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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/21

Associate Professor NAGANO, Atsuhira

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


236, Natural Science and Technology Hall 5 (C4), Kakuma

Academic Background



Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor(2018/11-)
The University of Tokyo Graduate school of Mathematical Sciences JSPS Fellow (PD)(2017/04-2018/10)
King's College London (UK) Department of Mathematics Visiting Research Associate(2016/04-2017/03)
Waseda University Department of Mathematics Research Associate(2013/09-2016/03)
Waseda University Department of Mathematics Research Assistant(2013/04-2013/09)
Waseda University Department of Mathematics JSPS Fellow (DC2)(2011/04-2013/03)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

The Mathematical Society of Japan


○MEXT LEADER(2018/11)
○The Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Basic Science Research Project(2015/11)



Speciality Keywords

Period mappings, K3 surfaces, Abelian varieties, Hypergeometric equations, Automorphic functions

Research Themes

Construction of automorphic functions via period mappings or hypergeometric functions and its application to number theory



  •  Picard-Fuchs system for family of Kummer surfaces as subsystem of GKZ hypregeometric system Atsuhira Nagano arXiv:2408.14271 2024
  •  Sequence of families of lattice polarized K3 surfaces, modular forms and degrees of complex reflection groups Atsuhira Nagano Mathematische Zeitschrift 308 Article: 11 2024
  •  On Riemann type relations for theta functions on bounded symmetric domains of type I Atsuhira Nagano Linear Algebra and its Applications  673 177-199 2023
  •  Elliptic fibrations on toric K3 hypersurfaces and mirror symmetry derived from Fano polytopes Tomonao Matsumura and Atsuhira Nagano arXiv:2208.01465  2022
  •  The ring of modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,18) Atsuhira Nagano and Kazushi Ueda Hiroshima Mathematical Journal,  52 43-51 2022

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  •  On Kummer-like surfaces attached to singularity and modular forms Atsuhira Nagano and Hironori Shiga Mathematische Nachrichten 296 6 2513-2534 2023
  •  Geometric interpretation of Hermitian modular forms via Burkhardt invariants Atsuhira Nagano and Hironori Shiga Transformation Groups 29 1 253-275 2024
  •  The ring of modular forms of O(2,4;Z) with characters Atsuhira Nagano and Kazushi Ueda Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 51 2 275-286 2022
  •  Inverse period mappings of K3 surfaces and a construction of modular forms for a lattice with the Kneser conditions Atsuhira Nagano Journal of Algebra 565 33-63 2021
  •  Icosahedral invariants and a construction of class fields via periods of K3 surfaces Atsuhira Nagano The Ramanujan Journal  46 1 201-227 2018
  •  One visualization of Shimura's complex multiplication theorem via hypergeometric modular functions Hironori Shiga and Atsuhira Nagano RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu 72 309-330 2019
  •  On rings of differential operators derived from automorphic forms Atsuhira Nagano Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 12 377-414 2018
  •  Icosahedral invariants and Shimura curves Atsuhira Nagano Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux  29 2 603-635 2017
  •  To the Hilbert class field from the hypergeometric modular function Atsuhira Nagano and Hironori Shiga Journal of Number Theory 165 408-430 2016
  •  Double integrals on a weighted projective plane and the Hilbert modular functions for Q(√5) Atsuhira Nagano Acta Arithmetica 167 4 327-345 2015
  •  Modular surfaces associated with toric K3 hypersurfaces Kenji Hashimoto, Atsuhira Nagano and Kazushi Ueda arXiv:1403.5818 2014
  •  Modular map for the family of abelian surfaces via elliptic K3 surfaces Atsuhira Nagano and Hironori Shiga Mathematische Nachrichten  288 1 89-114 2015
  •  A theta expression of the Hilbert modular functions for √5 via periods of K3 surfaces Atsuhira Nagano Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 53 4 815-843 2013
  •  Period differential equations for the families of K3 surfaces with two parameters derived from the reflexive polytopes Atsuhira Nagano Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 66 1 193-244 2012
  •  Hilbert modular functions via period mappings for K3 surfaces Atsuhira Nagano RIMS Kokyuroku ``Automorphic Representations and Related Topics'' 2013
  •  Period differential equation for families of K3 surfaces derived from reflexive polytopes  Atsuhira Nagano RIMS Conference "Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics" Abstracts 2009

Conference Presentations

  • Kummer-like surfaces and their partner surfaces(conference:L-functions and Motives in Niseko)(2024/09)
  • On a sequence of families of K3 surfaces attached to complex reflection groups(conference:Workshop on Accessory Parameters)(2023/03)
  • Families of K3 surfaces, theta functions and invariants of complex reflection groups (conference:Conference on Special Geometry, Mirror Symmetry and Integrable Systems )(2021/12)
  • Toric K3 hypersurfaces, hypergeometric systems and their applications to number theory (conference:Monodromy and Hypergeometric Functions International Conference (Turkey))(2020/02)
  • Construction of modular forms for a lattice with Kneser conditions via K3 surfaces(conference:Younger generations in Algebraic and Complex geometry )(2019/08)

