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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/01/08

Associate Professor OKUDERA Hiroki


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Earth and Planetary Science, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Okudera Lab. TEL:076-264-6525 FAX:076-264-6545

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Science 199603 Completed
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 198903 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Department of Earth Sciences 198703


Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Federal Republic of Germany Dept. Simon(2003/01/08-2005/04/14)
AIST Chubu Ceramics Research Dept.(2002/01/01-2002/03/31)
AIST Chubu Ceramics Research Dept.(2000/04/01-2001/12/31)
National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya Ceramics Research Dept.(1999/04/01-2000/03/31)
Nagoya Institute of Technology Ceramics Research Laboratory(1996/10/01-1999/03/31)
Nittetsu Mining Co. R & D center(1990/04/01-1992/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Crystallographic Society of Japan
Mineralogical and Petrological Society of Japan


○Award for Applied Mineralogy(2007/09/22)
○Sasagawa Scientific Research Grant(1994/04/01)
○Poster award(2021/11/21)


natural and artificial crystal crystal structure opt-material and devices、Nano-sized multipurpose device Photocatalyst thin-film & particle processes

Speciality Keywords

Oxides, X-ray diffraction, thin film, colloid chemistry, photocatalyst

Research Themes

Electronic structure in iron oxide

Development of UV photocatalyst for environmental remediation

Structure of oxide-ion-conducting rare-earth silicate oxyapatites and its transport mechanism


  •  Hiroki Okudera Diffraction of X-ray by crystalline matters and its description 2022/03/29
  •  Crystallograhpic Society of Japan (ed.) Crystallography in Japan (II) Crystallographic Society of Japan 2014/07/31


  •  Temperature dependence of thermal vibration and positional parameters of atoms in mangetite H. Okudera, K. Kihara, T. Matsumoto Acta Crystallographica Section A 49 C-268 1993
  •  Temperature dependence of structure parameters in natural magnetite: Single crystal X-ray studies from 126 to 773K Acta Crystallographica Section B - Structural Science 52 450-457 1996
  •  Single crystal X-ray studies of cation-deficient magnetite H. Okudera Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 212 458-461 1997
  •  Crystal structure refinements of In(x)Fe(3-x)O4 (x = or < 0.3) spinels by the Rietveld method using heavier weights on weaker intensities in the least-squarees fitting H. Okudera, H. Toraya Zetschrift fuer Kristallograhpie 213 461-465 1998
  •  Spectro-diffractometry for chemical-state analysis based on in-advance simulation Y. Xiao, , S. Hayakawa, Y. Gohshi, M. Oshima, H. Okudera, H. Toraya, K. Ohsumi Bulletin of the chemical society of Japan 71 2375-2380 1998

