Associate Professor Patrick Grüneberg
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty of Global Standard Education
Associate Professor
College and School Educational Field
Academic Background
Dr. phil.
University of Tsukuba Center for Cybernics Research Visiting Researcher(2019/04/01-)
Technische Universität Berlin Berlin Center for Knowledge Research Postdoc(2012/04-2014/03)
Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Assistant Professor(2015/04-2017/03)
Kanazawa University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate Professor(2017/04-)
Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Part-time lecturer(2017/04-2019/03)
University of Tsukuba School of Humanities and Culture Part-time lecturer(2016/05-2019/03)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
○Dissertation Publication Award(2013/05)
○Award for Young Scientists of the Japanese Fichte Society(2017/11)
Philosophy, Theory of Subjectivity, Action Theory, Motor Control Theory, Embodiment
Speciality Keywords
Action,J.G. Fichte,Subjectivity,Philosophy
Research Themes
Schematic theory of subjectivity Voluntary initiation of bodily movement Interactive unity of human and technology
- Grueneberg Patrick Fahrrad – Person – Organismus. Konstruktion menschlicher Körperlichkeit Peter Lang 2008
- Grueneberg Patrick Das modellierte Individuum. Biologische Modelle und ihre ethischen Implikationen Transcript 2012
- Adalbert Mischlewski Noriko Chinone Patrick Grüneberg Herbert Schneider Visitationen des Jean de Montchenu in Parma, Padua und Turin (1431-1432) Verlag Antoniter-Forum 2021
- Grueneberg Patrick,Series edito Carl A. Eschenmayer: Einleitung in Natur und Geschichte. Erlangen 1806 (Bib 1800 2)) Frommann-Holzboog 2016
- Grueneberg Patrick,Series edito Isaac von Sinclair. Wahrheit und Gewissheit. Erster Band – Berlin 1811 (Bib 1800 1)) Frommann-Holzboog 2015
- Takao Suzuki,Patrick Grüneberg,Wilhelm G Jacobs Introduction to Fichte Chikuma 2021
- Grueneberg Patrick Saubere Leistung? – Grenzen Akzeptieren! 8 Bausteine für einen fächerübergreifenden Unterricht Federal Agency for Civic Education 2012
- Grueneberg Patrick Projektives Bewusstsein. Th. Metzingers Selbstmodelltheorie und J.G. Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre Mentis 2013
- Grueneberg Patrick Subjekt und Gehirn – Mensch und Natur Königshausen & Neumann 2011
- Grueneberg Patrick,Series edito Friedrich Bouterwek: Idee einer Apodiktik. Erster Band: Halle 1799 (Bib 1800 3) Frommann-Holzboog 2017
- Grueneberg Patrick,Series edito Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus (KSG 2) Königshausen & Neumann 2011
- Grueneberg Patrick,Series edito Der Körper als Mitte: Zur Dynamisierung des Körperbegriffes unter praktischem Anspruch (KSG 1) Königshausen & Neumann 2010
- Grueneberg Patrick Die Antoniter in den Libri Quietantiarum 1396-1511 (Archivio di Stato di Roma) 2016
- Kennt Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft den menschlichen Körper? Patrick Grüneberg Das Harte und das Weiche. Körper – Erfahrung – Konstruktion 187 2006/03/27
- Inwiefern die Wirklichkeit nichts ist Grüneberg Patrick Fichte-Studien 34 119 2009
- Der transzendentalgenetische Zugang zur Person Grüneberg, Patrick Fahrrad – Person – Organismus. Konstruktion menschlicher Körperlichkeit 245 2008
- Fichtes transzendentalphilosophische Methode und die Leib-Seele-/Körper-Geist-Dichotomie Grüneberg, Patrick Transzendentalphilosophie und Person. Leiblichkeit – Interpersonalität – Anerkennung 93 2007
- Wie kann die transzendentale Apperzeption ›gehaltvoll‹ werden bzw. die Rezeptivität spontan? Grüneberg Patrick Fichte-Studien 33 49 2009
- Ist die Identität des Selbstbewußtseins in Fichtes System unerreichbar? Hegels methodologische Kritik in der Differenzschrift Grüneberg, Patrick Hegel-Jahrbuch Zweiter Teil 121 2007
- Grundlagen und Voraussetzungen der Leib-Seele- / Körper-Geist-Dichotomie in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie des Geistes Grüneberg, Patrick Transzendentalphilosophie und Person. Leiblichkeit – Interpersonalität – Anerkennung 23 2007/09/27
