension.(conference:18th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology)(2017/06/04)
  • Roles of Insulin/Insulin-like growth factor signaling in hypoxia/reoxygenation induced catch-up growth in zebrafish embryo.(conference:INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “Insulin-like Signaling and Nutrient Signaling: universal signaling for extension of healthy lifespan and improvement of quality for humans and animals”)(2017/01/24)
  • Catch-up growth in tiny fish embryos: Roles of IIS in accelerated growth induced by changing environmental oxygen availability. (conference:“The Model Organism Conference at Kanazawa”)(2016/10/07)
  • Insulin receptor substrate-1 promotes embryonic growth through IGF-IR signal-dependent and -independent mechanisms in response to developmental stages and environmental oxygen availability.(conference:The 7th International Congress of GRS and IGF Society)(2014/10)
  • Roles of insulin receptor substrate-1 in catch-up growth: A lesson from tiny fish embryo.(conference:INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “Evolution of Insulin-like Peptides and Their Function:Development, Growth, Metabolism and Ageing”)(2014/10)
  • Early embryonic regulation of PI3K signaling:Identification and characterization of non-canonical PI3K interacting molecules, and their roles in embryogenesis.(conference:INTERNATIONAL OPEN WORKSHOP “Emerging Paradigms of Insulin-Like Activities in Physiology & Disease: From Pathophysiology to Targeted Therapy”)(2013/08)
  • Regulation of allometry by modulating local IGF actions: role of IGF binding proteins.(conference:The inaugural meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE 2011))(2011/07)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)「Role of transcription factor Tfcp2l1 in growth spurt phenomena in zebrafish」(2023-2026) 
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)「Cellular energy-sensing mechanism modulates insulin-like growth factor signaling to facilitate catch-up growth.」(2018-2020) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study


Classes (Bachelors)

○Field Work of Biology 8(2023)
○Practice in Aquaculture Science 1(2023)
○Basic Biology Lab 2(2023)
○Bioresource Science A(2023)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2023)
○Field Work of Biology 8(2022)
○Field Work of Biology 2(2022)
○Bioresource Science A(2022)
○Basic Biology Lab 1(2022)
○Basic Biology Lab 2(2022)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2022)
○Field Work of Biology 8(2021)
○Field Work of Biology 2(2021)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2021)
○Basic Biology Lab 1(2021)
○Bioresource Science A(2021)
○Field Work of Biology 8(2020)
○Basic Biology Lab 2(2020)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2020)
○Basic Biology Lab 1(2020)
○Field Work of Biology 2(2020)
○Bioresource Science A(2020)
○Bioresource Science A(2019)
○Basic Biology Lab 1(2019)
○Field Work of Biology 2(2019)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2019)
○Marine Biology A(2019)
○Basic Biology Lab 2(2019)
○Marine Biochemistry(2019)
○Marine Biochemistry(2018)
○Guide to Biology and Bioengineering B(2018)
○Basic Biology Lab(2017)
○Marine Biochemistry(2017)
○Basic Biology Lab(2016)
○Marine Biochemistry(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Animal Growth Biology(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Animal Growth Biology(2023)
○Developmental biology in aquatic animals(2023)
○Developmental biology in aquatic animals(2022)
○Integrated Systems Biology B(2018)
○Integrated Systems Biology A(2018)
○Integrated Systems Biology A(2017)
○Integrated Systems Biology B(2017)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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