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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/14

Associate Professor MIYAJIMA, Yoji

Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Mechanical Creation Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Gifu University Master Electrical and electronic engineering Completed
University of Surrey Doctor Electronic engineering
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Gifu University


Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology Assistant professor
Kyoto University Postdoctoral fellow
大阪大学 Postdoctoral fellow

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society


○Overseas Research Students Award(2003/03)
○University Research Scholarship(2003/10)
○University Research Scholarship(2003/10)
○University Research Scholarship(2003/10)
○JIM Young Leader Award(2013/03)


、、Measurement engineering

Speciality Keywords

Fabrication of nano-particles by liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation,Film deposition by pulsed laser ablation,High entropy alloys,mille-feuille structure,hydrogen permeable alloy,STEM

Research Themes

Investigation of relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure of alloys fabricated by 3D printer.

Developement of quantification method of lattice defects in metallic materials: application for in-situ measurements

Investigation of the relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure of ultrafine graind metals

Electrical properties of high entropy alloys fabricated by sputtering and thermomechanical processing

Developement of high specific strength and high conductive Al alloy by addition of low concentration of transition metal elements



  •  High strength and low electrical resistivity of Al-0.1 at%Ni alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding Yoji Miyajima,Taisei Homma,Souichiro Takenaka,Chihiro Watanabe,Hiroki Adachi,Kazuhiro Ishikawa Materials Today Communications 33 2022/12
  •  Plastic instability criterion based on new necking parameters for Cu–Al, Cu–A5052, and Cu–A5083 roll-bonded laminated metal composites fabricated without post-annealing Yoji Miyajima,Takuya Yamada,Toshiyuki Fujii Journal of Materials Processing Technology 306 117634 2022/08
  •  Destruction of mesoscopic chemically modulated domains in single phase high entropy alloy via plastic deformation Yoji Miyajima,Tomohiro Nagata,Kohei Takeda,Shuhei Yoshida,Satoshi Yasuno,Chihiro Watanabe,Ishikawa Kazuhiro,Hiroki Adachi,Nobuhiro Tsuji Scientific Reports 12 1 2022/12
  •  Speckle-based high-resolution multimodal soft sensing Sho Shimadera,Kei Kitagawa,Koyo Sagehashi,Yoji Miyajima,Tomoaki Niiyama,Satoshi Sunada Scientific Reports 12 1 2022/07/30 
  •  Role of ferrite and austenite phases on the deformation behavior and mechanical properties in heterogeneous nanostructured duplex stainless steel aged at different temperatures Norimitsu Koga,Shinya Suzuki,Hua Jiang,Tatsuki Watanabe,Chihiro Watanabe,Yoji Miyajima,Hiromi Miura Journal of Materials Science 57 9 5606 2022/03