show all

  •  In-advance simulation and chemical state analysis by spectro-diffractometry Y. Xiao, S. Hayakawa, Y. Gohshi, M. Osha, H. Okudera, H. Toraya, K. Ohsumi Chemistry Letters 761-762 1998
  •  Tungsten bronze-type solid solutions Ba(6-3x)Sm(8+2x)Ti(18)O(54) (x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.67, 0.71) with superstructure H. Okudera, H. Nakamura, H. Toraya, H. Ohsato Journal of Solid State Chemistry 142 336-343 1999
  •  A Rietveld-analysis program for X-ray powder spectro-diffractometry Y. Xiao, F. Izumi, S. Hayakawa, Y. Gohshi, M. Oshima, H. Okudera, H. Toraya, K. Ohsumi Powder Diffraction 142 106-111 1999
  •  Site-selective chemical state analysis for magnetite structure using powder spectro diffractometry Y. Xiao, S. Hayakawa, Y. Gohshi, M. Oshima, H. Okudera, K. Ohsumi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 - Reguar Papers short notes & reviews 38-1 381-384 1999
  •  Surface modification of apatite/titanium composite coatings deposited by RF plasma-spraying: Improvement of chemical resistance M. Inagaki, A. Hozumi, H. Okudera, Y. Yokowaga, T. Kameyama Trasnaction of the Material Research Society of Japan 25 297-299 2000
  •  Temperature- and composition-dependence of anisotropic atomic displacement parameters in magnetite Hiroki Okudera Journal of Crystallographic Society of Japan 42 160-164 2000
  •  Electron density distribution in the high temperature phase of Fe(3)O(4): An empirical approach in data truncation at least-squares calculation H. Okudera Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ferrite 293-294 2001
  •  Formation of TiO(2) thin films by hydrolysis of Ti-tetraethoxide in ethanol: Kinetics, surface morphology, constituent phase and their formation mechanism Thin Solid Films 401 124-130 2001
  •  Fabrication of titania-coated silica fibers and effect of substrate shape on coating growth rate Thin Solid Films 423 119-124 2003
  •  Phase relation of Na(1-x)K(x)MgF(3) (x = or < x = or < 1) perovskite-type solid-solutions A. Yoshiasa, D. Sakamoto, H. Okudera, M. Ohkawa, K. Ota Materials Research Bulletin 38 421-427 2003
  •  The formation and growth mechanisms of silica thin film and spherical particles through the Stoeber process H. Okudera, A. Hozumi Thin Solid Films 434 62-68 2003
  •  Fabrication of silica-anatase multilayer coating on a K-Ca-Zn-Si glass substrate H. Okudera, T. Nonami Thin Solid Films 441 50-55 2003
  •  Triaqua-1 kappa O,2kappaO,3kappaO-kexakis-mju-chloroacetato-1:2kappa4O:O\';2:3kappa4O:O\';1: 3kappa4O:O\'-mju-oxo-triiron(III) nitrate trihydrate X.-M. Ren, H. Okudera, R. K. Kremer Acta Crystallographica Section E 60 m14-m16 2004
  •  Determination of crystallographic space group and atomic arrangements in oxide-ion-conducting Nd(9.33)(SiO(4))6O(2) H. Okudera, A. Yoshiasa, Y. Masubuchi, M. Higuchi, S. Kikkawa Zetschrift fuer Kristallograhpie 219 27-31 2004
  •  Ionic pair complexes with well-separated columnar stack structure based on [Pt{mnt)(2)]^- ions showing unusual magnetic transition: Syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties X.M. Ren, H. Okudera, R. K. Kremer, Y. Song, C. He, Q.J. Meng, P.H. Wu Inorganic Chemistry 434 2569-2576 2004
  •  Temperature dependence of structural parameters in oxide-ion-conducting Nd(9.33)(SiO(4))(6)O(2); single crystal X-ray studies from 295 to 900 K H. Okudera, A. Yoshiasa, Y. Masubuchi, M. Higuchi, S. Kikkawa Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 4451-4458 2004
