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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/03/07

Associate Professor KUNIMINE, Takahiro

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Mechanical Creation Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background


Kanazawa University(2021/12-)
Kanazawa University(2016/03-2021/11)
Kyoto University(2015/04-2016/02)
University of Washington Department of Mechanical Engineering Research Associate(2013/03-2015/03)
Nagoya Institute of Technology(2011/04-2013/03)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Structural/Functional materials、Material processing/Microstructural control engineering、Physical properties of metals/Metal-base materials、Composite materials/Surface and interface engineering

Speciality Keywords

Physical Metallurgy, Metals and Alloys, Metal-Matrix Composites, Materials Processing

Research Themes


  •  Advances in Functionally Graded Materials and Structures IntechOpen Limited 2016


  •  Interfacial Design of Cu-SiC Composites by Means of Nano-Diamond/SiC Composite Particles in Pressure Infiltration Casting Takahiro Kunimine, Kazumasa Kurachi, Yoshimi Watanabe Materials Transactions 63 4 644-648 2022/04
  •  Graph-Theoretic Estimation of Reconfigurability in Origami-Based Metamaterials Koshiro Yamaguchi, Hiromi Yasuda, Kosei Tsujikawa, Takahiro Kunimine, Jinkyu Yang Materials & Design 213 110343,1-10 2022/01
  •  Effect of Thermo-Mechanical Treatment on Electrical Conductivity and Strength of Cu-0.29mass%Zr Alloy Wires Hikaru Watanabe, Kenta Miyamoto, Takahiro Kunimine, Ryoichi Monzen, Naokuni Muramatsu, Shinya Ueno Materials Transactions 62 12 1710-1715 2021/12
  •  Heterogeneous Origami-Architected Materials with Variable Stiffness Yasuhiro Miyazawa, Hiromi Yasuda, Hyungkyu Kim, James H. Lynch, Kosei Tsujikawa, Takahiro Kunimine, Jordan R. Raney, Jinkyu Yang Communications Materials 2 110, 1-7 2021/11 
  •  Effect of Thermo-Mechanical Treatment on Ductility of Cu-0.29wt%Zr Alloy Wires Takahiro Kunimine, Kenta Miyamoto, Kao Nakashima, Chihiro Watanabe, Ryoichi Monzen, Naokuni Muramatsu, Shinya Ueno Materials Transactions 62 6 744-747 2021/06

