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Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies

183 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
31 OGAI Aoi Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
32 Kazuyoshi Ohki Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor Macroeconomics, Growth theory(Economic theory is my main focus, while empirical research is outside my specialization)
33 OTA AKIRA International Research Center for Japan Studies Professor Japanese and Spanish Japanese and Portuguese
34 OTOMO NOBUHIDE Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Patent,copyright,trademark,Branding,Patent Strategy, Management for R&D company
35 ONO, Junko Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
36 OHNO, Tomohiko Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor
37 OMURA MASAAKI Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor
38 OYABU KANA Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Professor Children's Literature,Literature in English,English Novels,Religion and Literature,British Children's Literature,Fiction in English,British Immigrants
39 OKADA TSUTOMU Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Adolescence self human relations
40 OKADA HIROSHI Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Polimetrics, Study of voting behavior

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