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  •  Microstructural Changes and Hydrogen Permeability of Rolled and Annealed Nb30Ti35Co35 Alloys Yuki Hamasaki,Yoji Miyajima,Kazuhiro Ishikawa Materials Transactions 63 7 981 2022 
  •  A Comparison Study of Electrical Resistivity, Vickers Hardness, and Microstructures of Alloy 625 Prior and Posterior to Rolling Tomohiro Nagata,Kohei Takeda,Hiroki Adachi,Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Yoji Miyajima Materials Transactions 63 3 278 2022
  •  Change in Microstructure and Electrical Resistivity of CuZn Alloy Due to Rolling Yoji Miyajima,Hiroki Morimoto,Masashi Miyazaki,Takuya Okada,Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Chihiro Watanabe,Hiromi Miura Materials Transactions 63 4 484 2022
  •  Effects of strain rate on mechanical properties of heterogeneous nano-structured SUS316LN stainless steel: Revealed by in-situ X-Ray diffraction at synchrotron radiation facility Hua Jiang,Chihiro Watanabe,Yoji Miyajima,Norimitsu Koga,Yoshiteru Aoyagi,Masakazu Kobayashi,Hiromi Miura Materials Science and Engineering: A 815 141251 2021/05
  •  Microstructural changes and hydrogen permeability of rolled and annealed Nb30Ti35Co35 alloys Yuki Hamasaki,Yoji Miyajima,Kazuhiro Ishikawa Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 85 9 338 2021
  •  Change in electrical resistivity in nickel processed by accumulative roll bonding Yoji Miyajima,Taro Ueda,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii Materials Transactions 62 8 1247 2021
  •  A comparison study of electrical resistivity, vickers hardness, and microstructures of alloy 625 prior and posterior to rolling Tomohiro Nagata,Kohei Takeda,Hiroki Adachi,Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Yoji Miyajima Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 85 10 391 2021
  •  Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical property of Ti + ZrO2 prepared by spark plasma sintering for biomedical applications Tanapon Tansiranon,Katsuyoshi Kondoh,Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Yoji Miyajima,Anak Khantachawana Materials Science Forum 1033 MSF 93 2021
  •  Dependences of Grain Size and Strain-Rate on Deformation Behavior of Commercial Purity Titanium Processed by Multi-Directional Forging S. Yamamoto,Y. Miyajima,C. Watanabe,R. Monzen,T. Tsuru,H. Miura MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 61 12 2320 2020/12/01 
  •  Temperature and strain-rate dependence of flow stress of nanocrystalline nickel fabricated by electrolytic deposition Yoji Miyajima,Ryu Ichikawa,Hiroki Adachi,Tohru Yamasaki,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS 100 12 571 2020/12
  •  Change in Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Accumulative Roll Bonding Processed High-Purity Aluminum, Al-0.02 mass%Fe and Al-0.2 mass%Fe Alloys Yoji Miyajima,Kojiro Fukuda,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 61 2 305 2020
  •  Effects of rolling and annealing on hydrogen permeability and crystal orientation in Nb-TiNi two-phase alloys Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Yoshihide Saeki,Yoji Miyajima,Tetsu Watanuki,Akihiko Machida INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 44 41 23101 2019/08
  •  Refinement and coarsening of grains caused by tensile-shear tests in ultra-fine grained Cu processed by severe plastic deformation Ryosuke Matsutani,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka Materials Transactions 60 5 751 2019
  •  Evaluation of Elastic Deformation Behavior of ARB Processed Ultrafine Grained Ni Polycrystalline Material by X-ray Diffraction 高増宣仁,宮澤知孝,宮嶋陽司,足立大樹,尾中晋 日本金属学会誌 83 5 157‐165(J‐STAGE) 2019
  •  Dependences of Grain Size and Strain-Rate on Deformation Behavior of Commercial Purity Titanium Processed by Multi-Directional Forging Yamamoto S.,Miyajima Y.,Watanabe C.,Monzen R.,Tsuru T.,Miura H. Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials 83 12 465 2019 
  •  Refinement and Coarsening of Grains Caused by Tensile-Shear Tests in Ultra-Fine Grained Cu Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Matsutani Ryosuke,Miyajima Yoji,Onaka Susumu Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials 82 11 442 2018
  •  Change in electrical resistivity of pure Cu processed by accumulative roll bonding Miyajima, Y.,Shinohara, T.,Adachi, H.,Fujii, T.,Onaka, S.,Kato, M. Materials Transactions 59 3 393 2018 