- Der transzendentale Gott Grüneberg, Patrick Der Eine oder der Andere. "Gott" in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und im Denken der Gegenwart 207 2009
- "Fiat iustitia, pereat mundis" – Hegels Diskussion Fichtescher Rechtsphilosophie in methodenkritischer Perspektive Grüneberg, Patrick Hegel-Jahrbuch, Hegels politische Philosophie. Zweiter Teil 144 2009
- A lesson from subjective computing: autonomous self-referentiality and social interaction as conditions for subjectivity Grüneberg, Patrick,Suzuki, Kenji Proceedings of the AISB 2012 Symposium on Computational Philosophy 18 2013
- Selbstbezüglichkeit und Geltung – ein methodenkritischer Beitrag zur Bewusstseinsphilosophie Grüneberg, Patrick Relations of the Self 155 2010
- Acting in the Image of the Opposition – the Calculation of the World in the Image of the Resistance Grueneberg Patrick フィヒテ研究 24 24 59 2016
- Durch das Nichts zur Fülle der Wirklichkeit Grüneberg, Patrick Nichts, Nihilismus, Negation. Die europäische Moderne als Erkenntnis und Erfahrung des Nichts 57 2010
- Normativität in biochemischen Analyseprozessen Patrick Grüneberg Was ist Doping? Fakten und Probleme der aktuellen Diskussion 1 75 2010/05/10
- About the relationship between empowerment and enhancement from the perspective of assistive robotics Patrick Grüneberg 体育哲学年報第 51 48 2021
- Interview-based questionnaire on HAL robot-assisted voluntary initiation of joint movement v1 Patrick Grüneberg,Hideki Kadone,Naomi Kuramoto,Tomoyuki Ueno,Yasushi Hada,Masashi Yamazaki,Yoshiyuki Sankai,Kenji Suzuki 2018/01/18
- Reduktionismus und Rückübertragung Grüneberg, Patrick Das modellierte Individuum. Biologische Modelle und ihre ethischen Implikationen 3 227 2012/07/13
- Ein analytisches Missverständnis – Zum Verhältnis von Ontologie und Möglichkeitsbedingungen Grüneberg, Patrick Fichte-Studien 36 3 2012
- Die Ambivalenz zwischen Therapie und Leistung Grüneberg, Patrick Was ist Doping? Fakten und Probleme der aktuellen Diskussion 1 117 2010/05/10
- Mittelalterstudien als eine neue Perspektive auf die Assoziation und das Mental-Mapping Chinone, Noliko,Grüneberg, Patrick Proceedings of KogWis 2010. 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Sciences. 216 2010
- Empowering Patients in Interactive Unity with Machines: Engineering the HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) Robotic Rehabilitation System Patrick Grüneberg Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Case Studies from Japan 255 2021
- The relation of perception and action based on a heterarchy of final purposes Grueneberg Patrick Studies in Philosophy 44 77 2018
- The Cultural Impact on Ethics: Robotic Agency in Socio-Technical Systems Grueneberg Patrick Global Japanese Studies Review 8 1 19 2015
- Robot-assisted voluntary initiation reduces control-related difficulties of initiating joint movement: A phenomenal questionnaire study on shaping and compensation of forward gait Patrick Grüneberg,Hideki Kadone,Naomi Kuramoto,Tomoyuki Ueno,Yasushi Hada,Masashi Yamazaki,Yoshiyuki Sankai,Kenji Suzuki PLoS ONE 13 3 e0194214 2018/03/01
- Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics as an Empowerment Technology Patrick Grüneberg Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics. Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2020 127 2020
- Apperzeption und idealrealistische Begründung Grüneberg, Patrick Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. 3 221 2011
- Modelle und Grenzen der Leistungssteigerung im Sport: Enhancement, Doping, Therapie aus philosophischer Sicht Asmuth, Christoph,Bisol, Benedetta,Grüneberg, Patrick Leipziger sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge 51 2 8 2010
- The Birth of Art from the Spirit of Improvisation Patrick Grüneberg,Noriko Ohashi,Alessandro Bertinetto Studies of Language and Culture 25 167 2021
- Voluntary initiation of movement: multifunctional integration of subjective agency Patrick Grueneberg,Hideki Kadone,Kenji Suzuki FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 6 688 1 2015/05
- An Approach to Subjective Computing: A Robot That Learns From Interaction With Humans Patrick Grueneberg,Kenji Suzuki IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS MENTAL DEVELOPMENT 6 1 5 2014/03