  •  Graphite-hexagonal diamond transition and surviving compressed graphite A. Yoshiasa, A. Nakatsuka, M. Okube, H. Okudera Applied Mineralogy: Developments in Science and Technology, Pecchio et al. (eds) 93-96 2005
  •  An ion-pair compound based on [Pd(mnt)(2)]^- with strong antiferromagnetically coupled interaction X.-M. Ren, H. Okudera, J.L. Xie, Q..J. Meng Journal of Molecular Structure 733 119-124 2005
  •  Electrical conductivities and conduction mechanisms of perovskite-type Ka(1-x)K(x)MgF(3) (x = 0, 0.1, 1) and KZnF3 A. Yoshiasa, D. Sakamoto, H. Okudera, M. Sugahara, K. Ota, A. Nakatsuka Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 631 502-506 2005
  •  The crystal structure of gamma-P(4), a low temperature modification of white phosphorus H. Okudera, R. Dinnebier, A. Simon Zetschrift fuer Kristallograhpie 220 259-264 2005
  •  The Al^3+ stabilized phase Li(3-3x)Al(x)BO(3) M. He, H. Okudera, J. Fleig, A. Simon, X. Chen, J. Maier Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 680-687 2005
  •  XAFS study of A-site-deficient La(0.63)Ti(0.92)Nb(0.08) perovskite A. Yoshiasa, M. Okube, H. Okudera, A. Nakatsuka, M. Yashima, A. Sakai, M. Mori, R. Ali Physica Scripta T115 372-374 2005
  •  Structure of oxide-ion-conducting lanthanum oxyapatite La(9.33)(SiO(4))(6)O(2) H. Okudera, A. Yoshiasa, Y. Masubuchi, M. Higuchi, S. Kikkawa Solid State Ionics 176 1473-1478 2005
  •  (K(1-x)Na(x))(2)Al(2)B(2)O(7) with 0 < x < 0.6: A promising nonlinear optical crystal M. He, X. Chen, H. Okudera, A. Simon Chemistry of Materials 17 2193-2196 2005
  •  La(3)Cl(3)BC - Structure, bonding and electrical conductivity H. Zeng, H. Okudera, C. Zhen, H. Mattausch, R. K. Kremer, A. Simon Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section B - A Journa of Chemical Sciences 60 499-504 2005
  •  Ca(1-x)Na(2x)Al(2)B(2)O(7): A structure with tunable density of Na^+ vacancies M. He, H. Okudera, A. Simon Inorganic Chemistry 441 4421-4426 2005
  •  Quantum interference of electrons in Nb(5-delta)Te4 single crystals A. Stolovits, A. Sherman, Reinhardt K. Kremer, Hansjuergen. Mattausch, Hiroki Okudera, X.-M. Ren, Arndt Simon and J. R. O'Brien Physical Review B 71 144519 2005
  •  Structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of (4,4) picotube crystals M. Machon, J. Maultzsch, Hiroki Okudera, Arndt Simon, R. Herges, and C. Thomsen Physical Review B 72 155402 2005/08
  •  Crystal structure of germanium tetrabromide, alpha-GeBr4, room temperature modification Juergen. Koehler, Hiroki Okudera and Arndt Simon Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 220 523 2005/08
  •  Crystal structure of germanium tetrabromide, beta-GeBr4, low temperature modification Juergen Koehler, Hiroki Okudera and Arndt Simon Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 220 524 2005/08
  •  Anharmonic effective pair potentials in alpha-, beta- and gamma-CuI determined by extended X-ray absorption fine structure Akira Yoshiasa, Maki Okube, Osamu Kamishima, Hiroshi Arima, Hiroki Okudera, Yasuko Terada, Akihiko Nakatsuka Solid State Ionics 176 2487-2491 2005/09
  •  Crystal chemistry on gamma-P4, low temperature modification of white phosphorus Hiroki Okudera Journal of Crystallographic Society of Japan 48 224-229 2006/12
  •  An X-ray single crystal study of asymmetric thermal vibrations and positional disorder of atoms in elbaite Kuniaki Kihara, Hikaru Hirata, Akihiko Ida, Hiroki Okudera, Tomoaki Morishita Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 102 115-126 2007/01
