Associate Professor OKAWARA Kyosuke
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Biological Science and Technology,Institute of Science and Engineering Ecological laboratory, Biological course
College and School Educational Field
Division of Biological Science and Technology, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Aquatic Biology and Environmental Science, School of Biological Science and Technology, College of Science and Engineering
Ecological laboratory TEL:076-264-6213 FAX:076-264-6213
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Hokkaido University Doctor 1996
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Hokkaido University 1991
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology
○the 24th Ecological Research Paper Award(2024/03/18)
Ecology、Evolutionary biology
Speciality Keywords
Behaviour, Evolution, Sociality, interaction, ant, bird
Research Themes
Social parasitic behaviour in <i>Vollenhoivia nipponica</i>
Clonal reproduction and caste determination in ant, Vollenhovia emeryi.
Mutualistic interactions between ants and plants with fruits and seeds
Ecological study for the conservation of waterfowl in Katano Kamoike
- エドワード・O・ウイルソン Newton Press 2021/04/15
- How many seeds can birds disperse?: Determining the pattern of seed deposition by frugivorous birds Kyohsuke Ohkawara, Kazuya Kimura, Fumio Satoh Acta Oecologia in press in press in press 2023/09
- Size-based food selection of wintering Bean geese Anser fabalis middendorffii: preference of small water chestnut fruits. Japanese Journal of Ornithology 72 1 47–56 2023
- Effects of grazing on underground parts of marsh plants by wintering Middendorf's bean goose Anser fabalis middendorffii: Its role as a keystone species in plant communities Kyohsuke Ohkawara, Hironobu Tajiri Ecological Research 2023/03/15
- Embodied Latch Mechanism of the Mandible to Power at an Ultrahigh Speed in the Trap-jaw Ants Odontomachus kuroiwae Journal of Experimental Biology 2023
- Specific interactions in seed dispersal by the Japanese white‐eye Zosterops japonicus: Factors influencing its preference for two plant species, Aralia elata and Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Yumeno Kamei, Kyohsuke Ohkawara Ecological Research 37 5 559-682 2022/06/09
- Anting behavior in birds: the behavioral patterns and the interactions with ants in the subgenus Dendrolasius of the genus Lasius K. Ohkawara, Y. Kamei and T. Akino Journal of Ornithology 2022/03/21
- Long‑term dynamics of the network structures in seed dispersal associated with fluctuations in bird migration and fruit abundance patterns K. Ohkawara, K. Kimura and F. Satoh Oecologia 198 2 457-470 2022/02/03
- Seed dispersal by Mugimaki flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki and Narcissus flycatcher F. narcissina on the migration in Hokuriku area of central Japan K. Ohkawara, K. Kimura and F. Satoh Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 54 1 201-206 2022/01/10
- Invasive Ants Affect Spatial Distribution Pattern and Diversity of Arboreal Ant Communities in Fruit Plantations, in Tarakan Island, Borneo A. Rahim and K. Ohkawara Sociobiology 66 4 527-535 2019
- Species composition of herbivorous insects and ants on trees in the plantations of durian Durio zibethinus and citrus fruits Citrus amblycarpa in Tarakan Island of Borneo A. Rahim & K. Ohkawara The Science Reports of Kanazawa University 63 45-58 2019/02/26
- The ant mosaic distribution of Oecophylla smaragdina and dominant ant species: effects on ants communities in agroforestry in Tarakan Island A. Rahim & K. Ohkawara Earth and Environmental Science 197 1-9 2018
- Geographical variation in mandible morphologies specialized for collembolan predation depend on prey size in the ant Strumigenys lewisi Ohkawara. K., K. Nakamura, N. Kadokura and T. Terashita Ecological Entomology in press 2017
- Long-term Changes in Age Structures of a Naturalized Population of Freshwater Turtle, Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans Hideki Noda, Kyohsuke Ohkawara Current Herpetology 37 2 106–113 2018