  •  Ultimate Rolling Texture in Pure Aluminum Highly Deformed by Accumulative Roll Bonding: Taylor Orientation Formed beyond Grain Subdivision Yoji Miyajima,Daisuke Kashioka,Nobuhiro Tsuji MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 58 8 1127 2017 
  •  Contactless electrical conductivity measurement of metallic submicron-grain material: Application to the study of aluminum with severe plastic deformation M. Mito,H. Matsui,T. Yoshida,T. Anami,K. Tsuruta,H. Deguchi,T. Iwamoto,D. Terada,Y. Miyajima,N. Tsuji REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 87 5 2016/06 
  •  Effect of Roll-Bonding and Subsequent Annealing on Microstructure Evolution of Accumulative Roll Bonded Pure Copper Yoji Miyajima,Midori Uchiyama,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 57 9 1411 2016 
  •  Log Angles: Characteristic Angles of Crystal Orientation Given by the Logarithm of Rotation Matrix Kunio Hayashi,Motoki Osada,Yuki Kurosu,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 57 4 507 2016/04 
  •  SEM/EBSD Analysis of Changes in Crystal Orientation of {111} <112> Cu Single Crystal Caused by The Cold-Rolling Yusuke Ajisaka,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS 80 9 553 2016 
  •  In-situ X-ray diffraction during tensile deformation of ultrafine-grained copper using synchrotron radiation Yoji Miyajima,Satoshi Okubo,Tomotaka Miyazawa,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS 96 8 294 2016 
  •  Evaluation of Dislocation Density for 1100 Aluminum with Different Grain Size during Tensile Deformation by Using In-Situ X-ray Diffraction Technique Hiroki Adachi,Yoji Miyajima,Masugu Sato,Nobuhiro Tsuji MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 56 5 671 2015 
  •  Dislocation density of pure copper processed by accumulative roll bonding and equal-channel angular pressing Miyajima, Y.,Okubo, S.,Abe, H.,Okumura, H.,Fujii, T.,Onaka, S.,Kato, M. Materials Characterization 104 101 2015/06 
  •  Microstructural change due to isochronal annealing in severely plastic-deformed commercial purity aluminium Yoji Miyajima,Shin-ya Komatsu,Masatoshi Mitsuhara,Satoshi Hata,Hideharu Nakashima,Nobuhiro Tsuji PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 95 11 1139 2015/04 
  •  Log Angles: Characteristic Angles of Crystal Orientation Given by the Logarithm of Rotation Matrix Kunio Hayashi,Motoki Osada,Yuki Kurosu,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS 79 1 9 2015/01 
  •  Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate on Plastic Deformation of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Prepared by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Satoshi Okubo,Hiroki Abe,Yoji Miyajima,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 55 10 1525 2014/10 
  •  Evolution of the spread of crystal orientation with plastic deformation in a cold-rolled Cu single crystal Akari Yoshida,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 49 5 2013 2014/03 
  •  Effects of rolling reduction and strength of composed layers on bond strength of pure copper and aluminium alloy clad sheets fabricated by cold roll bonding Miyajima, Y.,Iguchi, K.,Onaka, S.,Kato, M. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2014 1 2014 
  •  Evaluation of dislocation density for 1100 aluminum with different grain size during tensile deformation by using In-situ X-ray diffraction technique Hiroki Adachi,Yoji Miyajima,Masugu Sato,Nobuhiro Tsuji Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals 64 10 463 2014
  •  Stability of Fatigued Dislocation Wall Structure in Coarse-Grained and Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum against Monotonic Tensile Deformation Yukito Nakanishi,Yoji Miyajima,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 54 1 43 2013 
  •  Effects of Si on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution in ultrafine-grained Cu-Si alloys processed by accumulative roll bonding Yoji Miyajima,Hiroki Abe,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato ACTA MATERIALIA 61 5 1537 2013/03 
  •  Grain Size Variation during Low Temperature Creep and Tensile Deformation of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Satoshi Okubo,Yoji Miyajima,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 54 9 1605 2013 
  •  Rotation and Splitting of Crystal Orientation in a Cu Single Crystal Caused by Rolling and Accumulative Roll-Bonding Akari Yoshida,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS 77 10 435 2013/10 