- The performative sense of agency: an improvisational account of action Alessandro Bertinetto,Patrick Grüneberg Annuario Filosofico 38 49 2022
- Action as Abductive Performance: An Improvisational Model Alessandro Bertinetto,Patrick Grüneberg International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 2023/03/08
- Intentionality and performance: the phenomenology of gait initiation Patrick Grüneberg Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2024/01/10
- Institutionalizing the integration of patient and clinical needs in the design process of medical technologies Patrick Grüneberg Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband 1 2021
Conference Presentations
- Methods for assessing voluntary initiation of bodily movement: phenomenal analysis and physical measurements(conference:Kanazawa University International Symposium The Challenge to Lifelong Science~To live better in a super-aged society~)(2019/11/03)
- Retaliation through Remission(conference:公開シンポジウム「報復の論理とキリスト教ヒューマニズム」)(2015/07)
- Acting in the Image of the Opposition – the Calculation of the World in the Image of the Resistance(conference:日本フィヒテ協会第31回大会)(2015/11)
- Social and cultural preconditions of intelligence(conference:Critical Perspectives on Japanese Robotics)(2017/02)
- Culturally sustainable social robotics as empowerment technology(conference:Robophilosophy 2020 – Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics)(2020/08/01)
- Psychological Implications of Subjective Agency(conference:34th Conference of the Japanese Association for Behavior analysis)(2016/09)
- On the relationship between empowerment and enhancement from the viewpoint of assistive robotics(conference:The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference, Symposium “Prospects of Sports through the Viewpoint of Body as Subject”)(2020/09/08)
- AI beyond computation: subjectivity as the heterarchical foundation of intelligence(conference:AI and Subjectivity)(2024/02/06)
- Empowerment technology – implementing norms and values of social stakeholders into models of human-machine interaction(conference:VSFJ – German Association for Social Science Research on Japan: Annual Meeting of the Technology/STS Section)(2020/11/18)
- Phenomenal biophysics of gait initiation: the nexus of efficacy(conference:"Top Global Research" and the Humboldt-Network: New Frontiers of German-Japanese Scientific Cooperation)(2022/11/18)
- A heterarchical approach to conscious motor control – evidence from phenomenology and behavioral neuroscience(conference:Consciousness Research Network (CoRN) 2023)(2023/08/23)
- Institutionalizing the integration of patient and clinical needs in the design process of medical technologies(conference:Mensch und Computer 2021)(2021/09/03)
- Subjective control heterarchies realize well-being through real-world efficacy: insights from the embodiment of conscious motor control(conference:ECogS 2023)(2023/11/13)
- Voluntary initiation of forward gait and subjective efficacy – a transdisciplinary endeavor(conference:VSFJ – German Association for Social Science Research on Japan: Annual Meeting of the Technology/STS Section)(2021/11/21)
- From a relational viewpoint there is no artificial intelligence yet(conference:Colloquium at the Computer Science Department at Uppsala University)(2023/11/08)
- Rehabilitation as an improvisational practice: using habits for empowerment(conference:Hokkaido Workshop on Contemporary Philosophy)(2024/03/01)
- Land der Hundertjährigen. Japans Umgang mit den Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft(conference:Land der Hundertjährigen. Japans Umgang mit den Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft)(2021/10/12)
- Empowering Patients inInteractive Unity with Machines: Engineering the HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) Robotic Rehabilitation System(conference:16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies)(2021/08/25)
- “Relations are intelligent” – considering the meaning of AI for the Hokuriku regional development. Lessons from Japanese philosophy(conference:進化経済学会 観光学研究部会 第51回研究会)(2023/09/21)