- Changes in the levels of biogenic amines associated with aggressive behavior of queen in the social parasite ant Vollenhovia nipponica. K. Ohkawara, H. Aonuma Insectes Socaiux 63 2 257-264 2016
- Satellite telemetry of the annual migration of Baikal Teal Anas formosa wintering at Katano-Kamoike, Ishikawa, Japan H. Tajiri, Y. Sakurai, K. Tagome, Y. Nakano, Y. Yamamoto, T. Ikeda, Y. Yamamura, K. Ohkawara Ornithological Science 14 2 69-77 2015
- The effects of flooding and plowing on foraging site selection by wintering dabbling ducks in rice field. H. Tajiri, K. Ohkawara Ornithorological Science 12 2 127-136 2013
- Phylogenetic relationships among populations of Vollenhovia ants, with particular focus on the evolution of wing morphology Kobayashi, K., Tamura, K., Hasegawa, E., and Ohkawara, K. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105 2 1-8 2012
- No gene flow between wing forms and clonal reproduction by males in the long-winged form of the ant Vollenhovia emeryi Kobayashi, K., E. Hasegawa INSECTES SOCIAUX 58 (2) 163-168 2011/08
- Primary and secondary sex ratios in the inquiline parasitic ant Vollenhovia nipponica: Effects of local mate competition, timing of oviposition, and host worker control Umehara, N. and Ohkawara, K. Trends in Entomology 7 19-26 2011/12
- Egg production and caste allocation in the clonally reproductive ant Vollenhovia emeryi M.Okamoto BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 21 5 1005-1010 2010/07
- Genetic structures in colonies at new site of Vollenhovia emeryi with clonal reproduction. M. Okamoto Sociobiology 55 191-196 2009/06
- Conditional mating tactics in queen of inquiline ant Vollenhovia nipponica Okamoto, M. and Ohkawara, K. ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 21 137-146 2009/04
- Dominance hierarchies and aggressive behavior among queens of the inquiline ant Vollenhovia nipponica. Satoh, A. INSECTES SOCIAUX 55 200-206 2008/09
- Clonal reproduction by males in the ant Vollenhovia emeryi (Wheeler). K. Kobayashi, E. Hasegawa Entomological Science 11(2) 167-172 2008/09
- The compartment stuctures of the antennal lobe in the ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica. M. Sakura, T. Hiraguchi, K. Ohkawara, H. Aonuma ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 59 183-187 2008/08
- Biasing mechanisms of sex investment ratio in themonogynous and monandrous ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica Forel. S. Iwanishi, S. Shin ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 19(4) 275-289 2007/04
- Effects of environmental conditions on egg number in spider Cheiracanthium lescivum Arachnologica 56 2 2007/12
- Breeding behavior of Gray-headed Lapwing Vanellus sinereus on farmland in Japan. Ornithological Science 6 1 1-10 2007/04
- Clonal reproduction and genetic caste differences in a queen-polymorphic ant, Vollenhovia emryi M. Nakayama, A. Satoh, A. Trindl, J. Heinze Biology Letters 2 1 359-363 2006/05
- The mechanism of the queen signal in regulation of worker reproduction in the myrmcine ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica. ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 17 1 27-39 2005/08
- Effect of timing of elaiosome removal on seed germination in the ant-dispersed plant, Erythronium japonicum (Liliaceae). Plant Species Biology 20 1 145-148 2005/04
- Seed cleaning behavior by tropical ants and its anti-fungal effect. T. Akino Journal of Ethology 23 1 93-98 2005/12
- Worker oviposition and policing behaviour in the myrmicine ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica Forel. S. Iwanishi, E. Hasegawa ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 65 1 513-519 2003/05
- Morphological and developmental Plasticity of reproductive females in Myrmecina nipponica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Murakami T., F. Ito, S. Higashi ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 95 5 577-582 2002/04
- Inter-nest relationship in the Indonesian ant, Myrmecina sp. A with some considerations for the evolution of unicoloniality in ants. Tropics 10 3 409-420 2001/03