  •  Evolution of Microstructure and Texture During Cold Rolling and Annealing of a Highly Cube-Textured ({001}) Polycrystalline Nickel Sheet P. P. Bhattacharjee,Y. Takatsuji,Y. Miyajima,D. Terada,N. Tsuji METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 43A 7 2442 2012/07 
  •  Changes in Strength and Microstructure of Cu (100) [001] Single Crystals Caused by Accumulative Roll-Bonding Akari Yoshida,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 53 1 26 2012/01 
  •  Retardation of Softening of Ultrafine-Grained Copper during Low Temperature Annealing under Uniaxial Tensile Stress Yoji Miyajima,Takashi Aragaki,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 53 1 96 2012/01 
  •  Morphological and Crystallographic Characteristics of Incoherent Octahedral FCC Co Precipitates in a Cu Matrix Tomotaka Miyazawa,Yuta Ozawa,Yoji Miyajima,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 53 5 893 2012/05 
  •  Quantification of Lattice Defects in Ultra-fine Grained Metals Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation 宮嶋 陽司 まてりあ = Materia Japan : 日本金属学会会報 51 8 379 2012/08 
  •  Synthesis of non-equilibrium phases in immiscible metals mechanically mixed by high pressure torsion Tatsuya Miyazaki,Daisuke Terada,Yoji Miyajima,Challapalli Suryanarayana,Reiko Murao,Yoshihiko Yokoyama,Kazumasa Sugiyama,Minoru Umemoto,Yoshikazu Todaka,Nobuhiro Tsuji JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 46 12 4296 2011/06 
  •  Change in Crystal Orientations of a {100} < 001 > Pure Aluminum Single Crystal during Accumulative Roll Bonding K. Kashihara,W. Ikushima,Y. Miyajima,D. Terada,N. Tsuji MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 52 5 825 2011/05 
  •  Probing the band structure of hydrogen-free amorphous carbon and the effect of nitrogen incorporation Y. Miyajima,Y. Tison,C. E. Giusca,V. Stolojan,H. Watanabe,H. Habuchi,S. J. Henley,J. M. Shannon,S. R. P. Silva CARBON 49 15 5229 2011/12 
  •  Hydrogenated amorphous carbon and carbon nitride films deposited at low pressure by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition Y. Miyajima,S. J. Henley,S. R. P. Silva THIN SOLID FILMS 519 19 6374 2011/07 
  •  Quantification of internal dislocation density using scanning transmission electron microscopy in ultrafine grained pure aluminium fabricated by severe plastic deformation Yoji Miyajima,Masatoshi Mitsuhara,Satoshi Hata,Hideharu Nakashima,Nobuhiro Tsuji MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 528 2 776 2010/12 
  •  Change in electrical resistivity of commercial purity aluminium severely plastic deformed Yoji Miyajima,Shin-Ya Komatsu,Masatoshi Mitsuhara,Satoshi Hata,Hideharu Nakashima,Nobuhiro Tsuji PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 90 34 4475 2010 
  •  Pulsed laser deposited tetrahedral amorphous carbon with high sp(3) fractions and low optical bandgaps Y. Miyajima,S. J. Henley,G. Adamopoulos,V. Stolojan,E. Garcia-Caurel,B. Drevillon,J. M. Shannon,S. R. P. Silva JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105 7 2009/04 
  •  Amorphous carbon and carbon nitride bottom gate thin film transistors Y. Miyajima,M. Shkunov,S. R. P. Silva APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95 10 2009/09 
  •  Electrical properties of pulsed UV laser irradiated amorphous carbon Y. Miyajima,A. A. D. T. Adikaari,S. J. Henley,J. M. Shannon,S. R. P. Silva APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92 15 2008/04 
  •  Electronic state modification in laser deposited amorphous carbon films by the inclusion of nitrogen Y. Miyajima,G. Adamopoulos,S. J. Henley,V. Stolojan,Y. Tison,E. Garcia-Caurel,B. Drevillon,J. M. Shannon,S. R. P. Silva JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 6 2008/09 
  •  Electrical conduction mechanism in laser deposited amorphous carbon Y. Miyajima,J. M. Shannon,S. J. Henley,V. Stolejan,D. C. Cox,S. R. P. Silva THIN SOLID FILMS 516 2-4 257 2007/12 
  •  The importance of oxygen-containing defects on carbon nanotubes for the detection of polar and non-polar vapours through hydrogen bond formation Paul C. P. Watts,Natacha Mureau,Zhenni Tang,Yoji Miyajima,J. David Carey,S. Ravi P. Silva NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 17 2007/05 
  •  Surface induced bulk modifications of amorphous carbon nitride films by post-deposition oxygen and hydrogen plasma treatment Y Miyajima,S Nitta,SRP Silva,DA Zeze THIN SOLID FILMS 491 1-2 161 2005/11 