  •  La2XB3 (X = Cl, Br): A novel layered structure with planar boron nets of B3, B6 and B8 rings Hui-Yi Zeng, Mar'yana Lukachuk, Hiroki Okudera, Chong Zheng, Hansjuergen Mattausch, Arndt Simon Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 633 1359-1365 2007/01
  •  Temperature dependence of XANES spectra for ATiO3, A2TiO4 and TiO2 compounds with structural phase transitions T. Hashimoto, A. Yoshiasa, M. Okube, H. Okudera, A. Nakatsuka AIP Conference Proceedings 882 428-430 2007/12
  •  X-ray single-crystal study on partially guest-free melanophlogite A. Ida, K. Kihara, S. Fujinami, H. Okudera Acta Crystallographica Section A A64 C505 2008/09
  •  Electron density distribution in anatase (TiO2) under UV-irradiation: Observation and calculation K. Ito, H. Okudera Acta Crystallographica Section A A64 C531 2008/08
  •  Shock compression of synthetic opal A.Inoue, M. Okuno, H. Okudera, T. Mashimo, E. Omurzak, S. Katayama, M. Koyano Journal of Physics: Conference Series 215 012147 2010/01
  •  Re-investigation of structure of vanadinite, Pb5(VO4)3Cl: libration of VO4 tetrahedron and anisotropic ADPs of Cl M. Niinou, H. Okudera Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series 6 722 2010/08
  •  X-ray study and molecular dynamics computer simulation on melanophlogite A. Ida, K. Kihara, H. Okudera and S. Fujinami Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series 6 818 2010/08
  •  Relationship among pyroelectricity and anharmonicity in thermal vibration of atoms K. Kihara and H. Okudera Journal of Crystallographic Society of Japan 53 30-35 2011/01
  •  Conduction pathway of oxide ion in rare-earth silicate oxyapatites H. Okudera, Y. Masubuchi, S. Kikkawa Journal of Crystallographic Society of Japan 53 86-90 2011/01
  •  Wurtzite-type ZnS nanoparticles by pulsed electric discharge E. Omurzak, T. Mashimo, S. Sulaimankulva, S. Takebe, L. Chen, Z. Abdullaeva, C. Iwamoto, Y. Oishi, H. Ihara, H. Okudera, A. Yoshiasa Nanotechnology 22 365602 2011/05
  •  Effect of Ti-doping on electron configuration and ADPs in synthetic titanomagnetite T. Niimi and H. Okudera Acta Crystallographica Section A 67 C577-C578 2011/08
  •  Temperature dependence of pre-edge feature in Ti K-edge XANES spectra for ATiO3, A2TiO4 (A=Mg, Ca, Fe, Sr and Ba) and TiO2 compounds Tatsuya Hiratoko, Tomotaka Nakatani, Hiroki Okudera, Akihiro Nakatsuka, Akira Yoshiasa Acta Crystallographica Section A A67 C585 2011/08
  •  Crystal structure of vanadate garnet Ca2NaCd2V3O12 Akira Yoshiasa, Shinobu Nishiyama, Akihiko Nakatsuka, Kazuake Ishii, Maki Okube, Hiroki Okudera Acta Crystallographica Section A A67 C574 2011/08
  •  Pure tetragonal ZrO2 nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed plasma in liquid Lilang Chen, Tsutomu Mashimo, Emil Omurzak, Hiroki Okudera, Chihiro Iwamoto, Akira Yoshiasa Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 19 9370-9375 2011/04
  •  Synthesis of zirconium carbide (ZrC) nanoparticles covered with graphite "windows" by pulsed plasma in liquid Lilang Chen, Chihiro Iwamoto, Emil Omurzak, Shintaro Takebe, Hiroki Okudera, Akira Yoshiasa, S. Sulaimankulova , Tsutomu Mashimo RSC Advances 1 6 1083-1088 2011/09
  •  Effect of Ti-doping on electron configuration and ADPs in synthetic titanomagnetite Takahiro Niimi, Hiroki Okudera ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A A67 C577-C578 2011/08
  •  Local structure of magnetite and maghemite and chemical shift in Fe K-edge XANES Hiroki Okudera, Akira Yoshiasa, Kei-ichiro Murai, Maki Okube, Takashi Takeda, Shinichi Kikkawa Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 107 3 127-132 2012/06