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  • Modular forms for a lattice with the Kneser conditions (conference:Journées Arithmétiques (Turkey))(2019/07)
  • Moduli of K3 surfaces for the simplest lattice with the Kneser conditions and modular forms(conference:Seminar at Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences (Turkey))(2019/06)
  • Introduction of elliptic curves and its generalizations(conference:Kyoto University International Forum on Advanced Future Studies)(2018/10)
  • Algebraic spectral curves from the viewpoint of automorphic forms(conference:International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics)(2018/10)
  • Analogues of Kronecker’s Jugendtraum from the viewpoint of toric K3 hypersurfaces(conference:Conference on Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry)(2018/01)
  • Differential equations concerned with mirror symmetry of toric K3 hypersurfaces with arithmetic properties(conference:Conference ``Differential Geometry and Differential Equations: the influence of Mirror Symmetry and Physics'')(2017/12)
  • A construction of class fields via periods of toric K3 hypersurfaces(conference:Journées Arithmétiques (France))(2017/07)
  • Toric K3 hypersurfaces and a Shimura variety(conference:OCAMI-KOBE-WASEDA Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems )(2017/03)
  • K3 surfaces and a construction of a Shimura variety(conference:London Number Theory Seminar (UK))(2017/02)
  • Periods of toric K3 hypersurfaces and applications to number theory(conference:UK-Japan Winter School "Singularities, Symmetries and Submanifolds" (UK) )(2016/12)
  • Periods of toric K3 hypersurfaces and Hilbert modular surfaces(conference:KCL / UCL Geometry Seminar (UK) )(2016/09)
  • K3 surfaces, periods and reflexive polytopes(conference:Heilbronn Number Theory (UK))(2016/09)
  • The canonical model of a Shimura variety and periods of K3 surfaces(conference:Number Theory Seminar, University of Sheffield (UK) )(2016/09)
  • Modular functions coming from elliptic curves and K3 surfaces(conference:Autumn Workshop on Number Theory)(2015/11)
  • Hilbert modular functions via K3 surfaces and applications in algebraic number theory(conference:Autumn Workshop on Number Theory)(2015/11)
  • Hilbert modular functions via K3 surfaces and applications in number theory(conference:Workshop at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Computational Aspects of Algebraic Geometry, Automorphic Forms, and Number Theory (China))(2015/08)
  • Modular functions via K3 surfaces and an application in number theory (conference:Joint Workshop:Geometry and Analysis at Noda)(2015/05)
  • Icosahedral invariants and Shimura curves via K3 surfaces(conference:Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions )(2013/02)
  • Hilbert modular functions via K3 surfaces II(conference:Elliptic genera, modular forms and applications in geometry)(2013/02)
  • Hilbert modular functions via K3 surfaces I (conference:Elliptic genera, modular forms and applications in geometry)(2013/02)
  • Hilbert modular functions via the period mapping for K3 surfaces(conference:RIMS Conference ``Automorphic Representations and Related Topics")(2013/01)
  • Period differential equations for families of K3 surfaces derived from some reflexive polytopes(conference:RIMS Conference ``Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics")(2009/10)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Moduli of complex varieties and arithmetic properties of theta functions

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research「K3曲面の周期による新しい保型形式の構成」(2018-2021) 
○JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research「K3曲面の周期写像と微分方程式による類体の構成」(2017-2019) 
○JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research「K3曲面の周期とそれに関連する特殊関数及び微分方程式の研究」(2013-2014) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Linear Spaces a(2024)
○Linear Spaces b(2024)
○Algebra 1a (group theory)(2023)
○Algebra 1b (group theory)(2023)
○Algebra 1a (group theory)(2022)
○Algebra 1b (group theory)(2022)
○Algebra 2a (ring theory)(2021)
○Algebra 2b (ring theory)(2021)
○Algebra 2a (ring theory)(2020)
○Algebra 2b (ring theory)(2020)
○Discrete Mathematics a(2019)
○Discrete Mathematics b(2019)
○Number Theory for Beginners (Hosei Univ.)(2018)
○Linear Algebra (Waseda Univ.)(2015)
○General Topology (Waseda Univ.)(2015)
○Calculus (Waseda Univ.)(2014)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (Elliptic functions, Theta functions)(2024)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (Elliptic Functions, Theta functions)(2024)
○Applied Algebra (GKZ hypergeometric differential equations and period integrals)(2023)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (Period mapping for elliptic curves, Gauss hypergeometric functions, Schwarz mapping)(2023)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (Period mapping for elliptic curves, Gauss hypergeometric functions, Schwarz mapping)(2023)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (Weierstrass p-function, zeta-function, sigma-function)(2022)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (Weierstrass p-function, zeta-function, sigma-function)(2022)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (Dedekind eta function, Ramanujan delta function, Hecke operators)(2021)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (Dedekind eta function, Ramanujan delta function, Hecke operators)(2021)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (theta function, zeta function, L-function, Dirichlet's Theorem)(2020)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (theta function, zeta function, L-function, Dirichlet's Theorem)(2020)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a (elliptic functions, elliptic curves)(2019)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b (elliptic functions, elliptic curves)(2019)
○Topics in Computational Science b(2019)

International Project

○JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers King's College LondonUnited Kingdom(201604-201703)

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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