- Session 7: Humans & machines in healthcare contexts: interdisciplinary perspectives (panel organized with Susanne Brucksch)(conference:18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 – Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies)(2019/05/06)
- Empowerment, enhancement and cyborgization – ethical implications of heterarchic human-machine relations in the robotic rehabilitation system HAL(Hybrid Assistive Limb)(conference:18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 – Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies)(2019/05/06)
- Subjective Agency: Voluntary initiation of forward gait(conference:生涯学の挑戦)(2019/03/16)
- Japanese robotics from inside and outside: Where to go with the “robot society”?(conference:The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics)(2018/12/16)
- What makes a successful image? Considering a heterarchy of final purposes(conference:Aesthetics Research Torino)(2018/09/06)
- Social and cultural preconditions of intelligence(conference:Critical Perspectives on Japanese Robotics)(2017/02/17)
- How smart do we want to become? On the relation between human and artificial intelligence(conference:The 19th Hitotsubashi International Conference on Philosophy/Social Philosophy/ Applied Ethics)(2017/03/06)
- Human volition in the interactive unity of human and machine(conference:The Development Of (Social) Robots For Health Care Scenarios: Hopes, Concerns And Limits)(2017/07/26)
Arts and Fieldwork
○Apriori – Internationales Forschungsnetzwerk Transzendentalphilosophie/Deutscher Idealismus(2007/05-2012/03)
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「Subjective efficacy: integrating body and mind into a model of voluntary initiation of bodily movement」(2022-2026)
○「Empowerment loop: a value-based model of the interactive unity of human and technology」(2018-2021)
○「Cognitive model of subjective agency: rehabilitation and the integration of body and mind」(2014-2016)
○「Translating responsibility – the ethical and social impact of assistive robotics in Japan and Germany」(2015-2017)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2021)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2021)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2021)
○Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology A(2021)
○Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology B(2021)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2020)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2020)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2020)
○Lecture on Modern Philosophy(2020)
○Lestures in Modern Philosophy(2020)
○Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology A(2019)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2019)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2019)
○Life in science and phylosophy(2019)
○Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology B(2019)
○Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology(2019)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: AI/robotics and ethics A(2018)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: AI/robotics and ethics A(2018)
○西洋哲学史演習 IIb(2017)
○西洋哲学史演習 IIa(2017)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: robotics and ethics B(2017)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: robotics and ethics A(2017)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: robotics and ethics A+B(2016)
○Science and Technology Studies(2016)
○Science Studies in Japan(2016)
○西洋哲学史演習 IIb(2016)
○西洋哲学史演習 IIa(2016)
○Japanese-German Comparative Culture: robotics and ethics A+B(2015)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Research Ethics(2021)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2021)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2021)
○Research Ethics(2021)
○Research Ethics(2021)
○Research Ethics(2020)
○Research Ethics(2020)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2020)
○Fostering the Independence of Researchers(2020)
○Research Ethics(2020)
○Research Ethics(2020)
○Research Ethics(2019)
○Research Ethics(2019)
○Research Ethics(2019)
○Research Ethics(2019)
○Philosophy Advanced Course(2018)
○西洋哲学史 I A+B(2016)