  •  High temperature stable WC1-x@C and TiC@C core-shell nanoparticles by pulsed plasma in liquid Zhypargul Abdullaeva, Emil Omurzak, Chihiro Iwamoto, Hiroki Okudera, Michio Koinuma, Shintaro Takebe, Saadat Sulaimankulova and Tsutomu Mashimo RSC Advances 3 2 513-519 2012/11
  •  Synthesis of novel CoCx@C nanoparticles Lilang Chen, Tsutomu Mashimo, Chihiro Iwamoto, Hiroki Okudera, Emil Omurzak, H.S. Ganapathy, Hirotaka Ihara, J. Zhang, Zhypargul Abdullaeva, Shintaro Takebe and Akira Yoshiasa Nanotechnology 24 4 045602 2013/02
  •  Structure of Li4B2O5: High-temperature monoclinic and low-temperature orthorhombic forms Meng He, Hiroki Okudera, Arndt Simon, Jürgen Köhler, S. Jin, Xiaolong Chen Journal of Solid State Chemistry 197 466-470 2013/01
  •  Relationships among channel topology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite) and As (mimetite) Hiroki Okudera American Mineralogist 98 1573-1579 2013/08
  •  Structural changes of synthetic opal by heat treatment Akane Arasuna, Masayuki Okuno, Hiroki Okudera, Tomoyuki Mizukami, Shoji Arai, Shin’ichi Katayama, Mikio Koyano, Nobuaki Ito Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 40 9 745-755 2013/07
  •  The role of water in coesite crystallization from silica gel A. Arasuna, M. Okuno, T. Mizukami, M. Akaogi, T. Yokoyama, H. Okudera, S. Arai European Journal of Mineralogy 25 5 791-796 2013
  •  Structural change of alkali feldspar by ball milling H. Nojiri, M. Okuno, H. OKudera, T. Mizukami, S. Arai Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 108 5 267-277 2013
  •  Synthesis of WO3•H2O nanoparticles by pulsed Plasma in liquid L. Chen, T. Mashimo, H. Okudera, C. Iwamoto, E. Omurzak RSC Advances 4 38673-28677 2014
  •  Shock-wave compression of silica gel as a model material for comets A. Arasuna, M. Okuno, L. Chen, T. Mashimo, H. Okudera, T. Mizukami, S. Arai Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43 7 493-502 2016
  •  Growth and characterization of strontium-substituted Ca2Al2SiO7 piezoelectric single crystals H. Takeda, K. Yoshida, H. Okudera, K. Lebbou, T. Hoshida, T. Tsurumi Journal of the Ceramics Society of Japan 125 1 23-26 2017/01/01
  •  Determination of electron density distribution, and change in electron density distribution with temperature and chemical composition Hiroki Okudera Letters from the Institute of Solid State Physics, Tokyo University 37 3 68-69 1997/12
  •  Cationic configuration, vacancy distribution and electron density distribution in magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)) - Comparisons with other spinel phases H. Okudera KEK Proceedings 99-14, Earth and Planetary Science Using Synchrotron Radiation 99-14 47-50 1999
  •  Rietveld analysis of Mg(2)SiO(4) structure with high-energy and high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction data H. Toraya, H. Okudera, H. Hibino, S. Yamazaki, N. Ikeda, Y. Noda Proceedings of the 13th Joint Meeting of KEK and Japan Society of Synchrotron Radition Sciences 99 2000/12
  •  Structures of Ca[5](VO[4])[3]Cl and Ca[4.78(1)]Na[0.22](PO[4])[3]Cl[0.78]: positions of channel anions and repulsion on the anion in apatite-type compounds Mimiko Matsuura, Hiroki Okudera Acta Crystallographica Section B 78 5 789-797 2022/10 
  •  Structure of russellite (Bi2WO6): origin of ferroelectricity and the effect of the stereoactie lone electron pair on the structure Hiroki Okudera, Yuka Sakai, Kentaro Yamagata, Hiroaki Takeda Acta Crystallographica Section B B74 295-303 2018