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  •  Tensile Deformation Behavior of High-Strength Nanostructured Cu-Si Solid-Solution Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Takahiro Kunimine, Yohei Tomaru, Minami Watanabe, Ryoichi Monzen Materials Transactions 62 4 479-483 2021/04
  •  Drilling Performance of Nano-Diamond Bonded SiC Composite Abrasives for CFRP Laminates by Dual-Axis Grinding Wheel System Takahiro Kunimine, Kazumasa Kurachi, Hideaki Tsuge, Motoko Yamada, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Advanced Composite Materials 30 sup2 1-16 2021/04
  •  Formation of Cemented Tungsten Carbide Layer with Compositional Gradient Processed by Directed Energy Deposition Yorihiro Yamashita, Yoshinori Funada, Takahiro Kunimine, Yuji Sato and Masahiro Tsukamoto Materials Science Forum 1016 1676-1681 2021/01
  •  Severe Plastic Deformation of Copper, Binary Cu-Zn Solid-Solution Alloys, and High-Strength Brass by High-Pressure Torsion Takahiro Kunimine Materials Science Forum 1016 780-785 2021/01
  •  Effects of Laser-Beam Defocus on Microstructural Features of Compositionally Graded WC/Co-Alloy Composites Additively Manufactured by Multi-Beam Laser Directed Energy Deposition Takahiro Kunimine, Ryusei Miyazaki, Yorihiro Yamashita and Yoshinori Funada Scientific Reports 10 8975, 1-11 2020/06 
  •  Precipitation Behavior of Cu-Zr Compounds in a Cu-0.13wt%Zr Alloy Kao Nakashima, Kenta Miyamoto, Takahiro Kunimine, Ryoichi Monzen and Naokuni Muramatsu Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816 152650, 1-6 2020
  •  Controlling Microstructure Takahiro Kunimine Impact 2020 46-47 2020
  •  Origami-Based Cellular Structures with In Situ Transition between Collapsible and Load-Bearing Configurations Hiromi Yasuda, Balakumaran Gopalarethinam, Takahiro Kunimine, Tomohiro Tachi and Jinkyu Yang Advanced Engineering Materials 21 1900562, 1-8 2019
  •  A Comparative Study of Hardness in Nanostructured Cu-Zn, Cu-Si, and Cu-Ni Solid-Solution Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Takahiro Kunimine and Minami Watanabe Materials Transactions 60 1484-1488 2019
  •  Cladding of Stellite-6/WC Composites Coatings by Laser Metal Deposition Takahiro Kunimine, Ryusei Miyazaki, Yorihiro Yamashita, Yoshinori Funada, Yuji Sato and Masahiro Tsukamoto Materials Science Forum 941 1645-1650 2018
  •  Produzione di materiali a gradiente di funzione (FGM) con abrasivo composito (nanodiamante/SiC) mediante sinterizzazione e colata centrifuga e loro prestazioni di foratura su laminati CFRP Takahiro Kunimine, Kazumasa Kurachi, Hideaki Tsuge, Motoko Yamada, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Diamante Applicazioni & Technologia 94 56-61 2018
  •  Cu-9wt.%Ni-6wt.%Sn合金における曲げ加工性と微細組織 57 88-93 2018
  •  Tensile Deformation Characteristics of a Cu-Ni-Si Alloy Containing Trace Elements Processed by High-Pressure Torsion with Subsequent Aging Hikaru Watanabe, Takahiro Kunimine, Chihiro Watanabe, Ryoichi Monzen and Yoshikazu Todaka Materials Science and Engineering A 730 10-15 2018
  •  Drilling CFRP Laminates by Dual-Axis Grinding Wheel System with Copper/Diamond Functionally Graded Grinding Wheel Takahiro Kunimine, Hideaki Tsuge, Daisuke Ogawa, Motoko Yamada, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 140 071011, 1-7 2018
  •  Fabrication of Copper/Diamond Functionally Graded Materials for Grinding Wheels by Centrifugal Sintered-Casting Takahiro Kunimine, Masafumi Shibuya, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217 294-301 2015
  •  Grain Refinement of Al3Ti Dispersed Aluminum Matrix Composites by Reaction Centrifugal Mixed-Powder Method Kazuya Yamauchi, Takahiro Kunimine, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Materials Transactions 56 99-107 2015
  •  Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-ZrO2 Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering Hideaki Tsukamoto, Takahiro Kunimine, Motoko Yamada, Hisashi Sato and Yoshimi Watanabe Key Engineering Materials 520 269-275 2012
  •  Inverse Temperature Dependence of Activation Volume in Ultrafine-Grained Copper Processed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding Takahiro Kunimine, Takashi Aragaki, Toshiyuki Fujii, Susumu Onaka and Masaharu Kato Journal of Materials Science 46 4302-4307 2011
  •  Effects of Si Addition on Mechanical Properties of Copper Severely Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding Takahiro Kunimine, Toshiyuki Fujii, Susumu Onaka, Nobuhiro Tsuji and Masaharu Kato Journal of Materials Science 46 4290-4295 2011
  •  Temperature and Strain Rate Dependence of Flow Stress in Severely Deformed Copper by Accumulative Roll Bonding Takahiro Kunimine, Naoki Takata, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Toshiyuki Fujii, Masaharu Kato and Susumu Onaka Materials Transactions 50 64-69 2009

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2023)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2023)
○Materials for Machine IIB(2023)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2023)
○Materials for Machine IIA(2023)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2023)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2023)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2023)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2022)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2022)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2022)
○Materials for Machine IIB(2022)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2022)
○Materials for Machine IIA(2022)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2022)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2022)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2021)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2021)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2021)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2020)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2020)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2020)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2019)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2019)
○Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(ME)(2019)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2018)
○Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering Design and Drawing(2018)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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