Conference Presentations

  • 超微細粒材の変形挙動のハイスピードカメラによる観察と解析(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2019/03/06)
  • 超微細粒Al‐Fe合金のARB加工とその後の焼鈍に伴う力学的特性と電気的特性の変化(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • 超微細粒金属の変形中その場電気抵抗測定(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • ECAP加工で作製された超微細結晶粒AlのXRD測定による内部応力状態の評価(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • 引張変形中その場XRD測定による超微細粒Ni多結晶材の弾塑性変形挙動の評価(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)

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  • ECAP加工で作製した超微細粒銅の引張変形時における単純せん断変形(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • Cu単結晶における圧痕周りでの結晶方位変化の位置依存性(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • 引張変形により延性破壊した銅単結晶試料表面の方位測定(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/09/05)
  • 大変形前後における超微細粒銅の同一領域での組織変化の観察(conference:日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM))(2018/03/05)


  •  ARB加工された超微細粒Al中の転位密度変化の測定 高木健,宮嶋陽司,辻伸泰,寺田大将,足立大樹,松原英一郎,沼倉宏 日本金属学会講演概要 147th 539 2010/09/25
  •  Evolution of the Microstructure of a {100} <001> Pure Aluminum Single Crystal during Severe Plastic Deformation K.Kashihara,W.Ikushima,Y.Miyajima,D.Terada,N.Tsuji Proc. of ICAA 12, The Japan Institute of Light Metals The 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA12) 2130 2010/09
  •  超微細粒Alにおける活性化体積の応力依存性 加藤裕昌,大久保智,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋,加藤雅治 日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 155th ROMBUNNO.P145 2014/09/10
  •  Dislocation Density of FCC Metals Processed by ARB Y. Miyajima,T. Ueda,H. Adachi,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOMATERIALS BY SEVERE PLASTIC DEFORMATION (NANOSPD6) 63 1 2014
  •  Recrystallization texture of heavily cold rolled polycrystalline nickel sheets with and without strong starting cube texture Pinaki Prasad Bhattacharjee,Yoshihiro Takatsuji,Yoji Miyajima,Daisuke Terada,Nobuhiro Tsuji RECRYSTALLIZATION AND GRAIN GROWTH V 753 293 2013