Conference Presentations

  • Temperature dependence of thermal vibration and positional parameters of atoms in magnetite(conference:16th Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Beijing)(1993)
  • High resolution powder diffraction experiments using synchrotron radiation at beamline BL02B1 in SPring-8(conference:4th Congress of Asian Crystallographic Association, Malaysia)(1998)
  • Electron density distribution in the high temperature phase of Fe3O4(conference:4th Congress of Asian Crystallographic Association, Malaysia)(1998)
  • Electron density distribution in the high temperature phase of Fe3O4: An empirical approach in data truncation at least-squares calculation(conference:8th International Conference on Ferrites, Kyoto)(2000)
  • XAFS study of La0.63Ti0.92Nb0.08O3 with an A-site-deficient perovskite-type structure(conference:XAFS12, Malmö, Sweden)(2003)

show all

  • Graphite-hexagonal diamond transition and surviving compressed graphite(conference:International Congress on Applied Mineralogy, Sao Paulo, Brasil)(2004)
  • Anharmonic thermal vibrations and disorder of atoms in tourmaline(conference:19th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe)(2006)
  • Vitrification of opal by shock compression(conference:19th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe)(2006)
  • Correlation between atomic thermal vibrations and cation-cation repulsions in vanadate garnets NaA2M2V3O12 (A = Ca, Pb; M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)(conference:19th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe)(2006)
  • Precipitation of amorphous silica from alcohol solution of Si-tetraethoxide(conference:19th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe)(2006)
  • XAFS Study of the local structure changes in ATiO3, A2TiO4 and TiO2 (A=Mg, Ca, Ba, Pb, Nb, Fe) compounds(conference:19th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe)(2006)
  • Thermal vibration behaviors of cations in garnet compounds(conference:Joint Conference of the Asian Crystallograhipc Association and the Crystallographic Society of Japan, Tsukuba)(2006)
  • Investigation of electron density distribution in anatase (TiO2) with- and without UV-irradiation(conference:The 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallograhipc Association, Taipei, Taiwan)(2007)
  • X-ray single-crystal study on partially guest-free melanophlogite(conference:The XXI Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Osaka)(2008)
  • Electron density distribution in anatase (TiO2) under UV-irradiation: Observation and calculation(conference:The XXI Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Osaka)(2008)
  • Shock compression of syntheic opal(conference:AIRAPT22)(2009)
  • Local structure of Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 with a defect spinel structure(conference:14th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Camerino Italy)(2009)
  • Re-investigation of structure of vanadinite, Pb5(VO4)3Cl: Libration of VO4 tetrahedron and anisotropic ADPs of Cl(conference:20th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary)(2010)
  • X-ray study and molecular dynamics computer simulation on melanophlogite(conference:20th general Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary)(2010)
  • Effect of Ti-doping on electron configuration and ADPs in synthetic titanomagnetite(conference:The XXII Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Madrid, Spain)(2011)
  • Temperature dependence of pre-edge feature in Ti K-edge XANES spectra for ATiO3, A2TiO4 (A=Mg, Ca, Fe, Sr and Ba) and TiO2 compounds(conference:The XXII Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Madrid, Spain)(2011)
  • Crystal structure of vanadate garnet Ca2NaCd2V3O12(conference:The XXII Congress of International Union of Crystallography, Madrid, Spain)(2011)
  • Structural change of russellite (Bi2WO6) with acid treatment(conference:Annual Meeting of Mineralogical and Petrological Society of Japan)(2017/09/12)
  • Structure of russellite (Bi2WO6): Atomic displacement, structural identity and electron density diistribution of lone-electron pairs of Bi(conference:Annual Meeting of Mineralogical and Petrological Society of Japan)(2017/09/12)
  • Speculation on the factors which determines the position of chloride anion in the apatite structure: Growth and structure refinement of Ca5(VO4)3Cl(conference:Annual Meeting of Crystallographic Society of Japan)(2021/11/21)


  •  Improvement of accuracy in Rietveld refinement using a new weight function and high-resolution powder diffraction data 96G091 1997/12
  •  Determination of cation partitioning in a crystal structure with use of anomalous dispersion effect 8 15-21 1998
  •  High-resolution powder diffraction experimetns at BL02B1 1997B003-ND-np 1998
  •  High-resolution powder diffraction experiments at BL02B1 1998A0133-CD-np 1999
  •  Crystal structure analysis of Mg(2)SiO(4) powder using high-energy and high-resolution X-ray beam 1999A0205-ND-np 2000

show all

  •  Effective pair potentials in BaTiO(3), PbTiO(3) and related perovskite-type compounds 2001G322 2002/12

Arts and Fieldwork


○Powder having at least one layer and process for preparing the same(publish date:1993/02)(country:Japan)(No:3032927)
○Powder having at least one layer and process for preparing the same (DE GB NL)(publish date:1994/02)(country:Germany, United Kingdom, The Netherland)(No:EP 0 609 897 B2 (69413083))
○Powder having at least one layer and process for preparing the same(publish date:1995/09)(country:United States)(No:US-patent 5763085)

Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Applied Geomaterial Experiments(2017)
○Mineralogy and Crystallography(2017)
○Physics for Education(2017)
○Geometrical Experiments(2017)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2017)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 2(2017)
○Mineralogical and Crystallographical Experiments(2017)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 1(2017)
○Advanced Mineralogy and Crystallography(2017)
○Constituent Materials of the Earth(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2016)
○Earth Sciences for Education(2016)
○Mineralogy and Crystallography(2016)
○Physics for Education(2016)
○Instrumental Analytical Chemistry(2016)
○Advanced Mineralogy and Crystallography(2016)
○Mineralogical and Crystallographical Experiments(2016)
○Applied Geomaterial Experiments(2016)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2016)
○Constituent Materials of the Earth(2016)
○Geometrical Experiments(2016)
○Earth Sciences for Education(2016)
○Earth Sciences for Education(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2017)
○Sciences of the Earth's Constituents B(2017)
○Sciences of the Earth's Constituents A(2017)
○Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2017)
○Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2017)
○Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2017)
○Sciences of the Earth's Constituents A(2016)
○Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2016)
○Sciences of the Earth's Constituents B(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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