- Ant species diversity in the Bogor Botanic Garden, West Java, Indonesia, with descriptions of two new species of the genus Leptanilla (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Tropics 10 3 379-404 2001/03
- Effect of two army ant species, Dorylus laevigatus and Pheidologeton affinis, on seed survival and germination in bird-dispersed plant Dysoxylum alliaceum Tropics 10 3 421-426 2001/03
- Production and behavior of ergatoid queens in two species of the Indonesian ponerine and genus Leptogenys (diminuta-group) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 93 4 869-873 2000/04
- Competitive interaction and niche differentiation among burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus) in Northern Japan Entomological Science 1 4 551-559 1998/03
- The evolution of ant-dispersal in a spring-ephemeral Corydalis ambigua (Papaveraceae): timing of seed-fall and effects of ants and ground beetles ECOGRAPHY 20 3 217-223 1997/01
- Effects of ants, ground beetles and seed-fall patterns on the myrmecochory of Erythronium japonicum Decne. (Liliaceae-Tulipaeae) S. Higashi, M. Ohara OECOLOGIA 106 500-506 1996/04
- Worker's age regulates the linear dominance hierarchy in the queenless ponerine ant, Pachycondyla sublaebis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Higashi S., F. Ito, N. Sugiura Animal Behaviour 47 179-184 1994/04
- Relative importance of ballistic and ant dispersal in two diplochorous Viola species (Violaceae) OECOLOGIA 100 135-140 1994/06
- Spermatheca size and differentiation between queens and workers in primitive ants: relationship with reproductive structure of colonies F. Ito NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 81 138-140 1994/04
- Production and reproductive function of intercastes in Myrmecina graminicola nipponica colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) F. Ito, S. Higashi Springer 40 1-10 1993/10
- Heat-production and cross-pollination of the Asian skunk cabbage Symplocarpus renifolius (Araceae) flowering in the absence of effective pollinators Uemura S., G. Kudo, N. Wada and S. Higashi AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 80 635-640 1993/09
Conference Presentations
- Sex and the Evolution of Eusociality -Clonal reproduction and life history in myrmecine ant Vollenhovia emaryi with queen polymorphism-(2010/03/15)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Biology in insects and birds
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Experiments in Biology(2017)
○International Training B(2017)
○Biology for Education(2017)
○International Training B(2017)
○International Training B(2017)
○Ecology Lab(2017)
○Field Work in Biology 3(2017)
○Research Work in Biology(1)(2017)
○Ecology 2(2017)
○International Training B(2017)
○International Training A(2017)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession C / Junior High School・High School(2017)
○International Training A(2017)
○Research Seminar in Biology (2)(2017)
○International Training A(2017)
○Biology for Education(2017)
○International Training A(2017)
○Research Seminar in Biology (1)(2017)
○Research Work in Biology(2)(2017)
○Biology for Education(2017)
○Experiments in Biology(2017)
○International Training A(2016)
○International Training A(2016)
○Biology for Education(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Biology for Education(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Experiments in Biology(2016)
○Experiments in Biology(2016)
○Biology for Education(2016)
○Geo-biosphere and Human beings(2016)
○Ecology Lab(2016)
○Ecology Lab(2016)
○Research Work in Biology(2)(2016)
○Ecology 2(2016)
○Field Work in Biology 3(2016)
○Research Work in Biology(1)(2016)
○Research Seminar in Biology (1)(2016)
○Research Seminar in Biology (2)(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Systems Ecology B(2017)
○Systems Ecology A(2017)
○Animal behaviour and ecology(2017)
○Animal behaviour and ecology(2017)
○Animal behaviour and ecology(2017)
○Animal behaviour and ecology(2017)
○Systems Ecology A(2016)
○Systems Ecology B(2016)
○Animal behaviour and ecology(2016)