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  •  引張変形およびクリープ変形による超微細粒Cuの結晶粒径変化 大久保智,宮嶋陽司,藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治 日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 153rd ROMBUNNO.23 2013/09/03
  •  Texture evolution in ARB processed commercial purity aluminium Yoji Miyajima,Daisuke Kashioka,Nobuhiro Tsuji TEXTURES OF MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 702-703 173 2012
  •  超微細粒Cuの低温クリープ挙動 大久保智,宮嶋陽司,藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治 日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 150th ROMBUNNO.P79 2012/03/15
  •  Ni電析材の引張変形およびクリープ変形挙動 唐橋雅行,大久保智,宮嶋陽司,足立大樹,山崎徹,藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治 日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 153rd ROMBUNNO.P140 2013/09/03
  •  Stability of Cube Oriented Grains during Cold-Rolling of Highly Cube-Oriented Polycrystalline Nickel Nobuhiro Tsuji,Yoshihiro Takatsuji,Yoji Miyajima,Pinaki Prasad Bhattacharjee,Daisuke Terada TEXTURES OF MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 702-703 402 2012
  •  Stress partitioning behavior of heterogeneous nano-structured duplex stainless steel 鈴木慎也,JIANG H.,渡邊千尋,古賀紀光,宮嶋陽司,青柳吉輝,小林正和,三浦博己 材料とプロセス(CD-ROM) 33 2 2020
  •  Effect of low temperature annealing on electrical properties and microstructure of Al-10Si-0.3Mg alloy fabricated by selective laser melting 中村祐太,高田尚記,小橋眞,石川和宏,宮嶋陽司 軽金属学会大会講演概要 139th 2020
  •  Effect of annealing at 473K on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg alloy fabricated by SLM process 中村祐太,高田尚記,小橋眞,石川和宏,宮嶋陽司 軽金属学会大会講演概要 138th 2020
  •  Dislocation Density Changes in Ultrafine-grain Aluminum during Tensile Deformation Hiroki Adachi,Yoji Miyajima,Akinobu Shibata,Daisuke Terada,Nobuhiro Tsuji PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALUMINUM ALLOYS (ICAA13) 61 2012
  •  Change in Microstructure and Electrical Resistivity of Cu–Zn alloy Due to Rolling Miyajima Yoji,Morimoto Hiroki,Miyazaki Masashi,Okada Takuya,Ishikawa Kazuhiro,Watanabe Chihiro,Miura Hiromi Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 60 1 56 2021
  •  Application on the Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Quantification of Microstructure Using Various Advanced Observations/Measurements Miyajima Yoji,Miyazawa Tomotaka Materia Japan 59 12 685 2020/12/01
  •  Evaluation of the activation volume of Al10SiMg alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. 中村祐太,石川和宏,宮嶋陽司,高田尚記,小橋眞 軽金属学会大会講演概要 141st 2021
  •  Temperature and strain-rate dependencies of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys containing LPSO phase 藤居俊之,遠藤稜,宮澤知孝,宮嶋陽司,萩原幸司 軽金属学会大会講演概要 140th 2021
  •  Deformation behavior in Cu/Al alloy composites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding. 山崎萌子,石川和宏,宮嶋陽司,藤居俊之 軽金属学会大会講演概要 140th 2021
  •  Microstructure and mechanical property of TiNi-Nb alloys with mille-feuille structure 石川和宏,大野冠太,宮嶋陽司 軽金属学会大会講演概要 140th 2021

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Investigation of physical propertis of alloys
○Developement of high strength and high conductive metallic materials
○relationship between properties and microstructure of materials having millefeuille structure (MFS)
○relationship between properties and microstructure of high entropy alloys
○relationship between properties and microstructure of alloys fabricated by 3D laser priter
○Quantification of microstructure/lattice defects in metallic materials

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「 Fundamental Insights into the Synthesis and Degradation of Model Fe-N-C Electrocatalysts」(2019-2024) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Design and Production of Materials B(2022)
○Exercise in Computer Programming(2022)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2022)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2022)
○Exercise in Computer Programming(2022)
○Electric circuit theory A(2022)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2022)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2022)
○Electric circuit theory B(2022)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2022)
○Electric circuit theory B(2021)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2021)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2021)
○Electric circuit theory A(2021)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2021)
○Exercise in Computer Programming(2021)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2021)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2020)
○Electric circuit theory B(2020)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2020)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2020)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2020)
○Electric circuit theory A(2020)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2020)
○Electronics A(2019)
○Electronics B(2019)
○Electric circuit theory A(2019)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2019)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2019)
○Electric circuit theory B(2019)
○Design and Production of Materials B(2018)
○Design and Production of Materials A(2018)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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